My Struggles As A Programmer

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hey there my gorgeous friends on the internet how you doing today your boy is back you look absolutely wonderful today i mean actually there's no way of me knowing how you look but i'm just assuming i'm trying to be nice here for all i know you could stink and look like absolute trash where am i where am i going with this oh my god please don't unsubscribe please okay so today basically i want to talk about a few struggles i have as a programmer so when it comes to the internet and you see people out there it's on instagram on youtube it doesn't matter where especially when you're starting to learn programming web development whatever you want to learn everything seems all nice and hunky dory out there and i want to let you know that's not the case like pretty much everyone you see out there struggles in one way or another so i want to make this video to kind of let everyone know that you're not alone we all struggle uh even this guy hello everybody my name is kyle with web dev simplified in this video i'm going to walk you through all the steps that you need to take in order to create your very first web server using node.js are you okay there kyle you okay you sure you're human okay so let's start off with the list i'm also wearing all black all black all black not that you care i thought i'd show you my my blackness that's not racist firstly i want to say i'm generally a very optimistic ambitious person and i try to take all negative things in life or things that don't look that good or feel that good and try to make it into a positive thing i know a lot of people are not like that i know a lot of people that are more pessimistic a lot of people are depressed or struggle with anxiety and other stuff which i do as well to a certain degree but i try to control myself and i try to control my feelings as much as possible now i'm saying this because uh my journey into programming was totally different i couldn't make it into a positive thing for some reason i generally felt bad learning programming how why ed well every tutorial i saw out there and every project that i saw people build i would try to pick it up right and do it with them so i would do that and i would see them make like zero mistakes and just get through them like just everything perfectly right so i'm like okay wow this guy's really smart which is you know perfectly fine i was just learning the problem with this was is that most tutorials were like this so when i actually started building my own stuff out there i would encounter a lot of issues and i'm like oh my god okay maybe i'm not not good enough for this so i feel like the the instagram scene and the youtube scene and everything that's projected there on the internet as a learning mechanism for you paints kind of a perfect picture and it's not really that realistic because including me including other youtubers out there and every instructor out there struggles a lot they just don't show it so i wish i wish and i should do this more frequently i wish a lot of developers would show how much issues they encounter while making tutorials while building out projects and to actually show them that it's okay because because i didn't see that and it gave me a lot i just became very unconfident and it gave me a lot of anxiety and i just thought to myself that maybe i'm not good enough for this so one of my biggest struggles was actually watching a bunch of tutorials over and over again like for three four months to kind of reinforce myself that i know those things but i wouldn't actually start off any projects because i had the fear the fear of not being able to do it were completed so i always felt like i need to re-watch some stuff and re-watch until i feel very confident in my mind which was a huge mistake it was a very very huge mistake eventually i did start making my own projects and then i realized that wow wow i've been wasting my time with all of these tutorials i should have done this from the beginning this is when i actually started becoming a a better developer i don't want to i'm an expert but it did become better and that's what you should do too so stop watching all the tutorials including mine i'll take that sacrifice it's okay as long as you become better it's fine by me the thing is though this kind of acted like a double edged sword for me because now i was comfortable building out projects but i didn't have patience to watch tutorials anymore so this was a big downside that i'm still struggling with is when i want to pick up something new a new technology it's it's i just don't have the freaking patience to go to a 12 12 hour course on uw it's like hi today we're gonna learn about unity c sharp is a programming language that is like shut the up like oh my god like 10x speed give me the information or off the next struggle i have is something that actually a lot of people don't mind and might actually even like but for me it's super difficult and that is sitting here in this room all alone programming making videos and having zero uh social social interaction with any human that's so so difficult for me i like to think like i like to be very social and talk to people and meet people and make friends and create happy memories and doing this is just it's just not it even if i would work at a programming job well the current situation in the world is everything is remote so you would sit at home all day again i know a lot of people love this and they're like oh i can just be in my own little bubble but for me personally after doing this for a couple of years it's like oh god it's tiring it's just you're stuck with yourself all day so i i like always try to find excuses to finish my my work as fast as possible to just go hang out or to go talk to somebody or even just staying outside it's just so so good so my goal right now is to try to balance this out as much as possible and not focus that much on work kind of try to balance everything out to keep my my energy and my mood in check because if i feel like i'm spending all this time alone and just programming and having nobody to kind of socialize with or hang out with i feel like that's gonna affect my performance anyway just because that's how i am as a person so try to balance all those things out and then i think that's gonna greatly improve my videos my creativity and everything else it's quite funny because programming is is one of those jobs where you literally need to use all your brain power to make stuff right there's nothing automated just like writing writing writing or you know just doing some work or cutting off sandwiches or whatever else there is you need like your brain power and your creativity to come up with stuff so for me this is a huge struggle when i'm i'm dealing with personal issues uh because i feel like the clouds a lot of my thinking and my logic in my head and i just cannot do it so even if i have the energy and i'm ready to go to program for freaking 20 hours straight i cannot do it if i have some personal problem in my life it just it just kills it for me it's horrible so a few months back don't think i mentioned this that publicly but i went through a breakup and that just totally destroyed me making videos i just couldn't think because i had other things in mind right i was trying to you know get better heal deal with that personal issue and good luck trying to program anything else and it's quite funny because i would do other things and that would be super easy so like physical things i would like fix something on my car or or you know just just doing some physical stuff that would literally take my mind off of it so anything that had nothing to do with the brain was very easy to do and actually helpful to do but when it came down to sitting down and just thinking oh that was horrible so this can come to breakups or maybe a personal issue in your life or maybe you just don't feel that good maybe you feel demotivated maybe you feel anxious maybe you're just in a bad mental state so i think this is one of the most important things that you can do uh if you're programming or learning to program uh is to find love within yourself and be very good with by yourself uh work on your anxiety work on your personal issues in life and try to better yourself and if you're happy with yourself and you love yourself i think you're gonna have a much much easier time um to think you're gonna have a clear mind so meditation can also work but also identifying things that might be potentially wrong with you or things that you're struggling with and try to get help so yeah that's gonna be it for me thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed this little video that i made i am getting ready to go for a trip you're gonna see some pictures on instagram maybe in the future so drop a follow there and on twitter check out my courses on on the on my website i don't know my website what kind of business is this oh my goodness uh yeah check out the courses down there and i want to know write down in the comments what are the biggest struggles that you're experiencing as a programmer would love love to hear it so yeah until next time watch the speed ready
Channel: Dev Ed
Views: 67,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programmer, programming, programmer struggles, dev ed, developedbyed
Id: Xnq_UW1WIZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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