Nano Popper | One Day Build to Catch

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foreign 907 there was a glare one day put chip back there he seems to like it better a one day Nano popper little tiny popper how big one excuse me that's one and one eighth inch long just over an inch for a popper I'm hoping that this can catch bluegills and stuff Sunfish chubs shiners everything off the top get the little aggressive fellas to hit the top wonderful beginner style bait go ahead and build along here probably don't need the whole shebang kind of lure shop like this to do it just grab your chunks of Tupelo and let's get started what a cute little fella all right pretty spot on with that side profile cut out unnecessarily thick that way though let's get that cut out [Applause] a little pupino let's add some shape to it as far as things to like kind of just be aware of as I'm carving that's the main feature those giant eye sockets so let's just be aware of that and carve I need to sharpen my knife oh let's not drop those Master knife sharpener I've become barely feels like I'm even doing anything on stuff this small stuff is happening though it's taking shape there's a lot more to go [Music] kind of get it kind of hollow between the eyes on the top it's not really the place you want to be removing material from though because you want it to be floating and buoyant on the top there I want to go for that shape though makes the eyes extra bulgy oh man I think I need ouch I'll just poke the crap out of my finger there with a super sharp little bit owie anyway I think I need to hollow out that mouth with this big old bear bit oh I don't go super crazy with the hollowing out of copper mouths anymore I've found that even flat ones work good that's all the further I'm gonna go with that pretty Hollow should go kerplunk more like kryp Loop because it's tiny or peep Boop moved on from the 150 grit to the 220 grit I was being a bit Savage with my sandpaper coarseness all right it always comes down to this at some point I need to stop sanding got the 300 grit out even trying to satiate my obsession but you can never get there and put it down eye sockets carved that we call that a lip on a fish detail but that needs a little bit more sanding doesn't it I think it does do this with a hand drill because it's got a bit more speed a little bit more control on the fly as well really get your fingers in there you know [Music] super close to the spinning cutting edges there what an eye socket it's like most of the bait we don't have any tear out or anything clean [Music] nice clean Edge over the eye there's the Sandpaper again we're almost ready for a super glue bath though Hardware pilot holes and then we'll be ready for super glue bass or wait wait wait wait we need to add weight pun unintended weight so I poked right there where I want the weight we're gonna use just a little Dremel bit ball bit we're just gonna sink it in right there and that's all the space we need to put weight so if you can achieve a bit of a sinkage towards the back when these things are floating when you pull on the line tie it'll bring the the nose down and forward and it helps with the curb loop I don't I'm debating on if I want to pour a drop of lead in there or if I want to put a smidge at a Tungsten in there tungsten and super glue I prefer to layer it up powdered tungsten doesn't have the absorption properties of baking soda so you really gotta layer it up I don't know if it's more or less poisonous than than lead also I don't know I don't recommend not knowing things like that either you probably know what you're working with in this case I don't what I do know is I'm going to cap that off with super glue and baking soda there we go it has weight just a little bit too it doesn't have a lot I think that's good I'm going to smooth off that lead hole put its Hardware in and put a hook on it and seal it and test it too I want to see that it sits up right in the water before I continue I don't want it to just sit on its side in the water it needs to be upright just about ended the one day right there one day failed I really hope I never end a one day in a hospital ever foreign that's not ridiculous I think I have screw eyes that will appropriately fit this these are shorter little stainless steel ones got that hook hanger nice and low on the body that's gonna help make this thing sit upright while it's floating we'll be able to sink this one kind of deeper into the body because of the concave Mount looking sleek we're ready for ceiling all right there's my super glue in a cup here's my brush I'm going to go as light as possible the more that super glue saturates the wood the less this thing will float we achieved a nice light coat everywhere I think it's fully sealed I don't think I need to be doing this with the brush anymore even but look at me go okay there is my Nano Peppino let's see if it sits right let's check real quick ah it stinks it sinks super slow too it syncs up right right okay we need to drill out that powder powder tungsten it probably didn't need any of that powder with the way that the baits shape and the hardware being on the bottom that was probably enough [Music] okay that powder is pretty much all gone we're gonna fill this now with five minute epoxy and microspheres to lighten it up I don't think I can take my chances with super glue and baking soda because that way is more than water I need a substance that weighs less than water [Music] so because that was five minute epoxy I have to wait you gotta wait like a half an hour before you can get away with sanding that stuff down so I'm gonna eat early lunch make best use of time why not get a second round of coffee going you know you make the best of these types of situations round two I say round two like every day because I have round two every day okay time to make sure that it floats and it does oh you guys hear that one yeah we got blops nice and it's floating the correct way with the bottom down got a good blob starting with white [Music] okay I think I'm gonna try to do a fire tiger so I'm gonna blast it with neon chartreuse to begin with and fluorescent green on the top heat setting between the layers now we need orange going with fluorescent orange everything has been fluorescent so far all right that's nice and visible just from a side view but it's like all over the belly super bright orange blood red this stuff's good this stuff's super super red you know how blood is just like jarringly red when you see it a little darker even in the bottle you can see this is a little darker than like a wicked red this is straight red it's got the goryish tones to it because it's darker like that just jarringly red going on the mouth [Music] perfect old bone white in the brush it's going on that front lip thing brighten that up a bit okay now the dangerous part I've been rummaging through the stencils trying to find something to assist me with this and I think I found well I'm In Contention with two it's either this one with those bars right there and do it just like that it's this one very close to just doing that and not even thinking about it or even finer lines back here and just kind of covering up the rest with my thumb like that and spraying that right there I don't know I'm gonna go with the more bold thicker black lines we're going to use Wicked jet black super opaque I want to be able to use less paint and achieve the effect quicker effect achieved I think here we go [Music] yeah oh yeah spiffy now I think those thin lines would look stupid so we good [Music] that's just perfect so stunning put some black on the top tied it all together I might put some black oh I gotta be careful around that eye socket Fire Tiger should we do scales just a tiny bit or just leave it like that I'm tempted to just leave it like that scales might take away from how defined that delicious detail is [Applause] oops okay that did absolutely nothing yeah no scales I have to do the same on the other side like put no scales on yep I guess I just needed to prove to myself that that was useless it's just perfect how it is I made it shiny and when it's on the top and the sun's reflecting down into the water that's good so a little bit of shine bunch of bright color little fish attracting nugget clear coat got my UV resin this is going to be brushed on sparingly oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second wait whoa excuse me what am I doing this needs eyes that was a close one we're not doing glass eyes we need some dead meat Customs I think 10 millimeter I got those low pupil ones too those are kind of tempting got a delicious bag full of 10 millimeters I'm very much appreciating these yellow splotchy red ones very defined Fire Tiger has red eyes that's probably the one we're gonna go with the Search is Over dude what an eye that's perfect thank goodness for dead meat Customs there just always seems to be an eye that matches perfectly with everything I do now clear coat [Music] okay yeah we had a tiny little bubble in the eye right there dang it didn't see that before I brought it out the other side's perfect um can I see it is here right there I think I'm gonna try to fill that one sec all right you can still see it a little but it's better it's sealed before it was open I can add a little more that worked you can still see there's like a bump there but it's completely backfilled completely sealed and probably fully set already in the Sun that's nice that worked good the UV clear coat is very manipulable and you can add to it I'm just going to flip it every once in a while not necessary but I just do it so there's no fingerprints on the bait before thumbnail that clear coat is fully set hardened to a crisp that's that little eye defect I was talking about but it used to be a hole and now it's just kind of covered and it meshes nicely with the rest of the clear coat I'd say it's better than leaving it a hole I love this little thing what a beautiful Nano popper that was the chair I didn't fart I'm gonna be a sad bait maker if we don't catch a fish on this this little one inch delectable nugget wow what a depressing thought so if we uh toss this in the tank and it sinks all is not lost we can lighten up the split ring first and then possibly even the treble hook if necessary this is the same Hardware it had when we tested it first oh it still floats it still bloops all right we're gonna catch fish [Music] it is time for a Creek Fishing Adventure nothing better than popping it in the creek kind of a windy not very many clouds day so we have a bit of a walk too I have not fished this section of the creek in years I'm ready to walk it as well I got my old shoes on I'm stoked I love this kind of fishing haven't done it yet this year so here we go foreign that now we have made it to the tiny Creek [Music] taking a thumbnail and I just had a small mouth blow up okay I think I'm done taking thumbnails let's fish Molly's all over it looks like they want it moving they look at it and then they don't commit okay we had a hit in a mist watching Northern hog suckers oh man there's some fish blowing up over there all right that's a bunch of green sunfish usually they're extremely aggressive but today they're not which is not a good sign gotcha out of the Stream [Applause] in the Rapids [Applause] sweet man it's official Well that took a while I got to say it's official but Smallmouth like the Nano popper dang it you came right off size 10 treble need to be careful it was probably the biggest smallmouth I've seen so far we actually caught it so we're just looking for size what is that it looks skinny and long that's a pike no that's a gar something hit my lead or not wow they're looking for small stuff today okay there we go I'm gonna give it a snippy snip oh my goodness he hit it and he missed didn't get the trouble hooking him not a dent on the UV clear though wow I wish I hooked up on that fella by the way it was like I don't know 2 15. when we caught that small mouth I'm calling it official one day complete successful nonetheless we're having a pretty rough day with the little Nano popper we should be just hammering them but it's a little off today all right there's a pink one that's pretty duh foreign gotcha stay on it's official again Dinko Smallmouth like Nano poppers thanks for biting it's been a rough day you made it better thank you be free gotcha oh okay there's a deer right behind me that scared me a lot more than any of these blow-ups a big old white tail what the heck is that [Music] oh it's that deer making a really stupid noise we got lucky deer up in the woods up there come on hook get the hook hit the hook gotcha okay nope nope you barely hit it I barely hooked you couldn't couldn't get you dang it this is an owner st36 super super sharp couldn't have put a better hook on it really they are just so timid it's sad how timid they are today who hurt these fish they just come up and like they just kiss it and swim away they're just looking for love new species green sunfish like the Nano popper we got one two species be free I think I need to give up and find my way back to the trail we got some Smallmouth and a green sunfish that was rough as far as Creek fishing with tiny stuff goes I feel like I should have done way better than that I think I hear people the trail is that way I sound like a Sasquatch coming out of the woods foreign more walking to do we're going to a pond I'm not liking how scummy this looks we'll just do our best to avoid it some kind of sunfish third species a lot of blue is it a green yeah it's a green sunfish never mind just looks a lot prettier out of this Pond green sunfish again second species still that's a different species I think let's make sure yeah straight up bluegill third species official on the Nano popper one last effort we'll be given to catch a fish on the Nano popper if it does not work out that's it got my short Rod he's like a five foot six decided that even though I'm wearing shorts I'm going to walk through some pretty thorny brush to get to the good trout spot not a lot of people willing to do this that's why it's a good trout spot straight up rhubarb right here whoa okay puddles oh oh okay that's gonna burn that's gonna burn for a bit Nettles are like a 10 minute thing it burns [Applause] [Applause] okay I decided if I can't even get them interested in this I should just go home little pray bait might move to a Tungsten ice fishing jig head kind of set up after that might not the desperation is setting in oh that was a bite so they're nibbling down low I had to let that hit the bottom fish on and it's not even a trout it just peed on me though Smallmouth 1.7 wow wasn't even a trout dang it and it peed on me so yeah after fishing too long here with the popper just a few casts in and we catch a smallmouth on the 1.7 down deep whoa that feels like a trout [Applause] no it's a creek job look at that beautiful Creek job okay it's official quick chubs like the 1.7 this bait's technically longer than my popper too not even technically longer literally longer than my popper foreign this looks like trout could be a chub it's a trout ungrabbable slimy boogers but there's one it's official Rainbow Trout like the Epic 1.7 prey baits be free decided to go around [Music] no need to get stung by Nettles any more than I already have man that was kind of rough but we caught fish we caught multiple species caught a rainbow trout on a prey bait I'm fine don't worry about me guys I'm good fishing's really slowed down but it'll pick back up we just need some rain might have to keep the one days ultra light make a bunch of Nano baits you know let me know what do you want to see ultralight comment below thanks for watching on to the next bait
Channel: Marling Baits
Views: 621,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lOUfaxxxITg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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