Mystery Box Challenge

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(rooster crowing) (lion roar) (drum beat) (wheel spinning) - Man, I'm full. - All that work to center it and then it goes over there. - Merchicality. - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - We like to see you rep'n' that GMM merch out there. Our hashtag merchicality winner is Emma. Congrats you win a 30 dollar giftcard. - [Link] She's already working that patch - She got, - and that shirt. - [Rhett] Yep. Merchin' it up. - She can get even more, This More has been selected (burp) by. Sorry, I just, - Internally burped? - It was a weird noise that came from right here. I couldn't do it again if I tried. - It was kinda like someone taking a metal pipe (chuckle) and like running it along some cell bars - Well, I do have, - Like 400 yards away. - I do have a metal esophagus. - And a prisoner? (laugh off camera) - I don't have a prisoner, no. - In there? - Yeah. (clearing throat) - So, - First of all, or go ahead. (laugh) - First of all what? - You were gonna say something. - I was gonna say that this was a s'more. - Yeah, because those of you over at the Mythical Society voted on what we was gonna do, so, make sure that you join the mythical society by the end of June to get the next exclusive piece of signature series merch and this time around it's a limit edition print of a fancy oil painting of us and you don't want to miss that. - [Link] And I'm not calling it merch, I call it a collectable. - Collectable item. - Because it's not, it's not merchandised. - Right. - It's not being sold. - It's not being sold by anybody. - So, we're not actually gonna call it merch, we're gonna call it a collectable. - But, right now, we're gonna stick our hands into mystery boxes because that's what you voted on. - What you could have voted for was Rhett and Link speak with French accents, which, I was great at just a few seconds ago. - You already did that. - For the entire More or Rhett and Link have to fist bump every 10 seconds. That got the least amount of votes. Or Rhett and Link take turns leaving their hands in a mystery box for 30 seconds. Okay. - Okay. - I'm gonna go first. I'm gonna describe it to you. - And then you take your hand out and I put my hand in? - Yeah. And then, we'll see if we can guess what it is. - And then we do the Hokey Pokey. - And we turn ourselves around. - That's what it's all about. - This kind of makes me nervous. Am I gonna get bit? - Yeah, definitely. - Am I gonna get mousetrapped. - [Lucas] I don't know. - Am I gonna get maimed. - You're only gonna loose the tip of a finger. - It feels cold in there. Oh. It is cold. - 30 seconds. (laughter) - It's layered. There's lots of cold layers. - Do you wanna do 15 seconds? You 15 seconds, me, 'cause I mean, 30 seconds each is gonna take forever. - What is, it's like it just feels like fleshy tongues laid on top of each other in like, a jelly. - All right, let me try. - Well, if I take my hand out we're gonna see. - All right, so, it's just one guy at a time, so, I'm not gonna stick my hand in this one. So, it's all on you to guess. - So, based on, oh, but, it's hold on. Now, that I'm squeezing it, it's fabric. This is like, it's folded over fabric. - Is it a slippery sweater? - Is it one thing or a combination of things? - [Lucas] It's a combo. - It's a combo, so, it's some sort of fabric, like, I bet it's like, it's your underwear. - [Lucas] No, no. - It's like a cheese cloth. - Is it cheese cloth? - It's cheese cloth in apple jam. Oh my gosh, look at that, - It is - It's a freakin' cloth - You're right, it is a cheese cloth. - In, - No, it's a rag soaked in Thousand Island. - Yeah, it is. (laughter) - You know what? Could have been worse. You know, suck some of that Thousand Island out. - I was pretty close. All right. - Give me a mystery box. - And I was describing it to you thinking that somehow you'd be able to help me from the outside. - I saw, I noticed that. - So, do the same for me, I'll help you. - Okay. I felt a kiwi. (laughing) - Right off the bat? You know it's a kiwi. - And then I felt - Like a New Zealander? - I felt cut kiwis around it. So, it's some whole kiwis and some cut kiwis. Which, they call that partially cut collection of kiwis, is the official name for that in the culinary space. - Is that your guess? - That's my space, my guess. - Hey, that's my space, I work in it man. I'm living my truth. - Kiwis. Look, look at that man. - Yours is easy and not gross at all. (laughter) - They're not even rotten? They don't have botulism? - You disappoint us, Lucas. - That was too easy. - I don't want rotten kiwis. I would have not complained I would have been thanking you. - I touch kiwis all the time. - All right, so he said I'll like this one. - Going with your left hand, again, proof that you're left handed. - Oh, so this is, this is hair. This is a wig. Do I need to be more specific? This is a wig. Do I need to be more specific? - [Lucas] What's the state of the wig? - What's the state of the wig? - It's wet. - Wisconsin. - It's a wet wig. That almost came off. - Wyoming. (laughter) - Montana. North Dakota, South Dakota, I could go through all 50. It's just a wet wig. There it is. (laughter) - Is that what you mean by state? The wet wig (laugh). It's a wet wig. - Well, good, now, we don't have to wash that wig. - Yeah, right. Well, that is what these boxes are, they're wig washers. - Okay, Rhett, it's your turn. - You know, I'm gonna do my left hand as well, see how that feels for a right-hander. Stringy, wet. - Is it a wig? 'Cause I've felt with that. And I know what that feels like. - No, it's a, - I can empathize. - It's like a net. It's like a net of some kind, like but, it's, - A net of some kind? - As I pull on it, it comes apart, though. - You're breaking it apart? - Yeah, it's not a net. If it's a net, it's a faulty net. - If it's valuable you're destroying it. - It is stringy, but not as fine as hair, it's wet, it's like yarn. It's like wet, it's wet, why do it all have to be wet and stuff? (laughter) You know what we should do? We should just wet it. (laughter) - They'll like that, they'll like it when it's damp. - I think it's wet yarn. - We keep looking for someone to tell us answers. And Lucas is the closest but, he just is like. - It's wet rope. Well, that's pretty close. - What? Hold on what is this? - It's wet twine. - Just wet twine? - I mean, twine, yarn, yarn, twine. Like my new bracelet? - Yeah, I love your new bracelet. It's a mystery boxlet. (laughing) Is there another one? - Yeah, there's more where that came from, man. - Oh, my. This is, this is like some sort of like foamy, clay, it's fat. This is just a bunch of lard. - It doesn't smell good. If it's coming from your mystery box it does not smell good. - But, it's potatoes. - That's mashed potatoes. - They don't smell, they smell, look, hold on, here's what I'm discovering, - Oh wow, when you get close it smells good, when you get far away, it smells like a fart. - It's not bad. (laughter) Yeah. - It smells like a fart. - Like, close your eyes and you tell me how close it is. - Now, it's close. It's good, seven inches away, mashed potatoes smell good, more than seven inches, they smell like a fart. (laughter) We just discovered something. - Totally true. - To get the mashed potatoes right up on your guests noses. Oh, no, let me get closer. It's just mashed potatoes. This is our last mystery box. - That is crazy, smell that, it's, - It's so buttery, but, from a distance, oh, I like it straight from the hole. You don't like it straight from the hole? - Yeah, but, right here, on the hole, it stinks. - Yeah, 'cause you're more than seven inches, away. Okay, I first learned, you know what it was? It wasn't the mashed potatoes, (laughter) it was what we're smelling (laughter) in this. (laughter) - Oh really? - It was this. This mystery box smells so bad (laughing) that we came up with a theory about mashed potatoes. (laughing) You know something smells bad when you come up with scientific theories about mashed potatoes. - We were about to, (laughing) you were going to let us throw mashed potatoes out with the bath water, man. I mean we, - That's crazy though just think about what just happened. - We can't be that way to mashed potatoes. - There's a life lesson in that. Sometimes, you get overwhelmed with something and you make bad judgements. - And that's just because something stinks in another mystery box. It stinks, we know that. - Wow. - I bet it, when you hold it close it smells good, but, when you hold it far away, it stinks. (laughter) - What is that? - What's it feel like, dude? - Okay, so, it is something that's chopped up. It has the consistency of either some kind of vegetable or seafood. It's rubbery. Let me see, I can't, 'cause I got. - Is it squid pieces? - It definitely could be squid pieces. - Jelly fishes? - But, there's, man, there's stringy pieces. It's flat. They're like flat, almost like you've got the skin of something. What could that be? Is that just, - Lacerated skin and offage? - It has the consistency of a jelly fish slash squid, like a cartilage. And I know it's not shark 'cause you guys wouldn't do that. (laugh) - Seafood fettuccine? (laughter) - I think squid is the best guess. - Let's see it. - Oh, it's kimchi. - Oh. - That's kimchi. - But, touch it, touch it. - No, it was your box. (laughter) - Yeah, see, I said, vegetable or, if you take one out - Oh, yeah. - you can't rip it. - Yeah, that is a weird feeling. - I like kimchi but, not on my hands. - Smells like mashed potatoes. (upbeat music) - When you closer, you get seven inches away from the kimchi - It smells good. - Smells good. What's the seven inch rule? - [Announcer] Stear your ears towards some biscuits you can hear. Listen to new episodes of Ear Biscuits now, on Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 618,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, Mystery Box Challenge, summer, Mystery, Box, Challenge, Mystery Box, smore, wig, wet wig, wet hair, twine, wet twine, mashed potatoes, kimchi, rag, thousand island dressing, kiwi, s'more, good mythical smore, mythical society, surprise
Id: cMB4AqCPfCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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