Napoleonic Wars: from Trafalgar to Friedland - Season 1 FULL

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French victories at Marengo and Hoenn Linden in 1800 forced Austria to sue for a separate piece Leaving the United Kingdom as the leading member of the second coalition Napoleon's forces dominated our land so the only way for the United Kingdom to continue the war was via naval actions The British Navy was blockading France from receiving foreign goods and interned forced Prussia Russia Denmark and Sweden to ally against Britain to defend the trading routes While the Russian Navy was in it's winter harbors the British attacked Copenhagen in 1801 and forced Denmark to leave the alliance When the Russian czar Paul the first died a month later his heir Alexander the first was more lenient towards the United Kingdom and the anti British Union ceased to exist France had its share of problems one of its colonies Katie had revolted in 1791 Napoleon decided to send an expeditionary force to restore French rule over the island and it's lucrative sugar industry in late 1801 the British fleet chased the expedition across the Atlantic Ocean the island was blockaded and the French received no supplies or reinforcements It was clear that neither side could strike the final blow and a peace treaty was signed in March of 1802 at a me on The British promised to return the French colonies and leave Malta and Egypt While Napoleon had to rescind control of Naples and to the people states For the first time in a decade Europe was at peace Napoleon sent a new expedition to Haiti, but had failed Holding on to the colonies proved to be extremely difficult so in April of 1803 the vast territory of Louisiana Was sold to the United States The Haitian expedition and the fact that Napoleon was asserting control over Switzerland was worrisome for the United Kingdom On the other hand the French demands for Britain to leave Malta and Egypt were left unheeded Napoleon started preparing a new force that belonged to invade the British Isles but it was the United Kingdom who declared the war that would be later known as the War of the third coalition in May of 1803 Napoleon was not expecting the renewal of hostilities And his fleet was scattered across various harbors with 21 ships of the line in Brest 12 in Toulon and 9 more in the Atlantic the superior British Navy blockaded both ports Napoleon developed a plan in the summer of 1804 One of his fleets needed to break the blockade move into the open sea then attacked the part of the English Navy Blockading enough a harbor and unite with the portion of the French fleet stations there that would have allowed the French to get the army at BER lon across the English Channel the Situation changed for the better for the French in October when the British sank some Spanish vessels This provoked Spain to declare war on the United Kingdom and Ally itself to France in December Napoleon now had the numbers to implement his plan in late March of 1805 the French commander at two GaN vice-admiral Pierre Ville nerv Ordered his fleet to sail out He managed to evade the loose blockade set by British commander Vice Admiral, Horatio Nelson It seems that the British commanders were sure that Napoleon would try to land a force in Italy so the majority of Nelson's vessels were around Sardinia however Villeneuve was implementing Napoleon's plan He passed the Straits of Gibraltar In early April was joined by some Spanish ships and continued towards the Caribbean Nelson got this intelligence only in late April and started his pursuit across the Atlantic the French arrived at the Caribbean Sea basin in May and captured a few British outposts Nelson reached the area in June who was still one step behind Ville nerve Despite that the French weren't able to inflict much damage to the local British colonies and started moving back to Europe arriving in the second half of July a smaller British fleet under Vice Admiral Calder was ordered to stop Villeneuve But the subsequent battle near Cape finished was indecisive Still this encounter prevented the French from reaching breasts to lift the blockade and they returned to Cadiz At the same time Austria and Russia joined the third coalition and Napoleon had to march his army stationed in belong to the east which meant that the invasion of the British Isles was postponed Nelson was appointed the overall commander of the Royal Navy and as the allied French, Spanish, Armada Concentrated in Cadiz he sent the majority of his fleet off the coast of France to block fill nerve By the end of September he joined the fleet personally Will nerve received an order from Napoleon to move towards Italy But ignored it on the 18th of October the French commander received a new order to stay in Cadiz and wait for his Replacement once again the order was neglected and the Allied fleet went to sea on the 20th On the 21st will nerves Navy was getting close to the Straits of Gibraltar Nelson allowed the French to move as far away from Cadiz as possible to prevent them from retreating However by dawn the British vessels were detected Will nerve didn't expect Nelson's Navy to be so strong so he ordered his ships back to the harbor This maneuver failed due to lack of training and the Allied fleet ended up with an incoherent line The usual tactic of the Aged was to approach a foe and enter a shootin match So the fate of the battle was decided by the quality of the ship's crew training and sheer luck Instead Nelson divided his fleet into two halfs to attack the Allies broadside He was personally leading the northern group that had 13 ships of the line with his flagship victory in front while Vice Admiral Collingwood squadron of 14 ships of the line was to the South led by the flagship Royal Sovereign By midday the distance between the two navies was just five kilometers They were off the coast of cape trafalgar and nelson issued his famous order England expects that every man will do his duty Royal sovereign was recently repaired and was faster than most ships so the wind moved it Dangerously close to the enemy line while the other ships in the squadron were lagging behind At 12:20 Royal Sovereign fired the first fully upon Santa Ana and forego and these vessels shot back Collingwood's flagship was attacked by four enemy ships only 15 minutes later belle-isle arrived and covered the right board of royal sovereign More English vessels moved into the fray and tried to cut the an outline but Collingwood was outnumbered at the initial point of contact Still the positioning of the Allied Navy didn't allow its second line ships to assist and by 1400 the majority of the first line vessels were either son or surrendered To the north Nelson squadron got close to the enemy line by 1220 But the wind was calming and that made Nelson's ships a very slow target His refusal to fight using traditional line tactics was Detrimental at this point of the battle as none of his chips were able to shoot while the enemy was sending volley after volley Despite casualties the flagship victory was moving forward Nelson ordered a fake manoeuvre to make the enemy think that his ships would form up in a line but instead he then ordered one more turn and Victory ended up between the French flagship book enter and for smaller Radel tout L'heure this allowed Nelson's ship to use the guns on both sides The French ships needed to turn and victory use that to take book and tour out of the game however victory itself was taking massive damage from radar table the French ship was also using sharpshooters and at 13:15 one of their shots wounded Nelson it was clear that this wound was deadly Redell Tablas crew attempted to board victory, but the british managed to stop them victory was soon reinforced by terror air which moved across without a blurs LED board and started shooting and by 1420 read our table was captured by the crew of temeraire To the north british neptune entered into a battle with spanish Santissima Trinidad and managed to take it out of the fight By 1400 it was becoming clear for Ville nerv that He was losing the battle and he ordered the northern portion of his mind to move to the southwest and collapse on the British fleet However the captains of these ships failed to see the signal and this became the final mistake of the Allied fleet Vil nerves book enter was in no shape to continue fighting and soon He surrendered By the time the remaining ten Allied ships started their move to assist most of the vessels in the center were either sunk or captured Collingwood took over all command of the British Navy and ordered Nelson squadron to intercept the French reinforcements The remaining allied ships decided to retreat It was a complete victory with the British capturing 18 enemy ships Nelson passed away as soon as he heard the news of the victory The French defeat at Trafalgar confirmed the naval dominance of the United Kingdom and meant that Napoleon would not be able to invade Britain But while the battle was raging at sea the Emperor's Grand Army was moving into Germany against the Allied Austrian and Russian armies French victories at Marengo and Hoenn Linden in 1800 forced Austria to sue for a separate piece the Treaty of lunéville acknowledged the new French satellites in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy Alongside holdings in Tuscany and the left bank of the river rain Meanwhile Russian Tsar Paul the first was getting closer to Napoleon and even considered a campaign against Britain in India In 1801 Paul was assassinated by a group of conspirators funded by the British government the new Tsar Alexander the first was more lenient towards Britain But he didn't re-enter the conflict and in 1802 France and Britain signed a treaty in amnion that ended the war of the second coalition Despite that the two countries still had ample reasons to fight and a year later Britain declared war again The initial phase of the conflict, that would be known as the War of the third coalition took place at sea Napoleon needed to gain naval dominance to transport 200,000 troops to the British Isles So the British tried to get rid of the French fleet and that of the new French allies for Spanish other European powers were not eager to join the conflict, but two events changed that in March of 1804 one of the representatives of the toppled French dynasty of Bor born Duke de anyon was seized by the dragoons of Napoleon in the neutral Baden and then executed for treason the news shocked the Royal Courts of Europe in The same year Napoleon was coronated as the Emperor of the French and in 1805 as the king of Italy which meant that he considered himself an equal of the Austrian and Russian Emperor's All this forced sweden naples austria and russia to ally with britain and enter the war the Allies outnumbered Napoleon almost two to one They planned to move ninety thousand Russian troops to the Prussian border to force it to join the alliance while a fifty thousand strong Russian army under Kutuzov had to move into the Holy Roman Empire and help the 120 thousand Austrian troops Forty thousand Russians and Swedes were to land in North and Germany to threaten the Low Countries and northern France 100,000 Austrians were to enter Italy to push the French out while Britain and Russia promised to help the armies of Naples in southern Italy It was clear for the French Emperor that he needed to make a decisive strike against one of these forces and take it out of The game to have any chance of winning the war The Allies expected him to move to Italy as he did in the first two Wars He had around three hundred Thousand men near Berlin and sent 70 thousand commanded by Messina to Italy to defend the southern borders of France thirty thousand were left in Berlin while the rest of the army some 180,000 started moving toward to the Rhine and reached it by the 25th of September where they were reinforced by 10,000 troops from Bavaria and vertibird Meanwhile Austrian general Mac and his 70,000 men were ordered to defend the road to the capital Vienna along the River Inn and wait for Curtiss offer But the Austrian commander decided to move his base to Oum to defend the mountainous black forest region Now he was 700 kilometers away from Kurds off Some historians claimed that there was miscommunication between the Austrians and Prussians as the former used the Gregorian calendar And the latter the older Julian which meant that there was a 12 day discrepancy This prevented could solve from reaching the area in time Napoleon knew that Mac could be easily dislodged But then he would either move to the east to unite with cuts off or to the south to enter Italy Instead the French troops crossed the Rhine on the 26th Two cores were moving close to the Black Forest to delude Mac into thinking that he would be attacked from the front While only one Corps was threatening the Austrians from the north? French troops were moving extremely fast and by the 6th of October Mac was cut off from his supply lines to the east Mac attempted to break the encirclement on the 8th But his general lost at vert ingen and the French used that time to move behind to the Austrians Two more attempts were made to break out but the French won the resulting battles and by the 14th the Austrian army was blockaded at home a Group of cavalry managed to break through the French line but was then caught Mac surrendered on the 20th upon receiving irrefutable proof that kudus oov was still weeks away More than sixty thousand Austrians became prisoners of war while the French had lost around 2,000 troops The Ulm campaign is considered to be one of the most significant victories for Napoleon If I can't be in London in 15 days, I will be in Vienna by the middle of November on The 26th French troops were grouped and started moving east Cudas off learned about Mac's defeat and decided to retreat with his 60,000 towards the secondary Russian army under books howden the Allied army moved slowly fighting a number of regard battles and wasn't able to defend the Austrian capital on the 12th of November Vienna was occupied by the French and Napoleon entered the city on the 15th as he predicted at the beginning of the campaign Although Napoleon continued chasing kut'rs off the latter finally United with books Houghton on the 20th and now had 90,000 soldiers and 318 guns under his command By that point Napoleon's forces were scattered along the Danube River to contain the Austrians in Italy and he had only 53,000 troops and 157 guns with him His troops were tired due to the constant marching and fighting and on the 23rd he ordered a halt at Brewin in the modern-day Czech Republic Napoleon needed to win a decisive battle, and he ordered the nearby Corps amounting to 20,000 men to join him At the same time he was projecting weakness to force the enemy to attack him His troops abandoned the town of Austerlitz and the pratzen heights napoleon also tried to initiate negotiations with the Austrian Emperor Francis and Russian Tsar Alexander The latter concluded that the French were in bad shape Could solve who was the overall commander of the Allied army advised caution, but he was deposed and hotheads gained the upper hand The battle of Austerlitz took place on the 2nd of December 1805 the French Emperor deliberately weakened his right flank to lure the enemy in but then his nearby Reinforcements were ordered to move to cover this position The majority of the troops were concentrated in the center and on the left flank Napoleon knew that his right flank would be perfect bait and that the enemy would stretch its forces to attack his right from both the front and sides Indeed the Allied forces attacked here at 7:00 a.m.. And French troops slowly retreated from the village of town. It's a Second column joined the attack and a third arrived as the French reached Sokol its castle The battle continued here until part of the corps of marshal de veau Ryland helped the French retake town. It's Still the Allies outnumbered the French two-to-one and drove them back out of a village The remainder of Davos forces joined the defensive circle nets which was crucial to the French plans Despite mounting pressure Napoleon's troops held their ground The Allied right flank attacks the French left hoping that pinning it down would allow them to crush the French right By 8 a.m. The Sun finally dissipated the fog on the pratzen heights and Napoleon saw that only Kudus off and his 4th column were there The strong French Center was hidden from the enemy's view Sousa Alexander ordered this column forward to attack the French right from the north At 9 a.m. Napoleon saw the Allied centre was weak and sent his centre ahead the French attack stunned the Allies and they lost control of the pratzen heights however reinforcements from the Allied right arrived and helped retake this position This weakened the remainder of the Allied right wing and this time Napoleon ordered his reserves to join the attack The pratzen heights were taken once again and a wedge was driven between the center and the right of the austro-prussian war Ánow in play the Allies attempted a counter-attack in the north But it was stopped and the right flank of the allied army was forced to retreat Russian guards tried to drive the French from the heights But the French left attacked them from the north causing the guards to also leave the battlefield The order to retreat to the east was sent to the Allied left But it was either ignored or impossible to implement as the French attacked from the north The Russians attempted to move across the sash and pond which was covered in ice a French artillery bombardment broke the ice and thousands of Russians drowned The battle was a resounding French victory 36,000 Allied soldiers were either killed or captured while Napoleon lost just 9,000 His troops were too tired to chase the enemy and that meant the war would continue Napoleon utterly defeated the Allied Ostrow Russian army at the battle of Austerlitz in early December 1805 a Separate piece at Pressburg was signed by the end of the month as Austria had no capacity to continue fighting Austria had to recognize Bavaria and vertibird as kingdoms ceding a number of provinces to them in Germany while Napoleon Received the provinces of Venetia and Dalmatia as the king of Italy France was also promised 40 million francs in war indemnities The Russians were given a free pass to retreat through Austrian territory as the French troops were too tired to chase them anyway Crusher was planning to join the coalition in 1805 but was delaying declaring war on France The Allied defeat at Austerlitz was alarming for the Prussian King Frederick William the 3rd and in early 1806 He signed a treaty with Napoleon The Prussians had to cede a few provinces to the German allies of France while they would receive in return French occupied Hanover which belonged to Britain Prussia also formally entered the alliance with France against Britain Meanwhile the Austrian forces which were keeping French command in Italy Messina occupied Returned home and that allowed the French to concentrate their forces against the kingdom of Naples in February 1806 the Sena invaded Naples although the British expedition of Stuart supported the Neapolitans They lost the decisive battle at Campo to ness and by the end of July King Ferdinand the 4th and general Stuart had to retreat to Sicily All of mainland Italy was now under French control and this situation would remain unchanged until the end of the Napoleonic Wars Since Britain and Russia did not share borders with France and were not eager to start an amphibious invasion the War of the third coalition was effectively over and Napoleon started forming a new order in Germany in July 1806 he established the Confederation of the Rhine Consisting of 16 German states with himself as the protector This gave Napoleon a buffer between France and the most influential German States, Austria and Prussia On the 6th of August he declared the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, which had existed since 800 All this was insulting for Prussia and as Napoleon offered to return Hannover to Britain to procure peace war became inevitable The Prussian court was divided with the king leading the peace party while his spouse Queen Louise was nudging the country into conflict Finally the war party won and on the 10th of August Prussia started mobilizing its army in The next two months Prussia was able to enter the alliance with Britain and Russia Napoleon learned about the Prussian mobilization in early September and ordered 50,000 conscripts to join the army The French troops were stationed all over Germany and - Napoleon was not ready to go on an offensive. Just yet Prussia used that to enter Saxony and conscripted 20,000 locals into its army Napoleon demanded that the Prussian army leave Saxony, but on the 1st of October Received an ultimatum to leave the lands to the east of the Rhine on the 6th of October the War of the 4th coalition began Both France and Prussia had about 200,000 troops however there was no unity in the Prussian army, and it had three formal leaders a number of generals advised the defensive approach with a slow strategic retreat in the hopes that Bennigsen would soon join them with more than 100,000 Russians under his command However, this plan was ignored and a more ambitious plan created by the Prince of Brunswick Charles William Ferdinand was adopted the Prussians were going to go on the offensive take Stuttgart inverting Berg and cut Napoleon from a portion of his forces and France Meanwhile the French Emperor had already decided on his moves He was going to move towards the Prussian capital of Berlin from the southwest Which meant that his troops would be able to avoid the majority of the rivers? Just a few days after the declaration of war Napoleon was already on the move It seems that neither army was sure about the location of the enemy But Napoleon's plan was better as it was cutting the Prussians from the Russians and Burrell and therefore forcing them to fight Due to scouting reports Napoleon was now sure that the Prussians were concentrating near yenna however, the latter finally understood that the French army was no longer inverting Berg and was moving fast to cut the roads to Berlin and some of the Prussian forces started moving to the north Indeed just three days after the war began Napoleon's troops ended up to the south and east of the Prussian army and due to their faster movement Concentrated and defeated the Prussians in the first battles of the campaign at SHhhh lights and South felt Once again the French were too quick for their opponents and two Corps Alongside the cavalry reserve ended up to the northeast of the Prussian positions The Prussians were not encircled, but as the road to Berlin was open to attack. They had to stand and fight The twin battles of yenna and Oersted took place on the 14th of october in a way It was two distinct battles as the two locations were more than 30 kilometers from each other and the two battles never combined into one the French had about 40,000 infantry 8,000 cavalry and 110 guns at janna under the overall command of Napoleon against 34,000 infantry 12,000 cavalry and 15 artillery batteries of the Prussian Prince Howe in lower The French Center was commanded by LAN the left flank by Oshiro, and the right by suit Napoleon ordered his troops to take land graefenburg the plateau that prevailed over the battlefield Part of the plateau was taken by the French during the night, but they needed more space so as 6 a.m.. An attack commenced the French Center took Clausewitz while the left captured cost Pedder the Prussians lost the hill Oh.hello are now understood that he was fighting the main French army and asked for help from the reserves at vemma the Prussians managed to set the second line of defense between the villages of veer Seine hi Logan and assessed at The French advance was halted However by 11:00 a.m.. Nay's 6th Corps was on the scene and Napoleon launched another attack Oshiro captured is estat ney occupied fear Seine Heineken and suits turned the Prussian left By 1 p.m.. Oh hello her had committed all his reserves in order to keep his line intact reserved from vemma were desperately needed Napoleon ordered his whole line to advance and the Prussians finally collapsed by 3:00 p.m. The Prussians were in full retreat with the French cavalry chasing them The reserves from vimar finally arrived and stopped the French at capella and off Reco who was leading the newly arrived 15,000 Prussians didn't set a proper line and decided to counter-attack Although the French forces were initially halted their cavalry soon outflanked and routed the enemy By 4:00 p.m.. The Battle of Vienna was over The French had lost about 6500 men while the Prussian losses have been estimated at 25,000 Napoleon was sure that he had defeated the main prussian army He was wrong at this point his marshal de food was fighting the Prussian Prince Brunswick on The previous day davood was ordered to move to the south and attack what Napoleon considered to be the main Prussian army from the north He also was told to join forces with Bernadotte However, the latter declined and kept his position at dornberger as he was ordered to before in the early morning devotes 28,000 left their positions near the river sail and moved towards lower stat Here they were attacked by 52,000 Prussians with no hope of support Early in the battle the French took the village of Hasson Heusen The French leader deployed his three divisions nearby despite repeated charges by Prussian cavalry By 8:30 a.m.. Devotes infantry managed to rout the enemy cavalry, but the Prussian infantry was arriving to the battle The French stopped a number of Prussian attacks mainly because the Prussians attacked in small groups with each division advancing in isolation as Their leader was mortally wounded early on the Prussians lacked any coordinated command At 11:00 a.m.. When the Prussians had exhausted their efforts davood ordered a French advance and the Prussians collapsed By the end of the battle davood had inflicted 10,000 casualties and taken 3,000 prisoners while he lost 7,000 over the next few weeks a relentless French pursuit caused more casualties to the Prussians and Berlin was occupied on the 27th in less than a month since the start of the campaign Napoleon's forces killed 20,000 Prussians and took more than 140,000 prisoners Still the Prussian leadership retreated towards the Russian army so the war of the fourth coalition was just starting The war of the fourth coalition erupted in October of 1806 and in less than a month French Emperor Napoleon Had utterly defeated the Prussian army at the battles of yenna and Oersted and occupied Berlin The Prussians could not oppose the Grand Army But despite that King Frederick William the third Refused to negotiate and fled to Koenigsberg in eastern Prussia as he was assured that Russian armies would soon support him indeed 68,000 Russians under Bennigsen were in Grodno and a forty thousand strong force commanded by bucks who Vaden was on it Napoleon knew that he had to decisively defeat the Russians to win the war But his supply lines were still not secure enough as some of the Prussian strongholds continued their resistance So in early November he sent the corps of marshal davu across the Oder River To prevent the Russians from setting their defensive line then fortunately for the French the main Prussian bastion of Magdeburg fell on November 8th and on the next day davu entered Poznan which triggered a patriotic Polish uprising The pole started fighting against the remainder of the Prussian forces in the area At the same time the fall of Magdeburg allowed Napoleon to move more cause across the Oder and that forced Bennigsen to stop and wait for his reinforcements a Lack of supplies was preventing Napoleon from marching at his usual fast pace So he ended Warsaw only on the 19th of December Still he attempted a pincer move by moving some of his forces to the north The Russian troops were spread 60 kilometers to the north of Warsaw between POTUS and gulaman on The 26th of December the French attacked from the north, west and south, but failed to encircle the Russian troops Bennigsen managed an orderly retreat to be ellis dock where he decided to winter Although Napoleon hoped to chase the enemy the winter was too harsh, and he also had to send his cause back to their winter cantonments Both armies had a hard time procuring rations By the middle of January the situation became critical and Bennigsen started moving towards Danzig It was still controlled by the Prussians and had ample supplies Coincidentally marshal ney attempted a raid towards hiles burke on the 17th of January Napoleon was furious and ordered ney to return the latter complied at the same time the Russians reached the position of Bernadotte and Threatened to cut him off from the majority of French troops The French marshal was too quick for them and retreated to the south The Russians caught a perma run gun but Bernadotte scored a minor victory and successfully withdrew All that gave Napoleon a brilliant idea He ordered Bernadotte and ney to continue their withdrawal while a 0su and davu were commanded to march north The goal was to cut the Russian retreat and impose a general battle unfortunately for Napoleon Constant rains made the road impassable and on the 31st of January his messenger to Bernadotte was caught by Russian Cossacks, which allowed Bennigsen to learn of the Emperor's plans and retreat French troops almost caught up to the Russians on two occasions in early February, but Bennigsen was able to escape However, further retreat was impossible as that would have let the French capture crucial Konigsberg Bennigsen stopped at the small town of presage a la modern-day Bharatiya nafse in Russia he asked for assistance from the 12,000 strong Prussian Corps under less stock that was nearby Napoleon knew of the Prussian forces in the area and ordered ney to prevent them from joining Bennigsen But the Prussians managed to avoid the French marshal The Battle of a lout took place on the 7th and 8th of February 1807 At the beginning of the battle the Russians had about sixty six thousand troops against forty five thousand with Napoleon But the Emperor knew that ney and davu each with fifteen thousand soldiers were within marching distance The Russians had a decided advantage in artillery with four hundred and fifty guns against Napoleon's two hundred Been exact needed time to set up his troops to the northeast of a lap so he left his rearguard under the command of BA Gretchen to cover the deployment the Russian general was able to repulse the French initially but by midday oshiro And the Imperial Guards joined the battle and by Gretchen had to retreat under overwhelming French pressure Regret, Sheehan retreated towards the main army of all general Barclay screened his withdrawal in the town of a loud the layout of the town Wasn't conductive to an attack and Barclay managed to defend his positions well into the evening By 2200 hours. He was ordered to move back and joined Bennigsen the Russian commander knew that not all of the French troops were present and Ordered part of his right flank to strengthen the reserves, which weakened his wing the morning started with an artillery duel As the French were expecting the arrival of Davos Corps from the southwest sooo It was ordered to attack the Russian right and create a diversion However the Russian stopped soon and when the vanguard of Davos forces arrived. They were intercepted by the cavalry reserve Napoleon needed to win time to let the remainder of Davos soldiers join the battle, so he ordered his center and right to attack a Blizzard started and blinded the center of the French army led by OSHA road Visibility was so limited that the French artillery mistakenly bombarded OSHA, bro who walked right into the Russian artillery battery more than 5,000 French died in the centre without reaching the Russian lines while the French right didn't do much damage to the Russian left Bennigsen counter attacked against the French right led by song Hilaire with his cavalry and forced it to stop its advance While his infantry moved against the French Center, which was defended by what was left of bush a rose core However Napoleon still had his guard descended while the infantry units joined the center and stopped the enemy advance The cavalry portion of the guard attached the Russians from the rear and the majority of this column was destroyed The French also had more as cavalry in reserve, and it was ordered to counter-attack The right wing of these units attacked the Russian cavalry fighting song Hill Aires right flank and scattered them Marat and song Hilaire continued their movement and although the infantry was stopped their Cavalry charge dispersed every Russian unit in front of it and reached the reserves At this point in the battle Davos remaining troops arrived and attacked the Russian left and while su oshiro Marat and the guard held their positions davin supported by song Hill air pushed the Russians back and by 1530 the Russian left and left Center were almost at a 90-degree angle to the rest of the forces Luckily for Bennigsen 9000 crushin was commanded by les stock entered the battle and joined the beleaguered Russian left The Prussians attacked de vous from the right and slowly pushed him away By 1900 hours de vous had to retreat and set a line between the villages of Christian and and clapping around that time nay's Corps Which was supposed to stop the stock entered the fray his forces moved against the extreme right of the Russian troops But Bennigsen used the remainder of his cavalry to intercept them the battle continued until 2200 hours at which point the sides disengaged Both armies lost at least 15,000 troops, and it is possible that napoleon's army suffered more casualties despite that at 2300 Bennigsen ordered a retreat The french were in no shape to chase the enemy and although the battlefield belonged to Napoleon It was clear that for the first time in his career. He had failed to win a decisive battle a Lao indicated that the war of the fourth coalition was far from over Although the Russian forces under Bennigsen retreated from a Lao the battle ended in a draw and both sides suffered massive losses The Russian general knew that he had ample foodstuffs and ammunition in königsberg while Napoleon was away from his primary supply centers, so he retreated to the Northeast The French troops had to withdraw to their winter quarters in central Poland To the north the city of Danzig was still under Prussian control Napoleon had to get rid of this nuisance as it was a potential foothold for British and Swedish troops to open a second front against him The fresh 10th Corps under marshal Lefebvre besieged the city on the 27th of February to the west marshal Morty 8th troops were fighting the Swedes under von Essen and Managed to defeat them on the 16th of April at beli Sweden was forced to sign a ceasefire to keep his holdings in Pomerania and that freed up more ta This spoiled to the Allies plans the Russian reinforcements bound for Danzig on British ships didn't get any Swedish assistance The fair borough managed to stop these reinforcements on the 15th of May without lifting the siege on the 19th of May British ships with provisions for the city were captured by the French and the city had to surrender on the 27th Napoleon now secured his rear and was planning to move towards königsberg to leave Bennigsen no other option, but to fight By this point Napoleon had around 200,000 troops under his command against 120,000 Russians and Prussians however unexpectedly for him Bennigsen rushed forward on the 4th of June advanced columns of the Russian forces attacked the Corps of SU Bernadotte and named the first two marshals retreated while inflicting casualties to the Russians But the primary target was named his seventeen thousand soldiers were forced to defend against more than 60,000 Russians c'mon by Ben exam With the river pisanka behind him nay had to be extremely careful and retreat slowly His troops were under constant pressure from the Russian forces for two days, but managed to move beyond the river Davu who had been behind name started moving his Corps to his right in an attempt to confuse the Russians On the 7th of June. He sent a messenger to ney claiming that his 40,000 men would soon attack the Russians from behind This messenger was sent along a particular road that made it impossible for him to not be captured Indeed the message was intercepted by Bennigsen and the Russians retreated in haste By the ninth the Russians were back at their well fortified positions near hiles Berg That was just what Napoleon needed as he was eager to cut Bennigsen from Konigsberg and the Prussian forces led by les stock on the 10th Marat and LAN attacked Bennigsen at Hal's Berg The Russian positions were well defended, but the goal wasn't to win while the battle at Hal's Berger aged for two days Davo and Sewell pushed the stock towards Koenigsberg on The 11th the forces under land threatened been exempt from the north, and the russians had to retreat yet again Napoleon was sure that Bennigsen would try to cross the Yalu River near Freedland and move to konigsberg He left 80,000 under his own command while LAN was ordered to move to Freedland quickly The forward units of land arrived in the town on the morning of the 13th of June as Napoleon predicted, then exempt forces were trying to move across the river at this location The Russians managed to drive land's cavalry out of Friedland At this point the French marshal had only around 15,000 troops against 60,000 Russians Then again was confident that he could easily crush land without fighting the main French army The latter was now sure that he was facing the full force of the enemy and asked Napoleon to move all available troops to assist him The French reinforcements were on route so LAN decided to draw as many Russians as possible across the river by 8 o'clock on the 14th 40,000 Russians had crossed the river But passing through the narrow streets of fruitland slowed them down and that allowed land to set up his defenses in the nearby villages The French heavy cavalry managed to stay in the village of Heinrichs Dorf Despite artillery bombardment and attacks on their positions from 3 sides To the south in the forest absorb black and Russian infantry was facing their French counterparts Land ordered his troops to fight in a loose formation, which helped as the forest was too dense for a master tank The Russians were only able to form a front at nine o'clock their main point of attack was still Heinrichs Dorf The Russian cavalry attempted to encircle the troops defending the village but more French troops entered the fray and drove the Russians back In the center of the battlefield Bennigsen tried to take post Annan But the French infantry held their ground and all attempts to outflank them with cavalry failed as land was receiving more reinforcements which then covered the defending troops By 10 o'clock the corps of marshal mortier joined the battle Spearheaded by the Polish cavalry, which screened Heinrichs d'Or from the south By eleven o'clock the Russian attacks slowed down as the French now had a comparable number of troops From his command point on the right side of the river Then exam saw that new French troops were close by He knew that he was now entrapped as his forces were too slow to retreat across the river while fighting off Napoleon the French Emperor arrived at 1400 hours after quickly assessing the situation Napoleon ordered Nang to form up the right flank of his army while more che was on the left and land in the centre with Victor Perrin score and the guard in reserve At 1700 hours French artillery started his bombardment Meanwhile name was commanded to move forward His troops cleared up the forest and took the village of Zork Bank that were counter-attacked by the Russian cavalry which charged against neighs left flank However the French cavalry was able to drive the Russians Bank Name was getting closer to Freedland and that is when the Russian guns stopped with advance One more wave of Russian cavalry attempted to attack him from the left But Napoleon sent an infantry division under DuPont, which closed up the breach Then eggs and moved his guard against upon, but the French bayonets won the engagement All that activity allowed the French to move part of their artillery and from Bard Friedlander By 1900 hours ney was in the town while du Pont continued moving to the north The Russian right tried to retake Freeland and save the center of the army, but was attacked by the French units defending Heinrichs Dorf By 2200 hours the battle was over Around half of the Russian forces were able to retreat from the battlefield, but their casualties were around 30,000 while Napoleon lost 10,000 Chasing the enemy was impossible as the French cavalry was utterly exhausted On the 18th of June kernig sperg surrendered Russian Tsar Alexander the first saw no reason to continue fighting while on the pole Ian wasn't ready to attack Russia a Peace treaty between France and Russia was signed on the 7th of July until sit Russia was to join the Continental blockade against the United Kingdom while Napoleon Acknowledged that Finland was in the sphere of Russian interests and promised not to ally with the Ottoman Empire two days later Napoleon signed a treaty with the Prussian King Frederick filmed the 3rd Prussia also joins the Continental blockade It had to cede all its polish lands and the Great Duchy of Warsaw was formed Prussia also gave away the territory to the west of the Elbe River and the kingdom of Westphalia Ruled by Napoleon's brother Jerome was established here The war of the fourth coalition was finally over and Napoleon's Empire was at the peak of its power Napoleon will go on a little hiatus, but we'll be back in a few months with a second season containing at least five million videos This is the kings and Generals Channel, and we will catch you on the next one You
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 859,131
Rating: 4.9147143 out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, documentary film, animated documentary, war - topic, history, historical, invicta, bazbattles, epic history tv, Historia Civilis, rome, ancient battle, top 10, strategy, tactic, total war rome, kings and generals, thfe, study, educational, history lesson, world history, extra credits history, battle, napoleonic wars, battle of trafalgar, napoleon bonaparte, marengo, austerlitz, borodino, trafalgar, friedland, jena, auerstedt, jena-auerstedt, nelson, french empire, next total war
Id: iJ6dIGHpZOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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