My tow truck driver got a DUI

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this is main we have lady tow truck drivers I've certainly referenced a few times that I'm from Maine I guess I brag about that fact you know cuz Maine's this elusive state up in the corner that most people think is Canada and so I just started thinking of some of the adventures I had growing up as a stir-crazy kid in Maine trying to find my way and get into any sort of vehicular shenanigans that I could so of course the most notorious ones were the ones of the Crown Vic but there were some other equally fun ones as well and one of them related to the Crown Vic was there's just one time that friend of mine his parents owned like a construction company or something so they had their own gravel pit and I not a lot of people know what a gravel pit is and they ask well what's a gravel pit I'm like it's a friggin gravel pit like that's just what it is it's like this huge massive sand pit where construction companies go to get their gravel and sand and all that but they had all these roads running through it and I mean they must have had thousands of acres and so basically had her own built in rally course and they also had this old beater like Cadillac limo and so we went out and we were rally racing through the gravel pit with the limo and the Crown Vic pretty sure one of us was like riding on the trunk or hanging off the sunroof of one of the cars or you know just doing ridiculous stuff sliding around but we decided to try to jump the limo which is always a fantastic idea that's what you do with a long-wheelbase car and we thought okay we're gonna jump it over this like Road thing because there's a ramp up to the road and that's easy we can clear a single lane road and there was probably six or seven of us in the limo no seatbelts of course and so we go at it full bore probably got up to I don't know like 25 miles an hour and we got about halfway over and the front wheels cleared the rest of the limo didn't so he literally just landed on the frame on the crown of the road and high centered it and just stuck just done it definitely kind of hurt it was a hard landing no cushion but I think that was just about the the demise of the limo my first car and when I was very very proud of was a Ford Taurus SH oh that stands for super high output in case you didn't know that and it had a Yamaha v6 motor with dual intake runners one for torque one for just dumping air in under high rpm it was the first production vehicle to have a Yamaha built motor in the car five-speed manual green I love this car and I wanted everybody to know it and probably my demise was finding out the Conan O'Brien had like the identical car so of course that gave me license to be like yeah my car's actually cool because Conan had one and I would try to street race everybody and would Street race most people but the problem is street racing in Maine is way different than most people think of it because we don't have a lot of four-lane roads and definitely none of them are straight so street racing up there is picking a back road and following each other and basically just seeing who either wrecks first or gives in or whatever so we'd be going down these back roads that you know 25 mile an hour speed limit and just flying I mean blind corners really really stupid stuff looking back you know I read articles about these teenagers who street race and you know hit a tree and kill them and then girlfriend or whoever and like it breaks my heart because I'm like that that so easily could have been me I mean we were doing really stupid stuff I didn't know what my tire pressures were what the date code were on the tires you know I didn't check the brake pads you know I thought I was a race car driver because I went to Skip Barber but I really had no idea what doing I mean we'd come off some of these roads with brakes just smoking you know none of us ever got hurt I remember racing a pontiac fiero GT down a road one time you know cuz that was like one of the coolest cars around I remember us with my girlfriend and I think I passed him at probably like 70 miles an hour as we were passing her parents house and I'm just like man if they only knew the best story I guessed involved my uncle's 1968 GTO which he still has and there's actually giving to one of his daughters shortly as she's getting ready to graduate college so he was moving from Vermont to Maine and he had to transfer all his cars so I helped them move and somehow the logistics happen such that the GTO ended up at my family's house which I was totally okay with because he's like if you guys keep it in the garage you can use it whenever you want whatever Mike absolutely so of course I took him up on that and it was a convertible which was even better so I took this thing to youth group one night and I thought I was just the coolest thing since sliced bread I took a couple friends out for ride and we just you know and got back to the church and coolant is just spraying everywhere I mean half a gallon puddle on the ground not knowing what it is like what actually went wrong but just knowing that big coolant leak probably means a hose pops something's wrong with the radiator you know whatever that's a bad sign I called the tow truck of course that deflated my ego like Tom Brady's footballs this is Maine we have lady tow truck drivers and she loaded it up and gives me a ride back to the house now on the way back though she's calling all of her friends god just freaking dgo in the back of my ya ain't gonna believe it Sonny bragging about what she has on the back of her truck about this GTO this and that and I'm just sitting in the passenger seat going oh my gosh my uncle's gonna kill me my uncle's gonna kill me so we get it dropped off back to the house and I called my uncle and explained to him what happened and he just starts laughing and I'm like okay what he goes you idiot it's just a cool and expansion tank if you like hammer on it when the cars still cold it just goes into the overflow tank and you just you know you expanded the coolant too much it just came out the top of the overflow tank are you kidding me like I had it towed for that so I got a humbling in more ways than one on that experience but thankfully there's nothing actually wrong with the GTO a month or so later was reading the local police blotter the local paper and there was an article about this lady who had gotten a DUI in her tow truck and it was the exact same lady that had the GTO it's like awesome classy welcome to Maine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 296,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maine, Car Scene, Car Story, VINwiki, Doug, Tabbutt, Switchcars, Ford, Taurus, SHO, Crown Vic, Crown, Victoria, Police Car, Limo, Gravel Pit, Tow Truck, Pontiac, GTO, Childhood, Enthusiast, Car, Auto, Top Gear, Skip Barber, Porsche, Race, Rally, Course
Id: pdFcTzFBIdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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