MY UNFINISHED SKETCHBOOKS! (looking at old art part three)

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hello and welcome back to another art video another ol art video to be exact everyone's favorite looking at our past self and cringing only creative addition so the last two video is in this like old art series I was going through all art that was unlike belief sheets like loose sheets of paper like computer paper and stuff and we went through all of those the last year times or at least I thought get into bed a little bit later I also have all of these and this tiny one these are all of my old sketchbooks now currently I am on sketchbook number 14 all of these sketchbooks I don't count in that 14 because these are sketchbooks that are old and not finished I think this one's actually pretty close to finish but aside from that one these ones are old and not finished I've had a lot of these since from when I was pretty young I know a lot of you want me to go through my first sketchbooks event like our completed sketch books in we're getting there but we have to get through this pile for some of them are very very not full other ones are like much more closer to being finished so without further ado let's get to it okay so like I said in the intro I thought I looked through all of my loose sheets of paper with old are unknown but I found this small sack and this small sack but look at that and I found them and actually might portfolio that I made in my AP art class and I think the reason that they were in there is because when I was moving to Florida I was just packing a bunch of stuff and I found some paper I didn't know what to do with so I just threw a bunch of stuff in there and that's where these are it's definitely a much smaller stack so I thought I would just throw these in here before we get into my older sketchbooks cool alright so this first drawing I don't know who this character is she low-key looks like Toto Honda from fruits basket like a little kid version of her but there's that Crona I think there's going to be quite a bit of Soul Eater in here because I used to really be a soul eater and crooner was definitely one of my scare so I drew them a lot axle from Kingdom Hearts he's one of my favorite characters I kind of grew up on Kingdom Hearts so it's a series that kind of means a lot to me I don't play a lot of video games but it's something that I definitely try to keep up with now a Batgirl character are you so really like Batman I'm not too into them anymore but I drew a Batman anime girl because of course I did I'm a random cat girl because anime I feel like every young weeaboo artist draws this at some point oh this is hope from Final Fantasy 13 I've said it before and I'll say it again I'm not a final fantasy fan but I did really like 13 and I only played it because I found lightning on a video game Kayson thought she was cool don't know who this is she's kind of looks like yo you from Doki Doki though like Doki Doki letters your clothes pretty sure this came out before the game though I know they're random anime girl because what else would I do drawing I think that's an actually picture of me and my old friend from in like eighth grade well so you might see this picture of two girls and be confused hi I'm Oliver I'm trans okay cool we got that out the way keep axel from Kingdom Hearts but as a cat because of course Amaka I remember being super proud of this when I first made it and it's alright I mean you know for my age I think that it was pretty cool but again I really like Soul Eater hope again a lot of people hated him but I loved him oh this is a little mini comic thing I made of Khurana playing Pokemon and then Professor Oak asks there boy or a girl so they just know that yes because if you don't know about Soul Eater Crona canonically has no gender because it kept changing and then eventually the author is just like I don't know so there we go whoopsie lightning from Final Fantasy 13 this is actually a redraw a picture I found online I'll see if I can find the picture or the artist or whatever but I really liked up a kid he was and still is my from soul eater so I drew that this other picture was really cute block shock and Barrel from The Nightmare Before Christmas it's a small film I'm sure you've heard of itself whoa this is old Jeremy actually just recently posted a video talking about him currently so I'll leave that link in the iCard for you check out if you want but he's changed a lot and the no picture of Aurora she's actually the character of this month and a very close person to Jeremy so stay tuned if you want to see that a character whose name I don't remember but she hears she hears that site because edgy I don't know what his character is but here we go he's here here's that character again I think oh my God look at those proportions though Wow slender man who again with the proportions I think that's maybe the same character actually wait alright I always know how to do with edgy scene hair so is this another picture of Jeremy how can I just drew this over and over again whatever but oh this is Italia I believe this is from this rubber bracelet I had from like Hot Topic had like a little chibi pictures of Italia characters don't really walk to tally anymore and a picture fruits basket I still really like Fritz basket and lastly these I'm going to flip through really quickly because there's not much to say about them but if you're a returning subscriber you know I really really like fairy tale so these were pictures that I made and hung up on a wall and it literally covered my entire wall in my old bedroom obviously since I moved we had to obviously since I moved I had to take them down but yeah I drew a bunch of because I was actually considering kind of redrawing these and making it into a video because actually having that style now and I was just drawing in the fairytale art style because I was a young artist learning but I think it would be really fun to revisit these I've actually been asked quite recently I'm going to buy a couple people actually I'm going to be making more fairytale videos and I guess I mean just knowing me as a person it'll probably just come at some point so we have that to look forward to if you like fairytale yeah let me know if you guys would be interested in the view drawing these I don't know if it would be sketches like this or if they would be like full illustrations if they were fully lost ruins it would be tiny because this is a lot to draw as many characters as I possibly could if you couldn't tell but yeah I think that would be a fun video to do I believe I did these I sketched them in pencil first and then I used sharpie pen and then just like a regular sharpie for like these bits like the darker black bits and this paper was all from the same sketch pad I believe and I didn't know what to do with this so I was just like let me just draw a bunch of fairy tale characters because of course I did I actually didn't get as far as I wanted I had a bunch more than I wanted to make but of course I never finished it part of which is because I ended up moving so I kind of took all these down and then these were getting kind of old by that point anyway so I didn't really want to finish it my artists changed a lot I mean this is me after I go on to you yeah just the same old stuff Feuer wondering how much of Fairy Tail trash I am now you know that it's pretty bad oh yeah these ones these actually are starting to look pretty different and this is actually when I started to find my art style obviously here I'm still drawing in the fairy tale art style but that's because I wanted to keep things consistent but you'll notice that like the proportions and suffer started to get different because this was me struggling to draw in fairy tale art style after I started to find my own I'll start with this one this one I remember I believe I was actually my freshman year of high school so I was 15 ish around this time yeah I just drew a lot of generic anime characters because you Brahe my son still love him again just a picture I found online I remember when I would draw like Soul Eater characters a lot of people like what's the net friends who know it's only there was we'll look at it me like whoa what's even better than the anime because like the Soul Eater art style it's kind of simplistic I would say but it's still really nice and I mean this definitely isn't better but I appreciated the compliments back then this was some thing this was something that I did in my art class I believe we just got like different words and we had to draw lines based off of those words this might have been a warm-up for us untangle project lucy fairy tale look at all kinds of wax and of this I remember we had just take a word and then draw that word but then what's the stuff of the word if that makes any sense me being the weave I am I did anime very nice page just a little feature thing I made I don't know what it was that I didn't know what it was at the time and nothing came of this I was just practicing different creatures I think this was with an ebony pencil which is why it's hella messy it's funny if you try and look at this it's like a face boom and I didn't have any rhyme or reason s so when I do on pages or not a person I think I was practicing portraiture class cuz we were preparing for self-portraits so I just kind of did this is like figuring out a face and then a guy face look at that hair my goodness I think kind of fast for my other art videos were very long so I'm trying to shorten this one up a little bit a very detailed face I could tell I put a lot of effort into this one oh this was like a branch thing I don't know what it's called but we had to draw like us and then like little bubbles and whatnot and so this is kind of what I thought of my self at the time so feel free to read this it's just a self-portrait of me at the time looks nothing like me and I got Hellas the bus smudged if you could help oh this was a poem that we had to do in our class it was literally just i am i wonder i hear i see etcetera and then we had to finish the sentence you can pause that and see what an emo piece of i was here we have some edgy anime art because edgy emo wheel boo and you a lot of this early stages invent art same I wasted so it's paper I mean to be fair this paper feels kind of so he could tell why I want to draw on it on a blank page lovely oh this is some emo ass so we had to draw our room which wasn't like our room exactly it was more of just like a representation of us I guess we had to pick an inspiration and mine was Frida Kahlo and I said she draws what she feels a trace the darker sides of herself Cameron birth that's true or not I don't really keep up with that sort of stuff but yeah we have to do pastels I think those chalk pastels and they're very very messy and you're ready for my emo ass whose is this anything else my sketchbook in the art room in there she was like what it's just probably very concerned we are pile of yeah I don't know how to use pastels even then I didn't know how to use pastels I didn't know what I was doing and I wouldn't be able to figure it out now because I still don't know that these festivals yeah this was my school sketchbook I believe hey I hear you're studying different artists so you should just know it's nothing interesting but yeah first of all damn and I don't remember what the project was but I wanted to do like an Alice in Wonderland type thing yeah this is my school sketchbook I believe so there's not a whole lot of stuff that I would normally draw our just interesting stuff is that it Wow I mean I would use repurposed this paper but honestly this paper feels terrible it's this it's just a target brand book so probably Wyatt's I love Target but hot damn next up this actually feels like a nice sketchbook and like the paper feels nice from what I remember feels very smooth I might actually wrap these pages and repurpose them because I know there's a lot in here that I didn't use but yeah yeah this is an old character so if you know my current OCS and whatnot if you keep up with my art this is Ariana she's was very edgy emo anime because most of my art was let's be honest not even most all of my art but yeah she used a pretty old OC I think I was 13 like 13 14 or on this time more Arrieta I like to draw her in different outfits I still really like designing clothes and stuff for my OC and just uh I'm really interested the fashion I guess lack proportions them animated you use nothing new I did a lot of this like and this really irritates me because I'm really big I'm like taking care of the planet and not being wasteful and so when I look back and see like all the that I wasted it makes me angry I wanna go back in time and punch myself in the throat what's what's in here it might be porn actually yep it's porn I was a hormonal teenager realizing that I really like girls so that's what that is is it more ha ha you can't see any of that so yeah I'm assuming these paper clips for because and that's it wow that was very short-lived yeah this paper actually feels quite nice I don't know what's brand of sketchbook this is I think wait hold on wait it's Crescent hey yo what up you boy from the future so I said I didn't know what this sketchbook is I was looking at an Amazon package that's supposed to be arriving in the mail today I know it's just tracking it to see what it is and I noticed some similarities so I think I found out what this paper is I have a sketchbook coming in the mail that's also Crescent and it's the Crescent render book spelled re and ER and I think that's what this paper is and I need to show you guys this magical magical paper but it's scribble to think in this corner just so I can show you what it is but watch this look look what there's nothing there this is this is Copic marker so for all my alcohol based marker people out there this doesn't happen this this is just doesn't happen like at all like there's no bleed through whatsoever I'm not sure if you can tell on camera but I won pretty heavy with it I did some pretty heavy layers and there's nothing so the moment I realized what paper this is I ripped everything out of the sketchbook and so I can use all of the blank pages in a new sketchbook so I can make it I'll link the sketchbook down in the description box below if you guys are interested this is not sponsored but I just wanted to share this with you guys because I know a lot of you guys use alcohol-based markers and you know back to the video next one this one's quite thin I think I ripped out a lot of pages in insulin but yeah I never finished sketchbooks oh I remember this I was in eighth grade when I did this and I remember a drew this I remember showing it to someone and they're like her legs have like no definition and I started getting self-conscious and then somebody was like that's just how the art of soul eater is and I was like yes make excuses for me thanks I never finished sketchbooks and I think that's Momiji a reason I did it is because like I never picked sketchbooks out myself I always just got them as like Christmas presents or whatever last time thank you 13 and since I wasn't picking them out I didn't get sketchbooks that I liked another Momiji and Susan gets gets website I was never in contact or on them obviously fairytale logo because I'm trash yeah now I have an obsession with buying sketchbooks so oh how the tables have turned yours happy from fairytale but as a more like realistic cat obviously still very cartoony but a much less stylized captain happy another picture of Arrieta it could have really tell by like this picture of her and the other pictures I've heard that even then I was still very like conflicted as to how to make her body type Wow oh jesus but again I just really like designing characters just really like just any characters another old picture of Remora with cat ears because anime but I still really like Studio Ghibli Studio Ghibli played a much bigger role in my childhood than I thought it did but when I look back I really really like this specially spirited away which is a really weird film to enjoy as like an 8 year old I think this was supposed to be Keisha from RIT's basket and then he doe was going to be here but obviously if ever I feel like my main issue was that I had a lot of ideas and then I would start rolling one and then I would be like oh I have this other idea and then I would never draw it like people Jeremy oh my god you look so huh this was interesting art man I mean you gotta start somewhere right look how tiny the head is I mean he's kind of tall so I guess that makes sense but Natsu and Lucy because I was forcing myself to enjoy straight ships [Music] then finished great because you're the favorite and I'm cat ears because anime I remember this was a really funny idea it's Natsu grain ORSA looking at a how to train a dragon DVD and not Sue's off to the side like guys really it's kind of funny so I mean that could just be because I'm very easy but gray don't draw Gray's often you can oversee the crafter because I'm really bad at going and I think I've drawn these before and they're in my other old art video one of them one of the two this is from one of the end screens or like ending theme songs in one of the fairy tale songs are we gonna this looks like a face character what's happening here don't know you know Lucy I was trying to draw one of the one of the pictures from the manga it's I think it's actually the first picture of Lucy in the entire series I think there's going to be a little bit more oh yeah here's that same picture I guess it didn't look the way that the one was turning out this one's alright cat girl because anime Wendy I almost didn't know who that was at first don't remember for this was copied from something I don't think it was I could I think I heard out of my own let me uh you said brought Luffy quite a lot she's not my favorite character by any means honestly she's probably not even one of my favorite but she was always fun for me to draw sorry for all the lovey stands out there this I don't know why my body's like here this I was trying to draw one of the fairy tale my uncle covers is this it is this it yeah okay that's the kid I don't okay I don't think this is copy from anything but I think it's based off of that other picture from earlier he says soma fruit basket I think it says Ponyo Ponyo was always one of my favorite Ghibli films honey some pie from or on Pikachu girls I think this was actually my friend but as a bunny pakka soul eater oh this is this from my friend it's Patrick Stump she really really liked a Fall Out Boy this pocket of fruit basket and then here's that thing let's go through this one next this one I know I had in high school way which way is it this way this one I had I think also my freshman year of high school but this was more of like a personal type of thing and this one I got really close to finishing at grade because anime okay since it was so small I would carry this literally everywhere with me and draw moment that I was free like any time like even if it was just like for 30 seconds so this I would start doodling a lot of this more Wendy I can't remember if this is my clip from your sophomore year but it's definitely want to look I want to say freshman year because it looks different from where we're watching junior year yeah a lot of fairy tale this is where I was really falling into that hole and we all know I'm not the biggest fan of Juvia but she was confronted rod so she'll pop up here and there oh my gosh your face yeah I say this one was pretty close to being full that's because I did like this we're just the tiniest a doodle on a page and then mist what the hell makes you so angry please don't waste paper guys us every single spaces of the page because that's what it's there for to be used yeah it was a hormonal teenager I don't always do this right like I'll draw bodies no you're like it's let him kill me draw another body and then that would be like no I don't like it so I move on I also really like drawing these like bird's-eye view angles I still kind of like drawing them they're fun right I don't do it as much as more I think this was going to be arias face I think I drew this eye and then decided to draw the rest of the face which is why it looks weird hi kitty can you get can you please don't no okay you want to help me okay do you like this piece here what do you think the next one this might have actually been sophomore year because I think I remember this one I'm starting to trend like experiment with a different art style a picture of Hayley Williams it's very scary but it's alright oh there's nothing to say about these they're all just kind of here and like nothing there's nothing great about them clearly 50 my favorites was also going to be Hayley Williams just because I can already tell us picture this is because I ended up using that same picture for another project my junior high school hello kitty ears uh the stuffier take me so much so interesting seeing how excited go page after page and even though they were like this well there is just not a lot happening I would still draw constantly and now I don't draw my sketchbook as much as much time because I'm working on YouTube stuff during the day and I'm working out what kind of stuff in the night so I don't always have a lot of free time to draw the sketch books anymore which is said I remember really really liking this one even though we all know how about you via remember looking at the water in the back and being proud of it even though it looks like now but Wendy of course they think this is mostly fairytale because that's like all I would draw the times how you draw the picture familiar don't know why just this is based off of a Williams outfit because left Paramore I'm just going to draw out some Lucy clearly didn't get very far drawn out too clearly didn't get very far are these pages already flipped you're good Wendy still love drawing her I think this was actually based off about here I'm watching my picture of May this I used to like a low-key stockist Twitter just because I loved all of art I think this is supposed to be wendy is like a traditional magical girl if I wanted to draw a bunch of forgetful characters as that is are you okay girl Shelia I had an obsession of drying her because I thought that she was adorable there's a how much fairy tale I feel like another one of my older videos was constant fairy tale fan art and that's it's pretty much a Shelia I use discussion pencil a lot because like Henson was always the thing that people need to sketch with this page is blank and so I just always sketched with pencils now I only ever sketch in pencil if I'm doing lying our inner going to erase the pencil later if I'm just drawing and my sketchbooks if I use pencil it's colored pencil and if I'm not using colored pencil its pen I just don't like sketch again graphite I'm not sure why here I was referencing my own and middle finger cuz edgy I remember drawing this and being like what it's my teacher sees it I need a cover oh my god hands hands hands slap in practice very unfinished picture 1d trying to do realism and failing you see a member really like her this outfit I think this is going to be another one day magical girl can't remember more hands hands or something I really wanted to get better at is this it yeah okay so I took a little break so I could let my camera charge and while I was doing that I actually went into my closet and found two more unfinished what's that a little bit more recent they were meant to be like actual completed sketch books but that ever happened I'll probably just go through all of them and then we can end it with a little bit more recent art now I think I did these with like charcoal pencils because I got them and that's not learned that charcoal is really really messy another one I don't know sparkle pencils I believe this was my sophomore year of high school and I was like trying to take notes about like bodies and stuff so probably do something like that again so I can really break down my art style think that would be fun and my eyes because of course different angles and whatnot hand poses all of these I'm pretty sure except for this one her they're actually copied from another thing facial expressions and just a lot of if this was a life study for like a painting that we did in class another one from a slightly different angle I was going to do a third one but clearly didn't get very far staying from fairy tale yeah this is a lot of oh my god there's no more porn in here okay okay didn't fill of course Wendy Angelia I talked about it Oh forgot about that I knew it I talked about it before I wanted to make a bunch of gay fan art for Fairy Tail posted online because I was like nobody draws the gay thinner so I'll drop the gay banner and I only got so far and I don't think I posted any of it this is sketchy there's more sketches being wasteful with paper what else is new is it gay or as a pulling let's find out neither that's a bummer yeah I used to use paper clips too like paper clip pages I didn't like so then that way when people would look through it they just wouldn't see it oh that's kind of cute yeah I also got my crowns for the first time these we had to listen to songs and then just sketch abstract stuff based on it I remember this I was actually in the hospital and I do this with my left hand and this was my right hand which had one of those what are they called the things I go and your risk and give you fluids I had that in my arm I think I was just practicing different poses and stuff practicing ABS forgot which reference I use with I was definitely referenced well that's kind of a cute one D that's nice Brad how recent this one is oh yeah here's that magical girl thing I remember this one wasn't my sophomore year I used to use pre Ola crayons to color because I didn't have anything and then another one by and finished that one oh my god I saw more gay gay gay not gay maybe yeah yeah and this endless proposal this is pretty much like the outfit from the still in Chi video from Paramore again really really like Paramore here I was just trying to develop an art style really so yeah this is the very beginnings of my art style shout out if you followed me on my art looked like that yeah this was kind of a mix of like a personal and like a personal and school sketchbook so there's kind of a little bit of everything this is more of what I usually drew this one's actually not too bad like proportion-wise I had a lot of issues of proportions this one set you Abed oh my god Aurora because when I first got my hair cut short I was really happy with it and then a person another person kind of saucy saucy second show and lightning and I think that's it yeah this one I believe is older I think this was my freshman year of high school I can't remember yeah this was with like India ink and like the pens that you think and I think a lot of it was just random drawings so yeah and then great Wendy how much oh my god I'm so sorry for all the pain oh that's my friend I murdered you with that at other friend's house a random thing and don't know what it is but I member a lot of people liked it over alright oh my god she's changed so much yeah again just like the last one this one I think was a mix between like a personal sketchbook and a school sketchbook so there's just the mix of stuff you see in very go so much for you know so much why oh yeah this mm boy did this in chalk on a sidewalk and for my school for a thing and I won so I won during a word that's fun I got like a five dollar - importance gift card I don't remember what most of the school projects were so there's just a bunch of random this was my friend in Loki's jacket from Fairy Tail not the Avengers lucky because the favorite character was lucky a message from a friend and then here's another friend in Nazis clothes because I got two of my friends really into fairy tales the time I don't think either of them watch it anymore and I don't know what any of this is I don't understand I mean it was definitely some sort of like abstract project but I can't remember exactly what it was oh yeah here knee and I don't know this is like at all but I remember here me and my friend were making like an alphabet so we can like write secret letters to each other we actually did that and like we memorize we gave each other quite a few letters without anybody knowing what isn't it I think I still have one by forgot everything about it so I've no idea what it says I hate this paper more abstract whatever don't overwater it in oh yeah this one this wouldn't we had to take a picture of a celebrity and then cut it down the middle I picked out her olivine because I think she was like the only one that I knew and liked Oh leave it a little bit and we just had to like mirror it and I remember being really really proud of this one even now it's still pretty good I think I did a good job with that one is that it wait no no no okay we have okay here we go I was again really into the artist of grey wick so I was making art inspired by them and I know it's very Talmud okay I think I'm this was going to be gray and Nazi when Loki but clearly got nowhere with it don't remember oh okay oh god I'm ripping pages and exposing gay arc to the world what a time oh yeah Dan an empty page again gay the fandom really thinks that they're gay though so that's fine hero's gonna draw a bunch of gay stuff again into the internet but I never did every single time I was like today's the day I'm gonna do it I'm going to make the gay fandom proud and then it never happened this one's cute though boobs I used to also love sketching in colored lead I still do that's boring oh here I got markers for the first time this is I think my first time ever using alcohol-based markers these were prismacolor markers clearly I came a long way with markers then they've left work so I just scribbled a random face very tough stuff a character who Africa about terrifying sting I remember this picture was like the vein of my existence and I think is that it gay person great oh yeah I was really trying to find an art style at this time and dance yeah so that's what this is again taking a lot of a lot of inspiration from grey wick I was really into their art so I just wanted to take our hips like a redraw from the other one if you don't know the art is great wick you should follow them I don't think they post as much anymore but they're and ice is a porn or gate take your pick you know I'm finished drawing that's an exciting can I should I don't think so maybe I think this is like actually the end yeah okay cool and lastly to and I toured the rest of the pages I wouldn't turn them into different sketchbooks I believe they all became webcomic sketchbooks actually I have a date for this one September 17th 2016 that's when I started this this is one of my early incur while my own alien character Alistair and I redesigned her a lot because here she was pretty much just the human with years and a tail and I didn't like that so I made her much more alien like I think I put a post-it up here because head was big and I didn't like it oh yeah this is much more close to like I wanted these I wanted these to be like in my complete sketchbooks and stuff but obviously like sister unfinished I never did that and also some really important at the time I think this was around the time when full Tron was first like fate so that's fun oh my god old drawings of Andy this was around the time where I first started designing Andy and you'll see a lot of them in my next fold are video which I don't know what metal beef I started creating Andy around the first time that oh it's Voltron characters this means this was like the first time that I started like making Andy as a caricature that's nothing here okay I friend your that one an empty page but it's messy page mean stuff my face is really weird and I always hate that one because I always felt really pressured to use these sketchbooks because it's like the paper was like the nicest paper I've had up to that point so I felt like I needed to do more finish stuff on every single page it was just a lot of pressure which i think is why I didn't really finish them this one I remember when I first posted it I always make these like different thank-you pictures but when I hit different milestones and this was when I hit 300 followers I posted this saying thanks for 300 followers and then literally the next day I got 400 followers so that was wild rogue of course kind of draw me some fairy tale because that's just who I am as a person I think this was gonna be fan art for hard times because that's when that Paramore song was literally first came out and we go on the draw and then I never did this was throwback to when I used to draw this a lot because pastel edits were a big thing this was me actually first designing cast I was trying to figure out its color scheme and these are pretty much as colors as hair is more warm now it's very weird seeing oh here's Cairo this was when I first made know this is the first ever drawing of Cairo take it in hero's drawing one of my friends characters nothing fancy err lotor this is actually a very very old video so if you have been subscribed to me when I posted this video shout out to you because you have been here for eight long times and then if you want to hit five hundred on Instagram dog unfinished number two I started this January 20th 2017 I was redrawing this profile picture page thing for Andy and then one felucca he's one for worry because I used to do these a lot for my characters I don't do them anymore just cuz I have so many but yeah Andy you're up the teddy bear and it was sad and dramatic this is a picture of Shiro and Keith Voltron I still think this was kind of cute it's just a little doodle wait Oh doodle of Andy it really empty pages out I've got 200 followers on Instagram dear Lord page Keith this was one didn't feel posted there pastel in a video and I was like I needed to draw them so I did this is the first picture of Sawyer oh my god do this for International Women's Day that year this is great whoops oh see also named Oliver Prince did go I remember I drew this my I think it was my junior year of high school and I showed people like thanks pitch pitch I got some spectrum noir markers here which is Laos trying to draw this page still wanted to see how they worked and since I got a green stitch there's the drum pitch yeah that's that a comic I made for Andy's birthday a couple years back picture a looka picture I was going to be a mermaid this is a mermaid this actually turned into a character that's going to be in my webcomic - who's gonna be more minor character but she's there this was also a speedpaint again shadow if you've been here that long I think this is a redraw from a previous sketch from a previous sketchbook so stay tuned find that out and then I was just sketching for the sake of sketching and then I quickly gave up this comfort zone here was around the time studded moon female I can't remember if it was all of her Sun and Moon or if it was just Sun and Moon but I was sketching bhisma and mimic you because I liked his MA and I could draw him in the face from memory and like in rock midnight because I loved like an Iraq midnight another speedpaint another old speedpaint I was drawing it read and believe it a lot because I loved then this is when I started experimenting Barth like shading with colors green is a very weird color to shade with and then read a picture and it is not finished and then another speed paint in a heartbeat in a heartbeat when that came out it literally slayed everyone's existence and then who's lost fate of that I was working on my character Milo and that's it there's that been a page that I would normally use I think my friend did that a page that I would use the thing that I was making don't know what had that so the page wouldn't bleed and yeah and there we have it another adventure we'll call it that and give this video a thumbs up if you want the series to continue because I also have more of these to go through so also if you want to see some of my current are to consider subscribing because I post a new video every single week mostly art related videos I talk a lot about my original stories and my characters and all sometimes draw fine art of stuff that I like from like fandoms and stuff so if that's something that you're interested in subscribe that'd be really awesome and you can also follow me on social media if you want to see more of me I don't think just follow me on Instagram because that is why I'm most active and post my art cetera so I'll leave those on screen now and in the description below and there is a video on screen now and in the iCard for you to check out if you want to thank you so much for watching and I will hopefully see you next week I hope you all have a lovely day and goodbye
Channel: Oliver's Antics
Views: 101,929
Rating: 4.9810429 out of 5
Keywords: art, artist, sketch, sketchbook, oc, original character, sketchbook tour, anime, manga, soulleater, fruits basket, fairy tail, old art, art vlog, olivers antics
Id: gi4WodvQOX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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