More Napkin Ideas for Junk Journals

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hi guys this is tina welcome back to my channel so i thought we could come along and have a bit more fun playing with napkins today um i did say recently in a video i'm pretty stingy when it comes to napkins because i just really love them and i decoupage you know sheets of paper and then i can't quite bring myself to use them ridiculous i know but yeah i i don't know why why i do that but for some reason that's that's kind of something that i do um so what i thought we could do is just have a play around with some of the um sheets that i have actually decoupaged you know recently so if you saw my tutorial um you know again recently making these little fold out pieces i thought that we could just use this small portion so this was just a small napkin to make one of these so you know again sort of just another way to use up our little napkin decoupage pieces so i'm just going to trim it down as you can see it's just been decoupaged onto um sheet music at the moment and i'm just going to trim that down like that just get rid of all those sort of edges there like that okay and of course you know we can tidy this up in a moment if it's looking a little bit terrible um and then we're just going to fold it in so if you saw my tutorial if i just unfold this one and show you this small one it's just basically a little piece that i folded in twice and then you've got a small flap a bit like an envelope but you're making your triangles quite exaggerated for a bit more sort of definition so i'm just deciding which is the best way to use this i think i'm going to do this one this way round so i'm just going to fold it in there and then for my flap so my flap would be coming over here so just sort of mark that where you know so i know roughly where that's going to be and then you're going to take your your pieces like that and you're only doing that so that you know roughly where the middle is our fold is going to be here so to get this kind of exaggerated envelope flap you're going to need your triangles to go you know like way way beyond or well beyond where that fold is so i'm just going to do my little triangles down here and my flap is probably too long so i'm going to do it like this and then just you know hopefully round it off a little bit and we'll just see how that looks and i might need to make them even smaller still they're not too bad actually they're not too bad like that but i mean you know i might want to just make them slightly slightly more exaggerated so just going to again fold that sort of there again and i will again just go slightly more and then you know just round my little pointy bit just says it's got a bit more of a delicate edge rather than that pointy great big you know point like that and that's your little foldy flap so isn't that so sweet and obviously you could then i mean with these ones we had talked about putting little notepads here but i mean what you could do as well is actually put just some coffee dyed paper or something in there so let me just grab in a couple of bits of coffee dyed paper and just see which way up is going to be best trying to get the best use out of my paper here i mean talk about stingy but i don't want to um waste it so you know because it takes a long time to coffee dye stuff doesn't it so you know you want to get sort of the best out of your paper really so i'm just going to cut it down sort of here-ish like that okay and i will just then trim it across the top it says i've got then two you know two sort of rectangles like that just kneading that side up a bit and then again can just round the corners just like that just says when it's you know glued down it sort of looks pretty really but of course you don't have to round the corners i don't always round the corners sometimes i quite like the more ruggedy um you know rustic look it just depends on the piece really so you can just then pop them down just glue those down there plenty of glue okay and that's that one just squash that down with my card dab off any excess glue that's just coming out and then this one here okay and then we will just press this one down then like that okay okey-dokey and then i'm just going to ink this up slightly hopefully not sort of going too mad straight away i said hopefully not going too mad and straight away that corner is now really brown sometimes it's a like do as i say not as i do it's an oreo isn't it and then just go around my napkin which otherwise was looking quite white so just go around there like that okay and fold that in so i'll just now sort of go down that crease mark so it's a bit more exaggerated and i do it on both sides because you know you don't know whether or you know i don't know whether this would be glued in or just popped into a pocket so just sort of you know glue those creases down up ink those creases up so that when you then open it out you know they're nicely inked on the creases like that and then we're just going to take one of our little circles and again just make our little windy windy wrap piece with the string so again just inking that up sorry i'm just going to move those napkins that are now just on my lap otherwise get my poke tool get a brad oh come on i put loads of brad's in here the other day thinking you know it will stop me rummaging around of course already they're like buried now in the tin so we just pop that there i mean you can move it back you don't have to have it on the edge so perhaps we'll move this one back like that through there oh come on okay and then i just like to just press my bread down on the other side because then that's you know you know you've got it nice and flat then and then again just get my string which now where's my string on oh oh there it is i was going to say i always keep it in the same place just up on my little shelf that's above my desk but for some reason i looked up there and it i couldn't see it but it was actually just on top of like a big pile of ink pads so um you know it was too high i couldn't really see it whereas normally it's on like a lower bit of the shelf but i i had been good i had put it back where i normally do so um yeah i mean there aren't that many things that i do keep in the same place but i do try and keep my bone folder in the same place i do try and keep my string in the same place you know there's just a few things that that i like to just have in the same place because they kind of just fit those places so well i think so it's like easy to keep them there because they just fit perfectly there and then you just you know wind your string round like that so how cute is that and obviously it's got that that lovely sound of the napkin and that lovely sort of texture um and actually we didn't decorate any of these up when we did them the other day so um well you know when i did the tutorial so shall we just quickly have a look and sort of decorate one see how it might look with a few little bits and pieces maybe on it i've got this little postage stamp which that's not bad color is it i'll just ink that up just pop that there maybe something like dictionary definition or something on there just pull those in i'm still trying to get myself a little bit organized um so yeah i have my my little box beside me with all those little file folders they're very much a work in progress you know they're not all full yet but i do have you know my dictionary definitions are one of the things that's now in the little file folders so it's really handy to just have them beside my desk i must admit so that's quite nice isn't it well we could have it further down like i like it further up i think so just pop that up there okay yeah so i hope that everybody is having a good day and doing some some nice crafts the sun has just like second gone in um you know how to say oh it's lovely and sunny here but no just as i went to say it the sun just went went in hopefully hopefully just short term in i don't know actually as it's that warm today i have got my cardigan off but that's because it gets hot up here with the um you know with the lights on but yeah i'm not sure it's actually that warm today i've got to be honest but but it is lovely and sunny so i mean it doesn't really matter if it's not warm it does at least look bright and nice right just got some of that lovely yellow lace i'm just pulling that in because i just thought we could just have a little bit of that so i'm just again going to just ink that up slightly with my distress ink like that now do we want it at the top or at the bottom i think at the top yep so i'm just going to glue that down there sorry just need to pull that little bit of glue off the end where it had kind of got you know dried up on the end there i have to say this three in one is absolutely fantastic for not really ever blocking up i don't want to say that too loudly because probably now the next time i can't use it it will actually be blocked up but touchwid i've never known it block up since i have been using it i know i'm quite new to it in the scheme of things but i haven't ever known it block up at the nozzle but sometimes you do just get that big bit that's kind of dried on there which you know obviously you want to pull that off because it just gets in the way if nothing else okay so how pretty does that look so i just thought they were quite a nice thing to make really with the napkins so i have got more napkins here to the side i thought it was high time that i actually that i actually started using some of these i know i talked recently about how you know i struggle then to actually bring myself to use these and that is still very much the case um i mean i'm now finding myself looking at this thinking oh no how can i bring myself to use this what way can i use it oh what should we do just wondering whether i can make little booklets see this is this is the problem with the napkins because i wanted to keep that bird but look if i fold that for a napkin a book he's cut straight in half um so i mean perhaps i can do some more of these just thinking if i kind of cut it about here oh it's a tough one what do you think i mean obviously then i'm losing these but i mean i'm going to end up losing one or the other aren't i so let's just go down here cut that across okay i'm just going to cut this up here and then just cut down the side that okay so i think probably i've now done this completely you know the wrong size really but let's have a look and see what we can come up with so if i fold this in i'm trying to have this bird you know visible so i'm going to just trim along here because can you see the napkin's not quite to the edge anyway so i will obviously chop into that butterfly but you know i don't really mind that too much so just trim along there and then i'm going to fold it over trying to get that bird in as much as possible like that okay and then just going to i mean you can see that's not really straight but that doesn't really matter with these because i'm going to take this now and fold those great big triangles sorry cut those great big triangles out so it really doesn't matter at all that that's not that that's not meeting so i'm just going to snip around that flap just making it sort of more delicate and just get rid of those bits okay and then we just fold this top piece over like that like that along there oh again i don't know what's going on with my with my folding here oh i do actually do you know what's happened that wasn't one napkin and it was two napkins obviously i'd done them quite a while ago so i've forgotten that and now look it's just typical but that's now folded exactly where those napkins met so that's a little bit annoying i mean actually touch with they seem to be glued down pretty well um they're not too bad but isn't that just so typical i mean honestly so i'm just going to run a little bit of glue along here and then i really need to try not to touch that napkin overly much but just kind of press it down a bit like that okay okay i hadn't noticed that until then so that's that little one and you know how cute does that look so i will just quickly neaten this edge up because that's a little bit you know lopsided even by itself if you see what i mean and you know you could then round these corners and that just like finishes up it off with a different look again you could round these ones like that i mean i just often think it's so interesting that just the most minuscule changes can really change the look of something quite significantly so you know just by rounding those corners that really changes the look of this whole thing so we'll just ink it up again and again just you know focus in a bit more on that fold like that and then obviously i have just glued that so again that's quite um quite wet but never mind so we just ink around here all over and then on the inside of this one you could just have two pieces again and there rather than a pad i mean it depends really how this one would be viewed whether it would be pulled out and looked at this way on or sort of you know on its side really so i might just put those strips there because then that doesn't really matter you know it doesn't matter whether it's sideways or lengthways it still then kind of works the same doesn't it so let's just fold that roughly there where i need to cut it like that okay so i'm just going to trim this down like that and then across here as well okay get rid of all my bits now to the bin and then that one's gonna glue there so again i think what i'll do i'm just going to take that down slightly in size i think because otherwise i might be in danger of that just touching those folds oh not too bad actually yeah if i glue it sort of nearer to this edge rather than here then i'm just about missing them and i'm not going to round the corners on these ones so we'll just leave them square so just glue this one down okie dokie just pop that down like that and just spread your glue and then on this one as well okey-dokey such pretty napkins i mean we don't generally get many napkins you know over here in the shops i mean i have bought some lovely ones from ebay um and i bought some lovely ones um [Music] from china um but i can't think now because it was quite a long time ago i can't think whether they were from ebay or from like wish or something like that um but yeah so you can get you know nice napkins but we don't generally seem to have them in the shops here i'm not sure whether that's just me or whether we or whether we genuinely don't um i certainly never really see lovely napkins occasionally in home sense which is like that um you know part of tk maxx group they occasionally have napkins lovely ones but not a great deal of choice and you know it's very touch and go you know you can't you couldn't just go in there and think oh i'm gonna buy some napkins because you know it might be like one in one in 15 times that they actually had any um yeah we don't really seem to sort of have many shops per se you know that kind of have pretty napkins or anything so i mean thank heavens again for the internet because it just makes everything so accessible doesn't it you know there's nothing really you can't get now on the internet i mean i have to say i'm still not really keen on buying clothes on the internet so this one i'm going to stick the lace here and i'm going to actually leave that that as i would call it header piece of the lace i'm going to leave it on there for this one yeah i i don't really buy clothes on the internet i don't think i've really ever bought clothes on the internet i've bought um you know a couple of things like for the kids for christmas and things like that um you know like i don't know a hoodie or something but i don't think i've really bought clothes myself on the internet i can't bear that whole sending back you know buying things sending them back it's bad enough in the shops and you try things on and they all look rubbish who wants to have to then send them back you know bad enough in the change room where then you've taken taken all your clothes off i need to find it looks rubbish but at least you're not having to actually then physically pack it pack it all back up and send it back so um yeah now i wish that i hadn't done that if that looks really horrible now oh no no wonder it looks horrible i kind of cut into the sheet music a bit oh gosh oh that looks a bit better so i'll just have to do the same now on this edge there we go i mean i don't really buy clothes particularly very much anymore i used to buy clothes a lot when i was a bit younger but i think you come to a stage where you just think oh how many more clothes do i really need you know i've got like a whole ton of stuff in my cupboard that i don't wear now so you know and when you get older and especially when you have a family and things you know i don't know about you guys but i mean i don't really go anywhere particularly other than the school or i go to yoga you know which obviously yoga you just wear your yoga clothes so it's not like you're getting dressed up for that um so i have no need really to be buying loads of clothes and i mean obviously you know i left my um my job last year you know to do this full time um so it's not even like i'm now needing to get work clothes for work i mean not that i really had clothes for work as such i just wore you know my normal clothes to work but um yeah i mean now i'm just working in my home so i mean i could even be sat here in my pajamas i mean i wouldn't because that's just not plaster's not me i don't even have um pajamas i wear like you know um like a night dress uh too much information there isn't it but yeah i'm i'm not a pajama person and i certainly wouldn't sit around in pajamas in the day i do have a onesie which i i was quite ill a few years ago and for about three weeks and you know my mum and dad were really kind and bought me a onesie because i was freezing as well all the time so um it was actually it was years ago i was thinking it was only a few years ago but actually it might might have been i don't know quite a long time ago anyway perhaps about six years ago so they bought me a onesie anyway to keep me cozy it was kind of the time when onesies were quite new and um you know we're like everywhere and everyone was buying them so they bought me a onesie to keep me cozy and um you know i wore it whilst i was ill a bit while i was like laying around but yeah i don't really wear that now you know i mean i put it on occasionally a few weeks ago my daughter she was like really cold and she said oh mommy you know let's put our cozy things on so i did put it on then but just over my clothes but you know that was more because she was kind of egging me on so um yeah right oh it all got weird there didn't it something i was like talking about what i wear to bed not that it's anything weird or exciting i have to say uh right okay so we have this piece now left obviously from this so just having a look wondering what to do with this um shall we do let's have a look wondering whether we could do some sort of envelope thing with this oops hold on okay so i've got this envelope here is that just like a bit weird kind of um i don't know let's just fold this in here that's kind of reinforcing it then then we could just have like a little pocket or something on this envelope i'm not sure not sure now i might come back to this one might come back to that so i've got the other part of the napkins that i did that were inspired by gail tuthill who again i really don't know how you pronounce that so i apologize gail if you happen to watch this and i'm totally mispronouncing your name i'm so sorry um pronunciation definitely not my strong point so yeah these were inspired by gail and um i've already done my you know a video anyway using these and this i just had two that were left you know that i hadn't used so let's just cut this down like that and just cut that across at the bottom i'm just going a bit higher because it still had a little bit of sellotape on it you know from where i ran it through the printer okay what should we do with this one i mean we could do like some sort of pocket with this to be honest just looking i think we might do that so i just have that like that i mean that's quite nice but the only thing is i then lose this part which i absolutely love that part what if let's let's tear this down here like that and then i'm just going to reinforce this by gluing it onto some book page what have i done with my book page now honestly i mean i put all these things here thinking i'm going to be really organized i'm going to have like book page sat here and things and then as soon as i come to use things that's it lo and behold it's gone oh my gosh what is going on hang on hang on all right i might have to even stop the video to find the page because this is just annoying isn't it hold on right they were still there but they were just then buried underneath a whole pile of paper um on my desk so yeah i wasn't i wasn't going completely mad and imagining it they were still there so i'm just going to glue this down like that okay like that i mean literally all i'm doing here is trying to reinforce this so that it's stronger than when it was just obviously the sheet music sheet with the napkin so you know that's my whole sole purpose of the you know sticking it onto the book page so move that now out of the way and again we're just going to cut this down now slightly like that and then across the top like that down the edge like that and then across here at the bottom like that okay so that's our sort of base for our little pocket now we can either have this as the pocket or we could mix it up and have like some book page or something which may look quite nice i think so just thought the um color of this looks quite nice against that napkin so might just do that i think okay okay again i'm just going to glue this together you know and of course if you've got a sewing machine handy you can just obviously stitch this um all together you know you don't need to be then gluing it okay and then what i'm going to do here is i'm going to ink it up first before i start gluing it together like that and i'm only doing this beforehand so that it goes just slightly into the pocket because otherwise when i stick my pocket down i mean i don't really mind but you know once your pockets down you can't then go in a little bit and then what i'm doing i'm just putting my page there and then i'm just going to then glue my book page on from the back so just then run some glue down there run some glue down the other side hopefully i've got that sort of straight no not that straight not that straight lucky i turned it over and just checked okay hopefully that's a bit better and just glue this side down like that okay and then you can just take your corners just snip them off because it's not too bulky like that and then just bring it up at the bottom like oops like that like that oh my gosh look at the mess that i have made of this honestly right again how not to do how not to do it oh do you know what that just is awful what i normally do is actually cut uh fold all round and then snip my corners and then glue it up um but i didn't really think and so yeah i've marked that up so what i'm going to do to rectify that i'm just going to go straight across at the bottom through the book page and through the sheet music and then here what i've got is obviously the bottom of the book page and i'm just going to glue that down straight across at the bottom like that okay so yeah i mean works just as well and you know just as good to be honest so um we'll just ink that up now i think that book page and then again we can just do a bit of decorating here so what should we what should we pull in this time let's have a look and see what we've got so let me just move my glue to one side okay right i have my little envelope here of um loads and loads of coffee dyed bits and pieces so let's just see what we've got in there okay blocks got loads of labels oops i've got a tassel i saw caroline i think it was caroline craftery and now i'm thinking or was it i'm sure it was she did this fantastic tutorial on making these tassels so i just had a bit of a go um she used beads on hers i don't really have beads i well i do have a few beads but yeah i don't really i don't really like working with things like that to be honest um you know i find things like that quite fiddly and you know not overly enjoyable to do so um yeah i just kind of had a play but minus the beads but no i mean minus the beads i thought were still fine actually um you know i think they still turned out okay right just wondering if this clock is a little bit humongous so i'm just having a look to see what else i've got so that might be better but maybe not than with the label because maybe then the label looks humongous got that lady which is quite nice on there these are very dusty from the coffee dine they have all been um you know coffee dyed and ironed and what have you but sometimes they just have a bit of a dusty look i think this was with that ground uh yeah ground coffee which that just just seems to produce quite dusty dusty effects i think right just going to pull in a few things and you know we'll see we'll see which looks best okay just pop these out the way now okay right i mean i do quite like this um clock i just wonder whether he's a bit big a bit bit small with the with the label i mean i also quite like this man then is that looking a little bit like it's separated now into quarters that's a bit strange isn't it we don't want it separated into quarters that would be weird i'm gonna go with the clock i think yep let's go with the clock and should we have a little bit of doily or something let me just check that i'm filming that i'm in frame i have lost track now of how long we've been filming for so i apologize for that we might make this our last one for today but maybe come back and do some more another another time because i do like playing around with the napkins and as i say i am inclined to hoard them rather a lot so i mean i've had these you know um done for quite a long time now you know just um decoupaged onto sheet music and what have you so it's quite nice to actually come on and use them rather than just continue to avoid them which i do have this tendency to do all right just dab that up and we're just going to have that label and the clock like that okay okay just pop that down like that and just put the clock on there [Music] okay right that's the only thing whenever i stop the video i really must try and um you know make an effort to look but it's not it's not necessarily making an effort but you know remember remember to look to see how long i've been filming for because otherwise you know i stop it and then i just don't really have the foggiest idea how long i've been filming and um it then makes it obviously difficult to to know when i need to stop oh that's like an overdose of labels there so yeah i don't really want to do an overdose of labels um now i've got some number where are my little numbers oh my goodness it's just like one thing after another isn't it i find one thing lose another thing find the next thing lose the next thing what on earth i've got a blue number there i didn't really want a blue one to be fair i would have preferred a sort of brownie one what did i do with those i literally had them here um you know a little bit earlier on for a different video that i have been doing so i know that they are here in the vicinity oh come on too much too much stuff everywhere oh here they are they got gathered up in amongst the um in amongst the napkin pieces let's just go for one of these little brown ones i still haven't printed off anymore so i need to need to print myself off some more of these okay let's just think that up a little bit more just gonna have that there that looks really nice doesn't it so do we want a little bit of doily there behind that number just sort of breaks it up a little bit doesn't it so otherwise it's quite blue mind you it's quite blue quite nice let me just double check before i do that that's it without the napkin that's it with the napkin i mean to be honest i really like it either way um not sure really i have a preference let me stand up and look down because again like we say you know sometimes just looking down at a different angle can really put a different spin on it maybe i'll prefer it without that long bit okay right okay let's just go for this before we you know run out of time completely okay there we go so we just pop that one there dab it up a bit and pop the number tab on okay right there we go so and this blue in case you missed my original video the one that was inspired by gail these are just plain blue napkins that i have printed on myself so you know i absolutely love this blue it's really really pretty but they're not you know they're not shockboard napkins or anything they're just um plain ones that i've printed on so yeah really really like how they look just gonna round the corners here a bit and i just round the bottoms as well i just thought my gosh we've had no bling no lace and no bling well we did have a bit of that yellow lace actually i'm just going to glue that down a bit more must not touch that napkin too much right um yeah we did have a little bit of that yellow lace actually but this has been quite a lace lace-free zone for me so let me just pull in pull in some lace because my gosh can't have too much um you know or two yeah too many pieces without lace because um well it's just people won't even know they're watching my video they'd wonder what's happened to me whether i've been replaced by by somebody else who's laceless oh here we go look just had that little piece just buried under something just gonna have that there i think yep i'm just gonna pop it there and then i'm just going to put a little bit of bling on there as well so pop the lace down like that okay and then let's have a bit of bling just got some to the side yay i'm just gonna have that there okay that looks better doesn't it oh much much more much more my normal thing okay right so i had a little bit of fun with our napkins today i have to say we didn't achieve that many pieces unless when i stopped the video i'm pleasantly surprised to see that in fact we weren't filming for that long but i have a horrible feeling that we probably were um we just i just didn't achieve that much um so that's our little pieces today playing with napkins so i hope you had fun i hope you feel inspired to um do some things with your napkins and um yeah i obviously have quite a bit of napkins you know pieces left so hopefully i will come along and do some more playing with napkins another time so thank you so much for joining me and see you all soon thanks then bye
Channel: Shabbydabbydoodah
Views: 12,438
Rating: 4.9527559 out of 5
Keywords: napkin ideas for junk journals, napkin ideas, decoupage napkin, decoupage napkins for junk journals, using napkins in junk journals, new pocket, new pocket idea, pocket pullout, pocket junk journal, pockets for junk journals, making pocket for junk journal, junk journal ideas, how to make junk journal ephemera, diy junk journal ephemera, junk journal ephemera idaes, junk journal, shabbydabbydoodah, how to, shabby dabby doo dah, junk, journal, tutorial, junk journal tutorial
Id: pFFZsDMR8sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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