Myanmar Is Not What THEY Tell You!!

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good morning from Nyaungshwe yeah I think r we are here at Ts mother-in-law's house   and we're about to go on adventure bye baby all  right so we are here at his mother-in-law's house   and we're about to get onto a boat and see what  the highlight of nongu is which is the Inle Lake   we're going to take a little boat what are these  boats called Jetty right what do you call them   no just boat just the boat okay just the boat  with the Chinese Engine with the what Chinese   Chinese engine engine very you sit in the front  okay sit in the bag thank you so much all right   cool oh look at the M over there oh wow yeah  that's a female elephant oh yeah looks like   an elephant yeah is a male oh wow so those  are called The Elephant mountains all right   so here we are guys we are on a boat I'm on  a boat I'm on a boat I can sit down yeah all   right so this is the experience that you need  to get here in Inle Lake you can ride a boat   like this and go into the lake so right now  we are in a right now we are in a stream as   you can see this is just a stream that everybody  who has a house here so there's people that live   in this Village have house is and you can park  the boat right next to the house can sink boat   can you see the over there as well oh no it's  a sunken boat what happened there was a hole   in the boat yes and it's they don't take care  of they don't take care of it okay all right   so now we're going to head out I've never  been on a boat like this before byebye bye T all right so we're on our way let's [Music] go oh man I got front row seats this is amazing these were going to  be uh the warehouse of tomatoes oh okay   okay tomato or tomato tomato tomato potato  potato you know so this is where they like   take all the tomatoes yeah they all these  Shore most of the house on the shore yeah   that's they buy tomato and they load it  up through the truck and they sell it   to the whole country to the whole country  whole country you see Ard oh okay awesome nice that no in the mountain all out okay so  usually they're on the mountain yeah they   walk in the mountain they walk in the mountain  but then when there's no water they come down   from the mountain okay it's crazy cuz you see  Buffalo just swimming in the water you just see   their horn sticking out I've never seen that  before but they're water buffalo so it makes sense but man the views from here are just  amazing tomato oh wow tomato tomato uh tomato okay I can tell them they from the other P oh okay okay the Tomato ah okay I look in the basket  hello so that right baset that guy is a tomato   seller that's why he has all those baskets on  his uh on his boat so he just he just made a   lot of money have a boss big boss so guys it's  crazy as you drive through we literally have   mountains all around us as you can see look  at how beautiful this view is it's honestly   Majestic and we're going to show you some even  more beautiful stuff coming up we're going to   go see a floating Garden right yeah we're going  to go see a floating Garden which I've never seen   before so I'm really excited to see that now that  we see right now is floating island yeah floating   island people make floating gardens from floating  island from floating island but you can't live on   it uh no no no no we can walk if that is floating  Garden is thick enough you can walk on it okay if   it's thick enough yeah I don't think I will  walk on it and these are Resort oh that's a   resort one two black okay group of bang nice not  Village no definitely not a village So This Town   inl Lake y before Co it was a very touristy town  a lot of tourists would come and a lot of a lot   of the economy was on tourism but now after Co  and the way the situation is in the country a   lot of the people who relied on tourism have to  go back to traditional ways of making money like   farming fishing and like what else B mainly  farming and fishing right so a lot of these   people who were doing like fishbat tours boat  tours a lot of them have gone back to fishing   because there's no money in tourism right now  that's it's a bit it's a bit unfortunate yeah   it's same for T he's uh he was in the tourism  business before this but now he's resorting   back to farming as well so hopefully we can  bring more tourists you guys need to come   here and support the locals and and you really  should it's safe it's beautiful you need to come here all right guys so as you can hear  I'm going to it's gotten quiet now and   we're going to pull up to these ladies who  are well no one lady one man and they are   what are they doing they are harvesting  their shrimps shrimp ah okay so they're   they're getting some shrimp from the water  [Music] byebye all right so let's see how   this process works H lava it go sticks  oh okay so they use okay oh yeah wow so this is how they get the shrimp oh wow look at all the shrimp jumping around I've never never seen this done  before so this is the basket that catches it yeah uh truck new one H okay okay got  look at that little stick over there yeah   yeah that's their truck that's their truck  okay so the basket is where the shrip they   catch the uh the strip the baskets yeah okay  this stick yeah these are the sticks so those   are those are the traps yeah oh very nice man  it's so interesting to see how people are so resourceful like back home to do  these processes at home like you   know the fishermen and the people who  strip that they have so much technology   you know they don't need this kind of stuff  they have machines and everything but here   everybody uses the old school way of doing  it with the bamboo yeah with the bamboo so cool so guys this guy is doing some fishing  but what is the technique that he's using   that's uh they put the that's a group  of ficient yeah 1 2 3 4 sometimes 10   man with the litter canoe okay and  they put the net just like that and   they go to the other side and they hit the  water surface with their ore with the ore   so the fish scare and run away and look  at how they balance on one leg with the orea they just started oh they just  started okay I'm asking a good day we just begin oh these comrad little comrades I have  a question yeah how big is this Lake you know   it's uh 11 M south to North 11 miles 11 M and  uh east to west is 4 and A2 miles four and   that's a big lake uh until to the shore with  the garden it's become it's shrinking shrink   so is it like one of the bigger lakes  in the world or uh the second biggest   lake in my second biggest lake in myar uh the  biggest lake in mymar is inini State very North okay okay all righty guys so right now  we are approaching another vote doing   something different something that I've never  seen they are picking weeds out of the out of   the lake out of the lake which they're going  to use as fertilizer fertilizer putting in   their floating gardens so these guys are just  going to get it and then sell it to Farmers   right okay right so look at this wow it's a  lot of weeds the boat must get really heavy   M wow amazing look at this amazing so this is  what becomes fertilizer yes so do you use also   use this for your garden yes okay hello can you  smell that yeah I can smell that that guy was   missing a eye yeah he only had one eye he's  doing it with one eye yeah amazing nothing   goes to waste here yeah everything is used that's  what I love about Villages and stuff they really   know how to make the most of their land you  know you have no choice yeah you have to use   it right where else are you going to go yeah on  the lake yep that's another boat doing the same this guy is a solo by himself the lone man  the Lone Wolf mingala oh are you so how much   did you say a guy like this getting one boat  full of the weeds how much is he going to sell   that for big big boat is $18 okay that one  could be around about uh5 $5 so it's going   to take them about an hour uh hour and a  half hour and a half see how hard people   work just to make $5 yeah so all of you  out there complaining about your job don't complain hello so these are all floating  gardens floating floating Farms basically who who w we are literally driving through plants it looks like it looks like  you can't drive through the or bring   your boat through this but it's somehow it gets through on the left oh wow new G just blooming  so these are all tomato plants okay look at this   guys right on the water put line down there  uhhuh because to uh snail how long does it   take till these Harvest and and grow uh around  about 3 months and they can start Harvest it   it depends on how much they take care of the  plants okay but doesn't the water kind of take   care of the plant by itself or they have to come  in I mean like the Pats oh okay okay the Pats oh looking Garden Oh to make Gardens they cut off  the islands okay that one as well they cut out   the islands they will bring down to the Garden  okay okay they and these are people's homes yes it   used to be in the water but now day already on the  ground okay then and you can see the water level   yeah it's sometimes it's go until to to the bottom  of the house oh okay all righty guys so what is   this uh Monastery known as you said jumping cat  mon jumping cat mon this one is called mon Village   and but can you explain why it's called the  jumping cats um there are cats monks he trained uh   the cat to jump in a little hook that cat jump and  one of the tourist Lonely Planet writer he saw it   and then he write in his book jumping cat Mon and  it's become like oh jumping cat jumping cat oh but   now day they don't do anymore hey buddy it's some  tourist they said oh this is no for the animal   that's bad whatever those people are annoying yeah  I'm sure the cats enjoy it and they get food yeah   rewards they get a reward all right guys here we  are and the name of that Monastery over there na   Chong naong monaster wow amazing no admission so  you don't have to pay to get in yeah uh look at   these beautiful for shrines and temples of the  Buddha very antique how old is this this place   this place is around about 165 and uh earlier than  Mandalay Palace oh okay okay this place so um it   looks like it shifted a lot because of the water  right yes like it looks like some columns look a   little bit uneven yeah the land is not very stable  stable yeah it moves yeah okay that's but somehow   this thing is still intact yeah how I'm surprised  it didn't come apart you know uh do they do they   maintain it uh every year in the uh not water the  Buddha Festival yeah the for Buddha image can and   stay in this Monastery every year they need to  make it every year maintainance okay so that's how   it stays afloat yeah okay very nice and there's a  ination okay for this Monastery how long how big   how many of Buddha shines you won't be understand  but you can take it some video recording cool man   it's huge so do monks train here also uh or is  it just like just only in a summertime school   close Okay the kids from around this Village they  come here they come here to learn yeah okay allm   but it's not like that other one that we went to  that one's like that that one also that one also   summer times okay School Clos school closed  yeah and there's a lot of cats and look at   these the root plates over there it's around  about 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 let's say it's 10   ft each 100 ft long yeah only one tree one tree  te oh wow this whole thing it's like a beam it's   the supporting beam yeah right it's the main it's  the main thing Foundation wow and some of Buddha   images made from a bamboo slice as well okay let  me give a little something for the donation you   know since they don't charge any admission  so at least give them something that's for   maintain yeah all right guys this is beautiful  here man and the kitty cats laying around oh   there's a market here too yeah market for the  people who come around is it big huge big huge hats oh there we go myar very nice okay beautiful  myar beautiful myar okay I I checked then I oh   with the alphabet M alphabet oh nice okay well  I like this one yeah how much for this one two okay 20 20,000 20,000 beautiful  oh wow that's quite expensive actually okay 15 okay okay sure I just want  to try it okay I will try it walking through   I got myself a little t-shirt that has the me  andar alphabet on it and I got some bracelet No   need no no need thank you I do like the color  though all right so it's pretty interesting   it's a monastery but obviously because it is a  tourus spot there are shops and stuff in like   that in here and now it has started raining can  we get on the boat when it's raining or yeah you   can get it okay nice it's raining but the sun is  still there you know Feats your eyes wow amazing huh did you see the Long Boat over there  yeah that's like for for this Village yeah   it's represent for this Village have two or  three boats in the village okay some uh 100   men roller boat is much bigger than this  one wow that's probably 70 7 35 35 oh wow   and then they hold on over there and they  roll like this that's for the boat racing   right yeah boat racing and to bring the rat  of the Buddha image Festival it's go around   it goes around the lake next month next month  I'm going to miss that one man look at this   view guys amazing all these floating  gardens these are all floating gardens yeah they put uh weeds see M the  weeds that we saw yes so these are   all floating gardens and who owns these  like is it like one person or several   people that several people so everybody  has their own kind of station okay 10   10 cost 102 cost how do they know which  one is theirs they know they just know okay it out look at this guys so this is the whole  floating village as you can see we're up   front and center you got little shops along  the way some gas stations we just saw we saw   a barber shop yeah what's this like a  restaurant that's a station oh it's a   petrol name isav it's me a petrol yeah it's a  petrol but also like a little shop yeah oh wow   convenience Shore convenience store so these  people if they want to go anywhere they have   to take a boat yeah yeah they must have a boat  they must have a boat in front of us lots of   people over there it could be the school ohot  of so the kids are coming out of school yeah oh okay uhoh Power missing over there  on the right they're fixing the wires oh okay look at a little kid he knows how to   ride the boat oh no they lifted up  the pillar the pillar for the all L amazing man so this oh this is a school they're  picking up the so look at this guys you know how   you wait outside of a school for your children  in a car these people are waiting outside of   the school for their children in their boats how  amazing is that so it's a high school uh this one   is now I High School sub so like like Elementary  School sub High School is after Middle School okay wow this is my first time in a  floating village they keep the rain   water in that yellow Bo yeah yeah  they don't drink water from no no I wouldn't this is how they create electricity here  they build these stilts and the wires are passing   over the water and the people of the village do it  themselves amazing that's hello with the lunch box MinGa so these are all built of made  of bamboo huh yes the floor okay and   uh the walls the walls everything even the windows amazing so this is this is your friend's home okay wow so this is my friend's de oh hello America America so this is how a  bamboo house is looking from the inside   this this one is a wood wamb but but this this  is bamboo this is bamboo and then this is made from what are they doing with these leaves this  Lea is for sherut sherut is like a cig cigarette   this is like a oh and they make a cigarette  with this inside there tacco okay I've seen   people smok filter look at that with this oh  wow inside there this is corn Leaf okay corn   leaf and they wrap it with the old newspaper okay  and then they sell these yeah around around the   country around the country oh with the different  uh name look at that singing Sho and this is   Golden Dragon Shero oh okay okay so where do the  leaves come from it's from the a sh plant oh Lea plant that's my friend grandma wow how old is she she's  huh 88 she's walking like better than me 88 that's amazing [Music] very nice house oh look at this they've prepared prepared some snacks for us and tea  one thing I noticed in Myanmar you can't go   to anyone's house without them preparing some  snacks for you so we sit here yeah sit down okay and they asking do we have a guested a lot   I said this is the very first  one in three years three years yeah this what we call know what is this it's like a ring  oh okay okay what what is it made from   do you know it's made from uh sticky rice and  sugar cane so it's like a sweet okay this one   is uh tofu okay the rhes are to you asking  me is it Chee yeah yeah in the top of Chee okay uh Hospitality here in Myanmar  is amazing people are so kind we're going to enjoy our tea  have some snacks here in the local Village very nice very nice this is what a  typical home looks like in a fishing Village here in what is the biggest challenge of living  in on this V uh like a floating village here Transportation Transportation you  can't just walk you have to get on the   boat as well yeah you can s so every  time you want to go they need a boat   but also what is special about  living in a floating village for peace peace and quiet and quiet definitely  yeah and even though figh with shootings in   the mountains but they don't feel here so even  if there's conflict over here it's peace I can   feel that tell them I said it's beautiful you  know thank I you so that's that's basically   I wanted to figure out like what is uh special  about it and for them the special thing is the   peace that they feel here cuz you're kind of  separated from the world when you're living on   water cuz everybody else Travels by land but they  travel by boat so very interesting okay thank you   bye-bye baby such a nice family okay T bye-bye  all right time to go such a nice time with the   family they were so hospitable to us yeah thank  you so much okay baby what what's the name that   that okay byebye thank you all right time to  get back onto the boat look at this cute little   house over here on the river yeah a new one  new a new pain new house uh new construction   cover yeah but the pillar is there it's old yeah  but they re refreshed it man this is amazing how   people live I'm just so amazing that's for the  water hello that's for the water right water T so now they are my like is that my right  hand so these guys are the guys who make the   boats and this is them making the boat wow  this is amazing make with the te with the te   wood yeah smell tea wow this is a whole Workshop  here yeah so how long does it take to make one boat around 10 days 10 days wo that's pretty  fast yeah and we have materials ready after   after 10 days you can just put it in the  water and you have to let the wood become   wood and we have to put like this and let  it dry a let it dry okay this one is we call laa I forget the name laa laa laa that that  that that uh stops the water from coming in very   nice thank you thank you and what do they they  Sven from making the the rest the rest whatever is   left some cutting boards look at this they don't  waste they don't waste anything amazing fish the   net it's amazing open okay souvenir okay that's  a mustach good wow don't thing out that way WR yeah wow it's amazing they make this with the wood  yes one piece yeah it's one piece yeah iant very nice how much for this how much for the  small elephant small one 10,000 10,000 yes okay and for this one uh this one's for  20,000 20,000 okay this is very nice my   mom likes and this small small one is  how much small one is ,000 because I   have a small bag so 8 but my mom likes this  elephant so I will get one for her more tea   everybody wants to give you tea thank  you say thank you wow look atair wooden chairs amazing how long have they been doing this business oh thank you how long around about 20 years 20 years so  it's a family business okay very nice hey back so guys we just entered a village this  Village is known for so we went from the fishing   Village to the to the boat making vage boat making  Village and now we're in the Lotus weaving village   where they make uh things out of weaving so we're  going to go check out how this works I've never   actually seen a Lotus weaving Center so this  looks like it's a hopefully they are still Lael so here it is kit kit kit all right we're  going to get off the boat now right yep here   is how the Lotus is made uh this way oh okay  now we St see wow that's a lot stand oh okay   okay we get it out from the water there oh  right there and we have plenty of this kind   of fields around the lake around the lake okay  we take it out pick it up and then he separates   the yep he takes the H okay okay once turn  three parts it will make it just a frash oh   break it and take out the fibers and collect  that's how he collects the fibers wow that's amazing that's so cool lus trats and the  the weaving stuff with the glus is very   after washing and washing very soft ah okay  and then it's very comfortable comfortable   and it's made from very nature came from  water okay and that's really cool nice   good for home as well that's also made from  this or which one that the matte no the N is   from the plastic okay China China all right so  he takes out the the strings yeah the strings   and the fibers and he collects it roll it  okay and he make that string string okay amazing oh and that's how the well oh so strong  thank you Spiderman the Lotus man the Lotus man hello Hello nice to meet you boss boss I can tell he's   the boss so this is how the  process works yeah um this these are Sil okay this is Si okay that  one is L and what is what are they making   with this like lady dress lady dress okay  okay and how long does it take from that   process to finishing like to make a dress  like this the did you uh if if you start   making from the the trads to finish this  product maybe 20 days 20 days yes because   uh many projects before weaving before  weaving and that's why you have to sell   it for a good price because of the process  that it takes right yeah and handmade and   it's handmade yeah tie dying as well this is  how oh okay and how do you get the color on it it's this uh we made the pattern first and they  tight it wow and they will make dye in over   here the different colors okay okay okay  so they will the original color oh the   white one white one is original white one  what kind of like is where's the dye come   from is like a ink or from like dying  powder from India oh okay okay so you   import this is a we use the for time just  only for lotus lotus okay okay okay for the   silk it's a chemical chemical D okay very  nice very interesting I've never seen this before and do you export the products usually  or is it mostly sold within the country uh   sometimes uh if they order I can export you  can export okay very nice so I showed the   name of your business so guys if you guys  want want to order some products you can   contact him I will leave your business name  in the description also no thank you so much sir all right that's amazing man look at  these all these uh shutle yeah have the   name uh the numbers she have to know  that number one five time number two   five time number three five time number  four five time five time in once or 10   time once the lutus threat is coming  so let's make mix of lutus and silk together 10 times each M 10 times each then  it's become like this then it becomes the   pattern okay takes a it's a long process yeah  and you have to be very skilled to use this for one set like a dress dress take 4 days 4 days  to weave to weave just to weave it just to weave   that's not the process before and everything  okay so he's got like a whole uh Factory here   almost yeah and this one is only pure lutus oh  you can feel it like it's a little bit rough   but it will going to be smooth after washing  wash after washing it wow this one's pretty   smooth this one is cotton I think cotton wow  so nice it's amazing to see how these things   are made man never seen this process done  before taking time in this process to join   in each other to what to join it a join to  put these all these lines little lines and join take three days three days  just to do it's coming from here look at how still she is look at her  feet yeah moving she's also doing it   with her feet with these things she  knows exactly which one she has to   do right with her hands amazing man so cool if you make St it from the new oh very nice beautiful um did you notice that we  have only four yeah yeah yeah this one is six have   to move six six pedals and it's made like this  pattern this is lotus right okay oh no this is okay just [Applause] up hey guys I am like just beyond words  at this point everything that I've witnessed today   is just so amazing man I have I have no words to  describe this you know just simply amazing how   people survive in these Villages and that's their  and this is a good business right yeah yeah good   business it's one of the thriving Villages yeah  yeah and yeah the this kind of stuff is for the   most of rich people rich people yeah and also  for the celibates yeah yeah you know we used to   say the king's dresses only silk okay only silk  yeah so the people with money buy these things yeah oh oh yeah all right guys so the last stop on  This fishing Village tour we're going   to stop at this pagota right in the middle  of the water here you got to take off your   shoes leave the shoes here and then step  inside it's okay if I have shorts yeah   okay all right what's the name of this  pagod uh that's it's called pound pagod   okay five Buddha image it's this five Buddha  image go around the lake it's make Festival   okay that's the one of the famous Festival  in my okay very nice next month okay wow amazing man these pagodas and um in Myanmar all   of them are so beautiful some of the  most beautiful that I've seen in the world inside okay and this is uh where people  come to worship also right yeah okay and people   believe this is very secret M and and it's  so clean it's perfect look at that looks   like amazing yeah big gold nuggets of gold is  it really yeah is it gold yeah it's real gold   it's over 100 kg really yes of gold yes oh man  that's amazing that's crazy let me pay homage yeah wow nice look at this man honestly I hope  you guys enjoyed today's tour because honestly   we got to see so much today um I learned so  much today about how these people live on   these floating villages how people survive  here and also the beauty of the people the   resilience and the kindness of the people the  people are so kind here they're so welcoming   and they really make you feel like you're part  of their family when you sit with them as you   saw the few amilies that invited us into their  home they were so welcoming and one thing that   I urge you guys please do travel to Myanmar and  if you travel here make sure make sure that you   come support this Village all of these Villages  I mean they have businesses but the problem now   is that tourism is down after coid and also  because of the situation in the country but   don't be afraid to come here guys cuz the people  are beautiful it's very safe here um and honestly   I just had such a wonderful time being here today  and um yeah I would really urge you guys they need   tourism they need your support a lot of their uh  money does come from tourism as as well as their   trades that they do but um you know tourism always  helps so if you guys can come support them man and   uh I'm going to wrap the video up here at this  beautiful pagota um I hope you guys enjoyed this   video more me andar videos coming soon remember  continue to learn continue to grow and there is   no no growth until you leave your comfort zone  I'll see you guys on the next one peace out
Channel: Myer Travels
Views: 56,329
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Keywords: myanmar, myanmar vlog, yangon myanmar, burma vlog, myanmar blogger, yangon myanmar city, myanmar food vlog, myanmar travel, travel vlog, burma, myanmar travel vlog, burmese food, floating village, myanmar news, myanmar movie, travel vloggers channels, myanmar burma, myer travels myanmar, myer travels
Id: O6ADddp5MJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 0sec (2820 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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