My Serbian teacher gave me homework and I made this instead... [Eng Subs]

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Hi everyone! Today I'm going to share my routine in isolation. Don't worry! It will only take 3 minutes! Let's go! First. I wake up like this... 3... 4... NOWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Yep... I really wake up like this every morning... 2nd, I train with a YouTube video and next I shower. After showering I eat breakfast and I have a meeting with my team or I have class with my Serbian teacher. I spend the whole day working inside my apartment but my favorite time is lunch. When I finish eating, I practice my cue cards, but I need to move... ....... so....... CARDIO VOCAB!!! Afterwork I continue to work but on Fiverr. I work as a videographer for customers in America and in Europe. Usually my boyfriend wakes up at 6 o'clock so I talk with him on WhatsApp whilst I'm making dinner and I dance to his music. He always listens to music so I always listen with him and sometimes I drink wine... but not today... OK fine... just a little bit... or maybe a little more! Suddenly I have lots of motivation so I need to clean something... like... hmmm... like my floor... my dishes... bathroom... clothes... kitchen... and of course... Myself! After this busy day, I need to sleep. Goodnight everyone and remember !!!! STAY HOME !!!! Love youuuuuuu!!! <3
Channel: Liz Learns Serbian
Views: 79,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Serbian, Serbia, Srbski, Srpski, Srbian, Jezik, Yezik, Learn, Lern, Lean, Larn, Srbia, Srijba, Srbja, Srbija, Language, Langauge
Id: Vw85FEoFjKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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