Florida Man (Documentary)

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you well come on big dude huh don't put that damn Sigurd up so why are you getting so many bites man tell me what are the altercations about huh why do you get happen why do you get in so many fights why do I get in so many fights I'll ice it I liked it I'm screwed run our life you know and I tell you what you might be a big dude but right there where my momma got cured at and I tell you what during nobody bigger than me you know what I'm saying I'm a little small Punk and I tell you what and I like to throw these [ __ ] right here I love to throw these jokers right you and then nobody is gonna whip me you know what I'm saying Angie I've never gotten any fights oh yeah yeah I said Japan's had to get in and see might be talking a lot of disease he's got a most time they start trying to come on to me I would put her short shorts and tank tops I'd go into lose he's white bucket bars and I can ten tional ever go in there just to have somebody [ __ ] with her so I could fight him where was that our paramour and tell me where I thought the big skid head at six foot seven dude well we went up there and he was making prejudiced remarks about [ __ ] and stuff and I don't like that word and I told him I didn't appreciate it well he was trying to rap to a girl that was a friend to her she had seen a girl in a while well the girls seen Angie he was like this guy's drunk on her out to me well he took it personally well he kept looking over at me growling and I was like okay I went oh [ __ ] she made me promise her then we went to that part of town that I would not get in a fight we all went down there I give only fight and I father.star would not get into a fight in any way I've had two brass knuckles isolette them out and I said look I'm gonna leave and he looked down at me because you ain't going nowhere [ __ ] like that and I just say when the brass knuckles as soon as I hit him and he dropped I cut his eye from here to here and fell down like that he fell backwards and hit a yellow Park him hole we put up 40 staples in the back of his head 26 cross design and to reconstruct his eye socket with his eyeball back in that I broke both out of it we are not as good as him I know actually we left the helicopter came and the police come we shot down a railroad tracks there was a slow-moving train we jumped up on a car and we went like three miles down from a self man I mean I got my son's fiancee live on the beats of the marrow mold business with twice decorated Vietnam very good fat [ __ ] pension will be a piece of [ __ ] thank you all very much you know all you feed great America's out of it back my sit-up but now that I'm retired got a going on like Donkey Bobby Kong you know I choose live on the white sand beaches of South Florida man cuz there ain't no better place in the world living right here dude we got a home in Long Beach man I'll tell you what you you got it should be a two-drink minimum anyone you walk in at least cuz you're gonna get at least how much of a show ISU's you go to the door not to try and brag on myself but I'm kind of retirement right now but I may always have women in town all pretty good girls can't live with him care little out of God love a man you can't [ __ ] kill him below Molly's everyone I've seen a dude whip up on three other dudes at one time all right just out of nowhere just started picking fights with them and lump them up had a has whupped their ass actually last night I yeah I think it was last night they had a solstice pulled over at the stop sign you know doing a sobriety test and there was probably four people with their cell phones recording the whole thing you know just I mean people love when [ __ ] goes down here and we live so close to the police station that you can't go ten minutes without seeing a sheriff's car drive down you think that the place would be you know more relaxed but it's not it's not I guarantee you one out of every six girls that walk down the street is a Backpage hooker trust me I know what a view of I am a man of God who loved God and Jesus okay and I do his word and I've done it in East LA all your pain I've done it here like you're part of it yeah you could get five dogs you know how you could get five dollars how's that I'm go to work you just said you did Jesus work though yeah and you walked up like smiling Jesus insane everything's going to come to you just like that you gotta are you said if you have it if you have it yeah why I'm making wait till tomorrow you give it to him today you tell me to go to work I work right there bro you know what listening to us Jesus okay I will remember I remember that he's just trying out some slick [ __ ] though I know what you do you just trying to some slick [ __ ] though right now yeah okay you did okay why are you walking away well see you can't - Jesus hey mister yeah what was he doing what you want you'll give me money filthy habit no I do money how to you know what I won't tell you what you want some money where's he going an airport justify sin I'm gonna tell you my friend you know why because you're making excuses right now though yeah I got a dollar I got $20 and I'm gonna give you five dollars you know why because you're one who's just trying to get and not trying to give did not try to marry on the street I love the street brother industry I'm not here I feel at home yeah that's real [ __ ] that's real [ __ ] you're just talking out your nose right now that's why you keep coming back to the guilt [Laughter] look at night if you were awesome dude do you miss me you gotta turn then are you sir dead waitress will fall hello yo yes ma'am [Applause] what what you get too far they don't ever want to go back north [Music] give me another beer this is reality huh this is this is real life pop is good I used to drive a semi truck back in the 70s so yeah I have seen it up I've been to New York I know New York I've been - I've been to Los Angeles back in the 70s what do you want from me bad times where I used to do a lot of well thanks yeah I did I used to shoot a lot of cocaine and methamphetamines and party hard hit more clubs I used to do all to have a good time yeah yeah it seemed like it just all slowed down on me everything just slowed down nightlife slowed down my party life slowed down like the jobs I had slowed down so I didn't have regular paychecks coming in I couldn't party every Friday when I wanted to yeah it was just not as easy as it used to be yeah this the truth is I'm taking it out to return it so I'm just extra morning to my next paycheck because I'm getting paid bi-weekly now start kind of getting cash in man but that's it right now I took everything out of it already so they came down to Walmart Oh I'm not a drunk but I'm a call so I put it in the right way so I try to do my best stay out of jail they're round feel the warm feel and all that that's their weak little people that's my sucker home with it Jason Lippincott 2:12 here in our liquor store I would say I probably 50% of people arrive by either foot or by bicycle because all they all have duis that's about half of our customers people come in cars spend about three times more than they do laser too many people start off with a pint a day and then go to a fifth of the day and then go about 1.75 a day and most of them eventually pass away so you got a drinking problem and handle it Oh tonight tonight's the night we should be good this year better than last year we got swept in the playoffs do you gays better with the beat yet you're like over there slowly nice that's not real quite at this time of the year you can actually stand out here all day and look at the beach I have this one is for my nephew he passed what he was taught three weeks old and passed away we believe it was SIDS but it says undetermined death on his death certificate I got this one for my son his mother's Puerto Rican and you know I'm I'm Italian but you know the guy I don't know why he took it you know you put the American flags and it says torn between because like he's torn between two cultures and then I have my other my daughter what's her name Kiana then I have my son Banamine and then I have my favorite movie this one my family I will believe what's that he's here what's that mean to me in other words it means like I'll do whatever I have to do all I will work my hands to the bone I'll bleed do whatever I have to do to make sure that my family has the things I'll provide for them no matter how I have to do is you know you know work my hands till they bleed I don't care as long as my kids in my family have what they need that's all it's important to me in life one little Porter rack right here all right the smile office put them aboard here come in here and take a break all right this is it it's just a nice documentaries or what I like this is it I'll come in here dry off grab my hat all right check out the honeys all right you got the honey's right I put my hat on here or come in there first thing I want to do is I want to go first you want to do when I gather water only gonna be for a nice cold you ever it's called it's called a 16 ounce arm curl you or the others calling you grab a beer 16 out you do an arm curl I get this long for us let's call arm curl 16 ounce uncle then like serve life I made a wrong turn at uh what's that Niagara fall bridge and they found my gun needless to say no more can't drag again her first of all you can't have a gun in New York I'm from Florida I didn't know that part so whether I had a care permit or not he was going to jail and it was in my suitcase you come out here in the morning and you walk out on that dock and it's just quiet it's cool man it's just like I kind of draws you and I need to open the door up and you hear it and you just come out here and look around and she drinking coffee and I'm fishing yeah what it's all about I just like Florida man it's warm here back in Indiana right now it's 47 friggin degrees it's awesome sit sunset every day [Music] there's fish in there and there's I mean not supposed to a lot to fish over here burger like protective species but I heard there's like alligators in the end I mean like faithful alligators and I don't know who put him in there they destroy this whole place really is running to spending money on what normally better dictionary making even worse I guess it's government money they don't care you know why they matter but I mean like a mess in a while they could come back and have a job look at the wall over the wall should be cleaned to mr. Devine all come on there ways to clean a crap man they're not doing it I don't I don't care what I'm say I'm just speaking the truth really I mean that [ __ ] should be cleaned will end all this crap sorrowful liver nice sunset by the way hey us you up throughout my flight look there goes any I was gonna give it to that guy but he got him on as I just said so I'm glittering good I'm still so there's all the bike I just didn't want to call my mom really weird [Music] that's that's creepy [Laughter] checking my dentures oh no they're all real and I do Santa Claus comes Christmastime we took a cruise last year and I did it on the cruise and I came back here and did it Christmas Eve over here all the clubs VFW the Legion down here we have a good time down here but when I was on the cruise I had short pants kids wanted to white Fanta had to her pants on that was close and I told them Santa's on vacation not Christmas yet on my vacation that about it harder okay how about it gave you enough time you got the cameraman a good thing to do in Florida stay out of trouble when they say come on vacation leave on probation and you will come back on violations that's the way it is there's no state income tax and the only way they can cover the [ __ ] is to put somebody in jail and charge them for it they make money off of people being in jail and that's the way it is oh yes ferb possession from [ __ ] my old lady told me her told them not me last time was 18 days the way it is people just got to learn down here beautiful state but you got to respect it and do [ __ ] the way it is because if not they go get you they want you and they're going to get you if they want you no matter what they're going to get you and it's just it's horrible down here once you're in the system you're screwed basically I came to KOCO I was walking across the street and not doing nothing wrong police comes up on me whoa whoa yeah for no reason yeah and arrested me for paraphernalia that I did not have I swear to God on everything I love anyway that was my juvenile life you know saying that happened when I was 18 I was in the fire kind of Academy visiting my sister you know what that did for me messed up my whole career literally I got kicked out of the fire academy this is our chance to be individual and then I believe we get thrown back in the mix have world one thing for all one being really it only makes sense it's all a circle you know this is this may be our only chance to be individuals remover we all came from Stardust we'll get we'll get pushed back into it and then it all comes back to resolving the circle we're all the same thing I believe that wholeheartedly I know no matter what I'm a pain I'm in and what situation I mean if I see somebody you know like my friend and I got a dime he's going to get a nickel I prefer to be a worker my workers and a friend among friends that's all I'm just one guy I'm nobody [Music] now I've been picking up on a girl for last two hours in this bar some blackberry walks up totally ignores me I mean it's the way it is down here it's totally different I've been in Alabama for the last almost 10 years and it's so different out here just trying to get used to it but uh Florida's great but I'm having a hard time adapting so uh drill under Florida and good luck to me I do what I want when I want take two naps three naps a day for a walk early more than more than that late morning nap early evening that that's basically what we do girl we have a good time but not everybody can do that sometimes even down here for the first few years first probably ten years I was down here I got wrapped up in the rat race just like everybody else does you know anywhere else in the world ending in the country but then finally I started saying you know what I came down here for a reason I'm gonna start living it Jesus you just taught to take care of her daddy I had a young girl that came up it was real flirtatious with me and I'm like hey I knew something was up I had went into the 7-eleven took a bunch of my other medications that I had at like ten bottles she assumed I had maintained medication which I left where we stay at and she came around the corner was being real flirtatious and she's all like you sure use the painkiller I'll do anything for that and I said I don't have them and whatever next thing I know she went and got her her little boyfriend they come around a corner and demanded I was going to give him the painkillers and I was from that point I refused I was stabbed from here to here stapled it up yep had to put all my stomach and God's not get my dolly buttoned blew out and stuff coming yeah that's what people would do for painkillers almost lost my life over painkillers [Laughter] it was spread that much time with me or they're so nice that I can even tell or light all kinds of self people up yeah only bad part about Florida a lot of pill heads you're going to find so many peel heads that you know but that's I guess anywhere you go nowadays that you're going to find all kinds of drugs and stuff like that but other than that man Florida is very nice place that guy that dance is with the fattest girl in the bar gets free drinks all night that's called Hagen I like it when you pick one up and dance whether you take Europe or right here I win one lives here I was a damn Yankee I got upgraded to redneck [Laughter] but you still have a [ __ ] come out of the down lake onto my property beat the hell out of my windows scare my wife my children and uh I was a zombie yeah just like a damn zombie come on with that wait wait we didn't kill him should have just strange place I'm very corrupt correct one of the most corrupt counties in the dam state of Florida real corrupt town I don't know I've lived here a long time I didn't know was that corrupt oh yes you know what is corrupt about her educate me the judicial system all the judicial system you mean the good old boy network exactly okay no my wife is colored Oh iswhat I also yeah and I can understand that because there's a lot of folks that you know like he said aren't hip to that all right well I mean you know she's the Sheep she from Jamaica and if you met her you think she's nice one me everybody did she talk with an accent feel good about where is she she here no she's home you can just we have new Boris on oh I see well two-month-old oh really how long y'all been together six years six years this is your first child yeah Wow congratulations awesome boy or girl boy okay then oh look out ha ha ha ha Irish Jamaican Irish Jamaican this could only happen to us you know about these people I know they have a [ __ ] sock didn't know they suck but do you want to add a ding ding ding the whole time I've been in [ __ ] rollovers with no [ __ ] yeah man and I put together well I know I did pull over [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can film dolphins and you can see the manatees out there the manatees are and a few blocks down probably about four or five blocks on down where the condos are they that's where they stay at in the mornings you can really just see them flip their tails when a baby they all play with their moms cool my biggest achievement down here so far is learning how to throw a cast net that is a lot harder than you think it is I'm telling you and I will look into the lens and tell you that is hard you try to learn how to do that is part check this out I just may be off the record I had this girl here one night right actually it was two girls - each [ __ ] these little creatures but good things up here Adam pull that here I was sitting up there strallan that [ __ ] board right there both both girls and both sodomy [ __ ] doing me man all right I'm just gonna yeah yeah yeah I it wasn't about the money man wasn't about drugs or dope or alcohol eat girls just love me all right they called me mr. sexy toga beats right hey hey it's just I'm just being myself right these girls are doomed I had two girls right there a little [ __ ] wood wood right there button taking care of me actually if you want to I bring my phone right now you want you want to see some text messages all right don't see what we're setting giggles just going to see what my girls had to say to me since I've been out in the water right Arwen new voice message right I'm going to scroll down here darling actually a month to do this I'm actually I'll say this with you all here Pam I go it could be personal here [ __ ] up here voicemail options password nine six one three then microphone if you say what's he say [Music] now [Music] [Music] you make us we have no we the people anymore we the people are fooled what we the people need to do is killed 1% if you all want to get down and kill billionaires and this is the truth then it can be stopped but that's the only way it can be stopped otherwise there is no we the people the only president that I believe that was duly elected in last 30 [ __ ] years is Ronald Reagan after that it's just been a who counts the votes there's some really bad things coming to America so let me just say that as God is my witness and we're all going to have a wake up call far beyond anything did not 11 even hinted about and it's going to shake this country and it's going to check to people this country to the core it's going to happen it's not your stop if it's when it's for like my word that's true goodnight yeah you know I got it hey hey hey you got that I'm going to bring it work just step over there so you can get down Wow [ __ ] fall down what you have nothing we better run that's how we do it when you're real and sore it doesn't matter if they need help you get up there and you will help them whatever it takes [Music] who had me convinced that me see if I roll over I'll learn to make people believe I swear to God I do and I don't have them clear you know this is my blood and I was born and raised in Christmas Florida you know I ain't nothing scuse me Gator they know nothing don't bother me you know what I'm saying it is you buddy I'll get a hold of your ass too listen life is short grab it by the short hairs and enjoy every moment don't get caught up in social media you get caught up in that you lose that you lose everything so be yourself enjoy life I did I just want everybody to love everybody no matter who you are what you are what you do love love somebody I believe in the Lord that's that's my only hope I believe in the Lord and I just ask him to guide me direct me and not to get me through the day and not to say or do anything to hurt anybody else or myself I just know there's a whole lot of other people that have got it way worse than I do you know so what right do I have to complain about anything really yeah I'm breathing I get clothes on my back good a couple bucks in my pocket I got a friend every day is important to me I know how easy we go and how fast we go I'm already starting to lose friends and stuff you know I mean they're falling off the planet and life to shorten is too precious and I'm in a good place to finish my life out that's where I want to be it's my life one thing I got to do tomorrow we've got to put another US flag out there on the dock out there getting little tattered yeah god bless america beautiful nice breeze to keep the skaters away - no - all the while and the rest again move with him in New York and God caused the wind to blow over the earth and the waters began to subside the springs of the watery deep and the floodgates of the heavens were stopped up to the rain from the heavens stop fog then the waters began to recede progressively from the earth and by the end like a 150 days the waters had subsided why the hell are where it's got to be something else this is test that's all this is there's another level [Applause] possibly other dimensions going on right now simultaneously I don't know man life is this crazy really you got to put up with her it's a bottom line you can't a little life even deserve to live really that's what I think anyway all night look I might be stupid but I'm not dumb there's a difference between stupid and dumb really really really getting stupid and don't listen up say stupid okay you pee you be obnoxious but dumb okay that's that's okay that's when you stop thinking cuz you're not done nobody's don't ever I swear filmer that's what life is all about well if you want something you gotta go get it I mean others gonna I mean hand you out [ __ ] unless you ask for a lot of people don't care well and I hate that really really really I don't like people being dumb ok you just stupid cuz if a disability or a not dumb can you have your brain use your brain use your damn brain God gave you a brain use it man don't be an idiot oh no you can't be gone ok you might be stupid okay it's stupid you're stupid man it's like being an ear I'm not dumb you have a brain use your brain okay well you have a chance life is like let me like an end like anytime I want to live to be along I want to live a long long time really I don't care who says bye Donald oh I expect people to use their brain really I don't yeah I'm sad when people can't use their brain really you know a lot of people don't use their brain you know why because they don't want to then and up until nuts go out they get something man some stupid oh my god oh god I need a ciliary fracture myself no I would love it for myself kill myself you
Channel: Very Ape
Views: 1,794,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, film, indie, indy, florida, florida man, floridaman, florida man documentary, doc, docmentary, sean dunne, cass greener, very ape, filmmaking, raw, best documentary ever, best film ever, weed, cannabis, 420, fights, fighting, marijuana, beer, booze, karaoke, sunshine state, sunshine, weird doc, drifters, wisdom, street wisdom, lsd, acid, mushrooms, shrooms, psychedelics, stoner classic, very ape podcast, beach, surfing, surfing video, beach bum, liquor store, crime, cops, police, free documentary
Id: tB5C5P9qveE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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