Trolling the fake Lambo fraud!

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[Music] foreign [Music] came up hard against a snooty kit car owner recently on a holiday weekend when my wife called me and said that there was I think a Lamborghini I'm not sure up the street and I had absolutely nothing to do I hadn't showered that day I was just kind of wandering around the house aimlessly so I was like all right cool so I grabbed a Corona stuck it in a koozie and wandered up the street and I got about three blocks away and realized that it was definitely not a real Lamborghini it was a kid car it was a bad one so I sauntered up to it and just kind of looked around at checking it out and again it wasn't anything interesting to me because it wasn't a real Lamborghini but my other alternative was to walk home and keep drinking my beer so I figured I'd look at this awful kit car and find everything wrong with it so I was just about to walk away and I noticed that the parking lights were on yeah it's probably going to kill the battery and this guy doesn't want to have a bad day and there was a bunch of people because it was a holiday weekend so there's like 10 cars in the driveway and so I walked up the driveway and just said excuse me I um don't mean to bother you guys but and I didn't know how else to identify the car in the driveway other than I mean I couldn't call it a real Lamborghini so I just said that the white Kit Car the lights are on and the owner immediately identified himself by retorting it's not a kick car I wasn't going out of my way to call this guy out I had no intentions or interest in doing that I didn't care I was about to walk home I just wanted him to turn his lights off but once he engaged I had to engage as well so we got back to the car he turns his lights off with not so much as a thank you for saving his afternoon from a dead battery so I said all right if it's not a kit car what is it because it's a Corvette and I laughed I was like yeah with the engine in the rear well you're being sarcastic so I am too I'm thinking no I wasn't actually being sarcastic but okay I'll play along so I said so it has a V12 huh it goes yeah great let's see the engine he goes do you have enough money and at this point I'm just incredibly confused I consider myself fairly quick-witted and able to come up with a good response most of the times except when I'm throwing a curveball like that and I just thought I I don't know what you mean enough money to what to to buy your car because certainly I have 10 grand but not in my back pocket like granted I was holding a beer I was unshowered I was wearing my you know deep V white Hanes undershirt that was probably a little bit pit stained and I did not look like I had two nickels to rub together but whatever I I guess he was judging me so I just kind of said like I I don't know what you're talking about me I just I I live down the street I walked up to check out your car at this point in order to I guess show me what having enough money to see his engine meant he pulls a few hundred dollar bills out of his pocket and starts counting off and shows me like three hundred dollars and he's like I don't remember what he said but something effective like you know I have money I was like good for you I what and then he just goes you're not seeing my engine it's like oh okay fine and so then at this point um a couple ladies from the party come to talk to him and I'm respectfully staying on the sidewalk because it's not my property and I'm not trying to like you know be on somebody else's private property I'm just on the sidewalk looking in his car so he can't exactly ask me to leave but what he does is he chews these ladies away from me as if I'm diseased and then he starts recounting to them his side of the story and how he kind of owned Me by asking if I had any money and how he had so much more money but in full volume so that I can hear him making fun of me now the girls also ask hey my my friend was asking about your boat when are you getting your boat in the water and the other grass what kind of boaty has and he goes oh I got a 40-foot Sea Ray now this was I think this was July 4th and I'm going okay I'm a boater it's Ohio we got about four months of boating it's July 4th and if you have a boat and haven't put it in the water yet you don't have a boat now I don't want to call this guy a career liar but he definitely was lying about the kit car so you know he'd started off on the wrong foot his dress and his skin tone screamed I've never been in the Sun you can usually tell boaters by their you know wrinkled leather and this guy was as white as a sheep I'm like you no you you are 100 land lover I didn't desire or care to call him out on that but I'm just like man this guy this guy's really putting on a show for the girls so defeated I walked home he had certainly gotten the better of me in that uh exchange but I was just so baffled I'm like I I don't know how you're so full of yourself that you think people have to have money to see your your engine and your fake Lamborghini after he said it's a Corvette he said it is a 1986 Lamborghini Countach 5000 QV at which point I asked him so it has a V12 now he's very sure of himself with that the ironic thing he was he was actually right about it being in 1986 it was a 1986 Fiero but I didn't pull up the Carfax on the car until later because that would have been a great response is to just show him I'm sorry your car is a Fiero there's any number of other great responses too such as one my wife suggested which was just pulling up a screenshot of my bank account which I time happened to contain enough money to buy a real Countach and just be like hey man I'll give you this much money if it's real or like hey I'll give you a thousand bucks if you open that engine bay up and there is a V12 any number of great responses I'm thinking of as I'm doing the Walk of Shame back down the hill for not owning this guy then I get home and I was like wait a minute I have an idea I have a real Lamborghini in storage it's not mine but it's a client's in storage at my shop 10 minutes away I've only had one beer it's a Corona it's like three and a half percent alcohol so I'm totally good I think I'll go get it and just pull up so I texted my client real quick I'm like hey can I take your Lamborghini for a ride yep no problem enjoy it so I run to the shop get the Lamborghini go back my wife is excited about this potential Ownage and she wants to ride up there with me I cruise by he's already left my golly that would have been great pull up and just walk up the driveway again excuse me I thought you might like to see what a real Lamborghini looks like did not have that chance my wife also came up with a great idea which was to give him this award that I had won at a car show a number of years back which was ironically I had won it with a real Lamborghini but it was this Local Yocal Independence Day car show and they didn't know what to do with a Lamborghini or what it was so they put me in the kit car uh category and I won it so I had a trophy for the best kit car that I had won with a real Lamborghini and it happened to be sitting at home and she said oh you should have gone up and awarded him that trophy so I put the word out on social media that I was looking for this car and apparently he was a Serial offender he went around all over the place claiming there was a real Lamborghini and a cop friend of mine had actually seen his friend post it online with a selfie saying like oh man it's you know everybody's dream poster car I got a call that he was down at a restaurant nearby and it was like five o'clock time to go home my wife likes me home promptly she has dinner plans usually and so I text her that you know this car was down here and assumed that she want me home for dinner and she just said go now she really wanted me to own this guy so I was like all right cool I'm headed down so I went down met this the a guy who had texted me at the restaurant across the street and Aaron asked me if she wanted me to bring the trophy the kit car trophy I'm like heck yes so we went over and looked at the car and we're just kind of walking around it and recognized the owner who was sitting out on the patio so he could view his car and we got too close to it and he beeped the alarm I was like oh my gosh she's one of these guys I mean this thing was awful it was bad fiberglass the windows were cut out with a Sawzall it had this like spray painted decal on the fiberglass dashboard that said fresh as F and Hood pins holding the the front trunk and the engine cover down the proportions were all off four lug Wheels it was a shorty chassis like it was it was a really bad one so we went back to the restaurant waited and waited and waited for him to come out and waited and waited and after like an hour and a half finally saw him come out with some ladies and so I like grabbed the trophy run across the street my buddy grabs his camera and follows me and we get there and he's showing it off to these ladies let's one of them sit in it and the funny thing was she couldn't get out of it so it was like this almost medical emergency we've got like three people trying to extract her from the passenger seat so I wait for all this to finish and I was just like hey man I brought you an award and he obviously didn't recognize me thankfully because oh really for what he said oh you got the best kit car in this parking lot and I handed him the trophy because it's not a kick car like oh really yeah uh it's a 1986 Fiero he goes no it's not he goes I'll bet you a thousand dollars that this is a real Lamborghini oh my god oh perfect deal I'll take the BET and he all of a sudden backed off because he goes oh shoot this guy ain't messing around and like I was actually showered this time I was wearing a nice watch maybe a car t-shirt like you know I kind of pretty womaned his ass I guess so he backed off right away and then he goes well I you know I prefer the term replicar come on man it's a friggin Fiero at that point he started he he actually cooled down a little bit and was not as antagonistic towards me but he's you know talking to me about the car and I'm like okay yo neat whatever he's trying to save some face and he goes well but it has has a bunch of real Lamborghini Parts on it it's like oh really like what well the wheels nope the engine cover nope and just everything he listed off nope nope he's like oh the the front trunk cover nope he's like well no I it was the it's the one from the anniversary model and I just look at him I go I had a Countach anniversary it's not it it's not fiberglass like and they don't have Hood pins oh yeah the hood pin ends aren't those are added those aren't correct I'm like dude just stop just stop the only redeeming part about the car somebody had dropped a 350 V8 in it and you could see that from underneath like there was there was a massive engine in it so it wasn't just the Fiero four six cylinder my buddy that was there plated up perfectly and he just goes hey do you think I could get a picture of you guys like you handing him the trophy so we took a picture in front of the car and I I still don't think he knew if we were messing with him or not but uh I yeah we had we had a lot of fun with that whole ordeal so I asked him once again to see the engine because now I want to see the V8 and this time he didn't ask me for proof of funds but he said no and then he admitted that he had never opened the engine cover on it so my guess is he didn't know how so as we're walking away the two ladies kind of you know saw this whole exchange and one of them remarks to the other she goes oh I guess we have friends in high places referencing the Lamborghini owner and the other one just responded kind of sarcastically well it looks like it anyway I really shouldn't be one to criticize um or even to to assume that this guy's Lamborghini isn't real because I mean for him it is his truth and who am I to say that my truth is you know better than his truth so in in his world his his car actually is a Lamborghini and I I really can't say that it isn't I mean if if he identifies it as a Lamborghini then then I guess it is and and I have to acknowledge that when you get a ticket no matter where it happens it's more important than ever to fight everyone and the perfect partner in that fight is the Ticket Clinic when you get a ticket you're facing costly insurance premium increases points on your license fines risk of suspension jail time and they can help you avoid all of that they've got offices in Florida and in California but they can help you fight a ticket through their network of attorneys no matter where in the United States you get one you can text a picture of your ticket to 305 305 or you can check them out now at the link in the description below so thank them for their support of Vin Wiki of car trek and fight your ticket with the Ticket Clinic foreign [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 482,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake, replica, replicar, lamborghini, lambo, countach, doug, kit car, ohio, vinwiki, car stories
Id: cNXCTBYsukc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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