HOW TO: DOD Delete + Cam Tuning! GEN 4 GM Trucks

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foreign [Music] welcome back to the channel guys so today's video we're going to be tuning on this 2009 Chevy Silverado Vortec Max truck uh this truck is equipped with the BTR torque cam um so we're going to be going over tuning uh we're going to have this on the dyno and I'll show you some power numbers and I'm also going to be going over why this camshaft may work really well in your application so let's get to work [Music] all right so let's get the hood up on this truck and I can show you guys what we have going on under there I actually had said this for the 2009 it's actually a 2008 so this truck actually still has the 4l65 transmission in it so we'll be doing some trans tuning on this thing as well but this is just a good truck for me to show you guys how to do some basics of tuning on so this is a stock like I said 2008 Chevy Silverado Vortec Max this one has the l76 which is the VVT and DOD six liter so it's Square Port head or Rec Port head six liter aluminum block this one is completely stock I mean exhaust manifolds plug wires air box exhaust everything is stock the only thing that's been done with this truck is a VVT delete a DOD delete and a BTR torque cam so we're going to be going over in this video why this camshaft works really well in this application as well as the power numbers this thing is going to produce and how to tune this camshaft as well alright so as always we're gonna hop in the truck and pull the read file out of the vehicle so this truck was actually purchased with DOD failure so it had a DOD lifter that had to collapsed so really he didn't even get to drive the truck he just went ahead on and did the cam Swap and lift her Swap and all that stuff out so I actually had done a baseball for this truck initially that's what's in the truck right now because the person that owns this truck actually works at the shop where he's a Dyno at at this shop so I did him a little baseball let him drive the truck for a couple weeks that way he can make sure that everything in the truck is good he's already had to replace the driver's side motor mount but otherwise it's been a pretty solid truck so far so what we're going to do is we're going to pull the Reed file out of this thing and I'm going to actually put this base file back to stock and then we're going to start the actual tuning process from start to finish I want you guys to see what all is needed to do a DOD and VVT delete in one of these vehicles and again this one is good because we've got stock air box stock exhaust so you'll actually see the little bit of changes that are necessary to make this cam chaperone as best as it possibly can in this application so anyways hop in the truck and let's get to work all right so as always we have our vcm editor up we're going to pull the read file out of this thing so I'm going to key the truck on AC is off radio is off so now I'm going to click read so this truck we are not going to read the fuel pump control module currently um so once this tab comes up I'm actually going to select do not read I'm we may have to tune this thing uh reason being is in 07 to 09 the vortec Max truck for whatever reason GM put this you know real nice wreckport headed six liter in these trucks but they put the same injectors as a non-flex fuel five three so these things run out of injectors really quick I've actually had Vortec Max struts with just a cold air intake and long tubes and good exhaust need injector so I'm gonna go ahead on and select this as do not read um hopefully we don't need to if we do need to then I will show you how to do it because what I'll have to do is I'll have to actually turn up bass pressure on the fuel pump to increase our injector flow rate size so we're only going to do that if absolutely necessary because it is an additional fifty dollars for the one credit so to actually tune the fuel pump control module so hopefully we don't have to do that but we'll look at the data logs and we're going to watch it and we'll know for a fact if we have to or not I'd really like this truck to stay less than 90 gender duty cycle um and we are going to have to run this a little bit richer because he uses this thing to tow again it has Cadillac converters on here he's going to run this thing on 87 octane so we're just gonna have to see how it goes so anyways I'm gonna let this thing finish reading out and I will be right back with you foreign [Music] loaded back in the truck um so we're going to start off with the basics so the first thing we want to do obviously is go into engine we're going to go under fuel we're going to go under lean fuel savings and we're going to disable the dod that always needs to be step number one so after you've done a DOD delete if you've started up your truck and you it's almost like like a tractor like it's only running like four cylinders it actually only is only running on Force owners so you need to get the dod disabled if you do not have HP tuners um and you need to just get over to a tuning shop that does have HP tuners you can actually take your original Valley plate and plug it in to the existing old harness like unbolted off the engine you just zip tied up and over and out of the way and the truck will actually run on on uh eight cylinders so that that's a good little tip for you guys that may not have HP tuners just yet hopefully I can convince y'all just to go out and get HP tuners though so the next thing we're going to do is we have to disable VVT because this beats your torque cam is not a VVT camshaft so we're going to go under airflow we're going to go under variable camshaft and we're going to set camshafts to none that right there those two combinations this engine will actually start running drive just fine um but obviously we're going to dial it in a little better for this camshaft so first off we need to talk about the camshaft itself and talk about the specs and why this camshaft works as good as it does so first thing let's go into Google and pull up the camshaft specs for this specific camshaft that's in this truck and let's talk about why this thing's going to work really well in this application um so I already have it pulled up again this is the BTR uh gen 3 Gen 4 truck Cam that is also like it's a torque cam is what it is um it's not a staged cam but literally the Cam's name is torque so obviously you can tell by the name that you know it's probably small and it's probably going to work good for low to mid range and it actually is so you'll see that the Specter 202 202 511 511 with a 111 plus one um so we have more intake and exhaust duration than Factory we have more lift in Factory and a low separation angle is a lot more aggressive uh so therefore it's going to shift our power curve over to where we're going to want it for a truck um as you can see they have a Dyno graph up so this shows you versus a stock 5-3 with headers uh this is a six liter with Rec Port heads so it's probably gonna like this camshaft even more but you can see I mean some pretty solid gains and it's really gains everywhere so this camshaft is Idle solid I mean you really can't even tell it's canned uh stock tool converter is fine um it will pretty much run on a stock tune with just the two changes that we made so you can actually drive it around if you need to until you can get you know the tuning actually completed on it but there I have not found any downsides of this camshaft I mean obviously customers usually want a little bit more of aggressive idle but for you guys it's just you pull boats you pull in campers you pull in uh just trailers around you want to maintain reliability you want to maintain fuel mileage fuel economy is heavily dictated by the camshaft in this camshaft we've actually done in multiple five free applications and they've actually picked up mileage over Factory so it's just a really really solid camshaft so anyways let's get back into the tune file and we're we're going to start making an adjustments specifically for this camshaft and this specific application all right so now that we know what our camshaft specs are we've turned off DOD we've turned off variable cam timing so let's just load this file into the truck and data log it and see how it runs so keep in mind guys that I am tuning on a Vortec Max truck um so there's going to be some differences between the vortec Max truck which is the rec Port headed 6 liter versus your five threes um or if you're tuning on a 4A that just have has VVT um so there are going to be some differences so the some of the stuff I show you today I will try to make sure I explain if it's going to be different on your 5.3 versus your 6 liter um but for right now the data logging process the turning off the VCT the turning off the dod all that stuff is going to be the same no matter which engine you have all right so let's start this truck up and data log it so again this is a bone stock file with just DOD and VVT turned off so you may hear me call it VVT or VCT it's known as the same so just so you don't get confused just understand that VVT or VCT however I say it is going to be variable cam timing all right so right now we're going to scroll through here I may have to add yeah let me add I'm going to add long term field trims into my channels so if you guys need to learn how to add channels all you got to do is come over here right click hit add Channel and I want long term fuel trim so I can type in ltft but then I'll kind of give us an idea of how the truck's running all right so long term field trims aren't terrible short-term field trims aren't terrible the truck truck hasn't warmed up yet we're at 153 degree coolant temp as you can see right here um I'm Gonna Roll these windows get the AC ripping through here because this truck's got some good AC all right so as of right now if you'll notice we really don't have to make any changes um the idle is is relatively stable so that's one thing I'm gonna recommend with this torque cam is we can increase the idle sum if you notice it's it's kind of hunting around a little bit it's nothing terrible but this camshaft does have more intake duration so it is going to want a little bit higher of and idle RPM so that'll be the next change that we do also if you're looking down through here so my math again this is stock air box so the map should be pretty close uh the math versus ve is not terribly off I mean we're talking maybe 10 percent so nothing crazy so again this camshaft doesn't need a ton of changes um so first thing we're going to do is let's go ahead on and increase our idle speed so to do that you're going to pull back up your editor and we're gonna go under idle now this is strictly based off of your own opinion um I'm showing you guys in my opinion yours may be different this camshaft or any other camshaft that you're using is going to be specific to your vehicle so just understand that this is a six liter Rec Port headed engine with a really small camshaft in here so it's not going to take much but I personally feel like this camshaft could use about another 50 rpm so I'm going to come up here top left corner and I'm gonna click it and I'm gonna add 50. and that's going to have us warmed up we're going to be idling at 650 in park neutral or 600 in gear uh 600 in gear this truck's gonna idle just fine on stock torque converter again this is not necessary I just feel like with the way the truck feels to me in person right now like the the what I'm feeling I feel like I could smooth the truck out and it would idle a little bit better if I just were to idle it up just a touch more um because you can see I mean this camshaft so small and we're pulling 44 kPa at idle which is I mean that's awesome um so anyway so what we're also going to do is because we had the 50 rpm here we're going to add this on Startup as well so you're going to click top left add 50. um we're gonna go to in gear we're going to also add 50. we're gonna go under minimum set point vehicle speed so this right here is essentially like your rolling idle so we're going to add 50 rpm right here and then we're going to come over here to minimum reference RPM and we're going to add 50 here so I'm just going to type in 600. um and if you look right here your idle your base running airflow is going to be very very similar to your actual Dynamic airflow this Dynamic airflow is the airflow calculation that the ECU is providing fuel for so I'm gonna go under airflow and we're going to go under base running airflow and I'm going to add uh let's add one gram per second so I'm just going to add this one gram per second and this 200 to 800 row and then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to interpolate over just a little bit um so same with neutral same with reverse let's go right here on reverse um and yeah let's go right here and Park um so there's that startup airflow this camshaft does not need any more startup airflow um it really doesn't need any less startup um ve either so these little changes right here let's go ahead on and I will save this as number two I was called revision all right so let's just check off disconnect from the scanner and load this file in um so we haven't made any transmission changes today so we're just going to write this in as is with no transmission changes um so this video is going to be fairly long today um you can kind of skip through if you want and tell it through the procedure but as I said actually I'm gonna feel caught in my uh Gen 4 large injector scaling video that I did uh just before this one I did mention that I wanted to do more of a complete tune file for you guys um so we're gonna actually go through I mean pretty close start to finish on this so I may edit some of this stuff out but I mean this video is gonna be fairly long so hopefully you guys that are trying to really learn how to tune um watch it till the end hopefully I can teach even if you're an advanced tuner uh hopefully I can teach you some tips and tricks that maybe you didn't know um because I mean I still learn stuff every day especially using this HP tuner software there's so many little hotkeys and little tips and tricks that there's really I don't I mean maybe in their help file they have it maybe it's set on the forums but a lot of these little trips I'll just I've picked up over the years just by accident realistically all right so tune foul is in so let's start the truck up again and let's hit the record button so right away even before the scanner is actually even active I can tell the truck just it just feels smoother um it feels happier I'm this camshaft and this specific application is probably going to want a little bit less idle timing um just I we I try to do that to try to mimic what OE would do for emissions um so in this size of camshaft if you look through like a stock LS3 tune um they idle those things at like 10 degrees try to help clear them up out the tailpipe so I will end up doing the same for this truck um that that stuff probably doesn't need to go in the video just because I'm going to show you guys how to modify timing and everything else so again you're tuning your own vehicle but the truck is is up to temperature now everything looks happy um you can see with the extra 50 rpm that we went from 44 kPa down to 39 so that's going to make our brakes feel a little bit better it's going to make the engine just more efficient overall um so everything else looks good long term field trims look good um yeah let's uh let's get this thing up on the dyno and start the the tuning process on there [Music] foreign so as always we're going to double check under this thing don't see any crazy leaks um I can tell where it has been leaking but I don't see anything that stands out front tires look good which again that's more for just my street driving purposes um cruising right through obviously has a stock exhaust on it with stock Kelly converters under it so everything's going to be fine there looks like original U-joint don't feel any play against stock even stock catback rear U-joint has no play rear tires look good so let's get the wideband in so right here is where I'm going to put my wide band I'm gonna do this rear this post O2 sensor on the driver's side this thing looks like it's pretty much hermetically sealed to the exhaust so let's see if I need to break loose yep extraction broke loose sweet [Music] all right let's drop the truck down [Music] all right and as always four straps in the back two going front to back and two as an X [Music] all right let's wash hands and get to work all right and if you've got a 07 to 13 truck or a 07 to a 14 SUV and you're in a situation where you need to build track to be disabled clearly we're up on the dyno right now um so we need to get this to build track disabled now I've taken I've been in this bike style truck at the Sand Dunes before in mud um and I've been put in a lot of situations where I need to stable stabilitrack so let's go on and I'm going to show you how to disable it quickly and easily um so let's let's get up there all right so we're going to open up the first box cover on this truck this is kind of a pain in the ass by the way but anyways you're gonna go right here to this green 40 amp um it is see it looks like numerically it is 61. but this 40 amp fuse right here we can just pull it out with our hands gotta wiggle a little bit grab it anyways now stabilitrak's gonna be off ABS is going to be off um the truck's going to be happy so again if you're at the sand dunes or anywhere where you need to build track off pull that fuse so we're up on the dyno now in the vortec Max truck I've got the truck started I'm going to go on and turn on the air conditioner because I'm bougie like that um getting scanner loaded in so what we're going to do right now is we're in vehicle simulation mode um so I'm just going to drive this thing on the dyno without making any other changes if you guys have seen the changes that I've made so far I haven't touched anything else um so you're gonna be able to see the changes and see what needs to be done so you can watch field trims you can watch me um whatever you're wanting to watch you can watch it so I just pulled that fuse for the ABS um so we're just gonna drive the thing [Music] so you'll notice this truck actually has great oil pressure by the way I hadn't pulled the light plug off the bypass relief valve that's in the pan so if you guys are doing a DOD delete if you haven't already and you're pulling the engine out there is a bypass valve uh I'll actually put a picture right here but there's a bypass valve in the oil pan they're notorious for getting stuck and they all sort of limits you on oil pressure pull that pull that thing out and plug it off so there should be I'll actually find a link and I'll put it put the link in the description for the plug but you want to make sure you want to plug that thing off because I mean look at this old pressure I mean this is killer I mean it's rare to see a Gen 4 truck with this kind of oil pressure foreign field trims and everything look pretty good we're doing 60 miles an hour on the dyno right now um you'll notice ve table isn't terribly far off so what I'll do is let me pull up I can show you the differences in my video table uh uh well okay let me change my layout all right anyways I don't know what happened I went ahead on stop the truck at McDonald's um so let's stop this log [Music] I'm gonna close it out I'm gonna reopen it and again if y'all haven't seen my other video um all your data logs are always safe with HP tuners it's always in the same spot through documents HP tuners vcm scanner logs and you can pull up your latest data log so anyways we're going to look at RV versus Diner which is going to basically RV versus math is let me make this I'm just going to get rid of the decimals so that way you can actually see it all right so if you look uh if you've watched my V For Dummies gen 3v for dummies you'll understand that when we're comparing math to factory vegan table um if you see the negative numbers that means we've lost some volumetric efficiency uh once we go wide open throttle you're gonna actually see where we've gained it so you're going to notice that idle we're like 10 off which is nothing bad um as we were cruising it's about the same I mean we were like six to eight percent off um so this camshaft is very close to factory when it comes to ve so that's I mean that's a very small percentage to be off um so anyways I'm going to I got to turn on the rear exhaust fan and we're going to do a wide open throttle pull and see where the factory tune lays out with just the changes that we've made all right rear Dyno exhaust fan is on I'm going to close this log file out that we were just looking at and we're gonna actually do a Power pool or a dino pool um I don't know if you guys watched my C10 video I'll link it up here um but this Dyno right now they haven't replaced the tower just yet so the dyno is reading extra extra low so you are just gonna have to ignore Dino numbers for today um I can redownload this truck on another date because obviously this truck is you know this truck's here quite a bit but for today we're just worried about the actual tuning side of things I'm not concerned about power because again just like what we talked about we can look at cylinder air mass we can look at our ejector duty cycle and know where we're at for power so anyways let's get this truck down we're gonna do a second gear pull this is a 4l65 truck um and it does have a decent sized Tire on it um some will lock this thing into second gear gear and we're gonna lock the converter now again I want you guys don't worry so much about commanded EQ I just want you to watch the actual EQ and watch timing again this is a factory tune with just uh the variable cam timing disabled and DOD disabled so let's do a little pull so you'll see how PE is disabled but it does come in that is completely Factory and the truck actually has a pretty solid air fuel ratio all the way up so we'll shut it down I'll unlock converter and let's go over this data log um so you'll notice that the power enrichment is delayed but it does work um so a lot of guys they think that they'll see the you know some trucks have 5000 RPM PE delay some of them have a 8192 but they'll think that because of that that power enrichment doesn't come in until after that RPM that's that's the RPM it takes to disable the delay um so if you look this truck has roughly a three second delay before power enrichment comes in but you'll see right here the commanded EQ ratio comes in power enrichment's there now it my wideband is a little bit delayed so you'll see like right here I mean we're at a pretty healthy um I mean that's like a 12 5 12 6 air fuel ratio on a factory two and we're there by 4 400 RPM so let's go into the tune file and look and see why that delay is there so we're going to fuel power enrichment and you see this enrichment timer delay we can just make this zero this RPM right here 81.92 we don't have to touch that like I talked to you guys in several my other videos we don't have to touch this stuff um so that's that's the first changes we're going to make is we're going to get power enrichment in um or it's come back on sooner so we're going to do a enrichment timer to zero we're going to make our throttle this is TPS based um Power enrichment so I'm going to make this 60 and let's go 50 40 30 for the rest of the way um so that's going to get our power enrichment there now as we are cruising through this data log you're going to see that the truck has a reasonable amount of timing in it um you're gonna notice the air fuel ratio is actually decent now even though it's not matching commanded our air fuel ratio is actually pretty decent um you're going to notice that um RV table is is pretty far off from our math table um that is because that when we disable the variable cam timing it throws off our um virtual volumetric efficiency table um so yeah everything else looks good truck ends up at a total of 22 and a half degrees of the timing um only show just a touch and knock um so yeah let's get this tune file corrected um what I'm going to do is we're going to use the EQ error to get our math because what we want is we want our commanded to match our actionable um so we've got some stuff to do there and fortunately for us uh we actually were able to make a full pool at a good air fuel ratio and we're not out of fuel injector so that's also a good thing um so let's get some of these modifications done and we'll do another rip all right so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to work on our math table um it's actually pretty close but we're gonna use EQ error versus math so I just picked a good spot in the data so we're going to say we're going to start from 9600 to 9900 and we're just going to make this change up here that's going to get us our fuel to where we're matching our commanded again guys just understand that I will be doing some some other changes off camera but I'm showing you guys what it takes to actually get one of these things tuned um so we see the trend line at 9900 where where it's adding or we're Lean by 5.58 percent so we're going to just highlight up here and we're gonna multiply times uh five five eight so 1.0558 is what it's going to take to get that correctly um so tradition I'll tell guys like I think I even told you guys in my tuning video on how to just do a baseball for a truck Norse I'll put that video link up here you'll see where we just added seven percent seven percent would have covered is 100 like it would have covered us completely on this on this tune up um so anyways you'll see how our 2D table we've got a little bit of variance there so what we're going to do is just to make it simple um we'll do six percent added here we'll do five percent here let's do four percent here uh let's do three percent here [Music] two one and let's interpolate between these numbers all right as you saw I had kind of fudged and didn't realize I fudged but you'll see how much smoother that is now so now we know we have the fuel up there so now let's let's go ahead and change our commanded so for this truck we don't have to be this Rich um [Music] so I'm gonna go I'm gonna do 1.149 again um if you don't know how to figure out uh Power enrichment um it's just one over Lambda so again guys I want you guys to understand I want you if you're gonna learn how to tune learn how to tune in Lambda um so if you want to see like what that is going to be it'd be one um divided by 0.87 is 1.149 and you'll notice that's what I put in here because I remember the power enrichment for the lamba that I'm winning um so what I'm going to do is from 47.50 up I'm gonna make it 1.205 and then I'm just going to interpolate here now normally in a performance application I would start to back the fuel out after Peak torque uh this being the truck honestly air fuel ratio that's one thing that a lot of guys don't understand air fuel ratio matters very little on an LS especially a natural raspberry LS um I've actually you can swing them from basically 13-0 to 10-0 and you'd be surprised at how little air fuel ratio uh changes power um now once you get super super rich obviously you can cause a misfire if you get to the point where it misfires you're so rich obviously you're gonna have a big power loss um but if you're realistically between 13 and 11-0 things going to run good so I want to run this thing a little bit richer because again this is a truck application um so we're not going to make any other changes right now um let's just go in and load these in obviously well I saved it wrong but we'll just leave it as revision too so don't forget to save your changes don't be like me and push the wrong button just remember to go save as so let's load this in [Music] That Tune file is loaded in so let's get the truck started and get our scanner turned back on so now with the changes that we've made we should see this power enrichment delay go away we should see commanded and actual be much closer together now down low we won't because we don't really have any download data just yet but we will get that in this pool um timing is probably going to be affected so I'm probably gonna have less timing because we've actually leaned it out uh air fuel ratio wise on commanded so these trucks do have a timing modifier um right here it's uh under spark advance and then fuel gas so you'll notice that this is the commanded power enrichment um and you'll see that once we get to the leaner Parts it'll actually like this is this is an Adder table um so we should get this Vine right here up top but down low it's going to take away some and that's completely okay we're gonna get into timing here shortly all right so we're gonna go back in gonna go into second gear lock converter and let's do a pull [Music] all right we're going to want to shut this thing down um I was lean on the map again I'm doing all this stuff I'm not using anything in my any of the background tuning that I have as far as like previous files I'm doing this right here with y'all so you're seeing what I'm seeing um so you're gonna notice right away that we were pretty lean on on tip in and it pretty much stayed lean um but that's that's the map there that I told you we were going to get um you'll notice obviously the truck really didn't knock or anything it wasn't doing anything dangerous um and you'll see where we're running a lot less timing now and that's because we flashed the truck um so now we can take this data and correct our map again um so let's do that all right so we're gonna go right about to the spot where we know our data is stable so we're gonna go from 7 500 and we're gonna copy now again if you notice now we're actually dialing in the mass airflow sensor um in my tuning video that I did on the truck Norse cams the Gen 4 truck Norse cam we didn't talk about leaning out power enrichment or anything like that so that's so if you would add that seven percent you'd have more enough fuel for that but keep in mind we're dialing in the masterful sensor this time um so we're gonna go from 7 500 up I'm going to right click and multiply times or by percent um and you're gonna see we're gonna follow our trend line so 4.46 added up top so we're gonna add or multiply 2.0446 so now you're gonna see this kind of just big transition so we're going to bring this down and make this smooth and you're going to notice how the math like the airflow starts to lay over that is 100 normal on these trucks um for that for that airflow right there to lay over so I'll click that so you guys can see where we're at thank you foreign what a math curve should be shaped like once you're actually done with 2D if everything looks okay you'll see where the airflow kind of lays over so now what I'm going to do is I actually forgot to do this earlier again I'm doing this live with you guys so we want to correct stoic for the ATN ethanol um so I'm going to make this uh 14.08 is technically that's that's the number between 14 1 some guys say 14.08 some guys will say 14.12 it really just depends on what your pump uh ethanol is roughly um and then I always change the fuel density to actually match etn which the number I've come up with is uh 735 822 on here so this right here is actually going to cause us to be a little bit um Rich another thing we're going to do is we scroll down under our injector data and we're going to turn off enrich decent mode we're going to disable that and I'm going to probably end up making a ignition or injection timing change but for now let's let's not change this too much so we should be about four percent rich now on the math but we're going to load this in so file save as revision three [Music] and load this tune file in [Music] all right let's get the truck started and we'll take another data log all right so if we look through here we'll see our long term field trim look pretty decent short term look good um obviously I haven't made any ve changes yet so you see the math Envy they're somewhat close like they're in the ballpark um oil pressure is finally coming down to somewhat of a normal range um so let's go ahead on let's let's do another second gear rip so remember how I told you guys would probably be like four percent Rich we noticed that's about what we are [Music] [Music] and we come up to the rev limiter all right so let's go over the state log got the truck stopped all right so if you'll notice right away again power enrichment delay is gone so the fueling comes right in as soon as everything stabilizes as I told you we'd probably be like four to four percent rich um so you'll see up here some of these numbers you got to watch on EQ error um so you'll see I mean we're roughly four percent off um timing wise we're we're getting pretty decent now the reason why you're going to notice that timing has dropped from our initial pools and that is because since we've added fuel we're going lower into the cylinder air mass so we're going to go under spark Advance hot 10 again this is all Factory stuff um but we're actually going down lower so we actually now uh well I mean that's 0.85 um so right around here so that's the reason why our timing is getting lower and lower we're actually getting this we're actually getting the tune file corrected um to where we're actually going to have cylinder air mass in the correct spot so we're gonna eventually have to we're going to put timing in this thing too um but right now again I always focus on fueling first um so as we're sweeping over you'll see that we're maintaining air fuel ratio halfway decent um also it was its manifold air temp as well um when the truck just sitting there manifold air temp Rises as we do the full manifold air temp drops um so yeah I'm gonna go ahead on and make some ve changes and I'm going to make some map changes um so we've got good clean data we'll say from like right here ish two just go from 8400 up so we're gonna go 8400 up I'm just gonna knock it down we'll just do like four wait sorry wrong way uh 0.96 .97 .98 0.99 so then we'll interpolate let's check our 2D 2D looks okay um I'll take this I'm going to click uh I'm going to click smooth one time at work all right so map changes are made let's go ahead on and make some ve changes um we're gonna go to edit virtual volumetric efficiency now again I'm just showing you guys a way to rough it in um I will go and do my little fine tuning after the fact because I am a professional tuner so I'm going to make sure that this customer is really you know receiving a professional product um so anyway so we're going to go through here we're just going to kind of saw away at this um so you're going to notice that we did actually in fact pick up power um in the mid-range uh according to V if you watch my gen 3v for dummies you'll know that if we if B goes up and we're we need more that means we've added power now on this truck this truck's gonna be a little bit weird um so if you look it looks like it's showing that we've lost 18 up top we actually haven't it's just because the this um the factory V table um is based off of variable cam timing so because of that um we're actually going to make this to where our RV table is based off of you know just locked out cam timing so the numbers are going to be a little bit weird at first but once once you see our V table you see how it's shaped like now versus how it's shaped after the fact you'll understand why this is going to look the way it is um so first off let's pull up our Factory V table and let's go to manifold switch open um so you're gonna look and I mean this is the factory V table right here it's not very pretty almost looks like that uh that uh the place in Sydney Australia you know like where the orchestra plays uh Concert Hall concert hall looks like Concert Hall anyway so let's go ahead and install away at this thing and we'll make this thing look okay um so what we're gonna do is 2500 let's go and add five percent so we're gonna multiply times point 1.05 um 27.50 and three thousands to eight percent and again we're doing everything in the whole column because the wide open throttle ve table is going to be shaped exactly the same as the full manifold vacuum it's that that doesn't change um so 3500 to 42.50 we got 10 percent more so we're going to multiply times 1.1 I'm going to interpolate horizontally um forty five hundred forty five hundred were eight let's do five thousand five thousand we're just at one percent so now you'll see where the where the curve is gonna start or the uh um V tables will start to take shape I'm just going to interpolate forty five hundred to five thousand um 5500 we're down nine percent so we're gonna do 0.91 and I'm gonna interpolate and then six thousand or yeah six thousand we were down eighteen percent sold to 0.82 and we're gonna interpolate so now you're gonna be able to see kind of our V table shape so if you notice how it actually looks like a torque curve now um where it didn't before this is how we're roughing one end so anyways I'm gonna go and handle idle I think idle it was down I think it was ten percent off ten percent off so let's do 0.9 here I'm just going to interpolate this over like 1500 and then we're going to drag this down to let's go to 90. and we will interpolate vertically and now I'm going to click the top and let's smooth it just a couple times and you'll see you'll see how much better this looks as a v table um so this is much more realistic um so we're going to calculate coefficients and you're going to see how it's going to change the shape that's okay um we I can actually show you how to adjust the coefficients to make sure it doesn't do that again um but anyway so we're going to take this we're going to copy this and we're going to put this over manifold switch closed we're going to do all this just to be uniform and so you'll see I mean our V table is the same but it's starting to look like it's starting to shape up like a torque curve now all right so let's load this in and let's do a rip [Music] all right tune piles loaded in all right so right away you're going to notice that ve is much closer to the math now um yeah I mean everything everything's looking happy so let's go and get in the second gear let's do a rip [Music] [Music] all right now and keep in mind too uh this is a fully loaded Dino Run This is how I tune these things um so you're going to notice we're we're very close now on commanded air fuel ratio uh command versus actual um let me this thing stopped foreign versus actual is pretty good um I'll still clean it up just a little bit more because I'm OCD like that um our torque model was actually showing somewhat good as far as power goes um it's actually converting the fuel flow over which is good um timing is starting to fall back in line and this is the V table now this is how far off we are on percentages now so we're getting much closer so anyways I just wanted you guys to have kind of the gist of this so I'm going to go ahead and finish getting the V table dialed in the map table dialed in and then I'll come back to you guys and we'll talk about timing a little bit and then we'll start doing some power pulls and we'll wrap this thing up all right so the next thing I want to talk about is timing so you're going to watch my timing numbers here again this is on the factory timing table once there the fueling and stuff is being corrected um you'll see where it comes up to 20-ish degrees or so pulls back down to 15. 14 and a half around Peak torque and then it starts to feed back in up top and then obviously I lift the 6000 RPM so you can see we had just a touch of knock um with even though this truck is modified I'm actually I mean the knock sensors are probably gonna be pretty good at giving us accurate data so again this truck's on 87 octane so let's go to our timing table and now this one if you guys want a solid timing table to use in your vehicle to start off tuning with um if you've done if you're 0708 they don't have EBT so if you're interested or DOD delete Cam and those you can leave those timing tables alone tune with it however you want after that if your vehicle is equipped with VVT if it's a oh or if it's a 5'3 or a 4 8 you can use like so say you've got like a 09 and newer five three or you've got a pretty much 07 to 13 to 13 4.8 you can actually just start off with the timing tables from the 07 or 853 that will clear everything up in this truck this is a Vortec Max truck so it's an l76 what I'm going to do is if you guys want just a quick reference of what the timing table should look like um let's just do let's let's I'm going to use an LS3 just a stock timing table from LS3 so I'll just type in uh 2010 Camaro LS3 now again I have a bunch of tune files in my laptop from years of tuning um if you need a file you can go on to HP tuner's website or into the tomb repository and pull that file so what I'm going to do is I'm going to look at this this file and anything where the Camaro has more timing in it I'm just going to use that because I mean you'll see look at the difference I mean Camaro at 0.84 I mean we're talking 18 degrees difference so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to make this this correction so what we're going to do is obviously going to compare and I'm gonna make anything that's blue we're going to make it zero so one of the biggest reasons why we can add this much timing to where we were at is because we're going to go to the other modifiers and make sure there's zero I've actually already zeroed out the variable cam modifier which it wouldn't be active anyways on this truck because we've disabled VCT but I like the uniform my tuning all right so there's where this is thinking where we're going to end up at um so we should end up at 26 or so um before Peak torque uh 20 or so at Peak torque and then 23 up top um so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to close out that compare file and we're going to pull back up our stock read file and we're going to click compare and we're gonna look at the differences so we're going to copy the differences and we're going to add them to our low octane table now again guys I'm showing you this is a good way of roughing this tune in do not use these exact numbers use some common sense don't over time these things so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to flex fuel make sure it's zero it is this gas scale we're going to go ahead and zero this out um alcohol it can be zero yeah all that stuff can be zero IAT we're gonna leave this alone uh we want our truck pulling timing out or intake temp so this may seem aggressive but this is what GM Factor needed to be done so we're going to leave it alone um Catalyst heating all everything else will keep the same um actually I'm going to pull back up and we're gonna I'm gonna adjust this idle spark and I'm gonna use LS3 idle spark tables too now again off camera I will adjust them according to what I feel necessary I'm just showing you guys how to make the adjustments uh again if you're learning how to do this you need to figure out how to be your own tuner this is also the reason why you need to always make sure you save each revision that way you can go back um because you saw I mean the factory tables everything's I mean you pretty much just run that factory tune with just the VVT and the dod turned off and you can tell I mean you see the truck would have run great um now again that's what the factory air box and the factory exhaust as you start adding uh you know cold air intakes and exhaust modifications you really got to dig into some tuning but if you just do this setup just like this you'll be solid so I'm gonna save this and we're going to call this revision six um and we're gonna load this file in so when we do a pull in this thing this truck's probably gonna have some knock again I'm setting this truck up to be able to have high octane on low octane tables so I'm not concerned about knock right now because the truck will learn itself down um I want him to be able to pump in 93 if he wants and the truck will be able to have more power um so I'm not concerned about knock so I'm also gonna need to charge my battery so anyways I'm gonna load this file in I'm gonna charge the battery and we'll get back all right so we're back in the truck I went ahead and made uh my final ve changes and math changes at least for what's going to be on the dyno I'm still going to obviously check them um but let's go and do an actual Dyno pull now keep in mind this is a Vortec Max shirt but these trucks Don't Dyno extremely well especially on this Dyno now if you watched my other video you'll notice that we had some issues out of this Dyno last week it's probably going to be the same so it's probably going to see the super low numbers today but just for reference these trucks the vortec Max will make between 245 and 250 of the tire on this Dyno um so I'd like to see like 280 or 290 I don't think it'll crack 300 and I don't know if it's even going to get anywhere in the ballpark just because the way the tower is messed up so again I'm I'm we're watching for gains we are not watching for final power numbers um so let's go into a rip I'm gonna start the camera and let's see what it does this is three thousand to six thousand [Music] so instantly we were showing some knock on there um but we'll check it and try to figure out why all right so as of right now the Domino is actually looking like it's gonna have us in the ballpark it's showing 278 horsepower and that's with the knock that we are seeing um so it's like oil pressure oil pressure in this thing is just absolutely insane it's honestly probably too much all right I'm actually I'm gonna turn on vehicle simulation on the dyno and have a little bit longer of a pull and then I'll be right back with you all right back in the truck no changes have been made other than we're just gonna I'm gonna go back to the longer Dyno pulls um just to make sure I have good accurate data um I also wanted to heavily load the engine to make sure to to see how how valid the knock is um because it seems to be pulling a little bit excessively now again we're on 87 so it may work out about right but anyway so we're gonna do six thousand or we're gonna go 3000 to 6100. so I'll start the back camera and let's do a rip [Music] you'll see how much longer these poles are [Music] oh it looks like we had quite a bit more knock so I think we're gonna end up having a little bit of false um show is 287 horsepower 308 compound torque so we're all over where it should be I'm gonna get out watch the video that you guys just saw I'm gonna watch the video from tailpipe and we'll see if this uh just how accurate this knock is again it's on 87 and the truck will learn down to its low octane table so I'm not terribly concerned about it but I do want to see if it's I think it's been a little bit over aggressive right now all right so all I did was I made a slight timing change um just pull just a little bit nothing crazy again whenever we talked about the using that LS3 file that was just to get us a starting reference um so once it's followed I'll show you what my timing table looks like roughly right now um yeah everything else seems to be okay I did notice it actually like this truck actually looks like it needs the passenger side motor mount also he just changed the driver's side of the passenger side's broken so we may have a little bit of knock from that as well out the tailpipe look clean which again this this truck has cats on there so I can also look at oil pressure to determine knock so a lot of guys don't know this but if you watch oil pressure um when you have detonation you actually collapse that rod bearing or you'll hammer on that rod bearing and it'll squish on the oil and it'll actually cause the oil pressure to have some more like drastic dips um so I think some of the knock was actually valid but I think it ripping out seven degrees was very excessive um so anyways we're going to load this in um if you look through um air fuel ratio is basically spot on I mean we were within a percent and again you'll pull your hair out if you try to get it dead nuts perfect every single time if you look V table was also basically dead nuts on so all of my data is overlaying with itself um so the truck seems to be happy um the the factory torque model is calculating 361 horsepower at the flywheel which obviously is incorrect um but then keep in mind too guys as like this dyno's been consistently 10 low so with it making 287 horsepower I mean that's going to be I mean that's like three what 310 or so 315 on a Dyno jet so that's not bad considering we have stock manifold stock cats that have um if I get to the mileage 160 000 mile stock hats so the truck's not perfect for making big boy Power again I'm just talking to you guys and showing you how to get this thing dialed in um so the file is loaded I'll go insert the truck and I'm going to show you what my timing table currently looks like so this is the high octane um so you'll notice uh we're gonna end up on hot teen oh we got 20 degrees right here uh 20 degrees right here also we have low octane table clearly in place um so the truck could be able to pull down to seven degrees if it needs to so plenty of room for it to adjust so let's go ahead on and I'm gonna hop out and because I don't have the dyno software loaded onto this laptop so I'm gonna hop out start this test and we'll do a rip all right data log is started all right all of our data is there through your camera and again we're going three thousand to sixty one hundred [Music] all right [Music] seat belt charm scared me I had to look down double check old pressure I thought it was on like like we lost oil pressure or something hey thanks uh anyways looks pretty good um truck definitely picked up some timing up top for sure um so let's get out and I'll just I'll go ahead on and you guys can look at the dino numbers this time all right so we are at 297.4 horsepower 320.3 foot-pounds of torque still in a down a jet that would work out to right around 330 horsepower and 350-ish foot pounds of torque so that's not terrible again guys keep in mind this is not a hot rod this is literally just a stock Vortec Max truck um with stock exhaust and a Truck torque cam this cam is designed to add roughly 40 horsepower over stock and as I told you guys earlier these trucks normally make right around 250 on this Dyno in stock form so we're about 50 horsepower over stock which again this being a square Port headed 6 liter it does like that bigger camshaft so let's go over the data real quick and this but this probably gonna be the final pull all right so we're back up in the truck just wanted to review this data log real quick um you guys are going to see some knock again that is normal with how I tune it I know a lot of you want to see this no knock here and you want to see this perfect timing numbers locked out but again it's not how that's not how GM does it GM gives you gives the vehicles the ability to learn octane so this truck will show knock um the customer will go out and do a couple pulls and it will turn itself down it will start to bias itself foods low octane table the truck will run essentially this timing number um its whole life depending on fuel but if he puts good fuel in it it'll add its own timing again we want these things to be able to adapt so anyways timing isn't crazy um I mean that's 20 degrees right there um right around Peak torque right around 17 degrees or so and then it does feed in pretty pretty heavily up top 22 23 24 and a half so obviously as I've explained to you guys your vehicles want less timing at Peak torque and more timing as RPM increases so overall this is a happy looking truck this is a great looking data log and I'm actually happy with this um so let's get this thing unstrapped get it off the dyno get on the street double check trans double check drivability only should be done so if anybody's wondering what my final V table looks like this is what it ended up looking like after all said and done so if you look at it this way you'll notice where it looks looks I mean just like a torque curve so anyways I'm gonna finish unstrapping this thing I just wanted you guys to see that before I forgot [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign around this truck and we're gonna pull out and just double check a one-two shift make sure the one two shift shifts on time uh in this truck I think I'm commanding a 6 000 RPM shift because we're able to take advantage of that uh that camshaft a little bit more so anyways make sure we're straight and let's do a pull [Music] shift was good timing looked good so if y'all notice the timing how we didn't have all that knock anymore it's because as I've been driving the truck's been learning the opt-in so I don't know if you've seen this big spikes of not randomly pop up but this truck has been actively learning and it's been it's been using its multiplier to get down to the low octane table so the truck is happy and that's that's that's our goal is to make sure that this truck can adapt to what it needs to um because he pulls car trailers he does all kinds of stuff and he'll do it on 87 octane and this truck is going to be completely fine because we left the octane table active so the truck will have good power when it's unloaded but when it's loaded down it can turn itself down and be happy so anyways so you see the the knock that's that's where the truck is learning right now so that it looks bigger than what it actually is um but also honestly some of those Peaks almost look like the AC compressor making some noise when it comes online all right guys well there you have it I hope you all like my video on the Gen 4 truck um I tried to be as thorough as I could obviously we're going to bring in more and more tips and tricks into this that's about as much as I can cram into one video but I'm gonna continue to keep doing videos like this I appreciate the likes the comments and subscriptions if you haven't already please subscribe but I'm gonna keep these videos going as long as there's interest available I'm going to keep them going so anyways you guys have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Matt Sanford
Views: 12,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HPtuners, How To, Tutorial, Silverado, DOD Delete, AFM Delete, BTR, Brian Tooley Racing, Texas Speed, Cam, Tuning, Tuner, Dyno
Id: lZ_OLj8hhlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 56sec (4016 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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