Napkin Play - Making Tags / Decoupage Napkins on Paper

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hello everyone is censorship from treasure books so today I wanted to have a little play with these napkins from witchcraft do you do the shop so some of you might have seen this is the shop I will put a link down below some of you might have seen my video on all of the things that I received from that shop and some of these napkins well all of these napkins actually bought from that job and I already started playing around a little bit so I wanted to do another session and I thought I will do it with you guys so I'm going to choose what I want to do is make some tags so I mean look at this I still I'm not sure how I'm going to use this up so I'm not going to use this one today but I'm just choosing one that will be nice to make some tags with so I think something like this that it's got writing on you know I don't want to cut it in half or anything so I'm going to leave that but let's see which one's I can use oh yes I've already started using this one for a project that I was making and it's just so beautiful so I might use this one as well today and I already started using these I'm just cutting out little images I will show you in a flip through that I do in my next video how I used some of these images but for today I'm just choosing some that I want to use for my tags so maybe this one and this one I'm feeling really drawn to this one today so I decided to start off with that one and now this is what I'm going to do and this is just my own way of doing things everybody does it differently and that's fine so I'm just showing how I do it so the thing that I do first is I'm just going to cut this little square because I want to make two tags I'm going to make two tags out of this one square over here and then I can keep the others for something else or for making more tags or whatever you know but today I'm just going to make two squares sorry two tags with this one square because I'll be making more tags with the other ones that I've got waiting and because I think these napkins are so gorgeous and I want to hold them for a little bit so I'm keeping the that and now this I'm going to separate so these napkins are three ply and there are many different techniques of separating them including using sticky tape on you know apply some sticky tape here and then start that way but I'm sure you will find your own way or the way that you like to do things this is just the way that I do it and I am going to keep this of course not throwing that in the bin but I don't need it for this project so next thing I'm going to do I've got my little square cut out and it's just the very top piece and now I'm going to introduce you to this little piece of cardstock over here just use whatever you have at home so I have this like a page what are they called I don't know if I'll fold up page separator I'm not sure but it's a nice quality cardstock it's not too flimsy which means that it's not going to buckle too much because I'm using the next thing I'm going to use is my glue which is about three parts glue one part water and it's quite runny so it's just PVA glue that I have mixed in with some water it doesn't really matter how much water you you put in but if you put too much then it's going to be runny too runny you want it to be runny but you don't want it to be water like so just a little bit runny there's a little bit of black floating in there from my brush but that's okay I'll get it out later okay so this is just the way that I do it I'm going to apply a little bit of glue here I'm not going to cover the whole thing just like that and then I'm going to apply my napkin just on top just like that I don't mind if I get creaseless I think Croesus will give it even more character and then what I do so I'm going to start from the middle and then I'm applying my glue right over the top because it's such a thin piece of napkin the glue will seep right through on to the card stock underneath and it will glue the two together and I'm being gentle and I'm working from the in from the middle working out and I'm making sure that there's no bubbles as I'm working trying to get rid of all of the bubbles because if that bubble dries then what's going to happen later is our napkin might start to peel from the area where that bubble has dried I hope I'm making some sense so as you can probably see some creases happening and that's fine by me I'm not sure I have seen people use glue sticks to glue napkins down personally not a big I'm not a big fan that's just me I don't trust the glue stick unless I'm going to go and saw over the top but I'm not sure if I'm going to be sewing over the top of these ones so I'm just going to do what I always do and use my my PVA glue mixture here we go so because when we're adding this this glue is obviously has water you know it's what a baste so when we are adding something that has water in it to a napkin obviously it's going to you know stretch the napkin in certain places and you know you might get a rep if you're being too heavy-handed so what's going to happen now is that my edges are not going to be completely straight I mean this is really you know being too pedantic now but my edges are not going to be perfectly straight which means when I'm actually cutting the tags out I might have to cut into that edge a little bit to make it straight okay so I'm just testing that all of my little area is covered with glue and I'm quite happy with that let's see I can get up close here we go so you can see that there are lots of creases you can see that the the area is saturated with glue all over but it's not overly saturated little glue just enough but not too little not too much I'm going to leave this one to dry and I'm going to do next one so I just wanted to mention here with this glue I often get questions can I use most Mod Podge or you know you can use any glue that is runny that's not going to drag too much when you're applying it because if it's dragging too much then it's going to rip your napkin so anything that has a really good sort of runny spread will do that's why I prefer to use this mixture of PVA glue and water because it's nice and runny and I'm using a very soft application I'm not heavy-handed just being careful not to rip the napkin these napkins are quite good quality so they don't rip too easily but most of the napkins don't rip too easily so most of the napkins will be up to the what's the word I'm looking for tasks another thing that you can also do is some stamping prior to applying the napkin so if you stamp your cardstock and then apply a napkin you will have some stamps showing up from underneath but the stamps that I have which are water soluble they actually will smudge with the application of this glue because the glue is water-based and I have tried it and it didn't work so no stamping today so I tried it with these distressed oxides and they're water-based and it usually says at the back this one says water reactive dye so it doesn't work with any water reactive dye because it will smudge I'm going to use up this section as well so I'm just going to cut this little piece I think it's going to fit look at how beautiful this napkin is another question that I'm often asked is what is PVA glue PVA glue is just white glue and it usually says PVA on the bottle so it's like really cheap school glue this one was really cheap it doesn't have a price on it but I think for this whole bottle I paid something like $5.99 Australian dollars so it's just school glue and it will say on the bottle PVA glue okay this one's done I'm going to do my next one now let this one dry I've got this little piece I want to use up so I'm going to go back to my first one and use up my free space that I have over here okay let this one dry so you can see on this one down the bottom it's ripped and that's fine it just means that this tag are going to I'm going to have to cut a little bit shorter so that's fine as long as there's no rips in the middle and even if there are it really isn't a big deal I could add a little bit of extra napkin on top and you know try and smooth it out a little bit but usually it doesn't happen and and the reason why I become the middle is so that I can smooth it out a little bit more I guess and there's also less chance of the napkin ripping so before starting the next step you want to make sure that everything is completely dry this one is completely dry there will be some buckling because we did use a water-based product so they'll definitely be some buckling but that's easily fixable with just placing your tags under something heavy overnight which is what I usually do once this dries but I'm not going to today because I want to film this video but after the tags are made we'll see how they look and then I might put something put it under something heavy so now I'm going to cover tags using my very old and very very blunt paper trimmer and I've tried all sorts of things to make it nice and sharp again and nothing works so what I do now is I just have I put a piece of paper underneath what I'm cutting and that gives me a nice cut okay so I'm looking at my little design over here and I see that I want to keep this butterfly I'm going to cut this into two tags I don't want to cut through this butterfly so I've kind of I'm going to cut it somewhere over here maybe if I can keep this flower intact it will be good so let's have a look so somewhere around there let's see what some happens yeah I'm happy with that and now I'm just going to trim all the rest of the edges okay so these ones are done I'm going to do the same thing with all of the others and then I'll be back and here we go here are my tags so the first thing that I do before I do anything else is actually make it into a tag shape so I will go ahead and trim the corners now I do have a little this is just some type of a card from a shop and I've done the corners on the card and now I can use this as my template everytime I am making tags but is they're quite large tags so on this one I will use this template here only because I don't want to cut into that bird but I'm thinking for the other ones I might do a larger corner so let's do this one for example like this then I will use that piece just to make sure that everything is nice and symmetrical on both sides it's really no big deal if it isn't but I like to make them nice and symmetrical and on this one I might use this card because I don't want to cut into this and I'm going to do all of them you don't have to watch me do it so I'm going to speed up the process I'm a little bit stuck on this one because this butterfly is here if I trim off that corn I'm trimming off into the butterfly but I'm just going to do it regardless but I'll use my little one so I think this little project is really good for those times when we're stuck in a rut and I know a lot of us get stuck in a rut every now and again so you know in between projects or way you're not sure what you want to be doing or making or you have no desire to be making anything this is perfect kind of project for that time in our creativity cycle okay so now that I've made them all into tag shapes I'm going to ink the edges I'm just using my distress oxide ink I think this is a vintage photo it doesn't matter we just want to define the edges and it just makes it look so much nicer it gives it a finished look so you can see this one as opposed to perhaps this one let's do this one next that one looks nice and vintagey and I might even I'm just feeling like and I'll just put this something underneath I just want to add a little bit extra in those corners and the beautiful thing look at how in those little creases that we have look at how beautiful that's coming up this one's looking really really nice and vintage and I think maybe I'll just add a little bit more because I'm really liking the creases I think that looks good and I think this one too because it's got this huge white area over here I might just very lightly so I can see I've got a bit too much there too much there but that's fine we will fix that once once I'm actually decorating the tags or finishing them off these tags really don't need a lot more added to them because they or they have these beautiful napkins and that's the main feature of the tag but you know I want to add something off the top and just want to make them a little bit extra good-looking I leave this one to last because I want to do black edges in this one I'm going to use black ink on this one and this one I actually found for 50 cents in in an op shop so this was a very lucky fan find and I am pretty sure that this one I got on my finger I'm pretty sure that this one is actually a permanent ink which means that it will not or don't want to mess it up because I've got ink on my fingers it means that it will not smudge when you stamp you know if I stamped underneath and then apply my napkin over the top I'm not sure but it doesn't actually say that it's water-based most of them say water-based so this one doesn't okay I think black looks good of that because it's got the black lines okay so they already look kind of finished they really don't need a lot added to them but I think I'm going to of course add stuff to them why not to make them look even pretty pretty er and I need to add little Stoppers up the top so I'm going to go and make some holes first and then you know I'll just see where it takes me so so I think I'll try and do different things for all of them so some of them will have you know ribbons and stuff up the top and some I might the first one let's see the first one I want to do maybe a little ruffle using one of my off cut papers that I have a whole box full off so maybe let's see so I'll just work on them one at a time and speed up all the unnecessary bits and hopefully it will give you inspiration on how you can decorate your tags I'm really not sure what I'm going to be doing yet but I'm just inking these little bits and I might actually put this through my sewing machine okay so this is my first one that I did and you can see the difference how this one looks to finish so all I did is added that little piece of an offcut that I had and I 6x stitched and then I felt like I wanted to do stitch around the tag and that's what I did and it gives it a nice finished look and then plenty of journaling space at the back this can go into a pocket or something like that you know happy male whatever you know I might add something more up the top there let's see what I've got I think I'm going to add this flower art that I just saw best I looked in my flower box it was right there on top so just think the edges a little bit and I'm going to glue it on there and just finishes it off nicely I usually say in my videos oh no not that I usually say in my videos I'll keep working on a project until you know I feel like it's done if I'm not happy I'll just keep adding to it and and see where it takes me I guess so I think that looks nice and vintage II but I just feel like maybe I want to just ink up just a little bit more because it's got those areas that have too much ink I'm using one of those makeup blending brushes I'm sure you've seen them used before but that's my tag number one and I'm quite happy with this one and I think you know in the journal it will look quite beautiful let's have a look this is my recently completed journal which I will be sharing with you in my next video there was a tag in here but I took it out and let's take this little tag and put it in and especially you know everything looks nice and pervasive because I like to do a lot of stitching and their stitching the tag and it just looks so beautiful even if we let say for example do something like this and pin it in with a little paperclip pin it in with a paper clip or even have it pinned in on top with a paper clip like that just add so much beauty to a journal and I think you know when you look at a project like this just once it's fulfilling its its purpose which is living inside a journal being written on it just looks so beautiful alright let's move on to the next one okay so for this one I think I will just keep it nice and simple I will punch up puncture a punch or poke or punch maybe punch punch a little hold here with my extremely blunt I just hate you know if I've already bought something such as this cheap little thing I really don't want to buy it again but it's dying on me and I really should be buying it again but I don't want to so now the next thing I might do is I just want to add maybe some a little bit of gold something but let me find my gold trim this is what I wanted to use so just a little bit of this ribbon maybe I can add a little bit of this one too so I'm going to pull both ends right through and then tie a knot at the front I'm not entirely happy so what else can I do maybe if I add a bread maybe I have this little flower yes I'm just going to add bread and that kind of finishes it off I'm going to keep it simple and just leave it as it is all right let's go to another one let's do this one next so for this one I'm feeling like I might do a little bit more stitching so I'm just going to do a zigzag blanket stitch and then we'll do something for the top I'll be right back here we go I just did a little bit of stitching around gives it a little bit more interesting a little bit more of that sort of vintage a look and now I might just do a simple little tab at the top so let's see what I've got a lying around the desk just really want to be have lots of things lying around the desk just really really want to be very simple and preferably quick I don't know if this is going to work but I'm going to give it a go I want a longer piece I want a longer and a wider piece so I'm going to try this again fray the edges so that it looks you know shabby chic a little bit okay that's what I'm going for that's what I'm going to do there was probably better options but I'm just going to do this and I'm going to staple it on I could sew it on in a real good and now I want to cover that stay Plus or staple rather so let me just see what I can find so this is also from which property do these little wooden specimen type things and I'm going to put one on there but I want to think the edges so that it stands out more I was thinking of using wooden butterfly on there which would look really nice but it's got that butterfly already next to it so then that's why I thought that's not gonna work so I'm just going to glue this Sun and let it dry and call it done okay so I have this in my stash and this is why it's nice to have things already made so when you're decorating a journals or your tags in this case tags you can just do already things have things that are already made up so I'm thinking with this one I might use this as my top up and then I want to add on to it as I was rummaging through my little box from witchcraft do you do there was also these ones in there too and this one says dream I wonder if how it's gonna look make it maybe I can attach it with a little bobby pin let's see I'm just testing first how it's going to look and then I can blow it down I just feel like this black edge it's not coming up so I want to see if I've got a gold something yes I just remembered I've got this Gilders paste wax let's see if I can make that stand out a little bit more let's try again it's not coming across on camera but it's definitely a lot better I feel like I need something else gold on there so just want to test this is just old sequin that I have maybe I'll use to just underneath like this kind of gives it a boho ish feel doesn't it I'm going to glue that down and call it down okay I'm happy with that it really doesn't need much it's already very beautiful looking and embellished this one here I'm going to punch a hole and I'm going to use one of my whole reinforces and this is also from witchcraft you do and then now since I have this on my desk I'm going to use this maybe I can use a little bit of sari silk this is also from witchcraft do you do and I'm just looking at what will sort of look nice and I don't want to overthink it because I've been doing this for way too long anyway so I'm just going to choose this one it looks white but it's actually a very very light blue and I'm going to put it together with this loop it through I think I might have cut it a little bit too short because I'm so precious with every everything I don't want to waste so I'm just going to make it work maybe I can call that one done but then maybe I can add something to it maybe that's a little bit too much but I think I'm going to leave this little envelope here just for a little bit of extra interest on the tag and I'm also going to tuck something behind there maybe something like this I think in a journal in a pocket that's going to look really good let's see let's go back to this one here they're hidden so maybe like this maybe clipped on but clipped on on this side let's see what this so we have a the paper clip at the back and then that can be used to hold it in place like it and then especially if we do a little bit of inking on this I'm kind of trying to hurry so I'm not using the best options there are but I I think once things are placed into journals they look so beautiful I think that looks really gorgeous so I am going to call this tag done so for this one here I want to do I want to put a little tab here because of the bird I don't want to put anything in the middle so I'm going to use one of these little chipboard tabs let me open it this is also from witchcraft do you do and I'm going to ink it maybe I can stamp on it but I really need to hurry this up a little bit it looks like a hat I put on the bird let's see what happens it looks like the bird has a hat but we're not going to do that I don't know that looks like a hat maybe can be a tab over here no strap that what about this one that we had before actually I even found something even better I'll just use this so I'll remove this because I don't need it and I'm going to apply this and I'm just going to glue it on ink it up a little use a little bit of glue on both sides it doesn't look done so maybe I can use a note another one of those flowers I'm just trying to usually use things that are you know close to me or on my desk and try not to sort of ramage through my too much through my stuff because then I I will make a huge mess and I am going to leave this one as it is even though a little bit of sewing around the edges would be nice these two I really want to keep them really simple because I ran out of time hobbies time kids a harness it's gonna get loud so what I'm going to do with these two is just a little bit of sewing around and something up the top so I'll be right back alright so these two are now turn around and they look perfect just the way they are so I think this one I might leave as it is and this one I'm just going to use a little bit of this sari silk and I want to put one of those little circle protectors what are they called protect us something or other maybe ink it a little bit just so it stands out a little bit more and then pop this through pop it through like that and maybe this one won't look good with a little dangly so I might go back and use a little bit of that sequin here we go so just a little something Ted it's a little something extra let's see don't like it okay I thought I was wanting to add something a little bit extra over here but now I'm going to leave it because I ran out of time so I might come back to that on an on another day but for now this is what we've got so I think if you can see the sewing around the edges gives it so much more finished look and depth so I really am itching to sew around all of them but I'm just going to leave it as it is now and this is what we've got let me know what you guys think this is supposed to be just a simple little quick project using napkins but then I started fiddling with them a bit too much and you know I wanted to finish there creating them and all of that so I hope that you like the process I hope that you feel inspired let me know what you think in the comments down below and thank you for being here with me today and I'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: Treasure Books
Views: 97,295
Rating: 4.9503899 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal tags tutorial, using napkins for decoupage, decoupage, tag ideas, junk journal ephemera, how to use napkins for decoupage, mod podge napkins, decoupage on paper, embellishments for junk journals, treasure books, junk journal, journal ideas, mixed media, diy embellishments, ephemera for journals, ideas for junk journals, ephemera making, ephemera ideas, journal embellishments, tags for journals, using napkins in junk journals, decoupage napkins on paper
Id: Nm1wZngQq5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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