Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull

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okay assignment what assignment VES and I are flying to New Orleans for a long weekend of she's reading is exciting and food okay so I'm also going to visit Ned's friend Henry bolay but only as a favor to net apparently Henry's uncle just died and he had to go down there for a couple of weeks Ned says Henry's a nice guy but kind of a loner who might appreciate a little company so the first thing I'll do is leave best at our hotel in the French Quarter and take a cab out to the mansion where Henry's staying Ned called him and said I'd be coming but once that's done it'll be lazy the only bad news is the weather's not the good times roll great this weekend but what's a little Stormy Weather when you're in the heart of The Big Easy right right well let's have a look oh warning what let's play this game in a dark room if it's daytime draw the shades what that's new is this oh spooky Nancy I didn't know that oh hi what's up anybody here come in class all right what's up what's up why do I feel like we're gonna get jump scared who the heck are you what is that outfit he's gonna be gone oh uh excuse me hello drink this what what is it kale Juice drink it just a couple sips that legit looks like kale juice okay okay that's it no offense but yuck kale juice definitely kale juice then I really will have to take her to the emergency room you just go back to your phone call and leave us be don't pay him any money wait Gaslight where am I there's electricity electricity he and I carried you in here after I found you unconscious in the foyer why is it so dark in here the electricity went out lightning must have struck a Transformer somewhere I see what happened can you remember well the front door was open so I walked in and then I saw this well I saw a skeleton and then he saw me and then the light started flickering and he threw something at me that exploded smoke must have made me pass out you saw a skeleton I'm sure it was just someone you know wearing a costume or something I'm Nancy Drew by the way I came to see Henry so we surmised I'm Renee a Monde I'm Bruno so we surmised that is I was this skeleton that attacked you perhaps we should call the police no spooky room no police things are complicated enough as it is Henry's feeling I might overwhelmed well you are looking much better so I'm gonna get back to my plant pot and you need anything I'll be outside in the garden in the garden in the rain okay interesting okay ready for action let's see what's in that juice is diff I think it's kale juice kilches is not that bad if you mix it right but if you put like other things in it like cucumber or maybe a bit of lemon oh so it's a tourney room attorney Dern nothing here nothing to read there must be something to read oh teeth see if one of them stays probably like a code we need to put in hmm oh there's a lot okay whatever that is you think someone's like a dentist or anything that's why his teeth miniature modelers of America first place miniatures 1978 1991. wait why is this one roll [Music] Bruno ballet wear one yep wore glass eye for as long as I can remember had a whole collection of them like to wear a different color every day what okay 1982 1985 [Music] he sure loved his models I can barely see this is so dark bridge is to Nowhere Genie Dover camel in the needle's eye cat's eye cavities and their prevention what Daniel in the moving Fink eye candy finding fish grinding fake eyes turn a blind eye librarian's tale limes and coconut okay whatever that is so Nancy nice to meet you Ned sent you here to check up on me huh that is not what I thought you'd look like whoa he's kind of kind of I mean I I'm that well just from school but when I mentioned that my only living relative just died he was all like yeah how you feeling man you doing okay wanna talk of course I guess I do come across as a little needy sometimes hmm were you very close to your uncle great uncle great uncle Bruno and no I wasn't parents died in a car crash when I was eight since I had no other relatives he took me in or should I say he shipped me out boarding school summer camp military school college you may have looked after me but he never spent any time with me I didn't know him at all I hear some resentment noted what are you doing if you don't mind my asking great uncle Bruno named me executor of his estate which means I have to make sure all his bills are paid and debts taken care of so his assets can be distributed unfortunately he couldn't have cared less about little things like keeping records or balancing checkbooks dealing with his creditors and their lawyers has been an absolute nightmare so thanks for stopping by Nancy and now you can report back to Ned that I'm fine and go enjoy New Orleans oh I can't not until I know who that Skeleton Man was and what he was doing here and why he knocked me out like that look I can understand you're not wanting to call the police but somebody should investigate and since playing detective is kind of a hobby with me no offense but are you sure you didn't just pass out from the heat and humidity or something and dream that you saw the skeleton dude I'm positive okay look around all you want but I should probably warn you Uncle Bruno was into exotic pets I don't believe in cages so we gave him the run of the place and just because he's dead doesn't mean they are so if you can go poking around be careful okay I will probably die by snake bite or something okay anything here no oh I did not know it's supposed to be a shadow of something else like is this like torn and everything but it's a little tree wait I can zoom in here but there's nothing to look at yet that might be a hint or something okay so cool those pictures I don't see anything oh all the angles are so like like shifted don't you think okay oh yeah didn't someone say last game we played that um that Bruno was mentioned somewhere so this is where we saw the guy why was he looking at this oh Memorial sleeping Meadow sorrow Park Slumber Gardens the growing crowing crits 40 wings that's all the wings oh uh uh oh okay oh nice art we're missing a picture oh what's that footprint someone was doing some found like an imprint somewhere Zeke's wait what is that I have no idea picking up the weirdest things can you imagine Nancy Drew's just walking through it I was being like Oh a rock I'll take it you never know might be useful [Music] oh foreign what is this hmm okay uh how do I reset ah oh that's tricky can you move the block too it does look movable doesn't it yes so oh and that's one at a time oh it just goes through but how can I move anything here then oh look at that hmm oh so can this thing block one and then the block move the other thing so then I can block both the beams what do I want to do with the marbles though where do they need to end like if we get the marble to block this one then we can move the block to the second one but how do we make sure this marble stops here because we can't push it to the second place right oh we can oh oh that makes things easier then so I could oh I should put it higher I could do this foreign there we go May I'm wondering if maybe I should put this one up one and then I could push this one here here and here but then I'm not sure if I can get this one out could get it out if I put this one up on second marble to block the second laser great and then I just put the take the block with me oh let's see how do I get this block through though I think here push it here and then you can push it out and then I can push it down it's from my these kind of puzzles always remind me of Legend of Zelda thank you I will take the eyeball okay first puzzle done cozy rain what's this oh Peter p Mary Michael Ezra is it coffee oh my god I didn't even think I would get coffee thank you playing Nancy Drew you hogged on your mind I'm nancied up thanks babe you're the best me oh coffee coffee a bunch of names buried Memorial plot Cemetery Ledger very interesting room front door I don't see why I would want to go there right now oh God what a dreadful looking room another eyeball okay why is it so dark can we change the brightness anywhere I guess not just leave it at that at least you guys can see what's going on you just have to tell me if I this is like pitch black for me so let me know if I miss anything if you guys see something why do I have a little arrow Arrow oh it's just I'm just exiting the screen okay wait I can turn right oh it's the door anything spooky under the bed no it's got to be something here but maybe later um door rattles rattle okay nothing upstairs uh that was a door here no wait that's where I came from this one oh cozy oh my God uh how do I safe this the first time we have a different UI for this cozy wait can I I'm sorry oh hey welcome to my little Lantern lit corner of the world it's a little wet out here I don't mind no one should mind the rain without it the end of the world would come much too soon did you and Henry have a nice chat did I detect a little animosity between you two back there Henry's of verima Ross very negative yes very Canon too in fact I'm Fairless certain that he's been selling off Dr bolay's belongings on the slide oh what all of Dr belay's belongings go to Henry anyway absolutely not according to Dr bolay's will Henry is to get 30 percent of the estate Dr bolay's physician Gilbert Buford gets 30 percent Our Lady of Route 57 School of Dentistry and cosmetology gets 30 percent who I am to receive 10 percent hmm what was in that concoction you wanted me to drink after I got knocked out never you mind it was just a little remedy I brewed up on the spot to help you feel better hmm have you ever seen this before I found it by that scale model of the cemetery that's inside the house it's a mystery to me I suggest you ask Henry he leaves things lying around all the time I guess it figures I won't notice amid all the other clutter but I do I notice everything how else may I be of service to you one sec dealing with my kitty okay um why is there an empty frame in the gallery inside that is a very good question I first noticed the canvas was missing after the reception following Dr bolay's funeral but as for why was missing I do not know mm-hmm thing um okay so someone took that if you don't mind my asking what's in that little pouch you wear around your neck things seek secret things and special times demand them people usually laugh when I say this but this pouch is my connection to the energy that powers the universe oh where oh at least you didn't laugh I mean if it's something that helps you out then I don't see why it doesn't harm anyone so um okay if you don't why can't we that much how come you're still here I'm here because Dr bolay paid me in advance and I always fulfill my obligations okay I'd better get going one more thing I too have seen the Skeleton Man oh after Dr bolay passed that night I saw him in the hallway he was there then he was gone so you best be careful Nancy Drew because if it was missed to death and I truly think it was Mr death he's come back whoa a bone shovel that's hardcore I guess we can take the trouble maybe later if we need it what is this that should keep you guys quiet for a while um oh okay sure that just happened oh God oh that's scary no thank you the [ __ ] that's terrifying wait there was something there what do I need I don't see anything maybe it's for later cuddly what's that I guess it's for later oh what are those whoa uh what does that do well I can't unpush it so God she must be drenched by now wait this opens too oh my God why are there so many places we can go to whoa what is this I feel like we're like in the Resident Evil Mansion or something I can't do oh I can't do something here hmm should we just go out oh I'll start a wheelbarrow there another thing but I saw it but I can't really oh is that us oh oh okay never mind that seems like something something oh hey hey look those rocks oh they were steps so I could get this thing that's cool should we just wander out or do you think we can get lost rainy wait what a snuggly Kitty [Music] do we have task list okay all done all done okay take a really good look around the room where I saw the skeleton trying to figure out what it was doing jack figure out what's up with those fake books grandfather clock in the hallway does more than keep time ask Henry what's up with the scale model okay see if anyone knows why one of the picture frames is empty figure out the significance of that tracing I found check out what's left of the receipt I found in the fireplace hmm call Bess oh play that game in the great room Jack's done explored a little room that's often explore every inch of the garden even though it is pretty darn crazy you still have to do that okay maybe we should make a call or maybe no wait let's talk to the dude first oh yes is your great uncle's estate worth very much I have no idea nor will I until I get all his Affairs settled he was a dentist for most of his life so he must have had some money squirreled away as you can tell he was darn good at squirreling away junk have you had any of his things appraised somebody from a curio shop came in and took a quick look around but it wasn't anything formal Renee says she noticed the canvas for one of the paintings in the gallery was missing shortly after Bruno died so she says all I know for sure is that it's gone it was of my parents I think it was painted in the garden out back Renee doesn't like me wouldn't surprise me if she took it out of spite hmm so so it was painted in the garden out back maybe there's like a clue on it and that's why someone took it we're in the fireplace do you know anything about it you always go digging around in people's fireplaces just looking for something that might tell me who that Skeleton Man was ah anything else why is there a model of a cemetery in the other room because great uncle Bruno used to oversee the cemetery next door made that scale model so he could keep track of where everything or should I say everyone was wrapped at all those miniature Crypts himself and people think I'm weird do you know what this is I found it in the other room looks to me like some kind of tracing I was thinking that maybe my Skeleton Man left it behind well I sure don't know anything about it anything else I'll check back with you later groovy groovy uh maybe I can't make calls in the room hello yes hi it's me hey Nance I just got back from shopping which I am happy to report is fantastic here so what's going on with you a lot a lot is in a whole bunch of fun stuff let me start by telling you what happened when I arrived at Henry's house I walked up to the front door and discovered it was open you're knocked out by a skeleton wearing a red Ascot someone dressed as a skeleton we're playing as best well the housekeeper here thinks it really was a skeleton Mr death but then she's a little strange you think it was a burglar I'm not sure I caught him or her sneaking around the scale model of a cemetery and later I found a tracing of something right by it so if I could just figure out what is a tracing of and what if anything it has to do with that model Cemetery I might be able to figure out whose Skeleton Man is I know that tone of voice you're not leaving there until you've done just that are you oh I also found some kind of receipt in the fireplace that may or may not be a clue what's it a receipt for that's what I need to find out see it's half burned up all I can read is the receipt number and the name of the place it's from Zeke's Zeke's you gotta be kidding me why what do you mean I mean you went shopping there you're on our balcony oh yeah we're looking down at a place across the street called Zeke's that's great so go over there and ask whoever's behind the counter what receipt number 21-3872 is for hmm you you want me to Snoop I wouldn't call it snooping forget it not gonna do it best I'm not good at that sneaking around stuff Nancy I get nervous my tongue gets all knotted up my calm sweat to say nothing of my armpits 3872 just go in and ask what it's for no big deal maybe not for you best you can do it this is not gonna end well I just know it okay I'll call you as soon as it's over I'll be waiting fun whoa what's this how cute hey doing a little end of the day shopping huh see something you like I like everything that's what I want to hear I'm Lamont this is my place so if you got any questions I'm the guy to ask actually I do have a question um this friend of mine found the number of a receipt that came from this shop and she asked me to ask you what the receipt is for but if being honest really busy or you'd rather not or it's against rules no problem what's the number uh two one-3872 [Music] 21-3872 here we go that ticket was for a large box of assorted unknown items I bought from Henry bowley and uh that's all I can tell you wait he bought something from burlay and then someone else bought it back who was at the house assorted unknown items it's a box with a bunch of different things in it kind of like a grab bag look I just don't want to make trouble for anyone okay can you tell me what was in the box it's still in the back room I haven't had a chance to really go through it yet hey is there something else I can help you with beads hula dolls Oh books got great deals on all of them um is Henry belay a friend of yours no I met him at the reception at Bruno's house following the funeral gave Henry my card said when he wanted to start liquidating he should give me a call hmm I met him at the reception at Bruno's house was Bruno a friend of yours way I hear it Bruno they didn't have any friends but I wish she had been my friend I mean that house of his is filled with junk he kept everything but someone in my business the place is knick-knack heaven seeing as this place is called zekes and it's your place shouldn't your name be Zeke yeah I bought this place from wouldn't sell it to me unless I swore I wouldn't change the name so I didn't funny thing was his name wasn't Zeke either maybe I'll have another look around in here you got a question just Tyler okay oh amazing can I do anything don't think so [Music] oh [Music] Mommy Mommy mystical toast thank you you want to go peep a little sausage man you can also like that if you want yeah they're cozy what is this why can't I move these things maybe we want the weights to like shift to here oh wait oh put something on there hmm giggling powder oh don't open it this might come in handy oh wait what are you planning snooping after all and she's back what's up with all those bottles of weird stuff over there who do something some of the more superstitious people around here practice they think of you mix certain herbs and Roots a certain way and drink them or carry special objects around a little Mojo bags it can give you a supernatural Edge in your daily life like the lady at the house does it work all I can tell you is the stuff I got in here smells like hotcakes somebody thinks it works so hey who knows guess I'll check this place out some more take your time sure you may be called Nancy and check that out Strickland so I can look through the box of stuff I can't look at that oh I'm not the right idea wait why would you want to push this up [Music] that doesn't quite cut it cut what this seems to be connected maybe but I'm not sure fan to the plug oh yeah do you think it's gonna move the little boat no idea I I get this part I think oh it might pop the balloon maybe this needs to be here and then it rolls into this and then something flies away yeah hints hints will be good so start at the right the radio needs to be on the right so do I quite cut it cut it no sneeze powder oh to this oh I can put it to the on the thing he sneezes and leaves oh my God this is so weird but what does what will be the first step this balloon goes up it pushes this Shelf so what would it need to push up to do something maybe the books would fall over oh no I can't do that but yeah the books falling over sounds like uh like this pushes this pushes those but what would push this because the itself goes to the right doesn't it teeth put every item first until it works that is actually a good idea yeah [Music] okay so the radio is in the goods in the right spot What would music do what would music trigger the hula dance so he can dance oh there's a spot right next to it let's see [Music] well I've got the right idea oh my God okay and then what yeah I think she could knock over books Maybe [Music] so that is too heavy huh maybe or maybe actually this one [Music] [Music] well I've got the right idea okay so what is this is probably too heavy right [Music] foreign [Music] too heavy I think this one might go there [Music] still needs some work okay that definitely did something but where did it go it I didn't see the bowling ball what would it be able to bite I feel like this one's in the right place because it goes in the socket I think it might stab the balloon [Music] that doesn't quite cut it okay so something can be on there oh yeah wait so this one there maybe that there [Music] God I have no idea how this works [Music] this music is gonna be my dreams [Music] um I had it okay that does do something does this do anything you think that's it [Music] what a weird puzzle dude at the desk is like why is she playing that song like 30 times [Music] oh [Music] there that should do it um lamad could you help me foreign I can't quite reach that bottle up there could you get it for me sure [Music] oh my God [Music] the most elaborate thing ever [Music] foreign oh no oh my gosh oh shoot I'm sorry I'll go get you something what do you need no spray back room got it [Music] the most elaborate thing ever is that the Box Bruno and someone weird pictures a box can I take that this seems really important oh God where's my phone oh wondrous the summer both stayed in south of France for only a few days spent too much time in the kitchen we brought only a simple chocolate and some dinner just things like that that's how she is I must be off post quickly before the fog rolls in I'm expecting parcels I'm Melinda that's the outfit so Hamlet's codes letters so much sneezing the letter and the hamlets will go together for this or you can call Nancy hello I found out that receipt is for a box of stuff that Lamont that's the guy who owns seeks bought from Henry belay no kidding Lamont what kind of stuff did Henry sell him Well the box is in the back room and it contains assorted unknown items and that's all Lamont would tell me said something about not wanting to get anyone in trouble but you'll be happy to know that I have snuck in the said bathroom and can tell you exactly what's in the box excellent let's hear it okay I found a really old photo of a boy and a dog and there was a photo of an iguana dressed up like a pirate what you heard me and there's a costume in the box of a skeleton man really thought you'd like that there's also a box that's locked by some kind of letter combination and that has two pieces of paper stuck to it on the first piece is a bunch of goofy stuff written by someone named Emma Linda and on the second is a bunch of numerical references to passages from Hamlet some of which don't even exist according to a note that I think Lamont made did you unlock the Box no I have no idea how well maybe there's something on those two pieces of paper that'll tell you I'm not gonna open the box yes you are you have to there could be something really important inside because of me Lamont's out there having a sneezing conniption I need to get him some nose spray before he break some part of his body I didn't even know he had yes please we've got to be thorough and you've come too far to give up now you can do it I know you can oh all right awesome me maybe I can help you if you've got any suggestions I sure wouldn't mind hearing them okay my guess is that some kind of code said that there are numerical references on the second yeah the passages from Hamlet maybe all that matters is the individual numbers and what order they're in try applying the numbers to what Emma Linda wrote like if the first number is three write down what the third letter is and if the second number is five I count five letters from there and write it down okay I can do this I won't call you again until after I've opened it okay wait so 1 3 32 so is it like the first letter L three from that it's so e and then 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. nine thirty three one b eight three six so eight from B one two three four five six seven eight e one two three and one two three four five six U H eight one two three four five six seven eight and God if you [ __ ] up counting at any point then you're [ __ ] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen seven two three fourteen dude is just sneezing forever okay T and then one so that's o one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve D and an X I don't know what that means and then X oh I counted right oh my God Dr belay this completes our transaction the Whisperer is now yours respect its powered I better call Nancy and read this to her word for Words my grandfather found out in doing this skull wow best that is weird no I'll tell you what's weird the Box the letter is in is padded and it has this round indentation in it that's the exact size of a human Crystal Skull it's like it used to contain a skull but now it doesn't good job best the name of the game come here and see if I can find out anything about a skull called the Whisperer you better go take care of Lamont would you believe it the guy is still sneezing you must keep nose spray around because something's wrong with his sinuses oh he's gonna hate me oh my God okay that was very funny that was a hard puzzle all done did that I haven't done that Jack um fine look for anything that might help me find out what happened to the skull that used to be in the Box okay maybe we should look at the model see if there's any place we want to go to so we need to like memorize the way so through the gates there's this and we can go every way oh I didn't we can go to the mausoleum yeah where do we want to go to Tara Siesta Slumber Gardens sorrow Park or should we just go whichever way [Music] okay so here we are let's just start by going left nothing well good start are we the roofing racing is it raving or reading because I never know like rice in pain breathing in pain there's actually nothing I can do here Rising is writhing in pain okay oh special locked she didn't say it it's locked did you figure out if there's anything camouflaged in that design I'm gonna need some paper the crow thing okay I don't can't you just put that oh that's why we have this okay so we just need a piece of paper can you use this interesting okay need some paper oh that leads back okay let me go that way again then let's go straight sorrow Park I think what about down there hmm there's definitely something coming up with those mushrooms see them everywhere that's a cool View Charlie wicker when this is west north east south west north van Nessa [Music] got it my favorite thing remember yeah they're definitely directions for something ah we're in the top right corner now Slumber Gardens I wonder where we're gonna get some paper [Music] a little boat weird looking mushrooms I guess this might be for later huh I went full circle oh yeah sting what is that why would I need that do you think we could ask for some paper hello again you by any chance have some plain paper that I could use I most certainly do but it's up in my room and I'm afraid I cannot retrieve it for you until I'm finished here you get the sudden urge to draw a picture something like that I know I'll help you that way you'll get done faster gracious you are the picture of impatience aren't you well I appreciate the offer but here why don't you just take this instead it's an extra key to my room the paper's in a drawer in my nightstand just go on up and help yourself but make sure you lock the door when you leave you're here you are trust but Henry him I do not I really appreciate this as long as you're going up there my appetite could use a little placating so I would be much obliged if you would bring me a candy bar from my nightstand and take one for yourself while you're at it a candy bar thank you lifelong friendship unlocked thanks for the candy bar that was the room that was open this was the one that was locked let's go nightstand paper okay what else time to Snoop candy bars I knew it was gonna be Coco crinkle and one for me oh chocolate it's my beloved yeah gosh these things are good yes I want it for some reason I have like a very specific chocolate bar in mind that I think it would taste like but now I can't think of the name I don't know if they still do that but when I was a kid for a sinter class we would get these like chocolate cigarettes those little like chocolate sticks that are wrapped in like paper I I don't think they call them cigarettes anymore it's like um probably there's something else now they're called something else but they're like a little packet and there's like little sticks in it for some reason it's exactly those things that I think a cocoa Kringle bar would taste like and it's so specific yes oh my God we're loose that's it that's exactly what I was thinking of and I forgot the name yes that's exactly what I thought of Epic oh my God okay what powder might she have that what does it mean it's just a very specific Dutch Chocolate Bar it's kind of on the cheaper end I would say um and funny enough it's actually Dutch for a cow bar so maybe maybe subconsciously because there's a cow on it I was thinking of that one I don't know very funny oh spooky why'd she write that on her wall I wonder maybe we can ask her about it oh what is this oh they're buttons oh wait I can't undo them do you think we need to make these symbols oh that's no no exactly okay that's this one oh I might have to write this down because this seems like a lot okay so the second button how many are there how many are there one two three four six so ten okay that's ten so number two is for the bottom left one nope oh the heart one that's that one for sure that's number four that's that one top right um I think that's that one as well maybe oh that one is here that's number seven um up that one's in there nine is bottom left no yeah I think that one is in there top right I can't see what that is what is that this messy thing three dots could be part of this uh maybe now it's yeah I think it's that actually in there so that's 12. that's bottom right that's bottom right as well this one yeah that is the top left one bottom left that might be this one oh and this one this is two of them uh I can't tell yeah that's a lot in that one that must be the one on the left right no oh that's confusing oh it's bottom left bottom right I mean okay let's see if I can make some of these now uh let's start bottom left it's reset okay so that should be this one uh the ninth one 16 and 17. oh look at me I did it okay um what's the bottom right so that should be 11. 13. 14. and 18. okay top right um five six eight ten oh that wasn't it those definitely seem right maybe not 10 then maybe 12. no I'm missing the dots that seems right so far right you don't need six oh oh so it was eight okay top left three six seven 10 12 14 15. wait where's the 04 I'm still missing something maybe that one oh yeah I didn't write the top one down that's my mistake okay this happened nice furu signs and symbols okay let's see to most people spells spectriloquy is that how you write that spectrilically to most people spells that are cast using words spoken aloud sound like gibberish repetitive nonsensical and annoying but those are powerful spells indeed so powerful that there are only two ways to negate them one is to discern the precise meaning and purpose of the spell into vocalize the appropriate counter spell but this demands intimate knowledge not only of hudu words but of the motivations of the Spells Creator and this is often impossible the more common method of disenchantment involves writing the symbolic equivalent of the spell on an object placed between the originator of the spell and its recipient recipient a practice known as pectoriloquy once the spell is broken down into individual sounds each sound is translated into a letter from the spectral alphabet and then drawn left to right on the fence wall window Etc the spectral alphabet is comprised of 28 symbols and based on four basic vowel sounds almost all who do words can be represented by modifying these four basic symbols okay wow that is a picture done oh that's it is that it we should close that though okay okay that's it I can just look at it spooky okay let's see what we got uh triangle line uh oh these look complicated well they're cool to write though that's za a buzzer dude and then Circle like a Mercedes logo oh that's Lou buzza Lou then it's probably a protective spell or something uh that is pop then I'll square d and spell just ends in B's nuts the little nose is Moo is Ka so whatever that means we have it now Mercedes Deez Nuts oh my God okay well whatever this spell is we have it now you can probably ask her about it oh we should lock the door she said no I just wanted to lock it but I guess I can't so we have the paper there's a couple things we could do now wait let me see if there's nothing new to talk about with our little emo boy yes I actually do like the way he looks I'm going to keep looking around groovy I want more men with uh nail polish I like it when men wear nail polish over here where was it try straight first I can't remember oh perfect hmm okay this is the crow one no huh interesting oh these as well bones there it is that's the same one isn't it yeah totally all done so for some reason Skeleton Man was tracing this Stone make rubbings of the panels did that okay we're we're on track I like where this is going this is oh okay this is definitely shaping up to maybe be one of my favorites I love the spooky ones [Music] how do we um let's give her the chocolate bar like I asked sure did right here here bless you I'm so hungry I could devour these plants I'm popping up dirt and all how else may I be of service to you this boat is tied up down there where the Bayou comes up to the cemetery someone needs to drink my protein comes in very handy when I need to forage for certain swamp dwelling plants ooh those weird symbols on the wall I think she painted them it's probably like a protective spell yeah a spirit got a voice that it sends shivers down the spine a Dracula himself used to hear it sometimes talking half Whispering saying this one word I never heard before like it was from a language no one on earth spoke suddenly I fear it was trying to cast a secret tunnel so I got me a book and found out that by painting the word I heard on the wall sellable by syllable in hudu signs I could counteract the word's power and you know what the spirit has not spoken that word or any other since what was the word tall in a sack full of water moccasins couldn't get me to say that word out loud nor will I write it down no sir not ever ever ever the other room we can go into the empty bedroom where that random wall we could look to look at that is definitely maybe if we do something with the clock maybe it'll open like a panel I'll start bugging you now sounds good he doesn't know anything um what are we gonna do with those Impressions that I made now do you think there's something else I can examine something else I can look at oh that's a creepy one to wear what can you imagine your dentist has a dark eye like that maybe that was his party eye nothing there [Music] hey that honestly sounds like that Tick Tock the snoring sound [Music] hmm oh foreign okay uh oh what was it what was the top left one the worm what was the first thing I got coffin then the bones and then the bird I guess that's not what's oh it's the the surrounding pattern okay so that's this one the worm is this one so I just had them the other way around hmm so that's how we get in there oh exciting let's see how do I get there again I think it was here yes I'm not crying it's just raining on my face hmm Marcel Marianne Claude oh this must be the painting that goes in that empty frame cool I can't like turn around or anything there's nothing else I can look at maybe we should write down the dates Marcel 1826 to 1898 Fifi 1918 to 1981. Claude 1955 1990. and Maria 1959 0 as well hmm well we have to frame or maybe we should put that in and see what happens [Music] I really love exploring a cemetery like that it reminds me of that time we played Siberia and we went to the oh the game's so good we went to the cemetery so what does that do the background may be significant like it's a blue green brown purple yellow brown blue red gray maybe I guess toothbrush oh an ax banana uh has to be something like lollipop something about what they're holding all done someday next door look for Clues all done combination to the lock that's on there did that figure out what the deal is with those symbols on the wall you can't check that off yet maybe we can call again did that status update banana man is back yeah hello hey what's going on that's funny that's what I was going to ask you I'll see you later bye huh wait so nothing like can you ask sneeze lady what's going on that gumbo stand outside what do you think is it pretty authentic outstanding just watch the hot sauce whatever's in it gives my stomach instant fit I mean if it's spicy that's enough maybe I'll have another look around in here take your time well at least he's still nice he doesn't hate you I don't think there's anything else we were pretty zero though I would granny seafood gumbo lucky Jack's jambalaya Grand dad's bowl of crawfish of gumbo please enjoy tasty tasty hmm that looks legit like that's an actual picture of food there you go tasty I'm sure they taste amazing but um no thank you well I think that's all she can do hello what's up not much what about you ditto talk to you later bye why the cab company I wonder why that one is in here hello hello Nancy hey Ned it's about time you called did you make it to New Orleans okay yep you seen Henry oh yeah I'm not sure I like the way you say that is he okay he's fine well he's the executor of his great uncle Bruno's estate which he's not real happy about but he and his great uncle weren't that close so he's not re-stricken or anything well then are you okay other than being attacked on my way into Henry's house by a skeleton wearing a red I mean didn't you see him crying in the cemetery mommy threw at me I'm fine too why let's just say that I've stumbled onto a mystery and I'm not leaving me to solve it why am I not surprised is best with you no but she has been helping me so tell me about this Skeleton Man well it was someone in a costume obviously he or she was leaning over something in the great room when I walked in and surprised them so they threw a smoke bomb at you and ran yeah he must have interrupted whatever they were doing what were they leaning over a scale model of the cemetery next door Henry says his great uncle Bruno made it so he could keep track of who was buried there apparently Bruno used to oversee the cemetery and right near the scale model I found a tracing of some kind of symbol I'm thinking maybe Skeleton Man dropped it why would Skeleton Man be interested in the scale model of a cemetery good question maybe I'll take a real good look around in there and see if I can find out good idea I'm still trying to figure out how you got to be friends with Henry well we're not best friends or anything the heck we're not really even friends I just feel sorry for the guy I mean he never hangs out with anyone between classes and when I'd heard there'd been a death in the family I just wanted to make sure he was okay all by himself down there oh that's nice he's fine although I think he misses his parents a lot I saw him out in the cemetery by what I think is their Crypt he seemed pretty upset I'm not surprised I get the feeling that what Henry looks like on the outside is just the opposite of what he looks like on the inside you know you're a pretty nice guy yeah I know Bruno bole's housekeeper Renee is still here despite the fact that she and Henry don't really get along that well why do you think she's staying on she says it's because Bruno paid her in advance but you don't believe her ten percent of Bruno's estate is supposed to go to her only she thinks and with kind of good reason that Henry's been selling off Bruno's assets on the sly so it wouldn't surprise me if she's staying on so she can try to bust him what's this kind of good reason stuff I know for a fact that Henry sold a box of Bruno's things to a local curio shop so this Renee person isn't just being paranoid what this Renee person is is freaky freaky she wanted me to drink some strange looking concoction after I passed out from the smoke bomb but she refused to tell me what was in it and she wears this weird little pouch around her neck says what's inside it connects her to the energy that powers the universe is probably harmless but stay on her good side just in case I feel like they both seem fine like I'm honestly not really suspecting anyone at the moment I will talk to you soon you'd better bye weird okay well that didn't really help us that much we have the books the clock figure out what the deal is with those symbols yeah I really thought that with the symbol thing I thought that we would maybe pass it along to Bess and then Bess would ask the shop guy because he seems to know his way around Hulu I was hoping that he could tell us what the spell is yes I'm going to keep looking around that apparently doesn't help us either so I guess maybe there's just more to explore in the art because that's one of the task list things can I take this yet no I guess it's for later yeah we got we got a lemon that must be to reveal hidden messages or something right I think um let's um this one oh I keep thinking these are like notes or something but they're just candles hmm oh there oh what was that was Uncle Bruno iguana he's always in here stealing the music must be using it to build a nest or something look I had all those books arranged so they fit perfectly in that box put them back in okay I don't have time I just want to look through this one book go right ahead after you put all those other books back oh we've done a puzzle like this in the past very tricky hmm okay that fits I can't rotate them can I well this is a tiny one um it's a little opening bugs me maybe we should put these here since these are the same height and then put that there that's it yes ooh ooh phone number I don't know if it automatically saves it so let me just write that down three four two seven Beatrice Hotchkiss that sounds familiar do we know her from a different game one of the most ancient and widespread Legends known to humankind can be summed up thusly scattered over the Earth are 13 humanoid skulls carved out of pure Crystal it makes me think of the Indiana Jones movie The French game the Royal Tower yes um at some point in the future fate will bring the 13 skulls together and they will speak in parting wisdom that will save the human race from Annihilation and Usher in a golden era of peace and Enlightenment Jesus Christ there are several versions of this Legend in one the skulls were created by Mayans Incans or Aztecs and collectively form a repository of information detailing how and why humans came to be another Legend credits their creation to extraterrestrials who seeded the Earth of the human race and left the skulls behind to explain their actions at some point in the future oh my God yeah another contends the skulls are ancient in origin but more important that each skull is somehow magical in and of itself distinctive gifts they offered their owners reputedly include precognition Clairvoyance telekinesis and of course immortality of course some variations combine all of the above what is both indisputable and intriguing about the general Legend and its smaller colorful variations is that several mysterious crystal skulls have indeed been discovered in the past Millennium turning up in all corners of the earth what follows is an examination of everything that currently is known about these skulls in hopes of separating the facts of their existence from the fantasies of human imagination the whisper that's the one we read about the first documented reference to the Crystal Skull is known as the Whisperer came in 1532 it was a long time ago shortly after Hernando de Soto helped Francisco Pizarro Ambush and captured the Incan Emperor atahuwalpa at the Battle of kajam kaha Marca de sotos ate the camp I while updating the desoto's Expedition records noted that during atahu alpa's subsequent imprisonment De Soto befriended the incon ruler in time atahu Alpa told the Soto a secret he possessed an exquisitely detailed life-sized human skull that the ancient ones had carved out of pure clear crystal he happened upon it at the hut of a deceased high priest who was astonishingly Advanced age had cost his fellow priests out of fear and jealousy to slip him a fatal dose of poison took a fancy to the skull and kept it and soon realized the skull which he contended would some times whisper to him in an unearthly Voice using unfamiliar words was giving him immunity to all human ailments as long as he possessed the skull atahu Alba told DeSoto he would live forever then how did the dude die of poisoning but like the priest before him and like everyone who possessed this particular skull after him soon discovered that while the skull could perhaps protect him from the ravages ravages of time and nature it was no match for the treachery of his fellow man Judas Soto's great surprise and dismay Pizarro had atahulpa executed although there is no other mention of the skull and de Soto's records it is highly doubtful that the Spaniard would have left such a treasure behind when he returned to Europe in 1536. indeed the next documented reference to the Crystal Skull which atahuelpa seems to have inadvertently bequeath to De Soto became in a letter written by a nobleman in the court of Philip II the member of an of the Austrian Habsburg family who took over the Spanish Empire in 1556. well I guess at the Habsburg Palace in Vienna the nobleman nobleman mentions encountering a crystalline head of death which a manservant swore mate utterances strange and low too terrible for the ear to bear whenever I see man served I always think of Angry Beavers they have this amazing Halloween special it's honestly the best Angry Beavers episode ever and there's a dude in it who is a butler and he comes up to set up comes up to the beavers and he says uh I'm his man servant man cervante that's his name man cervante apparently the skull then made its way to France most likely via Anne of Austria who married King Louis the 13th of France in 1615 because the next reference to a death's head carved from a rockerly clear crystal can be found in a manifest of a ship belonging to Renee Robert Cavalier a French explorer who in 1684 Was preparing for a journey that would take the skull ironically back to the new world from which it had come the fact that LaSalle took the skull with him on his expedition to colonize the Mississippi River Valley suggests that he may have been aware of its reputation for conferring immortality upon its owner but once again his real enemy proved to be not age or disease but his fellow man a group of his men stranded in what now is is now Texas after the Expedition landed in the wrong place and antagonized that local Native Americans eventually mutinied and killed LaSalle so they could abandon their mission and had further relative safety of French outposts in Canada The Whisper however appears to have been left behind and didn't reappear until almost 200 years later the photo to the right found in the basement of a library in Jonesboro Arkansas suggests that by 1881 atahu Alba's Crystal Skull had found itself in the hands of a traveling huckster who apparently used it to lure potential patrons to his wagon so he could sell them various bombs and elixirs if he is the same Curtis Caldwell who according to Census records settled in Baton Baton Rouge Louisiana he lived and worked to The Ripe old age of 93 dying only when a dissatisfied customer set fire to his house and in fit of anger ooh murder oh God Nancy you don't scare me like that Jesus if the Whisperer was in caldo's house it no doubt survived the fire but exactly what happened to it next had has proved impossible to discern and its current whereabouts is a mystery but what is known about the skull's previous owners could prove very useful in solving that mystery for all the people who have possessed it have had two things in common they lived for an unusually long time and they always without exception met with death at the end of another in other words the trail that leads to the discovery of this particular Crystal Skull will likely be one that begins with murder murder murder cool that must have probably been it for the Crystal Skull right did that mm-hmm all done book a card oh yeah they're just regular-ass letters but what else have you seen that has an arrangement oh it could be the pictures actually yeah one two three four one two three four five yeah that's it well it's not the colors because yellow would have been a y right you for umbrella Maybe puppy banana toothbrush Maybe monkey hat okay um come on summer give me a break here you never said anything about that well how was I supposed to know I mean what am I telepathic no no come on look I'll see what I can do okay what do you mean something else you gotta be kidding me Summer I don't have that kind of money no no I meant I don't have it now but I will soon okay hmm bye oh man oh man what is that I have the beholder hmm the spider blocked naturally hmm I feel like there's something on the stairs but nah I have the behold her huh oh the clock maybe it's for the clock this is definitely a different one dude's like what did you just take from the book and I'm like ah nothing nothing to see here oh no it just counts as a regular eye hmm too bad okay more eyeballs called a professor oh the number I got hot kiss I completely forgot I got the number yes hello hi my name is Nancy Drew is this professor Hotchkiss I am a ring to it do I know you yes as a matter of fact we met a little while back in Wisconsin holding out the samples in The Tasting Room of that cheese factory for the cheese no I met you at Whitford castle that's ridiculous [Music] I found a journal written by Marie Antoinette which you translated remember thanks to you suddenly all I can think about is how wonderful a nice big slab of Colby cheese would taste right now listen Mandy I'm on the deadline so if you could just tell me why but my name is did a man from New Orleans named Bruno bullet ever call you I'm a scholar a French history you know yes I know so did Bruno ballet call you in he did why did he call if you don't mind my asking because he had read my book actor Fable one of my best efforts sold like hotcakes smothered in a rich Tangy lemon sauce did he say anything about owning one of the skulls himself I would have hung up on him straight away if he had I tell you Brandy who's called claiming to own one of those skulls to dine at the Russian Tea Room every evening for the rest of my life all right that's a bit of hyperbole but you get the picture no that's how you write hyperbole oh my God I never knew which I hadn't or if I had any Theory as to what happened to it which I didn't and that was the extent of your conversation well now let me think my my such insatiable curiosity Nelly you remind me I cannot remember her name or the circumstances Nancy Drew Wickford Castle I'm sorry [Music] Lucky had any idea where the Whisperer was he said the eyes have it then he chuckled and hung up hmm how much would a crystal skull like the Whisperer be worth in this [Music] Invisalign that's absolutely no telling candy a half million dollars easily maybe even a million maybe two maybe ten the sky's the limit probably even more than that if someone found a skull made of crystal how could they be sure it's one of the crystal skulls wonderful question see how indeed because there are sure to be thousands of fakes out there perhaps tens of thousands but remember the real skulls were made long before the tools commonly used for carving today were invented which means let's put on our thinking caps modern day tools would have left marks if the skull was a fake eggs mind you the marks on a good fake would be microscopic and thus imperceptible to the human eye however any thorough laboratory analysis would quickly unmask account of it so the only way to prove that a skull is the real deal is by proving it's not a fake I by examining its provenance its history of ownership if it can be shown that a particular specimen has been passed along from Antiquity into modern times and didn't he in the mid-19th century that would tend to support its authenticity as well the idea that the Whisperer can make its owner Immortal do you believe that I believe that things that defy any so-called rational explanations are missing all the time Nessie so does that mean there are mysterious external forces at work in the universe of which we do not and cannot ever have full knowledge or does it all boil down to us if the human heart desperately wants something to be true does the human mind have the power to make it true who knows ah questions questions questions oh how dreary life would be without them in your book you said that all the people who've ever owned the Whisperer were murdered yet Bruno belay dropped dead of a heart attack saying the Whisperer was in his possession after all why didn't he tell me that that's right I would have hung up on him the game then I strongly suggest you take a close look at his so-called heart attack Sandy because if he owns maybe he was murdered Winifred Hodgkins I better go thank you yeah very interesting that she said like if the Mind wants something it can make it come true because I've just been reading stuff about um like I guess positive affirmation I know it's kind of like corny but um so one of my big issues from the last I would say half year is like more and more nightmares like just like situations that my mind is like simulating like BB would get lost baby I have to travel with Bibi but he is not in a bag or like in a little container so he's like super stressed and I'm trying to hold on to him so he doesn't escape or like you know um being late for your flight and like you just can't get your stuff backed those kind of nightmares so apparently there's a thing you can try and do that um if you right before you go to sleep instead of like being stressed for the next day like what if I am too late for my appointment what if I have to make a phone call or what if whatever um you have to turn it around so last night I went to bed being like what if BB sleeps safe and sound what if I'm gonna have a great workout tomorrow what if I'm gonna dream that I can fly tonight and like really like nice fun things and then try and go to bed with those thoughts and I actually didn't have a nightmare it's kind of like a fun exercise to try and influence your own thoughts on the kind of like restructure it so for example one of the things I hate is making phone calls right so um I'll be like what if I can't understand them and then I have to ask what they said and I still can't understand them and then I have to ask again um like that's like a thought pattern I go into but what if then instead of that you're like what if this phone call goes perfectly fine and I can understand what they're saying perfectly fine it's like what if that happens it's like that would be nice yeah so it's like restructuring your anxieties in a way I'm gonna keep trying it but so far actually it's kind of giving me a little bit of peace of mind so who knows how did Bruno die if you don't mind my asking just drop dead in the front hallway I mean the guy was nice here check it out oh he was 95. no infarction that's Doctor speak for heart attack attending physician Dr Gilbert Buford 504-55-9970 was that Bruno's doctor and his best friend or so I'm told my best friend interesting keychain that's one of Uncle Bruno's glass eyes oh it's the one he was wearing inside how nice anything else okay stop bugging you now sounds good [Music] let's leave the room call the doctor did we get the eye buford's answering service how may I help you I need to talk to Dr Buford could you maybe give me a number where I can reach him no ma'am I cannot is this an emergency sort of I mean it's not a medical emergency I just see I'm only going to be in town for a short time and Dr Buford and I have this mutual friend who died recently and I just really need to talk to him about it need some consoling huh yes I need some consoling that's it exactly we'll tell you what it's against the rules to give you his phone number but I can tell you that now that he's all about retired Dr Buford spends most of his evenings at his favorite gumbo Stand Down in the French Quarter if you really need to talk to him you can probably find him there great do you know the address [Music] find gumbo thank you thank you very much you're welcome man sorry about your loss my loss oh oh thank you that's very kind of you bye okay I do declare hello hi Beth it's me so what's been happening tell me everything well let's see since the last time we talked I was just about getting ready yep interesting stuff but the reason I called is I need you to talk to this doctor named Gilbert beautiful maybe that's him it turns out likes to hang out at a gumbo stand called granny pumpkin's Cajun cooking which should be right across from our hotel you just want me to talk to him that's it nothing nefarious no Black Ops stuff here with Bruno belay's doctor and apparently his best friend too I just need for you to see if he thinks there was anything weird about the way Bruno died what do you mean by weird I mean I kind of think maybe Bruno was murdered murdered by whom everyone's a suspect at this point including this Gilbert Buford guy well great I'm gonna be chatting up Jack the Ripper oh I'm sure the guy's fine but be subtle just in case well I can see the gumbo stand from our balcony he's the guy that's sitting down there I guess he looks harmless okay I'll go talk to him thanks Beth let me know what happens cheerio do you think you could get vegetarian gumbo I would I've always heard so much about it I want to try it out but I don't like shrimp in my food I'm okay with like a young lady how kind of you to grace an old man with your lovely presence I'm okay with like fry like tempura shrimp fine with that like it's very tasty I mean they are tasty it's just that the idea of seafood kind of freaks me out sometimes vegan gumbo is wonderful oh chicken and sausage gumbo oh my God oh that sounds really tasty now I want it I want to try it my name's the best Marvin I'm looking for dogs my name is support that I am he do you mind if I join you of course not a little Lively discourse would brighten this Gloomy evening considerably this here is my favorite spot in the whole city delicious gumbo pleasing view particularly now I might oh my God he's flirting I'd like to ask you some questions about Bruno ballet if that's okay I'd prefer a subject matter of a happier nature but I do not want to seem inhospitable so what is it you want to know [Music] um is it true that Dr belay was your best friend well now I was certainly his best friend but I cannot honestly say that he was mine fact is while socializing with my fellow man particularly with pretty young women such as yourself it's always been a source of pleasure for me Bruno was just the opposite unfortunately the older he got the more numerous his idiosyncrasies became and the less concerned about their negative effect upon others he became wait what was he talking about exactly didn't bother you now as a doctor of medicine I am not only accustomed to dealing with the abnormal but I find that I'm actually drawn to it I for one thoroughly enjoyed Bruno's Outlander too much Southern Hospitality there buddy you see he died of a myocardial infarction most likely caused by age-related atherosclerosis Diana heart attack is all too common for people who are socially isolated and Bruno bolet had most certainly become that I have no friends ah [Laughter] let's see autopsy did they do an autopsy on Dr belay no given Bruno's Advanced age in the absence of any indication of Foul Play and autopsy was deemed unnecessary and the body was cremated according to Bruno's week cremated ah dang it did Dr belay ever say anything to you about owning a Crystal's skull why yes yes he did in fact he showed it to me once said it had magical powers said owning it was going to allow him to live forever I thought it was utter nonsense and told him so well he didn't appreciate that at all refused to talk to me for a full two weeks what if it got stolen from him and that's why he died because like not having the skull anymore him being that old then the magic that was keeping him alive went away or he just got poisoned what the skull look like it was quite beautiful actually life-size perfect in form and Clarity like a diamond almost tell me Miss Bass what do you know about that Crystal Skull this friend of mine who is also a friend of Henry belay you know Dr belay's great nephew anyway while she was visiting Henry she saw this book in Bruno's Library about the legendary crystal skulls and was kind of intrigued and thought that since Henry said that you were pretty much Bruno's only friend maybe Bruno had said something to you about it and as it turns out he had that's all I know I see so much as I'd like to believe that skull holds the key to immortality I'm afraid Bruno's pass and proves it's worthless although it would make an attractive paperweight as I recall tell your friend not to give it another thought where was Dr belay when he had his mi in the foyer of his house just inside the front door in fact I hadn't seen him for a while so I picked that day to pay him a visit I walked up to the front door founded unlocked as usual opened it and there he was lying on the floor in obvious distress the next thing I know his housekeeper came running in and started shrieking and carrying on until finally I sent her out of the room so she could summon an ambulance and I could once again hear myself think then I well let's see then I knelt down and saw that he wasn't breathing so I pulled him away from the door away so I'd have more room to work on him and began chest compressions I continued until the Medics arrived but nothing they did made a difference either I honestly honest still be alive maybe this is all a ruse that they set up together to well I guess then he wouldn't be able to do the paperwork and stuff Henry hmm was Dr belay unconscious the whole time yes he was can you remember anything that might indicate what he was doing by the front door I mean had he just come in from a walk was he wearing a hat was he holding anything had he dropped something an umbrella sunglasses wait a minute why yes yes he was holding something a piece of paper and on the floor next to him was an envelope he must have collapsed while reading a letter hmm do you know what happened to it now I know the letter was no longer in Bruno's hand when the paramedics arrived so perhaps he released the letter when I moved him and yet I do not recall seeing it on the floor when they wheeled him out the door what's icky Iggy Iggy is an iguana Bruno befriended then turned loose in his home it soon developed the annoying habit of stealing paper and stockpiling it in the Vance system are you saying an iguana made off with the letter Bruno had been reading it would not have been the first time a missing document ended up in Iggy's possession Renee would periodically call me saying the lizard had absconded with one of Bruno's prescriptions and would I please write her up a replacement in any case Bruno once told me he was training Iggy said he taught Iggy to retrieve the things it had stolen caused Dr belay's Death by say hoarding the pills from those missing prescriptions and giving them to him all at once no had he died of an overdose of the medications I had prescribed the manner of his death would have been quite different but he died of a heart attack of that I am certain however I know for a fact that Renee is deeply involved in the practice of hoodoo Bruno's housekeeper she had ample opportunity to use it against my poor old friend you mean who do really works young lady never ever underestimate the power of suggestion if a person believes in something even on a subconscious level fantasy can easily become fact and who knows what rubbish Renee filled Bruno's mind with drink this don't eat that this brings good luck that brings bad day in and day out even if he said he didn't believe a word of it who knows how much his subconscious was absorbed cold and vulnerable so could Renee have caused Bruno to have that fatal heart attack there's not a doubt in my mind she could indeed I'll let you get back to your gumbo good night and that's pretty much it good work I'll take it from here thanks again good luck bye okay so Iggy he was chilling here last time we changed I don't see him now he was pretty I think he went I don't see him sitting around yes I'll let you get back to him hint on the door of the Hidden Passage we can learn them out I don't see it here there's also this weird wall that we haven't done anything with yet um so maybe we can do something with the spider hiding in the corner super [ __ ] boring oh no super [ __ ] normal I ain't afraid of no spider hmm what could we do with the spider oh [Music] okay trying to remember if we say first trying to remember if we had oh yeah I haven't saved in a long time if we heard music anywhere ah oh okay okay I see there's an order to them let's try [Music] [Music] creepy okay that's that now where does that lead huh what have we got here hmm is it an eyeball why would you eat that are you kidding me who knows how old that thing is no safety no safety no regard for safety that's what I tried to say oh this must be where I'm supposed to put all the glass eyes I've found wait that's a lot though how many more do we need I don't know [Music] [Applause] chicken [Applause] foreign can you hear it it sounds like a person doing foreign [Applause] don't know what the goal is here what do you guys think [Applause] do we want all chickens or [Music] all eyeballs [Music] [Applause] All Eyes three in a row well I got three yeah [Music] I did it [Music] what does it do give me an eyeball yep who would have guessed oh hello oh oh oh ba the loo PA d moo Ka oh yeah the last Denizen buried on my guard will Stark you a hunting through the graveyard what's written on The Headstone will lead you to another and so on and so forth till tiny treasure you discover okay that's the Charlie wicker thing I have the directions but what do you think I should put in here that doesn't make sense that doesn't make sense [Applause] okay I think that's it oh what's this I have no idea baby teeth adult teeth what oh the teeth books there must be some instructions so this is like five of them one two three four five six seven eight so yeah it's the five and the eight books but don't know which ones we need for now so at least I got that calendar dead shiver Parlor House dead shut down where's the iridescent Pearl West Bank May 31st that's today scuttled bones Rampart and domain what is that on this day November 1952 the Jolly Roger crew of New Orleans hereby and vice Dr Bruno Sinclair bullet to join us Hall it's hallowed ranks speak of this to No One save the man who has championed you and will should you accept this invitation service your sponsor during the initiation process Dr Gilbert Buford huh those letters might be important the red ones so I'll take a picture um Bruno as usual a good time was had by all your friend and fellow Jolly Roger Gilbert so it's it's a group like like it's a Club that they're all in short stories for tired Eyes by Bruno dedicated to those who hear The Whispers oh I got some sneezing power powder steps in the right direction the key to the statues statues are the key plentiful Pirates and nautical nonsense time will tell part one at exactly midday the teacher said to his class what time will it be when three hours have passed let's pretend it's that time and move ahead two hours more and from there let's say that it's nine hours before if six hours before then we'd make note of the time what time would it be if we moved ahead nine oh my God sudas wrote down six numbers in all then went back to their Daydreams of things big and small a high noon the sheriff stepped into the street and addressed Batman Bart five hours ago I told you to leave town and you swore you'd be gone in three there's a reason why you're still here I left right when I said I would Bart exclaimed but just as I was writing out my horse threw a shoe I took him straight to the blacksmith but he was real busy said it would be five hours till he finished with my horse better tell him to get a move on the sheriff drought because two hours from now if you're still here you're gonna be real sorry understand Bart understood he went back to the blacksmith and an hour later was on his way out of town it was midnight on a dark and stormy night only four hours before I had seen my dear friend Hollis who informed me he was leaving for the court of the Star Chamber in a mere two hours and feared he would never return I realized that six hours after he was to enter the chamber I was to surrender myself to court Blackburn counts Blackburn I had no way of knowing whether after the usual five hours of interrogation I would be able to keep my rendezvous with Lucretia two hours later this must be for the clock right count let me leave or would he would the count let me leave or would he imprison me forever I was terrified librarian's tale a great keeper of books it's true am I may a Reader through me can many a Reader through me can spy on wondrous worlds that will never die you could say It's Magic the librarian's eye but to get such an eye you must first take a look at the cars that keep track of every book The title's the thing additions the hook that will let you remove the orb from its Nook oh the the cards that we have in that little thingy okay titles the thing additions the hook okay history of Quincy T Booker's teeth filled upper right second molar extracted upper right center oh this must be for the books let me look at the picture with the teeth so he says filled upper right second molar second how do you say that bikers biker spit cuspid is that molar oh no first second and third molar is there as well so upper right second molar is that our right or the right side looking at someone's mouth I think it's our right right all right so if it's upper right second molar it has to be the second molar from the back on this side so if that was if it were the books let me see second from the back on the right okay that one extracted upper right central incisor upper right second incisor oh no upper right Central Central this is so confusing to me I need to like check it 10 times then upper left central incisor oh two of the front teeth you extracted two of the front teeth lower left lateral so this is the second on the bottom okay now I need to draw the bottom teeth because I haven't done that yet extract it lower right canine so that's the third one from The Middle lower left hope I'm doing this right extracted upper left first by by cuspid that is one two three the fourth tooth from the middle and then a lower left canine oh canine the third one lower left that one was right I did that one wrong so that's you and then you are oh God if this is correct I will be surprised well what do you guys think of my teeth primary teeth history permanent teeth history baby teeth and adult teeth permanent and primary okay so that means one two and three are the baby and then four to eight is adult okay got it steps in the right direction in a place where bones are buried so something too that you seek start where Charlie wicker sleeps okay tread lightly on the grounds that sink and seeps Charlie will give you directions but count on my shovel to find the way when you find the place a Monumental task Waits okay so we need to shovel and the the directions that I still have key to the statues the statues are key avian statues hide Secrets bound mechanical feathers from metal were pound wires and springs and levers were wound as levers are pulled Solutions compound a feather stands up another falls down you won't need to peek if you listen to sound this drawing a solution is found master of buzzards drop drops key to the ground okay so there's levers there and we need that as the solution got it plentiful Pirates and nautical nonsense stealthily stalking them famished and anxious out hunting West Waters he was can tankerous out there out here where the sea stricken Pirates of Plenty a week's worth of looting left their large stomachs empty a funny thing about Pirates I was just looking obscurvy this morning just I was just thinking of scurvy thinking of vitamin C down to the port we'll plunder some dinner but the truth is that these Pirates could have been thinner their villainous vessel was bugged down by booty they would drop off the treasure and Away they'd be scooting they would foul up the village and make a great mess down to the mangroves they'd surely digress ah it's a Beastie swim for your lives that the calm sees stretchery left a surprise a long-legged Beast of Beastie whose eyes were a glow had spotted some treasure in the holes down below and this curious nature would not let it go so he tore down the hull and alarmed were the Pirates he started to break down the structure inside his nautical naughtiness naughtiness knocked down the ship those petrified Pirates were muddled and miffed so they fired their guns at this Grand octopus at one leg at two legs at left legs then six but the creature continued with the two other arms the Northwestern water wailed and wheeled in with alarm the Pirates abandoned this nautical nonsense and swam right to shore with their rather large haunches but gaggles of gunmen got left getting gobbled the creature was angry in its own ink it bobbled so down Dove the octopus right to his den he spit out their bones and fashioned a fence and each treasure of course he had not left behind he'd befriend all these baubles in very short time and long lift this octopus hidden away but his fate felt quite quickly on one fateful day hmm can we take this book think we have it yes yes I thank God hey eyeball how are we gonna get it can't we get it off grab it on the side oh there oh gotcha oh this clicked clicked a lot okay I think I finally looked at everything there wow that was a lot um I don't know how many eyeballs I need oh yeah and this one you guys said just keep turning [Music] oh foreign [Music] gross wait did I get the eyeball I don't know if I got it [Music] [Music] it's a picture of an eyeball but nothing else hmm I wasn't even face this time the first time it really scared me do you think there's an eyeball in here I feel like if we turn enough times it's gonna be an eyeball ah same though didn't you get a weird coin I did you are right oh ah okay okay cool that's another one yeah how many do I have 10. how many pages were there in the book where is the book one two three four five six seven eight hmm I don't think we need all the spaces filled I think but yeah maybe it's for later that one uh how do we get out oh there's two wait but how oh ah ah now we're here d okay let's do the taste thing because that I think we can do and I think we can maybe do the time but I there might be something we need to put in the top of the clock okay baby teeth um one two three four five six seven eight this wasn't correct I think as I messed up the baby teeth I think the baby teeth ones are different filled upper right second molar so that's all the way in the back yeah it's different okay upper right central incisor okay that's good and then lower left lateral that's the second one from the bottom that's fine I just messed up the first one okay let's try it again so one is that one two three four that's a good sign five six seven eight yay God that took so long to write down but I finally got it okay so I got another eyeball let's look at the clock maybe we need to set a time and then click it foreign okay let's take some notes this one is hard okay at exactly midday so noon 12. the teacher said to his class what time will it be when three hours have passed so that would be 3 P.M move ahead two hours more 5 PM and from there let's say that it's nine hours before Oh God so 8 am see these are so hard six hours before then we'd made note of the time what time would it be if we'd moved ahead nine I don't know if like do you think each paragraph is one time or each time it's mentioned is a step they move to a new line and from there so maybe that's like so it is uh five and an 8 AM 8 AM to 2 A.M what time would it be if we'd moved to head nine two and nine is 11 A.M his students wrote down six numbers in all oh there you go yeah six okay got it then went back to their Daydreams big and small part two at High Noon is high noon just 12 five hours ago I told you to leave town and you swore you be gone in three so seven a.m you swore you'd be gone in 3 10 a.m I left right when I said I would but just I was writing out my horse through shoe took him straight to the blacks and but it was real busy said it would be five hours till he finished with my horse so from 10 5 hours 10 11 12 1 2 3. it's three three pm two hours from now if you're still here you're gonna be real sorry so that would be 2 p.m then right because they're talking at High Noon Bart understood he went back to the blacksmith and an hour later was on his way so that is 1pm uh part three okay it was midnight they all start at 12. midnight on a dark and stormy night only four hours before I had seen my dear friend Hollis so 8 pm he was leaving for the court of the start chamber in a mere two hours so he was leaving at 10 pm and feared he would never return I realized that six hours after he was to enter the chamber I was to surrender myself to count Blackburn entered the chamber so he went he was planning to go to the chamber at 10. and six hours after that so that's 4 AM at 4 AM he realized that he should surrender himself I had no way of knowing whether after the usual five hours of interrogation I would be able to keep my round if it was a little Croatia two hours later oh my God he goes to see him 4 am five hours in interrogation that makes it 9am and then Lucretia is two hours after that so that would be 11 A.M oh my God okay let's see so we start at 12. then three then five five then eight then two and eleven so do we do part two now seven am 10 A.M 3 P.M to one ho ho another one how many eyeballs did this dude have okay 12. eight [Music] ten four nine eleven [Music] yes clock puzzle done all done can't check that off yet all done find all of Bruno's class I figure out a way to get Henry to give me the glass items on his kitchen I haven't done that to something with that token I found it did that and follow the clues that Bruno left on a piece of paper ice cream can borrower to shovel while the heads on those Buzzard statues we're also fit to write a book maybe it would be a good idea taking a look around this Library since that's where he kept the books he saw fit to read I haven't done that see if I can remove the glass eye from that perpetual motion machine all done determine the significance of the tune I played on the jacket oh can't check that off yet oh there's something to it I was I thought there would be because okay I need to go back then and write that down did that Check Yes the books and the clock are finally gone the garden isn't done yet still have to do that cool lots of progress look at that now let's go back oops and write down the melody of that music box see see [Music] okay c c c d e e d c d e c we could try and play it on the spider hole that must be one of the weirder things I've said out of context don't you think the spider hole did Dr bolay ever say anything to you about a crystal skull he may have referred to it as the whisperer no he never so much as mentioned a crystal skull Whispering or otherwise were you in the house when Dr bullet passed he was according to the doctor indeed I was in the library cleaning when all of a sudden I heard a big Thump A hurried out to investigate and sure enough there was Dr bolay Lying by the front door and as I rushed over to him the door opened and in walked Gilbert Buford he took one look at Dr boulay and haul it at me to call 9-1-1 so I ran back into the library and did just that when I came back out Gilbert was leaning over Dr bolay listening for breathing I suppose and then he started pushing up and down on his chest but it was too late even I could tell that Dr belay was gone well their story checks out um how was it that Gilbert was able to just walk right in like that different story Oh I thought it was the same people around here seldom lock their front doors during the day but you know in the back of my mind I have always wondered about Gilbert Buford showing up at the door at that exact moment hmm I understand that Dr belay had some interesting pets like an iguana that man never met a creature he'd in lack he'd trained them to do all kinds of silly tricks then let him run free inside the house as well as out do you know how he went about training them I surely do not don't get me wrong I like Dr bolay I truly did but I swear sometimes his activities made as much sense to me as bathing in a bio full of gators powder in the envelope I was thinking the same thing like if there's poison on the the envelope when he holds it and then it is absorbed through his fingers Maybe that shovel over there with the interesting handle do you think I could borrow it Dr bolay took great interest in that shovel don't know why he never used it just like to see it hanging there me I use it to dig up roots you mean like tree roots no I mean Roots like Tannis black cohosh Valerian roots that in the right hands are very special very powerful isn't Valerian toxic right now I need mushrooms I was hoping to get them picked tonight but from the looks of all this pot and I still have to do I'd be happy to pick them for you wow what a generous offer all right then I need five painted conchs they're mushrooms that have got a short fat stem and a large bell-shaped cap covered with big red dots Valerian is called one or two here in the garden but you'll have better luck in the Barger part of the cemetery you get me five no more no less and I'll let you borrow that shovel okay deal five mushrooms put them in this bag thank you how else may I be of service to you nice talking to you I have definitely seen five I think let's see there's one right here somewhere oh wait we can also do the heads we've seen those there how do I click on it this has got to be a painted [ __ ] painted conch foreign wasn't there oh I went the wrong way I want to go wait how am I this way I thought I remember seeing another one here but yeah another painted cot that's two there was one here oh I swear normal sometimes I read something and forget it instantly and then other times I'm like oh yeah that mushroom I saw four hours ago on this screen ridiculous uh okay this one this one there's one that makes four oh my God run oh my God you just gotta oh you're so lucky wait I'm not done yet and he's go this way aha I think that's fine yep did you pick me those mushrooms yet I did sure did well bless your heart you did it actually picking the one growing on the log sticking out of the swamp was a little hairy a little I forgot to warn you about Bernie Bernie if by Bernie you mean the alligator that almost had me for dinner yeah you did he's another one of Dr Beau Lay's pets okay he'd kicked that log to get Bernie's attention then feed him marshmallows problem is now that Gator leaps up and snaps every time someone so much as touches that log I should have said something but I've gotten so used to Bernie I just plain forgot anyway feel free to help yourself to that shovel you earned it there's no way you can feed a gator marshmallows uh mushrooms okay so now with the shovel okay wait let's do this first um how do we pull at this okay let me look at the picture okay those two in the middle need to be up like that and then these need to be short like this and then these on the side need to be out good so far so good that's too much but let's just pull them all and see what happens foreign oh I think that's the sound of like going in and going out so that was in and out I'm in seems like they either are back middle like this or fully up so we need the middle to be up the one next to that to be all the way back and then these need to be middles so here only this one changed this one went from all the way flat to Middle so this one only moves the right one Okay so the second head only moves this one okay that moves oh no it didn't move this one let's move that one again that was the third one right oh it didn't move it yeah now it's not moving anything foreign okay that's good that's perfect it's three four five and six okay now if I do this one once that should be right okay now just this one needs to go one one in just the left one have we seen the one that just moves the left side uh-huh just this one now that should be it foreign [Music] what is that I have no idea wait what does it say actually inside the drawing the solution is fine master of buzzards dropped key to the ground so it's a key okay that was that one now let's go to Wicker here we are so how ah okay uh West North and then East that doesn't make any sense [Music] maybe this is the start it says West Northeast maybe it's West Northeast what's the number of fingers oh it says four one that direction four in that direction two zero oh wait so I start here right so does it mean I need to go four West one two oh yeah it's counting down three four but then would it then be two West doesn't make any sense to East sounds Chicken West North West to three sounds one two three okay this one and North one two eight one [Music] notes one two three next one two three four cells one two three four five West one two oh my God Jake jeez that was hard what's in it oh you broke it oh oh God all these eyes are so creepy okay finally did that bit be gone um oh these are all done except Jack yes we're done in the garden wow okay the letter we haven't found secret study I haven't done that oh yeah we've been to eyeballs yet find all of the eyes checked that off yet glass eye on the keychain all right we need to talk to Henry again follow the closest Grill behind if we printed on his head I haven't done that oh we haven't the last Denizen buried on my guard will start you a hunting through the graveyard what's written on The Headstone will lead you to another and so on and so on forth till tiny treasure you discover you need to look at the cemetery book for this one okay [Music] um the shovel that did that can't check that off yet significance of the tune I painted rooms Jack do what the steps in the right directions find out in what position the feathers did that I haven't figured out what to do with the key I still have to do that okay okay I want to look at here nope there okay Oh that's heisty oh okay [Music] [Music] oh that's e [ __ ] [Music] okay over again [Music] oh thank God the spider is not there anymore and done another puzzle Bites the Dust and that was the memo all done nice let's talk to our emo guy see how we can get the keychain [Music] yes do you think I could borrow your keychain the one that has Bruno's glass eye on it you want to borrow it what for actually all I really want is the eye I mean it's just so cool so cool I'll break it I won't I won't I'll be really careful I promise I don't think I want to take that chance sorry [Music] the box of your great uncle's things that you sold to the Curious it was a No-No wasn't how come your great uncle's Crypt is in the garden and not in some how come your great uncle's Crypt is in the garden and not in the cemetery don't ask me it's kind of weird apparently he built the Crypt himself but he never indicated in his will or anywhere else that that's where he wanted to be buried I stuck his ashes in there anyway and had the thing inscribed if that's not what he wanted too bad hmm the box of your great uncles things that you sold to Zeke's curio shop that was a No-No wasn't it what box of things I don't know what you're talking about I checked out that half burned receipt from Zeke's that I found in the fireplace well somebody screwed up somewhere because I haven't sold anything to anybody why would I sell one lousy box of stuff when I'm about to inherit a whole house full of stuff get real get real because you needed some quick cash in order to keep summer happy didn't you how do you know about her playing detective is actually a lot more than a hobby with me I'm nosy they make a lot of trouble for you Henry but if you come clean tell me about summer this girl I'm in love with no I think she loves me back but she's so unpredictable it drives me nuts she is hounding you for money I don't think she's in love with you you argue a lot all the time mostly over how schizoid she is I mean I never know what's gonna make her happy like just before I left I took practically every bit of cash I had and bought her a bunch of CDs you know to keep her occupied while I was gone right well as soon as I get here she calls and says her sound system just went Bluey and I had to buy her a new one because what good were the CDs I bought her if she couldn't play them so then I so then you threw a bunch of Bruno's things into a box and sold it to that curio shop yeah I wired her the money but then she called I feel bad for him she also needed new headphones next call it was new speakers and now she expects me to buy her a flat screen TV when I try to talk to her about always wanting more like that she gets really mad but I'm afraid if I don't give her what she wants she'll dump you good riddance yeah I couldn't take that I mean she's the only girlfriend I've ever had ever will have probably look you don't need to go telling Renee or any of those lawyers about selling that stuff right I guess I could just forget all about it especially if you were to say do something for me I know you still want the glass eye to take it go ahead it's all yours you want something I want something take it and we're even okay well it's not like you sold off half the estate or anything 300 bucks that's all I've gotten out of his estate I swear go on take it I will I was naughty but from now on that was naughty do you know anything about the Crystal Skull that wasn't a box of junk about the Crystal Skull that was in that box of junk you sold to Zeke's there wasn't any Crystal Skull in that box are you sure it would have been inside another box well I did throw in some smaller boxes like I said I was just grabbing stuff was it valuable all I really know for sure right now is that it's missing great be just my luck to have sold something that wasn't junk to that glorified trash collector I'll check back with you later awesome okay um there was also something about a book that we already looked at oh yeah here this we also had to look into so it said something like the title is the key plentiful no librarian's Tale to get such an eye you must first take a look at the cards that keep track of every book The title's the thing additions the hook that will let you remove the arm from its orb from its Nook titles the thing the additions the hook titles thing addition is the hook cat's eye eye candy there's a couple eye ones grinding fake eyes turn a blind eye oh I think Bruno ballet wrote in that tired eyes book mentioned the librarian's eye yeah there's an eye here 608 cat's eye o10 I don't know if this is what we need to do but eye candy fake eyes 006. librarian's tail that's it so I have some codes but where do we have those numbers we add all the item numbers they should equal one of the high numbers oh six four oh one fifteen forty here oh a librarian I didn't see that no oh [Music] yeah oh my God okay so it was 1540 okay that must be this one Jack yeah um paper in the dummy's head that one I still don't know that she did can't check that off yet that was not done yet we haven't seen uh Iggy in a while okay so the riddle the last that isn't buried on my guard oh we'll start you a hunting through the graveyard we're sitting on the headstone will lead you to another and so on and so forth so tiny treasure you discovered ah now I get yeah that was what we was what we were looking at the book okay let me write down who is on the last page Tammy Tammy Castleman let's go look back to the graveyard where is Terra Siesta is it like back right nope nope yes so how do I how do I progress or is it just in the book oh no that looks like the right name okay ah ah okay couldn't sleep without a peep so when she died we buried her deep I think that's a really scary thing to have on your gravestone [Laughter] um okay so wait oh it continues couldn't sleep without a peep so when she died we buried her deep start your hundreds again which one has totally e to another couldn't sleep without a peep so when she died you're very deep so that's a hint for someone else so we find someone get a new clue and then have to go back to the book each time sleeping Meadow take a picture of the book since the name triggers it oh yeah one of all the pages oh my God is it something like obvious helps to read the names out loud hmm Constance annoying constant snoring that is so oh God I would if you guys hadn't helped me with that I would have never found out okay Constance that's gotta be it okay I have pictures now so oh my God this is gonna be so hard amazing uh this way let's go back in the rain I like to think that she has like a big raincoat on okay never early never late never early never late see if I can find something there's so many ah just in time that looks like the right name sorrow Park have we seen a sorrow park I think so oh found it all dressed up with no place to go there's a person named Polly Esther me every night Christine Deirdre Gene Eddie Thomas some of them I'm just like that's a name like I can't think of like what it would sound like Maryville there must be a weird one in there Betty Barn chaser Dolly Ray dirt creaser hey Evelyn I'm in there ukulele oh there's a ukulele that definitely is one has to be if it was Manny kin it would be perfect that's true if you're dressed up but you're not going anywhere that's a very smart one Donia Katie taking Manny mannequin I'm no dummy I'm no dummy Manny is in the living Roots Memorial and I've been there a couple times now and no idea how I got there hey died in debt Jesus Ricky Garrett oh and more there he is is it own more let's try that looks like the right name sorrow Park here it is stand-up person kneel down let's hope Neil is lying down by now okay crowing crypts all that's left of me are these old bones none of the other names that I've been reading have been standing out to me though desire longer in this one my remains oh God no I wouldn't have wouldn't have found that too hard bingo uh we have to go back to Tara siesta bloomed too late pruned too early um I definitely like the page hint could I get one of those again then I'll try and try and see if I can find it Rose winter spring maybe that one smells right to me Rose is in the Slumber Gardens thank God she would have given you the shirt off her back oh polyester Givens that can't be right oh it's not Polly hopefully this will Givens me a clue so now what what's written on The Headstone will lead you to another insulin and so forth till tiny treasure you discover so when you go to polyester's grave uh 40 Winks mausoleum I think it's this one yeah foreign moved from his grave and buried again Bruno same name as my dog Bruno my dog at 10. is that also in the the book someone named Bruno hi Beth how do you double bath and I'm ready to Boogie when you come back here that's still kind of hard to say but listen remember that old photo of a boy and his dog you said you saw in that box of stuff Henry sold to Lamont yeah did it look like it was maybe taken in the 1920s that's exactly what it looked like why because I need to find out the name of Bruno bullet's dog and if that boy was Bruno then that was probably oh the boy was Bruno was there any writing on the picture yeah as a matter of fact I think it said Bruno that's all it said just Bruno no it said Bruno and but whatever came after and was hidden by the frame I really need to know the name of that dog oh no more snooping huh-uh best just get into that box again and see if the dog's name is on that picture that's all I want you to do how I can't just go Waltzing into Lamont's back room and he's for sure as heck not gonna fall for that sneeze Contraption again there must be some other way you can distract him please Beth I can't tell you how important this is you've got to do this for me please uh okay okay We're not gonna have any fun here until you solve this mystery and since you can't do that until I do this okay I'll sneak into the back room and take another look at that photo I mean I will if I don't screw up I think positive Beth you're gonna do fine you bet I am in fact I'm not going to call you again until I have seen that picture I'm going in you go girl fun here we are again doggy uh let me just do this just in case doggy doggy hey you know I still feel guilty about that sneezing thing so here we go I go and get you a nice big bowl of gumbo what just so happens I'm starving so hey you got a deal great I'll be right back and that's how we get the hot sauce on there I see can I and then that and take it oh he's not gonna like it oh what if he's like perfect he's completely fine I like them spicy that my gumbo uh-huh there you go enjoy this poor guy oh oh you're gonna have to excuse me like you wouldn't taste how spicy it is quick he still hasn't looked at the Box uh-oh I better get out of here Bruno and Grand oh God get out of here I can't I'm stuck Grant the dog's name is Grant that's what it said on the photo kind of a weird name for a dog huh yeah well Bruno belay was kind of a weird guy hey thanks a lot Bess you've been a huge help he was quick being sneaky takes a lot out of me I'm exhausted I don't know when I'll get back there so just kind of hang loose okay Story of My Life call me if you need me I will bye okay Grant now why do we need that oh wait yeah do we need to find a grant then Derek Grant ah it's a second name okay right writing you guys told me yesterday writhing Roots Memorial thousands okay writing Grant pirate nothing else hmm Jack hey what do we do with that pirate hat [Music] there we go Iggy you here wasn't there something else we could do here maybe not oh yeah there's this as well what's this vent above the pirate oh here Iggy I didn't even see that does he want the Hat here Iggy come here Iggy got something for you ah we got that so long ago do you want the Hat no oh so wait are we supposed to remember what he was wearing in the oh God I don't remember that's definitely piratey is that and that is pirity this is so weird it's definitely the Hat though dressing like a pirate and then back up oh like that ah um okay so we can just press anything dress Iggy up as an optometrist and see what he does a mailman should we do that but then I need to get two more fruit the name that opens every Jolly Roger meeting opens me I feel like I have seen Jolly Rogers somewhere it was the club he was in with the doctor oh yeah good time was held by all your friend and fellow Jolly Roger Gilbert oh okay now I get it so whatever they say to open up their meeting is the word that opens the Box oh the acceptance letter I took a picture of that listen you you've been I need you to do something for me what I need you to infiltrate the meeting of the Jolly Rogers crew that's about to be held never mind which has got to be right near Zeke's you're gonna have to look around for it now to get into the meeting you'll need to put on that Skeleton Man costume you saw in the back room and once you're in the meeting you'll need to listen for the name that opens the meeting so you can tell me what it is okay um no that's I know you don't like to do stuff like this but this is really really really important and it'll be the last thing I ask you to do I promise oh all right I don't suppose it would do any good to point out that the curio shop is closed you'll find a way in oh breaking into okay I'll give it a shot bones damn breaking in for your friend foreign get lost okay so apparently the entrance is right here how do I get into the place five digits do I have anything I can use oh the powder hmm how can you oh wait the five has a little bit as well so one two three four that ah I didn't see that there was something on the five foreign there it is it's all good do you want anything else here alarm will sound but that's what I just came in I don't trust it I guess it's funny what's the password password right uh let's see uh wasn't it Scuttle bones oh it's not in here scuttled vote forget it scroll down oh I was like yeah that's not the answer what's the password password right here we go let's see uh scuttled bones he's like I don't trust you one bit but okay better hurry we're just about to start how do you open a meeting welcome my fellow Jolly Rogers we have several pressing matters to discuss this evening so let us begin it's a shop owner I have heard certain city officials are attempting to deny us the right not only to gather in public places during the Mardi Gras season but they have also seen fit too shoot I forgot to turn off my cell phone if we have an Uninvited Guest get him [Music] who growled like that oh making a big mistake let's me look I'm not gonna make trouble you're making a big deal out of nothing can we just talk about it if you just let me explain oh why it seems our trespasser is of the female variety let's have a look that's right you know me and I know you Dr Buford and I also oh it's Dr Buford one who attacked my friend over at the bolay Mansion today and if you don't tell me why right now I promise you you are gonna be in one big world of hurt the young ladies clearly said about something Clarence take over the meeting while I try to find out why she's making all these crazy accusations you know it I will tell you everything Miss Marvin in private Nancy I bluffed him into confessing you would have been so proud of me Oh and before I forget the name they chanted at the start of the meeting was Jean Lafitte Jean Lafitte great now what did Dr Buford tell you okay first off he said that with his dying breath Bruno ballet directed him to steal the painting of Henry's parents and lock it up in Henry's parents Crypt Bruno seemed to think that way Henry would wind up with the Crystal Skull instead of somebody else so Dr Buford dressed up in his Skeleton Man costume stole the canvas and hid it in the Crypt like Bruno asked that must have been when Renee saw Mr death but then Dr Henry he wanted that Crystal Skull for himself so this afternoon he dressed up in his Skeleton Man costume again and snuck into Henry's house so he could get the key from that mini cemetery and retrieve the painting he'd left in that Crypt knowing the painting would somehow lead him to the skull only I walked in on him and ruined everything right I and now that we're on to him he says he no longer wants the skull yeah right embarrass that he allowed a superstitious side to get the best of him and says whoever finds the skull I told him you were looking for this skull that's all right actually I told him you were on the verge of finding it why would you tell him that I don't know I got carried away so if he lied to me and he really does still want the skull then he might come after you he left right after we talked he doesn't think he went back into that meeting what if he's on his way over there don't worry I'll be fine why don't you just should be fine I'm not too worried whoa that bolt of lightning was huge anyway why don't you just go relax and I'll be back at the hotel before you know it okay this hello yes you there nope she sure isn't well the Box and Jean Lafitte nice do you think the gristle skull is behind the eyeballs ooh five to go okay that was such an elaborate puzzle now we have this weird thing left that's and this weird thing that we got from the cemetery fence and the hand um is there anything in the book we haven't done yet actually I should just check this first and foremost there the letter maybe we should dress up Iggy again because he should have the letter right okay let's go get some more fruit dip yeah the weird thing goes from the statues the word key we got on the right here uh fruit oh thank you okay do it again what's all I need right now no you need two and you know it what was it a mailman Iggy and a doctor [Music] here he comes mailman is this the mailman that looks like a mailman doesn't it and a clown we can also do a clown does your handsome mailman goodbye oh is that the letter dear Dr belay I have completed my review for the of the day that I gleaned from the tests I ran last Tuesday on the crystal line replica of the human skull which you and Miss Amanda brought in what follows us a simple answer regarding its authenticity which is the two of you requested my analysis showed that the skull wall made of remarkably pure Crystal was carved using modern instruments in layman's term the skulls are fake again thank you for allowing Milo research and Technology to serve you ah so it was a fake interesting hmm did that yeah is this Milo research and Technology this is Chad Milo service forwarded your call to myself what do you want he's running are you all right I'm at the gym on the treadmill it's called multitasking well about I would never be able to you know what you told him the skull was a fake I was just wondering never told him what I told him that skull was authentic no you said oh it was carved using modern instruments I said all the tests I ran prove this call had been hand carved and hand polished probably took decades to make but the letter Dr belay got said just the opposite oh whatever he got let's not have been the letter that I wrote is real hey I'm not saying it's magic or anything I'm just saying it wasn't made using 19th century 20th century or 21st century technology did you carbon date it to see how old it was the thing was pure quartz no carbon in quartz no carbon no carbon dating hey look I'm gonna hang up now I try to talk anymore I'm gonna pass out just one more question did you send that letter saying the skull was authentic to anyone else no just Dr ballet I've already died recently good thing I build him up front yeah well thanks for your help [Applause] oh now the the housekeeper is really Shady because she's the only one who was with him in this house right so maybe she saw the letter before he did and replaced it very sauce yeah because who else would have gotten the letter if he only sent one letter this way [Music] yeah oh my God stop oh my God they're all just coming back stay down Jesus that was hard that was so hard um um nope that's not the door Eve that's the door here and then we go we go here stairs then we take it right then we go to the dummy okay Iggy how about a nice juicy loquat there he comes I think it was a clown wasn't it okay work no oh it was the doctor okay uh is it like that then fleek okay great all done check oh we're running out of things to check just that weird key still and find all the eyes the letter did that what if someone not only replaced the letter with a fake but also poisoned the letter like when he touches it he dies um four eyeballs to go we still have the hand as well this weird thing these three are like the mystery right now hello again I think I found a letter that Dr belay was reading when he had his fatal heart attack Iggy the Iguana had taken it apparently Dr bolay did have a crystal skull and belief possessing it would make him Immortal so we had it tested and the lab sent him its findings in this letter read the second paragraph my analysis showed that the skull while made a remarkable pure Crystal was carved using modern instruments in layman's terms the skull is a fake my guess is Dr belay believed in the skull so completely that when he read it was a fake he was totally devastated and his heart just stopped but what I don't quite understand is why did you tell me you didn't know about the Crystal Skull when this letter indicates you did all right Dr Boley told me about the skull as you said he believed with all his might own in that skull was the reason he was still going strong at nine to five I lied to you because well for one thing Dr Boley swore me to secrecy and for another he kept the skull hidden and up until just this minute I wanted to be the one who found it hmm what made Dr boulay decide to have the skull authenticated get in the skull tested was my idea when Dr Boley told me about it I was skeptical and that troubled him so I helped him find a private laboratory where we could take it so any and all doubts would be dispelled once and for all I certainly did not anticipate that the truth would result in his Keeling over and dying like that well now that I too know that the skulls are fake I can stop fretting over its whereabouts in fact I should probably thank you and Iggy for setting me straight I feel like even if it's a fake guy talking to you it's probably still worth a lot because it's still like pretty carved quartz I know quartz isn't that valuable but the way it's carved probably makes it worth more call Ned I see how he's doing pretty good meaning um I have been having Beth do some sleuthing for me you're kidding I thought you said best was a disaster when it came to detective stuff I never said that I mean I may have said she wasn't particularly Adept at snooping ah but this is not stopping it's sleuthing absolutely so how's she doing you know best when she puts her mind to something there's no stopping her she's doing awesome awesome okay maybe not awesome but she's certainly uh you know she's doing great totally what are you talking about right that's what I figured [Music] um are you familiar with the legend of the so-called crystal skulls yes the world like thousands of years ago and all the skulls have different magical powers something like that yeah apparently Henry's uncle was the proud owner of the Whisperer the skull That was supposed to make whoever owned it lived forever only now he's dead in another Superstition Bites the Dust maybe maybe not see this book I found in Bruno's Library said no one who has owned the Whisperer has ever died of natural causes so how did they die they were all murdered come on you don't believe that Crystal Skull stuff is true do you absolutely not but right now what I think doesn't matter the people who Knew Bruno had the skull if one of them believed in the whisperer's power they may have figured the only way they'd ever be rid of Bruno was to cause his death but didn't he die of a stroke or something heart attack well there you go natural causes heart attacks can be induced we've been watching too many of those forensic detective shows that may be but what's really interesting is the skull is missing that is interesting and I'll bet you anything that's what my bony friend in the red Ascot was looking for does Henry know where the skull is he doesn't know anything about it at least that's what he says but if that skull is still around here I intend to find it I kind of figured that I love with all the [ __ ] Nancy's been through where like on game 17 or something she's been through the craziest [ __ ] and she's like maybe the heart attack was staged and he's like you're watching too many detective stories it's like come on Ned Jesus she is all she is more than enough reasons to to be suspicious he confessed that he sold off some of Bruno's things because he needed money to keep his girlfriend's summer happy she's high maintenance huh extremely you're so lucky hey don't I know it I think he sold out the Crystal Skull I don't think so no he acts like he's never heard of the Crystal Skull and so the search goes on Bruno belay's doctor Gilbert Buford was apparently Bruno's best friend as well I think Bruno told him about the skull yes in fact Dr Buford told Beth that Bruno showed it to him once but apparently he told Bruno the skull was bogus and Bruno got a little ticked off never showed it to him again well when it comes to murdering someone and making it look like a heart attack a doctor's got to be right up there when it comes to suspects don't worry I've been thinking the same thing so what else is going on in order to find that Crystal Skull it looks like I'm going to have to find all of Bruno's glass Eyes Bruno wore a glass eye he wore a lot of glass eyes not all at once of course but from this box I found in his study it looks like he had at least 25. what makes you think finding them will lead you to the skull something Bruno said to Professor Hotchkiss whom I've met before by the way in Wisconsin did I ever tell you why does that name bring boots to mind for the cheese anyway it turns out she's an expert on the crystal skulls so Bruno called her once and when she asked him if he knew where the skull called the Whisperer was he said the eyes happened he meant eyes with an e instead of an a right do you yes I thought I thought Henry was weird get this Bruno had a petty iguana that he liked to dress up in little costumes say what he kid you not I found little outfits for Iggy that's the iguana's name Iggy in Bruno study he could dress him up like a mailman an optometrist or a pirate now I've heard everything no you haven't Iggy also hides things in the vents and depending on what outfit he's wearing he'll go into the vent and bring out different stuff you have got to be joking like I dressed him up as an optometrist and he brought me out a glass eye or Henry weirdness is genetic he doesn't stand a chance I'm pretty sure a letter caused Bruno belay to have that heart attack a letter apparently Bruno and Renee had recently taken the Crystal Skull to a lab to see if it was authentic the lab guy mailed Bruno a letter summarizing his test results which showed the skull was a fake and when Bruno read it I think the shot was just too much for him so much for his being murdered actually that's not quite true when I called the lab guy he said that in his letter he told Bruno the skull was authentic you mean someone faked the letter that said the skull was a fake yep which means Bruno more or less did die at someone else's hand at grief good grief have you told anyone no and I don't think I'm going to for one thing I don't want to tip my hand for another thing I don't want anyone thinking that skull is the real deal after all which apparently it is the only thing those lab tests prove is that the skull is at least 300 years old not that it has magical powers or anything but still finding it would be pretty cool while I was picking mushrooms for Renee I almost lost my hand to one of Bruno's pets you have a big dog or something yeah a big alligator named Bernie how can you make a pet out of an alligator apparently by exploiting their fondness for marshmallows stay away from them I like your hands just the way they are I can't quite figure out whether Renee neglected to tell me about him by accident or on purpose hey if you're not sure you'd better stay away from her too well all caught up with him yeah it's just that one key and I really have no idea you have a key with a similar shake to the feathers do I wait what doesn't look anything like that am I blind what I did not think that that was that same thing okay it's the base of the key that has that silhouette okay wait does that make 25 oh we have them all now oh my God and finally done all done can't check that off yet see what's in there uh wait save oh yeah eyes the eyes have it foreign so now it must be this story right so one to five stealthily stalking them famish and anxious out hunting West Waters he was cantankerous the sea stricken Pirates of Plenty weeks worth of looting left their large stomachs empty okay wait let me actually check oh they can look forward up down right and left okay so they basically can look in any direction yeah West Waters one to five we have West down the port we'll plunder some dinner Port down the port yeah so six seven is down 8 12 down to the mangrove stay surely digress or left a surprise I think it's probably left because we already had it down 13 16. treasure and hold down below break down the structures wait 13 14 15 16 so that's four things yeah I only see three down so I'll just leave it on down uh 17 20 down the ship Northwestern water wailed in with alarm right to shore down right to his den spit out their bones and fashioned a fence each treasure of course he had not left behind he'd befriend all these bubbles a very short time I'm guessing down because he he's going back down below but a tricky one okay it's weird to do that many that way oops uh six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Twenty One 22 23 24 25. so that's not correct okay that resets everything okay oh yeah a week's worth of looting left there is large stomachs empty there's one direction for each eye and that's what I was just wondering yeah okay so there's one two three four five five things in there so is it also down left up and right but also south west north and east he was and that's another okay South West South out here were the sea stricken East okay down so South porch is left oh so you think down and port count that's only six and seven so we only need two for this one down to the port they're villainous vessel was bugged down so it could speed down it could just be South South okay 8 9 10 11 12 so this is five again they would foul up the village and make a great mess down to the mangrove State surely digress ah it's a Beastie East swim for your lives the calm sees treachery that's East again left a surprise West that's five okay 13 14 15 16. so we need four the same long-legged BC East again whose eyes were glow had spotted some treasure in the hold down below South and his curious nature could not let it go okay so he tore down South the hull and alarmed were the Pirates he started to break down structures inside it okay so that should be that 17 18 19 20 so four again his nautical naughtiness knocked down the ship those petrified Pirates were muddled and miffed okay don't oh downshift Jesus I almost missed out you just knocked down the ship so they fired their guns at this Grand octopus one leg at two legs and left legs then six but the creature continued two other arms North West Northwestern water wailed in with alarm I'm missing one left legs oh yeah than just two Pirates abandoned this nautical nonsense and swam right to the shore so East their rather large haunches but gaggles of gunmen got left getting gobbled the creature was angry in its own ink it bubbled left okay last one 23 24 25 so down south Dove the octopus right East to his den he spit out their bones and fashioned a fence and each treasure of course he had not left behind he'd befriend all these baubles in very short time okay South West South East South South North South East east west East South South West North West east west South East with a whis oh I clicked too far the eyeball in the hand oh in the thing oh this is some Indiana Jones stuff wait but how do I combine them then hmm where would we have to put this God that was a hard one the Gargoyles oh now we can put it in you think I really wish that they put something in where she's like it seems like it fits but I don't know what I would have to do here and then just leaves it because then at least you know you're on the right track now it fits [Music] do you think there's an underground area whoa what oh no he's gonna catch the lightning no way [Music] damn whoa foreign wow [Music] oh it's closing Nancy that you in there goodness sakes Gail what on Earth have you gone and done the lid's closing and I don't know how to stop it here I thought she was evil tell us what you're holding up here then give me your hands come on you're best hurry oh she's just gonna walk off with it Renee a little help please the Crystal Skull after all that scheming how do I finally get it why this nice little yank again Yankee game Renee help me hurry please thank you Nancy bye now no you got you got me Renee we were right so she must have forged a letter I can't oh oh oh God uh oh God I need more time um I didn't see it where's the Moon oh there foreign [Music] okay this is so hard wait how did that lightning even reach down there okay escaped where did she go oh foot tracks follow her boat engine oh God where's the boat oh wait why were there two wait that was so confusing this way Renee hold it right there kick the log you say nothing of the fact that you just tried to bury me alive the skull is mine it wants to be mine kick the locked off the ballet to go to the authenticator then switch the letter they wrote saying it was real what one I wrote saying it was fake in hopes that Dr belay would just hand it over to me yes my plan failed and yes here we are I have the skull why knows that I will fulfill its Destiny Bruno bullet wanted Henry to have it that's why he had Gilbert Buford steal that painting and hide it in Henry's parents Crypt because he hoped that way Henry would eventually find it pen reads a fool if he ever got his hands on this he would just turn around and give it to that trashed girlfriend again I wouldn't be worried that that's what he does yeah but beautiful too and that Lamont Center he just wants to sell it to the highest bidder me my motives are pure I clicked already with all those other s all the mysteries of the universe are forever marshmallows is he gonna eat it dude you're gonna die you you cannot digest that Renee burst into tears and sobbed as Bernie swam away with a crystal skull it made me feel sorry for her for about two seconds after all while she may not have meant to cause Bruno's death she certainly meant to cause mine when she left me sealed up in that Crypt it felt good to turn her over to the police later that night Dr Buford came over and apologized for knocking me out with that smoke bomb and for allowing himself to think even for a moment that Bruno's Crystal Skull was anything more than a pretty piece of quartz to make up for his shameful Behavior he insisted on taking Beth and me on a grand tour of New Orleans so no one actually knows that it's real someone who loves it as much as Dr Buford was truly special he invited Henry too but Henry declined he was Oh Henry this is the fact that his great uncle wanted him to have the skull Henry always thought that to Bruno he was nothing more than an annoying family obligation someone Bruno couldn't care less about yet Bruno's request of Dr Buford made with his dying breath prove that he did care about Henry apparently and unfortunately for Henry Bruno was the type of man who just couldn't bring himself to say such things out loud as for Lamont when he heard what happened he closed his shop but enough marshmallows to fill a swamp boat and has been scouring the bayous ever since kicking every log he comes to in hopes of finding Bernie and the Crystal Skull inside him but Bernie has yet to turn up maybe this girl didn't agree with him maybe swallowing it caused him to stop associating the sound of a kicked log with yummy sweet things and he just spit it out again and it's in the bottom somewhere crossed to the world once again which is totally fine by me how is that totally fine by you though it's such an interesting interesting historical thing God summer obvious enthusiasm for Coco crinkle bars oh I haven't come back to it never meeting in Gumball you didn't like for never missing an opportunity to talk to someone dummy dares spending way too much time with the creepy dummy solving the square marble puzzle in record time oh I didn't do that Egghead for finding an Easter egg basket case finding all three Easter eggs there's three Easter eggs detectives dream come true the Italian police personally and requested that I travel to Italy and help them oh Venice unfortunately what started out as a simple assignment in a city filled with canals gondolas and romance quickly morphed into a full-fledged undercover operation and I soon found myself trapped in a maze of Lies disguises and danger help me find my way out by joining me in my next adventure The Phantom of Venice oh I've heard of this one uh that was fun that was another good one
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 520,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, nancy drew
Id: R4o0-z4PuZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 32sec (13772 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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