Mystic Prayer | Podcast with Justin Paul Abraham

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thank you Jesus well lord I just pray for help today I always need your help I get whacked that's the truth and sometimes it's really hard to concentrate I've never kind of got used to it I guess we should just enjoy it I guess my dignity is a secondary consideration I think the problem is we want to be doing if I don't we I got respect you know Mariah wood with Etta how many of you guys like Meredith Etta she didn't mind getting blasted by God did she I mean she'd be on the floor for sometimes 10 hours she did this I've got a book with me she once did these one meetings where the spirit broke out so powerfully it went on for three months but she only spoke in the first session okay so there's a couple of ways we can go down this maybe we can either go through the stages of prayer of how you get into like the trance realm or we can go through how what how to be present in multiple places hang on my ears are going trance realm okay well then after we've done that this afternoon we will talk about how to move in the spirit okay okay can you talk amongst yourselves right this file made sense a minute ago this my work this is my wife's idea she said to get a file so I've got a file now okay all right whoa she just enjoyed God for a minute don't look at me look at someone else hang on can someone help me concentrate oh yes I found that there's a tab called mystic see the file was a good idea but I've given up putting holes in things if I got bored so boring putting holes in when you could just fold them and throw them in I've never taught on this like this before this first time so you guys are into a good tree it's taken me years to develop this in my own eyes I'm going to talk to you about mystic prayer and I'm going to give you a way of practicing the presence of God where you'll begin to open this door okay but before I talk about that I want to say this is that we've got to start to let ourselves experience joy what I mean by that is if you open this door I cannot guarantee that you won't get drunk or intoxicated in fact even though you won't be like it all the time you will have to accept the fact that it could happen to you anytime in any place it's happened to me a party has happened in the garage has happened in Pizza Hut it's happened in Starbucks has happened on the plane it's happened to passport control yes so you will say you know like Paul you will gladly suffer the loss of all things gladly suffer and one of the things you'll suffer is your dignity all right but Teresa of ávila and all these others Catherine of Siena they shaped history but they didn't cling on to their dignity and the Lord spoke to me once he said you are dignified by V in dignity heavens dignity and earthly dignity are two different things you can see a person overwhelmed by God in the natural people think is shameful look at them like Jesus on the cross Jesus is suffering but it's the masterpiece of creation and when you're going to have and you can see Christ crucified there is a visible display the kids that babies they see it from lately from the tiny aged aborted babies and dead babies they're taking that by the Angels are mounted theirs use different domes and places and villages and layers where they grow up they're mentored until they go up to certain maturity then they hand it over and this is layers but they all see Jesus even as tiny babies they see the crucified one so what looked like a complete indignity was the ultimate dignity and sometimes God will use the foolish things and the old but I'd rather be a carrier of his presence and have my dignity because what happens is after a long time of one in God you get so hungry you get so thirsty you go through dryer and weary lands that you don't care anymore you don't care what the people think because the Val you of his presence the value of his love has gone so high that you don't care what men think anymore you don't care about your dignity anymore you don't care about your career anymore you don't care about your church career you don't care about your your earthly around Curry over your faithful with it I'm not saying you know I'm saying one thing is you become a love slave you've become the mystic way is the way of love is the way of lovers it's the bridle company if they let kiss me Song of Solomon chapter 1 in the blotched translation this is couple that ropes a translation of the Song of Solomon and you can get it on line I can remember their fishnets with this many names Bloch and it's a cool name block it's a good word in the song of solomon this one they translate it like this kiss me and make me drunk with your kisses for your sweet loving it's better than wine does the mystic way it's the way of lovers it's the way of people that get inebriated and intoxicated on the fatness of it house on the fatness of who he is they don't they're not fasting this feasting the feasting on the land they might be fasting in the natural but they feasted they have found Christ the mystic secret of God and they eat the lamb they eat the whole lamb there's nothing that they don't want they feast on the fatness and the goodness and that goodness over masters them early translations of the Bible where it says he prepares the table my cup overflows it says your chalice that inebriates me how godly how goodly it is and it the viable urn says his right hand are pleasures if we become the son of his right hand which is Benjamin that means you're his right hand during the place of pleasure when when Adam was in Eden even meant delight or pleasure the full push this out a pleasure of Jesus planted us back in back into pleasure back into his divine essence his divine nature we became one spirit and we begin to enter in through pleasure now that's really offensive thing to the church they will if you're grown in an intersession they will be fine if you're serious you're fine if you're straight talking and you're jogging for Jesus you find there's a jogging for Jesus thing going on in our city right now and hit find about jogging for Jesus but if you you're in a meeting and you again it niibori ated and intoxicated on the fatness of his house you have become a stink of offense I said to one of the pastors in my city who was a good friend of mine I said why don't we all hurt each other at the pastors meeting I said I guess so whacked off hoax why are we rolling on the floor together I'm asking good questions there should be so much whack there's so much glory on each one of us we hug each other and get whacked all the time knowing when you start opening this up you will find the mystic realm is hijacking you to the point you know my friend ôhe who's been on the team she's in China now we were in I think it was in Germany or France and we took it we went to the shop and restaurant and they were eating these big steaks she saw the steak and she went into ecstasy man I mean yeah a head was flipping her hair was going through and I'm like go and get a great boy get a steak I just want to eat my food in without that happening oh but see pleasure is a gateway it's a gateway we eat from the fatness of his house we in Starbucks I can find God he said you can have your cake and eat it you can have your cake and eat it you can eat cake and eat Jesus you can drink Starbucks and drink Jesus you could be on the sandy beach enjoy the Sun and you're bathing in Jesus you're getting full of Jesus Jesus's pleasure Jesus is the fatness fat buttery buttery buttery fatness this isn't a low-calorie Jesus this is a limit Arnold Jesus this is not a drive-through Jesus this is a mystic feast Christ is the mystic way Christ is the mystic secret in him we live and move and have our being and we are those that be given permission to be a sign and a wonder that we eat of the fatness of the house as it gets darker will get brighter as it gets more depressed we will get more joyful as they get more sober we will be filled with joy everlasting joy unspeakable and full of glory and we got to make the choice to eat and feast on his presence and enjoy him and enjoy him we got to build triggers into our lives that trigger joy whoa well I love pictures of Jesus on the cross I've got Jesus on the cross a lot of the Mystics would get into ecstasy still looking at it it's a big lie that's coming through the Reformation that says you shouldn't have images of Jesus or pictures of Jesus and yet we'll do it on Christmas cards and that nativity as if that's an exception we're allowed to have pictures of Jesus he's restoring out there was an exhibition and learned and recently the Tate Gallery I think it was we were there and all these images were I was the National Gallery of Jesus on the cross and someone bought me a book on it and they were all ecstatic as they painted the wounds as they painted the whole drinking from that drinking from that drinking from the Crucified one this is the feast you guys might be thinking what this got to do it with anything to do the mr. alpha system mr. growl this is the mystic realm the mystic realm is drinking his blood eating his body drinking from the pleasure and fatness of his house Wow Psalm 36 verse eight says they will be intoxicated with the fatness of your house and you'll give them drink from the river of your delight gene going on one of the famous French mystic she said no in the depths of Jesus Christ is not just a method it's a lifelong attitude it's a matter of being enveloped by God and possessed by him John Piper says this the desire to be happy is god-given and should not be denied or resisted but directed to God for satisfaction everyone longs for happiness we will we should never tell them to deny or repress that desire it's never a problem to want to be satisfied the problem is being too easily satisfied so when I worship I feast because he doesn't need need anything from me I need to drink of him and in fact I glorify him from drinking of him I glorify the chef by eating the food I glorify his font the fountain by leaning and drinking I can't add anything when is worship going on I feel no self effort at all I haven't done for years I drink I go into a trance I go in the spirit I'm eating from his pleasure because he is most glorified in me when I'm most satisfied in him well it's an invitation into bliss that when we come in with our thing we want to give the Lord we won't do this we find that that it's already occupied he himself has provided the land and the beauty of is is a barbecue he invites us to poverty he doesn't need my processed economy burgers he doesn't need my driver G sausages well they're full of hormones and stuff he doesn't need that when I came in I realized he doesn't need my frozen goods you throw them because the house is full of smoke the house is full of a mystic feast it's full of the lamb that was slain it's full of the smoke of his presence it's full of him and certainly my efforts anon necessary my effort to not necessary you eat the feast you keep the feast in you feast on him and his pleasure comes in you his joy comes in you his life comes in you he doesn't mean my joy my life my effort what he needs me to receive him because he is glorified by being in me he is glorified by me being full of him by enjoying him and this is a mystery of God I'll never understand this he enjoys you as if you're the only person on the planet it's so crazy how how how massive you are he showed me once I was driving back from the meeting in Mid Wales and it was a starry night and I thought any stars are amazing I parked the car I opened the windows I went outside I looked at the Stars and I was gone god this is amazing and he said yeah guess what I said well why do you even care he said it just does but you are made in my image and I suddenly knew every starring space wasn't as important as me to him you can move him the Mystics of the people that moved God because they loved him the biggest way you can love him is by receiving his love letting him intoxicate you he could be infinitely glorious is to be infinitely happy you got get that in your head God is infinitely happy and he has created you with a capacity for joy that you've not even begun to explore you have no idea your joy potential your joy potential is expansive it is massive and he's looking for those that will be intoxicated and overwhelmed in ecstasy so like Paul Ori said if I'm in ecstasy is all God's fault in one translation your Bibles say this you'll say if I'm out of my mind is because of God but if you look at being out of your mind means in ecstasy it means to be in the trance to be in a trance as out of yourself he said if I'm sober is for you guys but if I'm out on my mind is because of God and I'm not talking about looking drunk I'm not talking about being obnoxious I'm not talking about carnality I'm not talking about performance where you have to look drunk I try not to look drunk I try every day I try hard sometimes really hard sometimes I try hard to think you know think straight and understand things and remember people's names and things those are toes is a great guy I've got one of toes his angels works with me it's cool in their toes I said this God wills that we should push on into his presence and live our whole life there whoa I live in the glory man I mean like when I go to church meetings I have to go out of the meeting I do I'd want to land the plane I wanna go into space I have to escape by being in him and they're surprised they're surprised by joy and yet he says in your presence is fullness of joy and we've made joy the most offensive thing I've been in so many leaders meetings now where joy would cut the atmosphere with a knife it's like Jesus died and didn't get resurrected it is most of the church is reliving like there's no resurrection God spoke to I think it was Rick Joyner once and said most of the church does not believe in the resurrection toza said this about the present is to be known in conscious experience it's more than a doctoring its life to be enjoyed every moment of every day and he says this statement I love this he says the presence of God is the central fact of Christianity so we sing like these songs like Kerman Lord Jesus Kerman all those other things but the Mystics knew that he was in them and you're in him the Mystics had their own well you've got your own Wells has drink with joy on the well of salvation you could plant John on the Isle of Patmos and he was in ecstasy you could put Saint Anthony of Egypt in Yemen and he was in the presence of God you could put st. Francis of Assisi in the veggie patch and he was full of the presence of God you could put st. Bernard in the forest and he was full of the presence of God you could put Columba on the island of Iona and he was full of the presence of God you could put cusper on Lindisfarne and he was full of the presence of God you could put David in Wales and he was full of the presence of God because you have been divinely united into him you will be married into his presence he's in you you're in him so why are we still looking for him now the paradox is you know I am asking for small face to face that he'll manifest himself to me but it's not from the places of absence it's from a place of Union it's from a place of delight and joy and my soul longs for you I love you I want to see you more clearly in fact my whole life is shaped around that but I'm in him and he's in me and you can enjoy him in any moment but what you've got to do is a thing called centering the Mystics called it recollection you recollect him and you've got to build into your life ways that you remember him it might be putting the CD on in the car worship it might be a picture or sticky note or you just turn your affections towards him again and you remember him and enjoy him there's a great rest on me I could drink deeply from the presence of God but but is a deep deep presence that comes deep present and it comes to turning my heart towards him and drinking what I mean that is I if you get a tiny bit of his presence you draw on it you don't ignore it you draw on it you pull on it you enjoy it you say keep coming if it starts too easy go Jesus I love you and you allow him to come and you make it your continual practice to turn your factions and your heart back towards him over and over again if you forget him for a couple of hours you turn it back again I'm sorry I love you I forgot you I enjoy you come on me well if your mind gets in the way I prayed this years ago and it's worked for me I said this mind you're a good servant but a poor master I called you to come under my spirit and my spirit to sit over me and my spirit to govern and if you find your mind interview and I do that and what happened to me as I began to do that I began to find I couldn't think in the same way I live out of the spirit more it's called getting the protocol or the government of your house in order if your mind is the primary driver it means that the government isn't right in your house your body your temple it's meant to be the temple of the Spirit then your mind is meant to be the conduit through which your spirit interacts with the physical because you're a spirit being that has a body to interact with the scene should do that now put your hand on your head thank you Lord I honor my mind thank you for my mind mind I just say you are a good servant but you're a poor master in the name of Jesus I command you to come under my spirit spirit I command you to sit on the government of my mind spirit take your rightful place in Jesus name see how many of you guys are feeling something doing that and even if you keep your finger on your head just release the glory in your hands whose hands on your head right now who lives in you whose body are you so whose hands be laid on you what we're doing here is called practice in the presence like brother Lawrence spoke about ok you let it rest on you his rest in pray place it says my thigh will be glorious who's his rest in place so who's going to be glorious I'll tell you a mystery he's glorified in your glory he's glorified in your glory [Music] he is glorified when your glorious we enjoy you right now we enjoy you so centering is phase one of engaging and it's getting rid of the distraction so you can speak out and pray but what you've got to do is when that presence comes you might be reading a Bible you might be watching a movie you might be listening to a love song you might be in a bar of chocolate and that delight triggers you after a while pleasure triggers you pleasure is meant to trigger you not as firts pleasure we drink from his pleasure we drink from his joy joy is a trigger her game someone is a trigger eating is a trigger drinking is a trigger buying in lovely shirt and going shopping with a trigger sometimes God will not find you in your little prayer room you'll say go out and do the garden and you could try being there all you want but he will not meet you there in the way you want but when you put that little trowel in the veggie patch it's like the heavens open one day I felt like I was supposed to go to the cinema but I was like putting off print off all day trying to pray I had a rubbish day and then the moment I said to Rachael I think I should go to this in my gun in the car by the heavens opened if I see revelation revelation revelation because he loves you having a life of happiness you not a slave you're a CERN the world is meant to be enjoyed it's meant to be lovely friendships are lovely Chetan is lovely sitting in the park is lovely swimming is lovely going to the beach walking up the mountain enjoying the wind on your face well the shadows of what heaven is like and they can all trigger you into the realm of the spirit where you live in that you live in the spirit you don't show up at church you know no offense the song you sang earlier look at the star Brizzy illogically correct incorrect we come in here empty and dry and we're waiting for me into lately filled I am fully fully connected vitally into the vine I am a branch this on permanent drinking I am drinking is divine essence and I am allowing the pleasure of it to be in me even though that's offensive to the church they're not used to people being overwhelmed to 10 hours they're not used to meetings going on for three months because people can't leave they're not used to body polyps at the door whether shaking hands John G Lake is to shake hands at the door bodies would fall mariah order that she would go to shake people's hands that fall over people would run out and run towards that will be chaos she would sometimes be in trances for days at a time some people in the meetings would go into nine-day trances when the biggest outbreak she ever had effected a 50-mile radius every 150 miles got hit she'd commonly sees them 17 miles away well okay so we sent it when we've centered on God it means we're recollected to use use it in old mystic tube now one of the things the biggest battle that you'll have is that you feel you should be doing something becoming a mystic is like two old friends sitting on a park bench you've known each other 50 years you sat on that bench together you loved being together and you're absolutely enjoying looking at the park we don't feel like you have to say anything you might say odd you fancy going for Keppler later or something but you're enjoying or it's like being a mystic is like a mother who's holding a baby the baby so fresh in you she's enjoying it she loves this little face and his little nose and this little feet and she's sitting there maybe just for an hour just enjoying the baby smelling it and she'll occasionally turn away and remember she's got to do something but she's drawn back and there's no conversation there's no talking is being loved and holding and enjoying and you know what the church is done is tried to rob you of that he's tried to make you make you do something like shouldn't you be getting a revelation right now seeing an angel shouldn't you be understanding the seven levels of heaven or ten levels of heaven or whatever shouldn't you be having this incredible encounter but his was valuable for God is this the baby in the arms the two old people on the bench he knows everything already but he wants to be wanted he looks for love and he drinks that love and he drinks you he enjoys it as much as you do and he enjoys you enjoying him I came that my joy would be in you and your joy would be complete and overflowing if you can learn to practice what I'm saying there I that's the door I'm not even sure if you guys it's down what I'm doing I'm teaching you something that's taking me years to understand years that's the door to everything you might want it more complicated than that but it's not if you can practice the presence of God consciously you is the beginning of the trance realms I didn't know that the drunkenness led somewhere some people get offended at the intoxication but if the intoxication gets stronger you get none and you can turn times going to a full trance where you can hardly move Mike for me my face goes white for some of the Mystics of old they look like they were dying they would go so like white clammy how far can I stretch you guys can I go all away should we just go away all right sometimes people go into such heavy trances they would they would die and resurrect after the trance in church history and they had a function in some monasteries where a person was called a recall the job of the recall was to be whoever stood it was to be the recall was the one that was not allowed to get whacked and the job of the recall was to watch over the rooms everyone went into trances and ecstasy's and when it was nearly time for them to go back to work they would have to give them 15 minutes notice through either ring in a bell or shouted and it had 15 minutes to come out of the trance God would let them come out because remember that couldn't pull you out that's God recognized in authority and honor and the recalls job was to bring people out of ecstasy because it was time brother Lawrence says this simply present yourself to God recall your attention gently to God such perseverance will please him I have given up all but my intercessory prayers to focus my intention on remaining in his holy presence what if you decided after today that you're going to spend the rest of your life in the glory if you have a single day save yourself I will not tolerate it anymore God sometimes takes his presence off you to see how many days you can go without it he's done it to me and I'm ashamed to say sometimes I've gone days without it but I refuse because the value is getting higher and higher for me I've realized the church is never going to accept me there's no point trading your joy off don't trade off the intoxication of his love don't trade off mystic Union to please and they will never well no matter how much you play the game they will never accept you if you're a mystic you're going to be on as the rhythm of heaven you're going to be on the frequency of heaven you'll speak things that don't make sense to them you like you won't even find words for it Paul said I secured things that were incomprehensible that human language could not impart the Mystics are terrible often they're putting that into language the romance and the connections and the joy and the ecstasy of loving God and being loved by God and the things that they see and they can't even sometimes they look like childish fools okay so we start with this now in the early stages you can be distracted easy I'm not going to go on much longer I'll just finish this quickly you go from centering into the prayer of choir where is that you don't want to talk anymore you just use pointless talking seems an effort if you can get into the prayer of is called the prayer of affection as well because it's not about your words its affection that love I have made it my goal to stay in that for the rest of my life it's called the prayer required and the biggest battle that your lavish shouldn't I be doing something no you shouldn't be doing anything but that that is what the master wants that is what we were made for that's what the Masters looking for to be loved without revelation without words two hearts meeting as one sitting on that bench together then you had this thing where it gets stronger saint thomas said this the soul loves and is loved in return she seeks in his source she holds in herself his hell she clasp and it's closely embraced and by the bond of love she unite herself with God one with one alone with him at this point your something begins to happen okay just try and draw this as best as I can this is something that I feel like you know the Lord shown me if you think of the centrum bit is at the top and then it is different we're going to move down this through prayer right this will make sense now it might not make sense immediately at the top when you start praying it's like your thoughts are racing back and forth maybe you're thinking about shopping the car ad his presence increases so this is the presence get stronger you move through this curve your thoughts narrow you're thinking about loads of stuff and then it's like the presents got stronger and it slows and then you come here where it's narrow this is like the pro require or affection so you're enjoying God so your mind's not racing the presence has got stronger you don't want to move you don't want to look you enjoying him now if you stay there that's a wonderful place but I tell you what happens is this as you learn to practice this you come into an overflow called full union where it's like the cups not half-full it starts to overflow so you go from the prayer of choir or the prayer of the heart this is recollection or centering or vocal prayer you come into the prayer of choir or the prayer of affection where you're loving and being loved and then you come into that union a full union where the cup starts to be so full of God that you mine starts to race again but your minds not racing with earthly thoughts you are starting to see God so here you not seeing anything here you're not really getting anything you're just enjoying God but then suddenly as you're enjoying him you have one drink too many and you begin to get filled with God and you go into union and then you go into ecstasy in union now you're beginning to see God but you can still pull out of it you're beginning to get revelations but someone could still pull you out with your full the glass isn't half full you're full of God and certainly you went from being silent to people on the park bench to the other person on the park bench grabbing the park and pulling the curtain and the parks gone and now you are seeing God you've seen heaven you're seeing the realms of glory you're seeing his divine nature the divine our influence or what happens is this you're sitting on the park bench and then an angel comes and grabs you and shoot you up a tavern has throws you into the sea of his love you drown in it and you've been overwhelmed and you thinking of your God and they grab you by the scruff of your neck they plant you back on the shore and say do you know everything and you go no as much as I know he is unknowable they grab you again and they thrust you in into his divine essence and you are swallowed up by God and you are overwhelmed and then they rip you up and plant you back in your room small Keys open big doors and in those moments you will learn more than years of study I have had ecstasy's what God has taught me in 10 minutes things of taking use the spirit of the fear of the Lord teaching all came out of being in the spirit how many of you want to be taught in the spirit you want to preach messages that you didn't share of Bill Johnson you didn't hear of Rick Joyner or some other teacher you were taught by God in the spirit you were in ecstasy because of God you were practice in his presence and suddenly it was like you're kissing him and you were enjoying him and he swallowed your face and you're expanded the presence is getting stronger and then you can leave you can't you can't do anything about it and then it gets really strong now ecstasy at the end here and then rapture is a violent violent invasion it's um called it a storm of love it's a storm of love you've got from gently enjoying God which is where I want to live let me just say if he never does this with me I'm okay this is such bliss the prayer of affection for me if he does this I I want it but I'm loving this I don't have to know I just want to be known and know him intimately if he gives me his presence and no other revelation for the rest of my life I will feel like the richest man has ever lived I want his presence every day on his presence when I wake up I want him I want to walk with Him live him enjoy him in the shower when I'm swimming with the kids when I'm gardening when I'm in the car when I'm eating I want to eat feast and live and breathe and enjoy him day and night night and day I am My Beloved's and he is mine but I tell you what this will happen to you at some times he will do something really crazy this bottom level here I've lost my pen it's called rapture when I went John said I was in the Lord's Day that's the word I was wrapped in spirit we think of rapture as God taking us to heaven when the Second Coming happens I can tell you now God can take you into heaven Paul put it like this I know a man 14 years ago that was seized by Christ swept into an ecstasy he was hijacked into paradise God is hijacking and I want to warn you if you live in this he can whack you to that at any time Teresa of Avila had so walked with the Lord she didn't even start practicing this until her forties so it's not even about age she would sometimes get these ecstasy's that was so incomprehensible a body would be lifted up off the floor and she could feel it come and she will once warned the sisters she said we've got visiting nuns coming I'm afraid that I'll go into a rapture I do want people to know what happens to me if I go into a rapture you guys have got to help me so these visiting men's come and she feels it come it's too late because once you've seen Jesus on the cross you've enjoyed communion you've opened a door and it's like you fall into a trance they said I fell into a trance it's like hate communion Joseph of Cupertino would eat communion and float off the ground for two hours a day loads of the mystics would have the same issue as their faces would shimmer the lights would come sparks would come sometimes when you're in rapture lights would emanate from their beings fragrances some people like Joseph of Cupertino Catherine of Siena add fragrances all the time if they if they were here and now we would have smelt them before we saw them everything they touch would have that smell on it and they lived out of it but they were misunderstood some people thought they would some people thought they were weird sometimes people try to burn them when they were in rapture to wake them up but they couldn't even bring them round because it was ceased by Christ but in moments they would learn incomprehensible mysteries and I've had a rapture I've had a rapture I know what that's like I can't even talk about it well the storm of divine love it stasis it means the state of delight bliss elation rapture transport exaltation a sense has been taken out of oneself Daniel had one it says hi Daniel fainted and was sick for days I was astonished have you ever been sick for days because of it rapture as a rule is irresistible before you can be warned by a thought or help yourself in any way it comes as a quick and violent shock you see hit this cloud or this powerful eagle rising and bearing you up on its wings it seems that the soul was torn from the body and violently lifted up you guys have gone quiet and though she traversed a thousand miles and it was a great terror for she didn't know where she is going when this stops she was enlightened by some divine secret Teresa Avila said this God ravishes the SIL holy unto himself as one who is very young bride and he shows us some small part of the kingdom she has won in an instant that learns the mind learns many things Thank You Father I could have done a whole day on what I just taught you but I've taught you something today that is I was drunk for three years straight with moments of clarity without knowing any of this I did not know what was happening to me it happened to me at the garage at restaurants it was only when I began to read Teresa of ávila and Jean going on and the ancient past did I realize what was actually happening to me was legitimate because they think that you should have a little bit of joy in church but you live and enjoy they think you should be a little bit intoxicated but out of your mind because of God and they were I would go to the driest meetings but for me they wouldn't be dry and they look at you I even went to the Lakeland revive with when table and he was there and I was behind stage with some of his team they I was so full of God I arrived for they were concerned for me they said are you okay I just looked I said I'm fine in my head I was thinking man I'd been like this for years now but you know what came of it was after a while I transitioned from just hosting his presence to being in the spirit and then I met Enoch then I started getting taken into the courts I started getting shown around heaven because those were faithful with little will be given much if you will practice that tiny bit of presence would no agenda he is the reward having given us Christ willing not also with him give us every good thing amen so we're going to end now let's just thank him I think familiar Jesus we love you so much Lord I want to apologize for resisting you would you possess me like you said in Ephesians that we will become a body fully filled and flooded it as an amplified I give you permission Lord to take my dignity away I want you more than my dignity I've had my dignity a long time and isn't doing a good job to me I kind of realized my dignity isn't winning me any friends anyway so lord I just ask that you would intoxicate me with your love when other people are worshiping I want to be caught up in love I want to practice sitting on that park bench would you be a baby in my arms that I can enjoy and can I be a baby in your arms that you enjoy can you murder me Lord can I just be a baby that doesn't have to do anything except drink the milk that's such a good picture of it some of the Mystics like she can go on described it as being like a baby at the breast you know when a little Oliver he's 15 months now when my wife used to breastfeed him it was just awesome skin on skin and the milky milky I don't know what you call it milky ecstasy that he would go in and after you finished is head of Eli and he would be in a milk coma that's how easy is isn't about what the baby can do for God is will the baby drink from the breast and mystics are those that drink from the milk of God amen thank you [Music]
Channel: Justin Paul Abraham
Views: 86,540
Rating: 4.8395572 out of 5
Keywords: justin paul abraham, wales, mystical, mystic, supernatural, prayer, teresa of avila, catherine of sienna, st francis of assisi, cobh, company of burning hearts, burning hearts, christian mystic, ecstasy, trance, prayer of quiet, prayer of silence, mindfulness, contemplation, centering, bliss, peace, joy, levitation, saints, church history, revival, union, rapture, drunk, new wine, holy ghost wine
Id: PQpnmVzQ9gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2017
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