My Turbo Diesel Mercedes Has A Nasty Engine Issue. Don't Buy A Diesel Before Watching This video.

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hey everybody welcome back to another episode of legit streetcars my name is Alexson in today's video I have a confession to make to all of you guys a little while back I made a video showing you everything that's wrong with this by 2005 III 20 CDI with 268 thousand miles but I left out the biggest problem that this car has is a problem so bad it has the internet so deathly afraid of it that they use the word death in its nickname this is an issue that if left untreated could cause catastrophic damage to any diesel engine and I've seen cars listed for about half of their value after the owner received a massive repair estimate from a shop but in today's video I'm gonna fix this problem before it ruins my CDI engine for a grand total of eighteen dollars and 42 cents using factory mercedes-benz parts either that or I'm going to break a bunch of stuff and then my next video is going to be why I'm listing this car for half of what I paid fingers crossed all right all you diesel guys know exactly where I'm going with this my CDI has black death don'tdon't done guys this is a problem that is not just reserved for the Mercedes CDI engine there are plenty of other diesel equipped vehicles that can suffer this same fate so let's get into exactly what Black Death is why you need to fix it right away any issues that it can cause for those of you not too familiar we have six electronically controlled fuel injectors they fit into a bore in the cylinder head and spray fuel directly into the combustion chamber so we do have direct injection now there needs to be a way to seal the air fuel mixture and all that compression into the cylinder so it doesn't get all over the place like this and with Mercedes with this particular injector we're using a one of these so each injector is fitted with this little seal ring and basically what can happen over many many miles this could never happen I've seen cars go to 300,000 miles and they look perfectly clean but sometimes you can get what's called injector blow by and that is when this seal is compromised and you're gonna get a basically carbon that escapes from the injector from around that seal area and it's gonna sound like this so the nickname black death came from the fact that if you leave this untreated and you have injector blow-by for a pretty long time eventually it can look like this or like this or even like this and this is where we can run into some pretty big issues not only are you going to destroy the bore that the injector sits in if you let it get too bad but the injector itself can get stuck in the cylinder head so at the very least you're gonna need to cut a new seal if you can eventually get this out but in some cases you do need to remove the entire cylinder head and this can cost a ton of money so black death is bad but if you catch it very early on like we're doing right here you can fix it and it's not that big of a deal it's kind of hard to see in here but I think number two is leaking it has quite the concentration right there you can see of this tar carbon type substance right around that injector so this one is leaking so let's get right into the steps of fixing this issue and of course we are using a really neat kit that FCP you're all put together for me these are all mercedes-benz parts on 18 dollars and 42 cents is all it cost so this is kind of like this is a preventive maintenance this is more like a preventative repair you're gonna get your seal rings your bolts and that's basically all the parts that you need for this tool and then we're gonna be talking about tools and whatnot in cleaning here in a minute alright guys the first step in replacing the seal rings on the injectors is to make sure that your engine is ice cold I left this thing outside for a few days it's like 10 degrees out there so our aluminum head is perfectly ready to be worked on so all we're gonna be doing here is removing this bolt here to remove the injectors and we're not gonna worry about cleaning or anything like that we're gonna have six nice little holes here in a minute where we cannot have just sweep in all that carbon and all that black death and not worry about having to vacuum it up or anything like that next what you want to do is get your t40 ready for battle by putting it on the biggest impact gun that you have and cranking it all the way to the max so at this point all we're gonna do we're not even to worry about those lines we could probably just bend those out of the way we're gonna get our impact right there on the bolts and we're gonna let her rip all right boys now watch how this is done the key is to put it all in your groin in your back take your legs totally out of the equation lift with your lower back in a jerking twisting motion guys I am so sorry what you just saw is the complete opposite of how you replace the steel rings on a diesel fuel injector you actually want to make sure the engine is up to full operating temperature before you touch anything so I'm gonna drive this thing for about the next hour and that's gonna make cleaning up all this black death much easier this is gonna turn into kind of a gooey type substance so we can use carbon choke cleaner and some rags and clean this as best as we can that way we lower the risk of anything dropping into the cylinder when we pulled the injectors out also put away the impact you don't need an impact for any part of this job that will actually destroy the threads in the head you got to be very gentle with these bolts now I have never actually fixed an engine with black death I've replaced plenty of diesel fuel injectors but I've never done this specific job and I'm not scared at all because I have a factory style workshop repair manual for every single car that I own and you guys can as well by clicking on the link in the video description box guys these are factory style workshop manuals and on my Mercedes this is exactly what I used to use at the dealership when I was a technician step-by-step instructions with pictures with torque specs they'll tell you if you need special tools this will show you how to do practically any job that you can think of and you can get a manual for almost any car in existence so check it out in the video description box these things are only normally $20 but I'm gonna leave a coupon code down there for 30% off this is a downloadable manual that you put on your computer and you have it for the rest of your life it is invaluable information that can save you a ton of money and give you the confidence to do jobs like this at home so I'm gonna warm this engine up then we're gonna get to cleaning and this is gonna get kind of messy [Music] alright guys you know when the stuff is bubbling up that it is working this is a quite satisfying so we're gonna use a bunch of different rags and towels kind of just soak this up so I'm going to use some screwdrivers got a quick though because right now the engine is really hot and we got to make sure we get all of this stuff up this black ooze and goo look at that alright guys here's where I'm at as far as cleaning with the engine all warmed up this stuff actually does break apart quite easily so I'm using pics and screwdrivers the carbon choke cleaner definitely broke it up as well and then the vacuum cleaner just to kind of suck it up and so that's not gonna be too bad I'm gonna spend some more time getting this really nice and clean that way we don't run the risk of anything falling into the cylinder and the reason I haven't removed anything else is because I plan on running this engine again after I'm done just to get it back up to operating temperature before we start to remove these bolts you want the engine warm before you do that so you don't strip out the head all right guys we got to act fast I've cleaned everything up as best as I can with the injectors still installed I've gotten this back up to operating temperature and sprayed a bunch of PB Blaster all over the place just to make everything easier to remove so we have to remove all these little lines the connectors this rail right here for the return and then we're going to attack these bolts and we want to do this with the engine hot so act fast here we go [Music] alright guys here's where we're at and this will show you why it's so important not to wait too long with the black death so as you can see these last three injectors super loose we could basically just pull these right out oh and I marked each injector guys they have to go back in the exact same hole that they came out of but look at how nice and easy these come out I know they look pretty gross and it's disgusting but this is pretty much what diesel injectors look like so this had no black death neither did these last three for sure and they come right out with no issue now here is the difference we have number two and it is rock solid in there right now and that is because of all that carbon buildup and this one is actually kind of frozen in here as well so you don't want to go nuts trying to get these out basically they sell a tool with a slide hammer that you kind of put over this and then you can kind of pop these out and I actually have that on order it comes in tomorrow from Amazon but we're gonna use a little flat blade screwdriver possibly a wrench try and kind of turn these try and loosen them up as best as we can to see if we can get them out without the tool so yeah wish me luck guys hopefully these just pull right out with a little bit of persuasion [Music] well I am not having any luck at all with these two right here so at this point I'm going to take out the other injectors and we're gonna wait on the slide hammer tool so let me just show you something guys when you take the injector out this seal is gonna stay all the way down there so you need to use some kind of tool to remove the seal and then these are garbage but yeah most of these injectors are gonna come basically just right out with a little tiny bit of persuasion moving them back and forth like this and then eventually they come right out so again we want to label these and keep them in order guys so whatever you got to do I marked them and I'm putting them on a piece of cardboard so I remember exactly which hole they go into but another big reason why you should do this before you get a ton of black death so yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow well it's actually a couple days later and all of my tools have come in the mail and I've spent some time cleaning my engine to make it look like this and I'm gonna go over here in a minute how I made the engine so clean but first I wanted to go over something that came up while I was editing the footage that you've seen up until this very point I had a subscriber reach out and ask me if his friend should buy this 2005 III 20 CDI with about two hundred and ten thousand miles on it it was listed at a dealer for about five thousand dollars and then they popped the engine cover and found this so obviously this car has a very bad case of black death now they were able to talk the dealership down to about $3,600 and he asked me if his friend should buy this car and I said no don't buy the car it is not worth it and here's why obviously this is a huge mess it's gonna be a massive expense even if you're doing it at home if just a couple of those injectors really get stuck in the head at the very least you're replacing the injectors because you're most likely gonna damage them getting them out and you might have to remove the cylinder head which is no fun either a car like this I think is worth maybe two thousand bucks at most if it's really clean otherwise another reason is what else did the previous owner of this car not fix this is something that is so easy to inspect you pop the covers off you take the little foam piece off the injectors and you look this doesn't happen overnight you're gonna hear some noises coming from the engine you might even see some smoke coming out and at the very least you're gonna see some black tari goo black death like you've seen on my car so this isn't difficult to inspect for when you do the fuel filter you got to pop the covers off so take a look in there another reason is this doesn't happen to all the cars and some owners prevent this by replacing the seals before it ever happens this car here has 200,000 miles on it there are no signs of black death whatsoever so my point here is guys this is a very easy preventative repair doing the injectors on this car with no black death is very very simple honestly I've done spark plugs that are harder than this job if there is no black death so take your time find the right car pop that cover off and inspect and if it has a little bit of black death like this definitely at least negotiate the price down a little bit and then go back home and fix it for eighteen dollars and 42 cents well hopefully so let's move on guys I'm going to show you how I made the engine so clean and how I think I'm gonna get these two injectors out without destroying them alright here's everything that I ordered and we're gonna start off with what I use to clean the engine and that all revolves around this this is an injector seat cleaning kit made by a company called IPA it is fantastic this is specifically designed to clean out the seat or the bore that the diesel fuel injector sits in so you get a bunch of different brushes that'll fit just about any diesel engine out there and honestly you can use these brushes to clean a bunch of different stuff on your engine so this is fantastic I really really enjoyed using this and it made the job probably five times quicker so of course I will put a link in the description box down below where you can get one of these kits now here is an injector seat cutting tool and you definitely do not need this if you don't have any Black Death at all but it is a nice tool to have around if you do have Black Death this will kind of like recut the seat where that injector seal sits in the cylinder head and it's not a bad idea to do this if you don't have black death either so let's have future editing Alex show you exactly how to use these tools what's up guys editing Alex from the future giving you a voice-over tutorial your first step stick some paper towels in the injector bores and the injector holes then spray some carb cleaner and try and wipe away as much of the big stuff as you can at this point use a light duty wire brush on a drill and have some fun this part is very satisfying use a pick to get the thicker black death out and then spray some more cleaner and wipe away next pull out your paper towel from the injector bore and use a long q tip from the IPA kit with some carb cleaner on the end wipe the injector seat clean and try and pull out as much of the carbon as you can next you're gonna use this wire brush from the kit put it on the supplied handle and spin it clockwise in the bore this brush is made to fit in the injector nozzle hole so it cleans that and the seat at the same time when that's clean use another long q-tip to wipe up the mess next up we're going to use another IPA brush and spin it clockwise by hand once again and really clean up the injector bore if you want to do a light seat cut just find the properly sized bit and since this has a guide that fits in the injector nozzle hole you just install it all the way down attach your t-handle and spin it clockwise gently by hand after using another q-tip this is what it should look like moving on we're gonna clean the threads for the hold down bolt so plug up the injector bore again and remove your paper towel from the ball HUL I discovered that a little straw from the can of carb cleaner is a little miracle tool here just install it in the hole spray some carb cleaner in there and use an airgun with a rubber nipple over the straw the threads are very deep in the head so this straw lets you blast a lot of air pressure in there to clean them up you can use a tap but with an aluminum head I prefer to clean them gently as to keep the threads as strong as possible after you're done you should be able to thread the bolt in easily like this so after you mint out your engine you do want to clean up the fuel injectors here is one that I cleaned by using one of the brushes in the IPA kit and some carbon choke cleaner and then you want to lubricate the injector so that it doesn't get stuck in the cylinder head if you need to take it out again and the factory uses this ceramic grease right here this is straight for Mercedes this is a $20 bottle and even if you goop it on like I do this will last you a very very long time so very inexpensive and if you want to spend even less you can go on Amazon and pick up ceramic grease for maybe like nine or ten bucks a tube and I'll leave some links down below then you just put your little seal on the injector don't put anything on that you put that in dry and you're ready to rock and roll so our plan here is very simple I want to get this engine back up to full operating temperature we're gonna fully install those four injectors that we had no issues with and then they are completely done then we're gonna use an old bolt and I'm just gonna Snug it down I'm just gonna hold these in a hand tight I'm not gonna torque them or anything we're hooking everything back up and then we're gonna go for a ride for about an hour to get this thing up to full operating temperature once again the main goal here is to heat up that black death that stuff gets a lot more malleable as it gets hot so at that point we're gonna pull this in we won't have to mess with any of those injectors at all we'll take these lines off we'll take the connectors off really quick and then we're gonna use this slide hammer tool and it's very important to get the engine up to temperature you don't want to damage anything so that is the game plan let's go warm this engine up and then hope that we can get these injectors out without breaking them [Music] [Music] the CDI has been running and driving for the last hour I picked up my daughter I went to my son's Christmas play and I even let the car idle in his school parking lot the entire time i reeked of diesel fuel and black death so I can only imagine what all the other parents were thinking but you got to do what you got to do to get your car fixed and this is where we are at as you can tell right down here the remainder of the black blue it's very very soft it's actually bubbling up it's hard to catch on camera right now but this stuff is actually bubbling around the injector this is an excellent time to use this guy right here our slide hammer so we're gonna fit this on to the injector the slide hammer tool is actually built for this very injector and then we're gonna go to town so first I have to take off these two lines and the return rail and the connectors and again we gotta act fast so guys please wish me good luck in the comments section I'm probably going to need it guys this is where we're at number two injector is coming but man this is insanely hard at the dealership we had the same kind of tool but it was pneumatic check this out worked a lot better but then again this tool was only 40 bucks but I got to keep on going at it and I think even if I can get this one out we're gonna have to put it back in with the new seal and everything run the engine again to have any chance at getting this one out the engines got to be really hot and it's already cooling down so I gotta get back to work but check out this injector and the tool fits right here in this groove right here didn't damage the injector at all so we got to clean this up put it back in run the engine and then do it all over again look at how worn out that seal ring is for the injector holy crap no wonder why Oh is leaking I'm literally taking this bolt out while the engine is running so we can preserve every last little bit of heat look at that see bubbling it's a good sign this part where's my 14 where's my 14 [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh you don't know how happy the CDI is back up and running and no black death whatsoever it is perfect and these injectors are in excellent condition this car can sit for like a week it can sit for two weeks it can be 5 degrees out and it'll just fire up with no smoke no issues whatsoever the only thing I have to look into is possibly a new battery a couple things I wanted to mention the connectors can take quite a beating with the black death this is working just fine but there are gonna be cases where you need to get a new connector or fix the wiring see the insulation just kind of come off so it has exposed wiring so I got to fix that no big deal at all and then also if you're wondering this is the special slide hammer attachment and it fits right in here perfectly and it mimics the factory clamps so you don't do any damage to the injectors at all if you've made it to the end of this video please comment down below let me know I know this one was kind of long but I wanted to cover everything that I could with this black death issue because it kind of is like the biggest problem with the CDI engine but that's about it these things will last a million miles if you maintain them properly change the oil change the fuel filter and swap out your injector seals before you have any black death it's about twenty dollars and maybe five or six hours worth of labor if you don't have to get out the slide hammer like I had to do with that being said I want to say a big special thank you to FCP gyro check them out link down below they have a lifetime guarantee on everything and they're always supporting my channel which is just really really special and important to me so thank you FCP gyro thank you to IPA who provided me with this fantastic cleaning kit and I'll link everything else you saw in the video down below as well with that being said hit the thumbs up button if you haven't already subscribe if you're new share the video and most importantly have an awesome day and I will see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: LegitStreetCars
Views: 894,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zEp4GjcXy3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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