Nabbit's Invincible Revenge

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since you guys wanted more of this we're gonna bring you some of this oh but guys hold up hold up it's a little trickier all right Mario is banned so I guess I'll go Luigi and looks like you guys already know who you're gonna be oh yeah for sure I'm Mario is dead yeah I know he's gonna tear what wow this is just the same intro but Mario is dead this is a Mario's fallen timeline this is what happened actually no longer die at the end of the last series oh my gosh oh we did do those the Kanan death so surely they're not gonna give us the same world map right surely they actually went to effort and restructured it right I hope you're right ACORN plains the gang's all here let's do it all over again I mean the same oh yes oh my god also we really right out of the gate Joe come on again acorn no that's not how that works let me get my curve it doesn't it's not like it matters oh please oh my god my usual why you do that alright hold up oh let me get that one are you gonna let me get it oh boy you don't eat it yeah what do we get from that oh my god wait I'm gonna get a clock okay fine what do you get from that what you get from that I got the star watch believe it or not the levels in New Super Mario Bros u deluxe Wii U switch I don't feel like the levels were that iconic so I still can't really tell if they're the same levels or not yet I think that it's kind of like they took the originals template and just ran with that just borrow each other's homework and make sure the teacher couldn't tell ya exactly actually also can I show you guys how weird Luigi's jump is in this game like it's not like other Luigi jumps he like jumps and then kicks it's like yeah Yoshi might look at this look my footie now see that gamer instinct Joe what if you wanted me to go in you just have to ask well you're trying tell me what to do so you have to force me you can't get hurt it's only logical that you go in I don't know what you tell me what to do Joe I respected Joe white man of your own word I'm an independent nabbit player I don't need any toadette free agent by the way oh and there I go okay you know as far to speedrun yeah it just looks so much easier when you know you're invincible okay I mean I guess I'll go guess I'll perish oh we just got hops though Oh God nice catch you oh and look at it I can't find action orally gee so yeah that statute in memoriam oh alright do we care about one uh yeah I was gonna say are we gonna waste your time with this I don't think so let's just move on let's go straight to Lemmy let's hit it alright oh this is Oh God how'd you get that there we go wait yeah cuz I'm a gamer I don't like the term just flows right there cuz that means if I try to jump at all yes oh my god oh that's new that it's very near oh my of course of course I'm gonna get her dams on or something and he can't oh god no you know what no Joe don't do it no do not shoot put the gun down Joe Joe come on oh this is a bra moment there we go you know okay okay that I'm saving us Jacob there you get it Louie why I try to let you get in just for the record but why oh cool Travis Thanks oh I was coming it's coming hey go get her what well you got the rush right you took the mushroom from me I've never intentionally taken anything from any of you that doesn't make it better doesn't make it better I accidentally committed murder I accidentally committed it's actually pretty much the same thing it's not even close when I accidentally stole something from a friend that would have saved his life yeah that's just fine move I got it no I got a don't what I did all the work he didn't I hit him twice so you didn't guess I did all right Travis I mean they picked me up god I really like I am NOT a menace to the society I work I am not a danger to any all one's a hero don't act like you are oh and it's over damn actually like this so much more than the other one yeah same you're just gonna perish in the quicksand okay we actually can't speed through that oh all right why are you saying I'll figure out a way yeah I like the damage we seem to work well look at me taking it like a champ I saw that I was gonna die and I accepted I'm playing optimally you have eight lines you're playing her played cowardice oh my I know what you were going for I see a good job we're doing it I see your threat see through you Joe sniffy he was just trying to go with the pipe all right I'll just go here now and get my extra warm and your singing I'm coming too I don't think he's made to the black hole yet nice your hand on a while it's been a while but I've definitely made it oh wait how'd you die well you're invincible how'd you die when you were invincible I was going out like a hero I was killing the big pink lady who wants these it's all yours big pink lady you do know the big peak ladies lick on your side right as she never has besides let's be you are aware of this correct wait I just want to go down cuz we can't go mmm okay that was just upsetting I'm not trusting term or you to not vote me if you can both just going to bubble you know no but one time you want me in the bubble yes No you've blocked me Jacob you'll live if you get in the bubble look at that traffic oh I am no coward like you you're always Pro bubbling but if you're a real man don't just do it the old-fashioned way well y'all hate me so much man I'm just gonna the control controller down I don't need you fellas I will fight this boom-boom by noise analysis at least get spin yeah I mean you said you did it twice last time so let's see you can do three times this time no I don't need y'all to Romania baby yeah equally it's difficult yes good job nabbit huh you really pulled through you know I just wanted to get us through the level man Joe I respect you helped him so much sore point never mind but Oh why are you getting the circlings we don't need them fine there you go thank you Joe when the day comes where one day they want us to do the special levels and we have to go get all the star coins thank you Jim it's a copy of this game yeah that's all I ask with all the certain wins good job Travis thank you you finally got it [Music] triple jump character I've got that brought at elevated platform at actually it would be more impressive if you didn't grab the flag there oh my god Oh Jim your job you've got the final objective what's your floating character floating are you saying she doesn't do that no she does but your characters way more he's labeled easiest the game acknowledges hi he's the EEG hi dude curvy I'm the only one playing the real game you guys can measure each other all you want but like I'm the only one playing an actual game here he's gone after birth I'm going after I'm dead oh you got so saved I was gonna try it oh my god Travis I was I promise it's not what I was trying to do I was gonna have you jump on me but doesn't help you more leverage it would have saved you guys it there has to be something around here that right I actually like how speed run heavier this game is it's just like it's fun I like this way more than the original yes it is a lot more fun it honestly encouraged you to leave us behind as fast as you can Joe what if one day we get in that cannon to go to like the ship and we miss then playing sonic o6o I thought I had well I sacrifice my humanity but it's okay where'd I go and there goes Travis we did it together the two of us we can make it if we try man ah two lives on world three I really like the direction of this playthrough so far please please let me okay I was waiting for you man oh oh I'm just dead don't worry I got some wine I actually get a game over now you got one last time to reach Bay yeah I will say this game seems a lot more fun just storming through everything with invincibility what did you say Joe wouldn't you say Jim how cuz I got that started thinking yeah I know it's almost a really fun for that like 10 second period I'm gonna punch this man oh this this parts so easy when you have invincibility isn't it yeah it's kind of flying through it as you're deep in the middle Oh mushroom I'm very upset at you right now Joe you guys always want to argue who's playing the harder game but in reality I am and near the only ones like an actual game correct I am NOT play my games no you're not a game I'm playing my game all right I'm gonna pop the bubble actually you know it let me good yeah there you go that is so unfortunate is a little tilting I'm gonna be honest so you gotta jump before they come oh okay got spunk oh right there just reverse I need this mushroom oh my god don't worry there's I try I try to do something yeah I'm turning heel I'm mad Travis we fighting a while booting on a wild a water boom boom I think it's an aquatic boom boom a rare breed he's turning into a fish anyone having an electric-type news we just fry this kid oh he's water actually does not play a role here at all we can splash in it okay I feel like she's getting kidnapped a lot more a lot more quickly in this version I could just be wrong think everything is quicker more kidnet is that what it looks like it's a thicker kidnap okay anyways haunted cargo hold hey you hmm imagine timing imagine something like that do we care about the CEO she need to know he cares about us hey I'm baby Yoshi so basically baby what's up little baby Yoshi where am I fun oh I actually have no idea where I am there are you know hi hello why we did it the penguin Luigi looks so weird he really did he does now he died my baby oh she's just smooth chillin there's lots of bullets happening I see this is a really cool mechanic the bullets yeah oh yeah expect you to like bounce off them yeah no that is sick that's like actually like high expectations of a player wait there's the p-switch somewhere alright let's go find it no I don't think it's a p-switch I think it's the oh no we gotta wait for the giant oh we got a fault we got with the giant bullet Oh new idea yeah looks great for that Banzai missile huh oh god I wish I didn't know my God look at it ugly face I feel like that woody Oh God oh well good thing we have joke how do you not see it actually I dead-ass didn't see it now for me the most obvious one I really didn't see it oh that's a big tunas fungus I don't like him so how'd you end up in the bubble ping-pong I went after the big one oh did you die oh well Travis how'd you end up in the bubble I died you think me this 20 pound toe dead once the one be one big pong though I don't think that's a good defense does anything I say sound like a good defense to you know I just want even hit turbulence once ping yeah oh that's what you were going for this whole time you can say no I was but I'm embarrassed as it didn't work out so that's why we're in the spike for so long no is all your fault actually nothing it wasn't targeting me I was waiting for it to target me and then I was gonna warp back call me you have to get near the targeting part I literally just sat there and hugged him yeah that's the issue you gotta get away from him so it'll go to you I also did know someone down there I looked plenty of missiles to you and none of them followed you that's true you know maybe you're not gonna go out the man who literally just crouched on the ground [Music] you good [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,983,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash bros, super smash bros, new super mario bros, mario bros, super mario bros, mario, alpharad, nabbit
Id: GFv-1cLSE2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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