My VLOM Modification Explained

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today the crisp performance repair we're gonna answer some of the very very common questions I get about dota FM type repair some of the questions that continue to get asked over and over and over again possibly because there's so much information and some of my videos that people just missed it or maybe they didn't see that video but basically the lift or release trick and we're gonna go over some of the vlog modification why I do what I do we're also gonna explain how the system works so you can understand why I do what I do so stay tuned [Music] so I'm gonna start off by covering a couple of things first first off if you have not seen my DoD release lifter trick for a flopping lifter or a loose lifter scenario where you have a rocker that's moving around be sure to go ahead and click that link above because that video is the basis for this video and why I am bring this video about another thing is during that video I never mentioned who to have a tune done through I am doing lt1 swap comm is the place that I go on I'll go ahead and throw in the link a link in the description below because he does it more affordable than anyone can do it it's fifty dollars you ship it to him ship the PCM to him he does the two and he shuts this thing the system off in your tune so if you need a really affordable choice there that's where you want to go there that's another one of those things that I get asked a lot because I did not include it in that video at that time I shortly later ended up catching on to that whole scenario but with that let's go ahead and get started and start talking about a couple of different things I have of Lomb below me so a veal amor veal ohm a lot of people call it different things but the VL o M stands for Valley lifter oil manifold so that Valley lifter oil manifold is the part where I do what's called a llama right that's just what I call it it's a modification to the Blom where I add a insert in here that blocks the oil pressure that feeds the block now it does not block the oil pressure sensor which is right here another thing that that that modification can be done to the direct fuel-injected vehicles so the direct injection vehicles they have a different kind of a configuration up here because they have a direct injection pump in the way for the sensor to come out the top at least that's my understanding either there are some fuel lines I have not had the pleasure to work on one yet I imagine in the future I will but what I have worked out with these people so far is you could still add my little Valon plug into the port but instead of going in the oil pressure or where the oil sender goes the oil senders here so you have to install it in with the slot aiming at the oil pressure sender and there's like a gun allen head in this spot instead and then of course there's a boss like this coming out and that's where the oil pressure sensor is so just a little side note on that now why do I plug this hole so this is kind of like an insurance policy the entire voix mod is basically like an insurance policy just in case the vlog is the source of your failure in the first place as far as it not acting correctly during the off state now most of these conditions fail because our most lifters fail because of a situation of lack of oil pressure and the slack of oil pressure comes from various different things it could be from the screen that's under here if it's that then you know that this isn't necessarily your problem if that screen is just completely covered in sludge and mud then you could just say okay it was the screen no big deal and you don't have to do the valar mod you can get by without it in that scenario and you'd probably be fine but I still suggest doing at very least cutting the gaskets and I'll explain that in a second too so this part here why do we block this off so it's feeding oil into here right so there's always pressure sitting behind these solenoids if these solenoids get a little bit of debris caught in them and they start to leak they will feed pressure into these ports here which go to the oil towers that are in the block now if those oil towers that are in the block get pressure that is what activates the lifters so if they get just enough pressure to activate those lifters they won't fail so that's insurance policy number one no these lifters they work based off of pressure so there is a flat spot here and a hole here that's I've been telling people quarter-inch hole but it's actually smaller than that that's a pretty small hole it's probably uh you know 3/16 or something but anyway it doesn't really matter so these lifters activated off pressure so the oil tower is always facing this hole if you see this flat spot through the hole in the oil tower that means your lifter has spun 180 degrees that's another common failure with these systems if you have that scenario your cam is going to be wiped out you're gonna need to do a complete delete cam change the the valley cover all that as well so I'll explain some of the valley cover scenario in a second here but first these things work off of pressure so if I add pressure to this right now it's stuck it won't move guide pressure to this guy it won't pop out but if I add pressure and lift up on it it releases the locks so I'm able to pull this guy out of here so and and that you know I'm just showing you that way pulling it out versus compressing it because it's got this big spring here I'm not sure I could maybe I can let's give it a shot quick know that Springs too heavy I can't compress that thing not with just one hand so now you can see how that system works so now why do we go into the gaskets themselves and why do I cut those out besides if these are stuck allowing oil pressure in when I already where is it what am I on here we go when I already blocked off this in so oil pressure can't get there why would I cut those still so in the scenario you're not using the system just like when I do my voix mod and yeah you're obviously turning the system off this thing constantly has oil pressure feeding so here's the hole has feeding oil pressure underneath here and that's what lubricates all the lifters and it also pressurizes the standard lifters and these lifters for hydraulically activating them there's a small ring on this one now standard lifter has a very large ring on it this little small ring on this lifter is where the oil pressure gets fed from that main passage in order to pressurize the hydraulic side of this lifter now the dod AFM side of this lifter is not hydraulic necessarily other than it hydraulically disengages the locks so that side of the lifter you do not want pressure on but it's just steel in an aluminum bore so some of that pressure from this side does seat by and does go up that oil tower so as that that oil is feeding up that oil tower these holes here are supposed to or these ports are supposed to bleed it off in the non activator mode now there's two different kinds of lobs that I'm aware of as far as how the solenoid is set up and one of them is this one this is a bolted together one and this one you can see this hole here there's a screen a little micro screen under here and the oil comes up here and just bleeds out the bottom here so these are net naturally supposed to bleed off pressure in the resting state when they're not activating the lifters so I cut the gaskets because this little screen can plug up now if you have the other style Guam it actually feeds back feeds the pressure into the solenoid and the solenoid has a release right along the side of it there is no screen necessarily but there is some fine kind of area where it's at so that could also get plugged up it a little debris gets in there it gets plugged up or just builds up over top of everything and once that gets plugged up obviously it'll be restricted and it could pressurize in the oil tower so I cut the gaskets to make sure I eliminate any pressure that happens in that oil tower and that's why you end up with this where the gas gets cut now one guy a couple guys actually have asked me should I cut the entire gasket out I don't think it's necessary so just do the little ends here just do the little circles of what you can now there is one that I cannot do that on on this one this one you can pretty much get rid of half the gasket or the entire gasket really where that o-ring is if you really wanted to I just cut out half of it it really doesn't matter you just need a little bit of relief there but this one here I just cut out a little bitty chunk just a little quarter-inch spot because you can see the size of this hole here is not very big it doesn't need much it just needs enough so be sure to cut those gaskets do not cut this gasket you want up with a severe oil leak this is for the main oil feed the rest of them cut them out you can leave this one end this is usually typically reusable and all you got to do is feel for a raised area if this gasket is raised up after sitting for I don't know an hour so even if it was flat when you pull it out and that's raised after about an hour it's still good it's still reusable if after an hour roughly you come back and it's still flat and still flush with the plastic don't reuse that gasket it's jumped you're gonna have to get an outside gasket or an entire gasket and snip these little pieces when it comes to the gasket if you can find a source for the outside shell of the gasket it's gonna be way cheaper then if you get the entire gasket the entire gets it for some reason they asked a pretty high price for the entire gasket one more last little very important note that I want to make sure that I make about the Blom scenario and the type of valley plate or vom that you are using if you do my trick the vlog and what I just talked about is the perfect solution if however you end up doing a DoD full delete where you replace the lifters with non afm DoD style lifters and you go as far as you know replacing the cam shaft the whole nine yards you cannot use this Blom you cannot use any flan you should be using a non DOD afm valley plate and i'll go ahead and throw a picture somewhere on the screen here for you guys to look at what that actually looks like so you can go ahead and compare it to this one and you can see on this one here you have all the solenoids and whatnot on this side and then on this side here you have the like passage looking castings going on on the casting and on the other one it's smooth and ring sealed so just a definite important note that if you if you try and use this especially if you have these gaskets cut and you try and use this you will have no oil pressure whatsoever because the lifters are designed differently without AFM so if it does not have DoD AFM those lifters allow oil to go all the way around them it'll shoot straight out of that tower and you'll lose all engine oil pressure so very critical note that I figured I'd add to this video so that pretty much covers what's going on with the WHA modification and why I do what I do so if this video was helpful to you please like share subscribe and as always hope to see you on the next video thanks for watching
Channel: CrazedPerformanceRepair
Views: 81,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crazed performance repair, automotive technician, mechanic, Vlom vs valley plate, vlom mod, vlom modification, lifter release trick, 5.3 lifter release, why VLOM mod, VLOM plug, AFM valley cover
Id: xFr8TxgxJow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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