My Uncle Analyzes Stray Kids' Han x Lee Know

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this seems to go beyond a friendship I mean they're both getting lots of needs met from this connection that they have what's happening everyone Max here we've got the man Uncle Harley with us today guys thanks for joining us my pleasure thank you for asking me for sure I thought we'd check out another stray kids two kids room because I know Uncle Harley really enjoyed the first one and I definitely want to show him my guy over here Han as you know I'm a big Han fan so just in case you didn't know and just in case you're new to my channel I'm a communication skills coach and Uncle Harley over here is a psychologist all right let's Let It Roll Baby all right foreign [Music] I was just gonna jump right on that too the eating yeah yeah and food was sort of the bond that that really draws these guys together and it sounds like they've had a lot of experiences eating and going to restaurants together and that kind of creates a sense of not only camaraderie but these guys have something to talk about they're like you know it's it's creating memories for them too so it's a big part of their life eating it seems definitely yeah so foreign [Laughter] I mean they seem super comfortable with each other no what would you say yeah yeah I was gonna say that too that that they seem really relaxed with each other they joke easily they understand each other's jokes and they make a lot of eye contact you know you could see that they really care about which what each other's saying the connection is genuine you get to see that they really care and what makes us all sort of special and and impactful is their personalities like Lino is from what I've seen known to be a little bit more of a guy who's a little bit more closed off to people so he's not generally this open which is why this is such a popular relationship you kind of see his demeanor change yeah his body language chain when he's around Han yeah and for a person as you say to find someone who's compatible along those lines that's got to make him feel really comfortable that's funny he said that after arguing they end up eating together I mean again I mean this this roll of food plays such an integral part in their relationship even it plays a role in dealing with arguments and there's other aspects playing here they play off each other so well but regardless yeah the central theme yeah it seems to be food yeah that brings them back and connects them um [Music] foreign Han was saying that he was a little concerned about telling Lino what he was feeling it sounded like I wasn't quite sure how you were going to handle this and I think the fact that he's even expressing that concern allows them to bond even further both of these guys are talking about their personalities in the same way they were talking about food just very open casual you know same way I like bugagi I like I I I want to know about you too yeah they're very sort of curious about one another you can see yeah look how interested Lino is is in listening to Han talk about the story there's a genuine curiosity no thinks and vice versa exactly yeah oh [Laughter] I find these two both really funny especially Han Han's like dude I find him absolutely hilarious but not over the top it's more subtle you know he could have gone on with that joke about his yeah shirtless yeah yeah but you know he just did a little he can be over the top he can oh yeah okay he can be but not in an annoying way because it's like he's such a star let's let him shine foreign [Laughter] funny it's a good conversation yeah it is a good conversation like you come over to my house for like a minute nearly you won't even bother yeah yeah also the fact that he drops in for apparently no reason yeah he's saying because he wants a rest but Han knows it's he he just wants to see him and so they want to keep their connection alive that way I'm just gonna drop by even for a second exactly just to connect just to connect it's actually amazing guys for me to watch this for me to re-watch this and see how open and just revealing Lino is is generally not this open and forthcoming and just loose and Han's not he he can be very expressive and eccentric from my experience but he's not like invasive in the sense that he's nosy right so I think that works well with this guy's character and obviously I've had a lot more videos to work with but that's what I've sort of uncovered yeah yeah you're absolutely right and I think that that's one of the draws for Lino uh to haunt is that he sees his authenticity right yeah he sees that he's just a genuine yes and and I think that's why he drops over several times a day because he's saying this is the guy I want to be I really respect him you know not only does it make me laugh yeah but this dude is someone I'd want to Aspire to because he's just who he is I think Lino maybe a little bit on the insecure side I'm going with okay I'm just saying just a touch I'm just saying of the two yeah I'm not saying he has a security problem I'm just saying that Juan seems so confident in who he is it's like it's very attractive and I think for almost anybody yeah so anybody is less secure than Juan almost right so that's why I think he's attracted to attractive yeah and he's got this radiant smile too really he just radiates when he smiles yeah warm person oh yeah what do you say sorry do you know the feelings of jealousy there's only three in you uh happiness sadness [Laughter] it's just light it feels very light it does you know they're not taking it too seriously like even when they talk about these subjects that uh consider to be deeper right or more intimate it still has a very light tone it does it does and nobody's looking to hurt each other and nobody's looking to be defensive they just seem like they feel free to say whatever to each other yes and Lino is is going along with is a bit very very well and not taking offense at it and and so he's laughing so it turns into a positive emotion so that that kind of humor can can feed into a like a stronger Bond a positive Bond and it works for these guys um yeah yeah they just go back and forth with compliments and he said he appreciated his conviction his conviction his conviction yeah that when people said your clothing was a bit too much oh yeah he said no I'm going to do this and people will eventually catch on to what I'm doing and again I think that's a huge drop for Lino's saying man this guy like we talked about he's authentic he's totally I'll dress how I want it really is and that's that's a big appeal for him yeah that probably inspires him to kind of do the same because I've commented before that he's kind of got a quirky side as well yeah you know there's an eccentric side to him too so he allows it to come out seeing Han kind of do his thing completely and be yeah completely kind of inspires him to do the same you can tell they just love being around each other yeah they bring out the best it seems like yeah it really does it really does foreign again he likes to keep things it seems just based on what I'm watching here he likes to keep things at kind of a surface it doesn't like to get too deep not too deep you know at least three times Lino has said you've stood by your convictions and that's what's impressed me and he never really took it any deeper it didn't really kind of he doesn't take it in doesn't internalize it he makes a joke about it yeah yeah I want to say because he is an observant guy as well he makes really good observations and I feel like he's a guy who understands himself and other guys really well but he's also a guy who's like very interested in things I don't know if this applies but he's very interested in like you know random different subjects whether it's like animals or food or space or you know he's just he's interested in right things so maybe that's where his brain is oriented a lot of the time as opposed to like exactly his focuses toward people yeah you know exactly woman um yeah I agree clean the world with your shoes yeah yeah it's just like a creative expression for him humor is like another sort of medium for him to express his creativity in a way right right right it feels like to me when I watch him sometimes yeah and he could pour it all out there on uh loves it he loves it yeah and Han actually I think he might be a little bit more introverted when he's with new people but once he gets comfortable with you he's like you know the most extroverted guy in the room a lot of the time so I think it's like with these two guys when they're together and they've like found like now we can really kind of just Express who we are it's almost like another level to it all you're describing it perfectly and and what you're describing as well is a very intimate relationship emotional intimate relationship and this is what happens when you have that kind of an attachment with someone when you feel totally safe and secure within their presence you say anything and you know they're going to support you back you I mean this is a like a tight attachment this isn't this is this seems to go beyond a friendship I mean they're both getting lots of needs met from this connection that they have yeah like a brotherhood like a brother strong Brotherhood yeah yeah food was the number one thing that brought them together but beyond that yeah they developed a very sort of tight psychological Bond homes again he's validating him right be who you are I like that you're weird um [Music] once again Han got into something deep for like a minute and a half or less he didn't he didn't kind of like tell him why like you know you're such a good listener you're really supportive you understand me he doesn't he doesn't seem to take it to the next level instead he just makes a joke out of it he's basically saying you're there for me and you're weird yeah you know and then they laugh together but but I don't think they're telling you yeah I don't think Lino needs that I don't think it not that you're saying that I'm just saying I don't think Lino needs that extra layer of depth you know like I don't think he needs Han to say you're such a good listener and it's because you're so sensitive and it's because you do this this and this specifically you know it's enough for Han to sort of accept Lino fully for who he is and be the source of comfort for him for sure is picking up you know reasons why this relationship works so well because yeah you're there for me when I need you so at least he's letting him know at least at that level you're an important person in my life yeah yeah he's not all fun and jokes yeah yeah he's serious about to a level yeah right right very independent guy like they're saying I don't know if I would agree with him that Han would be just as well off without uh you know I think he's found uh like a soul mate of sorts right there so I think I think the fan base actually refers to these two as soulmates yeah so I think Han would get on with his life but I think there would be a real void finding a person that under stood him like that and he could just sort of be in his own self unfiltered right and be accepted yeah and and Lino doesn't put a lot of pressure on him to to Really reveal himself terribly that's interesting I don't think I thought about that angle Han probably appreciates that yeah Lino doesn't cry Lino doesn't get like you know he doesn't get into me too much exactly he doesn't put too many movies don't put emotional defense on each other no no huh yeah they don't but at the same time Max it's really a very complicated relationship they have is very deep rooted I mean on the surface it seems very superficial with the uh the laughing and the joking and the humor but uh there's no doubt that throughout their conversation they kept inserting compliments to each other and explaining why you're important to me yeah just that kind of like friendship building Bond building kind of information you want to share with another person yeah so I think it's very complicated is what I'm saying even though they don't necessarily go deep into uh specific feelings there's sort of a recognition of it and acceptance that well let's take it to this level and we're good to go yeah yeah he's Han particularly seems to be a more complicated guy that uh yeah you know take would take some serious figuring out he published um see that although this was small and I remember watching this when I first reacted to this video although this is small I think this little sort of moment is telling of not only them as individuals but of their dynamic you know Lino's initiating the humor because he wants to like bond in that way with him yeah yeah and Hans matching it immediately like Han is happy just to switch his brain and go there to the the weird joke and yeah I think that kind of encapsulates their humor that similar sort of like unique humor that they share that's right that's right the uniqueness of it is really interesting they just kind of like they just kind of glide into each other's movements and not finger tapping they got it right on your finger too yeah no missing yeah that's true and then Han goes E.T right just takes it to another level of weirdness yeah it's hilarious yeah and then right back to the conversation now they're right back into the conversation yeah I see him laugh but like that was like a genuine Belly Laugh his mind never seems to really shut off so just a sign of him just kind of being in the present moment and genuinely laughing it was nice for me to see and it's just I'm glad that Lino can kind of provide that right moment for him that's not true happiness right there they're sort of like just lost in the moment and as you pointed out he's just being his true self and just expressing his laughter and his feeling of happiness and that's a great place to be in and it is he's got a buddy there that he can share that with yeah [Laughter] it's just not awkward or cringy at all for Han to say to Lino you still think we're soul mates right like right there's no discomfort yeah for Han to go there yeah yeah he's telling him I love you in all different ways in all different ways yeah yeah but did you see you know he he wasn't having any of it though he wasn't having any of what you know that discussion about soul mate man I mean that's a heavy like you said that's a heavy message to deliver to somebody and so yeah he just made a joke of it so again I think that they've managed to kind of fine-tune their relationship where they'll they'll talk about some serious topics at at the most superficial level but it works for both of them because they both want to touch on something some sensitive issues but they don't want to go too down into it they're able to to maintain that that connection without having to get into like the deep emotional stuff so yeah it doesn't necessarily have to be in every relationship but we're definitely something so it doesn't mean it's unhealthy their style yeah yeah it's not like they stop saying they don't get turned off by each other when one says something sensitive or loving together you know in a friendship way yeah no they just keep giving it back to each other yeah it's kind of like I don't know maybe in like in a tennis match it's like a softball here I love you yeah I love you too yeah instead of smell I love you yeah because you do this for me you do that it's easier for them to receive it in that Less Direct way yeah yeah lighter softer more high level way yes but overall this is a great relationship that works for the boat oh yeah yeah they've established a pattern of behavior and communication that's worked really really well for them because they're both super comfortable with right they make each other happy another yeah yeah they know they know they know they're a perfect match for each other they know that yeah cool man so what'd you think you enjoyed that I did these guys are terrific just solid individuals and uh yes you know there are people that you can look they are people that you can look up to and you can see yourself wanting to be like them in some way or take some kind of quality and improve yourself in some way from them so yeah you can really you know add to your own identity by following these guys so uh that's awesome man I think I love this because I get to kind of look at these guys and and and see really really good people these guys are amazing and I'm glad to be able to share that that's awesome man with stay and I think I can speak on behalf of all of us that it's been a pleasure having Uncle Harley here we've really appreciated your your Insight your input and your uh you know or authenticity man so this is our last uh it's our last little one together for a bit we'll do it again soon we're going to continue with series but other than that guys if you want to watch our uncut reaction and Analysis all you need to do is click on the patreon link below other than that we appreciate you and we'll talk to you soon peace peace out guys
Channel: Max Beaumont
Views: 323,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: straykids, straykidsreaction, reactionstraykids, straykidsreactions, straykidsreact, reactingtostraykids, skzreaction, skzreactions, straykids2kidroom, straykids2kidsroomreaction, 2krreaction, 2krskz, hanleeknow, hanminho, 2kidsroomhandleeknow, 2krhan, 2krleeknow
Id: NjLxVudv91I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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