Jordan Linn Graham: New wife pushes husband off cliff 8 days after wedding

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[Music] they vowed to love and cherish each other till death do they part but nobody could have imagined cody johnson and his bride jordan graham would part so soon cody mysteriously vanishing just eight days after their wedding i was just shocked i didn't know what happened we spent a lot of time trying to figure out where he was at first police treat it as a missing person's case but the plot thickens when cody's bride gets a message from a stranger she says look i got this email and cody's dead now police suspect cody has been murdered perhaps before he and his bride even consummated their marriage kalispell montana a country town known as the gateway to the majestic glacier national park in the heart of the rocky mountains glacier national park a beautiful backdrop for a particularly ugly crime a crime that would write a tragic ending to the love story of cody johnson and jordan graham who had met at a church lunch and seemed like a match made in heaven she was a good girl and cody was a good guy he was so funny very caring kind-hearted cody told his mom right from the beginning he wanted to make jordan his wife one day he was madly in love with her cody was 24 and jordan 21 when they met and they shared the same dream of raising a family cody was really looking forward to getting married he loved children and couldn't wait to have his own and he thought jordan was the one for him but the two were also very different says cody's best friend jeremiah herbald he uh really liked cars that's where both of us really spent a lot of our time and he enjoyed guns shooting guns but most of all you like to make people happy he was really good at doing it too jordan on the other hand was more retiring not nearly as social as cody and because of her religion she didn't believe in sex before marriage she was very shy very quiet didn't have much to say you know just sort of reserved but jordan's best friend hannah owen says she had a good heart and away with kids we just all did a whole bunch of stuff she watched my son i trusted her with my son they bonded builded a huge relationship and some like the influence jordan had on cody she got cody into going to church with her which she never did before we all thought that those were good things but others worry that their relationship was a little one-sided he put a lot into the relationship that she didn't put back he always wanted to hang out with her and she would always make an excuse not to he was madly in love with her she on the other hand was distant towards him they would go on dates and she would bring company i never seen them hold hands when we are get-togethers i never seen them kiss i've never seen them flirt so many of their friends were surprised when after dating for a little more than a year cody proposed to jordan and she accepted i didn't think that she would say yes was she even attracted to him i don't believe so so was she interested in the idea of being married i think she like the idea of being married and having a wedding i don't think she really wanted to per se jordan chose kimberly martinez as her matron of honor leading up to her wedding was she excited she was excited for the planning part i think not the actual wedding whenever that would come up she would get kind of irritated did she ever express any doubts maybe cody wasn't right for her she had asked me a couple of times if she was making the right decision and i told her that i couldn't answer that question for her i told her that if you have second thoughts about this you need to talk to him about it she did it and when the big day finally arrived jordan's friends and guests were shocked by what really happened behind the joyous facade of these wedding photos she was kind of like shaking her head like just in just bawling like hysterically down the aisle and when she got up there she didn't look at him in the eyes she was standing there holding his hands and she was looking down at the ground the whole time i started to panic a little bit watching her and her face just looked like something was going to happen and the wedding celebration would end on a truly eerie and ominous note as the bride and groom danced to a song jordan had recorded with her own voice foreshadowing what would happen to cody eight days later and it was talking about how you climb to a higher place and then you fall but you're still mine friends and family had just finished celebrating the couple's life together when they were immediately mourning a loss guests at the wedding of cody johnson and jordan graham had been shocked by what a reluctant bride she seemed behind the happy facade of these official photos it was very strange it was very awkward and the morning after her wedding night with cody jordan is beyond reluctant she is despondent and regretful writing at a text exchange with the matron of honor kimberly martinez i don't know if all this was the right thing to do so much happened last night i just don't know last night at the wedding or last night at the room being married and after the wedding what happened after i'd rather talk about what happened not text about it she said that it was just a miserable time that they just really didn't enjoy it and she just didn't seem very happy and jordan never does tell kimberly exactly what happened even when they come face to face a couple of days later she came over and she laid on the couch and she just cried she wouldn't tell me why she wouldn't say anything to me the texts continue from jordan for a week after the wedding each one sounding more morose and desperate i just know he's going to want to do stuff and i'm not really wanting to and another using the my period started spiel tonight i freaking hope it works because if i'm forced to do something i'm going to freak out which begs the question do you know if cody and jordan never had sex i honestly don't think they did i think she tried to maybe i don't even think they had sex on the night of their wedding did jordan and cody ever consummate their marriage she told me no she said that they hadn't that she she didn't want to she was nervous about it but eight days after the wedding their marital problems are suddenly over when cody mysteriously goes missing i was just shocked cody's family and friends report his disappearance to police after they learned he had failed to show up for work it was totally out of character for him not to show up at work or come home or go to a friend's house i don't know what happened but oddly unconcerned is jordan who is making like the merry widow when hannah sees her later that day at work she was hanging out running around skipping she was going through the parking lot with her ice cream cone just happy as can be happy oh yes very happy she was the happiest i've ever seen her cody had last been seen the previous day at dairy queen having dinner with jordan after sunday church services and then jordan says they both went home together what did jordan tell you happened to him that he went out to the garage and she went to see him and he wasn't there [Music] she said that she's seen him leave with some buddies and a black car at washington plates police would ask jordan what she knew about those friends when they interviewed her the next day i got a message saying that he was going to go for a ride with some of his out-of-town buddies that were visiting i had no idea who they were but he always told me this one thing is when his friends came to visit he would take them to glacier park jordan would tell conflicting stories about what happened before cody drove off with them i specifically asked her when he left were you guys fighting and she said no and she told police the same thing you guys weren't having any kind of argument no but jordan had earlier told kimberly they did have a fight so she comes in and she proceeds to tell me that cody had held her down when they were arguing and that she got away from him and he had grabbed his keys and scratched her the next day after cody had been missing for nearly 48 hours jordan's friends and family members gather at her house to try to find clues to what might have happened to him and that evening we spent a lot of time trying to figure out where he was you know trying to look on his facebook page to see if he had posted anything or you know trying to see if she had you know his bank account information maybe we could look up and see if he used his debit card or something but jordan seems uncomfortable she just became more agitated the more we asked at one point kimberly says jordan becomes so upset she takes off her wedding ring and flings it across the room i was confused you know i thought she would be legitimately wanting to find her husband and know what happened to him kimberly has become very suspicious over jordan's odd behavior and inconsistencies and calls her when she gets home i asked what is going on why are your stories different why can't you seem to tell the truth and i told her that we were done talking until this was all figured out and the police turn up the heat on her too i'm getting some inconsistencies in what you're telling me with other information that i've already gathered okay and i've spoke to a few people and it's important that i know that you're telling me the truth on things well and i understand understand that okay but i think that there's more you've heard of the seven year itch well police say jordan graham only needed eight days to realize she wanted out of her marriage but did she want out bad enough to kill her husband of a little more than a week has gone missing she's told conflicting stories about their last day together to friends and police and jordan is under growing suspicion in cody johnson's disappearance she had a story to tell her story wasn't adding up but then she gets a stunning email from a stranger calling himself tony the car man and she says look i got this email and cody's dead the mysterious tony tells her cody accidentally fell off a cliff in glacier national park while hiking with his friends from out of state tony's email reads in part hello jordan my name is tony there is no bother looking for cody anymore he's gone and i'm like freaking out like what are you talking about and i read the email and it says cody's gone jordan any emotion no she wasn't crying at all she was just showing me this email and i start shaking and i told her to go to the cops and she did go but i was kind of just like rushing it like go move like what are you doing don't just stand here looking at me the email only makes police even more suspicious of jordan the email that she provided to us stated that these unknowns that he had taken off with as well as this tony person had seen him fall from a cliff or at least at the very least disappear and that she was giving given explicit instructions to tell the police to call off the search there was no more need to search for him and i think at that point she expected us to just walk away from it lead detective cory clark of kalispell pd is also struck by jordan's lack of emotion i said i just need to point something out i said you you don't seem to be very affected by this or bothered now four days after cody's disappearance and armed with the information in that email jordan decides to go to glacier national park to look for him with her own search party which includes hannah other friends and family members the drive up there was her waving her hand out the window you gotta be kidding me her wearing his sunglasses was she driving his car yeah acting like nothing happened dancing laughing when they get up there jordan's search party puts up missing posters and looks for possible places from which cody might have fallen i did most of the work she didn't do nothing but when they returned the next day to continue the search jordan's like a guided missile i remember passing so many roads and so many trails and that this that he could have fell off of and i was like what about here what about here jordan like let's go here and she's like no i just know this spot where i just think that he is we have to go they drive to an area known as the loop where there is a sheer 300 foot drop with the safety wall we stand there and she's like i think he's down there and i was like what are you talking about why would he ever be going down there why would anybody do that this wall is here for a reason jordan jumps the wall and makes her way to a rock landing where she can see to the bottom of the ravine she knew exactly how to get down there she did it like a pro and jordan quickly spots a body lying at the bottom of the ravine and she's like there he is i see him there he is and i was like what i was like no way i was like no way jordan search party alerts surprised authorities one of the things she said was that the holy spirit led her to know where he was and that's how she found him she says something else that also strikes detective corey clark as very odd she said it was a place he wanted to see before he died detective clark and kalispell pd captain scott warnell are among those who make the long hard journey down to the bottom of the ravine and sure enough cody's body is right where jordan said it was in this pristine area at the bottom of a waterfall you know with a huge cliff looming above him and just his body floating in the in the water there and uh in a place that was so remote i don't think they're probably humans had ever been there but cody's body isn't a pretty sight anytime you're having to recover a body that has fallen 300 plus feet off a cliff it's not good so the body itself definitely had damage were able to ascertain how he fell it appeared to us that the way he fell was was head first he had injuries to both arms to his head friends and family are devastated when they get the tragic news about cody seen here blowing out the candles at one of his last birthday parties cody johnson is a kind loving wonderful young man that i miss a lot his mother sheri breaks down as she talks about her only child in her first tv interview and he was a wonderful person and he did not deserve this kind of a life he did not deserve to be murdered and cody's best friend jeremiah herbald is so overcome with grief as we talk that we have to stop the interview i really wish cody was here he did so much for everybody i never realized what he actually did for me until he was gone but the only emotion a dry eye jordan is showing appears to be relief she mentioned now that we have the body we can have the funeral and the cops can be out of it she couldn't have been more wrong friends couldn't believe the new bride had anything to do with the death of her husband in fact in the days following his disappearance they helped organize the search efforts but soon they would discover cracks in jordan's story if guests were stunned by how sad and disturbed jordan graham looked at her wedding to cody johnson they are now in disbelief at how carefree and unmoved she is at his funeral just 16 days later she's the widow and she's up front texting her little friend that she's sitting next to and her mom and dad are in tears while people were talking about him and you know like the funeral service is going on and she was on her phone i was upset about cody's funeral but i was furious at her i couldn't even think about anything else but what was going on with her it was a defining moment for kimberly martinez who had been jordan's matron of honor it was at that moment you knew she was responsible for cody's death i was absolutely positive that she she did it and kimberly wasn't the only one everybody was looking at her like you did this everybody knew including the cops who had quietly gathered enough damning evidence against jordan to arrest her for the murder of her new husband right there at his funeral if they had wanted and jordan didn't have a clue she thought everything was going to be okay she didn't think that she was going to get in trouble what jordan didn't know was that cops had determined that email she said she got from the mysterious tony the carmen was a fake and what did you find through subpoenas we found that the email was generated at her stepfather's house eventually found out that jordan wrote it herself police had also uncovered evidence that jordan was with cody at glacier national park the night he died at first jordan grabbed tried to tell investigators she wasn't with her husband one big problem with that of course is this surveillance camera at the entrance of the park there's a photo of a car matching the description of cody's you can see two occupants inside look like jordan and cody cell phone tower records also placed jordan and cody in the park that night subpoena the cell phone records from her cell phone company and you get time frames and time stamps the fbi take jordan into custody at her home soon after cody's funeral she was brought into the kalispell police department and she stood in a room with me and two other federal agents and she was informed she was under the under arrest for the murder of her husband she didn't even flinch there wasn't even an emotion until jordan is confronted with the overwhelming evidence against her at which point she broke down and cried and then she tells all to the fbi admitting in this audio recording that she hadn't been happy in their eight day marriage feeling should have waited a little bit longer and then got married i wasn't feeling like a long time jordan also admits she and cody had been arguing at home on the night of his death it was decided they would go to glacier national park her and cody then went to the park proceeded up to the loop and upon arrival at the loop they walked across the road and they walked down the loop trail here jordan picks up the story in her own words i didn't want to do that trump because i was afraid he couldn't fall and he said i could do this so the blindfold on and he said i could just put it on take a step but i wouldn't even fall but it kept going through my head that you know you are going to fall or something and then we were arguing some more he went to grab my arm and my jacket and i said no i'm going to defend myself so i kind of let go and i pushed and he went over plummeting 300 feet to his desk out of nowhere she interjects and says my husband stated he can wear a blindfold and walk around this dangerous part as odd as that is yes a black rag that could have been a blindfold was found near cody's body at the bottom of the ravine was there a connection only one person knows the answer to that that's jordan graham lead detective cory clark believes jordan may have blindfolded cody as part of a sex game to lure him to glacier national park quoting statements from church friends who were with cody earlier on the day of his death they stated that cody was in almost a euphoric mood he said well jordan has a surprise for me some of the male folks that were there they thought maybe sex the surprise was though something completely different yes the theory that cody may have been blindfolded could never be proven at the time we attempted to submit it it was really just another piece of physical evidence found at the crime scene we were precluded from making any arguments as to what it meant to mr johnson or it meant to miss graham's conduct jordan denies in her confession that cody's murder was premeditated there was no planning on your part to kill cody no okay you hadn't planned that until this whole thing just kind of happened in the heated yeah he did the emotion of the passion of that situation but jordan admitted it was no accident she stated that he had turned his back to her he was facing the cliff and that's when she went up to him and with both hands pushed him in the back off the off the cliff so he would have fallen face first down the hill why did you continue to turn around and then push him up i think it's because emotions were running so hard i was frustrated and angry i was i was every emotion i could ever think of all at once and i've never felt like that before i've never experienced that such high emotion jordan was charged with first-degree murder second-degree murder and making misleading statements jordan originally takes a plea of not guilty that is correct then she changes her plea during trial that's right shortly before the case was going to be argued to the jury she decided to enter a plea of guilty to second-degree murder jordan graham is sentenced to 30 years in federal prison with no chance of parole in a case that won't soon be forgotten by anyone involved in it it is the first time uh in in my experience as a lawyer eight days of marriage and ending it with a homicide to this day i still wonder what actually happened just before she pushed cody off the edge of that cliff and cody's mom would like the answer to just one question why did she do it if she didn't love him why did she get married why did she say yes to the proposal that's still the question in my mind to this day is why
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 4,608,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U3wEkqKkw3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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