Napoleon Prestige Pro Grill chicken wings in rotisserie basket

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone I know we're getting used to this new normal and the social distancing I I know for my family it's been an adjustment both my boys came back from college so I'm going from a family of three to a family of five one of the things I love is that we all get to eat home together because birds and itself another set of challenges as well because of course what I do I hear most is mom what's for dinner so today I'm going to share with you my family's favorite recipe that I make on my Napoleon girl and that's chicken wings so the great news is while I'm social distancing maybe from some of y'all I don't have to social distance from my Napoleon grill so before I get to those chicken wings let me tell you a little bit about my prestige Pro from Napoleon there's really three things I love about it one it's got great quality that's backed up by lifetime warranty - it's got upgraded features that I didn't even know we're possible when grilling and three there's a lot of versatility on this grill as well so it gives me a lot of different ways for me to do my grilling so first let me talk about the quality as you can see it is all 304 stainless steel so what that means to you is it's an upgraded stainless steel and it really can handle any of the weather conditions that you have so Sun rain snow doesn't matter this grill is gonna last you my grill is actually two years old and it looks like it's in pretty good condition I'd love to tell you that I spend lots of time cleaning it but I don't I actually spend more time drooling on it but it's also back with the lifetime warranty from the Polian which I love I also love some of their upgraded features and one of my favorite upgraded features is of course this sizzle zone have you come a little closer and take a look at it so this sizzle zone it's an infrared burner it gets up to 1,800 degrees so what what does that mean well that's a great spot for me to sear my steaks it's a great way for me to lock in those juices when I'm making steaks and then I finish him off inside my grill so it's a great feature that I think is a nice upgrade it's really about upgrading my grilling game and Napoleon's infrared cyber really that for me but unfortunately today I'm not doing steaks I am doing those chicken wings but let me talk about a couple of other upgraded features another one that I really love are these safety glow knobs so we've all done this before when we've been grilling you've been busy you've been grilling you brought the food into the house maybe you've left a burner on how would you know well the great news with this prestige Pro I can just tell by seeing that it's red it means that I've left a burn on so now I know to turn that off because I am done utilizing my side burner we've also got an integrated ice bucket over here so I can grab my beverage of choice what I love about that is while I'm entertaining my just my family I promise right now because for social distancing that way I can just grab my beverage hang out when it's a beautiful day out while I'm grilling so I love this integrated bucket here you're gonna see our a Q probe temperature gauge it does give me an accurate temperature that's inside so you can see I fear I have something inside the grill I know I promise you those chicken wings so why don't you come on and let's take a look with under the hood you're gonna see on here that while you do see my chicken wings I want to talk about a couple of those upgraded features we do have the halogen light so I think we've all done that where we've started grilling and then it starts to get dark out and I can't see my food so I love being having those lights there and then let's talk about the versatility what are some of the things that I can do that's different on my grill and I'm showing you one of my favorite accessories and that is the rotisserie basket so this is a really easy way for me to do chicken wings all I did was utilize my rear infrared burner that's in the back and the Napoleon rotisserie basket you can see I've got all my chicken wings you can see I'm here ready to feed a family of five all I did with my chicken wings is used some grapeseed oil it's great for high heat cooking I coat it with that and then add my spices of choice I put it in the rotisserie basket I set my rear burner and I let it go it's gonna be about 45 minutes to an hour it really depends on how many chicken wings but what I love about this rotisserie basket you can see that it just rotates through so nothing sticks it does give a very even cooking and what you're gonna love about these chicken wings is they're gonna be crispy on the outside and also juicy on the inside I'll show you when they're done so you'll have to check back in a little bit all right y'all it's been about 45 minutes the chicken wings are done so I took them off of the rotisserie basket but I'm in a bowl just toss them in our favorite barbecue sauce so you can see that they are going to be nice and crispy on the outside really juicy on the inside just like I thought so again my family's favorite are these chicken wings so I encourage you to stay in grill out but upgrade your girl in game with Napoleon
Channel: Jennifer Schick
Views: 46,055
Rating: 4.3913045 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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