My Mom Analyzes Stray Kids' Han x Lee Know

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what's up everyone hey Mom hey Max what's happening I'm in Mexico with you wow my mom's here with me guys and she is going to be reacting to the Stray kids video with me today featuring Leno and Han the thing I like about these guys is they can get super deep and they have these Incredibly Close bonds with each other it's fun to watch and it's fun to analyze so we're we're going to look at their their relationship exactly loo and Han and then the host is going to be Chang been so that's what we're going to check out so a great relationship and speaking of relationships either with others or with yourself this video today is brought to you by better help I know it's the new year it's 2024 this is a great time for a lot of people including myself to set some new goals one is to be a lot more dedicated to my journal practice to meditating and to working out more consistently and I know helping with Stress Management and anxiety helps me achieve these goals and one of the ways I've helped 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how deep he will speak about his affection towards towards each other yeah but already you're seeing some transparency yeah like I don't think he's he's got he's speaking with an open heart I feel like when Han opens his heart because he like Chang bin said he he he can be quite introverted he likes to keep to himself and do his own thing it sounds like a lot of the time but but once he's the type of guy that once he's like comfortable and once he's open the flood gates are just open right that and he's just this ball of endless energy and life and freedom he embodies just like a a free spirit when he is free when he can get to that point it's like a beautiful thing when Han's comfortable what a nice analogy that is if there's Chemistry Between trees it can create a beautiful Forest isn't that a beautiful anology beautiful right these guys are songwriters right yeah well I know they're creative thinkers and uh you know they they're very poetic definitely I love how open Han is here so just like freely expressive about their relationship it's nice and and without being creepy about it you you know it's like you're not feeling uncomfortable you know hearing him Express his feelings towards him like he's done in a way where you can genuinely feel that he has a great affection for his friend right but you can tell that the Dynamics between the three of them are really great for sure right they're all're just like really into each other and they're listening like look at how they're looking at each other and listening to every word and you know just even their body language like his arms are opening like just sort of opening up himself to towards totally the other and I like how Loo's kind of playing the shy one like H's like taking the lead he's the representative of their relationship right now yeah he's the mouthpiece of their relationship although we don't know what he's gonna say yeah we'll see what happens right if it changes right right it seems as though they don't like to be the center of attention when they're out no they like to keep things lowkey and just enjoy each other's company without um you know the distractions of you know the outside world of people um you know coming up to them so they they go to things that are quieter they're not looking for Bravada of any sort like they you know they're they're just two buddies that want to hang out together yes and that's cool and one of the things I I also said Mom about these two is yeah they're all over each other in a way but they understand each other's boundaries I think really well and Han needs his space I think Leno to an extent needs his space as well and they respect each other in that sense I'm sure you their relationships better than most marriages yeah probably you'll know recognizing each other's boundaries it's all about being able to read people and understanding them I think that's what they have like just really knowing each other like really it's like a deep relationship it's not like hey bud you want to grab a beer and watch a game and I think they have a lot of depth in that [Music] relationship man these guys just love spending time with each other it's so pure they don't want it to stop they don't want it to end and they're so transparent about it like that's the beautiful thing have you seen a relationship like this have you ever seen two men really talk about I was just going to say this is a very common relationship amongst women uh but you don't see this it's a rarity with men where they have this type of connection and wanting to sort of share everything and be together and have time with each other this is isn't typical of what you see in relationships um with men and having two boys myself and seeing the relationships that you guys have had with your friends this is very unique it's a very special relationship that even goes even closer than a brotherly relationship it's almost like they're a couple I'm not suggesting anything other than they have an intimacy right oh totally that that's well put that's well put he's so quick too isn't he Han he's my favorite actually is he yeah he's my favorite these guys all actually might be my three favorites in stray kids but yeah again that goes back to the boundaries nothing worse than someone antagonizing you when you're mad no who are you thinking of never mind not you not you and and Han never strikes me as the type of guy that digs like he kind of leaves you alone like you what a great quality what a great quality right he's an empathetic guy he cares he's sensitive but he's not the type of guy to be be like tell me more like are you okay what's wrong like he he gives you your space that's just the way he rolls I like [Music] that that's so cool man I love these guys together like one of the beautiful things about watching stray kids is just to see how well they know themselves right I think part of why this relationship works so well is because they know themselves well but as well as he knows himself I feel he knows loo as just just as well as he knows himself that's the thing is like I think that he feels comfor able in his own skin and that he likes who he is and I think that they appreciate each other for who they are in that respect he knows him so well like to his is very gesturing I know like just like a nose like he just know he can read him so well without even you know him having to say anything or just say a word and he knows exactly what he's thinking or how he feels oh yeah these guys are like telepathic so in tune with each other's uh emotions and you know feelings body language wow like they're so insane yeah they remind me of a married couple just really because if you're going to know that much about something you've invested Ed interest in that person exactly and then loo feels that right so on the other end imagine how it feels when someone knows you to that detailed of a level how does that make you feel and it's amazing so uh it's it's special to feel understood and appreciated that's the key and listen to and and uh knowing that you're loved with maybe not even having to say it right so I think that's what it is I mean I think there's a true love between these these guys totally and you can see they're both kind of quirky and Goofy yeah and and weird yeah right so they can be their complete goofy ridiculous selves around each other knowing that not only is there no judgment but there's an immense amount of appreciation it's beautiful it's a beautiful thing yeah and what's interesting is there's no resistance from Leno a lot of the time in these Dynamics you'll see it's like part of the the flirtatiousness especially amongst Korean men part of the playfulness a lot of the time there's push back like someone will flirt be like you're so cute you're so funny you're so handsome and then sometimes there will there will be like a submissive sort of response and sometimes there will be like a defensive response but the defensiveness is usually part of the play Leno here sometimes he'll put his wall up a little but here he's what I've noticed with Han is he's completely submissive to him May and maybe I'm wrong this is just what I'm seeing in this in this interaction is that there's no wall there with Leno they've gotten to a point where they're past any sort of like games in that sense you know what I mean but is that part of the Korean culture yeah I think I think male on male sort of affection is definitely common affection between males yeah how nice that is to be able to do that without being judged oh definitely yeah because you know part of a relationship I think that that strengthens it is the ability to you know put your arm on someone or uh you know make fun or make you know some lewd comment and not be you know offended by it this is really nice to see cool he's so quick there's something about him that is just I find so special well he's a real Entertainer I think like you know his personality definitely shines and he's very um comfortable like you know speaking open and I find that he is you know a little more of a leader in the relationship yes that's what it feels like than we know that's what it feels like for sure and when he's on man you're you're right I just wanted to say when he's on because you know he can get in his head as well and and I think he probably lives in his head a lot of the time Han he likes being by himself and because his mind goes in so many different directions so when he's sharp and he's out of his head and he's present like he's just everywhere it's more than present almost like he's present but he's also like creating at the same time he's listening but he's creating and it's like he's got three different brains operating all at the same [Music] time what do you think about that I think it's such a beautiful way to honor your friend like to to speak so highly of someone without being embarrassed or you know without even hesitation yeah I think it's really um you know a very sincere and wonderful expression of Love yeah for this friendship what do you think when Leno's listening do you feel that he's embarrassed or uncomfortable no because he knows it's genuine yeah that's why I I think Leno probably has a good sense of when it's genuine and when it's not and when people are trying to like intentionally charm him right it's a very humbling experience to you know you know like to be hearing that because you don't maybe realize how much you mean to another person yeah and so sometimes it's like oh really you know it's like it feels good but it's like wow true it's true and I I wonder how often he hears this from MTH say it all the time someone's asking him and he's revealing how he feels like I think he's feeling humbled and that's a different emotion and that's like a good feeling like wow this makes me feel amazing and I'm humbled that my friend feels so so strongly about me amazing [Laughter] okay that's kind of cool right that's kind of a nice analogy you know it's like a vacation house right it's a different uh way of expressing how you feel he not quite as open about his emotions as as a Han is so but yeah I mean I think that's a good analogy like you know feels like I can just come and unwind I mean that's pretty cool that you feel that you can come somewhere and feel totally comfortable and it's like you know just relax yourself I think there's a lot that can be implied from that analogy yes that's the [Music] lead do you notice that his arm is resting on near him like just that connection just just that connection it doesn't look like it's a it's not a sexual thing it's a a small gesture of knowing that I'm here beside you and we we're we're one yeah we're together we're together and we're good friends and you know it's okay for sure it's and it it looks really nice yeah like you said kind of like a marriage right yeah it's like a healthy married couple just a healthy married without the benefits guys we just had a power outage in our place the heads up we might look a little bit different and the lighting may be a little bit different in the place right after this clip yeah and so we're back [Laughter] here do you think I think might have been a little uncomfortable receiving those compliments no well I felt that the compliments were very different in in the way they they were delivered I felt that Hans was very open about his character about his soul about you know his generosity and I felt that uh Leno was more he uses like it was it was very metaphorical rather than talking about he's kind and I can speak openly to him so I don't think he's as comfortable expressing his emotions as Han seems to be no I don't think that that's what it seems to be I think that's also when you know he was saying that you know they wouldn't understand what we were talking about I think that's really also another sign of a really good friendship is that when you just can shoot the and talk about anything and you just sort of you know go with the flow and you're riing and it's like you know you get it and it you know you might finish this the thought or you might finish the sentence or you may not but you go onto something else and you know you're always in sync with one another's thoughts yeah that you think that's a sign of a close friendship I think so and just really a connection like a deeper connection when you're able to do that okay what do you think about this just like a a really famous pop group sitting down and they're just talking about the relationship I think it's really important because you know when we looked at the um uh songs of the other K-pop um groups that um we we looked at together it was just them performing and I was thinking I wonder what they're like yeah they d Dynamics are like off stage because I really think that the Dynamics that you have off stage is going to make for a better performance on stage ex you know it's like any job like if you like who you're working with you're going to work better you're going to work harder you want to perform you want to Polie definitely more you know I think that uh you know having the opportunity to see these guys then you realize maybe this is why they perform so well it's because they really like each other yeah I I think I think you're right on the money you hit the nail on the head for sure and now you can kind of get to see like why fan bases are so connected to the artists and why the following is so deep well they they allow them in I this is only I think they're doing it because they just enjoy interaction acting you know with it but I think they realize that their fans want to know a little more of who they are and this is and it's a good marketing oh for sure for sure right like you know you know us you love us more we're going to increase our viewership exactly do would you say Khan's cool I think he's very cool and he's very confident and he seems multi-talented self assured and you know he's got Direction I mean he's got and he's a really nice looking guy and uh you know he's he's not just like pigeon toed into like just doing this like he's got a vision yeah and it looks like he's you know looks like he got a thing for Han yeah I'll adopt him you know he he doesn't try to be cool yes he's a performer I think that's what makes him cool like there's no I don't think he would know how to be cool if he tried like he's just so it just feels like he's so himself yeah he's natural it's so natural you know what's cool authenticity I think that's what's cool that is cool authenticity that's he is like he there's no about him like you you know he just seems like um just a super nice guy very cool transparent totally totally cool you know what's nice is you don't hear a hint of any jealousy or um Envy or it's a real support that he's giving his friend like you know when I thought about how hard he must have worked it's just really nice that he's giving him the Kudos that he deserves without without even thinking about it right it's nice bringing you in here for a more objective analysis because I'm so like kind of in this world now right so I almost take it for granted or I almost I don't know if the word is desensitized to how you know healthy this this relationship is well I guess we just need to start our own channel what you okay comment below okay I know I have a lot to say no it's good but you know I even that alone speaks to like I have my own genre music and he brings and and Han took an interest wanted that's a beautiful thing like you know like and it's like okay you like this I'm gonna come into your world and and explore it because my best friend happens to like this and I want to I want to be part of it yes exactly and I thought like how nice is that to it's so nice I was just going to say like now that I've watched them and uh you know just had more uh observation of their their chemistry and their relationship they have the maturity of um a relationship of older of older people yeah because you don't often find this type of depth in young people you know they're goofing around they're drinking they're partying they're out with their friends but they're older Souls almost yeah I know they good Role Models yes I think that's a great point I of stay or anyone for that matter you know watching these two young men and how they treat each other and how respectful they are to and how much they cherish each other's relationship I think that's what you want to look up to this is this is you know we're not talking drugs or alcohol or what like this is the way it should be totally and I think it's wonderful to see young people interact in such a mature and a loving way and you can still have fun while doing it it doesn't mean you're like they're having a great time they're having a blast so it's not like you can't have fun and still have this really healthy mature relationship it's not like that at all it's my mom's thing she likes to say always say it's not like [Laughter] I'm so glad you got to see this and you got to see this relationship we're going to check out a song right now but guys I hope you love that reaction I think my mom did an amazing job Thanks Max you're welcome and if you want to watch our uncut reaction and Analysis you can go straight to my patreon page I've included the link in my description below for everyone else we're going to check out the performance here at the end and we'll talk to you very soon love you guys peace peace
Channel: Max Beaumont
Views: 59,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: straykids, skz, straykidsreaction, straykidsreactions, reactionsstraykids, straykids2kidsshow, hanleeknow, minsung, minsungvideos, leeknowhancompilation, leeknowhancouple, leeknowhandating, leeknowhanlove, leeknowhanmarried, leeknowhanboyfriend, hanleeknow2kids
Id: CLbNSnzZ7q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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