Stray Kids' Lee Know x Felix | Communication Coach Reacts!

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and we are back for another reaction today we're going to be checking out two kids room episode with Lino and Felix I'm a fan obviously of both of these guys some people in the comments are even calling me a stay so I'm gonna take that title and I'm gonna run with it if you haven't yet hit that subscribe button and if you want to see my uncut reaction all you need to do is hit my patreon link I've included it in the description below alright here we go so this should be an interesting Dynamic from what I know about Lino it's like he doesn't really give you that warmth right away you know he's a little more closed off in that way whereas Felix he's more quick to give you that love give you that physical affection in a very obvious way Lino does it but in different ways you know Lino is more likely to tease you as a way of showing his love whereas Felix is more likely to compliment you and caress you again [Music] if I think about someone who's just easy to be around it's Felix he just kind of lets you be you he seems to really appreciate the guys he's very loving he's very warm and for Lee no maybe that's a good thing Lino's like it's almost like he's very sensitive to getting attacked there's a lot of joking around and teasing but Lee no it's almost like he feels the need to bite back but Felix doesn't really seem like the type of guy out of all the Stray kids he doesn't seem like he really teases or makes fun of the guys if I had to guess Felix brings out just a more chilled out relaxed not as on edge not as like quick to come back and attack version of Lino because Leno he's not on guard with Felix um right away it doesn't seem like it's as flirtatious as some of the other relationships in stray kids yeah that's cool they don't need to like flaunt the relationship they've got their own thing going on their relationship isn't like put on at all it doesn't feel exaggerated at all it feels very chill um yeah and look at Felix's body language he's leaned in he's interested he's listening he's very charming and present when the other person is speaking I think that's a very likable quality in a human being is when we show again back to showing interest showing that we care being present with the other person these are all good signs of a strong communicator and Felix I think he's just an excellent listener I've never seen lean oh really this relaxed it really does feel like his guard is down for a guy who generally has his guard up a little and like I said before likes to clap back it's kind of nice seeing a more relaxed Lino here we've gotten five minutes into this conversation and they haven't really bickered or teased each other once and that's a rarity I feel like with Lino you know within the first 20 seconds there's some teasing there's some making fun of so really really a unique different Dynamic here that I'm happy I get to Witnesses as Lino gets more into this conversation at Lino's starting to make even more eye contact with Felix and I wonder if that's just a as a result of him just easing into the conversation more and being more comfortable and now he kind of gets that sense of trust from Felix he just feels more okay with looking at him and opening up and you know to me eye contact part of it is a sign of your comfort and confidence in a space but especially when you're speaking to another person [Laughter] Felix doesn't go back at you like that was a small sort of teased toward Felix but Felix almost doesn't take the bait when you tease him he kind of Just Smiles and laughs and absorbs it he doesn't like confrontation it doesn't feel like Lino's really I said this before but he just seems very different here it's really nice actually to see how much of a calm at each side of Lino that Felix brings out so I think Felix has a really special charm about him and he has a unique way of putting people at ease around him by not taking himself too seriously by not being mean or cruel in any way by really listening and being present and just overall being a really warm guy foreign 's inputs always very wise super observant and he gets below the surface right he's a deeper thinker so I'd love to have a conversation with our guy Chang been here I think it would be really cool can I say this about Chang bin but like really so many of them have these really wise astute insights part of the reason I really like stray kids is because they understand people they're smart emotionally they're just really interesting guys to listen to they really see each other they really observe they really listen and they're deep thinkers that's an interesting perspective Lino is just careful around Felix he doesn't want to hurt his feelings he understands that he's sensitive so he doesn't tease him like he teases other guys and these guys obviously know better than me but I think it also could be the fact that Felix doesn't go at Lino first so Lino doesn't feel the need to go back at Felix and also if Lino teases Felix Felix kind of just he doesn't shoot back you know it's not like uh it's not a fair fight [Applause] Felix needs that validation right see when you don't feel like you have to be on guard you know it's easier to listen it's easier to be relaxed it's easier to be present you know when you always feel like there could be a joke fired at you it's like you're on guard you're not as in the moment here it's like Lee no he's really listening to Felix throughout this entire conversation like you can hear him listening like oh I've never really seen Lee know this active in his listening and it's nice it just feels like he's really present for lean for Felix and he's sort of matching Felix's energy here in that way that's just a nice compliment coming from Felix as well like it's so Charming coming from Felix it's very sincere the way he communicates this message and it's like Felix has no problem acknowledging people in that way sort of putting them on a pedestal but this can also play into his sensitivity right he wants people to like him so he's more prone to complimenting and putting people on a pedestal and I also do wonder if Lino needs more of Felix I do wonder if all the joking and the teasing is a way to sort of avoid the vulnerability like what do you guys think can Lino take a compliment like how does Lena [Music] very unique personalized compliments coming from Felix we talk about this a lot on this channel the more personalized the compliment the more impact they can have right because it's Unique to that person it feels more real you see Lino he's right there listening Felix really dictating the pace of this conversation here and making sure that Leno understands how much Felix cares for him although Lino is really listening and I'm sure he does appreciate it in a way you know I don't think he fully absorbs it or he doesn't fully let himself absorb it he's like well that's good like it's almost like he doesn't want to fully believe or take in the praise I think that that's that guard that Lino has I don't I think this is sort of him not fully letting people in um [Laughter] yeah because Felix was really pouring it on there right he's really pouring it on being just so nice so personalized and Lino it's like he doesn't know how to take it I think that's Lino with his guard up a little and we'll give it alone okay so now Lino's hitting him back here Felix is always looking to connect with you there's a little joke there Lino's saying no no I'm not saying everyone in the group is two-faced and then Felix is just like latching on to that joke he's looking for that connection with you even though this is sort of a sidebar into their conversation Felix goes there with you he's present with you he'll take it to different places with you the conversation so Felix is always looking for ways to connect with you um that was really nice what he said about about Felix but he was sort of like it felt like he was kind of firing it off you could see the difference between how Felix complimented Lino and Lino complimented Felix there's no one right way but notice how Felix's compliments were directed toward how Lino inspired him and made him feel so they were very personalized in that way whereas Lino was sort of sort of riffing off positive qualities about Felix I think that's sort of like a big deal for Lino to open up and compliment someone like that and I think that's a testament to what Felix did first and I find that often happens in conversations when we listen when we're present when we compliment when we're genuine with other people it inspires them to let their guard down and do the same thing um I think this is Felix's way of just teasing Lino just a little is pushing the physical affection on him I think all the guys that's actually one of their go-to moves when trying to make Lino feel uncomfortable is pushing that physical affection on him okay these guys are cute man these guys are cute that was a fun little video really cool to see a more relaxed chilled out calm Lino guys if you want to watch my uncut reaction and Analysis all you need to do is go to my patreon page I've included the link in my description below other than that my name is Max I will catch you soon peace
Channel: Max Beaumont
Views: 61,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: straykids, skz, straykidsreaction, straykidsreactions, straykids2kidsroom, straykids1kidsroom, straykidskidsroom, straykidsinterview, reactionsstraykids, 2kidsroom, reacttoskz, skzreactions, 2krleeknowfelix, leeknowfelix
Id: Lcvyh7GeYLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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