Making a Northern HogSucker Lure

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Northern hog sucker oh I typed h a WG Google had to ask me if I meant H Ogg and I did whoops Northern hog sucker one word hog sucker Northern hog sucker is the name of this fish we're making it's a member of 78 other species of suckers and a big family of suckers and yes by the way I decided to bring back fun facts kind of enthusiastic about this fun facts these fish are found in clear fresh water fast flowing current that they can forge the bottom of the riverbed we want to flip over little Pebbles little rocks and find Crustaceans and mollusks aquatic insects algae and River scum to suck up they scraped Material off rocks and vacuum up the particles disgusting that's why I just recently had such difficult time catching one I literally had my corn on the back of it I can't get one with corn I need to get a hook covered in algae beneath a little Pebble then a northern hog sucker can come by flip it over and suck it from that rock and then I'll catch one I had such a difficult time I was using corn and they had no interest in corn sometimes there's little fish that position themselves Downstream from what the Northern hog suckers are up there doing cuz they they create such debris so they can Garner Disturbed food fragments that float Downstream they Garner those fragments their rating in the conservation status of fish is rated as least concerned there's always River scum apparently you're probably pretty fit to survive if you're just like a little tube with a vacuum cleaner on the front you're ready to go Southern Canada Midwest East United States South they're even in the South they're everywhere I walk the streams around here and they're always in in there I see them shooting by they're really quick little tubes with vacuum cleaners on the front good old Northern hog suckers you see one every time you go to the creek they can live up to 11 years I think I've seen some 11-year-old ones too they can get kind of big 2 lb I don't I shouldn't guess I should look 33 cm they'll grow up to full size in about 5 years the exceptionally large specimens are usually females the smaller the stream the smaller the fish that's generally the trend 33 cm is 13 in and I guarantee you I've seen one Lar larger than that from the creek I frequent I've seen definitely larger than 13in Northern hog suckers maybe I got some world record ones in there I need to catch with my hook under a rock technique that would be pretty sweet to hold the world record and the largest northern hog sucker catch that is a prestigious position to hold I would say maybe I just need to go very very very small on the hook I have some ridiculously small hooks can't even focus on them they're so small something like that see that's my fingertip those are tiny one PB test I could probably get some two lb test in that eyelet I'm probably going to try too much to catch a northern hog sucker in this video and never catch one so be ready for that their breeding practices are very spray and prey it competes in other environments with red horse suckers and other sucker species for breeding habitat and they're just during the egg laying process dces and Minnows and chubs just have a Feeding Frenzy all of those freshly expelled eggs are just shoot everywhere it's like when the feeders go off at a pond but micro scale so then apart from the egg laying process there's a spawning process and that's described as violent depressions are formed in the gravel they dig like little fox holes to separate themselves from the commotion happening during the spawning process so it's it's literally like a war zone they have to dig foxholes to be successful with the activity the eggs are not adhesive they just settle on the gravel and sit there not giving cover they just so all the males just come to the gravel there's there's a lot of them it says each receptive female might be courted by several males violence ensues the fox holes form some are successful some are not the long battle slows to silence probably about 1% of the eggs are successful and the young hatch from them and the fry swim in schools they'll prefer the more shallow environments in the creek and grow up to repeat chaos over and over again such as the life cycle of a northern hog sucker that's pretty crazy relationship with humans they're just kind of susceptible to man-made creeks and River disturb es channelization sedimentations pollutions Dam constructions things like that a lot of fish are cuz they want to go Upstream to spawn and if there's something blocking that they can't do that and that will lower populations of fish or they'll just find a different spot to do it it does lower the potential spots for them to do it if you block a stream though other than that it's difficult to catch a northern hog sucker I have experience with that the world record northern hog sucker CAU is 1 lb 12 O I shouldn't say I have experience I've just used corn and I went out on a long fishing trip trying to catch one dropping it right in front of their face they have they wanted nothing to do with it it was frustrating yeah the igfa world record for Northern hog sucker is Tied by two people at 1 lb 12 oz Pennsylvania apparently they got the big hogs in Pennsylvania let's end fun facts there fun facts are [Applause] over [Applause] this dude's pretty chill I figured those side fin slots would blow through that lead hole right there and they did how bad what's the damage all right they stick in just a sliver manageable no problem I'll just slice off that sliver probably have those in when we pour the lead one more [Music] hole any and all sharp corners get taken down just a bit with some [Music] 150 [Music] he land's hot all right let's put this thing together a bit and we're going to give that a test and there's a big reveal we're doing hook hangers on the top I've not done this before but I think since it's a bottom feeder bait that's appropriate and really all I'm interested in seeing is this thing sink I just hope it sinks watch it not sink yeah it doesn't sink great needs more weight woo it sinks but I'm going to put a little bit more up in the head because it it sinks tail first I do want it to sink evenly not even head first just even yeah that's perfect it sinks flat and I won't be so afraid for it to actually reach the bottom because the hooks are on top I feel good about [Music] [Applause] that light olive gold that was rosiana and this is old bone white a little bit got a make sure they're even that's even Decay I think of it like brown with a little bit of gray in it that was a little bit of bone white towards the top where I just sprayed that decay Brown this stuff got too dark but now I think it's spot on I need a lighter base and then that dark stuff's going to go over it's like a orangey rose gold powder a larger gold flake and a tiny bit smaller gold flake that's going in the clear coat is this stuff lightweight mesh fabric is what we'll be using on the Northern hog sucker scales when you look at a real one those scales are pretty dirty that's the word they're dirty iridescent to them occasionally so inconsistent so I'm going to try to be inconsistent I'm going to start with a thin layer of pearl white just just going to make sure I can still see all the color underneath all right detail smoke black in the brush we're going to angle it and try to shoot it into the front tips of all the scales towards the top flank same thing opposite direction gold you can see the darkness towards the front of the scales it fades all the way to gold and a lot of them up there [Music] [Music] nice they just disappear so nicely like there's so much texture and detail at that angle you know as The Lure swims through the water they just shine it's good stuff head is very good f that was some aluminum foil that I stamped out with some hole punches that was just a bit of gold the eye on a lure is really important it is a very noticed thing that looks like a northern hog sucker man clear coat for [Music] br okay I just drove a really long ways super far away from my house where we caught that brown trout in a couple videos ago it's a fantastic spot it's the new Pike spot I just wish it was closer to my house let's get in there it seems to happen about twice a year but I'll lose audio just randomly as you can hear it's that's like one of the most annoying sounds in the world in the background around there not only is that sound annoying but the fact that I lost this audio is extremely annoying because a fish bit right here right there see me move a little bit what was that and I saw it it was in the water down there big old Large Marge took interest all right we might have to go back into the creek we got that one bite from a bass but it missed I really hop that was on camera it probably wasn't the water did go up so maybe the fish are in the new spots that's mate Mary hey we literally came up here because she has never caught a pike and we saw your video that's too bad cuz I haven't seen one seen one no I had a bass hit this ridiculous thing at the mouth good me we've been watching your video she gets mad at me if I watch one without her and wow kind of see that it's a northern hog sucker that is awesome yeah I had a bass like it had its this the tail in its mouth really it was just sitting there it didn't get to the hook I got the hooks on top with this one kid we were up here was that in July drove 3 and 1/2 hours and all I caught was a large M here yeah man yeah I know I call it the pike spot but it was just one time they were here leave that last year that's a nice one could we get a picture with you sorry that's probably really weird no no problem yeah I don't know where to stand it's kind of precarious right here pictured by the drainage pipe thank you no problem I'm going to be fishing here for a bit so I'll be around like I said I didn't mean to steal your spot so no no maybe it'll help if you guys catch something get it on video so sad to lose that bass and I got a net in case you guys get something on awesome thank you there are a couple of old beat up ones but you guys can have these seriously yeah yeah that's what I caught the Brown shot with that one I've gotten my use out of them look at them oh man they work good thank you so much you bet it just swims so natural I don't know why it's not getting bit lost a bit of clear coat under a finan other than that it's like new I'm quite a few casts in oh my goodness what a cast it'll come woo I wasn't worried in the slightest this bait's like a 4 and2 ounces of momentum we're good so I'll just follow you sounds good cool one of them fisherm that brings a lot of rods yeah I got to have one of each you want to cast across that oh my that's not a that's not small that looked like a trout it was very yellow of course is that it woo look at that Beast oh my goodness woo that's a Mississippi River brown trout look at that what a absolutely ridiculous let me pop that out real quick yeah this is precarious I'll get you a picture that's an amazing brown trout that is ridiculous woo nice that bent the treble hooks out and everything did it really yeah of course she had to walk away I know I'm in the bathroom for 10 minutes look at that hook jaw oh my god well I guess she sees him yeah you might have just made my video I don't need to catch anything now woo there he goes good [Music] [Applause] work you know what I can already tell because it's getting so bendy if I keep fishing with this that fin is going to break off I'm definitely over like 200 casts by now I've been here a long time I don't want it to break man I don't want it to break I'm going to put it down you guys see what I mean though you can see the clear coats chipped I'll give you a better shot of it in the shop not get crazy let's put it away I have my spinning setup in the truck I don't need to be improvising I'm just grabbing a [Music] rod fish on this is on a 1.7 in pray baate what could it be it's another monster brown trout what do you know dude how is the season to catch these right here heck that red spot on it yeah that's pretty man you get to take a picture of me this time heck yeah supposed to wet my hands it's a trout I did it everybody is this the same trout almost looks like it perfect thank you it's official monster brown trout is it it looks like we got the picture yeah we'll see if it is the same trout but it's official he couldn't resist the 1.7 after being caught already that's pretty official no he just has more spot I it it is a different side but this is a stupid Day fishing you wouldn't think that a trout would be eat like that though they're so finicky usually oh he got one woo it's not the same trout he knitted my PB I knitted his we're basically I need your number that's Poland small like stay down oh that's a tank oh I get that beefy not the state record but that's still a good one oh yeah that's gorgeous hey buddy before I started fishing with this those fins were perfectly symmetrical and aligned like this one was coming off the body the same way that one is now it's all crooked this one bent down and it's causing it to swim crooked too and come in at an angle a little imperfection in how those fins are aligned and this thing swims super crooked same with like ice fishing spearing decoys and whatnot you don't want crooked fins and that is just so like I feel like it's work hardening like metal and if I do this more and more and more it's just going to snap no bueno we're going to put it up and keep it as a nice display piece cuz that's a paint scheme to remember just the whole look of this thing is gorgeous with all those details and marks on the fins it's even like a little red bloody spot on the bottom of the tail finan and the anle fin there good stuff we were starting to get quite a bit of hook rash too if you didn't look so good I would just fish until you're destroyed Northern hog sucker but I I just can't bring myself to do that with this bait usually I do but I don't want to do that with this bait thank you Addison and Michaela for taking me to those good spots that was definitely the biggest brown trout I've had out of the water in my hands I don't know if the one I caught before that this year was bigger or not but I'd say that one was certainly more official I had a good look at it still don't know if it was the same fish that Addison caught right before that that'd be pretty insane if that brown TR bit twice within a half hour it's not typical trout Behavior I think it was a different fish I don't know it's got to be a different fish regardless super official up up can you go up up anymore he's getting pretty old old chippy is not as agile as he used to be he just wants outside it's got a few butt tles too I need to brush them got a bunch of other Stuffle Stuffle I got a bunch of other stuff planned for really soon this fall hopefully more miraculous catches are to come thanks for watching on to the next [Music] bait
Channel: Marling Baits
Views: 212,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lure making, fishing, Mississippi, trout, swimbait
Id: Ofw-B_iYJ5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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