My Second Q & A Answering Your Questions On Cooking For The British Royal Family

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so did the queen ever order fast food okay Panzer I made a big mistake we're now about 45,000 subscribers I can't thank you enough everyone I really appreciate you commenting on the videos and and subscribing and sort of enjoy and I'm really enjoying cooking for you and we decided that at 45 thousand we do that second Q&A and that's what we're doing today so let's jump straight into the questions because Iran belong and told and then I don't get all the questions in so the first one Lauren brechler why did you leave your job working for the Royals that's a great question you know I spent 11 years chef to the queen of Buckingham Palace traveling around the world to Sandringham Windsor Balmoral Holyrood Palace Buckingham Palace to the Royal Yacht Britannia and then moved to Princess Diana when her and Prince Charles separated then I started cooking for her and William and Harry up until the car accident after that well you know I always out of work and so it's do you applied back to the palace or will you go from here and the princess always talked about moving to America so I thought I'm gonna try it waffles the cat hey Darren what were your favorite dishes of each of the members of the royal family you cook for all of your videos keep up the great work oh thank you well you know the Queen love chocolate so dishes like the chocolate profession pie Prince William and Harry young prince's royal princes but with children's powers so you know things like the roasted chicken the Princess Diana she loves sort of the healthy eating food when I cook for her so I guess dishes like the stuffed bell peppers Aaron love what food have you been dying to cook slash eat lately also love the videos you're inspiring me to cook more I love it when I inspire anyone to cook it we should all be in the kitchen cooking and and especially right now I've been cooking a lot for the family right now home and on my Instagram page I post pictures all the time of what I'm cooking for dinner so if you want to see then follow me on Instagram but it has a few photos a few peeks of the dishes that I've been cooking while we've been going through this coronavirus thing I mean routine Yano hey chef my questions how many people worked in the kitchen on a daily basis did the Queen of menus to choose from how did that work well I worked at the power Cyrene the Queen had 20 chefs in the kitchen and they were needed because they traveled all around the country to the different residences and all over the world - yes the Queen had a menu bought the chef's would suggest the food and the Queen would choose what she wanted each day wrong hey down Newton your channel and gave you an instant subscribe well done thanks Rob I love instant subscribes was the deciding factor for you to move from England to Dallas again after the princess died I wasn't sure what I wanted to do so I decided that I wanted to explore America and moved across here with my wife Wendy and my daughter Kelly and we've been here for over 20-something years now which is probably something you can tell with my Texan American accent right Jaclyn hey Darren I don't know if I'm late but I just wanted to ask what do you think about Malaysian food I love your videos thanks jack I love making the videos Jack I love Malaysian food I was in Malaysia just last year and I was eating laxer I was eating beef rendang you have some incredible foods there I mean it's a melting pot you know you get all that food coming in from India China and Singapore and so I I just love Malaysian food I love the blending there and maybe I should do it maybe I should do a beef rendang uh sometime that'll be fun wouldn't it not sure if it'd be as good as yours Ayesha how did you end up running okay company in Dallas Texas how do you move from the palace to Dallas Asia seriously well my catering company is called eaten royally I called it that after my first cookbook it's in Dallas Texas it's based in Dallas Texas we do events all over Dallas Fort Worth but also all over the country to the team fly out and we do events were back from Laguna Beach and from New York and from Florida we were down in Palm Springs and Palm Beach both and I had the most amazing time flying around the country doing corporate events and private dinner parties too so I started that not long after I moved over here to Dallas and we're having so much fun with eating Roy Lee Vaibhav so did the queen ever order fast food okay Panza I made a big mistake in the last video the Q&A the title was did the Queen ever autopass food and in post-production we cut it my mistake hands up my mistake so answering this one or maybe wait to the next song no I can't do that the Queen never ordered fast food you know when you've got 20 chefs in the kitchen why would you just call down to the kitchen and order whatever food you want and that's what the Queen and all the royal family would do so no William inherited though they love McDonald's food when they were small but I'm told that it's because of the little toys and not the burgers horror central hey Darren have you ever used truffles in any of your dishes since it's a very high-class food you know I have I love truffles I love cooking with them I think all chefs do especially you know one would do any tallien food there's just such a thrill and excitement when you go truffle hunting down there's a picture of me truffle hunting in Italy and Giotto the little dog although when he finds the little truffles amazing your heart's pounding and then lays down as she carefully dig them up and you pull out big truffles like this if you've never been truffle hunting something you've got to put on your bucket list Ted do the Royals ever cook their own food if not what they know how to cook by the way I don't know what it is but I just love your videos keep not knowing what it is Ted and keep loving my videos I appreciated that the Royals have had cooked their own food Prince Philip was an amazing chef you know he loved to cook on the grill loved to cook up Balmoral and he teach me things I mean he was so knowledgeable he'd been cooking on the grill for so long he was a great cook the Queen no not so much but the junior rawls cook too so and of course William and Kate Perry omegan they loved to cook the amazing question can I hire you that's not the amazing question it's the amazing question question can I hire you yes you can anyone can hire us you cannot hire eating royally - come on Kate honey Ben go to eating royally calm you can hire me to come and speak at her a corporate event or a charity event go to the royal chef calm both the links posted and in the description - Nathan McGee Qi hey Darren have you done well I'd like to know where were you when Princess Diana died and how are you feeling and did you attend the funeral I had the food for dinner waiting for the princess and the boys to come back that next evening at the palace I turned I got up in the morning turned on the TV and they were saying that the princess was dead couldn't believe it and I called the powers couldn't get through the whole world was trying it was it was tough times and you know going to the funeral yeah I was I went to the funeral they they were tough times not just for you know the personal staff but all those people that she affected you know she inspired so many people around the world with the charity that she did he was it was tough times yeah I miss the princess Sam Mendes have you cooked any Indian dishes Sam Indian food is my favorite food to cook my favorite food to eat I even have my own dabba spice box general wash born hey Darrin do you enjoy cooking or baking more have you ever cook as someone famous other than members of the royal family I love cooking and I love baking it depends on I'm in the mood for I think baking takes more time you know once it's in the oven cooking you can't you know add a little bit more water or you can't sort of add more flour to thicken it you know it's got to be precision cooking cook for someone famous I cook for five US presidents presidents Reagan Clinton for both presidents Porsha cook for kings and queens around the world I'd cook for Oprah Winfrey so many Scott her card Darrin have you been to South Africa if so what's your favorite food scarf I haven't it's on my bucket list I would love to go to South Africa I really would get me there how do I get in South Africa I want to cook in South Africa a Moglen isn't anyone gonna mention how in your younger photos he looks like Pablo Escobar I don't know what he looks like what okay maybe exact BOM is there any food or drink from England you miss since you moved to America I miss you know so many ingredients from the UK we have some beautiful ingredients you know all around the country and I think you know right now Jersey raw potatoes you know just in season I love those probably the best potatoes in the world I love the Scottish berries I think they're the finest berries in the world - and clotted cream I mean the berries and the clotted cream summer doesn't get much better than that the green faustina what was the funniest thing that happened in the Royal kitchens also love your vids Thank You funniest things we have so much fun over the 11 years I was there with all the other chefs but I think I remember one time Princess Diana coming into the kitchen at Balmoral and I put a grouse with all his feathers on dead one into a little stream box at the top with some string tied to it and all the housemaids were coming in and I was yanking this and they were screaming and then Princess Diana Wharton and the head chef at the time looked to me and won and as she got closer I just yanked the string and she screamed but she thought it was funny so that's good Adrian sad that you're a culinary genius and forced to cook mac and cheese Adrian if I ever become the culinary genius I think I'd still cook mac and cheese it's one of those ultimate comfort food dishes Hungry Bear their bread in the summer pudding looks like a really old thick towel soaked in blood I'm speechless poor gosh do you miss cooking for Princess Diana I miss Princess Diana coming into the kitchen big smiley face wanting to tell a joke talking about the children and I miss cooking for her I do and finally Yvonne Oh chef what a hottie those pictures of you young young you're delicious oh my goodness I'm blushing Yvonne thank you keep watching the bids I think we're out of time we've just gone so far again I've still got more questions to answer I don't know where they all come from will do more vids for you I promise of q and A's please subscribe leave a comment below with your question yeah more questions tell your friends about my channel and I will see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 155,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, cooking video, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, cooking class, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, britishroyals, monarchy, royal, royalty, royal family news, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, yummy, delicious, food, quarantine food, Coronavirus, cooking for the family, recipes for the family, comfort food, royaleats, Q&A
Id: fhsgYXuz9CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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