My Voiceover order workflow

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel if you're new here welcome my name is angela i am a full-time voice-over artist and audiobook narrator and through my channel i share with you some techniques and tips and tricks that i use every day in my own voiceover business and i answer your questions to help you get started in your own voice over business so today what i wanted to talk about was something that i am asked about quite often recently and that is the proper workflow for voice over so i thought it would be a good idea to share with you my workflow for voiceover so if you're ready i'm ready let's get into it [Music] and before we get started please understand that everybody's workflow is not going to be the same some workflows some different steps in the workflows might work better for you than they work for me and vice versa but this is the the way that i get through my orders and with fiverr in particular i'm gonna go through a fiverr order and show you how i get it recorded and submitted to the client so first thing i'm going to do is open my adobe audition adobe audition is my chosen daw that i use to record my voice over so we're going to go there now the first thing i'm going to do is open my adobe audition which is the daw that i use to record and edit and format my voiceovers and my audio books so what i'm going to do from here is create a new file i'm going to hit shift control n which creates a new audio file and for all of the different platforms that i work on i have a separate folder for each platform like i have one folder for fiverr one folder for upwork one folder for so on and so on so what i'm gonna do with this particular audio file is i'm going to start the file name with the platform that this is for so this is for fiverr so i'm gonna add fiverr and then underscore and then i insert the username of the client that i'm working with into this audio file and if it's a repeat customer which this is at the end behind their username i'm going to add the date in which i record it so once i turn it in i turn in the correct order the correct audio file so for now because i can't share with you the username of this client i'm going to leave this as just blank for now but i know who it belongs to and here we have a fresh new audio file now i'm going to go back to fiverr and pull up the script that i need to narrate so this is the script that i need to narrate and it looks like it is four separate scripts this is for an ivr which is an interactive voice response basically a phone tree right you know when you call into your dentist office and you you hear for dentist x press one for dec for dentist y press two for accounting department press three that sort of thing each one of these scripts is going to be a separate voice prompt so i have to i'm going to record all of them together and then i'm going to have to split them into separate files [Music] i'm not sure what's going on outside but i'm gonna have to pause this for a minute it sounds like someone's cutting down a tree outside i'll be back okay so whatever was going on outside has stopped so now we can get back to recording see it happens to all of us all right so now i'm going to go back to my script and again this is four different scripts that we need to i'm going to record them all on one audio file and then i'm going to split them later into four separate scripts because they are prompts so they need to be on separate audio files all right so let's get started first i'm going to go back to adobe and start the recording here we go now back to our script and i have my handy dandy clicker to mark my mistakes if i make any so i when i go back and i edit it i can remove the mistakes by seeing the visual spike and i'll show you what i mean when we go back and edit but let's get this recorded i'm just going to take a sip of water because hydration is important okay hours of operation are monday through thursday 9 30 a.m to 5 p.m friday 9 30 a.m to 1 p.m and sunday by appointment only now to mark the ending of one script i snap my fingers three times so three marks in the audio file when we go back and edit will indicate the end of one script so i'm gonna do that now thank you for calling ar one consulting your leaders in traveling staffing solutions if you know your party's extension please dial it at any time at any point in this call to speak with a recruiter press zero for applicants press one for employers press two for questions in regard to your contract or hotel reservations press one for questions for questions in regards to your assignment press two to set up a new contract press one for arap press two okay so now i have the recording completely recorded i'm gonna go back to adobe and i'm going to stop the recording now i had some other talking in there of course because i'm talking to you that we need to also edit out of here so let's go through and edit this now of course i got to put my ears on so i can hear what i'm editing okay so first what we're going to remove is the stuff that isn't the script which looks like it might be because this is me showing you the clicker okay hours of operation okay so that's the beginning of the actual script so i'm going to put my playhead using my cursor i'm going to move my playhead here and then i'm going to select all of this stuff that i don't want and then delete it all right so now i'm going to go over here to my effects rack and i have a voiceover preset that has got all of the effects that i like to use for my voiceovers that i do which is basically ns1 mono which reduces any kind of ambient background noise and then i have rx7s from isotope the rx the rx7 suite of audio repair there is a mouth de-click which i highly recommend if you have a sticky mouth like i do a deplosive which reduces any of the air the you know any of the plosives the you know the little puffs of air that come out of your mouth when you're recording the d's the peas teas even i do have a pop filter on my mic i don't know if you can see it but sometimes i get a little excited and i just throw a very light deplosive in there just to make sure that it catches anything any errant plosives that make their way through and then i have a parametric equalizer that i use to reduce a little bit of the sibilance in my speech and also just to brighten some of my my highs and to you know deepen some of my lows just a little bit of eq and then after that i have cla vocals which is another plug-in from waves that i use has got a little touch of compression in it and then just a little extra touch of bass and trouble to my voice because i like the way that it sounds so i'm going to and once you have all of these effects set in your effects rack you can save a preset for yourself like i have here by just hitting this little button here save effects rack as a preset you click that and then it'll save the rack that you have over here on the side and all of its you know specifications that you selected and you can save that preset and name it as whatever you want to name it and then going forward all you would have to do is go to this drop down select your preset and then apply it and then all of that is done for you so that way if you have a preset with all of your effects in it just the way you want it it'll make all of your voiceovers uniform from voiceover to voiceover to voiceover and then if you wanted to have a separate rack for audiobooks per se or something in particular like if you do meditations or something that's a little bit lower and closer to the mic of course your effects are going to change for that so you could have a separate preset for your meditation voice if you wanted to but saving a preset saves so much time and keeps inconsistency in your voiceovers from order to order to order so your clients can expect the same result time after time after time and it saves you the voice over artist a ton of time and readjusting all the effects each and every time and then run the risk of them not sounding the same so now that i have my effects applied i'm going to go ahead and go through this and mark where the scripts are separated and then i'm also going to edit out any mistakes or any other like errant mouth noises or anything else that i see along the way and using adobe audition this spectral display down here let me just zoom in is makes things so much easier in editing because if there are any errant mouth noises you can actually see them which is nice so instead of just seeing this just the waveform you have a whole spectral display that shows you let me see if i can find one so there's a little bit of a mouth noise here and you can't really see that in just the waveform so having this spectral display in adobe audition is just been huge for me and saving time in the editing process so let's go through this now and now uh get this ready and editing here hours of operation are monday through thursday 9 30 a.m to 5 p.m friday 9 30 a.m to 1 p.m and sunday by appointment only now there's a little bit of a gap here so i'm going to select some of this dead air and delete it now to mark the ending of one script i snap my fingers three times so three marks in the audio file when we go back and edit well okay so that was me talking to you so i have to delete this last section here so i'm going to select all of this talking blah blah up into the point delete up into the point where i snapped three times to indicate the ending of one script which is what this is and again with the waveform i would barely be able to see that but with the spectral display i can it's clear as day this is where the first script ends so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to delete this the snapping and in its place i'm gonna put a marker by hitting m on my keyboard just to mark the end of this script now we move on to script two now there's going to be a lot of dead air here between the two or at the start of script two so i'm just going to delete that and then we'll listen through thank you for calling ar one consulting your leaders in traveling staffing solutions now again another really big gap of dead air so i'm going to delete this if you know your party's extension please dial it at any time okay and then another bit of dead air here let's just delete that at any point in this call to speak with a recruiter press zero another bit of dead air for applicants press one for employers press two okay so then now that one was good so now i can see my snaps again so i know this is the end of the previous script so i'm going to delete that and again in its place put a marker now this is the start of script three so i'm going to delete some of this dead error before the narration starts and then listen through for questions in regard to your contract or hotel reservations press one for questions that's when i cleared my throat so i'm going to here's where i clicked with my clicker so you can completely see that so what i'm going to do is find the beginning of the correct window where i restarted so this was for question for questions for questions okay so i'm going to put my playhead here at the beginning of my mistake select the entire mistake and all of the clicks i made and delete it for questions in regards to your assignment press two okay so that's the end of script three so now here are my snaps right so i'm going to remove that and put a marker and then delete some of this dead room tone for at the start of script four to set up a new contract press one for ar ap press two and then the rest of this should just be me talking to you but i'm just gonna make sure okay so now i have the recording okay so what i'm going to do is put my playhead at the end of script 4 and then just delete all of this boop okay now i have my four separate scripts edited ready to go so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to normalize to negative 3 db and you can do this by going up to favorites and selecting normalized to negative 3 db i have my normalization saved to a hotkey on my keyboard so it makes it just a little bit faster all right so now i have everything normalized edited eq'd everything sounds good now i need to split these files so what i'm going to do is i will typically take the name of my original file copy it so it has the username right the username of the client this is going to and then at the very end of the the file i will include a 1 2 three or four to indicate which number script it is so for example i'm going to copy from the marker to the front and then right click copy to new and then this one i'm going to name as script one right but i would also have the client's username in there so i can easily find it later but for now i'm just gonna name it script one so i know which one it is and then okay then i'm gonna go back to the original file and then now select from marker to marker script two right click copy to new and this one is now going to be script 2 and then back to the original file from marker to marker right click copy to new and this is script three and then back to the original file now that i have the other three from this original file already copied what i'm going to do are in their own files i'm going to select one two and three and delete them and then i'm left with just script four so now this original file i can save it now as script four so when i saved it originally i had the entire script there right i had one two three and four so i can always go back to that master file that i saved originally before i change the name to something else so in essence i now have five different files saved to my computer that i can reference if i need to change or fix or merge or do anything i have safely you know all four are all five files some people don't really do that but i do because i i like i said i always err on the side of caution i'd rather have more opportunity to fix something and make it easier on myself even though it may take up more space on my computer but i do purge everything off once a month once every couple months depending on how busy i am so it doesn't bog down the storage on my computer that's important to do and it also safeguards all of the work that you do all of the audio books you know everything is safely off of your computer in case your computer crashes or anything like that you have all of the work you've done on an external hard drive and everything is safe side note smart thing to do okay so now we have four separate scripts now we go back to my order on fiverr and deliver them all right so to to so to deliver these files i'm going to hit the deliver now button and then i'm going to select one of my quick responses and on fiverr you can save a bunch of different lightning responses for all different kinds of purposes and it does save time so for this one i'm going to select a repeat buyer order delivery because i mentioned before this is a repeat client so i have a specific response for clients that have come back to me time and time again thanking them again for another order that sort of thing so i'm going to collect i'm going to hit this button and then now that the message is there already pre-filled with their username and everything i'm going to upload the files by hitting upload work all right and now all of my files are uploading looks like they are uploaded and then once they are all uploaded and completely uploaded you click the deliver button and there you go that is my workflow for completing orders on fiverr and i hope that helps answer that question about workflow audio books are fairly similar if you have the opportunity and the time the client has the time to give you to read the book beforehand and mark it you know for you know or look up to words for pronunciation or develop character voices that sort of thing that's always recommended but it's basically the same you open the book read the book open a new file for each chapter and then go through the processes so each voiceover and audiobook narration is pretty similar to the same process as this i hope that helps answer that question if you have any more questions about voiceover or audiobook narration please leave them down below if you found this video helpful please hit the like and subscribe buttons i really appreciate that and if you want to know more about me my work or how i can help you get started in voiceover or audiobook narration check out my website and as always thank you so much for your time and i will see you on the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] my
Channel: VoiceOverAngela
Views: 802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voiceover, voice over, workflow, voiceover workflow, voiceoverangela, fiverr gigs for beginners, fiverr voice overs, voice acting, voice over coach, ivr, recording ivr, adobe audition voice over, voice over tips, voice over on adobe audition, home based business ideas for women
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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