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today I'm going to be redrawing some of my old art to see just how much I've improved since then or if I've improved hopefully I've improved hello and welcome back to my channel hope you're doing well what'd you think of my new little intro thing I'm assuming this is the first video that's gonna be and otherwise I must look real stupid I have a series as you may or may not know where I look at my old art pretty much every single video I make looking at my old art I'm guaranteed to get a dozen come and asking if I can redraw some my old pieces and I love redrawing old art so I thought this would be a really fun series to include on my channel I also asked you guys if you wanted me to look at all of my old art and then start this series or if you wanted me to make this series kind of coinciding with those videos and a lot of you guys wanted me to make them coinciding so here we go the first two ol art videos that I made was looking at drawings that I made on loose sheets of paper and so I picked three pieces from those two videos combined to redraw in this video and the next redrawing old art video I'm going to be making our pieces from my unfinished sketchbooks and then the third one will be from my first sketchbook and then I will continue my looking at my old art series so I hope that that's okay with all of you if not and sorry I guess the first one I drew when I was about 12 the second one around the same age maybe a bit older like 13 14 and then the third one is when I was about 16 which is fun fact actually my first Instagram post that's still up on my Instagram I'm rambling again so let's just get started so for all three of these pieces I ended up picking a fine art it was a complete coincidence though I didn't intend on making them all fan out these are just the ones that I remember being most proud of and the first one is a toy and Momiji from fruits basket I still have a love for fruits basket as I'm sure many know because of the reboot I'm in love with it I can highly recommend it but I've also been in love with the original since I was about 12 or 11 and because of my deep love for Fruits Basket in my long lasting love for fruit basket I thought that I just had to draw this one again I drew a lot of fruits basket and so I figured this would really make passed me happy and these are two of my favorite characters I have always liked them from day one but looking at it now there's definitely some improvement that can be made I think the main thing is hitori I can't remember how old he is but he's like mid to late 20s he definitely does not look like that miss drawing so that was one thing that I wanted to improve on honestly even in my redraw I still don't think he looks quite that old but he at least looks like an adult in my new one so that's success I think for each of these redraws I wanted them to have a similar style to the original one so for this one I'm having just a line art drawing and then the second one is a grayscale and then the third one is a finished illustration I thought this was a really great illustration to start with because it would kind of ease me into it because it was the most simple out of all of them mostly just because it is alright our drawing I started sketching it and I completely had to be sketch it because it was drawing vitória too high on the page but if turd that there was really no difficulty at all like I said before I've drawn a lot of fruits basket and my wife so I have a lot of experience drawing these characters but I still had a lot of fun doing it another thing that I wanted to do was to keep that fits similar to view what you don't want and they were just outfits that I made myself because I guess I've always looked doing that and they're supposed to be in kind of a wintery theme so like I did that it was really rare drawing this though because I drew it on a really hot day that was fun I don't remember why I decided to draw them like this although to be fair I don't know why I drew most of what I used to draw I wanted to give them a little bit of a redesign though because obviously there wasn't I didn't it wasn't the strongest with character design when I was 12 so I really wanted to redraw that one mostly with mummy G's outfit because I think I think I fell into the same trap that a lot of young artists fall into which is just unnecessary layers and unnecessary elements to try and make a drawing look detailed now that I'm older and I have more experience drawing I've found other ways to make my art look more detailed without being so extra and necessary at all so that was something that I really wanted to show in this redraw also a side note I meant to draw Momiji wearing the ins and then I went into the liner phase and started drawing hand because I forgot to draw one of the hands as a man so he has gloves now that was my bed it wasn't really any difference in Hattori's outfit though because it was it's pretty much the same and his original one because his jacket and everything was very simple another really big change that I wanted to make was the poses I wanted it to really one capture their personalities a little bit more and then to feel a little bit more natural so hitori was kind of just standing up straight and then Momiji was sitting on top of him which doesn't really things don't normally work that way and so in the redraw I hunched Ettore over just a little bit and had him grab mommy's legs just to give him a little bit more support when he's sitting on his shoulders and then Momiji his personality was really easy to capture because I draw characters like him quite a lot I just wanted to make him seem a little bit more lively so I changed up his expression and the arms giving the Tori some expression was a little bit difficult because I really wanted to show expressions because I feel like I draw really expressive faces now but hitori if you know him as a character he isn't one to express a lot so I didn't change up his expression a little bit but it's even in this redraw he's still fairly stoic I think in the original I believe I used a sharpie pen I don't use Sharpie pens anymore I can't recommend that if you're a beginner artists artists your multiple people now very beginner artists wanting to get into line now I can recommend that they're definitely not the highest quality it'll work really well with other materials but if you're a young artist just wanting to practice line art I think that this is a great starting point before you're able to buy liners that's definitely what I did but in this redraw I used my copic multiliners there's no liners that you'll see me using throughout the video I love them they're definitely more on the pricey end but I just I'm in love with Copic products I'm sorry I definitely think that I improved a lot let me know what you guys think I think pest me would be proud with all of my endless endless endless piles a fruit basket family I think pass me would definitely really be happy with his improvement [Music] for the second piece I knew immediately that I wanted to redraw it even before I decided to do this series I was thinking of just redrawing it on my own because I remember being so so proud of this one when I first made it this is a maka Albarn from the anime sole leader I really really loved it so leader for a minute everyone watched it recently it's still fairly good but I really wanted to redraw this one just because I remember showing it to everybody and being like look how awesome this is I'm so proud of it look at it and people probably saw it and really are you okay it definitely captures that PP is the sole leader could have but I think like I could still improve on it a little bit more the first thing I definitely wanted to improve on was the pose when I was first drawing this forever ago I did want it to be more of like a stiff a natural-looking pose even now I think I can improve a bit on that though so I brought the legs in a little bit more I changed up the angle slightly and then I changed the way that Michael was holding her safe I decided to leave out the black blood and this one one because I didn't feel like drawing it and two I wasn't sure how I could make it look because this was going to be greyscale I wasn't sure if it would be like too much if I was coloring this illustration I feel like I definitely would have included the black blood but I decided to leave it out for this one I tried to shade a little bit in the original I'm not sure how well you can see it but I wanted to show that I improved on shading the shading is definitely very subtle in the original one so I really wanted to focus on that in this redraw in the original I just used the pencil like I used the Sharpie pen flat lining again and then I made the different tones in pencil I did not do that this time I used to make Copic markers because I don't I don't use pencils anymore I really I fell out of love with pencils I don't really use pencils the only time I sketch in pencil even is if I'm planning on outlining it and erasing the pencil later I like colored pencils but I just I don't like graphite anymore I feel like it would be more true to the redraw if I had used a pencil but I just couldn't bring myself to do it also for this piece unlike the other ones I a little bit of a thumbnail I feel like out of all three of these really drawers this is the one that changed the most from the original on since the pose was a lot more complicated and there was a lot more that I felt needed changing I decided to just someone else and things on a post didn't know before filming and I also go back to those post-it notes to practice the facial expression so for people who don't know soul leader I'm sorry but that one part where he goes insane and she's fighting Crona that was what this drawing was supposed to be about like for the original one and I was trying to draw that here but those types of facial expressions are just so different from what I normally draw I like to never draw stuff like this so that was definitely a challenge you can see me redrawing it a couple of times on the paper itself but then I decided I was drawing I was erasing the paper too much that's afraid of damaging it so I just decided to sketch on a separate post-it note to really figure out the facial expression a little bit more and in the end I think it looks okay I think I could definitely work on that a little bit more but considering I don't do all those things and I'm not really experienced it then I quite like it I think it's nice overall with this one it just I really wanted to capture the sort of vibe I was going for but didn't really have the skills to do back then so I definitely tried to ad out a lot and after the sketching and the line art it was really easy I just had to slap some shading there the hardest part about the colouring really was just deciding what tones to put where because since it was strictly greyscale they don't want the tones to mesh in too much together so that was a little bit of a challenge but overall not too difficult I had a lot of fun revisiting this drawing and this anime in general because I still love fruits basket and the next anime you'll see well you already saw the drawing but I still love that anime but soul eater is one that I kind of fell out of love with for a little while and it was really fun to just go back to that little part of me that loves it I had a lot of fun drawing her trench coat in the back it's a little bit different from the one that I drew in the original because the one in the original it's a lot more geometrical I would say it's a lot more like sharp and angular and this one's definitely more flowy and for the vibe of this one it's more of just like the edge of her trench coat got ripped it's like flowing and stuff I can't remember how they did it in the anime but this is something similar to what they did then also because I just copied Maka's outfit exactly I didn't have to look up a reference I just drew the outfit from my original drawing because I knew that I was referencing Mako's outfit then so there we go there's maka she was a lot of fun to draw again I kind of missed her honestly I didn't realize how much I missed her until I was drawing this one but I'm really happy with it even though I ran a room for the end of us at the last drawing that I have for you is a drawing of Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail my love I've actually redrawn this one once before I included in the initial clips of me showing the art but then I have it later on after this one so you can see the second iteration of this drawing and then the third one which was the one that I am drawing like I said this was the first Instagram post that I ever made back in 2016-2017 can't quite remember but it's it's been a hot minute for this redraw I only looked at that first post I didn't look at the second drawing that I made I believe the second drawing I made was one year after the original drawing and then I skipped a year and then this one is two years later from the second iteration so I guess three years later from the first one anyways the original one was drawn on a poster board that like was from the dollar store and for this redraw I drew it on a piece of cardstock I traced the size of the original one but fun fact and even cut the lines straight so the edges are a little wobbly but for this one I use my paper cutter I think looking at all three of these side-by-side which you'll see when I finished with this it's really interesting because from this first original drawing my art style has changed a lot but then as you'll see later from the second iteration I really like how my style hasn't really changed but I've just improved with my art like to me at least when you look at the second version and this third version that I'm making it still looks like they're drawn by the same person but you can just see the improvement and I really like that there wasn't a whole lot that I wanted to change about this drawing and the drawing itself is fairly simple I guess in terms of like pose and composition so I didn't feel the need to change them a little bit I think I tilted her head a little bit more and I also forgot to draw her own pieces but other than that that wasn't really much that I changed I did lower the number of flowers and I just felt like it was a lot I changed them to just being roses and this generic looking blue flower and then the baby's breath in the original there's just a lot of flowers going on and there's a lot of colors going on and make the blue flowers a little bit darker to contrast with her outfit more and then I made the roses more of a red color for the believes I didn't make them a green I made them a little bit more of a Bluegreen again just Italian with my color scheme a little bit more and make it closer to the blue of her outfit and then have the roses stand out a little bit more because they're just this bright red I also believe I changed the colors a little bit more in the original I used colored pencils we've been over my pencil situation I don't like coloring with colored pencils I mostly just use them for sketching but kopecks are my go-to a coloring thing now so I decided to draw them with copics in the second version I did use copics so it's fine I didn't cheat at all what are you talking about from the second version and the third version even though they both have kopecks I believe I did change up the coloring a little bit that's partially because of the way that i colored has changed but I also have more kopecks now and I have a variety of things to choose from the colors are still pretty similar and you can still tell that they're Lucy's colors but I just changed them up a little bit too just so the way that I called her now the way that I color things nowadays I feel like has a lot more depth to them for the second version then the first version the shading was a lot more simple I believe it's cell shading that's what it's called but for this one I have a lot more different techniques for shading I blend things out a little bit more I still have some cell shading I also use different colors when I'm shading different things and then I go over top at the end with colored pencils in some places just to add a little bit more visual interest I don't know if that's the right word I do remember when I was drawing this one I had a pretty hard time drawing her hair not necessarily because the hair itself I didn't think look good but because boy that Lucy's hair styled and this outfit she has her bangs and then she has the two pieces kind of framing her face and then she has pigtails and because of the way that the drawing is very flowy and the hair is like poofy and kind of just floating makes no logical sense but her pigtails and the two pieces of hair that were framing your face they kind of were merging together and I feel like I had a hard time making them look like they were two separate chunks of hair the one on the left I still think can be defined a little bit more but I think I did a fairly good job with the one on the right I think that for those ones you can tell that there's a pigtail I think it's so interesting to see how these three drawings of hands from one another because I don't think that proportions are fairly different aside from the anime titties I think that the proportions to the first one is fairly like similar but then in the second one as you will see I had a really big head I drew really big eyes and things were a lot quite different so it's really interesting just to see how things kind of come back around in this first drawing and the background there's I just colored the whole thing red and then in the second drawing I did nothing she's just in a white void I don't want to color the whole background red because that'd be a waste of ink but also I didn't want to leave a blank and so instead I added this red stripe in the background with a thinner stripe on top of it and I think that makes it a little bit more interesting I didn't color it right up against Lucy just to keep a white border and make her stand out a little bit more but I really like it I think that this is a wonderful third iteration let me know if I should make a fourth one next year [Music] I had so much fun are you drawing these things I cannot wait to continue this series let me know what you guys think of them if you have a favorite out of these three I think my favorite is the Lucy one just because of the emotional attachment I have to this drawing but let me know what you guys think I definitely liked all three of them I've always liked redrawing old art ever since I was little just because I think it's a really great way to kind of track your progress I can definitely recommend it if you don't and if you are new here consider subscribing I post new videos every single Wednesday I'll post random videos whenever I can I just make a lot of fun art on here or at least I think it's fun that's what I've been told and you can follow me on social media if you're interested in seeing more of me they will be on screen now and linked in the description box below following me on Instagram is the best place to follow me that's where I'm going to be posting these finished illustrations and any other drawings that I make and there'll also be videos on screen now and link to me a card for you to check out if you want again I'd really appreciate it thank you so so much for watching and I will see you next week bye
Channel: Oliver's Antics
Views: 50,471
Rating: 4.9863682 out of 5
Id: bN5QqIuozwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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