CHAD in DISGUISE as SPIDER-MAN - SPY NINJAS vs Hacker Battle to Unlock Secret Underground Hatch

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hey my ninjas oh my gosh we've been trying to open this hatch here in Regina's secret room we make so many attacks together with the crystal when we mix those two together it kind of foggy so the hatch didn't open up little work and the device didn't power up either we must be missing something there's still one more poster we haven't checked yet behind the stranger things poster we found the clues that led us to the 78 X and by the Harry Potter poster led us to the crystal so what's behind the spider-man poster okay whoa it's foggy oh wait I'll lose my memory in here Harry Potter here we go the last call there might be something written in invisible ink let's try it I'll hit the Lights hit it beat it whoa all right behind the spider-man poster over here is nothing what what no there's a lot on Melvin and okay well this gotta mean something it's spider-man we just gotta start with spider-man work backwards what could it mean maybe we have to fly to Europe Great Britain oh it's far from home what do we know that's far from home Douglas is far from home exactly we have to go save Douglas we got to put Douglas in the hatch no outside no somebody needs to get bitten by a spider a radioactive dog I know exactly the thing you guys stay here I'll be right back I know what to do oh go get Tom halt in front what who's that I only know Tobey Maguire Andrew Garfield well either three of them should be able to help us out here this sucks guys let's just face it we're never gonna open the hatch oh we got it all wood we were in roblox you guys Squires set that whatever's in the hatch is very important so we need to figure that out the PC leader told a match how much hope this is our last poster I'll do whatever it takes open up the hatch maybe I'll just drink the 17 X in the crystal and then maybe I'll be juiced up enough to just bust through on my huh my spider chair does whatever a spider can this is it this is what we need to do we need to become spider-man gotta think like spider-man if you want to solve the clue we must harness the power the radioactive spider [Music] phone hello this is spider-man we found out he doesn't know what a safe houses so what does it matter you're never gonna get it back seven one five yeah exactly we already used it it's gone usually I would say no way Jose but because I am spider-man and I have the powers of a radioactive spider I accept your challenge and maybe we'll learn some clues about what to do you got it buddy you better bring your biggest piece of cheese because it's about to get cheesy it's gonna be cheesy and it's gonna be easy because we'll defeat you no problem you're on seven one five we'll see you there all right who is ready for a battle royale I know my good ol wife you're always down for a battle round you know who else is always down for Melvin hey that's you buddy oh but maybe another time Chad what's the last time I fought seven one five I lost and it's not fair now we'll just rather not deal with it don't be a quitter try Daniel Oh Regina they might be more interesting on this mission oh I know Daniel I've seen you throw some hackers off a bridge that's true Regina I saw you playing with beat point I gotta give it to you you're little better fighting on no Regina I haven't seen you fight in a long time so yeah I like that idea that you should come yes a few moves before we get there how about that okay let's swing on out of here tell me a long mission we talking about spider chat is so cool I can't believe I have to battle royale time to find out who will join its fighting on a Spidey mission so we're gonna be doing some sporty challenges first one is an acrobatics challenge I'm gonna use this feedback right yeah I'm gonna put it right yeah spider sense tingling who can do it you know what I can do spider Daniel is there's a Ledge here how does it feel to be the clumsy one now oh let's see you do better Regina that was better than Daniels you did land on your face that is a start no it was so fast you guys even see it Udonis join spider-man on his mission I live with spider-man every day so I'm on a mission with him for life how could you say no to this face you should see the face I'm making underneath this right now be disappointment cute fine disappoint this guy great so did you guys determine who's gonna go on the mission yet I think I need one more challenge I've gotta give Daniel a second chance here you know yeah I hope you guys don't get caught up in the next challenge the next Spidey challenge to decide who will go on the mission with me I'll have five Spidey cups right here whoever knocks them down the fastest using their spider powers gets to come with spider-man spider Jan I mean now you may be wondering by Chad I don't have any Spidey powers oh can I knock these cups down let me show you who's up first [Music] guys ready for some spicy fighter V 3 2 1 go ok camera ok I'm ready how was that let's check the time really good slower than me though yeah just a little bit Daniel can you beat our times of course who do you think I am I'm Daniel the expert web shooter how did you know Chad give me that silly string let's do it alright let's do this thing get out of my way Regina okay here I go ready three two one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mean for me I'm afraid you should stay home with Melvin and try to cheer him up well being in Regina got a spidey mission what babe you know what maybe it's good because pz9 he's not feeling too good these days I know I can share him up I'm the best cheerer-upper you are the best cheerleader ever that's you later jack oh alright via Regina let's get into our battle gear and head towards the let's swing out of here alright why is pg several and five so mad at us oh hey I know we stole his seventieth do you think he still has them I don't know I sure hope he didn't get her a resupply so we got two of the three clues that are solved Regina had three posters in there the stranger things one is about 78 X got that from TC 7-5 the Harry Potter poster led to the crystal from boom so there's one missing piece left we couldn't figure out any clues about the spider-man poster though there was no invisible ink so hopefully meeting up with seven one five he will reveal something about a third element that we need to get inside this hatch I want to get into that hatch I want to see what's down there let's go let's go open that door up you know how do you know look at all those buttons don't that lock the door baby okay well Chad and the gals are outside being spider-man and all that I gotta figure out what's happening to Melvin he seems really sad hey Melvin where are you dude he's not in the kitchen he's not at his desk he's not in the secret room Melvin Melvin are you Jonathan what are you doing in here hey I just wanted to come check on you you feeling okay yeah just taking care of my dirty laundry oh dude that's that's your old pz9 hoodie yeah my new CWC hoodie and I guess my old BeeZee hoodie yeah I just thought I'd like change up my look I guess that's all why are you looking at this that's the old pc9 mask Melvin what are you doing I'm just reminiscing you know when I wore this mask I was the best fighter I just had to change my life so quickly and I don't know if I'm ready for it I get it being a project or go member and switching over to the good side the spy ninjas that is a big change I don't even think I'm that popular I don't even think the spine and just like me I think they thought I was cooler with the mask on I'm starting you mean the spine ladies at home no guys cut up a load send boven some love we love you here you're almost at a million subscribers on your own personal channel tell you what Melvin I know how I can cheer you up all right come this way and uh we're gonna turn that frown upside down oh man am I ready to power wheel him well no I missed five senses are telling me that he's about to meet up with two other hackers oh my gosh nope there's two other hackers over there my guess my spider senses were right there working well let's follow them actually I just saw them over there Spidey site front spider hide can see me I think it's working what are you doing earplugs what are they far they're putting them in their hair so they can't hear anything make any sense those hackers are probably sick of hearing seven one five complaining that the Packers are not in the Super Bowl today and that's why they're putting in earplugs don't worry I'll use my spidey skills your friendly neighborhood spider-man will take care of the two of them since they can't hear they won't even hear me sneaking up on them oh yeah they can't hear us Oh let's go Chad he's taking the spider-man thing kind of literally yeah good oh my gosh haha in my webs Packers about woods let's go fall seven one five come here Melvin you know what always cheers me up a good old ditty yeah let's play some music you're still in the band right why don't you just wrap something over some chords okay yeah uh yes well roses are red and violets are blue old collie was pz2 he was the closest friend that I ever had now that I'm a spy ninja he's super duper man so what can I do to repair the friendship it doesn't even matter cuz it didn't last long oh that's crazy but it doesn't rhyme no that was great movin that was good right spy ninjas it's too deep okay maybe I don't care about pz2 let's do another one how many punches cannot blow how many cakes do I need to catch your attention I'm just putting it on you two I hate this I'm not working Daniel it was good okay we can try something else we we can't upload there everyone's gonna know I'm a softy no no it's okay to feel sad sometimes Melvin everybody feels sad once in a while it's normal let's do something else oh okay I got a great idea this will cheer you up come follow me remember the Spidey moves I taught you too right what right now you'd be several in fives getting away he's up there we go you're rolling in wrong way Regina I can't see anything in this mess take the camera over there okay he's meeting with to our hackers over there who's just sling our way up to the next tree we can just like walk normally mighty thing it's getting outta hand you two are acting like a couple of Gwen Stacy's right now come on oh no I'm Mary Jane Chad and I'm your Betty branch I love that one actually was you know you're running about as fast as Aunt May oh man that one that died know they're talking about putting tape on the inside of their mask by the mouth what is your spidey senses tell you that tingling the tingling it's so several one five stops talking about Wisconsin yeah actually it's probably something to do with their voice modulator okay several or five is living those other two hackers are there Regina V remember those Spidey moves I taught you earlier here's your chance to utilize them let's try to apply what we learn from Chad and take out that hacker okay all right you got it go Wow I got this feet okay great job as you know thank you yeah but there's another hacker here somewhere I think you might be over here over there let's do a financial plan 18 have you ever tried one of our spine into a backpack you should really get one okay Melvin this will definitely cheer you up there's gonna be so much fun look you know we're gonna do it this right what increase our blood sugar no no look what I have oh remember this this is an extra special ninja gadget Melvin remember why because I'm the one that got it back for Chad exactly you snuck into the party's over headquarters and you got one of this old ninja gadgets back and it was that moment that we knew Melvin is our friend that's when you earned our trust so let's celebrate with the a good old-fashioned airborne soda shop I'm gonna throw it to you Melvin hit it in midair yeah okay that's kind of fun that'll make you happy yeah yeah yeah yeah do not try this at home Daniel maybe you can record me being cool with this yeah that'll cheer you up sure video game okay Melvin I'm gonna throw this and you're gonna chop it midair think you can do that I'm gonna use a technique heaven slice let's shake this guy up here we go Oh oh you smell like grape you feel good right and that make you happier it was fun but I ruined my outfit and my watch oh man okay you know what I know what'll cheer you up you're gonna love this Melvin come come on okay now we gotta find your God we were gone for like two minutes he's gotta be around here somewhere maybe he's like in a web somewhere oh my gosh look over there literally I'm spider-man don't you remember that part of the movie whatever I hang upside down and I get a spider kiss Spiderman was so heartbroken he fell off the slide I want to kiss Chad wild clay not spider Chad spider chance oh cool come on how come you don't want a kid all right let's go back to finding someone fun spider move okay Melvin I can make it up to you sorry about your watch I gave my old watch to that spy ninja RJ in the Philippines so I picked up one that matched more of my style and I really enjoyed this but it's got juice all over it okay well I think I know I can make you a lot happier I bought you a little present Daniel it's just like this one the one you had before but it's even bigger you really did yeah and I was thinking this Melvin I love wearing watches too so what if I wear your old watch and then whenever you're feeling sad or lonely or you feel like you don't have any friends just look down at your wrist and see this watch and know that's your boy Daniel he's wearing the same one will be watched brothers me and you let's wear them right now yeah yeah wow you know what Daniel I do fill tons better now you went through all the effort today to make me feel better don't let these dumb hackers bring you down you're still a fantastic fighter and the spine inches out there love you another three hikers of theirs just hanging out the probably just waiting for us let me go give them a piece of maybe you should give them some more for those spider-man kisses oh that would definitely scare them away was it they're just talking about taping their masks and plugging their ears why would they need to do that doubles like they're scared of something with their masts we're gonna do something why would they be scared of that they only have the voice modulator in their mask what do you say spending just why don't we go give them maybe some spider-man kicks is instead of kissing over here trying to battle me first you take that device from TVs choir then you take the word crystal from my buddy Peavy fool and then you take my 78 now it's time to suffer the consequences there's one more thing they need from you the final piece you can take it for me you already have it we're gonna take it from you what is it you just gotta make sure we got enough gigawatts 99 problems and now you got three more okay oh yeah I can handle [Music] oh my spidey senses are tingling he's too slow for spider Chad good thing I have abs of steel spider webs more like abs of mashed potatoes honey like those potatoes I like mine beef usually thanks I figured you'd like all gratin cuz you're all rotten well I do like the cheesy one nothing cheesy around here but you settle on five why am fighting oh I guess he is good at kicking trim and there's plenty more where that came from Regina we need to go we need get fever back up go [Music] spider-sense deserve you stole my 78 XO an hour it's time for me to steal your website oh did somebody say webs and site how about some labs in your site huh [Music] okay so we learned that we have everything that we need pz7 1/5 was saying that we already have something to do with gigawatts to power that 1980s device chicka watt it looks like the eighties there so far though but that little device that PC Square gave us that's from the 1980s so it must be related spy ninjas if you have any ideas leave a comment down below of what it might be that we need to power on that device we've got the 78 X we've got the orange crystal something else we need and that will open up the hatch yes I can't wait to see what's down there I bet it's like a treasure but Chuck it's gold or maybe some bunch of video games monsters anywho shout out all your notification in just who get here in the first 60 minutes of every video I'm showing your comments down here make sure you're subscribed to me because the next videos got me on my channel but subscribe to V to hers things down there and we subscribe to Regina because ez9 wants to get to a million subs just don't let him be me and with that let's do a kickball
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 20,221,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, spiderman, spidey, spider man, hatch, 78x, delorean, costume, disguise, undercover, ssundee, secret, underground, minecraft, brent rivera, spin, mystery, wheel, challenge, crush, morgz, testing, viral, tiktok, life hacks, tik tok, faze rug, surprise, mrbeast, sharer, pencilmation, dobre, win, 123 go, funny, preston, lizzy, diy, zhc, fun, sml, unspeakable, hacks, daniel, 24 hours, surprising, vlog, dantdm, friends, vs, key, friend, battle, safe, reveal, vy qwaint, irl, cwc, spy, comedy, ninja, clean, real, vy, video
Id: mbE1kLjuLew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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