My unique StarLink mobile install- Watch before you buy!

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foreign foreign there's got to be a better way every time I got to set up the dish it's a big process I got to pull the backpack out of the uh Jeep going to back pull the thing on her backpack set up the tripod get the router out set up the cords run the run the line uh into the Jeep and set everything up and then hook everything up so I have to figure out someplace some way to permanently mount a dish to the Jeep so I started my doing some research on the internet to find a way to permanently install the dish onto the Jeep and I found a couple of solutions so let me exit the Jeep and show you what I came up with all right so here we have the dish um I was going to look for different ways to mount it where I don't have to constantly take it in and out of my backpack so I was going to mount it someplace permanently or semi-permanently on the Jeep so I was going to mount it here other Jeepers and rvers and truck drivers and whatnot that use these dishes while in motion um have done so in the back of their rigs truck drivers have mounted them in the back of their cabs rvers have mounted them above on their roofs so I was looking at other Solutions and other places I can mount mine this here would be an ideal solution I was trying to figure out how I can mount this but because I off-road a lot I figured this solution would be a good place but it would wobble a lot because of all the back and forth and all the articulation of the Jeep so I was trying to figure out a place that I can or away I can mount this and have it not bounce around so much so in doing my research there have been a lot of hacks if you will where folks have modified their dishes to Flat Mount them a lot a lot of folks had simply uh went into the dish and disabled the motors to not allow the shaft to move and simply just mounted them flat devised brackets to elevate the dish High so that's simply that certainly would work excuse me but then it would Elevate the dish and certainly make a a very tall bracket but then I found a company out of San Diego called star Mount systems which modifies this dish removing the motor altogether and making a polycarbonate um mount for it taking the motor off as I've done so here I'll show you the bracket in a second and mounts the actual dish in a very Sleek Mount so follow me up front and I'll show that to you and what we have what we have here is the top half of the dish mounted in a new polycarbonate mount so the actual starlink dish is removed from the motors mounted in a in a polycarbonate shell it's actually called starboard material with a polycarbonate top completely waterproof o-ring sealed and I have it suction cupped to the hood of my Jeep and it's wired inside so now there is zero install time every time I park I can use it while it's in motion and it's very simple I don't have to set it up every time I stop and matter of fact I can use it while I'm driving so um let me show you how it's done we're going to go over to Starmount systems I'm going to introduce you to Brandon Walsh who is a professional race car driver and that's how he devised the system while he was racing in Baja 1000 he ended up with a starlink system and what he wanted to do is live stream his races so so he ended up taking one of the starlink satellite systems drilled or cut a hole in the top of his race car and dropped the whole system into the roof of his race car and was live streaming his race um in the Baja 1000 so again he decided there had to be a better way and he came up with this mounting system so and then he ended up starting the company and he now has over uh 500 units in the field so and uh follow along and here I'll introduce you to him my name is Brian Walsh I'm the owner of star Mount systems and what we do is uh we take your big dish like this can you turn it into uh turn into that all right now how'd you get uh started in all of this well um I'm an off-road racer I've been Racing for 17 years and last year at the Baja 500 for this year in June I took my Starling just like this I cut a hole in my roof the same size as the dish dropped it straight in put two ratchet straps over it and I wanted to live stream Baja for the first time in as far as I as long as I've been racing in 50 or 55 years of Baja racing no one's ever been able to live stream live from a race car footage um like NASCAR and IndyCar and all that stuff so it's just unfortunate because I think Baja racing is one of the most badass exciting type of racing there is but no one knows anything about it because we can't we can't broadcast it uh and by the time the videos do come out of two weeks later we already know who won and I really want to figure out a way to like get it so that people can watch these races live we're able to accomplish that with one of these so um and the race or Racing Organization wanted me to build um different style mounts um a little bit bigger it kind of retained the whole dish a little bit taller and then we evolved into more of the flat Mount so it kind of all happened on accident to be honest and now I'm cutting dishes apart every single day so you can see how many I've done recently right here so interesting got a lot of pieces there oh yeah so so right now we're just marking the marking the the line here for where we got to cut um this is the uh to cut out for your plug that goes into the flat Mount that we make so next step is uh the point of no return where we take uh our Dremel tool and we start a drilling into this bad boy and start chopping it up and chopping it up so all right let me know when you're ready sounds good you ready okay we're getting to the point and no return this is the point of no return so if you have any last words to say this is the time all right go for it all right [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] so the reason I don't cut all the way through there is um it's very very close the setting to the point where I just don't want it to where you want this okay okay this is a heavy one all right so the reason I don't cut all the way through here is it's very very close it won't hit but it just my peace of mind it's just right because it does kind of just everything else is cut and then because there's circuit boards right circuit boards are right there so it's gonna just it's gonna break off but if you look right here you got your two plugs right this is your motor plug this is the one that the other most of the other kits you just unplug this to deactivate your motor so that right there would just make this from stop moving okay and then this is your main one right here and that'll break off and that's it what's up we'll start with this and then I go around just so we're gonna do here after we got cut it's a pretty clean cut all the way around with that uh router bit but every once while I get a little bit of melted plastic I know just just clip it off or we can um all the way around here so you're just trimming up the edges yeah just a little bit make it look pretty yeah and you really don't have to um get too crazy some people want to take another a wheel and kind of go around the edges but this that that router bit does a pretty clean job so I don't really do that so now you gotta get rid of all this now technically you could probably use like an air air gun here um but there's just a lot of small electronical stuff on here and I don't think me blowing with my mouth is going to be uh enough to hurt it so some of those air compressors are pretty uh pretty intense so there's no need to waterproof that or anything but then that's what your case does the case itself is going to waterproof it yeah you'll see when we put that together as a a big o-ring that goes all around the whole outside of it that keeps everything uh it keeps it all uh water tight from uh water and whatnot so all right so there's that all cleaned out and there it is now we gotta take this guy apart so let's put this over here so as you can see this is your your uh your regular pole it usually goes like this we got to take this apart and where your wire plugs in here we need that plug so we got to extract that plug from this thing so that's what we're gonna do here so not that now we need this wire this white oh wow you got you just got really tangled up here huh that's crazy I think got Twisted so it's all right though it still works though so that's like that's good all right so this we're gonna take a screwdriver that off break off one of these plug comes off pull that through there that's all we need and we're going to stick this in the graveyard of uh the graveyard of other starlinks at a pile all right so now we have to do Let's Twist this a little bit for you here okay so we have to clip these guys off we don't need these anymore carefully clip these off you don't get the wire one two and then let me get my my knife so some of them the older models this is what's on there okay it's one of those which is super easy we just clip it off get rid of it problem is the reason we can't use this anymore is because it's so the flat Mount is so thin that this will hit your board so we got to get rid of this which you don't need it so we're gonna get rid of it so when you don't have this one you got to cut it out so that's what we're going to do right now let's cut them and cut around the whole outside on both edges here we're gonna I'm gonna peel this up same thing on this side they're just cutting that off because that's going to interfere with the uh the height of it yeah with the height yep so this is probably the trickiest part honestly it's the part that is uh part I dislike the most because there's really no easier efficient way to do it you just gotta kind of be careful and how you can cut you know all right so as soon as you got that disconnected that this should all come off when that comes off that comes off and then comes the rubber part like that now what we got to do here is we'll have to break this off so it doesn't take a lot you can use anything I'm going to use this as an example it doesn't take a lot and there you go break it off it's just a big magnet we don't need any more so okay if I wasn't doing it on wood right here it would have broke a lot easier but this is wood so all right so now we got this right here this is what we need so now let's go get the mount so this is so somebody would order this and be doing this all by itself this is what comes in the Box correct and the O-ring will already be in there for the customer um set and then what actually what comes with it if you're buying one and you get in the mail you're doing yourself this is what you'll see uh you'll have an o-ring in here though um these are the six bolts that hold this lid down over shipping you got your zip ties for it you got your template for the one corner the electrical tape and the Sharpie to marker line these are all the bolts that go here and that's it and obviously everything else you need is on your starlink already so okay foreign so I am going to start putting this in here and and again if someone buys it already this is already in there and all glued down and all that so and we were talking earlier you have about 500 of these units in the field right now yeah I've got 500 of them sold in uh about 200 are back backlogged right now because we're just having a hard time uh making the parts fast enough with the orders coming in so I apologize to everyone waiting it's not on purpose I promise you we're just trying to figure out how to scale this thing better so that I can make Parts faster for everyone so like I said before all this kind of happened on accident and uh kind of just uh learning as we go with the fastest way to produce the parts for everyone so so now this is not the only Mount you make right you have obviously the amount for the high performance dish which is behind you yeah that one's not out quite yet we're still uh but you're still that's the Prototype right there that's the first one so um uh that'll be out soon and then we're also going to start working on some alternative Mounting Solutions for the the new RV in motion flat Mount that starlink makes themselves um I think the one thing that people are going to want the most is the flexibility of being able to move that thing around and right now the way they have it set up it's pretty stationary on your car all the time so it'd be nice to be able to have that that dish but have suction cups or magnets or something else that's a little more aerodynamic than what they got going on right now so and then we have the star Mount standard and heavy which is um a mount that utilizes the uh the whole dish still you just have to deactivate your Motors um you don't have to do a whole lot of uh cutting like this one so that's nice but both both this one and the other one requires zero wire cutting so that's good I know a lot of people don't like to cut wires so right that's good and then on your website you also offer other solutions for mounting this as you had mentioned you have suction cups and magnets to mount this particular correct modifications so the bottom of these yeah the bottom have for the four corner holes on all four corners um are tapped all the way through so if you put a longer quarter 20 bolt in there you can use it to Mount to your your rack or you can mount the suction cups to that or the magnets or any custom brackets you have made for your your car or application I know everyone's everyone's van Jeep motorhome truck they're all different so everyone's got a whole different idea how they want to do it which is pretty cool to see so that's kind of gives everyone the option to do what they want to do with it you know I know for the years you you might be mounted a couple different ways so right so I plan on putting it on my rear cargo box when I'm in motion but I may have an option to put it on my solar panel on top but I do want the option to completely remove it as well if I'm parked in a situation where I'm under trees or so forth I can still remove the panel from the rack and move it away from the Jeep we actually make something called the star Mount Flex where it's a uh the suction cup it uses your existing tripod that everyone has and part of your leg that we cut off of it and uh there's a suction cup adapter that goes on that stick and then you just suction cup to the back of it and it you can have it straight up and down you can tilt it wherever you want so we just came out with that last week so that's going to be something new too so that's for people like you said that Park under a tree and they're at a campsite for you know especially the RV guys where they have these massive RVs and they have to park in a certain spot your Jeep some of the van guys they have more flexibility where they park because they're a little smaller but some of these big RVs are kind of stuck in one spot you know so um it's really good for stuff like that where they can take it off and move it wherever they need to move it you know all right now this is one of the most important parts if you are doing this yourself you have to use this stuff don't use silicone silicone will not hold silicone does not stick to plastic especially starboard that's what this is made out of this is made for plastic it's also waterproof where where we're not too worried about this we really need to seal this up because the last thing I want is water to get in here and people people's dishes get water damaged so we really really got to make sure we use this stuff right here and only this stuff and uh gotta seal this up pretty good here so so please don't use silicone don't use your own what you think is going to work just trust me and just use this and uh we won't have any problems so it's worth going to the store and buying it's only like five dollars so Home Depot Lowe's Walmart they all have it so it's good stuff made by Gorilla Glue it's called clear grip and it's awesome so so that's just to seal up this to make sure that no water gets in this this crack right here any condensation and we let that dry and then put the dish in so okay you said this the whole bracket is made out of what material uh starboard starboard yep uh it's UV resistant um your dish is gonna probably be obsolete technology-wise before the plastic is a problem so that's good that's good and then the lid is made out of polycarbonate so I was telling Ben earlier you could put that on the ground and hit it with a hammer and it won't crack it'll actually Dent it before it cracks it so it's pretty good I don't suggest hitting your starlink with a hammer but yeah I'm just saying it's pretty strong stuff though so we got your dish cut apart and we got your Mount ready to go glued in everything's dry um so we are going to put the dish in here let me get some of this stuff out of here all right so I'm going to tilt it I'll go this way so you can see we're gonna put the dish in like this this plug right here goes into here we're gonna have to kind of bend it down a little bit it's in there straight on down boom and that's it so that's it so the important thing is you should do this before you plug it in but just make sure that your dish is not higher than this because if it's your dish is hot if you cut it not deep enough and this is higher your o-ring is not going to seal so it's okay to be a little bit lower you don't want to be higher so just kind of rub your fingers around and make sure that the dishes at least at the very least the same height you don't want to be higher the lower is okay but not okay so you're saying when you cut your dish to make sure that rim is out far enough to the edge correct you just yeah so like if this was higher like if if the dish was higher than this plastic okay the O-ring is not going to do its job right okay you want this o-ring to be the highest point by a lot so you don't want your dish to be see the dish is actually a bit lower you don't want the dish to be higher because then it won't it won't seal properly at that point so and then we'll wipe your dish off here some people's come in really really dirty because it's been outside for a long time and seeing as we're going to cover it up right now anything that's on this is gonna you're gonna see it forever so try and get it as clean as we can all right grab a lid I have a little so here's our polycarbonate lid we just switched to these not too long ago much better material than our old lids really strong not going to have any problem with cracking it you don't have to worry about tightening it too tight because you're really not going to hurt it doing that so I take the first layer off put it down here um make sure the O-rings in there kind of line the holes up just so it sits there sorry I have an O-ring material if I'm here just make sure the O-rings good yes this is really important that your o-ring is good always make sure that um where the seal and where it comes together that it's glued together properly right there and then stick it right on top get it kind of close there and then peel the toddler off and you'll be able to see after you have this layer off if your O-rings and they're good right okay no those are mine just there's four underneath the table make sure they're white though there's black ones in there too I have a ton you want black ones or white ones that one's a match but black one's a match rest of your Jeep so it's up to you okay so we're gonna put Some Cuts from the bottom suction cups on the bottom for this one he's going with the black with the white which is new no one's done that before so that's a first um these are these things are pretty sweet um the way they work is you put it down you keep pressing this button it's a vacuum so it vacuums for you which is awesome so um so yeah the uh four corners of this Mount have the ability to thread all the way through so we have an inch and a quarter bolt that goes all the way through gives us a little bit over a quarter inch and then these just screw because they have a quarter twenty also they just screw right on in so that's a standard quarter 20 and it's quarter 20. boom right there that's it and that's just a cover that's just a cover yeah I like to put them in the inside so it looks nice I'll uh some natural coil around you know and there it is there you go all done all done right we just got to test it we'll test it right now make sure we didn't you know make sure we're still undefeated good call that might help okay folks I uh was driving on the road I noticed that I'm in an area with zero cell service and I wanted to point out a great advantage of having the dish hooked up all the time while you are in motion is that the fact that you can make phone calls via the Wi-Fi so here I am in an area that has zero Service uh cell phone service there's no coverage so and I wanted to demonstrate that for you okay I want to point out that I have zero cell service and just to make sure I turned off cell service altogether okay just to demonstrate this I have only Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on so I will make a phone call I'm going to tilt the camera tilt the phone away from the cameras so I can make a call and you can hear the phone ringing of course I'm I'm calling my son and I instructed him not to answer and I just wanted to demonstrate that the call is going through and that he is that that you are able to call via Wi-Fi only so this system does act in essence as a satellite telephone so it's a fantastic and that's one of the huge advantages of having your satellite dish hooked up permanently in your vehicle as you are moving so also since we are recording I just want to demonstrate that I do have two iPads hooked up the top iPad is uh um my mapping system which is updating on the go and my lower iPad I'm demonstrating here that I am streaming Netflix but I do not recommend do not recommend you do that as you're driving this is for demonstration purposes only I repeat demonstration purposes only I do not watch Netflix as I am driving I just hooked it up just to let you guys know that you can run multiple devices at the same time for you RV folks or truckers that have a TV installed in the back you can run multiple devices for your passengers so you can entertain them in the back as you are moving so and here I'm going to pause the video and we'll come back to you in just a few moments when I get the vehicle moving and I will let you know that or I will show you that how this thing works as we are driving in motion okay I happen to be on a windy road here so I can't really get it up to highway speeds I'm doing 50 miles an hour but you kind of get the idea doing 55 which for most places is average and we're we're still we're still streaming my maps are maintaining up to date and all is working well so it's a fantastic system the dish is working well and I highly recommend it and stay tuned my next video I'm going to take the starlink um router and replace it with a DIY 12 volt router so I can make the host system truly portable so this way I can remove the dish from the hood and take my 12 volt router throw the whole thing in the backpack hike up to a Hilltop if I wish and imagine a bug out scenario or a cabin type situation where you don't have access to 112 volt power so make sure you like And subscribe and that video will be posted in about a couple of weeks when I get the parts delivered so thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: jeepNtreetop
Views: 130,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starlink, starlink hack, starlink modification, Starlink satellite, starlink mount, satellite mount, starlink mobile mount, mobile satellite, starlink in-motion, mobile satellite internet, van life, rv living, living the van life, mobile office, working off grid, off grid living, bug out bag, Mobile office, Starlink flat mount, Starlink RV, Starlink in motion, Starlink WiFi calling, Satellite phone, Starlink satellite phone calling, Starlink 12v, Starlink 12v router
Id: I7S7fQEafB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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