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hey guys it's haley rhode bieber and i just woke up but i'm going to do this video for you guys showing you my morning skincare routine how i would prep my skin for a day of work for a photo shoot so check it out one of my favorite things to do when i'm getting ready for work is i will do a mask i wouldn't do a mask every single day obviously but when i want a little bit of an extra glow i go for a nice calming hydrating mask so i'm gonna put this all over make sure it's evenly spread because i'm a little bit ocd hopefully this helps to wake my skin up a little bit because she's tired today so mask is on something i like to do to essentially kill two birds with one stone while i'm masking is i'll put on the face mask and then i will grab some eye masks like these i really like these cool gold ones and i will put them under my eyes over the mask that's already on my face just to kind of have two things happening at once like this and while i have it on while it's sitting there under my eyes when they're feeling a little bit more puffy i will take a little tool like this i love facial tools i'm obsessed with them give me any facial tool i'll try anything but this little gold bar you turn it on it it vibrates which is really nice under your eyes and i'll just go like this right over the eye mask feels so nice i wish everybody could be feeling what i'm feeling right now so i usually do this for like maybe a minute between both eyes and once i'm done with that i sit for the rest of the remaining time with the mask on sometimes i think people get a little bit hesitant to mess around with the mask because they're worried maybe their significant other is going to come in and be like what are you doing to your face you look insane but a who cares b tell them that you are just skin caring and c get your significant other into the skincare because then you can do it together and it's more fun my husband loves to do masks just like i do so that's a win for me i usually leave at least the face mask on for like 8 to 10 minutes so now we wait okay i'm back and i'm going to remove my mask now i'm going to start with the eye masks peel those babies back then i'm going to rinse off this mask i don't necessarily think you have to rinse a mask off with a cleanser i like to so there's just nothing excess left on my skin take a little bit of cleanser i really prefer like a creamy hydrating cleanser more than i prefer something that gets foamy makes your skin feel really tight and dry a lot of the time i wake up and my face feels a little bit swollen like my lips are really swollen and my eyes will be swollen i probably eat too much salt but that's my own bad so what i like to do is when i'm washing my face in the morning i give myself a little massage like this bring a blood flow into my face someone's going to see me doing that and be like yeah don't do that okay now everything's off i don't dry my face completely when i wash it because i like to apply my serum when it's still a little bit damp i am going to use this really hydrating peptide serum i really really really love peptides for the skin i think that it's one of the best ingredients to use it's one of my favorite ingredients to use i love niacinamide i love peptides i love hyaluronic acid those are all ingredients that i make sure i'm using in my skincare just press it into the skin i would love to know what some of your guys favorite ingredients are in the comments i'm always curious to learn about new things i'm gonna do the slightest bit of moisturizer over my serum before i put my spf on i wouldn't typically do this long of a routine in the daytime i would usually just wake up wash my face and maybe like a little bit of serum and spf but since i'm preparing for a work day it's a little bit more than usual before i put my spf on one thing that i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put a little bit of oil on my face the tiniest tiniest bit i wouldn't recommend doing this if you have oily skin i always try to be really careful when i'm talking about oils or recommending oils for the skin because it doesn't work for everybody i'm gonna just do this and then i'm going to use a little facial massaging tool all over my face and i need the oil to help a little bit with the moisture and for the tool to glide over my face now this right here is a facial massaging tool that you turn on and it vibrates i really love this device i gifted it to a lot of people this year for christmas just because i think they're fun to try and mess around with so i'm gonna turn it on not all the way like a lower setting and just go in super amusing i know but it actually feels so nice and i clench my teeth really hard at night so when i wake up in the morning my jaw is usually kind of sore and like sore in my temples here so this feels insane so when i usually do this full full full routine it takes about 15 to 20 minutes the thing that is always most important to me when i'm leaving the house every day is washing my face hydration and spf obviously you can pick and choose different parts of this routine that you want to use you may be watching this and be like these facial toning devices look absolutely wild and that's not for me and i wouldn't blame you to each their own my last step of this whole entire routine is going to be my sunscreen i am very big on spf i don't leave the house without it i don't go to work without it even if i'm just working from home and i'm inside the house the sun rays still hit you through the windows so my final step is sunscreen i know there's a lot of debate around how much sunscreen you're supposed to use when you apply it every day i don't have that answer i couldn't tell you i've heard it said that it's one full teaspoon which sounds like a a lot of sunscreen to me the way i do it and i am so down to be corrected people can call me out if i'm wrong but i use like one full pump of sunscreen and then if i feel like i need more in other areas i will add more i use a tinted sunscreen just because i feel like it blends into my face and my skin a little bit better can't forget the neck i can't forget the eyelids the eyelids are important because those will get wrinkly one day too tap it more around my eyes there you have it i hope you guys enjoyed this video i enjoyed making it for you guys leave comments below make sure to like subscribe and don't forget to ring the notification bell see you guys next time
Channel: Hailey Rhode Bieber
Views: 2,801,240
Rating: 4.8708963 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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