Mysteries of Mexico's Zone of Silence | Podcast Ep. 9

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Francisco sarabia's encounter Francisco Sarabia once again tapped the glass of his Compass attempting to realign the magnetized needle just moments earlier the compass had indicated a Northeast course but now it meandered lazily swinging from North to West to Southwest and back an experienced Aviator Francisco had taken his propeller plane for a flight over the chiuan desert in northern Mexico within minutes of the journey the compass appeared to malfunction and His Radio followed suit filling the cockpit with static as he toggled between frequencies beyond the window an unremarkable expanse of desert unfolded virtually indistinguishable from any other part of the northern Mexican landscape squinting against the sun Francisco scanned The Horizon hoping to recognize the small mountains scattered below however disoriented and uncertain of his Direction he was compelled to make an emergency landing on the flat desert terrain despite his attempts to use the radio it remained silent meanwhile the compass spun wildly like a dervish on its metal axis exiting the plane Francisco surveyed the unfamiliar desert surroundings as he peered across the Sandy landscape nothing seemed recognizable with his radio now completely silent he found himself in in an eerie [Music] silence zone of Silence [Music] overview a small patch of desert in northern Mexico The Zone first gained public attention when Aviator Francisco Sarabia was compelled to make an emergency landing there in the 1930s known as the zone of Silence this area earned its name due to its few your ability to disrupt compasses radio signals and cell signals while TV and movie depictions often portray Mexico as vast stretches of brown dirt and sand the country boasts a diverse range of natural environments from jungles to Cotes showcasing its inherent natural beauty one of Mexico's protected natural areas is the mapam my biosphere Reserve in the Chihuahuan Desert nestled at the convergence of Chihuahua Durango and Co a small 30m area of desert features The prominent Lis toana mountains shooting up from its Center this is the zone of Silence despite appearing as just another desolate spot within the 400,000 hectares of the Chihuahuan Desert as attested by Francisco saravia and many others the zone is anything but ordinary situated on the 27th parallel The Zone shares a close longitudinal alignment with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the notorious Bermuda Triangle connecting it to other mystical areas additionally it rests on the edge of the bolone de mapam a large depression in the desert that retains moisture resulting in a richer variety of soild dwelling organisms millions of years ago during the Mesozoic Era the entire region was submerged beneath the ancient sea of tus making the Zone a hotspot for marine fossils and large salt deposits Flora and Fauna of the Zone the peculiarity of the zone of Silence becomes evident in the diverse flora and faet thriving within while green Noble cacti line the zones edges a venture further and reveals towering cacti with pink and purple skin foot long centipedes and beetles three times their normal size leave tiny tracks in the sand albino snake snakes and lizards seeking Shelter From the harsh Sun navigate the landscape The Zone boasts over 30 endemic plant species and is home to 75 protected animal species including the rare tailess gopher tortoise residents of the nearby town of sabios located 25 mi from The Zone believe in the area's healing properties random blood samples taken from locals within the Zone indicate a higher overall level of Health compared to similar communities out outside the Zone in a 2016 interview with Atlas obscura Rancher Benjamin palasio from sabios shared intriguing anecdotes about his family's well-being according to him they seldom fall ill and his wife cha cha highlighted a surprising increase in their daughter alandra's fertility upon entering the Zone chaa expressed gratitude stating the Zone has been good to our family Alandra previously unable to conceive despite medical inter interventions successfully became pregnant after visiting the zone and 2 years later they returned experiencing another conception while the Zone appears to be steeped in Superstition its renowned reputation revolves around the peculiar phenomena it inflicts on compasses radios cell phones and various equipment a characteristic that led to its unique name in 1966 during a PMX Oil Company Expedition into the chiku auuan desert led by Harry de paa issues with CB radio communication surfaced de laena facing difficulties notifying his team due to White Noise and interference subsequently coined the term Laona Del silencio in his report to PMX the name stuck and de laena made several return visits over the years to investigate surprisingly he discovered that radio anomalies weren't confined to a fixed Point instead they continuously shifted around the larger zone of silence baffling researchers attempting to identify the [Music] cause 1970 Athena rocket launch incident the zon's local Legend persisted throughout much of the 20th century however it gained International attention on July 11th 1970 when the US Air Force planned a meticulous rocket launch from Green River Utah the mission involved launching an Athena class rocket loaded with chemicals and scientific instruments into the upper atmosphere aiming to test atmospheric re-entry effects on different compounds despite the complexity of the mission the military had a history of successful Athena rocket launches however on this occasion after breaching the atmosphere the rocket inexplicably deviated from its expected course instead of the plan descent toward Whit Sands New Mexico it entered a tight elliptical orbit over northern Mexico caught in a gravitational Loop concerned about potential crashes into populated areas the Air Force quickly destroyed the rocket attributing the anomaly to a software glitch this incident further solidified the zone of sil's enigmatic reputation and stories of UFO crashes strange lights and unexplained phenomena became associated with the area the Mexican government initiated an investigation in 1973 suggesting unusual magnetic anomalies and elevated levels of magnetite in the zones rocks as potential explanations however the Mystique of the zone of Silence persisted and various theories ranging from extraterrestrial activity to a meteorite impact continue to circulate the true nature of the Zone remains elusive attracting both curious adventures and those seeking Supernatural connections the rocket launch on July 11th 1970 initially unfolded according to plan with a successful liftoff bringing relief to scientists and Air Force researchers at the command center however their Elation quickly turned to concern as radar screens began to flicker initially on the expected course the Athena rocket took a strange turn instead of descending towards White Sands it entered an unprecedented orbit over northern Mexico seemingly trapped in a tight ellipse as frantic calls were made a decision was reached to destroy the rocket before it could potentially crash into populated areas rockets and missiles were launched resulting in the destruction of the Athena over the zone of Silence the Air Force promptly attributed the incident to a software glitch this event catapulted the zone of Silence back into the spotlight as strange radio anomalies extended beyond the desert floor the news triggered increased interest associating the area with stories of crashed UFOs mysterious lights in the sky and other unexplained phenoma prompted by these claims the Mexican Government initiated an investigation in 1973 a team of researchers including scientists and military personnel delved into the zone of Silence to conduct a thorough examination they identified unusual magnetic anomalies and elevated levels of magnet a magnetic mineral in the Zone's rocks potentially explaining compass and electronic disturbances despite these findings the Mystique of the zone of Silence persisted over the years numerous theories emerged ranging from the presence of extraterrestrial beings to underground magnetic disturbances however the true nature of the zone of Silence remains elusive maintaining its enigmatic allure in a 2016 interview with Atlas obscura Rancher Benjamin palasio from sabios shared a remarkable story about the positive impact of the zone of Silence on his family according to his wife cha cha their daughter Alandra and her husband who had struggled with fertility successfully conceived after visiting the Zone the family attested to the Zone's favorable influence on their health and well-being zones impact on radio waves and lights in the sky the zone of silence is renowned for its mysterious interference with compasses radios cell phones and various equipment which led to its distinctive name in 1966 during an expedition organized by the PMX Oil Company Harry de laena experienced radio disturbances while navigating the Chihuahuan Desert his report coined the term Laona Del silencio and subsequent visits revealed that the radio anomalies were Dynamic shifting around the larger zone of Silence the Zone gained International attention on July 11th 1970 when a scientific rocket launch by the US Air Force went arai the Athena rocket deviated from its course orbiting over northern Mexico before being destroyed over the zone of Silence due to concerns of crashing into populated areas the incident sparked interest in the zone with sub sub quent investigations revealing magnetic anomalies and elevated levels of magnetite in the rocks yet the true nature of the phenomena remained elusive today the zone of Silence remains a magnet for the curious and adventurous some seek Supernatural connections While others bring scientific instruments in pursuit of unraveling the Mysteries concealed within the desert floor it stands as a testament to the inexplicable wonders found in the diverse Landscapes of our world in 1987 Luis Ramirez Reyes a Mexican ethologist encountered strange occurrences while filming in the zone of Silence lost in the poorly marked dirt roads they observed three 10 men walking without Provisions despite passing them multiple times the men seemed to teleport along the road adding to the Zone's Mystique covering a 30 square mile area in the chiku auuan desert the zone of silence is notorious for scrambling radio signals potential alien encounters and mysterious lights the prevailing theories behind the strange phenomena include the biome Theory attributing unique life forms to the area's isolated characteristics extraterrestrial activity suggesting aliens used the zone for unknown purposes and a meteorite impact half a million years ago rich in magnetite shaping the zon's peculiarities hiking in the zone reveals purple and pink cacti giant centipede and the rare tailess go for tortoise as visitors delve deeper compasses wander radios experience static and dead zones disrupt instruments creating an eerie atmosphere positioned at the tro video where Chihuahua Tango and Co whea meet the zone of Silence attracts alien investigators and treasure Hunters turning nearby towns into tourism hops residents like former Rancher Benjamin Pelos have adapted to tourism capitalizing on the Zone Supernatural Allure pelio transformed his property into a UFO Ranch contributing to the Zone's enigmatic reputation the lack of a confirmed explanation for the zon's anomalies raises questions about its true nature one Theory posits that the Zone's reputation is an exaggeration of naturally occurring phenomena attracting tourists and benefiting local communities Dr Andrea krauss's 1992 dissertation explores the legend surrounding the area offering logical explanations for the phenomena associated with the zone of Silence one of the notable features of the zone of silence is its famous dead zones constantly reported by eyewitnesses like Aviator Francisco Saria and PMX field agent Augusto Harry delapenia these dead zones described as roving around the area disrupt radio and satellite signals causing communication cutoffs and affecting analog technology such as Compass needles magnetite abundant in the zone is believed to be a contributing factor creating shifting magnetic fields that may interfere with signals however kuss offers a differing perspective suggesting that these dead zones might be a misconception possibly resulting from the remote nature of the area Dr Krauss also challenges the idea that magnetite directly affects radio waves asserting that magnetized magnetite in the ground could disrupt radio antennas causing equipment malfunctions this challenges the belief that dead zones block radio waves emphasizing that it is the interference with radio equipment that creates the communication disruptions the unique purple Hue of the cacti in the zone of silence is explained by Dr Krauss as a natural response to stress the apuna cacti also known as napos typically green can turn purple due to harsh weather conditions or a lack of water this phenomenon is not exclusive to the zone and is observed in various regions with Aid climates the presence of the rare gopher tortoise in the zone doesn't necessarily indicate a supernatural phenomenon Krauss draws a parallel to other parts of the world where endangered or rare species are unique to small areas emphasizing that uniqueness does not inherently suggest a mysterious occurrence the zone of silence is renowned for its mysterious light displays particularly at night with claims of Lights whirling in the sky and rolling down mountains Dr Krauss points out that similar light phenomena occur about 400 mil North in Marfa Texas known for its mysterious lights on Mitchell flat these lights are often explained scientifically as fatamorgana or Superior mirages caused by temperature differentials in the air layers Dr Krauss suggests that the lights in the zone of Silence might be a similar phenomenon on although scientific testing of air temperatures in the area is required for conclusive evidence Dr krauss's logical explanations for various phenomena in the zone of Silence challenge the supernatural narratives associated with the area the economic Boost from tourists referred to as Zone Rose contributes to the local economy and the stories help put nearby towns like sabios escalin and the map of my reserve on the map whether or not res believe in the stories the impact on local life is undeniable extraterrestrial connections and impr proven explanations the zone of Silence has garnered a reputation for its mysterious occurrences with one of the most impr proven and popular explanations being linked to extraterrestrial activity Luis Ramirez Reyes who got lost in the zone in 1978 reported A peculiar encounter with three men in the desert Reyes initially dismissing the repeated sightings as his driver going in circles became intrigued when his cameraman did not recall seeing the men until the third encounter upon approaching the men Reyes discovered they had no water despite being in the Aid Desert and one of them accurately directed him to the biosphere without being informed of their destination however the biosphere team later denied the presence of any individuals in that area on that day reports of similar encounters with groups of three people often identified as the nordics due to their toll stature pale complexion and blonde hair have surfaced these beings described as polite and speaking perfect Spanish are believed by some ethologists to be extraterrestrials residing in the zone of Silence while the men Reas encountered did not match the typical description of the nordics speculation persists about their potential connection to these alleged extraterrestrial beings the zone of silenes association with extraterrestrial activity is further fueled by accounts of fantastic lights in the sky an incident in tran in September 1976 shares similarities with reports from the zone of Silence involving Pilots losing radio contact and instrument malfunctions while investigating a mysterious light this parallel raises questions about whether the zones radio disruptions and Light lights could be attributed to alien involvement while these accounts contribute to the speculation surrounding extraterrestrial connections to the zone of Silence it is important to approach such claims with skepticism considering the lack of concrete evidence and the possibility of alternative explanations for the reported phenomena the Tron incident of September 1976 often associated with UFO activity has been subject to skepticism and alternative explanations Brian Dunning the host of a UFO debunking podcast the light above Tran suggests that the Luminous event that night was likely Jupiter a Celestial body visible in the sky Dunning argues that the first F4 jet involved in the incident was not subjected to a maintenance check afterward providing no evidence of actual instrument failure on the other hand the second F4 jet which did experience a complete instrument blackout had a documented history of electrical problems Dunning dismisses the objects released by the alleged UFO as meteors pointing to a meteor shower in teran's vicinity that night which could explain the observed glowing objects moving in the air and descending toward the Earth while these explanations offer a plausible interpretation of the Tron incident questions persist due to the discrepancy between the experiences of experienced pilots and citizens in Tron and the proposed explanations the parallels between the Tran incident and Report from the zone of Silence are intriguing in both cases entire populations became witnesses to unusual lights in the sky instrument failures and radio disruptions were also common features reminiscent of the zone of Silence where radios often experience malfunctions however attributing these occurrences solely to extraterrestrial activity remains uncertain prominent euphology suggest that the Tran incident involved the UFO hover ing over the city the speculation arises whether similar extraterrestrial entities could be responsible for the radio interference and light displays in the zone of Silence yet the key distinction lies in the frequency of events while the Tron incident had one documented UFO appearance the zone of Silence experiences ongoing phenomena determining if both were caused by the same extraterrestrial entities or if aliens were involved that all remains elusive the appear of the Nords in the zone of Silence similar to counterparts in the Pyrenees and the Sierra Nevadas is often associated with alien activity reports of strange lights in the area have led to speculation about natural causes such as ball lightning or atmospheric gases analogous lights observed in Marfa Texas have been attributed to a meteorological phenomenon known as a superior Mirage however some propose a more otherworldly explanation suggesting that the zone of Silence serves as a grid point where the Earth's natural energy is concentrated Believers in this theory proposed that this energy might be of extraterrestrial origin acting as a beacon for Interstellar Travelers according to this perspective ancient voyagers marked these areas as potential entry points or portals possibly with a purpose Beyond human comprehension the phenomena observed in the zone of Silence including lights in the sky encounters with usual individuals and instrument malfunctions are speculated to be linked to this alien Beacon while the concept of extraterrestrial life is widely accepted the prevailing scientific understanding suggests that any potential extraterrestrial beings are likely simple life forms such as microbes or bacteria scientists like chundra vram sing and Neil degrass Tyson argue that given our knowledge of extremophiles on Earth microbial life might be more common in the universe as of now there is no conclusive evidence supporting the idea that the zone of silence is a hub for advanced extraterrestrial activity despite stories dating back to the 1930s and even NASA scientists conducting research in 1969 no verifiable proof of alien involvement in the zone has been established the absence of such evidence coupled with the intense scrutiny the area has received raises skepticism about the notion that intelligent extraterrestrial beings are responsible for the peculiar occurrences in the zone of Silence Jerry Hunt's unifying Theory Jerry hunt an author and ethologist proposed a unifying Theory regarding Mexico's zone of Silence in his 1986 book aptly titled the zone of Silence in this Theory hunt combines aspects of the previously mentioned theories to offer a comprehensive explanation for the mysterious phenomena associated with the Zone according to Hunt's Theory millions of years ago a colossal meteor struck the ancient sea of tus Landing in what is now the zone of Silence this meteor an extraterrestrial object of considerable size is suggested to have profoundly impacted the biological and climatic characteristics of the area hunt contends that this meteor was on a massive scale potentially comparable to the meteor that led to the extension of the dinosaurs ranging from 6 to 50 m across the key element in Hunt's theory is that the meteor which contains substantial amounts of magnetite could have acquired magnetic properties during its journey through deep space upon crashing into the sea of tus the meteor's magnetic attributes would have persisted influencing The Zone surface with peculiar magnetic properties that many claim interfere with signals and disrupt instruments as the impact site was buried over millions of years by settling seabeds the sea eventually evaporated leaving behind a flat dry desert hunt suggests that this deeply buried massive magnetic object could still affect the surface world today he raises the question of whether the meteor's arrival in the zone was a random occurrence or if it was intelligently Guided by extraterrestrial forces hunt posits that alien beings might have deliberately sent the meteor to the zone of Silence possibly as a preliminary test for Intergalactic travel in this scenario the disruption of radio and satellite signals attributed to the meteor's magnetism could explain the strange flora and fauna found in the area according to Hunt's Theory Jerry Hunt's Theory proposing an ancient meteor Landing in the zone of silence is intriguing yet it raises questions and skepticism due to certain geological considerations typically when meteorites impact the Earth they leave visible craters a meteor of the size described by hunt would likely create an enormous crater the largest known crater on Earth the Vera for dome in South Africa formed over 2 billion years ago and was initially estimated to be 185 M across despite erosion shatter cones and geological features provide evidence of its original size the zone of Silence however lack such geological structures indicative of a meteorite impact Hunt's Theory suggests that the meteorite drove itself deep beneath the earth's surface and as the seaf Flor settled over millions of years the Sea of tus disappeared leaving a flat desert in its place hunt does not specify the exact depth at which the meteorite might be buried but if it exists it would likely be at a considerable depth with no recovered pieces from the area one aspect ECT of the zone of silenes mystery lies in the large number of meteorites Landing there Hunt's theory speculates that the magnetized agent meteorite buried deep underground may be attracting these meteorites with its Amplified magnetic pole this could potentially explain why objects from space are drawn to the area and might shed light on how a man-made rocket was pulled miles off its projected course while the theory is intriguing the lack of visible evidence such as a crater remains a point of [Music] skepticism verer Von Bron's involvement the zone of Silence took Center Stage once again in 1970 when an Athena research rocket carrying a payload of radioactive Cobalt 57 crash landed in the area instead of its intended destination in white sand New Mexico this incident prompted NASA to to send renowned rocket scientist verer Von Braun to lead the retrieval operation Von Braun a former Nazi SS officer had a background that included an association with occultism as observed in the Nazi regime's fascination with mysticism and artifacts while the primary concern was the fear of radiation contaminating the ground due to the crashed rocket Von Brawn oversaw the retrieval of over 200 tons of soil rocks and raw samples from the zone of Silence some theorists proposed that Von Brawn influenced by his Nazi past was seeking something beyond the mitigation of radiation hindler occult interests shared by the SS led to Expeditions in search of Aryan artifacts one of which was a statue carved from an ancient meteorite Von Bron's connection to the SS may have influenced his perspective and as he delved into the zone of Silence he might have been intrigued by the strange and seemingly supernatural phenomena reported in the area while initially tasked with ensuring the soil wasn't contaminated he could have speculated about the role of high magnetite levels and numerous meteorites in causing equipment disruptions and radio signal interference despite the potential correlation it remains unclear why Von braa continued the extensive excavation collecting vast amounts of soil rocks debris and meteorites for further study at White Sands theories speculate that he may have Unearthed something more than just samples potentially fueling his curiosity about the mysterious forces that play in the zone of Silence lack of definitive [Music] answers the mystery of the zone of Silence has been wrapped in various theories ranging from extraterrestrial activity to the influence of lay lines in ancient meteorites verer Von bronze invol involvement in the retrieval operation of the Athena research rocket in 1970 adds an intriguing layer given his background with the SS and a cultism as seen in a Nazi regime's interest in mysticism and artifacts Von Bron's Quest For answers might have been fueled by his exposure to beliefs in the power of certain locations reminiscent of lay lines and sacred sites the zone of Silence with its reported anomalies could have appeared as a point of interest to him due to its alleged status as an alien grid point or a place of power the ancient meteor theory proposed by Jerry hunt suggests that a massive meteor containing high levels of magnetite crashed into the area millions of years ago influencing its magnetic properties vau Bron's excavation efforts might have aimed to uncover the source of the disturbances associated with the Zone however if this meteor is deeply buried as suggested it might remain elusive despite the various theories including those involving aliens in places of power no definitive answer to the zone of silences Mysteries has been established Dr krauss's perspective dismisses the unusual occurrences as mere folklore attributing them to the Region's natural properties the anecdotes from Witnesses experiencing radio malfunctions encountering strange lights and observing unusual flora and fauna contribute to the enigmatic reputation of the Chihuahuan Desert patch the truth behind the zone of Silence remains elusive leaving it as a captivating Topic in the realm of mysteries and speculative [Music] theories conclusion the Luminous phenomena observed in the sky akin to those in Marfa Texas are likely attributable to Superior mirages or other naturally occurring light anomalies individual encountered in the desert are more plausibly Ordinary People in an unconventional setting and merely being in the zone of silence doesn't imply extraterrestrial Origins radio disruptions in the region might be linked to the distinctive magnetic field of the Zone potentially influenced by magnetized magnetite in the soil affecting radio antennas similarly the peculiar animals and purple cacti can be explained through natural occurrences while the zone of Silence remains enigmatic due to its challenging desert conditions its anomalies are more likely to have terrestrial and natural Roots than Supernatural or extraterrestrial ones it is probable that the Zone hosts a variety of extraordinary yet naturally explainable phenomena as our understanding of the natural world advances so two May comprehension of the zone of Silence
Channel: Magic Sky
Views: 408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y3EYt2p4Iv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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