MYSTERY HACKER vs ROBLOX Game Challenges in Battle Royale to Win Hatch Device from PZ Squire

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hello spy ninjas and joining us today is the secret hatch everyone is still asleep that leaves me to open this hatch here goes nothing what yeah come on openness come on what are you doing in here are you trying to get into this hatch well aren't we all no spine enjoy assemble what's happening what's all the hubbub the hatch is locked what you tried opening it without us oh that's what we figured because we don't have that thing and you little 80s device still so early what time is it move in what time is it maybe squires online now robot if you want to play with me maybe y'all could just get some beauty rest or something today B we got an important mission yes going on to roblox and get that device from Squier let's hop to it do you even play roblox v uh have you seen any of our spine enjoyed videos obviously I play hello even having a couch yeah I do Veronica Kwan I didn't want to use my real name because Patrick Drago is always watching well I still have my accounts pz9 the best fighter you're not using iron anymore my account is so cool and same with my avatar you look like C doesn't it look close to my old outfit yeah but you're Melvin now I can you do an unmasking in roblox no because I only have the default face that some bears whoa this place is looking a little different what happened to this place some of the buildings aren't fire oh my guess you're right and that's not a sky at some binary code projects are gonna take over this and there used to be so many people that were playing on this map now it's like empty there's like this one dude just hanging out alright let's not forget the mission to find Squire waited against Melvin well there is this one hiding spot that we just added in this map follow me to this garage okay wait have you been here before how do you know about this garage well I log on from time to time but not since this whole map has changed so you just have to go into this garage and there's a secret door that goes underneath ah it's locked so when you are like meeting up with Squire where would you meet we had a secret meeting spot on the rooftops not everyone could get there only those with a secret knowledge of jumping okay I can jump let's head that way make a right into this apartment right here and head up the stairs a burning apartment don't get close to the fire and then you have to climb this ladder right here to the rooftop okay this ladder I don't know ladder in roblox before you just hold up up okay I'm holding it yeah but you have to like get in the center of the ladder okay I'm centering it's not working Melvin this new map I mean you're almost there okay okay I'm gonna try in who would have thought this would have been the toughest part of the mission next step you got a leap across this gap right here easy peasy a thief easy I feel like I was in the matrix there there's Squire right there get on we got a corner here he's running away there you go all right long time no see pz9 who's your friend here what are you gonna say because he's me don't say it's me quick type something oh hi there man nice good save he buys it okay that's why you're saying oh look at you is that how it is now while Squire has an attitude on him you're a famous spying yeah is when you join the spy ninja you're famous you must be bitter about our little breakup wait how's your channel doing I'm actually close to 1 million subscribers already spy ninjas are the absolutely what do you think that instead of just typing this out we talked to PC Squire on the voice chat I can only do Billy Bob so I don't want to do another one or not what would a Veronica Kwan sound like me me like that you might how're you doing today I have no idea what that is pillow peasy Squire I'm good Melvin how are you doing good day's Squire I don't hi everyone good nice to meet you he's body ok we recently saw you in one of projects or ghost videos where you guys are talking about a special hatch what's that all about yeah I can't believe P Z leader put me on the project circle videos it's really cool oh yeah mate can you answer the question you just became Billy Bob in the video the leader gave you this little device thing so what's the story behind all of that PC a leader gave me this really cool looking retro thing it's supposed to open the hatch but I don't know I think it's just a really cool game wait Melvin you know what's really weird he's not even like an official member he doesn't have a number so Squire why did the leader choose you I don't know I guess he just knows I love games and being really nice to me there's gotta be a reason why Squire has this well and also I told PZ leader I know where the spine is says wait he know what the safehouses Melvin did you tell him know how what do you know about it then if you didn't tell him then how would he know Squire what are you talking about well at least I think I do do you remember any of this Melvin vaguely PC Squire actually showed up at the same house that kid was a brat bearing Halloween I was trick-or-treating and then I knocked on this one people's house and they were really mean to me they didn't even give me king-size candy bars and I actually put a peanut butter jelly sandwich in one of the people's faces and you know what PC night I thought that was the spy ninjas safe house so maybe that's why project zorco selected PG Squire he knows a lot about video games and technology and he might know what we are they were pretty lame I don't think those were the spy ninjas actually oh oh my gosh that actually worked maybe he's my boy Aussie accent right now - seems that way yeah you can call it an Aussie accent haha well pz9 you know ever since you left projects or go things just haven't been the same it's kind of complete chaos right now what is he in love with you or something maybe I was an idol to some of the hackers haha I didn't realize what leaving the organization would do to projects or home what are you saying Melvin you sound like you kind of still care about politics Argo maybe not the organisation as a whole but when you get to meet certain individuals sometimes it's hard not to feel attached is that why you still keep in touch with PZ - yeah a little bit but we're still trying to get information from Squire all the damage that you've done it even affects roblox now no one's here Rajat circles definitely change things up is that why this whole entire map change because you have to Wow and why would that make a difference they must have been hiding something in the old map and now they gotta change it up so we won't find out you know pz9 you're a real jerk sometimes you're so selfish just come back to projects who are going and be friends with me yeah Squire but I'm also a full-grown adult and I have responsibilities enough with the idle talk Squire we need information and you said you're gonna give it to us so for what exchange I don't know PZ leader did say I wasn't supposed to tell anybody about the hatch but it will be fun to play some games yeah Squire but you said you'd help us who would you rather get in trouble with the projects or go leader or your mom no no don't tell my mom she's really mad at me lately because I didn't eat all my mashed potatoes last night why are your mom would be really help see it with you and you didn't help your old friend okay pz9 if you play some games at me I'll give you more information on the hatch okay good job I know let's play it Abby Oh what is that a Beatles album Abbey Road I'll be Osborn Abbey Dobby you never heard of a Nobby before it's the coolest thing ever it's super hard though come on it's choir tricking you right now well it's roblox so what's the harm in that yeah let's go let's go all right the first challenge is in ah be you get out of here and this is the obvi this is what I was talking about I like my new outfit very fashionable choice who is it that's a checkpoint if at any point you fail you'll start back there oh no don't we go over barrels so like Donkey Kong and the floor is lava challenge either of which is quite easy first try no problem you guys only play Tetris okay Oh pretty advanced for me and you're using a touchpad which is much harder to play roblox with if you don't have a mouse we'll wait for you it's cool okay thank your friend Veronica's not doing so good help me that she isn't game phasing can you just like carry me oh no I'll watch you really close everybody's trying to help you out like this easy I was growing yes last one last barrel you made it Veronica okay now I just gotta climb the ladder and hit the green check climbing you gotta be let me just get past this part for you busy Squires getting annoying let me see how you do it's a little harder with the touchpad yeah yeah that's right there you go that's definitely me that's high level gaming oh my gosh that's the easiest part climbing the ladder alright this next part looks pretty easy thankfully these platforms are bigger than barrels yeah oh okay yeah I'm gonna bet I got it oh yes check behind yes alright next obstacle I then this a bunch of times watch here they come up dodge them of course rush this is a lot faster now go up the spiral staircase oh gosh alright a room with treasure chests oh cool let's open the chest yeah only one of them has the real key we'll wait for you okay okay checkpoint nice okay then chest I'll try one yeah let's get out of this thing alright that's a big key oh good yeah okay now bring it over to that lady and we can get through the game right next section I call this next area the trap house Oh what are those like bear traps this looks for hairiest dinosaur trap not fair appeasing I would have had it but my computer glitch that's why I got hit by the traffic get out of my way of course Veronica check pool I think we're almost up in here all right next up we gotta make it to the bottom of the tower oh gosh now you're speeding through this one yes okay I'm here you're here where's your friend Veronica we gotta wait for her now oh okay okay wow what a shortcut that's hi wow this is an easy ah be kind of uh do we have to walk on this yeah don't step on the rocks but I think I could make that jump actually it looks small enough oh thanks a lot no y'all got crushed ez9 my fault I'm gonna try down this little tiny balancing beam oh gosh you don't mean squire just chatting it out here so take your time okay just Oh where's your friend Veronica's she's taking so long I'm getting bored I think I'm just gonna log off no come on Squire just give her a break she's getting better yeah but the longer I wait the more I think maybe I shouldn't give you a peasy leader gave me hey hey hey just have a little bit of patience look she's already here come on finally Veronica it was almost past my bedtime gosh yes that's my level store oh no so intense a camera dropped okay this is one of my favorites let's all hit that yellow thing at the same time we're gonna go super super fast oh that's weird yellow usually means slowdown and then green means go but I don't think you're supposed to go in the green here oh gosh all right you ready to go ready three two one [Music] they're the computers too slow I never played a map like this well gosh the jump is so far yeah get a speed-up op9 where are you are you making it yeah after a couple of attempts and using my trackball mouse I got this I gotta say you're getting good fell pretty quickly actually oh geez well disconnected disconnected please check your internet connection did partner over just hack this I'm still playing it just be like that sometimes didn't try to attack my friend Veronica did you know I'm still playing with you why would I try to hack or I could go on don't have lots of fun I'll give you more information just come meet me at my safe house so we listen leave the game well as long as he's gonna tell us some information yeah that's all I really want let's follow him to the next server ok pz9 and all of his fans welcome to my safe house this is it I'll tell you everything you need to know but we got to do it somewhere in private oh my gosh what is this place this is a beautiful little hideout you got here peasy Squire I wouldn't feel comfortable here cuz it's surrounded by water good thing your characters tall enough not to drown come follow me okay you gotta climb this rope right here ready follow me Oh no more climbing oh gosh okay what this is not a ladder after you Veronica gwaan okay so I go up the rocks right no no you gotta climb the rope it's right here ah still holding up yeah you don't have to jump into it you could just hold it yeah like that I've just got to build myself taller next time so just jump success okay sure there's no more climbing oh gosh you make it look so easy I'm a high level gamer this is cool treehouse yeah pretty cool huh sometimes I go here just to get some peace and quiet you know okay I'm walking I can't get in now that I'm too tall that's the sense that I've never said in my real life ever oh my gosh I guess you're gonna have to listen from the outside is this what Chad deals with like in real life sorry V I guess this is a conversation for me and Squire all right I'm gonna watch you guys through the window then so here's the deal I don't know what's in the hatch okay but what I do know is that whatever is inside there is really important to the peasy leader doesn't even know what's in the hatch what's the point of trying to unlock it then if it's important to the PC leader I want to know it just keep keep asking him for info Melvin okay there's actually some rumors going around in project zero that inside the hatch is a monster yeah it's definitely a monster a monster Squier monsters aren't real only in your imagination here mate Squire uh what about that alone device you got there well before I tell you more stuff I actually have a favor to ask you pz9 okay what is it Squire well there's actually it's kind of embarrassing to admit spit it out but I kind of have a bully what already called projects or go I wouldn't be surprised if they were bullying him around but it's not hard for bullies to manifest itself inside a digital space yeah anybody can be a bully behind a keyboard he's been bullying me in this one game it's called arsenal all right wait uh would you expect us to do wire maybe you could help me beat him and then he will stop bullying me for being bad Corey I mean we should help though he want us to play another game with him well if it means standing up to his bully I think we should help him do it if you do that then I'll tell you more information okay he's totally buying it I think okay cool pz9 all right follow me let's play the game okay this is Arsenal my mom says I'm not allowed to play these but but it's roblox so I think I should be ok yeah it's yes oh no Melvin my bully is on the other team we have to beat him if we lose he's gonna save mean things to me hey watch my back watch my back I put fire everybody defend me where are you guys Oh criticals yes don't worry Bea I'll carry the game no I'm gonna get someone there are these kids play too much roblox are they still good guys why aren't you watching my back camper probably are using houses mice whatever yeah we're they're using aimbots which hackers use so then they always get critical hits tell these kids to tell your mom smells like leftover spaghetti oh come on you don't mean to do that we're not here for that gotta focus on the mission you shouldn't rage at people he's camping in the building this guy's cheating oh no fair yeah and Squire he looks up to you he's like your buddy so you gotta set a good example for him and just not range you know but we're absolutely losing right now we are getting demolished it's just a game against our new one what if BT Squire doesn't tell us the clue because we don't ask oh just try to play better ok sounds good to me alright you guys like pepperoni pepperoni put in your mouth there you go you're supposed to help me win oh I can't let my bully see me go down like this I have to show them that I'm the best at roblox does that ruin our hint yes they are just really good maybe if I practice more I can be just like them [Applause] hey this guy just messaged me Gigi Gigi means good game and is often times a sign respect nice oh oh but okay I see what you're saying pz9 we had a lot of fun right squire yeah that's all that matters yeah about that device thing is looking kind of old wait do you want me to give you the device PC leader gave me that old thing still runs on double-a batteries Oh what do you think we should try and trade it for something we can't just take it from them what's new right now he probably wants like the latest gaming system right maybe I can ask him hey Squire what do you say we make a little trade for that old hunk of technology you got give you a cool upgrade or something okay well what I really really want is a brand new computer build so I can play fortnight in the highest graphics settings I also want a VR headset so I can escape the world that my mom lives and yeah everybody at school has the brand new iPhone 11 and I don't and I phone 11 that seems doable Oh your paycheck good idea Squire yeah an iPhone 11 has way better hacking technology what about we meet and we'll trade you for that oh yeah that would actually be crazy cool I'll be by myself I won't bring any money with me when you come can you actually bring Veronica Claus no do my accent in real life all right I mean you're pretty good disguise this to them you can hold the camera and I'm behind it but yeah I can go as direct like your cameraman or something oh gosh she thinks I'm this like little girl well I think you can fit the part pretty easily sure sure sure okay for the hatch I'll do it hatch all right Squire you know our meeting spot I'll invite Veronica and we'll be there I'll meet you guys in there in 30 minutes the iPhone 11 better be the pro model with the three cameras or else is just trash oh okay I'm gonna have to be a little girl now or whatever a Veronica Kwan looks like all right he's gonna be expecting a six foot four super tall girl maybe you should bring Chad if you dressed up like your accent then I mean you might as well like a dishrag or something let's do it alright well we're here at the park we've got the iPhone 11 for Squier and I decided to throw in an Apple watch because I miss him and I'm a big watch fan when we're here with my uh my camera girl Veronica Guan yes avi obstacle expert and ladder climber Master Simon I mean all right I've got to make sure you have your accent going cuz we're gonna meet Squire for real and I don't know he's expecting of Veronica Quine I'm not sure either and this is gonna be his first time seeing me in person too I'm asking if you even gonna recognize you maybe he'll recognize my loud voice and unique charisma let's go find it okay wait what's that kid over there our meeting spot so to speak yeah yeah the green shirt right that must be him I'll just stay behind the camera I'm a little nervous now probably not as nervous as Squire is right now meeting his first girl in person that's me are you ready Veronica Quine let's go get hey Squire [Music] one-and-only what's wrong with your face nothing wrong with my face okay why this is what I look like I know I didn't update my avatar you don't look that bad thanks Veronica kwan o Squire this is Veronica Kwan oh hi mate a lovely to meet ya we're here with what you told us an iPhone 11 and to sweeten the deal I brought along an Apple watch and you know you want to be Veronica Kwan so that's a good trade right all right okay yeah that's a good trade does this mean that you're gonna accept my friend request oh all right mate I'll add you to the friend list after you give us a device sorry I got you what you asked for an iPhone 11 and what did you want I wanted the new green coat not this garbage you've seen EP Squire well obviously I want the latest and greatest thing I add an Apple watch to go with it so you have even more tech two is better than one I guess what is this even fit me it's the standard one I guess I don't know black I didn't know that there are different colors of Apple watches pz9 you know but I also wrought Veronica quad through being all rude in front of our guest here I bought that device that we were gonna trade for it so jump if you have oh yeah I don't know why the leader gave it to you anyways look at this you can choose to have this or you can get this one next time I want the new color Veronica alright well nice meeting you Squire I'll see you online next time with buddies okay as long as you're on my friends list we're still friends whatever you got me the wrong gift uh I'm out hey we got what we came for I hope this is worth it this thing looks so simple it's gonna open the hitch let's get outta here you gotta show them what we got yeah we got this device here from PZ Squire and the leader gave this to him this is the same thing that was in the project sort of video yeah the leader gave us to PZ Squire I can't believe it so this will open the hatch plug this cable in and fits here perfectly it does the squeeze turning on yes [Music]
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 29,782,507
Rating: 4.758184 out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, roblox, gaming, video games, flamingo, robux, itsfunneh, poke, caught, robstix, ssundee, bloons, faze rug, sneaker, dantdm, minecraft, battle royale, tik tok, tiktoks, testing, hacks, friends, house, mrbeast, unspeakable, satisfying, challenge, 123 go, diy, ideas, test, dobre, preston, tik toks, lazarbeam, morgz, wins, friendly, regina, pz9, hacker, daniel, mr e, mystery, 24 hours, surprising, vlog, crafts, how to, vs, funny, safe, sml, vy qwaint, irl, cwc, spy, comedy, fun, ninja, clean, real, vy, video, 2020
Id: JsblIKGy_Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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