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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Slothking666 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Man Offscreen] Hey, how's it going? We're Sorted. We're a group of mates from London looking for exceptional things in food that will make a difference to you or just make you laugh. Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, we're normals, but every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you. ♪ Pancake shake while I take the cake ♪ ♪ I'm gooey in the middle baby let me bake ♪ - Welcome to our fridge. This is Jamie and I'm Ben. - Today we're welcoming back something old but also brand new. I love these. - This is how it's gonna work. We've got our friend James, who is a chef, and our friend Jamie, who is normal, and they're getting presented with a mystery box of ingredients. - I'm terrified. - I'm so nervous. - [Man Offscreen] Would you like to remove the tea towel? - So I've got a load of veg. We've got some meat and fish options. - Fermented stuff and some grains and some nuts. - Sauerkraut. (laughter) - And some fruit. - [Man Offscreen] Now many of the ingredients in the box have been chosen because they are beneficial to something that has sparked our interest recently, gut health. - And gut health is important. - [Man Offscreen] When you eat food it makes its way through your digestive system and it's on this journey that as a human we are hugely supported by trillions of bacteria in our guts. These microbes, a blanket term for any tiny organism, assist with digestion, train our immune system, and also protect your body from harmful bacteria. Recent research is showing that an increase in diversity of these microbes is linked to a reduction in diabetes, obesity, and may even help to lower your risk of mental health conditions. So how do you increase microbe diversity? By eating a good balance of probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are the live, beneficial microbes we've been talking about and prebiotics are the foods that feed them. Most prebiotics are actually types of fibers found in plant based foods. The human body doesn't directly need them but the good microbes in our guts do. And it turns out we really need them. They help keep everything in harmony. (choir singing) - And because we're not an expert we've invited someone in to guest judge who is. Dr. Megan Rossi is an expert in gut health and she's gonna judge the dishes at the end without knowing who cooked which. - Uhh. - You have 40 minutes starting in three, two, one, go. - Oh my God. - I'm thinking tray bake, which means I can get lots of different types of veg in with like a bean and grain salad, with maybe like a yogurt dip. - I'm going pan roasted artichokes with lots of texture. - My guess is that I can just peel 'em, chop 'em up, and chuck 'em in to the tray and roast them all off at the same sort of time. - The chicken stock that I cooked the artichokes in I might let stay on as well if I've got time for sauce. (laughter) - Are you worried about your competition today? - Yeah of course. - I think it depends on how many of these gut healthy ingredients I can get in 'cause I think that's what the doctor's gonna be looking for over and above what's a really chefy technique or flavor combo or things like that. I am seasoning because flavor. - What are you doing? - Well if he's not gonna use it. - Well you eat it later on. Don't you snack on a, you don't pick up a fish and snack on it, do you now? - Healthy proteins, good omega three. - [Man Offscreen] I don't care. - I'm gonna toast some seeds off for flavor. - What do I wanna do with my chicken? I've got some spice, some herbs. Do I wanna peel this? Looks like I'm peeling it. - Amaranth is gonna go in here and who knows what's gonna happen with that? - James? Are there any left in the pan? - What I am gonna do is get some flavor in the middle of my breast. - I just puffed some amaranth. - Really delicate popcorn. - This herb mix is what I like to call blacking it. This tarragon, oregano, a bit of basil, and then I'm gonna basically mix it with some olive oil and then baste my chicken with it. (laughter) (big sigh) - You have 25 minutes remaining. - Now I can actually start thinking about what I want to serve it with. - I chose the central elements. So, artichokes we don't get to cook very often and now I'm roasting it in the pan with garlic and butter. I'm feeling reasonably calm. It's just whether everything works together that I'm a bit worried about. - Right, okay, so I wanna make a yogurt dip and I'm gonna make a bean grain salad type thing. - I feel like James is taking each individual ingredient and doing one simple thing, process, or flavor with it whereas Jamie is being familiar and safe. This is a one tray dish I kinda know will work. - Confidence confidence confidence. Fresh, let's go fresh. Yeah. - That's mint. - Right, good. (laughter) - 20 minutes. - I'm making a sauce without the chicken stock so I'm just adding a little bit of fennel for flavor. To be honest with you I'm glad I'm this side. I'm dreading my go that side. - Oh. - He's had an idea. - Can I make this into a pesto salad? From what I can remember of how to make pesto it's olive oil, it's pine nuts, it's parmesan, it's basil, it's garlic. Can I have some garlic please? Yes. Yeah. I started to get experimental and I'm losing confidence again. I tell you what. It doesn't look like any pesto I've ever seen before but it tastes great. What I'm gonna do is put a spoonful of the pesto into the beans and grains, mix it up, try it, and then I can always add more in. - Unlucky for some, but 13 minutes remaining. - I'm just gonna grill this goat's cheese to get it all melty and gooey so it goes over the dish really nice. - Oh excuse me. My eyes, my eyes. (screams) (shouts) - The baking paper caught fire but it's fine. - There's some flavor going on in that oven. Alright. My heart rate's at 110. That should give you some indication as to how I'm feeling. - I'm slicing this pear really thinly. The sweetness of the pear is gonna go perfectly with the other flavors. - So what this is is gonna be a yogurt dip and one of the things that really goes well with yogurt is lemon. So I'm gonna just drip a bit of lemon juice into it. What I'm then going to do is stand here for about a minute and ponder what else I could add to the yogurt dip to make it slightly more interesting than just yogurt and lemon. Italian. What's in Italian yogurt? I'm just gonna chop up tarragon and stir it through my yogurt. - Definitely just gave him oregano. (laughter) - (beep) It's oregano isn't it? - Is it plating time yet? - [Man Offscreen] Yeah definitely plating time. - Most definitely plating time. - [Man Offscreen] Five minutes. - I'm gonna go simple like a chef would do. - I've started plating. I've got my sauce still going. I have to glaze the artichoke pan as an afterthought. I'll just combine that with my chicken stock and then put it through a fine sieve. - Do I wanna keep the veg as it is? Or do I wanna do something different with it? Do I wanna blend it up? - This is sauerkraut. Who knows if that's gonna work. - Wonderful colors, beautiful. Slice some chicken up. - That could be my downfall actually. Chicory. This is kind of like a defining flavor you know? - Mate you've got two minutes. - [Man Offscreen] Oh what's he done? - He's trying to make it, he's making it time, he's making it time. What's happening? - You've got a minute. You've got a minute. - He's getting the blender out. - That's not gonna work. - Oh my God. Oh you know what would be nice? A little jug. - [Man Offscreen] Mate you've got 15 seconds. You're making last minute changes now? 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five. - [Man Onscreen] Fresh basil finish. - Four, three, two, one. - Ta dah. (laughter) - Strong. (applause) - Let's take him to the sexies. (orchestral music) - You're standing next to me. I don't know why I'm nervous but I am. - Very excited guys. So we have duh duh duh, butter roasted jerusalem artichokes, mmm mmm mmm. Plenty of prebiotics in that our gut bacteria love to eat. Well I can smell it. It smells amazing. Number two, do we have a drum roll? (drum roll sound) - Oh sorry. - Wow, oh this is looking fancy. So this is Italian herbed breast of chicken. I love the diversity there. Again, our microbes love plant based diversity. Very moist. Cooked to perfection. Slight bit of crunch but so soft and tender inside. The cheese is a winner as is the jus. Very impressive, whoever cooked that one. - Mmm. - I can't wait to try this bean mix. Basil for me is like one of my favorite herbs. That pesto is finger lickin good. And also this beetroot. That color just highlights how many good plant based nutrients are in it. - This is tense. - You know what? It is gonna be difficult. When I look at them I think that this one probably here has got more gut loving foods. In terms of taste though, you know, it's pretty special with the jus as well. I could make this at home potentially. I don't know if I could make this at home. What am I gonna do? Is it a weigh up between health or is it taste? So, ooh, this one here. - That's your favorite? Fantastic. - Who won? - Put your hand up, who cooked that one? - Ah, well done James. (applause) - Good job. - Jamie, you did a really good job, a really good job. - That was too close. - That was too close. - Yeah you went poncy didn't you? - [Man Offscreen] Of course he did. - That pesto and the garlic in there, oh. - And that was a tough box of ingredients as well. - I can't believe Jamie nearly won. (laughter) - Jamie you did amazingly well. - You know if you'd had that smear, maybe it would've given you extra points. I'm being serious. - Did you like the return of mystery box? I did. If you did, give the video a like. Let us know. We'll get making some more. - Yeah and a massive shout out thanks to Megan Rossi. We're gonna link her Instagram and to a blog she's written in the description box down below. Basically, if you wanna read more she's written all this stuff much more succinctly than we could ever say. - I think we all learned a lot today but we really wanna hear from you. Did you learn anything? Were you interested? Do you even care? - Yeah and we want you to be honest. So comment down below. Tell us everything you think about it and if you head over to the community tab there's some extra stuff there, namely more about my gut and what I get up to in the weekend. - That is such a reason to not go to the community tab. (laughter) - And if that wasn't reason enough to leave, here's dad joke of the week. - So you've heard of Murphy's law right? Everything that can go wrong will. Have you heard of Cole's law? (laughter) It's just shredded cabbage if I'm honest. - Coleslaw. - [Jamie] There is mayonnaise, sometimes carrots. - [Man Offscreen] As we mentioned, sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing then there are loads of ways you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks and hope to see you in a few days. (beep) - What does it smell like?
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 835,520
Rating: 4.9588137 out of 5
Keywords: food challenge, mystery box, gut health, chef vs normal, chef vs chef, sorted food challenge, gut biome, microbe, probiotics, megan rossi, dr megan rossi, the gut health doctor, bean salad, grain salad, grains and beans, fennel, pesto, pesto salad, pine nuts, garlic, basil, kombucha, kefir, pear, yoghurt dip, cooking challenge, cook off, funny video, the fridgecam show, cooking battle, recipe challenge, cooking competition, mystery ingredients
Id: FMhMW2F_crg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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