I've finally got myself organised during lockdown!

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hello well this is the start of how I'm spending my weeks in lockdown I'm not covering absolutely everything I do because it changes nearly every day but there are certain things that I do because I've been trying desperately hard to have some structure to my day so basically I start every single morning the same way as I start every single morning even when I'm on holiday especially Australia because of the time difference there are always emails to answer and look at there's always Instagram to look at I always start with a big glass of water and then I have a coffee and look logo alternative aging on it so this is where I do the majority of my work I have a favorite radio show that I listen to every morning the Christmas show on Radio X and I've been listening to him for years cuz he makes me laugh it just takes your mind off all this coronavirus nonsense um so this is where I do my work I as it youtubes I do my Instagram I answer emails as I said and daki who's not here at the moment usually floors on the bed next to me his morning couples he's asleep in his baskets at night so this is how I basically spend every single day working from 7:00 7:30 right through to 10:00 and then I get on with the rest of my day and first things first it will be Tibetan five rights and yoga and then a big dog walk so I'll show you a little bit of each so oh I've done my 2120 there's little Jack Oh God and that's this is the less sequence on to put I can't do it and talk to you so I'll put the link below on what to do for your wives to play tonight but a quickie because this is really useful can you see me fall for me oh well you can see my legs tabletop position this is brilliant if normal sit-ups and the exercises I've shown on the Tibetan five rights really hurt your lower back so take the top and you it's just like parties I've changed the Tibetan five rights to this working up to 21 have I got a little problem yes drop the table talk ah so I do 21 of these don't we won't sit here and watch me two fingers but this is you've got to hold your stomach in and your back must be absolutely flat cannot ease girls think of Pilates this is absolutely brilliant hitomi turn to Dean tell me turning by the time you get up to 21 you can really feel it okay next is yoga yes I've got some glasses on again it's so bright in here I can't see the screen that's why I woke in bed in the morning cuz it's just too hot and too bright down here um anyway join me for a little tiny bit of yoga with Cassandra she's very good very gently full body flexibility that's inside white values eating and let's begin in wide legged Child's Pose so focusing on flexibility through inner thighs inner groin big toes together it means as far as you would like them to go as you reach your hips towards your heels walk the hands out I'm just like your upper body melts down to look for every day we use a different information to set the intention for the rest of the day and today the information we'll be working with because joy is my birthright take one more deep breath just lift up tabletop pose lifting up up to hands and knees palms over your shoulders knees underneath your hips and keep your elbows nice and straight we're just going to isolate the right hip so you can kick your right heel up it's tough to make some big circles with that great need because you can get a little bit of emotion here you need to squeeze into the glutes a little bit namaste that was wonderful really good stretch and only ten minutes brilliant for beginners I haven't done yoga for so long I had no idea I was unfit but I didn't go to Pilates or yoga for like two to three months what with Christmas and going to Australia and yeah I do my 10,000 steps a day but I wasn't doing anything to really help stretch the muscles so I'm doing more there'll be another one in the afternoon but as I'm so old and so unfit I'm only doing ten bursts right now to get dressed and have breaky and I'll do another one another YouTube on food and another time but have some brekkie get ready go to the beach with Jack don't forget a glass this fall at least one an hour helps your brain oops and everything else look I'm in shorts I'm going to take Jack for a walk now and it's gorgeous and hot outside it's a bit hot for him actually so I'll go over the clips so it may be it's a little bit breezy so I made I mean just not speak but oh yay something to be said for a knockdown can usually spot here's another of Jack's favorites but unfortunately we have to go past the vets and he freaks out of attractive top speed [Music] Mero Bihar so it's so hard so here we are coming into rotting Dean and in the faintest you can see brighter so much he walks to heal beautifully but what this has been a part of the best occur anywhere so might Jack the coast then in lockdown we passed it to rice no pets today well after a little and try not to CS them too much because they might stay out too late at night so after we rest after the Cold War I wore lie in the summer to get at least a few minutes of this Mindy into my body because it doesn't sunny at the moment don't let your faxes I'm still doing ground even with site 250 on I meditate I generally have a chill hour and then I need to do something physical so before I go and do the body coach class or something else physically demanding I'm going to do a bit more tidy I thought sorry I'm crouching but itself that's why tangles for you I've done all the drawers in my bedroom they're all nice and tidy haven't declutter too much nowhere to take anything is there I've tidied all the drawers and clean them in my bathroom all the shelves are done under the sink so now I'm going to have a go at look at this as beautiful cupboard it's actually a makeshift shoe cupboard I do have other shoes they're so light not used as often a half actually changed over from winter to summer so I might have a little reaching I've also got the shelf above one of my wardrobes which I'm sure you've seen before umm I'll show you when I do the clothes decluttering on another video another vlog of boring life in the lockdown anyway here are all my shoes so I'm just going to have a look you see I never wear these so I think they can go I'm very strict if I haven't worn something for two years out there you go I do sometimes wear these in the summer I'm not sure I'll keep them for one more summer what a very flattering angle is it these are my favorites next thing they actually give me some height and they're super comfortable because they're fit flops so they're staying I've also got these things to help on space-saving they're excellent these are the gorgeous addy - sneakers my goddaughter bought me they're definitely going to be worn to death when we can go out again I'm not wearing them for dog walking they'll get ruined these are real emergency buy for when I dress up again when will that be if I need boots to go with a green dress these are just perfect right these again I've not worn these are very cute but they're just not comfortable for me anyone want them what this I can go to a post office these are definitely winter love them really nice these are summer summer autumn spring winter so I keep these in the used all the time covers all through the summer I don't think I'm going to wear these much I'll keep them but I'm not gonna wear them I never go anywhere without my black boots because they even work and now I'm going to get on with the rest of ice you'll be bored rigid I'll show you once it's tities finished even if I only do one thing a day I feel as if I've accomplished something I'm knocked down so I've put all as you can see I'm really into comfort so I put all my sneaker e spring summer up there and all my summer sandals and smart ones down there and at the bottom boots and shoes should I need them they go and here's the ones I'm releasing because I don't ever wear them and here are my proper winter ones and an assortment of little sneakers that are actually too tight but really go nicely with some outfits just emergency dancing shoes you know this also think very occasional shoes and we'll tackle that later actually I put these back in because they'll be really useful if I need red and I haven't got any red shoes to hand and they're really pretty and sparkly so as long as I'm not walking miles these will be perfect right got a bit of admin to do I'm sure you've all got heaps of stuff and often I don't feel like it but I've got a few phone calls to make check my emails put an Instagram post up and I can't sit in the dining room where you normally see me because it's just too hot so I'm doing it in my comfy armchair which is also got some massager built in I bought it ages ago god it's come into its own during lockdown because I can just sit back put my feet on the pouf I'm showing it yes I showed it to you when I showed you the revamped lounge oh I can sit here and have a massage and then after that I'll probably do I need oh girl or something more strenuous I don't know which yet but I'll see you after the calls it's clapping for the NHS and all the people helping us keeping going Jack's got his blue crashing collar on there my name siren well I hope you enjoyed that is little glimpse into a week of lockdown I have other weeks to share with you because no days the same however yeah I'm still in shitty looking clothes anyone else I just don't care it seems little point in dressing up I might make the efforts when it's proper summer to wear a different dress every day because we're still in lockdown and I can't go out from that might as well make use of my wardrobe and dress up for whom anyway more next week please really plea from my heart to please subscribe I know it's a pain because it's Google Mail um but I had like four comments last week and it makes me think why am i bothering if nobody's watching and YouTube won't show many people my latest video unless you're commenting like mad so please like please comment and please subscribe otherwise I'll just end up doing nothing but Instagram please cuz I love doing my YouTube videos I hope you enjoyed and I'm going to end with an effort I made an effort I dressed up one day I put proper makeup on I put a decent top on instead of grace lobbies and if you follow me on instagram you'll have seen it already but for those who didn't hear of all my vintage Sammy's enjoy [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Alternative Ageing
Views: 3,863
Rating: 4.9860139 out of 5
Id: A2AecizpVi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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