Mystery Dumpster Teardown - 2020-05-30

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hi just a second channel dumpster-diving tear down video because I posted this on Twitter you've got to follow me on Twitter if you want to see like all my latest finds in the dumpster room and stuff like that that's where I post them and they often don't make videos so anyway a few people said yeah we would wouldn't mind seeing it tear down these most people said oh yeah it's pretty useless or it's worth couple under bucks on eBay if you really could find somebody to buy it anyway it's in a ever yeah I don't know how you pronounce that IP office 500 va2 and it's an IP phone switch and there were about a box of phones down there as well which I didn't bother getting so anyway I thought we'd do a ten yeah this I have no idea what these are you know IP Phone officee system type things do you know you hook them up to your interwebs and you can do IP voice calling I guess and all the fancy stuff that goes it goes along with that anyway for those play along at home no manufacturing date on there or anything so it's got this modular base thing this will just be a one-hit wonder video by the way I'm not going to put any spit and polish into this one and the back here right 240 mains it's the rest of it SD card optional SD so we need a system SD car that's a nice little R plastic latch you just swing that aside LEDs for CPU system SD and optional SD whether or not they're working in Harris 232 there's audio so I guess maybe that can go into like a PA thing or something land when and expansion stuff so anyway let's take this thing apart and see what's inside I've taken a few screws off the bottom already but I haven't taken a peek as is with all my tear downs no even though sometimes you see me cut and then lift the lid off you know I cut because I'm trying to keep the length of my videos down but I actually don't peek inside there maybe some people think I do but no I don't because I want my reaction on the video to be you know the actual genuine genuine reaction when I open the thing and I usually you know something instantly like takes my eye and then well you can't you know like if you try if you have a peek it just sort of like ruins that I think people can probably tell here we go in like Flynn oh look at the look at the light pipes you go it's the first thing I noticed because the first thing I saw right angle light pipes that's how you get you let if you do dies out to you from the bottom of the board there there you go oh it's my poker I lost it I have a whole bunch of them got multicolored ones too but I really like the yellow ones because it shows up on the camera really well anyway I'm sorry just a little um like 1206 LED on there goes up that gives you your indication fear rj45 down there whether or not you got your phone connected I don't know what's on these boards we have to take those out totus quiz anyway seven look at the rest of it that's a nifty looking power supply open frame job II see that'd be pretty grunty see that's a delta somebody said this and have a good power supply in it and they weren't wrong I hang on my irises and sets so some of the things are out of focus there let me if you like now I should I gender aren't my neutral density filters on what saying nd one what it's cameras weird anyway I generally shoot a horse there we go oh there we go right well I was telling me to put the filter on oh that's what it was anyway I generally feel shoot out of like a fixed like if I'm at f8 at the moment I'm so they Keys better depth of field let me just turn the iris off this is f6 point two and that's that's automatic if I go all the way down this is as low as it goes at this zoom range f3 point seven so you'll see that this is in focus this is out of focus okay because I'm I can you know change the focus our point for that by just touching the screen I can muck around and like if I touch the LCD to this isn't part of the dare down but you know there's a second channel anyway so that's an fr4 and if I manually increase that with my little wheel here this is f five point six F six point eight you'll find that things if nine point six and it probably yeah if nine point six everything FF 10 everything starts coming into focus but unfortunately the problem with that oh that's actually max f11 that's 15 DB gain that's not too bad it depends on your lights of course if I turn my studio lights off and it's ya know it's still 15 DB gain anyway there you go well I seen uh for now so anyway that's just a video thing anyway if somebody said the baby would pass play and don't her of course I'll make some pretty schmick power supplies niche econ caps in that baby check that out so it's pretty good set my iris back to where I was there you go yeah so that looks really nice so you could use those with one of those you know Rd tech or other power supplies are like that vertical rise are bought in the off the heatsink on the back well that big-ass inductor said uh another big-ass inductor there and there's big beefy looking ceramics there big tall vertical ones and yeah that's a look that that's actually a right angle is that a right angle job Wow it is anyway so they're nichy cons as well net you can output caps so yeah really top quality Delta power supply I'm going to actually glad I got this actually I and a strip that air it might have a I'm not sure if it'll have a common like footprint or whatever but potentially yeah that's a nice little nice little power supply oh oh - at what my that says - 110 volts I swear I swear that says - 110 volts what the heck what the heck - twenty-eight point five - forty eight okay so we've got power over ethernet thing for the 48 and there'll be other ground you can't so that's that doesn't say anything - 28 - 48 - 110 why does does anyone know why it needs a hundred and ten volts please leave it in the comments down below that is that is bizarre um but yeah - a copyright 2013 there you go CPU V - but this is a this is a is a pretty serious bit of kit actually got as I links Spartan there I've got some Broadcom chipsets over there yeah par for the course got some firmware stuff there with the stickers on it and we got a free scale free scale applications processor that'd be you know some sort of specific applications process a lot of a lot of termination resistors all the way around look at that she is this serious these things really yeah probably moving some info got a overall the world like a super cap is that five point five point four seven farad super caps so yeah what's a vast salvageable parts in this this is really actually quite nicely designed and built so these cards here let's take out these you guys the case no workers and no I like I couldn't be bothered selling this like it you might get somebody said you know they're worth like two hundred bucks on eBay but that's if you can find somebody who wants it and then you got to pack and ship a large thing if it basically it's a pain in the ass if it doesn't fit in the envelope you know if it doesn't fit you know like a satchel thing because I got tons of satchels here I'm packing and shipping all the time and if I can anybody something with a satchel that's just yeah it's too easy but there you go my Flynn got some ma yeah there's some get a number on that you go what do we got down here I'm not gonna look up part numbers and I can't read those on the camcorder screen you can barely see them with the mic to eyeball and little BG I know so yeah that's a B G a G I'll be down there and whatever that is so yeah I don't know that's just an expansion no it's not an expansion board of that they are different beasts entirely they've got their own branded their own branded chippie there but so who knows is that like a like that you know like a PLC see soldered down like that you've got to think that this like maybe based on an older design or something like that perhaps and they've had that chip for like you know 10 15 years or something and they're just reusing it because you know maybe that you know they roll their own custom silicon or it's you know some other just a rebadged result no I think ti TMS 320 fanboys go wild of course yep TMS 320 no surprises for finding DSP in a voice process a thing like this so this probably you know there's like a multi DAC thing which al a DC and DAC thing which you know but possibly like interfaces to the phones or whatnot and then the DSP processes that that would be my guess so oh yeah sorry I don't know that's the DSP don't know what that one is that's a nice little surface mount cap Sabatino look nice little boards to put in your junk bin and yeah I really only want the power supply out of this sucker though so anyway leave it in the comments if you do think it's worthwhile selling this but like that power supply that's neat so that's all she wrote so there you go how much of these things new if you know leave in the comments I'm sure it so many thousands of dollars for something like this you know wouldn't surprise me if it's like you know three or four grand or something like that for right and these are obviously just expansion channels for more for more channels so there you go it's got a it's got 12 yeah twelve channels per card there so there you go that's interesting one of these VoIP things absolutely useless to be or most people really unless you're running some you know big phone scam service or something and you got a whole bunch of suckers on the line and apart from that hmm interesting anyway somebody on the somebody on Twitter said that they maintain these they've installed like thousands of them or something like that so yeah check out that but anyway I hope you enjoyed that one take or wonder tear down catch you next time
Channel: EEVblog2
Views: 60,692
Rating: 4.8524852 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, teardown, avaya, avaya ipoffice, voip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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