My Scariest Hitchhiking Stories

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today i'm going to talk about some of my scariest hitchhiking stories i'm gonna forget a lot of them because i've hitchhiked quite a bit but there's a few that stand out in my mind that i think would be pretty pretty funny to talk about um where do i even start [Laughter] i guess i'll start with this legendary in my own mind it's legendary because it's like probably the first scariest trip when my friend and i took off to new york city bought one-way tickets and decided we're gonna try to make it back to california by whatever free modes of transportation we can so that was involving skateboarding hitchhiking freight train hopping and um [Music] man i'll just start that trip off from start to finish with our hitchhiking stories because we met characters of all different kinds all along the way the first one we get to newark new jersey i think that's how you say it uh across the bay there from new york city and we got off the plane and we took a red eye there this is literally as soon as we get off the plane it's probably 5 a.m or something and so we bolt across the city we wanted to get to the newark train yard which i had been looking at on google maps for quite a while it's right next to like a pretty gnarly prison and there's a it just looked like a sketchy area but it was the only train yard that looked semi-legitimate nearby so i'm like let's just get there we'll go figure it out so we show up there there's this industrial sketchy area of newark which you know an 18 year old me didn't really realize you've heard stories of that place being pretty dangerous it's pretty dangerous it just felt pretty sketchy over there so we uh we realized the train yard has multiple rows of fencing and barbed wire and the whole thing and we decided this probably isn't the best idea so we just walked over to the interstate and like i said it's probably five or six in the morning and it's just getting light out it's just getting light out and we're in this industrial zone there's this on-ramp there's no one really getting on this on-ramp to this freeway but we looked and if we got on this freeway on-ramp um it was heading west and we i can't remember where we were trying to get to i think we were trying to get to my ex-girlfriend's hometown like old hometown or some whatever i don't know um but it was in new jersey so we just wanted to go west through new jersey as far as we could at this point so we're standing on this on-ramp and there's not really anybody driving onto the zon ramp all of a sudden there is this guy comes ripping i'm not kidding comes ripping around the corner in like this old honda civic and the bumper is falling off and i'm just thinking oh my gosh what is what's about because i'm not joking you just hauling just and slams on the brakes skidmark you hear stops five feet away from us right next to us and we're hitchhiking he rolls down the window and he goes what the like what the hell are you guys doing out here and he has a full-blown neon yellow vest and his construction hat on like his helmet that had a white helmet beard scraggly like just kind of probably middle-aged dude what the hell are you guys doing here get the in the car oh look at that i'm like you guys can't be out here get in the car i'm saving your asses right now get in my car where you go like get in i don't care you need to get out of here so this dude you know okay well so we get in the car this dude seems pretty pretty mellow at the time trying to save us you know and um so we get in this car the car smells so gnarly but i remember i got in the passenger seat my friend gets in the back and we we just take off onto the freeway and he's all where are you guys trying to go and i'm all california he's super confused and i just i'm just saying we're trying to get west we're trying to go to california and uh i'm like what are you up to and you go he looks at me he goes ah just got off work gonna go pick up some coke and gonna go party not kidding you word for word but he was serious this dude is on one um and now i'm going we're looking at each other my friend and i are looking at each other like we need to get out what do we just do he goes you understand where you just were i'm looking at it and he goes that is one of the most dangerous parts of newark you can be in and you needed to get out of there i just saved your asses he's he's like people get mugged and killed and like everything right there all the time he goes i grew up here i know my area what are you guys doing and so um now we're on the car now we're in his car driving down the freeway he's all i live in the next town over um i'll drive you to where where i'm headed and i'll leave you there so he drop dropped us off in a much nicer area and then i'm not kidding you we ended up you know hitch our skateboarding for most of that day uh the longest we ever skateboarded on that trip we skated 45 miles in one day and just head down pretty much all day just skating but that was a crazy story then actually i think that night we slept and i'm just kind of free going here with different stories but we slept in a laundromat and this is all on film in one of my videos we're in hackettstown new jersey this is our buddy this is our buddy dave he's doing laundry at one in the morning yeah that's a plastic bag i got it because it's too small for my thing i figured all right i'll take it thanks man appreciate it it's raining out there so we're camping out for the night the next morning we were hitchhiking on the interstate there in new jersey we got picked up by some cops and the cops were confused by what we were doing we slept for two hours last night in the laundromat now we're trying to make it to woodward you got mine right for truckers no i'll give you a ride to the truck stop which is like save you about 15 miles of walking awesome mcdonald's put your gopro in your bag put all your stuff in there we're going to pat you down okay thanks a lot they drove us to a truck stop we just got a ride in a police car now we have no idea where we are and then the trucks at the truck stop where they tried to help us you know i guess it might either be illegal or whatever the police there didn't weren't happy with us hitchhiking on the on the interstate so we're all what do we do now you know where are we gonna go now so we start asking truckers for rides hey are you headed west are you headed west no one wanted anything to do with us and so finally we got some cardboard out of the dumpster and we were making a sign and this sign the signs were just saying you know wes please whatever and we're standing on the on-ramp at the truck at the truck stop and when we're standing there we're standing there probably for an hour or so and um this car pulls up and this car pulls up and this lady rolls down her window and she looks oh look at her and her as soon as she rolled down the window i'm not kidding you like you know in cartoons when like the billowing smoke comes out of like a dumpster that's that's kind of like what happened there was like this little mist of just something coming out of the window and she looks at us and goes where are you boys trying to go this is an older lady and i could see that the entire passenger seat was filled to the top with stuff and so then i could kind of see in the back seat i could also see that this lady was a hoarder and her entire car completely filled to the top everything so basically when her passenger seat was filled with newspapers and stuff so everything every part of her car was completely full except her driver's seat so she kind of like literally pushes the stuff down kind of asks us where are you boys trying to go and we're saying we're going west we're trying to get to california and she goes oh okay well i'm gonna go do some shopping but if you happen to still be here when i leave i'd be happy to give you guys a ride and we're like thank you so much thinking this lady's car is literally full of of stuff there's no way there's literally to the top there was no room for anything and um we proceeded to watch this lady drive into the parking lot of the truck stop stop her car park in this wide open parking lot and i have like the craziest vision of this because i remember it so vividly is she stops gets out of her car opens the back of her back doors spends the next 20 minutes we're a couple hundred feet away from this person you know um never went into a store never went shopping we're at a truck stop never did anything got out moved some stuff started moving stuff for about 20 to 30 minutes we're still sitting there trying to get a ride watching this lady be like what it you know what's this person doing and she gets back in her car comes back over to us and goes okay i'm done shopping if you guys need a ride and we look at each other my friend and i look at each other like uh what uh fine you know we so we took her we there was room she moved she moved her stuff around there was no room in the front seat there was she just made two see two spots in the back seat that were there was only two spots so like the other spot was full of stuff so there was just she's driving like a i want to say like one of those suv hondas like uh is it called a rav4 or something like that where it's like a small suv it was something like that like an older version of that and so she's like where are you checking where are you guys trying to go i don't really have much going on so i can drive you pretty far okay um well we're just trying to go west you know i just keep mentioning west and she's like hop in i'll take you i'll drive you an hour or so or you know whatever i don't okay thank you that's awesome um so we decide okay let's get in the car with this lady so we get in the car as soon as we get in the car in fact if you look up this this uh cross-country trip you'll see a clip of me sniffing deodorant in the back of a car that's that car so i'm sniffing deodorant because we get in as soon as we get in i've ne i'm not kidding you i've never smelled anything worse in my life uh it was we were puking like we i was like like there was stuff coming up yeah um but keep in mind that night we had slept in a laundromat that's open 24 hours but the people had come in they didn't know we showed up because we showed up so late but we had gotten kicked out at you know four in the morning or whatever so we slept maybe an hour maybe and so we're exhausted and so when we get in this lady's car now i'm on edge because i'm it smells it's packed full of stuff and the whole vibe is just sketchy like i'm not not feeling it at all but we're tired we're exhausted and so my friend falls asleep [Laughter] and um he falls asleep and then i'm like we i'm not falling asleep dude i don't i don't know about this situation what we fall asleep we fell asleep on each other on this trip because he saved ma he saved us both many times when i fell asleep just in sketchy situations but this one was kind of out of our control in a way but anyway he fell asleep um and we're driving down the interstate and i'm just watching this ladies every movie it smells so bad it smells so bad the worst smell you know and so we're driving along and then she starts talking we start talking a little bit and then i kind of stop talking and then she starts talking she's just still talking and then she just keeps talking and talking and talking and talking and i'm realizing she's talking to herself and then she starts talk she starts talking about how the you know i don't know how deep i want to get i guess i should go pretty deep she starts messing with her ears and starts pulling stuff out of her ears and um i'm looking at my friend's sleeping and i'm looking at her going what she's i'm not kidding you she had balls and balls of tin foil in her ears and and she keeps pulling stuff out of her ears and so i'm i finally i'm i just ask her i go what's what's what's in your ears and she goes oh i put i put foil in my ears because the government's listening to me they're tracking my every move and they know exactly what i'm doing and where i'm they think i'm out they they're after me for nothing i've done nothing i've done nothing wrong it starts going crazy starts talking about this crazy stuff about how and then she she points her stereo had been completely ripped out she's like they're listening to me through the frequencies and they can hear every every word i'm just going now i'm like oh my gosh what are we involved in at this same moment that i have this like freak out dude a cat pops its head out of the front of the passenger seat out of all the trash and [Laughter] what and then i go oh i didn't know you had a cat and she goes oh yeah there's a few of them in here i don't know where i haven't seen a couple of them in a while i'm not making this up guarantee there's some dead cats in the back because it smelled so bad it was the worst smelling thing because this so now i'm realizing that we're in the car with i don't like to call people crazy but she had some stuff going on and um we're just still driving no my homie's sleeping on my shoulder and i'm like what are what's our move here because she told us she'd drive us a while and now we're in i think it was the new jersey whatever that next state is maybe pennsylvania i can't whatever we're in that zone on some interstate and there's nothing there's literally nothing for long long periods of time there's just open road of of interstate and so she starts talking we're being you know going back and forth and um she's like i'll drive you hours i don't care i don't have anything i don't have anywhere to go i'll drive you as far as you want and now i'm realizing oh gosh what are we gonna do she goes in fact my uncle my uncle lives a few a few exits down you guys should camp with us we can go camping at his property and we'll stay there i'll stay there with you and starts going on this tangent about that oh yeah i'll take you there why don't i take you there that'll be good and so now i'm thinking oh my gosh we're about to be killed what you know and and then i say oh i appreciate that but you know we got to keep going and in fact we're pretty hungry um we're going to stop we want to get some food oh that's fine oh what so then we're approaching this is you know probably an hour or two later into the drive she drove us far like a couple hundred miles drove us bar and um then she goes my my the exit for my uncle's property we're approaching that exit i'll take you guys there and and i'll get and i said oh no that's okay uh you know we need to keep going and we need to get some food like i said and she goes no that's okay i'll take you there i think you guys would really like it there and and then i had to be pretty i'm like hey we have to drop we have to get dropped off like please drop us off i appreciate that but please let us off so then i say okay look this next exit looks like they have food can you drop us here and she's like oh yeah i guess really i don't i don't want to leave you uh uh you know like no i and started to become attached a lot of people that we've gotten rides with or i've gotten rides with become attached because they some of them feel sorry for you but a lot of them picked up that person probably because they want some connection some human connection and i've felt that a lot like even with the nicest most genuine people i've ever gotten rides with they don't want to let you go and it's pretty cool in that way but this person did not want to let us go and so finally i convinced her to pull over at a gas station she pulls over and i'm like shaking my friend going we need to get you know we need to get out of here gnarliest snarliest situation and so she finally drops us off we get off we stop the doors or the doors open okay we made it thank you so much you know appreciate it it was really nice meeting you take care we walk into the gas station and we just kind of like stayed in there for a few minutes and then we walk out and i start asking people like the gas stations for rides so i had noticed that this lady when she dropped us off she didn't move at all she hadn't moved um so we walked into the gas station just try to like switch up the scene maybe you know i don't know then um asking people for rides at the gas station everyone's saying no get away from us you know like just being weird finally there's this dude in the subaru and he seems like a young decent guy and i walk up on my hey man how's it going we i explained in the situation this lady's potentially stalking us now and um we just want to get out of here are you by chance heading west and he looks at me and he's oh how old are you and i'm like 18. he goes are you both 18 and i'm like yeah and he goes show me your ids so we show him our ids and he's all where are you trying to go so we at this point i think we were trying to get to woodward or somewhere in pennsylvania and he's all cool i'll give you a ride and we get in the car it turns out this dude had gone to the same um summer camp that i used to go to as a kid in in uh in mount hood oregon and so we were vibing off that we and there was like a pretty really small summer camp at the time super super niche but this dude had shared that and so we started talking and he kind of got us out of that situation um and and he dropped us off but another scary story on that trip was we were in kansas city and we were down we got we were at the train yard we got dropped off maybe two or three a.m and um that is in the same video where we stayed at a motel the motel was like 1999 for the for the night you know that's pretty unheard of because we get there we walk we're walking get the room and it's sketchy you can just feel it's sketchy and we uh i'm walking to our room the guy gives us our key to the room and half the windows are broken some of the some of the walls this footage is in there where i'm talking about half the the doorways to the rooms are con concreted in they're completely walled in pretty sketchy here so we stayed at this little motel uh half the rooms are walled up and i don't know why but the windows are broken oh my gosh okay well hopefully we wake up so we we go to bed we wake up the next day we open the door and there's this dude just dragging um through the parking lot just looking at us this is like some some horror movie type stuff looking at us completely bloody face his entire face is just blood dragging a trash can a trash bag full of cans just jingling through the parking lot just changing and looking at us so then we'll close the door we close the door again and um well what do we do from here so there's a uh if you know where i'm talking about the kansas city train yard right there there's tons of action and movement and whatever but there's a highway right there that runs parallel and we just we're like well let's just hitchhike this is sketchy stuff bringing myself back to this i remember being pretty scared because you don't know what what's gonna happen we're in this situation so we're standing there at the on-ramp and there's a there's a stop light and this guy pulls up there's a four-way stop light intersection and this dude pulls up starts honking there's just this guy in this little truck just honking and i don't know what he's who's honking at but he's at the red light just honking his horn and then we finally look and he's waving and yeah like at us we're across the intersection hitchhiking waiting to get on the ramp uh get out get on the freeway guy comes ripping up in his ford ranger single single bench seat truck it's like this red ford ranger and he's all where are you trying to go you know dude bald dude older guy uh missing some teeth but where are you trying to go we're trying to get we're trying to get west you going west he's all ah get in and so we jump in his car three of us so i get in the middle and then my friend gets in the passenger seat he looks at me and as soon as i'm like oh my gosh we are with a character uh okay so we just get on the freeway this truck has like the sketchiest suspension or whatever because as soon as we get on the um the freeway this thing just starts wobbling the car just starts wobbling so sketch and he's steering this thing like the steering is so loose that he immediately gets in the fast lane and he's looking at us he's like just like kind of like fast jittery i'm not you know and uh we start swerving he's going so fast he's going like 90 down the freeway just just and this thing's shaking we're like swerving and i'm like oh my gosh what huh so what are you guys doing oh explaining the situation we're trying to get across the country blah blah blah blah blah and um what are you up to trying to be you know friendly as possible he's all ah i just got out a 10-year prison sentence staying at a halfway house going to visit my wife up in iowa okay for sure um and he's looking at me and he's and then looking at both of us and he's just driving but he's looking at us having a conversation and i'm not kidding you certain times with no exaggeration probably 10 to 15 seconds of looking at us without looking at the road and we almost so many times smash the barrier we're always a few times gonna grab the wheel and be like hey you know uh let's let's let's live here let's let's uh let's get back on course here we're just hitting the a million times and uh so he gave us a ride yeah i know it works i'm happy to help fellow americans out and this and that enjoy and um i'm not gonna he told us what he got in trouble for no i don't really want to go there but i'll just say uh that um yeah anyway he's not nothing good and um so uh we're driving driving driving i'm happy to help you guys out you know i know i've been there and um we were terrified this dude is gnarly and we didn't want to disrespect him or he was very set in his ways and all of a sudden we're in this car with him like i said i'm 18 right i wouldn't be hitchhiking there today and this is why this story is pretty interesting cause it's a while back and it's kind of fun to talk about but um he's oh i'm happy to help you guys out and we're scared we didn't want to talk too much didn't want to say the wrong thing it was yeah a situation and this dude ended up driving us two and a half hours north just like completely into iowa into the we completely out of the way but but uh at least we got out of that other situation and um he dropped us off now we're in this little town in iowa dude i don't even know where where are we gonna go from here so there's another portion of that trip where we were in nebraska and we had no other option but to skate on the interstate because the highway that you were legally allowed to you know ride a bike on or skateboard or run or whatever turned into this highway but we were on this stretch i think it's near um [Music] i can't remember where but uh there's only if there's only an interstate there's no other thing so we just well it's getting dark and we have to skate and we we're maybe 10 or 20 miles from the next town let's just send it we can't and so we just start skating on the interstate hitchhiking like this and um at the same time the highway patrol stops and you know wants to know what we're doing somebody else stops and was offering us a ride the coolest guy it was so nice and i actually have footage of this so at the same time now we have this interaction two you know skateboard punks skateboarding on the highway and then the police officer and this guy that's wanted to give us a ride so we all had this like cool bond just the four of us where the cop was super cool and the dude wanted to give us a ride it's super cool and we're all you know and then so they were interacting like yeah okay like i cleaned out this side and the front side and that's it's dirty but it's better than pushing those things i appreciate you stopping too all right you guys all right man have a good night matt giving us a ride across nebraska well almost almost got stopped by the stadium but we got it done you know and so we came up with the um this dude gave us a ride wanted us to stay with him coolest dude uh and he kind of showed us around his local little area i was gonna stop you know i was like no and then i was like you know what [ __ ] that dude i seen him the gas station if it was the dude walking with a beard and looks holy i've never done it but they're young i picked up some hitchhikers we're getting our pictures taken by the cat lady isn't that what they call you the cat lady i am 77 and a half and when i lived uh all my life right in this area yeah you know this gets by me you know a lot of people around here i'm sure they know me too and that was awesome that was a lot of fun uh to to get to the coolest thing about hitchhiking uh that i've experienced and you got to be careful man there's a it's a it's a it's a gamble you don't know what you're gonna get and you don't know you know it's it's risky you don't know who you're about to get in the car with and what their situation is and that's why i don't recommend it um to anybody because it's dangerous at the same time if you feel you know like you want to go have an adventure there's nothing there's nothing like it but it is super super sketchy i've gotten mostly the people that i've gotten rides with have been really friendly and want to help you out there's been some truckers that i've gotten rides with that have just been the coolest people this is nacho the truck driver he hooked it up [Music] yeah dude this is the man right here driving to texas today no sleep just charging all the way yeah nacho you're the man thank you so much and they're not legally supposed to give you a ride but um a lot of them don't even care and a lot a lot of people just are just as curious as you why why is this person hitchhiking you know um what what what are they getting up to and uh i think that's that's a cool adventure and it's guaranteed adventure um at least even for like five minutes you know you can get in the car with someone and all of a sudden now you're having a conversation now you're going somewhere that they're going they want to help you but you know a lot of people have gotten killed and you know different things hitchhiking it's dangerous in fact i know uh actually i don't want to get in that but it's just it's dangerous and you have um you are at risk so if you're a kid out there wanting to just hitchhike and let it all go well you got to be smart and you got to be prepared there's been a lot of fun times a lot of scary times a lot of terrifying times those are a couple stories that really resonate that were were fun um but adventures and scary ones but uh you know i think most of the time people mean well and there are crazy people out there but you know that's the risk you take so i hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching we'll talk to you next time
Channel: TrevorJacob
Views: 108,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x7TiKlh8R7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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