My Scandinavian/Nordic Gas Mask collection

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hey and Moy if I said right I'm going to do a video on my Scandinavian respirators because people have been saying can you do a video on your like Finnish respirators or your Swedish respirators in the collection the issue is that my Swedish collection my Finnish collection on their own are so small I don't think they really warrant a collection video so I'm going to do is I'm just going to lump all of Scandinavia in together and I'm going to include that as Denmark Norway Sweden Finland I don't have any actual Danish or Norwegian gas masks so this is going to simply just be Sweden and Finland so let's start off of Sweden work west to east and we're going to look first at the Falk gas mask respirator and I think type 32 is its official name so this one's easy scene 1955 I guess size free now so basically what this was is was a cheap civilian respirator the Swedes came up with during the Cold War for basically civil defense they have this style mass before it in World War two where it was very similar to the British one for this was still very similar to the British civilian respirator so when you get it it comes sealed in the bag if you want to see more about this mask watch the video actually is on this very specific mask but basically it came some instructions and semantics fouling paste but this is the mask itself now obviously do not use the filter of this a filter made from the 1950s probably has asbestos in and regardless due to the age of the filter the insides have probably worn down quite a lot and turn to dust so the mask itself is very simple not the most comfortable of masks you can see there it says type 32 gold Maron or something gold Maori it says GP five five four four on that side of it so basically this is a very simple mask they've done the same thing as the British World War two masks where the civilian masks at least where they made the filters with the actual intake valve on the filter itself not in the mask and then the mask is literally just taped so the mask out the filter on is just lit the holo at that end and then they tape the filters on which is a cheap way of doing it I guess now I'm gonna hold my breath and put on very briefly for you so you can see it I'll see as I said I'm holding my breath because sometimes I've done this I've made it very obvious I'll hold my breath in people oh my god you put on a nice pistol Smith mask you said never to wear asbestos kiss mom oh yeah because I've said I'm holding my breath right okay ready it doesn't actually find the net fail though but just inflates around my face let's get that off so yeah the mask itself doesn't have an Excel valve it's very primitive you inhale for the filter you breathe out until it blooms up around your face enough that the air gets out very primitive and basic but yeah it would save your life so what I assumed would be in this filter is your particulate layer at the front which probably has asbestos and if it's not pure asbestos it will be as missiles woven with something else then you have a big canister of charcoal the charcoal probably goes from that bridge there all the way to the back of another little particle layer onto the charcoal can't get out and that would obviously be your main absorption layer now I think they made quite a few variants of this what is surprisingly good on these is those cheap bits of plastic there or IO fumes plastic it's very good you know very clear plastic which surprised me on something so cheap as this but yeah these were basically designed as kind of we need to make masks civilians really cheap I don't actually think that's even taped on I think this is um I'm not gonna take it off for this video ver I think this is just kind of like this really strong elastic band that holds this all together anyway the point was make these facilities never needed as a cold war never went hot and chemical weapons weren't used but this is one of those interesting curiosities of like you know the really cheap civilian masks that were made thankfully not needed but as a result you can buy them sealed in a tub you know with all the contents in there for very cheaply now and they're great little collectors items bars that don't breathe through now for one of my favorite respirators in my collection this is the four Tschida f2a for now there's two variants of the fishy de f2 as far as Amaya there's the normal f2 which has a drinking tube on and you can put the filter on either side on this one it just goes on this side the left cheek and there's the a4 which is this one which is a civilian version where they took off the drinking tube and I only had the filter intake on this side so this is either for civilians or export now one thing I mentioned I did a video of this finally date on it yeah it says 94 at the bottom there this frozen where these masks are made during the early 90s I think it's actually called something like the ski mask 90 program when these are made and as far as I'm aware I've probably Hori butchered the pronunciation of that but as far as Amaya like ski mask whoever it is is Swedish for like gas mask or respirator so the 90 bit implies it was like you know from the nineties the program modernization the military mask Sweden had before these was a fin about a lot of Finnish but like the American m9 clone I think they might have caught that the m51 the Swedish m51 the regardless when I get to the finish mask you look very similar to that but so these be you know a truly modernized mask and obviously what Sweden did and I don't blame them at all because it's clearly your best option ever yeah they looks at the time all the different masks that are out there and said we need to come up with a mask that's really good they looks at the Avon s10 very clearly you can see it's got a lot of s10 elements to this the pretty much the only difference is they use these more triangular lenses like soft triangles rather than actually using the you know circular more circular lens as the STM has but I've white oven that it is literally a nest tent in terms of how it's all set up on the inside you know how it all works like with the s10 it doesn't really have a proper voice diaphragm or it's got is an exhale valve at the front and then assists in there that's designed to amplify exhale bow slightly but yeah but this mask is absurdly comfortable it has a very good head strap as you can see that's quite big six straps look easy to adjust elasticated straps oh let me put this on okay so basically this mask do it but me two straps go up the middle two straps do it the top two strokes and this mask is really comfortable absurdly comfortable I think makes an airtight seal as I was saying problem is these are from the 90s but lots of surplus sellers got these in a while ago and I bought mine and they all said these are like brand-new modern Swedish military gas masks no they're not there unless they're on our new batch and nobody's ever got those who's ordered them it seems that all of them are from the 90s they've now been sold on the surplus market but what's a surplus sellers for some reason thinking a brand new masks made the other day except the date stamps on them but you know physically and printable even check regardless I don't know what kind of plastic this is I don't know if it's polycarbonate so I don't know how strong is bit things alright tapping it obviously don't shoot it with a BB gun because you might ruin a really good mask but um yeah very comfortable said this makes an amazing facial fit for me personally if you like masks like the s10 you'll definitely like this it's got all the good points of an s10 slightly better in my opinion eyepieces although I haven't tried using a scope with you so I don't know how well it is good for shooting but yeah I said you know they looked at the s10 and clearly use that as the main design influence on this mask so that's the reason why really it's so good so yep can't say anything bad about this mask really if I see the military one shaved at some point I'll pick up the military variant as well but these are really really good masks very comfortable good of you take 40 millimeter NATO filters you know comfortable straps easy to do straps you know there you can just do that to tighten that to loosen so very very competent respirator before respirators like this you know it'd be great but something a normal all as good as this are they but there we go so that's the ski mask 90 whatever it's got or the for heater f2 and he for - um you know most of us now for a look what I think is called to finish m39 but it was basically to finish World War two civilian respirator so it's in this little shoestring box here we go so the instructions are both in Finnish and Swedish in there cuz I did get some of my subscribers tell me that the Perry that was because in lots of areas of Finland at the time lots of people spoke Swedish so you've got this rubber hood mask in the box put that down a second you've also got the filter which is obviously probably riddled with asbestos and a carry satchel I've never bothered actually getting the carry satchel properly out the carry satchel does have some like auntie didn't paste in it that's long since dried up says the filter I'm mostly not gonna open this filter because it's got asbestos in because it's not a World War two filter there's also I think this was an tdum paste in here that's long since dried up as well but yeah this is a very competently made mask or is very high quality for civilian world war two mask so let's have a look at the mask so basically this is an improved version of the German V m37 respirator the face piece itself and hood is very similar to the vm 37 but what they've done with this mask is it's got a proper plastic assembly on it so you'll see there that it's got the screw thread for the filter intake and the valves and it's got the plastic kind of spring XL valve finger now I can see directly out of this if I look through it so I assume that it has sort of celluloid type stuff that of cifra if you want to see the inside of the mask there we go yeah you might not go see much but and it's got like an adjustment strap there which I guess you do the button up right what I'm interested to see is how close the filter was back in the day to modern 40 millimeter NATO so let's just see I will seem not gonna force this if it's not going to turn because it's not mask but alright so there we go the filter is on let's see if it's airtight with a lot of old masks I wouldn't do this for them because I don't want to damage them that these for some reason started turning up often for like Lesson four equated the box and all the accessories now I guess loads am I made and recently lots of stashes of them in terms right so that's the last on and let's do a thing so check that seems to pressurize now because this seems to work for this video what I'm quite tempted to do actually is our dual respirator tested this at something that was interested you don't hit the neck you only say let me smell anything as you can see this is a pretty good civilian loss isn't it for our you know Mobile Suit area we're much better than more like the British and the Swedish civilian our cook well I'm not smelling a bit on Royal so perhaps my mouth and mine 339 still works and maybe this was a 40 millimeter NATO flag or a Fed float enough can I take that for this normalize polish filter that's in it and back then also you would need to use unguent intense than this if you intended car that only for long period there's the mastery of solely fogging up the wire obviously the excel valve doesn't allow enough air output one stroke let's get this back off so yeah very impressive I can smell the banana oil now I'm taking it off so I think this may still work which means I'll definitely want to do a test with this now but yeah so because I think the it says vs 38 there so wherever it's actually official name was the vs 30 X I've always thought it was called something like the m39 mask but some stamps that yeah this one was made in 1950 so it says que toi para their 1939 32 so again it's 32 the size is that a model thing some faded stumps there I can't read but yeah very impressed that this actually still works that's really has impressed me so yeah I'm gonna have to do a test of this but yeah they're called helmet masks masks like this that have the hood and yeah it seems this finish one I know people have shown me before I think it was Estonian ones or other Baltic states also have very similar mass to this I assume they bought a production license from Nazi Germany for the m37 that improved them by putting an intake and exhale valve on them but as you can see for a World War 2 civilian last this is really competent it's actually better than most World War - military masks in my opinion because you've got an exhale valve and I'm assuming when I watched the video back the voice thing on this will actually be loud enough that you know what maybe be understandable I'm saying ok now for a mask you know I all love this is the finish m61 variant - or version - and these are mostly made by Nokia this basically as I say the American m9 was very popular mask finland bought production license and made even better versions of the m9 and america did sweden when they had wife inc was called the m51 it would've been very similar to this basically the domestic swedish version the finns though very good straps on these they also put a proper peripheral seal around the outside of the mask which is kind of amazing and therefore the these versions of the m9 called the m60 ones were better than the American and nines so they're also kind of one of the best masks until you know the British has six is out on some of those other masks so what you kind of have with this is a mask the worked absurdly well for the time period it was made for will see comedic Liebig now so why is the mask have a big nose it's so Tissot tubes can run to each eye crude in those piece and the oral nasal cups it's in there anyway let's look at this one so that's the mouse go on it's probably quite nothing so how those 16 elements and they found filter in takers will see that and sixty millimeter NATO was the standard NATO size before they went to forty money tonight NH a lot of people have said to me wouldn't sixty millimeter NATO that more effort in favor yes but what's the sixty millimeter named Tony Phillips has had a very small intake on them outside of the filter so what actually meant is the yeah we're still restricted by the smallest point nikka go free what you've got here is the other thing that lets you change the direction you're at tangos in if you want to do not for some reason otherwise not this covers the XL valence on the market yeah very comfortable or surprisingly comfortable obviously it's got a big nose that people find really funny for some reason but the actual mask you know it's really really good for is you know I can't [ __ ] this noise at all right this is one of those masks where if I cut a sixty to forty millimeter filter convert on it in the modern filter I very happily actually uses in the chemical attack because it still works perfectly then it's a very very good mask so during I think it was the 90s Finland replaced the m60 ones with a mouse called the m95 which I don't have um it's a Scot mask perineal they were very good but what they had is they had a later genesis that apparently didn't see much use because it was you know to replace ii m61 v2 s this is the m61 v3 and this is the exact same mask except for where the exhale valve was on the other one they've basically now put a plastic assembly on that has a metal voice diaphragm in it and an exhale valve that so this is exactly the same as the other mask and as you can see on this one it says nokia the people who are interested in it being a Nokia mask so my only issue of this thing is the the voice diaphragm isn't the best voice diaphragm in the world the story is you know I've said in other videos goes that when I first got this the Finnish defence tower symbols are upside down so I got my screwdriver took it off put it back on it turns out after that they broke the airtight seal of the voice diaphragm I've had to do a couple repair jobs on this now because it seems eventually when the glue I keep putting on it dries out the voice diaphragm lettuce in there again but I will just demonstrate it for you it seems this one has made out of slightly thinner rather than the m61 v2 I don't know if that was a factory thing or put per certain year or for each model Alaska okay here we go so that's this one on so top my year so it's pressurizing you're right but yeah outside it's got the voice diaphragm on when these hoist diaphragms are working I imagine they are the better version of the mask bar said that is obviously a weak point of the mask because if you take the cover off you might accidentally break your voice diaphragm but overall yes these are very good masks I said they look a bit comical and big but they especially the nose on it but you know it has a normal nasal Cup in it it has two so cubes in it and the mask doesn't fog up even if out ante didn't taste on it's a lightweight it's comfortable these are actually because of how big the masks are a lot more comfortable in some of the even more modern masks some nations use the m9 was a really good mask when it was designed just get this one off so yeah the M lines series was very good obviously to finish m60 ones in my opinion are the best of their minds the Serbian m2 is also very good that's basically where Serbia Yugoslavia previously made M nine copies which they called the m1 mask and then at some point during the Yugoslav period all the breakup of Yugoslavia at either Yugoslavia on Serbia depending on which country you're calling it at that point then decided they were going to make a scaled-down m9 that took 40 millimeter filters and then they did a version as well that had the same kind of voice diaphragm an exhale valve on as a later version again so they were very good as well but anyway that's my Scandinavian gas masks I said there's not loads in this video there were two Swedish masks and free Finnish masks us a total of five masks not a very impressive collection but there you go but what impressed me the most was that that Finnish World War two mask still seems to make an airtight seal and it seems that works with 40 millimeter modern filters so I'm definitely going to have to film a video with that at some point and do a a proper test of that because if that still works that means I've got a mask from 1939 that still actually works you know and I said that before it's the thing that really annoys me is when people say oh no if you masks past five or ten years old it's it's not going to work that thing seems like it's gonna work you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 20,153
Rating: 4.9376082 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, My Scandinavian/Nordic Gas Mask collection, Swedish gas masks, Finnish gas masks, skyddsmask 90
Id: ZnJsFOkyDuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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