Mystic Mentoring Monday 18th May 2020 US PST

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okay I need to take your things you want to talk about I would talk about our subconscious mind a little bit when we're in when we're having experiences with God or let's say we're sleeping does our subconscious mind start to grow and kind of program what we think about when we are conscious to kind of change our mind and our thinking and our choices and things I think if you're looking at the mind you've got to sort of separate the physical capacity of the brain and how the brain sort of functions with sort of the mind which is in the within the physical being is connected to three different areas within the body there's I mean there's a good teaching out there on the three minds and there actually are three physiological areas of the body that has neurological cells not just the brain so you have the mind the heart and the gut and I would sort of separate those into the conscious mind the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind and the unconscious mind is really the sort of the inbuilt programming I like to compare it to the computer and you have read-only memory which is hard encoded memory which enables the machine to work and communicate then you have the hard drive where the programs are stored so the operating system and each of the programs which we click the icon on to run and when you run them they go into random access memory which is I'm the conscious mind so in a sense whatever as a man thinks in his heart so is he so what's programmed within the heart will determine what we actually believe consciously and you can try consciously to believe something different but in reality that never works you know so what happens is you know years ago you know I used to talk to people and it would be like well I know it in my head but I don't know it in my heart well the reality is what they knew in their head was information what was programmed in their heart was experience and experience doesn't go to information ultimately information is subject to what actually is programmed in the heart and although in our we may try and focus on information in our conscious mind it will never overcome what we truly believe because what we truly believe is is knowledge by experience not knowledge by intellectual understanding so our subconscious mind is what actually programs will how we live and if you look at the heart as the subconscious mind then that is triggered by daily life environmental situations and our brain actually is linked to the subconscious mind through neural pathways that connect with what's stored in the heart rather than information which is in memory and there's a difference between information that we may have by memory and the programming of the heart as a man thinks in his heart if proverbs 4 talks about from the heart flow the Springs or issues of life and therefore it's it's the heart which is an inside out process all of the information that we have in life is an outside-in process and but it's only that which is stored within the heart that actually affects what we believe so a lot of information is shredded because it didn't have an experience behind it it wasn't important enough to store because there was no experience so we receive information all day every day billions of pieces of information through our eyes our ears taste touch smell that the physical senses but actually when we encounter God within this is why the garden of the heart is so important and our spirit engaging God and when we open our first love gate and allow God to effectively begin to engage the rest of our soul then the garden of the heart experiences begin to reprogram the heart from the experiences that we have through our life and trauma often is one of the most powerful experiences that get stored in the heart as and also the sort of experiences which are drip drip drip drip constant experiences in life so in childhood if we're constantly told something we believe it and it becomes a programming within our heart it may not be the truth but it's the truth that we believe so we needed to encounter that truth Jesus wave the truth the life to begin to reprogram our subconscious mind so that then what gets triggered in any environmental situation circumstance is the truth the actual truth not just the things that we believe are true they may be facts but they're not necessarily the truth and metanoia or renewing of the mind is an agreement you know in English repentance but actually in Greek Metanoia is the renewing of the mind to agree with what God's that comes by encounter and experience it can't just come through intellectual reading of what God says if you like so yeah yeah so yeah I I think it's a it's a really important area the conscious and subconscious because often we don't even know what we what we really believe we just react out of the triggers of the environment which triggers the responses that are stored within our heart we need a total restoration of the subconscious mind to reprogram it aligned with what God is who he is and what he says is true when I agree with him with mine metanoia and then that is what determines how I live so we have a process that's involved in a new novel thing anyway she wrote me hopefully she'll be back in a minute but we'll go on to something else and we could come back to that she's got any more questions anyway do you anything you want to talk about Jen well continuing with that actually because I I've been actually really working on how to change that subconscious unconscious level by meditation and breathing and because it's kind of hard to change that you know automatic response just like you said I just it's not just me but with other people how they're triggered and reacting and so when you are in the situation where you don't have any control over the other person and you just have to control yourself to manage and when you were through the conflict and I was wondering if you have any help on that because I know you gone through all all the process in many different ways and many different situation with others yeah I think what happens we're triggers is that there is something stored that gets triggered by what someone says what someone does and then the neural pathway kicks in to relive the experience that we are have before and the belief system attached to it and that can be in multiple different ways and obviously we've got a take captive the initial response to a trigger and redirect it towards the truth you know the mind of Christ you know take captive every thought and bring it to obedience to the mind of Christ so what does God think and that is not an easy process because sometimes we find ourselves almost way down the pathway to that before we caught it but what I what I try to do and when I became more meditative or more reflective and less reactionary by being more at peace with myself then I found it easier to reflect on my responses and reactions and thoughts and feelings in any situation when we know God's unconditional love and we're not moved by guilt shame condemnation which is usually coming from religious programming yeah the wrong view of God is the angry God the God who needs appeasement then it's safer because we know we're loved unconditionally to allow God and ourselves to go to the place where we evaluate our responses reactions to situations and God took me through a little process called trauma to transformation when I was sufficiently sick pure in my relationship with God and not motivated by condemnation or shame because I failed or got something wrong or reacted the wrong way then I was more open to look at the process and look at what went on as I did there and I found that when I react here and I would I would really deliberately try and look at how I was feeling now sometimes you can't respond in the moment because if you try and respond in the moment of conflict or opposition or argument or any something that's flared up that's going on between some you and someone else then if you've got to try and calm that situation down and calm yourself down and logically trying to win the argument never does it you know and so in a sense we have to we have to try and bring a calm into the situation by not trying to fight or win an argument or overcome someone else's opposition or whatever they're going on and and obviously not easy but you can you can learn how to do it and emit a need initially it's like what is that initial feeling thought what am I going to fire back with in this situation am I going to defend myself am I going to go on the attack how am I going to maintain safety and security in the threat and usually our sub car unconscious mind will kick in with fight flight freeze yeah yes sir that's that's normal the sort of the reaction am I gonna run from this am I gonna stand my ground or I'm gonna freeze in fear you know and and depending on how we're wired you know one of those can be primarily the normal response for us at that point adrenaline starts to kick in now you can begin to detected rental in you can begin to detect that fight flight freeze in him emotion and at that point really seek for what is what would Jesus do you know that that's the sort of you know you can wear it on your bracelet but you've got a you've got to actually be able to in that moment look to find the way to deal with that situation in the best possible manner usually that's to back off from the aggressive stance or the fight or the argument or the the overbearing emotion or whatever it might be and it's not is you don't need to win an argument at that point you know because actually all you'll do is reinforce your automatic responses to those situations rather than change them so if you can if you can at that point back off what what that allows you to do is generally speaking if there's a situation where you're being confronted you don't have to justify yourself to somebody else in that situation you can essentially be conciliatory and say sorry you know you know so many people don't say sorry I included myself you know at times because I think I'm right and I want a self justify because they're wrong and they're treating me bad and they're doing well a lot of that's to do with ego and it's to do with self and it's to do with self-worth and all of that stuff that's being threatened by someone now if I know my value and worth in God it doesn't really matter what they think actually or what they're trying to say or not say I'm securing God but if it triggers me then that's what I can then take back to God in this process of trauma to transformation and I taught it in the transformation series and it's in the engaging God program as a flow diagram first thing to do I need to forgive and release so at the point where I'm being attacked that's the time to choose to forgive the person make that be your first response and you don't have to do it out loud because if you say I choose to forgive you that is going to inflame the situation because actually they're going to take it as you're saying they're in the wrong and I'm in the right and I'm gonna take the high ground and I'm gonna forgive you just do it internally you know if we are to live in peace you know and some people have to say it out loud and it just makes it worse you know so do it internally and choose that ground I am going to choose to forgive and I'm gonna release you in and I can do it in my mind and I'm gonna direct it to that person I'm not gonna bless them and I'm gonna want the best for them because when I truly forgive Jesus said forgive your enemies bless them you pray for them so internally because you can do more than one thing at the same time you can focus your attention towards good thoughts towards the person and and begin to remove the tension out of the situation and the easiest thing to do is to say look I'm really sorry you know I'm you know and you can say look I wasn't aware you were thinking like that or whatever I'm really sorry now if you say sorry it's hard for them to continue because you've just said sorry and doesn't matter whether they're right or it what you're trying to do is remove the tension from the situation just say sorry see Zia sting to do to remove any sort of fighting is to say I'm sorry you know now what then I would do in my own personal situation when I then back out of that situation I have space I don't just forget the situation I ask the Father to take me through the process of trauma to transformation so the once I've done the forgiveness then I've removed any room the enemy has to use that situation for my harm you know see science talks about thing as Ephesians 4 don't let the Sun go down on your anger and give a place or room for the devil now what that really means is if we don't deal with forgiveness issues it will give the enemy an opportunity to get behind there and to make us make us feel bad or to bring that and so those seeds of disharmony discontent in our spirit in our ha fact of lis so you know Jesus talked about the parable of the sower and the condition of the soil of our heart we can harden our heart towards somebody that will never produce anything good if we harden our heart or Don guarding our heart is different from hardening our heart we can guard our heart so that we don't let our offense affect us negatively if we harden our heart we're basically creating an area of our heart which is now not open to life in God you know because that area is not going to flow life so also we've got to make sure that we don't have stones in our heart which is the memories of what someone has done so I must make sure that what's just happened is not being stored in my heart as a memory which will then trigger future experiences with that person and with others so I've got to be careful forgiveness is the best way because I won't do not want that seed which may have been sown by that person by something they said something they did to take root in my heart and produce roots of bitterness because if I have bitter root judgments in my heart towards that person that will cause the reciprocation to come back on me because what you judge gets judged upon you so you don't wanna makes you wanna make sure that there aren't any memories Bitterroot judgment stones that are in our heart and then effectively mean it's harder for good things to grow when our stout hearts full of soil and the obviously other thing is the sort of cares of life the worry the concerns the anxiety the emotional experiences that we have which effectively you know like weeds choke out the seed so it's really important that we look after the star ha look after the soil make sure the state of our heart is good and but I then can go through the process of what triggered my reaction so in this situation let's say I manage to control my emotions and my reactions and didn't fire off but I still felt them what triggered them what triggered that reaction in me was that a memory that hasn't been dealt with was that a a area of my heart which needs healing which needs restoration because it's not been healed and restored therefore that's an area which is wounded and I'm still wounded in my heart that's one thing there may be an unmet need in my heart that that highlighted so I have a need for acceptance and they rejected me and they were negative towards me and therefore it triggered my need for acceptance and that can cause us to react wrongly in the situation sometimes by aggressively fighting back and sometimes by be passive and neither not either them are different some people are very passive in a situation because they don't want to be rejected so they fear being real and others are just so angry that they're gonna get in the first blow almost and make sure they're not gonna be hurt none of that really works you know so asking questions of the father is a good process and I and I go through the sort of flow of questions that you can ask to look at where is this trigger coming from you know and then once you identify it what's behind it is there something spiritual behind it as in some sort of spiritual familiar spirit I can do a court case I can get a verdict that separates me from that familiar spirit I can apply that verdict to my heart and break the neural pathway because if the neural pathway is still in place it's very hard not to go down it you've got to fight really hard not to go down a neural pathway because it's linked to something within our heart which is a program if we can break the neural pathway and put the verdict or the truth in place of the lie or the programming I've been living from then when a an event happens or a circumstance come takes place it doesn't trigger you because the verdict is what's there so immediately you go to the verdict as I'm free I don't need to react this way I'm not I know I'm accepted by God I'm not going to be rejected by this person it's not going to affect me you know and you can do that and cleanse your heart really and see your heart cleanse from all the stones and from the weeds and the the anxieties and worries and cares and concerns and the hardness that we may have our heart might have been trampled by people who treated us really badly that's not a good thing to have in our heart we so we need it plowed up we need it to be brought back into a good state that can receive good soil because hard hearts won't receive anything good so they'll ask God the question talk him through the process find out where the triggers are what they're related to and get them removed from our heart so that we have a heart which is flowing in life in which we receive good seed that is fertile that produces good fruit and rather than the you know has roots of bitterness and fruits of resentment because ultimately what comes out is what is in our heart if there are bitter roots there resentment will be how we operate on the surface and that's what people will see you know but there are some things you know that we God may not want us to deal with in the way that other people want us to you know what I pull it you know and I went through this experience and I had a testimony that God use to effectively show me the questions to ask so in the scenario I was in someone confronted me and accused me of not being very good in this area and not doing my job in this area and you know and I didn't react but I was really annoyed because I was just trying to do my best and actually was my day off and I was only picking something up from office and I was ambushed you know and I was like whoa and I got home and I started replaying this the incident now whenever you do that that's the point you know that if you keep replaying it you're going to store that memory and you can go over it well I wish I'd said this and I wish I do I wish I'd done that and you sort of you know start to replay what you should have said and how you could have won the argument or how you could have you know all of that you know and you know as soon as you can't that's forgive immediately you find yourself we're playing an incident you haven't you means you haven't fully forgiven and released that situation so God check to me and said look you you need to stop play it replaying this and let me take you through the process that will help you deal with it so in the end with this situation the guy accused me of not doing this job very well and I found myself saying well if you think you can do any better why didn't you do it you know now that was a little bit of a fire off but actually when I went back through the process God showed me and one of the questions was well is this a job that I've actually called you do and so I asked the do you want me to do this job better so therefore I need to learn how to do this better if I'm not any good at it and so he said well the humble if you want to operate in humility the best thing you can do is go and ask the person who accused you to help you and I'm like inside it was like I don't want to do that he said why pride pride is the only reason not to ask someone for help particularly the person who's basically saying you're not very good so I asked God what do you want me to do the job he said No I didn't want you to do the job in the first place you doing it because no one else would so I said well how do I respond to that and he said well I don't want you to do it so don't try and be better at something I don't want you to do is just waste in your effort you're trying to actually be better at doing something that's not actually part of your destiny so spend the time building up the things that are not trying to get stronger in the areas which are weaknesses which I which are weaknesses because I don't want you to do things like that some are okay so there are various answers that could come when you ask the questions and in this scenario I went back to the person and said look I'm going to resign from that position because God doesn't want me to do it and if you want the job take it yeah and the guy did you know so and I felt no resentment towards him cuz meant I didn't have to do that job anymore and actually I really wasn't my thing you know I was only doing it to fill a gap which is never really a good idea to be doing something because it needs doing when actually you're not really wired to do it and you know serving is a good thing but actually you don't want to get yourself trapped into a scenario where you're doing something because people will rely on you doing here and if you don't do it very well you're not helping you know so it's better to know your strengths and weaknesses and the things which are aligned with your destiny because those program if you know who you are and your identity and you know what God's called you to there the programs that are in your heart and then when something comes along you're not triggered to say yes to please somebody or to be accepted by somebody because you don't need to cuz you know hey that's not part of my destiny I don't know I'm not gonna say yes to that then when I get asked it all sorts of things go all sorts of places I don't say yes to many of them now because I don't need to to please people or to make myself feel better or do anything else so it says mum it's easier to say no I I don't really feel the that's for me I don't think I've got a mandate for that I'll ask God but it doesn't feel right you know so it frees you to just be you and you're then not programmed by other people's needs desires and things and you're really just coming out of a heart the desires to outwork the purposes of God in relationship with them because you have the knowledge of hyssop cargo G gnosis or the knowledge of the heart comes from close engagement with the father's are the more you are close to him the more his heart begins to be programmed within your heart and the more you know his heart and then you know your part within his heart and is so much easier to function out of that place of security so in the garden of my heart I went through a process of cultivating and tending and making sure that what was there was the testimony of my encounters that revealed what God's Will was for my life and my destiny not other things you know so I planted seeds that came from my relationship with God that then produced fruit within me which could may meant my heart was fruitful and overflowing with the fruit that came from my relationship with intimacy with God rather than from me doing my own thing because I wanted to prove something or any of those narrow and wrong emotions or reactions and so there's a lot of questions you can ask depending on what your reaction was to a situation was I fearful was i angry was i passive was i passive aggressive was i aggressive you know was I intimidated you know lots of things you know all and a lot of that then gives you more and more questions to where does that come from why did I react that way what response was it you know what prompted that response and so our heart gets purified and refined and we have good soil which is cultivated in Tandy and producing good fruit you know so it's a interesting journey you know and the one when you're secure in knowing God's love you don't mind admitting that you got it wrong that that wasn't the best reaction the even though I didn't react that way I thought of I wanted to yeah you know because in reality wanting to do it because Jesus said you know you can kill someone in your heart you know you don't have to actually do it externally and therefore you know making sure that the heart is is we are pure of heart and that's an ongoing process of walking this out with with Jesus with the father so that we do become pure in our hearts and the the transformation that takes place enables us to outwork God's desire his will his purpose in a way which is honoring to him and not for us we don't then need the praise of men or looking for the approval of men or looking to get that self-worth and value and all that anything that's got self attached to it is not a good thing you know I do not want self-worth because that means I have generating my worth from what I do I want his worth so all I need is to know what he said about me that gives me my worth my esteem I don't want self-esteem cuz self-esteem is gonna come from me looking at the things I do and giving myself value from that I just want his esteem I want to think about myself the way he does you know and therefore I don't need any of those other emotional props or supports to meet in a need in me that I still have he wants to meet all my needs for acceptance approval recognition all of those things let him come from him and not from other people and then we're not vulnerable to other people if we have a need that only someone else can they control us and we can allow people to control us because we have something that we think they can give us and we can allow that control system you know my value and worth and my acceptance and love and everything comes from God if it comes from anyone else that's a bonus you know but if it comes from God I don't need and therefore I'm not going to be controlled by other people and that's really important not to be controlled by others or allow other people to control us because they have something that we need emotionally God can meet all our needs and then we are much more balanced and whole in you know hah and not driven in in those ways yeah thank you very much okay okay any other things there are that's a doorbell it's a long process you know because we've had a lot of programming from the outside in from life circumstances which are memories stones various conditions of the heart you know and it isn't gonna just change overnight but if we continue to walk out our relationship of intimacy with the father and are open for his correction and not hiding from him because we fear him then he will begin to change us and transform us to disciple us effectively I mean the word discipline is something people don't like discipleship is not so bad it's only the way you say the word ineffectively you know you know we can be discipled and that is a process of transformation and change we can go through any other questions I got a question about the soul and I I didn't right in the middle of the gateways module and I was telling my soul to listen to my spirit to come down off the throne of my heart let father ascend and that that's kind of what was happening and then all of a sudden I felt God told me to do something but I hit days I just couldn't do it I felt oppressed and then I decided to call the mobile court and so to ask why what was holding me back from being able to do what I felt God wanted me to do so forth so I would say it was kind of the usual subjects you know that would come forth there were these you know horrible characters and and you know they said certain things but I just felt this isn't what it's just there's more so I waited so then another like a female kind of character came and said that she was cursing me in the night again I waited I thought it didn't hear everything that I was there to hear and kind of like a dragon kind of character came and said that he was had been robbing destiny for a thousand years for people in my line so I waited because I really didn't hear what had given them the authority to do this and then all of a sudden out of nowhere my own soul said and I don't know do I call my soul in it or she I have no idea part of you so it's just it's just you me so so the part of me my soul shows up and says that that I was mistreated I thought you were mistreating me by basically telling you know my soul to get behind my spirit to listen to me from the spirit and what my soul said was is that it was giving secrets of my life to this person to curse me now I want to know is all this really what happened so after I received my my freedom then what was given to this this dragon who was robbing destiny for a thousand generations was to return to me seven times everything he had stolen then come back for restoration so I was interrupted then I think my kids woke up and and then when I came back kind of to the experience I saw who I believe were my my ancestors they were all giving me things you know different things like plots two stories swords you know all sorts of things and this kind of went on for a long period of time but what I want to know is was was that real could could my soul really do that and to just warn everything that you know that I want which is to let my spirit rule so that's my question yeah I would say that that yes I think yeah I think it can probably because there's an area of woundedness deep error of woundedness or trauma there has been not healed or made whole or fragmentation it could be if you're fragmented into more than one part then a part of your soul and a personality could be a child at a young age or whatever can come to the front and actually begin to dominate and you wouldn't be aware of it that that's the thing with there are some people who are so fragmented that they dissociate and they don't even know what they're doing in certain events in their lives some people who've been involved in satanic ritual abuse actually because they've been abused and they're so broken and wounded and fragmented don't even know that they're even taking part in that abuse of others they have no memory of it physical memory something gets triggered on that part the front and hides that memory from the conscious mind so I know of a person who who is a story that I was told by someone who minister to this person who had helped this person deal with satanic ritual abuse from their father who had abused them and this person had gone through the ministry dealt with this what was but obviously what did they do with their father do they tell their father do they their father had no memories because so this guy actually met the father and in a roundabout way because he didn't want to come out and and just tell the father this is the terrible thing you've done so he probed with some questions and conversation discovered the father had no knowledge of any of it but had felt something a dark spot in his heart which whenever he thought about his daughter and that's and he had no memory so in a sense absolutely I think parts of our soul can do things which are deceptive and can do things which are contradictory to what can't your conscious memory or conscious mind would you choose to do itself so it's probably not your whole soul but it may be a broken part a fragmented part a wounded part that responds in that way because we're quite complex when it comes to a lot of these issues of spirit soul and body that are separated divided not whole and we're in the process of restoration to make become whole so the we function together in oneness and unity and eventually I got to the point where I surrendered in many ways in my soul to put my trust in God rather than in my own Souls ability to protect myself and do all those things and you know and everyone has to go through whatever process it takes to get us to that point I would hey you've had a positive result from the court case but I would go back to the Father and just ass to ask him to show you is there any still area because it could be submerged you know sometimes dissociative parts submerged deeply and only come to the fore in a very emotional situation or intense situation then they can be buried you won't even know they're there I mean I had a apart buried in me for best part of 50 odd years that I had no idea it was there no idea whatsoever and one day in a trigger situation out it came and caused me to react in a situation which was totally not characteristic but I eventually found that there was a dissociative part of a five-year-old part of me that had effectively suffered trauma and was buried and had never come out was hidden completely from me until this moment I was able to deal with it and get it reintegrated and everything else so I think you're absolutely right it I think I think that was a real situation but I would just make sure that it has been fully dealt with and not just partially dealt with sort of fully don't deal with it do I need to go back to the court system or just just sit with the father I would just talk to the father and ask him to show you is is there any area of fragmentation or brokenness or woundedness and can you and can you heal me or can you reintegrate that part now if it's the process of reintegration he may need to you may need then to address your soul rather than telling it what to do and I can I can see why the soul could get offended by that because it's like the soul is used to being in charge and when you challenge it that's where the Bible says the spirit wrestles against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit because the flesh has been used and the flesh has been what has created your safety and security and enabled you to get through life mostly you know but now your spirit all of a sudden is active and now is okay now I want to do it a different way I think it takes some wisdom to how you address that and probably it worked for me to you know make some declarations and decrees and speak to my soul but I probably didn't do it in a very aggressive way you may come over that way probably in declarations but it's a it's our attitude of how we approach it and probably my soul didn't take as much offense at that because of maybe the way I did it I don't know but I can see why it would and so I think there are different ways if we're broken and fragmented creating a safe place an environment where we express to our soul than the desire for wholeness and peace and the fact and tell it how loved and accept it is by God and there's you know all of the things we can positively speak we can create an environment and speak to our soul in a very positive affirming way that gives it the opportunity to come to the light if there's a fragmented area it won't come to the light unless it feels safe or threatened so I don't want to threaten here and cause it to come back and start yo doing what it did so I want to find a way of bringing peace to that situation and so I can speak healing words or encouraging it to come to a place of healing because I'm in a safe place I trust God that God loves me that God loves you the God wants to bring you into wholeness wants to bring us back into oneness you know all of that type of thing you know within the lie busting process there's a a part scan that looks to engage you know is there a part of me which is emotionally stuck that any deeper sense can lead to dissociation it can just in memory and sometimes in life ivory I react as a five-year-old you know childishly or you know petulantly because I'm reacting because I'm stuck in emotional area and that's duck five-year-old is now operating because it's been triggered or I can be totally dissociative and I wouldn't even know but a personality would take over and sometimes I might not remember the memory of that personality cuz my other personality will be submerged you know it can be quite complicated but I would just try and create a safe environment with the father and just look to encourage your soul if there is something it may not be but encourage your soul to come to a place where it trusts ya the process of restoration and healing and you know dealing with trauma and whatever it might be and reintegration I think that works so much better than you know the aggressive approach here when I had my soul and spirit separated and reintegrated I did not do the sort of the Ian Clayton type aggressive approach oh I'm gonna take this axe and cleave this thing and break it over Nara because for me that would just have been a Raffin a reaffirmation of my soul doing this itself which would have not been surrender it would have been I can do this you know so I surrendered you know and I surrender to the Father for him to do that and Jesus separated my soul and spirit but in a loving way I felt no aggression and I surrendered to it and it was a beautiful thing because it brought me oneness and reintegration like I never felt before you know and but there had been that process where I got to that I trust you I I really only became aggressive I've never really done that I haven't listened to anybody else in a very very long time and an Ian Clayton video came came across my path and I just started to watch it I haven't watched him in a long time and it was this to get very aggressive towards your soul and at our soul this and I I've never done that before but I started to do that almost you know angry at my soul and that's kind of what set this whole thing off I'm not even through the declarations that I heard you have I ever been aggressive against my own self this way yeah and just just something that surprised me very much at the end of this court case the father came down from the throne and actually very was very tender with my soul and I just been really thinking about this whole you know thing but I guess the moral of the story is I need to kind of keep track of who I'm listening to and the paths that I mind and it didn't feel right at the time but I thought gee maybe I'm supposed to be doing this and it wasn't the right thing to do well you know if it's a warning you know and I think all of us can do something that someone else does that might have worked for them but it may not be working you might not work for us you know and you know you know I find in quite an aggressive character I know I know him you know I got a personal relationship with him in the past and so I understand you know he's coming out of some woundedness and brokenness in various things perhaps but I personally didn't take I when I heard any teaching like that I didn't resonate with it in my spirit and I just parked here and but the principles behind it are absolutely true you know the principles of you know that are there to bring us into wholeness and our soul to surrender to our spirit and not be dominant that's absolutely true but it needs to be done through relationship not control or as you say aggression and anger you know it we don't respond to that you know so if it might have worked for Ian that's fine but you know I didn't resonate with it whenever I resonate with a lot of stuff you know the gateways teaching and stuff I resonated anyways and found that I could apply that to my life and walk that through with Jesus but when it came to the separation of soul and spirit and that angry sort of more aggressive approach to the soul I just didn't feel that and I I just talked it let it go I didn't I didn't progress it that way and then God took me through my own journey to get to the point where my soul and spirit were separated but reintegrated and came back into a union and oneness that I'd never felt before and it wasn't submission force submission like I am forcing you or the Father forcing me to submit because the faster father didn't force me to submit when I went through my process he just got me to the point where I gave up you know I get I surrendered because I I trust him you know I trusted him whereas before perhaps I didn't trust him as much as I thought and I got to the point where I truly did trust him and it was a beautiful thing it was a gentle thing it wasn't a forced I am going to force my soul to submit it was a process where my soul came to a point of trust where it chose to surrender to the process that God was working me through it wasn't an easy thing but there wasn't this aggressiveness with it there was more of a passivity of for me God didn't say anything just like and he was like huh okay and you're not saying anything and eventually I got to the point where okay I just need to give up I don't need to know I trust you you know and that work that's what worked for me but I do feel you know I don't think God is aggressive and I don't think God operates in that aggressive manner and he doesn't force us into submission he Woo's us and loves us and cherishes us and shows us kindness and tolerance a good God he's not an angry aggressive God so in it for me anything that presents him that way I just shy away from I don't resonate with and I just leave it you know and I but the principles then I pursue God for the prints well how do you want to do this you know and eventually I find that that's what ad works it works you know that way which is more aligned to God being loved you know you can't force love you can't force someone to love you so you can't make someone love you through submission or subjection that's why the whole teaching about husbands and wives is are just totally non biblical teaching it's actually not even in the Bible when you actually go back to the original Greek you don't find the word subject or submission there it's not there it's been you Chi submitted to one another because you're filled with the spirit not a wife has to submit or be subject to her husband it's not ism is a misogynistic translation which is not there in the original but that's created a whole system of belief right throughout the institutional church of that almost I have to be under and dominated or controlled and God doesn't do that and neither should we with each other we need to be mutually loving and supporting and encouraging because that's what God is like he's not aggressive he's not angry and he's not going to dominate or control us Dominion is not domination Dominion is the outworking of love to bless creation you know we don't rule over creation to dominate it and domineer over it we rule over courage to bring it into a place of mutual relationship with us but I think this whole approach of this aggressive sense of rule and Dominion and Ruhr as just a lien ated creation from us and now God wants to bring us back to a restoration process of bringing creation and us back into this symbiotic intimacy of relationship that was always intended to have in the garden Adam and Eve tended and cultivated and the garden gave up its bounty they weren't the garden woman's asset stripped you know for its fruit it was fruitful and released its bounty of fruitfulness and I think that's works so much better than the angry domination control and that type of way you know even like doing court cases we don't have to be angry with those who are accusing us you know we just need to agree and come into agreement so that the father and we don't want the you know even in the father releasing his verdict it can get a lot of vengeance can behind that great the father's gonna release his verdict against the enemy now and they're gonna get their comeuppance that's not how the father does it he's merciful he's releasing mercy over us and actually over those who are actually accusing us because it's so much easier if they don't want to accuse us any more it much like more likely to do that if we're like aggressive to them great you're gonna get you're gonna get free from your honor and all of that I just don't I think it's counterproductive and not really aligned to the father's heart which is why you know I think restoration of all things is much more in alignment with the father's heart than this spiritual warfare which is much more angry I'm gonna chop your head off and cut you open and yes you can remove authority you don't have to be under it but actually so much better if things are restored rather than remain broken and alienated in that way but very good question and I've never heard that before but I can really see how that would work so that's a really use and other people may have come across that as well and if other people are going to also realize that this process is much better done in in a loved you know peaceful environment rather than an aggressive one when it comes to soul and spirit you know reconciliation is not done through aggression just don't work if your aggression is it must peacemaker you know it's like black that are the peacemakers not the warmongers and we've I think adopted a sort of spiritual warfare type approach which is not a peacemaking approach and therefore is not aligned to restoration and gods ha who wants to bring peace there's no end to the increase in government and peace not through war you know it's through peace that we see that that worked well that doesn't mean we don't pursue something but we don't do it in an aggressive sense I think think thank you Mike for bringing that up because several of us just couldn't do that do it that way and so we were like stop and didn't pursue that so thank you for bringing that up yes I totally agree peace overcome Shalom is always in restoration is always better way higher way this way yeah absolutely so yeah I think so okay all right I need to leave it there
Channel: Mike Parsons
Views: 2,422
Rating: 4.7674417 out of 5
Id: MqLureZHjoI
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Length: 60min 8sec (3608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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