EEVblog #1306 (1 of 5): 3 Cent Micro - Open Source Programmer

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hi in some previous videos which I'll link in down below it in the end if you haven't seen them we've taken a look at these remarkable 3 cent microcontrollers from a Taiwanese not Chinese company called Paducah and how we can actually program them with the supplied programmer and also emulate them as well so this particular programmer an emulator is the most it's not that expensive it is actually quite difficult to actually get a hold of one of these you've got to buy it from like some weird like asian supplies you've almost certainly never dealt with before it's not that simple so a bunch of our users on the eevblog forum have I can't list them all sorry but anyway there's been a whole bunch of threads like over the last year on the eevblog forum what they've done is actually not only reverse engineered the baduk microcontrollers but they've also released free it's called free PDK and it's on the github here which I'll link in that down below and what they've got is open source program a hardware open-source programmers software and they've added support for the SDCC or small device C compiler to support most of the paduka microcontrollers because they do actually have a lot of micros if you go to their website you know they got different ones ones with 12 bit ABCs and 8-bit lazy's ones without them and and stuff like that and they do actually start figure out the LCSC here who's out one of the official wire supplies from they do actually start from like under three cents in fact like 2.7 I'm sort of a Yankee cents I rounded up to 3 cents remarkable that you can get a three cent microcontroller and yes you can afford to buy like tubes of them like this because they're so cheap now these are actually our one-time programmable microcontrollers these cheap ones I do believe like they have one or two models that do actually have flash memory but the whole point of this is that they're three cents or they start from set of three cents a more capable one with you know that might have some hardware you arts and I like ABCs and things like that might be in the order of 10 cents but still these are like three four five times cheaper than your other mainstream brand microcontrollers and the with the product microcontrollers not only the kind of difficult to get programmer / emulator for it is also the C compiler that they had available for it it's I believe it's called mini C and it's not really properly ANSI C compatible sort of products mini C quasi C whatever you want to call it so you know for those used to programming in C it's not really the best environment but the fantastic thing about this is that quite a few smart cookies have reverse-engineered this and actually there is now full open-source hardware and software for programming emulating as well there's like iron they've got emulators which can put in VHDL and all sorts of stuff and there's all sorts of examples so I thought we'd actually build up the open-source programmer hardware and install the open-source programmers software over a series of videos because I've already shot the videos and trust me there's a lot of traps for young players in there and we come AG answer so it's sort of like you know play along with Dave as I attempt to build up because I've already built one open-source hardware and program these product microcontrollers with proper open source you know like an zc compatible compilers this is absolutely fantastic so hats off to everyone who's actually worked on this and now it's completely opened up these remarkably cheap microcontrollers so it's gotten to a point now where you might be able to feel comfortable using these ridiculously cheap $0.03 microcontrollers in a commercial product and that's the whole idea behind this is that they're remarkably low cost but you know gave you the bit of heebie-jeebies before but now with full open-source support let's see what we can do so rather than just shoot one concise video what I thought I'd do is do sort of like a play along with Dave as I try and not only build the hardware but also install the software and figure out how it all works and then you know so you sort of sitting over my shoulder as I'm doing this over a series of a five videos or linked into playlist' somewhere up here where we actually go through step by step so unfortunately if you're after a really short concise tutorial video on how to get these put up micros up and running this video series might not be for you it's like going through all the steps warts and all problems solving things along the way but hopefully that's more fun so anyway this particular video I thought would be about actually it could really apply it's not really for the produc one here it's if you happen to see a project and it's available on say github like an open-source project but nobody sells a kid all the finished product and you want to build it how do you go about it well well in this video we're gonna part one we're actually going to take a look at actually looking at the program a hardware down here going in there and looking at how to order all the parts how to order the PCBs and that sort of jazz let's get to it right so here we are we're in the github of our project that we want to manufacture and we go down here easy PDK at programmer hardware so we click on that and we have a look at what's available either maybe the readme has something probably want to do that but this is the hardware that we want to build down here there you go now they actually come on a panel of four like this but really I only wanted to order one so we'll go through out the process of doing that so so up here it looks like we have our schematic and we can check that that's available as a PDF are very nice i always appreciate when that people produce the PDF nice single sheet there you go it's laid out quite well it's got all the stuff you need so beauty you want to print that one out have it on your desk so you have easy reference and here we go we've got our bomb file down in here we've got an assembled J petto up assembled jpg we've seen that before and our bomb and our bomb for LCSC which is where I'm going to actually order the parts from now they didn't originally have this I actually requested way back that I was having trouble importing their bomb in their original bomb their CSV bomb here into our LCS see so it was really nice of them to actually add this to the gear because if you don't know whether it's Mauser digi-key or LCSC or any of the other component suppliers most of them will have a look this one's it's right up the top here it's got a bomb tool where you can import your bomb or bill of materials of all your parts so rather than having to like actually print out like you you can just print it out okay the the traditional way to do this here it is right so they've got the manufacturers part number so you can actually go here like this and let's say we wanted this s/t micro like this you could actually just go over here to like LCSC or digi-key or anyone like that and you can search for that there it is okay and they've only got one in some cases there might be more variants so if we go over to digi-key for example and we search for that there are no it's pretty splats part numbers pretty specific I think that's going to include the package okay so what these variants are here you can tell this is the specific part number like this but this one is the same part number but has T R on the end and what T R stands for is tape and reel so if you're ordering a whole reel of them then ie you're going to get your product machine assembled you're going to get a pic in place assembled then you want your chips on a reel you don't want to just like loose in a bag or whatever because your assembler is not gonna be happy with you and they're gonna charge you a fortune to actually hand assemble those things on so if we actually go inside there we can see that these are available on a veil in a tray like this and once again pick-and-place machines can actually pick and pick them from a tray but generally I've found that most assemblers would prefer tape and real parts then trays so only at the trays if you absolutely have to cut tape which is if you just want to buy five of them because you're going to build five boards yourself you get a hand assembler you just get the cut tape so there's take oh please cut a bit off the tape or you can get our digi reels which is order as many as you want and they will re reel it put them on a specific reel for you they'll get they're really machine out they'll cut and take the cut tape and they'll put it on a they charge like $8 I think there's an $8 charge or something like that for the Digi real anyway so you can do that and then you can repeat ad nauseam the good thing about this bomb is that it does actually have the part numbers a lot of like projects out there github or otherwise they won't bother with the manufacturers part number they'll just go oh it's a 47 micro farad cap why should I bother with a part number they've actually given you specific part numbers but for things like these are like a 47 micro farad 1206 capacitor for example if the part number does not matter it is not critical at all as long as it's the same value and the same footprint the the dielectric material of its xr-7 or its y5 u or whatever it is it's not going to matter a rat's arse basically unless you have some really specific niche application in which case they really will specify and they should put like a little asterisks on the schematic and annotate that saying it must be this part because reason you know so if that's a little tip if you're designing that products and they take your schematics with useful information like that anyway so you can go the point is you can actually go down and you know copy all these one-by-one into you did your keys or your Mouse's or your LCS CS or whatever and then you add them to your shopping cart out you choose how many you want you add them to the shopping cart and it's tiresome so they have these bond tools which you can actually import bill of materials and unfortunately oops they're out of stock of that microcontroller wah-wah-wah-wah good thing I don't have to order them now because I'm shooting this video quite sometime after I've already received these things I'm sort of back shooting that a term is now and what you can do is you can just drag the XLS file in here and often they will provide you a template of what format all the cells and things must be in so if you have a look over here like they usually have a format that these things have to be formatted into so you can either select a file or just drag it in and yes I did this quite some time back I've had my pads sitting around for quite some time anyway so I ordered 29 parts and of course if you don't know how to use yeah if you don't actually use git you can actually just download the zip here for the entire project and this is what you do before you start you just download the whole blinking lot alright so let me show you what happens if you just import the incorrect well the just the regular CSV import the CSV like this boom and here it is okay it's imported it but you have to like manually select like what things what and you know it does work and and it does actually have the other supplier is LCSC for all of these in their original bomb and it does have the specific supplier part number LCSC part number so and then you've got to go over here i did you know you just ignore that it's just a value then we've got quantity here manufacturer part number manufacturer that would be our package just put description for that and then that we don't really need that we can't just ignore that field side and I will just put customer part number or whatever so we've now if this is if we want to import like just a CSV into this tour the bombs in process boom and now we have our entire bomb imported from the CSV but of course we could have just downloaded the specific bomber of the bomber LCSC in LCS see our format specifically NBC it wasn't dad that hard to actually do this I think when I did it there was some issue which made me have to do the LC get them to do the LCS v l-l CSC version it wasn't this easy if I remember right anyway here's all the parts and you're my friend it's got the quantity over here the purchase our quantities let me can I make my maybe I'll make myself a bit smaller here you go so we got the purchase our quantities like this and yeah you might need to but it says you need a minimum of 10 because they just won't so here onesies twosies a 1-1 2 cent right so in the toy so they come on cut tape and things like that so you'll notice that you know tells you summer out of stock and things like that which is really great and it quests multiple of a hundred because this is like a 20 ohm resister they're not going to cut off like 320 ohm resistors so you've got to order a hundred but the good thing about ordering because they're so cheap and the good thing about the minimum order quantities like this is you'll be left with leftover stock and you can use those to stock up your parts bin which is absolutely fantastic so yeah minimum of twenty of these little pin headers for example you only need one so bingo you've now got the whole bunch of pin headers which can go in your parts draw fantastic so anyway after you've done all that you notice that they're all ticked here and you can add estimated total and seven dollars ninety once you've done all that but anyway so you can add to cart' times one and bingo we now have 28 items in our shopping cart and we can just check out and I think it has actually added minimum quantities I think it has changed them all to minimum quantities like this so this is the minimum that you're going to get away with like this so what's our total so there's a few ones which are requests to code a quote and things like that so you might have to go for another 6.8 micro Henry inductor it's not going to matter that much about the specs for that it's just for a DC you know fairly jellybean DC to DC converter they need in here for the programming voltage so not not really a huge deal just pretty much choose any sort of similar footprint 6.8 micro Henry and you'll be right no workers and it's not gonna give us a subtotal but anyway there you go that's a loading into the shopping cart and you can dock back some extra product always work some extra products on there including some micros to actually play around with beauty so anyway yep I've already ordered those before so I'm not going to order those again so that is all the shopping cart experience so now what we want to do is order the blank PCBs of course so what we're going to do here is go into our PCB and what have we got Gerber's no silk here you go and this is another one where had to work and get them to actually add a specific single PCB in there because the files were only available on easier weather available an easy EBA that's right I think they had the easy EDA project up here so I don't use the easy EDA but if you do there you go you might be I'll load in your project but of course like it could be available in kicad format or eagle or Altium or whatever format that they happen to use in that particular so they've got some adaptor PCBs if you actually wanted the little adapters but these little adapters here I actually just bought a bunch of these I came with my prom programmer I don't have here but anyway yeah I bought these for my teal what is it teal 866 EEPROM programmer so I already had a bunch of these little so8 little adapter things so I didn't need to manufacture those but if you do you might have to get those PCBs manufactured as well so that's going to PCB here so in here they've got a they've got a the zip file for the Gerber's and also a subdirectory for the Gerber's with no silk means no overlay no silkscreen overlay as these actually these boards will actually come and I'll talk about that in the next video but it looks like it's got everything here it's got the board outline layer that'll be the mechanical outline layer it's got the bottom copper layer it's got the bottom solder mask layer it's got the through-hole that's what PTH stands for the through-hole drill stuff it's got the top layer copper it's got the top power paste mask layer which we don't need because we're not getting a paste mask stencil made but if you do if you want to get it or if your PCB supplier supplies are free like stainless steel or even a mylar paste masking you like using solder paste and stuff like that and then you might want to supply that that might have to be supplied separately but we're not going to worry about that and the top solder mask layer as it says in the title there is no silkscreen layer but all of those files should in the silk here now there is that penalized version we saw before they had four boards I don't know why you'd want to build up four of these programmers usually only what one I would prefer to do that and then if you get that panel made then if you want to be able to snap them off easily you've got to have V scoring and if you're getting one of the cheap prototype PCB services you can't just do that you can't just go okay I want my board but it's only this big but I also want four V scoring grooves in there so I can snap them off it doesn't work like that because V scoring has to be done on a an entire panel basis they can't just go in selectively like a V score your individual board idea it has to go through I've done a video on this showing your machine they put the whole panel in like that so you're gonna share these panels this is why they're so cheap you share the panel's within a hundred other people's 100 other boards on the same panel that's being manufactured and if you can pain-in-the-ass you want your little V score for the panel they're gonna say no we can manufacture the panel for you but it's going to cost you a lot more because it has to go through its own separate process so yeah don't do that oh you can order four of them but just say I don't want silkscreen and then but then they get all confused but then they come back to your questions I do you really want V score and if you do and I like how do do you want us to round it out but they're too close to router add routing past and stuff they are it's just no get to get your individual one-off boards made so there we go that just has all the same stuff we just want our one board so we can upload that so let's just go into jail see PCB no recommendation I just happen to use them and this is where I got my ones from you may want to use your favorite PCB supplier doesn't matter a rat's really who you use to get these so anyway two layers one point six millimeters anyway let's just go into the quote tool and then we can dick around with it in there here you go oh and we could have used any Gerber viewer to import and like look at those Gerber files but jlc have a gerber view as well a lot of the online ones have Gerber viewers so we'll be able to see what it looks like before we get it made you shouldn't have to make any tweaks yourself but if you do of course you're probably better off doing on the P original PCB file which in this case I think cze da okay this is 63 by 22 millimeters and if you didn't have one to hand you would have had to load that up in Gerber program and actually I get your measurements there one point six millimeters red because red goes faster trust me surface finish we don't want any of the iron a ni g which is immersion nickel gold we defense epen see gold rubbish we'll just go with hassle which is hot air surface level in or with with LED now and just go to leads lead free Oh change red there are very few people choose below combination okay oh this is new I've never seen this message before wow there you go extra sixteen dollars for the special processor this probably has to do with all their backlog and and stuff like that and they're recent shutdowns and everything oh I've never I got mine made red so yeah sorry yeah I never got that message before so anyway change red be green okay we'll have green thank you very much it never used to cost any difference so one ounce copper is fine because no heavy currents on this thing gold fingers no standard fr4 panel no we do not want a panel flying test don't bother i for a board like this i wouldn't even bother to fly in probe test I just don't like wasting their time when it's like a nothing burger but you know if you're like I think it doesn't come for free I think it comes to I think it comes yeah I think flying probe testing comes for free it's like me you know they they might do it anyway because they're manufacturing a whole panel castellated holes no they're the holes on the side of the board note we don't those different designs we've only got one design remove order number yes yeah yes because otherwise they will put your order number on the board and that's really do they charge you extra for that they charge you extra to remove the order number alright we'll leave it on there because this is not you know a front panel board it's not you know an important thing so yeah they'll put their own custom order number on there and the reason that they're charging you more for that is because it's a manual process that they have to manually do it but then also when they get the big panel menu huge giant panel like this manufactured then they need an individual order number on there so that they can track who that but when they snap it out of the panel they know who that's going to so they just have to manually check and that's an extra process it costs extra labor so they're gonna charge you an extra what buck or something for that buck 50 or something anyway we don't care about any advanced options for wire Kelvin test and no a paper between PCBs no we don't care about any of that free SMT a free SMT assembly Wow really oh there's a coupon for free SMT assembly geez anyway no we don't want that because we're going to assemble it ourselves that's the whole point anyway stem so order together with the PCB and you know in it yeah look if you want a stencil framework no we don't want fancy framework electropolishing no fiducial all that no we don't want to stencil we just want our boards thank you very much because we own a hand solder all these anyway let's add our Gerber file okay and you can't actually just specify the zip file so I will off-screen here I'll specify the zip file and it just processes all the Gerber files and we shouldn't have any problems it's pretty plain vanila stuff that we're importing here come on you can do it you can do it you can do it stuck on 96% what's going on your files have been successfully uploaded as it may take a few minutes to generate preview it never used to take a few minutes so yeah they've changed things since I last use it anyway in the meantime I thought I'd just find a random online a Gerber viewer here we go I'm on line Gerber view up new viewer I don't know let's have a there we go start viewer okay we're gonna log in think of that online Gerber viewer looks like PCB have one PCB go yo Gerber viewer II's eeda have one like yeah there's lots of on like herb of yours these day this one didn't work don't like that one I played let's have a look let's actually do a little mini shoot out of Gerber viewers shall we online Gerber viewers here we go passing oh that was quick upload Oh PCB go that looks identical no no it's not could be let me yeah that's I think that's that the same please go to jail see oh okay to view the Gerber to jlc actually have an online Gerber view I know they didn't know they don't have a Gerber viewer it's only as part of the ordering system anyway here you go are the PCB were you one free PDK there you go yeah we just imported that that looks fantastic right here's the different layers there you go you can turn them off and on are well like that that looks really good yep top top of the board looks like they're all lined up you know nobody goofed the offsets or anything like that everything it looks fine there's no silkscreen as I said this text here is not silkscreen that's actually embedded because look and see the gold color it's not done as like white or you know some other silkscreen color that's actually our copper on the board and that will in our case we're not ordering a gold flash PCB in immersion gold PCB so it won't come it'll come up silver instead the gold look at that silvery lead-free rubbish color and same with the text over here but anyway that's a good group if you are like that oh yeah nice nice anyway you can see the soda mask sliver there the expansion it's quite large I think my board had more slither than have they automatically expanded that you can see the line going between the tight I mean that that won't be manufacturable right I I guarantee you if they tried to manufacture I don't know they like that looks like a couple of fail I kept of mill and a couple of fell a couple of thousands of an inch thickness that's just not going to get manufactured so if they tried to do that because some manufacturers I've done a video on this in the past they will actually touch your Gerber's I've got a used over t-shirt touch my goobers and they will actually do the solder mask expansion around your pads and I hate that hate that stop it anyway the ones I got I'm pretty sure and as you'll see in my second video the Assembly of video the board I got you can't see it here but you see it in the second video is that from jlc is that they didn't do the solder mask expansion anyway I believe we are good our circuit our files been uploaded didn't take that long you guys been saved to your file manager and here it is there we go can we go in and have a look at that so we click on our Gerber viewer there it's got analysis minimum trace width is greater than 10 mil minimum trace spacings greater than 10 million drill size so we're looking looking sweet to get it manufactured there we go and zoom in look this has done the same thing this Gerber viewer this is kiss as curious it's done the same thing as what PCB wage showed but as you'll see in the second video our solder mask doesn't look like that so it's much thicker as you'll see so I I don't know what the deal is there I don't know if they've changed something since I got my boards made or what but that's interesting anyway all we care about with the Garba viewer here is that everything looks right it looks like the final board which they show you over here if you go over here they will actually show you there you go that's what it looks like and that it looks exactly like that on the preview so what you see is what you get pretty much these days so I'm happy with that so we should just be able to like save that to our shopping cart anyway look at this I mean crazy right engineering fee 4 bucks I mean remove order number I dollar 50 it's still got the remove order under there remove order no I mean like under 10 bucks like and it's like it's $18 $19 for DHL Express priority Australia even that's cheap because you know it's tiny it weighs absolutely nothing but DHL Express priority ah boy anyway when I was a boy so we got five so we get five boards for our ten bucks absolutely incredible plus pasta delivery is more expensive anyway it's nuts so that's what you have to go through to get your board manufactured now of course we could do it let me show you the other one where was the good online viewer that we have I really like this one let me choose the if you've got the penile version of it let's upload the pedal of it well yeah it didn't like that there you go yeah this is the issue that I had is that the penalized version that they had was not actually the full panelized go back it was the one board like this and they didn't actually copy it on the Gerber's like so it like the data is physically not in the gerber file for these other boards it's supposed to be one two three four but there's only one board there so that hasn't been rendered from eazy-e VA or whatever package they used to do this in it just hasn't been done yet they haven't produced those Gerber's right so that's useless so you don't want to get that manufacturer this is why don't touch pan on manufacturing panels like this if you're just trying to get you know if you're just making your one-off board just you know it's more hassle than it's worth and as I said even if this was imported properly and did actually copy over then you would still have the issue of them questioning oh this looks like a panel because they're experts at doing this they do it a hundred times a day and they'll go all this looks like a panel you want us to make a panel oh do you want V scoring or do you want routing in here and I believe this one and didn't have enough room for the routing in there so it's got to be v scored and things learn and then they won't do that on the prototype panel as I said and it's just a hole in the problem so just don't do it just don't muck around with panels so hopefully the github project that you have will have individual files that in most of them will I don't know why they bothered like having a panel like this and the original github that's all they had is they had the panels this and you can see the V scoring in there actually there you go envious see how that's actually V scored all the way along there so these big cutting wheels come down together and you can't do that on a panel that you share with other people and just for kicks because they have an EZ EDA project I'm actually going to I thought it was a browser-based e it's an online PCB tool but you've got to download it so anyway um and easy easy it's all part of LCS see they're the ones you do easy EDA and it's all integrated so in theory you should be able to use LCSC for everything here i'm like designing the board importing the build materials they sell you the parts and they'll even assemble it for you and so you know if somebody wanted it there could be a complete turnkey solution here for using LCSC to get these manufacturer to make these just make these boards available so people didn't have to build them up if you wanted to promote these produc micros and just make so people just buy the ready-made thing has already made programmer board here instead of you know and the firmware is already programs to they're around with multiple videos as you're going to our see in this series of how much it's just little traps involved in not only hand building the board it takes you know hours to build it up then the microcontrollers blanks so you've got a program that using D a few and there's a few traps for young players in setting that thing up as you'll see in the coming videos and stuff like that anyway I might I might see just for kicks I might just download that and see if it loads in see if the project loads in there's nothing like pattern out of video next okay it's installing run mode setting I guess this is a little review of ETA DBA is it teamwork projects are stored on cloud server working anywhere projects are stored on your own computer yet teamwork is that then full offline I think yeah you probably have to pay for that because this is a free thing anyway apply yeah whatever have to put it on my C Drive we're in like Flynn skip use a management area we don't care there you go so here's all the parts and these are all linked to their our supply part numbers as well so I presume that like all of these part will have like oh no LCSC parts here you go and jlc PCB now they just link you over to the page but anyway libraries here you go easy EDA types J or CPC be assembled whoa okay so yeah these are all the parts that presumably you can get as part of their assembly service so if you were looking for a turnkey solution for this this is where you might want to modify if you went right you know I love these little produc micros I'd love to actually sell these little things made up and maybe in a nice little case you might customize it or something like that and you program the micro for people so that you can make a little little midnight engineering the business selling these little produc microcontroller boards if you wanted to do that if you wanted to and you wanted a turnkey solution then you might want to modify the project and the Bill of Materials to use like specific you know parts like these caps for example that they actually yeah here we go capacitor arrays aluminium Electro's don't have any but multi-layer ceramic capacitors these are all the ones that they will you know look we had we're talking about the 1206 one before I think we didn't we need like a 47 micro farad or something like that we probably don't need 47 micro farad like it it doesn't matter so you might go oh let's just use a 4.7 micro farad so there it is so you might want to you know anyway hours and hours and hours involved in a tutorial of how to like modify a project like that but anyway what I want to do is I want to open a project open here we go and all they can open out in files egle files and kicad files as well that's nice anyway we do have the file in here where is it oh I mean the wrong I'm in the wrong subdirectory right easy EDA project here we go easy r2 zip I don't think I can open a zip yeah no all right I just unzip that so let's do that again one more time for the dummies there you don't read me PCB JSON and schematic JSON files alright see we can open both at once can't we you bet you yep's loading in here you go hey beauty alright space or R to rotate no Walker's so there's there's a schematic so if you wanted to modify something so as I said like let's just go in and say as we said before I don't know wasn't it was 4.7 Mike wasn't 47 Mike was 4.7 but just say we wanted to change can we no you can't you can't double click ah here's the attributes over here here you go supplier LCS see did you keep mouse element for it wow that's nice ok supply a part number Wow excellent so if you didn't have that sort of stuff in there if you had a project that you wanted to get turnkey manufactured from say LCS C or you know you can use others but if you want to get it manufactured from them and they had the schematic file then you can import like a key care schematic file you can import that and then you can go through and you'd have to do each one you know you'd have to do each part you'd have to go and then like find a specific part number and do all that sort of stuff but anyway oh can we view data sheet for that really yep there you go takes you over to here and takes you over to that's that's nice easy EDA um actually it's pretty comprehensive must say I like that aspect of it anyway here's our PCB tada so if you wanted to make a few changes on here you most certainly could or their gala got live button by default we've gotten live net view that highlighting both and on both layers because we're not it presumably not in a single layer mode if it's got that yeah cuz sometimes you just want to work on a single layer you don't want the other you want to view the other layers you want to mean the background there but you don't want to be you know you don't want it to highlight this bloody one that's on the bottom layer there cuz you know it's don't want to dick around with that anyway so easy do yeah I've heard good things about if you want to turn key solution and all their parts are in their inventory and stuff like that for simple you know you're not gonna do hugely complex our projects with that I wouldn't recommend it I'd recommend going to kicad or Altium or something like that you know if you really see it's about you know doing high level designs and things like I'm sure you could do it in easy a EDA I don't know anyway this is not gonna be shooting CAD tool shootout but there you go it does load in so that's pretty cool so we can could have modified that and then how do we generate our Gerber's I presume we can just go generate PCB Gerber's there you go piece of B fabrication files Gerber's so if we did make our modifications please save your file yeah we can just go in there generate the Gerber's and then upload them the same as what we saw before so there you go that is just nice that that they make the project file like that available in the github x' so yeah easy da need once again I don't know why they didn't do the silkscreen on the thinker's silkscreen like comes for free these days you get them on these panels and whatnot and as you'll see in the assembly video of this board yeah like the silkscreen probably would have saved some time but it helped it doesn't matter in the end anyway so there you have it that's a little bumbling look through getting a project a PCB and parts are ordered from a github project like this and it can be any project doesn't have to be this particular one but this is what this series is about isn't building up this board so anyway I have another four videos the next one is building up this board then the video after that is programming the blank at mill micro on here not using an atmel programmer but actually using the USB port using the serial boot USB serial bootloader that's automatically included that's built into the silicon of the Atmel microcontroller it's called DFU or device firmware update mode so then we had a few issues with that and then we get into the sdcc the small device c compiler that's now supports these produc and microcontrollers and then i've got another one test in anyway there's five videos and and we had like a weird hardware issue in the last video so you want a spooky action at a distance you'll want to see that one so there you go yeah I hope you like this if you did like if you do like this series in this video please give it a big thumbs up but to leave it in the comments down below as I said in my I think my final video of this series is that like this is just follow along with Dave as Dave goes through and installs these things for the first time and hopefully the whole idea behind that is that you learn a lot of stuff and learn about the hurdles on the way because yes I could just produce a 10 20 minute polished video where nothing goes wrong and showing you how to actually you know in 10 easy steps how to get this thing up and running and programming apart but it's good learning process to see the fails along the way and hopefully that's what this series is going to do so there you go 5 video series all linked somewhere yeah you know what to do catch you next time [Music]
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 65,992
Rating: 4.952744 out of 5
Keywords: eevblog, video, padauk, padauk microcontroller, padauk microcontroller programmer, programmer, github, pcb, easyeda, bom, bill of materials, how to, tutorial, open source, open source software, microcontroller, jlcpcb, assembly, pcb assembly, pcb manufacture
Id: 4fvFLSeDc4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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