Most common questions about Voice Over work

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hey everybody and welcome back to my channel if you're new here welcome my name is angela i am a full-time voice-over artist and audiobook narrator and my channel is dedicated to those of you that are just getting started out in this wonderful world of voice over and audiobook narration and through my channel i answer your questions and i share with you some of the techniques and tips that i use every day in my own voiceover business and i recently did a poll in my community tab you know where i share information and ask you guys questions and that was uh i think there was about four or five options in there for you guys to tell me what you wanted to know more about and the results were uh indicative of you want to know more of the voice-over and technical side of voice-over and then a close second was where to find voice-over work and if you've watched any of my videos or you know followed my channel for any amount of time you know that i talk a lot about fiverr upwork acx but these are not the only places to find voice over work there are literally hundreds of other sites to find voice over work and it seems like new ones are being introduced all the time so that's what we're going to talk about today so if you're ready i'm ready let's get into it [Music] and if you are wanting to focus more on audiobook narration you can use these same sites to find audiobook audiobook narration work or production work and just as another side note for audiobook narration find a way voices is introducing a new marketplace which there isn't a lot of information about what it's going to be but if i had to guess i would assume that it's going to be a platform much like acx where authors and narrators can come together and find each other and produce audio books without anybody else from find a way voices being involved again don't quote me i don't know that's just my assumption but if you haven't already signed up with findaway voices i would definitely go there and make yourself a profile for find a way voices marketplace and then click the little button there that's on that page that will notify you when the marketplace does go live you want to be ready for that and have your profile ready but of course there are other sites like you've probably heard me mention voice one two three there's also there's uh five five five squid which is i'm guessing sort of like a across the pond sort of version of fiverr there is there is badalgo there is voice giant voice jungle voice bunny there are literally over a hundred of these different sites and again more and more being added every day it seems it's probably not true but that's what it seems like and if you just do a little bit of research in finding some of these sites you would probably find a whole lot more than i even know of so definitely take a look around and then who's to say that you have to limit yourself to any one or two or three in fact i advise against it because you definitely don't want to have all of your eggs in one basket what if you are for example if you do a lot of work with fiber what happens if fiber goes away what happens if acx goes away what happens if upwork goes away you know it really helps to diversify where you are finding your work from and you can also do a little bit if you have a profile on say linkedin linkedin is a great place to look for work as well by making connections you make connections with e-learning production companies with publishing houses for audio books make yourself a linkedin profile if you don't already have one and start reaching out to some of these people and don't reach out right away and say hey can i throw my demo at you put me on your roster you have to approach it the way that you would want to be approached in building a relationship with a company in order to work with them you know make some posts about what you're doing in the studio some posts about you outside of the studio maybe you want to do some inspirational posts or share some tidbits of you know happenings in your town but through those posts you know use appropriate hashtags like e-learning production you know audiobooks authors indie authors get creative and take a look around you know take a look at some other posts and search some of these hashtags and see what companies come up and look at their posts and see what hashtags they're using this is uh building your business takes uh takes some time it takes some time it takes some investment of time and sometimes money to you know create a base or a network of connections it's all about connections for your business i mean sure we sit in our studios and and talk to people online via chat or you know on a camera or you know but it's still about connections and who you meet and who they know you know the people that you meet through other people it's networking and connections are very very important and for an introvert like i've said before it's not really super easy to do but it is necessary because without connections and clients and for clients to find you you're not going to have a business so you do have to put yourself out there and you do have to do a little research on your own and find some companies that you want to work with and again linkedin is a great place to do that but don't limit yourself to just one or two websites in the beginning you know as you're just getting started maybe if you're doing this part-time or you're narrating audiobooks part-time or voice-overs part-time i totally get you know to kind of start like ease yourself in by selecting one or two websites to work with but as you start to get uh quicker with your production and you're streamlining your editing process and your delivery process and you're starting to get the feel of things and you're in the flow branch out to some of these other websites and create a profile and again they do take time there isn't like a right way or a wrong way to do it just fill in the boxes as you know as you're as there are indicated and create a demo and i have a few videos here on my channel that go over demos with you and adding music and all of that stuff but create a demo to start you don't have to spend you know a bajillion dollars to make one you can make one yourself you know fairly fairly easily upload a demo and make your connections and you know broaden your reach in websites and put a profile on some of the other ones and don't think that because you're not doing it the way that i tell you or someone else tells you that you're doing it wrong do it the way that you're comfortable with as long as you're moving forward even if it's very very slowly that's still progress don't get so hung up on i'm not moving as fast or forward as quickly as some other people are or you know get down on yourself because your demo is not it doesn't sound like a two thousand dollar demo or you're not on this website like this person is don't let the imposter syndrome get you down start your business your business the way that you want to everything that i give you on my channel are recommendations or the way that i have done it it doesn't mean that you have to you know there's a lot of other people that say stuff that is similar to what i say and there are a lot of other people that are you know in places way beyond me that say to do it a completely different way but i have found success doing it the way that i wanted to do it and i'm pretty sure that you can too as long as you're investing the time into your business and reaching out and making those connections you your business will grow just don't stagnate and you'll get stuck in the procrasti learn stage and never move forward because you feel like you're not ready or you're not as good or you're doing it the wrong way don't ever think that as long as you're taking steps forward even if they're baby steps you're still moving forward you're still building your business and making connections with other companies but i just wanted to encourage you because i know there are a lot of you out there and i've heard this quite a bit um in the last couple of months even that people are hesitant to get started because they feel like just like i said before they're not good enough they're they don't have a demo they don't have they don't know where to find work they don't know you know if their voice is any good if anyone's gonna like them just tell that negative critic in your head to shut up because this is what you want to do and if you're passionate about getting this started you will get there but it does take work there is no quick fix solution unfortunately the oh as far as the production aspect that also you know takes some time and investment in learning your daw and what your effects can and can't do learning the proper mic position i guess what i'm trying to say is that there is a lot of time investment there's a lot of learning involved there's a lot of trial and error there's a lot of just time being spent in your place that you plan on doing your business just getting your website right getting your profiles right getting your learning your daw you know making those connections it takes a lot of time in the very beginning to get up and running but who's to say that you couldn't do that in steps obviously the more time you take to get to a place where you start you know earning business is going to take a little bit longer the slower you move forward but you're still moving forward right and at some point you're going to get to that peak where you start to well maybe not peak that's a bad example but you're going to get to that place where you're starting to earn business and repeat clients and new business and you can refresh your demos you can refresh your profile pictures you can refresh your bios there's nothing that says that you can't you know so even if you don't have the you know a mind-blowing demo to start out with so what as long as it showcases what you sound like in different you know like a range of what you can do for maybe different types of voice-overs you know e-learning audio books ivr you know so people can hear what you sound like doing or performing those types of voiceovers that's fine you can update it later just have something done and in that process of creating that demo you learn you learn what you can and can't do you learn how to manipulate the effects in your daw you streamline your process you learn how to speak to clients and when to smell that fish right if it's starting to smell kind of fishy then to say thank you but no thank you and kindly dip out and talk to another client instead you know what i mean so i guess uh this was just something that i wanted to share with you because i i felt like it needed to be addressed there's a lot of people out there that are hesitant and just beating up on themselves for really no reason at all so i guess that is i guess at some point i have to just stop talking as long as you're moving forward and doing it the way that you're comfortable with again it doesn't have to be my way it doesn't have to be somebody else's way as long as it's working for you then it's working for you okay i'm gonna stop talking now check out my website i've got some self-paced courses where you can learn the basics of fiverr and upwork and meditation if you want to learn how to get into meditation or to perform and edit meditations i also have a weekly meeting that i have i have a platinum membership program that i include a lot of content like downloadable assets like planners and stuff like that scripts we also have a weekly meeting every thursday where a group of us meet and just you know q a we talk to each other and figure things out and share successes and stuff it's a great time and if you have any questions for me you can leave them down below thank you so much for your time i really appreciate it if you found this video helpful hit that like and subscribe buttons i appreciate that too but until next time bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: VoiceOverAngela
Views: 559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voice over, voice over jobs, voice acting, voice over angela, voiceoverangela, fiverr voice over gigs, upwork voice over gigs, acx make money, voice over tips, voice over coach, voice acting tips, home based business, voice over business, voiceover, voiceover business, voice over artist jobs
Id: zvokGlSe-CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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