Nail Art Storytime Tiktok 💅🏻 🦋

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[Music] there's no way home and i have [Music] story time a girl named akira kendrick sent me the story in the background of is that her dad was very abusive to her mother and her mother got custody of akira and her dad was not happy about that anyway so akira was with her aunt and her cousins at her grandmother's house all on her mother's side and her dad stops by to say hello and akira's outside playing with her cousin and her dad comes up to her and grabs her arm and says do you want to go to walmart with me and at the time she's only seven so all she hears is toy aisle so she says yes let's go so they get in the car they head to walmart she gets some really nice pom-poms and then he says okay let's go back to your grandmother's house so he starts driving and he gets on the highway and akira knows that her grandmother's house is right around the corner from walmart so he does not need to get on the highway so she says dad where are we going and he gets really mad and says shut up sit down it does not matter so akira's in the back seat she's really scared and she just shuts her mouth so after being in the car for a while they eventually arrived at this really old abandoned beat up house and when they walk in akira sees about 25 people and she does not know any of them her dad brings her to a room puts her in a little closet throws her some toys in her pom poms and says play part two is coming part two of akira's dad literally kidnapping her so when they get to the house akira is really scared she doesn't know any of these like 25 people her dad brings her to a room throws her in a closet puts some toys in there and says play so after about an hour of being in a little closet with some toys she finally decides to get up and go look for her dad so she opens the door and starts looking around and there is no one in the house there is not even a single trace of somebody ever being there so of course she starts freaking out and crying she doesn't know where she is she's so far away from her grandmother's house and she doesn't have a phone and so eventually after three hours she hears somebody she looks up and her dad is standing there and he says come on let's go the cops are outside so basically akira's aunt called the cops and they had a search warrant for him they ended up finding her dad and they said to him if you don't take us to her you will go to jail and obviously from what i just said he finally took them to her at this random old abandoned house and they found her and they ended up putting him in jail anyways cause why not two years in jail and one year on probation don't steal children people don't customize your necklace any way you want get personalized jewelry with your name or absolutely any word why sun necklace well ask our 30 000 customers wear this one literally every single day we include an exquisite jewelry box with every order for free you can choose between three colorways and all of our necklaces are waterproof which means no more green skin shop now with 55 off plus free shipping link in the description sun necklace personal lies for you here's a story time of how me and my sisters almost got kidnapped so my mom and her boyfriend were just going to go out and have a night to themselves and i was home watching my two little sisters at the time i was 13 my two little sisters were nine and six so around 6 pm my mom and her boyfriend leave me and my sisters just sit down and watch a movie and then i get up to make them dinner i get paranoid really easily and while i was making them dinner i look out the kitchen window and i thought i seen somebody in the backyard i text my mom and she gets on the cameras that are outside and she said nobody was out there i continue making them dinner we sit down and eat and then we start watching another movie then we start hearing knocking it wasn't coming from any of the doors it was coming from the side of the house i didn't want to bother my mom on her one night out so i just took the kids and we went upstairs and watched a movie in my room my six-year-old sister at the time went to the bathroom and she came back in literal tears she was literally crying so hard until i finally got her to stop and tell me what was wrong she said as she was walking back from the bathroom she seen somebody downstairs i quietly locked my door and i put my sisters in the closet and i call my mom right away i'm running out of time part two of how me and my sisters almost got kidnapped i called my mom and then she looked on the cameras downstairs and somebody was in the house she never told me what the person was doing i guess she just didn't want me worrying but she called 911 right away while my two little sisters were in the closet my six-year-old sister would not stop crying and i'm pretty sure the person downstairs hurt her at this time my mom and her boyfriend were already on the way and so were the police i heard him coming up the steps so i quietly opened the closet door and promised my sisters that they would stay quiet and be calm no matter what i didn't know what he was here for so i hid in the side of the bed in front of the closet so that he would get to me before he got to the girls i heard him just rummaging through stuff and stuff breaking then a couple minutes later i hear the police sirens right as i hear the police sirens i hear our bedroom window smash while trying to stay as calm as i can three policemen bust down the door they grab me my sisters and take us outside about five minutes after they take us outside and put us in the back of their car my mom and her boyfriend shows up about 20 minutes later after he was caught they did notify us that he was wanted for murder of two younger girls and one adult male about 10 000 of our stuff was either missing or broke then about a month later when we were capable to we did move nothing has happened since [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is why you should never leave the table when you're on a blind date one of my best friends and i worked at the same restaurant when i came in later that day for my shift she told me a crazy story she said that her first table were this guy and this girl and she could tell they were on a first date the girl was nervous so she ordered a glass of wine as far as she knew the date seemed to be going well and the girl got up to go the bathroom right when my friend was about to come over and bring the silverware she saw him put something in her wine my friend obviously terrified and freaking out let our manager know who then let the police know and ran into the bathroom to tell her what was going on the girl ended up staying in the bathroom until the police came arrested him and escorted him out of the building it was noon on a tuesday you don't think you're gonna be drugged on at noon on a tuesday story time tinder edition okay the story blew up on twitter like a while ago but i'm just gonna retell it because it's very informational so there's this guy in this girl and they met through tinder and then they met up and they went on the stage and they were out at dinner and then she starts not feeling so well and then she says i really need to go home and he says yeah i'll drive you home and she says okay so then they get to her house and then she starts feeling better so then she says do you want to come in for some coffee and then he says yeah sure so they go inside they have their coffee and then she doesn't feel well again and she's like oh i'm sorry i don't feel well again i think you really need to leave and he's like okay and he leaves and then she goes to bed and in the middle of the night she wakes up and she hears this noise down in her kitchen and so she locks her door and she calls the cop and the 911 operator is just on the other line saying can you just stay on the line until the cops get there and then the cops get there and they're like the door is locked like we don't think anyone's inside and she's like i promise you someone's inside my house i can hear them she says you have my permission to break down the door so she's still up in her room and then she hears the cops break down the door and then she hears some wrestling and some fighting parts part two of the tinder story so then after the cops break down the door they go upstairs and they knock on her door and they're like it's okay we've got the guy everything's fine and they say to her we don't really want you to stay here tonight we don't think that you should see what he's done and when i say he it's the guy that she went on a date with and she's like no i need to see what he's done so she goes downstairs and she sees her kitchen wrapped all in plastic and there's a saw and a hammer and a knife and earlier when he came into her house for coffee he set his keys down right next to her keys and so when he left he picked up both sets of keys and that is how he got back into her house and they tested her like her blood and everything and she wasn't supposed to wake up because of how many drugs were in her system because on the date he drugged her and then i guess he was just planning on chopping up her body in her own kitchen i don't know stay safe one time i had a babysitter one of my neighbors kids overnight we're gonna call the kid benny the parents didn't really tell me anything when they left me alone with benny but they left me a note and they were like you can only open it in emergencies so at this point i'm alone with benny it's like 11 p.m and i told benny i was like dude you should like get to bed it's late then benny starts getting really red and he's like no we don't want to sleep alone sleep with us please i didn't know why benny said us but i was like whatever okay like yeah i'll sleep in your room like it's fine so fast forward a couple hours it's like three in the morning at this point this is the best part benny starts talking in asleep and he's like take her instead you're not my friend anymore i am not yours and i try waking him up and i look at him and his eyes are wide open as he says this stuff i was freaking out so i went to go open the note that his parents said was only for emergencies it just gets better the note said we're sorry for not telling you run him a cold bath call 911 in case anything after benny was literally acting possessed while i was sleeping in his room i went to go open the note that his parents left that was only for emergencies and guess what it said the note literally said sorry for not telling you run him a cold bath and call 9-1-1 if anything happens i don't know what to do so i just went to go wake up benny so when i woke benny up he was really really mad and he kept trying to put his hands in front of my eyes and was telling me please be nice to them open up and so long story short i ran benny cold bath and then he locked himself in the bathroom so at this point benny has literally locked himself in the bathroom and he's literally yelling out loud please take her not me i won't tell anyone this is the best part so i called the police because i was scared for my life at this point and the note that his parents left said to do that so the cops tried calling benny's parents but they couldn't get a hold of them but they got a hold of the grandparents and eventually his grandparents came so his grandparents come and they're like we're gonna take him to a priest and they told me this is the reason why everybody thought i dropped out of high school over the four years of high school i was probably in school a total of 100 times altogether and this wasn't because i was lazy i mean partially but it was mostly because i had really bad stomach problems so i always had these doctors appointments i was always missing school because my stomach hurt so then my junior year since my attendance was really really bad they decided to put me on home instruction this means that teachers will come to my house for about two hours a day three days a week and my teachers had to bring with them these time slips for example saying that they saw me from 9am to 11am and when i was a minor my dad had to sign it and when they hand in those time slips those are the hours they're getting paid for so i had this one teacher she was my history teacher but we would literally just gossip the entire time she was mad chill sometimes though she would cancel on me and sometimes i would cancel on her but this was my senior year so i was 18. so i was able to sign the time slips so i saw her once a month when i was supposed to see her four times a month so every time she came i signed four time slips i got the credit she got the check story of the time my friend snuck out of her house to see a boy and i had to cover for her in front of her parents so this was our freshman year of high school which made us at that time 14. so my friend we'll call her kate she was talking to this boy and she would always tell me how she snuck out of her house to see him at night to have relations of sorts one weekend she asked me to sleep over she told me that she was planning on seeing him and i was okay with it i just didn't want to be in the awkward position of if she got caught at the time i don't know why i didn't see a problem with this probably because we were kids but the guy that she was seeing was 23. so anyway we go in her basement she tells her parents that we were gonna watch a movie and then probably go to bed so her parents go to sleep and we hung out for a few hours until she was ready to go out she had a giant window in her basement that she would sneak out of before she left she told me to go up to her room to watch her get into his car she told me that if her parents wake up tell them that she's taking pictures of trees mind you this is like two in the morning so i'm watching through the window and as she gets the street a huge white van pulls up which concerned me story of the time i slept over my friend's house and she snuck out in the middle of the night to see a boy part two so i'm upstairs in her room looking out her window to make sure that she gets to his car and a white van pulls up keep in mind she told me that she's seen this guy before so she starts running to the van and i'm not gonna lie i was kind of freaked out so i started texting and calling her and she wasn't answering the phone and like i said she told me that if her parents were to come in the room to tell them that she was outside taking pictures of the trees she left around 2am and i didn't get a text or a call back from her for hours so i started contemplating telling her parents i heard walking around the house around 6am so i turned off her light and laid in her bed and acted like i was sleeping i also put pillows next to me to make it look like there was two of us in the bed her mom ended up coming in the room but didn't say anything and i was too nervous to tell her so her mom goes back in the room and around seven o'clock she finally gets back she said she wasn't looking at her phone because they were you know getting down for five hours and she said she had a really great time turns out the white van was his work van so when i was a sophomore in high school i had this teacher who would only let the students in her class use the restroom one time per semester well one day i raised my hand and i was like excuse me i don't remember her name can i please use the restroom and she was like no you can't because you've already used the restroom in my class this semester well excuse me you can't dictate my bladder so i'm like all frustrated and i started secretly texting my mom because i wasn't allowed to use my phone in class and i was like mom i'm sitting in class right now my teacher won't let me use the restroom and she was like i'll take care of it for you and i was like okay so like five minutes goes by and all of a sudden my teacher's phone starts ringing and she walks up to it and answers it and she's like hello [Music] yeah okay thank you and then she walks up to me like so angry and she like slams the pass on my desk and she was like since you have to go that bad and i was like yeah i really do thanks and i got up and left i didn't even have to go to the bathroom it was just the principle of it i just roamed the halls a little girl made me cry last night so the coffee shop that i work at also has ice cream and so this lady had brought in her granddaughter to get ice cream this little girl's probably about four or five years old and she asked for ice cream with sprinkles and so i absolutely loaded it with sprinkles because she's a kid and i have a heart and the entire time this girl's eating her ice cream she just keeps glancing at me and right before they're about to leave the grandmother brings her up and says okay tell her what you wanted to tell her the little girl looks up at me and goes i think you're a princess and the grandmother goes tell her why you think that and the little girl looks up at me and goes because you remind me of sunshine this is a story of how i embarrassed myself in front of my entire class so it was seventh grade math class and honestly when i was in middle school that was definitely my awkward stage i was just really weird i always said the wrong thing and i was always just embarrassing myself in front of people one day we were going over all these drills like you know lockdowns fire drills all that and my teacher had a list of questions that we all had to answer and she was the type of teacher that would just call on you randomly whether you were paying attention or not and back then we weren't even allowed to have phones so i was just completely zoned out because of my adhd and the teacher decides to call on me after she had asked this question if you're in the bathroom by yourself and an intruder comes in and says is anybody in here what do you say then she calls on me and i don't know why but the first thing in my head was to say that you say no and right away my teacher looked at me like i was an idiot and started crying laughing with the entire class i was mortified my boyfriend showed up to my house randomly one day i had just woken up and i got ready so fast in my room mom told him that he could wait in the living room she ended up jumping in the shower i went outside to the living room and we ended up going to his house and i was there my mom called me she said that there was 350 dollars on the table and that 150 dollar bill was missing i couldn't believe what i was hearing but i had to find out the truth so i told him to take me to jack in the box we went through the drive-through i was so mad but i had to keep it together i knew that he only paid with 20s he never paid with 50s i ordered my food i was waiting to see what bill he pulled out and guess what guys it was a 50 dollar bill then i looked at him and told him don't pay with my mom's money i grabbed my purse pulled out of 20 and told him pay with my money his eyes just popped open he knew he got caught this is why you should always lock your doors a junior in high school was home alone working on a paper while his parents were out to dinner all night he sits with us back to his door sitting at his desk with his noise-canceling headphones on around 11 o'clock he takes his headphones off at the same time his parents are returning to the house and he hears his mom from downstairs yell hey adrian what happened confused he runs downstairs and sees right away what she's looking at muddy footprints all over the rug he tells her i didn't leave my desk and then they realized someone must have broken in they look at the footprints and there's none leaving the house they're worried someone's still in the house they run into the garage terrified call the police police arrive and they don't find anyone in the house but they do make a chilling discovery upstairs the police bring them to the kids bedroom door which have been left open all night and they point to the message written on it in sharpie this is the actual transcript of what was written on his door which means for nearly two hours someone stood in this kid's doorway watching him i work as an assistant for a really big fashion company i had a defective wedding dress and my boss asked if i knew anyone we could give it to my best friend recently got engaged so it was perfect when she posted on instagram to thank me and my boss my family caught wind of it and that's when the influx of calls came i do not have a good relationship with my family my parents kicked me out when i was 16 after i came out to them and my sister wasn't much better they demanded to know why i gave the dress to my friend and not to my sister i didn't even know she was engaged they suggested i try to take it back from my friend as family should always come first my sister even tried to call my boss to complain i just got off the phone with my mom and this is how the conversation went she says my sister is very upset about the dress and i told her she needs to get over it my mom says i can make it up to them by giving her another dress i posted one last night on my instagram it's a twelve thousand dollar dress and that's the one my sister wants and i told her you expect me to give you a twelve 12 000 dress when you kicked me out when i was 16. my mom says that was a long time ago and we're talking about your sister not me when i refuse to give the dress my mom says the least i can do is help her buy one at this point i hang up and i've been avoiding them since then the most in character thing i've ever done remains my first week of kindergarten when my teacher left the room to laminate some papers and i decided that the day was over so i lined everyone up and i walked them out the door and i got halfway to my house before the cops stopped us [Music] this is why you should never take a prank too far once there were two young twins who lived in a small town and they were known for constantly misbehaving one day a man had passed away peacefully in his home and the twins wanted to play a prank on everyone else living in the town so they snuck into the house and started messing with the man's body one twin moved his mouth like a puppet and the other one poked his eyes out with a stick as they were doing this they heard footsteps they couldn't find anywhere to hide so they placed the body back in the coffin then got in the coffin themselves and closed the lid but what they didn't know was they were taking the coffin straight to the funeral the people carrying the coffin noted that it was much heavier than usual but brushed it off no one even noticed that the twins were gone until the coffin was lowered the twin's mother appeared at the cemetery about the missing twins which stopped the funeral and began a search eventually the man carrying the coffin confessed that the coffin had weighed more than it was supposed to so they lifted it out and opened the lid they did find the boys there but they found them lying on top of the body whose hands were wrapped tightly around each of their necks the twins had been strangled to death put a finger down if you go and meet your friend for dinner one night and you get there before her so you walk up and tell the hostess that there's gonna be two of you and you give her your last name then you go and sit down and while you're waiting for your table this random girl walks up to you and is like hey i heard you say your last name do you know blank and you're like yeah that's my dad she's like that's my dad and you look at her like she's the craziest person you've ever seen in your life so she pulls out her phone and in fact shows you pictures of your dad at every holiday graduation family function that has ever happened in her life and that was the day you found out that your dad had a secret family and then you had to be the one to break the news to your mom this is why you should never talk to strangers in an elevator one day a surgeon was working the night shift at a hospital he just finished his operation on a patient and was going to the basement he entered the elevator and there was one other woman already inside they were casually chatting when the elevator door opened and another woman was about to enter but the surgeon looked horrified he quickly slammed the close button and punched the highest floor of the building surprised the woman asked why he was being so rude and wouldn't let the other woman in the elevator with them the surgeon explained that in this hospital all patients wear white wristbands with their names printed on them but the red wristbands are placed on all of the corpses the surgeon then looks to the woman in the elevator with him and says that was the same woman i just operated on she died on the operating table didn't you see the red wristband she was wearing the woman in the elevator with him just smiled raised her arm and said you mean like this one this is why you should never play hide and seek a mom decided to play hide and seek with her two kids the mom began counting ready or not here i come she begins searching the downstairs kitchen because she knows that they hide there every single time as she's walking to the kitchen she starts saying hmm i wonder where they are she looks under the table and sees they aren't there which is kind of odd she knew they were too scared to go into the basement alone but she decided to check anyway they weren't there either she began to panic the mom then says jordan casey come out now mommy's not playing anymore there was no answer panic really begins to set in she decides to call 911 and reaches an operator she tells the operator what's wrong the operator sends an officer to her house once the officer arrives he says don't worry we will find them as she's sitting in the living room she hears giggling and laughing and hears a closet door slam upstairs she sprints upstairs and says jordan casey you worried me sick she opened the closet door and nobody was there while all of this is going on she hears the doorbell ring she runs downstairs and finds the officer holding jordan and casey the officer says they were hiding in the shed out back then jordan looks at mommy and says why were you telling us to stay in the ship there's no [Music] story time about how i found out my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend was spying on us in the bedroom disclaimer this is not my story time my boyfriend and i have been together for one year our relationship is really good we're like best friends and we tell each other everything he always wants to spend time with me and we're planning on moving in together our families love each other and they're looking forward to us getting married someday i'll call my boyfriend dan when dan and i started dating he told me that he had a really crazy ex he was extremely controlling and didn't let him hang out with his friends or even his family and when he broke up with her she went nuts she actually told her family that he was abusive just to get back at him when we got together dan told me that he was scared his ex might try to do something to us i told him not to worry that she wouldn't do anything at all boy was i wrong dad had his own apartment and i would stay at his place most nights and of course we did stuff in his bedroom one night that we're on his bed doing stuff i see a little tiny lens on his bookshelf pointing straight to us i hadn't noticed it before so i asked him what it was he said he didn't know so he went to it and pulled it out it was a tiny little camera part two is when my boyfriend and i are doing the dirty on his bed i notice there's a little lens pointing straight at us he goes to grab it and we realize it's a little camera the whole time we've been doing stuff on his bed it's been recording us that's when my boyfriend dan said that it must have been his crazy ex let's call her casey he had told me that she was really crazy but i didn't think she was that crazy dan starts looking throughout his whole apartment and he finds two more little cameras one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom as you can imagine we didn't sleep that entire night of course we went to the police and they opened an investigation but they said they couldn't find anything a week later i get a dm from kc his ex-girlfriend she starts abusing me through dm calling me a bunch of names she even said that i stole dan from her but i hadn't even met dan when they broke up then she sends me a picture of my house which means she knows where i live i go straight to my boyfriend's apartment and when i open the door guess who's there casey is sitting on the couch with my boyfriend it gets scarier my boyfriend's crazy ex is sitting on the couch and i'm terrified disclaimer this is not my story time she had just finished sending me a bunch of dms on instagram totally abusing me but my boyfriend didn't know this i walk into the apartment and they're both sitting on the couch she turns around and asks him is that her my boyfriend looks at me with a serious face and says yes that's her then she shows me dms on instagram that i had supposedly sent to some guy and that she passed herself off as this guy to see if i would fall and the messages were so dirty and disgusting i tell my boyfriend that's not me and that i would never do that to him he just stares at me and doesn't say anything that's when i try to show him all of the dm's that she had just sent me but i noticed they were all gone she actually unsent every single dm now i had no proof and it was just her ward against mine that's when i accused her of planting the cameras in our bedroom she actually smiled at me and turned around and told my boyfriend she would never do that then she's my boyfriend's crazy ex slaps me and lunges at me of course i start attacking her right back my boyfriend separates us finally and asks both of us to leave his apartment i was so crushed that he didn't believe me so far she had spied on us in bed hacked my instagram to send dms to herself to make it look like i was talking to another guy and threatened me by telling me that she knew where i lived oh yeah and she physically attacked me too i left my boyfriend's apartment and a few days later he comes looking for me i explained everything to him and he said he had no choice but to believe me his ex was too crazy then he told me that she went back to his apartment that night and picked his lock she got naked and crawled into his bed he woke up kicked her out and went straight to get a restraining order scanned his apartment for more cameras and found two more what should we do come make some colors of me while i tell you a story time i was targeted to get kidnapped on my school property this is a true story by the way so my school is really big they have a bunch of exit doors and i play lacrosse so i was getting ready to hop in my friend's car so we can go to practice and on the left side of school there is senior parking so that's where i was heading mind you this was during the time everybody was exiting and trying to just go home so obviously it's a bit loud outside because everybody's talking to each other walking home etc and i just have my headphones in because i'm anti-social and then i notice somebody's walking really really close to me and then i look over and it's not a student it's not a teacher it's not anybody seen before it looked like their skin was peeling like if they were on drugs or something and as soon as i looked over i took off my headphone and he said you're so pretty like what's your name obviously i don't respond and he just grabs me i'm doing a part two this is part two about the time i was literally targeted to get kidnapped on school property so yeah so he grabs me and the first thing i do is look around for help and all i see is t-shirts and security sprinting towards us this is when he decides to let go and just start sprinting here running he attracts door like he was going fast he was literally running so fast that the teachers in security had to get in their cars and chase him so there was other people involved in this kidnapping because he literally ran to a white van i was ready to take off obviously police caught them and their attentions were to literally kidnap me the men caught were already wanted in the area and they were arrested i just want to know what was going through the head trying to kidnap somebody on school property i was a product of an affair between my mom and dad my mom was already married and had a one-year-old daughter she wanted to abort me but my dad begged her and paid her a hefty sum she signed over all rights and i didn't see her for my 14 years of life she recently contacted my dad saying she wanted to get to know me better and he said it's entirely up to me i was skeptical but decided to meet her i've been talking to my mom's side for about two months when at a family gathering they all sat me down and said the reason they contacted me was because my half-sister was having kidney failure and was basically dying a loss for words i got up and left told my dad and he said it's entirely up to me but i should get tested just to see before i make my decision so i did when my mom found out she thought this was me agreeing and told everyone the good news i did a lot of thinking and i decided i would not be donating my kidney this family had done nothing for me the only reason they tried to get in contact was for my kidney i don't want anything to do with them i got loads of hateful calls and messages but decided to stand by my decision my stepsister called me and said i'm a douche for giving her false hope people are saying i'm wrong because i can save a life my step sister did nothing wrong but i feel so used am i the for not giving myself this is why you should never knock on a stranger's door once there was a man trying to check into a hotel the woman at the front desk gave him his key and told him none of the guests are allowed to go into the room across the hall he agreed but as he continued to stay in the hotel he grew more and more curious about the room he wasn't supposed to go in at one point he even walked down the hall to that room and tried the door it was locked then he bent down and looked through the keyhole he saw that it was just the same as his hotel room but in the corner of the room there was a woman whose skin was extremely pale almost a sickly white her back was to the wall so the man didn't see what she looked like he almost knocked on the door but then just decided to leave her alone the next day he walked past the door again and decided to look into the keyhole this time there was no hotel room and no woman it was all just red he thought that this seemed really strange so he went to the front desk and asked about the room after insisting on an answer the woman at the front desk told him a long time ago a man killed his wife in that room and her ghost is still there but these ghosts are not what you might imagine they're completely white all over except for their eyes which are red one day in the sixth grade i got in trouble for talking too much so i got sent to the principal's office and the principal looked at me as if he wanted to kill me he told me to sit down and wait while he handled some business and a while after he came back and told me to go back to class but i felt like something was off so i asked him if everything was okay and he stared me down and told me to leave i was so sad i went home crying and i told my mom about what happened and she explained to me that they were dating and she broke his heart i was in shock the next day at school i went to his office and gave him a piece of my mind because what my mom does has nothing to do with me and he slowly walked towards me and i got a little nervous because he is so hot like i would let this man have my babies he grabbed me by my waist and asked me if i wanted to do the dirty obviously i said yes and he told me to take of my cloth so i took of my cloths and i was so ready then he just stood there so i asked him what he was waiting for and he took out his phone and took a picture of me then said that he was going to expose me if i didn't told me that he would expose me if i didn't help him kill my mom of course i said no like i would rather have my nudes exposed than kill my own mother he said okay and posted it on snapchat and instagram i tried to grab the phone but he was way too strong nobody from my school saw my nudes yet because they make us put all our phones in a bin until it's time to go home the whole day at school i was panicking because i know when i go home my mom would beat my ass and tell the whole family i take the bus home and everyone uses their phone on the bus i was so scared like i've never been so scared in my life i was sitting next to my friend rachel when this boy named carlos looked at his phone with shock so i knew for sure he saw my nudes this showed the whole bus and him and his homies were all laughing at me so i broke the boy's phone and jumped out the bus and walked home like a boss on my way home i saw the principal at my i'm getting home i saw the principal at my front door yes my front door as soon as i saw him i hid behind a tree so he wouldn't see me then i remembered he asked me to help him kill my mom so he's definitely here to do it himself my first intention was to call my mom and tell her that her ex was here to kill her and she needs to leave but i knew she wouldn't believe me so i took matters into my own hands i ran up to the principal screaming and i straight up beat his ass he was unconscious after so i dragged his body to my backyard and digged up his grave and buried him underground i also took his phone and deleted the pictures till this day everyone thinks he left town and my mom doesn't know her ex's body is in our [Music] [Applause] story time so about three years ago i was working at burger king and the job was overall really chill but there was always this one customer who literally like carried her dog in her purse always wore like pink and sunglasses she just like looked bougie and acted booty she would always come to burger king and be like i'm getting food for my dog and like make a statement like it's not for her it's for her dog and she would always say racist slurs and i think she had anger issues too she came in to drive through this one time and we were packed so obviously everything's delayed a little bit and when she came to the window she literally said f you go back to mexico and f your dad i didn't say one word i had this large drink in my hand and my only reaction was to just simply throw it at her story time about one of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to me in high school so a little background information i was in my freshman year of high school well spring break was coming up well the whole year my friend and i hadn't been to one single party so we decided that we wanted to try and go to a party every single day of spring break which was about to be super difficult because we had to worry about my strict ass parents and my neighbors a little background info on my neighbor my neighbor is this girl who's in my same grade and she literally hates my guts i don't know why but literally anything that i do she'll go and she'll tell her mom and then her mom will tell my mom because my mom and her mom are best friends before we know it saturday comes around and we go back to school on monday we did not make it to one single party well later that night we found out that one of our friends was throwing one so around 11 o'clock everybody's sleeping and i walk out my back door hop over my fence i start heading towards the road where my friend was going to be parked do you know who do i see sitting outside on their porch reading a book my neighbor like or two about the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me in high school so like i said the that i hate is sitting out on her porch reading a book at 11 o'clock at night so i crouched down so she couldn't see me i run to the car and my friend and i finally go to the party oh we get to that party and it's really boring so we decided to go to a different one and the party that we were about to go through was being thrown by the kid that i really liked so i start hanging out with him when we get there i'm drinking a lot having so much fun and i really have to go to the bathroom and i didn't know where anything was at all so i grabbed my friend and we're looking around everywhere for the bathroom because when i asked him he was super drunk and really couldn't explain to me where the bathroom was so we were pretty much left to fend for ourselves but we ended up not being able to find a bathroom and this is where i had the improvise so my friend and i go to the laundry room and we see the litter box in there for the cat well at this point i was desperate so i just went in the litter box well 30 minutes later the cops show up to the party and everybody had to hurry up and leave because we did not want to get under ages like for part part three about the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me in high school so like i said i went in the litter box and then the cop showed up we all ran because we didn't want to get underages i was able to sneak back into my house without anybody knowing but when i get to school on monday everybody's talking about the party and apparently the kid that i liked who threw the party his parents didn't know that he threw one at all this was like during first period so i went to text him and asked him if he was grounded because we were supposed to hang out the next day and i realized that i am blocked so i'm thinking what the why does he have me blocked so i told my friend that he blocked me and she goes it's probably because he saw what you did in the laundry room and i'm sitting there and i'm like there's no way that he knows because there was a door that led to the outside in the laundry room there were cameras in there so everybody saw this video of me people were posting it on their fence does posting it on their snapchat stories it was so embarrassing not to mention the that i hate who lives next door showed my parents the video and i was grounded for four months when i was little i found my mom's credit card and uh being a six-year-old i saw my mom putting the credit card on her phone and i knew how she did it so i decided that i was gonna put uh on my phone so i put it on my phone and i was downloading roblox because i thought hey i can play with my friends here that day i spent two thousand dollars worth of freaking money on robux let's just say um a lot of my friends thought i was really cool and rich when my mom found out i hid from her for seriously like a day and then once i got in there she wasn't mad she just said i was captain robux story time of how i caught my teacher and my best friend doing the dirty so everything was fine up until the middle of the year when she started acting really strange and so did he so at the time i was 13 and she was 14. and i'm pretty sure my teacher was in his mid-20s or 30s so basically she's the type of girl who literally hates school and would do anything to get out of class then i noticed her getting early to class and not leaving until everybody else left then i started paying a little more attention and he would always walk by her desk and slip her notes and candy and just weird stuff and it was really really strange to me he also moved to her desk right next to his which his was all the way in the back left corner of the classroom he would also always make jokes with her which i didn't really understand until i found out they were sleeping together so on friday my mom messaged her parents asking if they could pick me up monday because my parents were going out of town that weekend and i hated riding the bus well i'm guessing she didn't know that i was going home with her monday so that monday i got into her mom's car and i asked her mom where she was her mom said that she was failing math and her math teacher offered tattoo to her this teacher was also brand new here's purdue of how i found out my best friend was sleeping with our teacher so continuing on with the story i told her mom that i've never seen him tutor somebody before plus she told me her grades were sky high in that class i ended up forgetting my pencil pouch which had my keys to my house in it so i had to go back anyways and when i went back the door was locked and like he had something over it or whatever but i could see under it because he didn't cover it all the way and she was on his desk and he was kissing her or doing weird stuff i knew her mom wouldn't believe me if i told her what i saw so i just told her it was an emergency and she was in trouble so we booked it back to the classroom and at first we didn't see them and then she seen a foot come from beside the desk mind you were peeking under it so we couldn't really see much her she started banging in the classroom door and screaming i've never seen her this mad i was honestly terrified that i ran into a separate classroom the teacher to this day i'm pretty sure he's still in jail and she is still homeschooled and grounded with no phone we found out that he was married with four kids well was married story time when i was in kindergarten after lunch we always had nap times and after them we always had to do work my lazy ass never wanted to do work so i came up with the idea of pretending like i was sleeping after everyone woke up the teachers always let the kid sleep and so it worked out perfectly so then nap time came and put my plan into action after everyone woke up i remained on the floor pretending i was sleeping after about two hours of pretending i was sleeping i actually fell asleep the next thing i knew was when i woke up i was in the hospital i didn't know what happened i sat up and my mom was sitting by my bed when she saw me awake she started crying and called for a doctor apparently what happened was one of the kids probably the freckled in my class leaned back on her chair and fell backwards and fell with a metal chair on my head and i didn't wake up so they called 9-1-1 and that put me in a coma i was in a coma for two weeks one time i was behind the register at victoria's secret this customer walks in and immediately everybody spots her as a red flag she's just picking up items throwing them in her bag not looking at sizes not looking at colors so everybody's like everyone's on their walkie like watch this customer she's coming to the fitting room she's headed to the cash rep somebody get her check her id get her get her she has a bag full of stuff and guess who gets her at the register me so she comes to my register and she dumps out her stuff and you know we're having a regular conversation hi how are you yada yada her total comes up to probably between 700 to 900 it was expensive my manager is at the register next to me talking to me on the walkie ashley make sure you get that id don't matter what she is and make sure you get that id so i ask her for the id because she's paying credit why do you need to ask for my id just take it run it i'm like no ma'am i'm sorry i need your id for the purchase she starts to raise her voice at me so she's raising her voice at me and i'm like let me um but i couldn't i just couldn't y'all so i was like i can raise my voice too do you want to play this game cause i'll win promise and she's like oh well what time do you get off work and i'm like i'm closing i'm actually getting off at 11 would you like to pick me up then she calls me stupid she's like you're stupid and i'm like okay you know what let me eat that then she calls me a dumb so i took a deep breath and i said you you dumbass your broke ass can't even afford these clothes and you over here trying to scam me off my line and honestly me and her just started getting going back and forth at each other like ah my manager's like go to the back go to the back go to the back i'm still cursing her out as i'm walking to the back of the store i really thought i would get fired but i actually didn't my future mother-in-law is the absolute worst person i've ever met in my life i'm 30 years old and my boyfriend is 31 and we've been together for eight months he's the sweetest and most caring man i've ever met in my life but the biggest surprise is when i met his mother i'm a natural redhead so he sat down for dinner she asked me if my parents had the same color hair and then she proceeds to ask me does the carpet match the drapes i looked over to my boyfriend who seemed equally as shocked but he didn't say anything and when i didn't respond back she said don't worry i'll ask my son about it later she then went on to attack my appearance and said my hair was too curly and i really needed to learn how to run a brush through my hair and think about my appearance more when i'm out with her son and when i lost my appetite she told me it was a good thing that i'm watching what i eat because it would be a shame if i got any bigger this was my first meeting with this woman and as soon as i got into my car i burst into tears until i got home i told my boyfriend i needed some time he went into apology overload and this started by sending me flowers to my office every day and leaving me messages he said he spoke with his mom and promised this would never happen again with this reassurance i decided to give it another chance [Music] [Music] story time about the girl who was absolutely obsessed with me in high school so it was my junior year in high school and i'm just gonna tell you guys the first story of how i knew that she was absolutely obsessed with me and wanted to be me well i had been dating this guy for like a month and i sent him nudes well my nudes got spread around the school and everybody knew they were mine until this one girl and we're gonna call her addie started saying that they were hers i guess one of my friends was talking about it in class and they were like omg did you hear that her nudes got leaked aka mine and addie was sitting at the same table and she said no those are my nudes and at first i thought this girl was just trying to be nice i was like oh well that's nice of her you know like maybe she's just trying to say that so that way nobody will bully me i guess well the one day i texted her about it and i was like hey like you don't have to do that it's fine i'll take responsibility for it i did it and she was like what are you talking about those are my nudes like for part two part two about the girl who was obsessed with me so like i said she basically told me that those were her nudes even though i took the pictures and i knew they were mine but i was like okay whatever i'm not gonna argue with her well then i get a text from my boyfriend and he goes what the you're so weird why would you send me somebody else's nudes and i'm just sitting there like what the and i tried to explain to him that i had no clue why this girl was saying they were hers but then he said that i was weird as and he broke up with me so like a week later i see them walking around school together and my friends tell me that they're now dating and i really wasn't that mad about it i was like okay maybe that's the only way that she could think of to get a boyfriend well i forgot that my instagram was logged in on his phone because he had super bad trust issues and wanted to make sure i wasn't cheating on him so i text him and i'm like hey can you take my instagram off your phone and i saw that he read my text message but i got no response well a week later you guys are never gonna guess what happened like for part three part three about the girl who was obsessed with me so like i said i texted him and i got no response back so i run into him the next day at school and i'm like hey did you get my text and he's like text about what and i was like taking my instagram off your phone and he was like oh yeah adi did it don't worry and i didn't think anything of it because you know i'm like oh well she's done torturing me well i was very wrong so in my first period i went to go sit with my group of friends because all three of us had that class together and when i walk in i realized that addie is sitting in my seat so i pull up a chair to the table and they were all ignoring me and texting each other right next to me so i was like okay what's wrong and one of my friends goes oh nothing just the fact that you dm gigi and i's boyfriends saying that we were and that they should date you by the way gigi was my other friend and after that this addie has the nerve to make the comment that's really up why would you do that so then i beat her ass and lost all my there's no way home and i have no mercy there's no way i'm still going down so i keep on laughing so you [Music] you
Channel: GTV
Views: 599,402
Rating: 4.9097223 out of 5
Keywords: Gtv nail art storytime, Nail art storytime tiktok, Nail storytime gtv, Nails complete story time, compilation nail art storytime, gtv, gtv nail art storytimes, gtv nail storytime, gtv storytime, gtv storytime compilation, nail art storytime, nail art storytime compilation, nail art storytime tiktok compilation, nail arts storytime gtv, nail storytime
Id: u5m0IxlMMig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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