Kendall Jenner's Acne Journey, Go-To Makeup and Best Family Advice | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

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Maybe her contract ended and she doesn’t have to pretend anymore. I haven’t seen her promote it in a while

👍︎︎ 105 👤︎︎ u/thewestfamily 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

My thots exactly 💀 like girl we been knew you don’t use proactive but now we KNOW know

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/hootcheatooz 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Proactive is just her piggy bank.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/UnearthlyDinosaur 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I will never buy anything kendall promotes because she literally makes it so obvious once she switches up. I'm shocked kendall is still hired as brand ambassadors.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/LilV07 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I prefer her makeup style.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/Nasus_13 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Her eyes look freakishly huge in this video. I wish the girls would stop using filters on these videos.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/dramatichipmunk 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

her skincare routine made me cringe...she mixed (a pea size amount at that) of sunscreen into a serum then puts on mardio bedescu spray (which is a known awful brand that puts steroids in their products) and then moisturizer????? like who's ur esthetician girl

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/rxxzes 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

she's talkative and showing personality here! like to see it :)

I thought it was sweet that Kendall mentioned Kylie is a professional and much more talented than her with makeup, and she respects the care Kylie puts into her makeup.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/casseroleEnthusiast 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think these are actually all the products she uses (no paid promos). I use the same sunscreen as her. She looks amazing

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/the_skintellectual 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's kendall i am so excited to be back for my second beauty secrets video with vogue i did my last one almost four years ago and i was just a little baby and my routine has completely changed since then so i'm excited to show you guys my new routine i obviously look really really crazy i have this avocado mask on that i make myself in my kitchen and um it's super fun to make and super easy i put an avocado in a bowl and then mash it up with some oatmeal this superfood honey i got it from courtney so i'm assuming it's really good and natural and then this organic lavender oil i just drop a drop or two into it and that's pretty much it it's really easy feels really nice and it moisturizes you makes you glowy when i'm trying to give my skin a little extra love i have this amazing pure genix collagen mask i love it so much and i keep it in the refrigerator right now i have it in this bowl of ice along with my roller thingies that i'll use in a sec i really like to roll over under your eyes especially like if i have really early work or a really early show i throw this on my skin definitely feels like it acts up a bit more during fashion month just because like so much is going on they're like putting so much makeup on you and using a ton of product so i've gotten like really gnarly rashes just from like probably someone using the same brush on me and another girl at the end of a lineup and they're just rushing all this powder onto you so i'm really like you know ocd now about my skin what i let touch my face during fashion week sometimes i'll take it and like clump it into a ball and rub the extra let it sit for a sec now i'm going to just rinse my face i love this cleanser it is by christy kidd it's called clean i have always been super into my skin especially when i was about like 14 and started breaking out i started like really you know getting into skin care and i remember i would go to like the pharmacy with my mom and get all these probably not great products and i've just been really into it for so long just because i have had acne prone skin so for me it's just like something that was an obvious thing i felt i needed to get into and seeing my own skin journey has taught me so much so yeah i've kind of come up with this regimen in this routine that really works for me it's been really really okay since i mean i obviously am human i have my breakouts here and there um but yeah it's been so much better than what it was before but it was it was brutal for a moment i wear sunscreen every day use this elta md clear i just use a little bit and then i sometimes mix it honestly most days i mix it with this skinceuticals serum four to five drops mix it around get it on there i love i mean clearly i love it it's like nearly gone this mario badescu green tea cucumber aloe spray i love these um exfoliating makeup wipes for my lips just before i put on makeup so i like scrub my lips to get all the dead skin off i was trying to figure out for so long why my skin was breaking out was it hormones was it what i'm eating am i allergic to something am i using the wrong products and once i felt like i got my regimen down i knew that it wasn't what i was putting on my face i started thinking about my diet a lot and um decided to cut out dairy not entirely i love cheese so it's hard for me to cut out cheese and that honestly helped me so much and i drink tons of water as much as i can or remember to so after i scrub with my exfoliating makeup wipe i love this kylie skin lip mask i put it on while i'm doing my makeup and then once i'm done and ready to move on to like doing my lipstick i wipe it off my last step before i do my makeup is this lemare cream and now i am ready to do my makeup this is what i would do if i'm like going out to dinner or um you know doing something a little more than just like running out the house really fast but still pretty natural i'm like i love a natural look it just works for me um so yeah this is the foundation that i use it's just chanel i don't love to feel like i have too much on i think the lighter the better just some good light coverage i was a huge tomboy when i was younger so i i didn't wear makeup like i'd say as much as kylie did but i still loved to play around with it and um was honestly never that good and then as i got older and like through my job and through just like seeing how people do my makeup you learn so much about like what looks good on you and what doesn't so yeah when i'm done applying with this really soft brush i use my beauty blender all these different colors i usually go for this guy in this guy you'll see all the differences between like me and kylie kylie's like a legit professional and i'm like you know what this works i literally can do my makeup in like 15 minutes or less 20 tops and so kylie and i are very different because she is like you know full beat but i respect it she takes a lot longer but you know what she looks fire so i've seen i've seen like some magical moments though where she um gets ready pretty quickly and i love it bronzer time so i usually start with like a like a creamy bronzer and i love obviously my kindle by kylie cosmetics i just like to be able to apply it like like a marker so i kind of just draw it on and then i take this big kind of stiff brush blend it all in [Music] i probably have one too many steps when it comes to bronzing i'm like all about like a non-perfect be like it just works my biggest fear is like putting on bronzer and having like lines on my face because i didn't blend it enough or a line down in here it's a blessing and a curse to grow up in the spotlight because it has not always been cute and i have not always known what to do or what the right makeup move is so i've definitely had some probably not hot moments okay and then sometimes this is a nice double-sided brush sometimes i'll take the small side after i contour my nose a little bit and i'll go i'm gonna go in with my blush i love creams first because like i said i love like a dewy look so i just think using like creams makes everything even dewier no real rules here and then i'm gonna go in with this really dewy marc jacobs creamy highlighter i'm going with my finger also i think if i could only live with two makeup products it would be highlighter and bronzer i've just lived such an awesome life when it comes to like getting like the craziest makeup hair and makeup looks like i've been transformed into so many things i'd say some of my favorite transformations when i do marc jacobs like whether it's a campaign or a show he's just so awesome like he just has the best most amazing ideas now that i've kind of done all my dewiness i go in with a little bit of powder i like this mac just like pressed powder um i use the little mac spongy thing and literally all i do is i go in right here under my eyes around my nose chin and forehead and i just leave it at that like i i like to be dewy like i said so i really just kind of work around the places that i just put that shine i love this estee lauder bronze goddess powder so i go in over top of everything that i just did just to add even more growing up my mom had this like lucite makeup this clear loose like makeup cabinet thing sitting on her like vanity and kylie and i would go in all the time and like play with her stuff and just be messy and she only when she wasn't home because i feel like she came home she'd get really mad at us for like messing up all her stuff and my mom always said growing up she's like never look in this magnifying mirror because you're gonna see things that no one sees and then you're gonna start picking and then she ended up getting rid of hers and she was like the best gift you can give like an ex-boyfriend who was like mean to you is one of these makeup mirrors and they'll just go and they'll just make themselves break out because they just touch it so much i am now moving on to a powder blush and i really love this little stormy collection from kylie cosmetics i definitely am so obviously proud of my sisters it just it makes so much sense for both kim and kylie to have these lines like they're just it is who they are and literally what they've always loved i'm gonna brush my brows out i now do too much to my brows to be honest i've finally gone to a good place with them back to the estee lauder bronze goddess powder bronze powder and just put a little out of my eyes sometimes this bronze goddess um powder isn't a little isn't dark enough for my eyelids so i use this serge luton bronze powder for my eyes i kind of apply in like little circles almost around like on my whole eyelid like i go for the middle first and then i'll come out to the ends a little bit right in here but because i'm not using like a super dark color it makes my life a lot easier so there's not really too much messing up i can do you just kind of blend it all in nicely and then i will take kevin a quan brown hence eye pencil so it's gonna look a little bit of a mess right now and then you'll see how magical it is all right so i did just a little bit smudgy on the ends put a little bit of brown pencils smudge it all out so you don't even really it just kind of creates that little like darker effect right there and then now i'm going to take whatever is like kind of left on the spongy side that i just used this for and just go in under just to make this slightly darker now i'm going to curl my lashes which is never cute i don't really have a technique my lashes are just really long so i have to like get them all in there when anyone does my makeup it's the one thing i kind of have to do myself just because like i feel like i've mastered it almost because my lashes tend to like i have good lash days and bad lash days like these are all my natural lashes but sometimes they're just wacky and they don't want to follow instruction so i have to kind of get in there and tell them what to do i'll go in with my armani mascara lashes one of the best parts is my lip i feel like i'm incomplete without a lip now and i you would have told me four years ago that i would have said that i would have been like you're crazy i would never say that i never used to wear lipstick and now i like can't leave the house without well that's a lie i can't leave the house without it but it completes a look so i have these two different ones this is our secret concoction so you're welcome this is the kavanaugh medium and then the giorgio armani i love a good plumpy lip so i usually slightly over line i take the lighter one and i kind of go in the middle i slightly like blend the outer line into the middle super nice not too non natural color i take my kendall it's called a lip blush it's really nice and i honestly just do like a little dab right in the middle to just even out i use the liner as a lipstick pretty much like i'll line it then put it in the middle and then i'll use like the littlest bit of this lip blush just to like kind of even everything out and it just feels really nice and then i go over top of it with another kendall kylie product i'm telling you we made all of our products based on like what i actually use so it's like so nice and so convenient so i use this it is so like what it's like it's so thick and good and it lasts all night like you could put it on once and it lasts all night i have a bad habit of like rubbing my lips together all the time so um i tend to have to reapply but it really does and i love like a good bratty lip so that's why i love like a gloss i think also glosses like make your lips look a little bigger than they actually are so this is kind of me and then i'll usually like go in last minute because i just am a bronze obsessed throw a little bit more on my kkw beauty bronze and shine palette so i use this one it's a brand new one i used my other one i used this guy even on top of like i usually go in with the creamy you know bronze blush shine and then at the end i go in with the powder shine powder bronze powder blush all right guys so this is my final look thank you so much for watching my amateur makeup tutorial um i had such a nice time thanks for having me vogue bye
Channel: Vogue
Views: 10,557,018
Rating: 4.9242983 out of 5
Keywords: kendall jenner, kendall jenner beauty secrets, kendall jenner interview, kendall jenner beauty, kendall jenner makeup, kendall jenner makeup tutorial, kendall jenner how to, kendall jenner model makeup, kendall, jenner, kendall jenner vogue, vogue kendall jenner, vogue kendall jenner interview, beauty secrets kendall jenner, mask tutorial, avocado mask, kendall jenner vogue tutorial, beauty secrets makeup, kendall jenner look, kendall look, getting ready kendall jenner, vogue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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