We Cut Up My Turbo Diesel Mercedes To Fit A MASSIVE Fuel Pump & It’s A TOTAL BEAST Now! CDI POWER!

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black death is no joke man hey I'm coming from Poland I know everything there is about this Mercedes Benz approved hey guys welcome back to legit street cars my name is Alexson this is the video where we finally get the larger fuel injectors and the bigger main injection pump fit into the CDI and running in this video it's going down and if I run into any issues I am Not Afraid to bust out the old Mercedes Benz in dealership uniform I already have the pants on so I'm halfway there and if you guys watch my videos you know that this shirt has saved me a couple of times but if this shirt doesn't work out for some reason I have a secret weapon he is from Poland his name is marcin and he has modified a bunch of turbo diesel mercedes back in his home country and he's joining us in this video he's an excellent technician he knows his stuff so I'm really excited to have him but first I got to show you guys something really cool this is the last coat and it's an amazing coating that you can apply to practically any surface of your vehicle and it's gonna clean that surface it's gonna give it a deep glossy shine and it's gonna protect that surface for up to six months so you can think of this as like a wax but on steroids so I've done this side of the trunk and I've left this side alone and this is like your worst case scenario because this car was sitting underneath the tree for like three months I don't know when the last time it was waxed it's never been paint corrected and look at this everything just slides right off I did the same thing to the c63 hood so this is untreated and this is treated and we're gonna lose it so let me show you guys how easy it is to apply this you can use it actually as a standalone waterless wash so you can just give it about three or four sprays on the microfiber and then it's literally just a matter of wiping it on the surface and then you let it cure for only about five minutes and you are done so it's just about the easiest coating you can put on your paint it works so well if you guys don't like washing your car this stuff makes everything just glide right off it's super hydrophobic so you don't have to worry about the dirt or anything sticking to the paint of your car so if you guys want to pick up the last coat I'll leave a coupon code down below that will get you 20% off and if you want you can get the weekend warrior kit which is what I have so they gave you the clay mitt their awesome car soap and then this product called amp you can use this as a standalone quick detailer and it adds some extra shine so check out the link in the coupon code down below alright Marcin just got here and he's also got an e 55 so you know he is legit what's up man everybody this is Marcin what's going on and he is gonna be helping me with the CDI you brought your computer stuff right yes I did it doesn't look very good but form Amazon right so Marcin is gonna be messing with the tune on the CDI as well so you guys are gonna learn a little bit about that in this video also but me and you have a bunch of work to do right now so let's just get right into it alright guys so we are gonna be doing the larger fuel injectors in this video but this is super easy you guys have seen me do that a million times this is the primary objective of today which is this larger main injection pump so before we start kind of ripping and tearing Marcin is going to give us the lowdown so you guys know kind of quickly what has to be done to fit this on a CDI engine you're gonna remove the radiator support here the fan obviously so we get a lot of room you have to modify the cover it's a diamond cover we're gonna do new fuel lines for it we have to switch the fittings for the fuel lines we route the belt alright i'm working on getting the pump off while Marcin is putting the new injectors in and I ran this engine for like 50 miles with the old seals just to get basically get the car off the street into my garage and I drove to work once and that is enough for the Black Death to creep in and freeze one of the injectors is guys black death is no joke man replace those seals if they're leaking the old slide hammer yep it's building up already like that once I remember the back death was so bad I had a car the R injector wouldn't come out so you had that tool that was a change to the ceiling and the car was lifted off the ground the wheels were like this high off the ground and the injector wouldn't let go yeah that we had to remove the head get in your head because that one was screwed up obviously Wow yeah yeah you can feel that this one is really stuck no [Music] swearing polish on YouTube again I wonder if we get away with it that's cool about right alright so you guys saw in my injector video that I used a tool like this to clean out the seat where the injector sits but something that's very important then I don't think I mentioned that video is that you got to put some grease on this here that way it catches anything before it falls into the cylinders both of us have done this a few times and it's never seemed to fail with a little bit of grease there you go alright here we go that's it yep cool all right I did the hard part Thanks she's off she's off now you got the rest of this right all right so Marcin is finishing up the fuel injectors so we got our brand-new fuel injectors in if you guys remember from the last video these are the factory bosch injectors but we sent them to Rochester Diesel and they were able to hone those out for about 25 percent more fuel what is the most power you've gotten out of an OEM 6:48 engine just over 400 horse and close to 900 news but it was completely rebuilt with like rebuild transmission and torque converter so it would withstand the torque do you think I'll hurt this trans I guess if we don't have the power come on super early right no no you know we will keep it like so it's like it's a daily driver safe to to to drive in it and there's gonna be no issues with the transmission whatsoever guaranteed good mighty all right so I have both of the injection pumps on the bench and we have a little bit of bench work to be done so these two fittings right here we need to remove these from the old pump and then replace these two so these are two fittings that won't work with the fuel lines on the CDI and then this valve here as you can see this connector comes off at a 90 and this one is straight so we need to swap those so our harness fits and then this is the fuel temperature sensor and we can just leave this plugged in and not have it in the fuel stream and I guess that doesn't really cause any issues but eventually I'll probably get this inside of some fuel so we'll run it in line with one of the hoses just so everything is done a little bit more proper all right I'm all done swapping everything on to the new pump and if you guys are wondering why I'm tightening fittings up with vice grips it's because take a look at these fittings I have no idea what tool is supposed to go on there but coincidentally the teeth on the vice grips bites right into that so it's perfect all right so the pump is all done well let's go check in with Marcin don't break those bolts off Marcin torque in these stretch bolts can be quite stressful that's the one you're gonna give me because you know it's gonna break up I see how this you can do it well done good job dude yeah alright alright guys so this is the new pump and I just wanted to show you what we're running into and why this doesn't just simply bolt up to the car so basically right in here we're gonna have to cut this little metal portion where my finger is that is part of the thermostat housing and so there's a little plate that I'd removed it's not going back on but this pump will not fit unless we chop this ear off no big deal at all it's not gonna affect anything and then other than that Marcin what else did we run into here that needs to be modified right here we're gonna have to cut this section off a little bit once this is all fitted as you can see there's like fitment issue here but this wheel this idler wheel it will be gone and we gonna be replacing that one with the small one that we got from the TDI engine right it's awful little four-cylinder TDI right yes ok cool alright so we have to at this point take off this front cover and this is just like a little top portion of the front cover so not a huge deal you know to rip apart the whole front of the engine or even take the valve cover off necessarily so you pretty much just write Diesel's yep I did but mostly I'll get a diesel because they're really popular in and diesel prices ah yeah whenever I go back to Italy like my cousins are always a mix they're like torn yeah they're like my part of them they'll have like gas cars more diesel they're all at least out there just so underpowered though like I want to open up a speed shop in Italy ok there we go here's my two hundred thousand mile engine nowhere whatsoever nice that's great this Mercedes Benz approved all right so we have the the front cover off obviously because the first thing we want to do is grind away just enough take a look guys my professionally modified thermostat housing to fit the bigger pump there's something do the honors okay I mean weird you know it fits it but take a look now we can get bolts in there definitely we didn't have to run a front cover you know hey you probably just plug this hole all right so we got plenty of clearance right in there is what we're looking at and yeah now we'll kind of figure out we got to do with this front cover but it shouldn't be too bad okay so we gonna have to like go somewhere yeah like that I mean that you're the cover basically is I'm gonna be doing anything anymore here yeah right um no we're gonna just get rid of this and this isn't gonna be sealed yeah um and right here I really gotta hack this thing up feels so wrong Sheila Carson we will let's uh try to make it fit and we will see you if it's lines up with the little mark there my good one it is kind of hot I guess if we go too far though we could just go to our local auto parts store and pick us up right oh yeah it's probably right here we go yeah this is a official oh man I don't know if we have any left in here again we got it I'm really particular when it comes to oh there we go whoo yep this is um an actual Italian tool am I allowed to say guinea or no I don't know I don't take offense to it so hopefully none of my viewers do yeah there we go I don't really take offense to really anything like alright guys so we are gonna put the front cover back on I really didn't do that bad of a job with the RTV but I just wanted to mention that we're gonna be leaving the dowel pins out there's two dolphins in this just as we do the installation because we're gonna need to kind of like fit these two pins into the plastic guide for the timing chain so it's just kind of easier to finagle this in push it up up against the valve cover gasket and then we'll put the pins in after so here we go and see these are the pins right here and then our guide is in there so you guys saw that guide when we took it out it came out with the front cover but you want to put it in there first and it's kind of a little tricky I'm just trying to get that oh that isn't there okay this way there we go if you guys have a leaking valve cover gasket this would be a fine time to replace it but ours didn't have any leak whatsoever it still feels very soft it still feels very soft so we're just gonna roll with it in this case so we're gonna get our bolts in now and yes we are missing one of the bolts here and guys in reality this probably isn't gonna cause an issue marcin's done quite a few of these this way and none of them have ever leaked but if you guys are worried about this I will keep you updated a few thousand miles from now to let you know click click and who would have thought I got a random message one day hey I'm coming from Poland I know everything there is about it just to let you guys know because some people actually do fly around working on cars Marcin coincidentally moved to Chicago he's watching my videos for a little bit moved to Chicago and he is a mercedes-benz technician at the dealer but you probably don't do stuff like this at the dealer alright so right now we are replacing these two fuel hoses because they go to different places slightly on the new pump and they just don't work out and also because of their age that they are not flexible at all like these are basically plastic towards the end so we're putting some brand-new fuel approved hose on right now with some clamps and we should be good to go right now Marcin is wiring harness because we have to extend part of it if you guys remember we swapped out the valve what what is this valve anyway that's a quantity quantity control though okay so this valve right here is a little bit different so it used to be on this side of the pump and now we have to extend the harness over to the other side no big deal we shouldn't have displace it or you have to solder anything guys I found some of the original electrical tape from high Mercedes dealer days that I whoa that I totally bought and paid for but yeah so this is gonna be totally factory look at that this is gonna be nice hopefully we don't run out and we'll have to start using the shiny stuff then people know we were in here right now we are adjusting adjusting right this is a factory adjustment technique one that we may or may not have written our own at this point but yeah we're been in the fuel line so it reaches the pump this is some seriously strong fighters 1,600 bars whatever it is in psi right in your weird American units and a pull back pull that chick that I said lose that plastic like tiny little boys guy get the work pull on check yeah wait is this where we get to say kuba that's when you really break some yeah if not both then you would hear me saying that all right guys we are ready to start the CDI for the first time with the new pump and the injectors and I think that's gonna we don't know what's gonna happen right but I think it'll start right after it cranks for a while yeah okay cool so you have the safety measure right here if it's gonna be a crazy runaway just loose one of the lines and it's gonna shut it down well you really think it might run away no I did see that once at the dealer so thanks yeah I'll be over there nice clean I'll be doused in fuel alright here we go don't run away I don't need this alright that's good let's check out the belt I'll tell you guys what we do with the belt but basically that pulley Peter who's that guy right there there are they both Volkswagen TDI coldest right yeah a little Volkswagen going on everybody sounds good though man yeah alright let's open the door hang on hang on hang on get smoked out whenever you're ready we got a little Belcher all right so we think the the chirping is a bad belt tensioner let's take a look all right so Marcin is currently messing around with the software on the computer to get this thing to run even better than it does right now but something I wanted to show you in the meantime is what we had to do with the pulleys so we had to replace two of the pulleys on the front of this engine with Volkswagen TDI pulleys and Marcin knew exactly which part numbers to order of course we got those from FCP euro lifetime warranty along with the fuel injectors as well so I'll leave links to all this stuff and part numbers down below but this pulley right here is much smaller than the factory one the factory pulley will physically get in the way of installing the pump and then this guy right here is about the same diameter but it shifts the belt up and we need to do that so that this portion of the belt doesn't hit the belt over the water pump all right so we warmed up the engine by driving around it's running really good traction yeah it's cutting in and out right now that's probably has something to do with the it's freaking out because of the new the new fuel pump and a hyper fuel pressure those kind of feel faster though let's feel this to work here no I had just kicks traction control and then the fuel cut yeah yeah we got a mess with that love cheese dude this thing is fast and we still like I would say 65 to 70% off of maximum fueling really yeah so what you have to do to to get it up 100% it's just we needed I know we need a rhino for that so we can see how the torque curve is going where I want it like raising rising rapidly so we don't damage anything right and we have to control the injection time and look at the your gauge there for the exhaust temperature right so we don't melt anything we don't want to melt no all right here's our boost test kinda trance shifts so slow I felt good though felt really good you're at 1.5 right away which is like good more is obviously yeah right so you can probably help it a little bit more with what that catless downpipe I would go with like 1.7 boys and and then a more fuel [Music] and we were getting up to like 1500 on the EEG T's what's your opinion on that and I know it'll go down once you get the credit okay it's still fine like we are not fine-tuning righty not doing that yet we just want to test the ability of the fueling system right now so we do have a lot of fuel coming on the early early stages of accelerating which is really good yeah and then we can mess around with injection time okay so that will probably bring down the egt drastically Jesus ESP is just going nuts feels good though man whoo this puts a big smile on my face this is awesome all right guys that will do it for today's video the CDI is running awesome we didn't have to go to the park store for literally anything I didn't have to put on the shirt and I got to say overall this is a very very successful little project thanks to Marcin here who came specifically from Poland now he's flying out right now back to pulling it on the M skate he's driving his e55 back home and we will see him review in the next video that's right buros so next video on the CDI we are gonna be on the dyno and he is gonna be tuning the car on the dyno so we're gonna have a ton more information on tuning the CDI we're going for big numbers big power and eventually we'll make it to the track oh yeah yeah so anyway thank you so much for watching if you guys liked this video if you like Marcin give it a thumbs up share the video subscribe if you're new and most importantly have an awesome day I'll catch all of you in the next video [Music]
Channel: LegitStreetCars
Views: 218,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TURBO DIESEL MERCEDES, CDI, legit streetcars e320 cdi, DIESEL INJECTION PUMP, DIESEL FUEL INJECTORS, legitstreetcars cdi, performance diesel, diesel power, diesel injection pump, mercedes injector sea
Id: zYDVR8m4ySE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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