Which Marvel Villain had the Best Plan?

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For sure, Aldrich Killian has the worst villain plan in the MCU. He concocts this insane scheme to hijack one of Tony Stark's armors, abduct and assassinate the President of the United States with the VP's assistance, and invent a quasi-legendary Central Asian warlord to take the blame for all of his actions all to - *checks notes* - justify continuing the War on Terror so he could get funding for a rejuvenation serum that gives people fire powers as a side effect that he created to get back at Tony Stark for ignoring him at a New Years Eve party where he wanted to talk business while Tony just wanted to enjoy the party and have sex with Maya Hansen.

He did all of that instead of, you know, filing for some grants with the Defense Department. Or making some campaign donations. Or hiring some lobbyists. Or opening a second location in a place whose Senators, House representatives, or local politicians would like to point to the jobs and/or tax dollars it brings to the area. Or take out ad space on a cable news network that will cover for him. Even without knowing about all the Hydra guys who have infiltrated the US government and would love to get their hands on a potential super-soldier serum in Extremis, Killian probably would have succeeded just by doing the normal government corruption stuff.

And all of this goes without saying: By involving Tony Stark in his plans, he knowingly involved one of the few people on the planet who could have stopped him. And it doesn't make sense why he would do this, until you remember Maya Hansen was supposed to be the villain of the movie. So in the original version of the movie, Maya Hansen was the conventionally unattractive person who Stark ignored at the New Years Eve party so he could go bang some other hottie; and the point of the rejuvenation serum was to make her hot enough to make Stark jealous for not noticing her sooner.

I hate everything about this.

(Also: If one of the episodes of What If...? isn't about Killian getting Extremis funding from the government, Hydra offering Bucky as a test subject, and Bucky - with Extremis powers - out of control and tearing through Hydra and AIM goons, then what are they even doing with this show)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/LoveWaffle1 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

I don't think it makes sense to take success as the end-all be-all metric for ranking the plan. Most of these plans have to fail in order for the movies to keep going. Killmonger has a great plan that actually makes sense and would've worked if not for some incredible luck, skill and plot armor on the part of the heroes. Zemo has a vague goal that everything just happens to fall perfectly into place to make it sort of work.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Silidon 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey three things real quick before we start first one doing something a little different today this is a stream we did at twitch.tv movies i've edited it down significantly so i've only got like the highlights here but this is a little fun thing that patrons have been talking about for a while i figured might as well throw it in the channel see if people like it second thing in the video i kind of mischaracterized claws arc from black panther mostly because a i haven't watched that movie in that long and then b because back in the 2000s every super villain actually wanted to get captured that was part of their plan that's why i kind of think i put that on claw even though that's not something that he really wanted to do it just wanted to sell a vibranium third thing the nebula plus version of this video that's available exclusively on nebula the streaming service that i helped to create has a lot of extra time where we talked about thanos's plan talked about some of the other villains guessing which ones will have good and not so good plans we even get into the marvel netflix villains a little bit so that is on nebula all right let's do this [Music] here's what we're doing everybody we're going to spend the next however long this takes ranking the villains in the marvel cinematic universe i have a list a very big list with like 40 of them maybe even more i'm counting the ones from the show not counting anything from loki and uh and i'm not going to spoil the one from um falcon and winter soldier that you could spoil but i have a stand in there starting all the way back at iron man and i'm going to rank them just based on how good their plans are how much sense their plans make i think it should be fun i don't really usually do this and but the patreon someone mentioned it would feel like it would be cool i think a lot of it will be incredibly subjective which means that i whatever i said is right because i'm the the guy who's making the video that's all i got there's a big list we're gonna go through all of them some are probably gonna spend more time on than others i think it should be fun and uh yeah let me show you guys the list itself all right so this is my uh this is my list these are all the marvel villains so you'll see there's like more more gonna fill up as we keep moving on but i couldn't figure out what the best way to present tear maker was i have a ton of them and i think i think it's pretty comprehensive so first one we have yon rock i'm going to put him in the not a great planned category i think jan rock's plan is pretty stupid when you get down to it because it all it's his whole deal is like keep carol in check and use her as a weapon to further the interests of the cree and then when you get down to it it's like well how are you going to do that it's like i'm just going to hope really hard that she doesn't remember what her deal is and then when she inevitably figures it out because anyone could tell her like the scrolls uh i'm just gonna tell her no that's not what's going on uh so i think yon rock is in the not a great plan category and his plan is kind of the same plan let me see if i could find her or them with the supreme intelligence which is the cree like brain thing uh also on the not a great plan category i wish i know they didn't do this in the movie usually in the comics the supreme intelligence is this big giant head with tentacles for hair like floating in a jar kind of and by giant i mean like as big as like a room that guy is never shown instead you get this which i think it's it's kind of a shame because the villain the supreme intelligence the best picture you can find of them from the marvel movie is of the actual mentor character just because that's who she trusts so that's pretty that's pretty dumb all right next up we got ulysses claw is your plan anything but a disaster if you get double-crossed and killed during it i'm gonna say no i think his plan's a disaster in both movies really the first movie doesn't really have a plan he's just approached this is an age of ultron ultron's like i want uh the vibranium and then he makes like an offhanded comment and gets his arm cut off um so that's not a great plan although that really wasn't a plan um but then in black panther his plan appears to be cause like havoc get black panther's detention get captured and get rescued by killmonger and then killmonger just kills him so like i don't i think this might be a really really bad plan all right next up grand master let's say fine plan i think this is okay his plan was rule over sakhar but as far as being like an evil dictator who holds gladiator contests like it seems like this is going on for a very long time he's having a lot of fun it only falls apart because of the incredibly like the bizarre coincidence that both thor loki valkyrie and hulk all land on the same planet especially considering what we know about us guardians the fact that three of them go through wormholes and just accidentally meet and then one of them is actually friends with another one from work and then one of them is also that guy's enemy but now it's like just he really should have won and this should have been going on forever and you know what we don't know what he's up to i think he could still be he could have weaseled his way back up to the top of the sicarian uh government or whatever so yeah i don't i don't see why not next up we got yellowjacket darren cross he's not a great plan because hope is involved in it at a company level and he's cool with that he's just like yeah i mean i'm obviously i'm going to invite my arch business rival's daughter he could have gotten away with it if it wasn't for his ego winner soldier he is n ace that's what we're talking about with n a he's a character who does not have a plan he is a pawn in a plan kycelius guys helius almost has a great plan here's what here's my thing with casilius his goal is to overthrow tilda swinton which he accomplished his goal was to kill lots and lots of sorcerers which he also accomplished he didn't account for doctor strange because doctor strange was new which i totally understand and killed the guys in the new york sanctum the london sanctum and the beijing sanctum i think that's the third one and and he disgraced the ancient one by like showing off that she's part of the bad guys not part of the bad guy team but she has the dormammu brand and the thing with him too is even though he gets killed he's like a religious zealot right that's kind of what we call him so it's not like he's like oh i'm gonna live forever on earth ruling earth into our mom who's like no actually you will die i'm killing you double-crossing you it's almost like he's like i just want to become purple energy in the sky and door mom was like yeah i'm gonna do that i'm i'm giving him great plan i think iselius had a great plan he stole the book he got in a fight with um the ancient one in the beginning of the movie and like he was still able to keep going he man he gets caught in the um whatever that thing is the big chain machine thing and he escapes i'm pretty i'm pretty impressed at the first great plan here yakuza guy his name starts with nay can't even remember what it was i'm giving him not a great plan because he pissed off hawkeye and then got in a sword fight with him i get it if you have a sword and the guy that's trying to kill you has a sword it's like what am i gonna not try to sword fight him but still it's like don't try to fight this guy who's wearing his special like assassin hoodie to the fight because he's gonna get you all right next we've got mysterio i'm gonna give mysterio fine plan i think he had a fine plan in practice it mostly worked out in theory i think mysterio's plan is insane but it's but he knew something i don't right because yeah if thanos comes by mysterio falls apart i think the reason his plan is fine playing and not great plan i think all of his cgi and stuff like what happens when he gets in an elevator you know what happens in a small space where the drones just can't fly also are these drones silent yeah cause everybody in these movies who can fly always flies right like they they fly when it's convenient for them and fun so if they tried to do that if there was like a big fight captain marvel and war machine would fly and he'd just like fly and then you know they'd be like here i'll give you a pull i'll like i'll take you and help throw you at him and he'd be like let me get on the ground first and then you get on the ground let me take off my bubble helmet okay throw away so like yeah i don't know not a great plan uh but he didn't have to get that far so i'm still getting it fine and yeah and he got his revenge uh curse n a because he's a henchman crossbones not a great plan because he dies he wants to steal the red stuff in civil war and he almost does like he had this suicide vest on he was getting beaten up by captain america and he like kind of pulls it at the last minute like hahaha i'm gonna defeat you anyway and i feel like when captain america rips the gauntlets off of your hand suicide best go for like that's you're fine that is as good as you're gonna get dormammu fine plan so i would say in all the ways cassilius succeeds dormammu like half succeeds where because dorm mom was like hey kaiselius do x y and z and casilos absolutely i'll do all those things and instead of the real failure in the movie comes from dormammu getting beaten by doctor strange so once the ball gets to the finish line dormammu is not able to dunk it u.s agent i'm gonna say is in the not a great plan category because here's my reasoning for this i think if we're looking at like how will plans of his go in the future i think we can only expect they're going to fail i almost think maybe like people didn't know that was him like people just assumed there was a new captain america because what are the odds that they would let that guy continue like you would see that in tv and be like oh because i assume the other guy's in jail in the comics john walker changed his name because he was i think kind of the same reason he was a little bit sad about all the murders he did um and he changed his name to jack daniel so he went from johnny walker to jack daniels so i think if he had showed up and he'd be like i'm jack daniel i'm a different guy everybody would have been cool with it i'm going to give killmonger find plan here's why i think killmonger's plan is very well executed until he kills black panther he has a his plane is going very well and then he makes a james bond villain level mistake at the very end that messes it all up by instead of like impaling t'challa on you know any of the many weapons or just like cutting his head off he throws him off of the off of the waterfall and then t'challa survives yeah valve next uh i'm gonna say n a because we don't know what our plan is yet batroc disaster uh his plan is really really bad both times he is working for fury right we learned to steal from the lemurian star and then he gets bodied by captain america goes to jail gets out of jail i guess sometime between falcon and the winter soldier and the winter soldier and falconer soldier and then he gets caught again here's here's how bad his plan is he is fighting the falcon and he's like oh man i've got to get away from him maybe i'll use my wingsuit like what planet are you on i i did think that was insane i kind of figured that would be more of a like they were just wing suiting and he shows up mid-wing suit but no they see the falcon no they're fighting the falcon and go let's see if we can do what he's doing but better without any technology with just like you know a parachute and it's it's insane vulture oh this is tricky i really want to give bulger a great plan he did such a good job he tried so hard to do good plan the thing with the vulture is his plan for a while was just secretly steel but you'd also figure eventually his plan is gonna be like all right but i might have to tangle with somebody and i should be prepared for that first time he finds spider-man just picks him up throws him and like that works really well because spider-man doesn't know he's there the the time he goes for spider-man is when they fight in the car like on the train a truck and he gets kind of lucky spider-man gets knocked out the third time he's fighting spider-man spider-man beats him and vulture only wins because spider-man accidentally blows up everything fourth time he fights spider-man he literally has to give to flight he is on a plane and then he loses i think vulture's plan also falls apart if he succeeds through the movie i think tony stark would find him and also uh like uh chris pointed out doesn't have to do it speaking of uh not great plans i'm gonna put mbaku in not great plan he uh he just does a surprise challenge to t'challa like i feel like that's his whole plan it's not a great plan because he loses it and like that's got to be so embarrassing for you because like it's a surprise right it's not like it's on the docket and it's like all right the the the de bari's they're gonna show up and they're gonna fight and you know everyone's gonna be cool with it because like you know they deserve a shot of the throne now he shows up and does what is essentially the like i object to this wedding move and then gets dumped he does not win the objection so like yeah not a great plan next we got hella so here's here's why helen's plan doesn't quite work hella should know i think she knows this that you will lose if you the only way you could lose this thing is if the giant fireman comes and gets you and she tours odin's throne room and sees the fireman's helmet and the fire that if you throw the fireman's helmet in he shows up and attacks you and she does nothing about that she doesn't go like oh well let's launch this thing to [ __ ] space i don't need this anymore i'm gonna give helen not a great plan her plane kind of stinks thor and loki fight her both of them are alive but she knows that and she doesn't do anything about it and like she's in she's making moves i'm not taking she has to track him down but at least be like we gotta find the guys like let's let's let's you know send some of my forces out uh yeah i think i think hell has gotten out of great plan ghost here's here's what here's what i'm saying for her fine plan it worked uh nebula nebula cuts and runs when she realizes over right like it's like oh uh ronan's gonna lose never mind i'll cut off my hand and just start over and then she joins up with taserface and then that plan is successful and then she leaves again like every time nebula really knows when to get out and then she becomes good oh oh oh oh oh nebula i'm so sorry you're in the not a great plan category um because she completely loses the game in uh infinity war how did i forget this nebula thanos only knows where to find the soul stone because nebula tries to kill him fails and then he's able to extract that information from her brain so like when her plan is stay alive that's great like she's really crushing it and yeah kill gamora not an amazing plan but i think she's always making moves towards it it's when we get to the part of her plan when it's kill thanos it goes off the rails she fails miserably also this isn't a complete planned thing but she is the character that could have held back uh peter quill uh and chose not to so i'm gonna give i'm going to give nebula not a great plan i was really bummed i was excited to give her a great plan but she plans to go kill thanos fails and kind of ruins everything i think thanos knew that if he wanted to get in all six infinity stones he needed to get them all in the course of like a day because if people had time to be like oh we gotta you know we gotta stop thanos they would have worked together and maybe been able to and uh so the reason so people ask why didn't he do it before i think it's because he didn't know where all six of them were i think you know where five of them were and was like uh there's a sixth one out here somewhere but like i can't start collecting them until i at least have a kind of sense for where the sixth one might be and that's where this comes in is like when he catches nebula that's the point where he learns where the soul stone is and it's like oh now i have the power to go actually you know start collecting stones so yeah oh i mean thanos's plan makes no sense thanos is jeff don't don't get excited for a great plan for thanos oh all right we have another disaster we have laufey from thor thor one lauffy might be one of the biggest disasters cause no one believes loki in that movie and thor won everybody as like i don't know man that's loki why would we trust him and laffy is the single character who trusts him and gets killed uh in the process so like yeah alfie is the worst i wish there was a lower level i could because not only does he get himself killed he gets lots of frost giants killed yeah laffy sucks zemo great plan twice two really good plans that totally pretty much 100 work i mean we all know why his civil war plan is great it doesn't make any sense but it works so like you got to give it to him and then his falcon in the winter soldier plan might be even dumber he is broken out of jail just like kind of randomly which is bizarre he's eventually brought back to the door of melange but like he seems cool with that i think by this point in the show and like in the mcu we're supposed to think like semo's whatever his plan is he's still winning and i guess that the dora milan take another raft so like he's probably going to be in charge of the thunderbolts anyway and his silly little butler kills all the rest of the super soldiers so he is also able to eliminate all but one with walker being the exception all but one super soldier and walker's pretty much disgraced and yeah you're right umbu it's mostly coincidences but what are you gonna do maybe he knows something like coincidences that work really well and then his ego gets in the way and then he fails like that kind of coincidence absolutely you're you're in the not a great playing category because it's like you were just coasting almost kind of like hella not really though but like you were coasting on getting lucky a couple times and then you failed but like he didn't fail the end so gotta give it to him struck her disaster uh he is one of uh one of the other worst plans his plan is so bad that one of his guys is like we're doing a really bad job we should probably surrender and he's like yeah i guess we should and then he gets put in jail and swiftly murdered off-screen malekith he might have great plan i think his plan is as good as it could have been i'm going to say mal gets his fine plan because like the movie is not great but the plan is okay you know it's like we're gonna there's a convergence i'm going to wait for the convergence a lot of patience i really appreciate that i can you know respect it he goes and gets the aether from natalie portman which also works even though there's like a little double cross in there uh he also manages to kill frigga which makes odin are all bummed out so he doesn't intervene the only part of the only part of maok explains doesn't work is he thinks that curse can kill thor kind of i guess you could kind of have say he like underestimates loki but also like at that point it was either that or get killed by thor and loki so like he kind of had to go with it like he could he could have maybe stayed and used the a30 kill him but we see later even with it he's not able to kill thor so i think his plane was pretty good this is tough nobody wants to not do this more than me because we've already said if you get double crossed you're in a lot of trouble that is very close to being in the disaster plan category the only reason besides my complete bias that i'm gonna give justin hammer not a great plan is that he wants to attack tony stark's legacy and i think he kind of succeeds and he says that in the movie he says like you gotta you wanna get a man you gotta you gotta attack his legacy um i think if his plan was sell these drones to the government that was the whole plan probably not gonna work uh nobody's gonna buy him anymore uh and i think hiring whiplash kind of worked for a little bit and then it didn't i think part of why he gets not a great plan and not disaster is he survives yeah and that's true his armor wars plan if he's in armor wars might be great ego let's talk about what ego does ego collects the children he has yondu do that that's been working for a very long time plants the flowers that also apparently is fine that's work that works for him no one knows he exists or talks about him which is also amazing all things considered it's not a great plan because he loses and he dies however he also loses because he throws out just out of nowhere also i put that tumor in your mother and like if it wasn't for that moment he would be he would win and i don't even want to say it's like an ego thing i know ego because it's not it seems like he's genuinely just he doesn't get it he doesn't understand that that's going to upset peter so i can't i can't fault him too much for not completely understanding the customs of like the entire world oh i have loki on here twice that's fun i don't know what this is gonna be all right um let's say uh let's say the first one let's say this is loki because this is loki i knew i put someone on here twice i couldn't remember who it was oh my god i have three loki's okay um okay well we're going to judge each of loki's plans separately one at a time starting in starting in the beginning we got this is avengers low key oh no sorry this is store loki thor one loki nobody else right nobody else gets more than one guy that's so funny yeah maybe there have been three loki's all along we're starting with thor loki and let's all remember this not a great plan for thor loki it makes sense and it would probably work if he would kill thor or which he seems to try to do or if he just didn't let the warriors three go like without them getting involved in that moment we're so good it's totally fine and instead he like lets them go i don't i still don't know why he's fine with killing everybody else so i don't know might as well kill them too you don't like him it's not like he's in love with ziff or anything which like maybe you could say that that's why i didn't kill it but somebody does so i'm going to say not a great plan for original recipe recipe loki we'll get to him later aisha i think is this character's name i don't think she like cares about her plan i think she's gonna be not a great plan as well because their plan her plan is just get revenge on these guys for stealing your batteries and she doesn't do that because she just sends all these silly video game drones out of them and like that doesn't work and you know what by the end of the movie when we see her again her hair is all down so it's like oh man maybe she's been really upset about this now there's the adam plan says uh comic quest says she may succeed in creating the sexiest being in the universe so we'll have to see she could her plane could get redeemed and maybe if we revisit this her plan will be will be higher on the list but so far yeah not looking too too hot uh of a plan this is a tough one was carly's plan a disaster i think so all right so spoilers for falcon and the winter soldier everybody on her team dies and it's mostly her fault i don't think she succeeds the way she wants to succeed like i think she wants a way more extreme version of what would eventually happen and right now she's gonna get like a pretty like all right we're gonna do better carly and she'll be like in heaven or whatever like no i wanted you to help the refugees and like we're just gonna do better yeah the system is not dismantled or even properly reassessed i agree comic quest read the scrolls from captain marvel so he does a great job and so much of what he's doing works but he's not really a villain he's like a secret fake villain i gotta put him back there next up scorpion disaster really stinks also i i don't know a lot about like drug deals for illegal arms but i feel like the staten island unfair is probably a pretty bad place to do it if something goes wrong like it does in this situation you have no control over it bigger disaster than the scorpion movie with the rock you bite your tongue jonathan pope that movie's terrific i love the scorpion king very funny um also the character's name is matthias and as a matthew i can't help but respect it now we have avengers loki okay just like i planned uh we're getting to our second loki his plane is ruined by killing coulson right that's what brings the avengers together even though they were already kind of together but that's like that's the final straw i think i have to because in the movie iron man literally says to him not a great plant i think this has to be a not a great plan and yeah i don't think he knew he had the infinity stone in the scepter i think he knew what the scepter did if we did then that time when ebony mars like your humble person is never as a being had two infinity stones no luck he had it he had two he definitely had two he lost them maybe nobody knew but he did have those whiplash whiplash just loses fight after fight after fight with with tony there's no point where whiplash is like really on top at all he loses the monaco fight even though he's fighting tony in a car with no suit and tony's still able to like bumble around takes does all the drone stuff which like a decent plan but the drones don't really work because he didn't do good enough software that black widow couldn't hack it so yeah i'm going to say whiplash gets disaster and he dies yondu and guardians one and a pretty much not a villain the whole time ronin one of the great disaster plans in marvel history his plan is like okay i'm gonna get the power stone which he does by first sending some guys to do it but then they get that that doesn't work for them then he sends gamora to get it that doesn't work then he tries to get her from the jail that doesn't work he eventually gets it because drax literally calls him i guess you know the part of his plan that's good as like a military leader whereas plan is just dive bomb the city like that's not a bad plan and he is able to use the purple infinity stone and not get killed but then he uh yeah he he goes right up against thanos and is like hey thanos it's okay even though this is working out great for me and will probably be fine i'm gonna like insult you even if ronan had survived and killed everybody on xandar thanos would have absolutely killed him he's not good we don't really see him do any fighting with the hammer either which is kind of a bummer you know he's got like a really cool weapon that you could you should be able to like swing around and do flips and throw but instead he just fires you know he just shoots it like mordo so mordo's plan doesn't start until the very end of the movie but um he does kill pangborn the guy who plays basketball benjamin bratz character oh my god wait is that benjamin bratt does that mean we got the guy from catwoman who does the silly basketball scene they were like let's cast in a marvel movie i was like what am i doing you're playing basketball yeah i'll say n a you know what too we didn't see anything coming from him out of one division uh which is a pretty big magical thing so i don't know mordo i feel like especially with multiverse of madness i wouldn't be shocked if we never see this character again at all um but yeah he gets n a because i think his plans we'll see more of him in the future zola great plan takes over shield from the inside manages to make bucky a super soldier he also quits the nazis at the right moment that's what i kind of said about nebulas it's just like get in get out i think the plans in and we'll get to this whenever the other guy whenever pierce comes up i think the plans in winter soldier are awesome like our characters are just able to magically disappear like they just you just escape the escapes in that movie are insane he chooses his own death he even gets a sweet burn right he's like uh guess not one of us is out of time before the thing explodes like it's it's just it's just terrific i think arnhem zola is one of my favorite villains in the mcu and i think about it i love when he's like when he shows up and uh in in uh falcon winners or actually falcon wear soldier i love when he shows up in um in winter soldier and someone says like it's all a germ scientist and so first of all a correction i am spis i think that's super funny all of zola's inventions totally work the red skulls plan would have worked if he probably just listened to zolo more probably kicking around there's a backup there better be backup of zola like all that tape i i don't know i've had someone done the math i mean you could put it on a flash drive so i don't know either way you could totally have them somewhere all right now we're doing loki 2 from thor 2 and uh thor ragnarok unless there's another loki here somewhere uh no i guess this is the last one i'm going to say loki gets not a great plan here too so that's three not a great plans for loki including two back to back loki's playing in thor ragnarok and in thor 2 works really well i mean first of all his mom gets killed but that's like i don't think that's part of the plan i think that's just a bad impulsive decision but the plan to like double cross odin and gethor on his side is great but the plan between thor 2 and thor 3 that gets odin killed and frees hella leads to the destruction of asgard the only place he's ever going to rule and then you know he dies eventually but thanos would have probably killed him no matter what was happening he ingratiates himself with the grand master that's true but i guess like if loki's plan is to rule asgard if that's his goal then he fails about as miserably as he can fail without being killed oh and he gets an infinity stone out of it that's a pretty good actually this plan is not too bad yay gets a bunch of us guardians killed but like who does he care you know whatever and he does he does you know win over the love and support of his brother and very important he gets to he steals the cosmic cube you know i like loki i like he's making moves and you know what i like that by the end of thor ragnarok he's gone he's graduated from two not great plans to a fine plan i'm pretty impressed with that way to go loki hayward now is hayward's plan a disaster or is he a terrible villain with an okay plan i mean the white vision part of the plan fails immediately like that i i think that whole if you assume that their fight all that takes place in real time then like white vision leaves and then 10 minutes later it's like oh what happened it's it's gone it's gone forever we'll never find it again oh so terrible plan his plan with wanda was incredibly fraught and uh and then his plan to kill the kids is really bad but so yeah he's it's his plan is a disaster and it's because it's not a super well written character black order i had to put him in here actually no you know what i'm i'm gonna say the black orders plan is fine yeah and i think i think that's right dog perry if we're giving the black order responsibility for most of the plans we see in infinity war they succeed when thanos ultimately succeeds yeah i think that's true i think isolating vision getting vision away from shuri is big it's a really good plan it's a stupid plan but it works like it's a solid plan also comic quests yes they do all die but they're also like their deaths are the kind of like i think they'd be okay with it because like it's in service to thanos so like i'm sure they're not psyched to die but i think they're they're probably fine with it like the funny thing about abominations plan is this plan is like i want to be as strong as the hulk is it's gonna be so cool and then he gets strong as the whole kid gets hulk powers that still gets beat up by the hulk and we have never seen him since so like yeah not a great plan so pierce this is a very good plan the only reason why the pierce back part of the plan doesn't work is because the superheroes captain america nick fury all of them are able to just escape through random holes it's insane in that movie that pierce does not succeed in killing nick fury when the winter soldier flips the car over and nick fury has to crawl away and he's instead able to use this weird little lightsaber to escape into the sewer and winter soldiers like oh shucks and then he leaves like that is i guess it's kind of his fault for hiring winter soldier not being like no no if he goes into the subway you go you follow him down the subway but then later the guys are also able to escape because maria hill infiltrates his organization his plan fails because he underestimates the love of stephen bucky and nick fury is able to trick him that's still pretty good like that's a that's a high bar to clear he could not have i don't think he could have done better except for telling one of the guys to follow nick fury down a hole i'm gonna say instead of great plan he's getting fine plan because parts of his plan fail in ways that zolas does not right because a lot of the a lot of the technical stuff like it's on pierce what i mean is like the management side of things where he sends bucky to kill steve and he's like you got to do this like that doesn't work and that's not zola's fault that's his fault obadiah not a great plan it's a shame that we started with a not a great plan but um leaving he makes so many of like the basic mistakes fights tony in the middle of like the middle of the city gets his you know gets shot with his head like not shot but like it's you know hit with a laser beam and his helmet is off because he ripped out his targeting system didn't solve the icing problem his iron man suit isn't very good also all the terrorist stuff he like leaves his you know you could just get onto his computer where all the terrorism information is like obadiah's original plan is to kill tony stark and then like take over the company i understand why he thinks that's a good idea but it's not like stark industry stock would plummet if tony stark billionaire inventor kid dies and you're left with this doofus who like uses a segway and on top of that the the terrorists are like you didn't tell us you wanted me to kill tony stark and i guess what obadiah's saying does at that point is nothing right because it's not like he's he he could just go okay what do you want jericho missiles i'll send you 50. i'll send you so many more than he could make in the amount of time it's going to take him to make them before he dies from whatever happened like he should be able to further negotiate with the terrorists but he seems to choose not to because he's bored i don't know ultron i'm gonna i think i give ultron fine plan ultron's only mistake is vision no you know what not a great plan ultron considering what ultron can do and what he does is awful like he has the ability to back himself up like we're saying and like ultron goes to uh sokovia with all his robots and starts taking over the robots and then vision shows up and like gives him a you know gives him like a head hug and he's like you've locked me out of the net and it's like wait we don't have any other guys out there that you can just you don't have any backup guys you kidding me you kidding me dude you're the robot guy i think the fact that he tried to kill vision once when he was jarvis failed tried to then vision shows up again and then steals the vibranium body and uses that to pretty much neutralize him i think it's pretty bad plan also he he kind of makes the same mistake as ego where he's like what you guys didn't want me to kill all humans oh my god i thought you would be cool with that one dude don't worry it's going to be fine also he doesn't find the twins the twins find him it's not like he goes and seeks them out he's just like sitting there and they going like they go check on him but like if he recruited them more actively i think it maybe would be better you'd feel like maybe his plan has some has some legs but yeah i don't think his plane's all that good red skull let's say red skull gets on a great plane as well he touches the cosmic cube he picks it up you you you can't pick it up and i think his ego more than maybe anybody else on this list really like is his big stumbling block yeah i just don't think he's very good he also should just kill steve rogers a couple he has he has some opportunities to kill captain america and instead he's like well meet again captain america and he gets in a special helicopter and it's like you don't have to meet him again you could just shoot him right now i i'd love for red skull to come back in the future and actually have a plan that isn't stupid um there's a there's a comic by uh rick remender it's called the uncanny avengers where red skull steals professor x's brain and uses it to mind control people which is very cool of the plan i don't know we might see him back this one uh we have the power broker oh who could that be i'm gonna say the power brokers plan is fine i'm not gonna say too much about why in case you haven't seen falconer soldier but i mean you know it's not a very good plan but at the end of the show the power broker is like but it is a good plan and i'm like all right i guess it is i don't know man i don't know what you want but i think it's a fine plan samuel stern samuel stern's plan in incredible hulk one the incredible hulk only his plan is to use hulk's blood to reverse engineer the hulk like super serum experiment stuff he makes the same mistake as ultron and as ego where he goes like and isn't it cool hulk that i'm stealing your blood isn't that what you want and hulk is like no and he's like what what i thought we were cool with me stealing your blood so like yeah i'm going to say not a great plan it's a bummer because i like this character a fair amount he makes abomination but it's not as good and then he gets bonked on the head also in the comic fury's big day or fury's big week which i don't believe yeah is canon anymore but if it was like you were saying comic comments uh black widow does beat him up in a comic tie-in and like in a hallway it's it's pretty lame he could make a great plan i mean he's the leader that's like his deal he should be able to make a sick plan uh he just hasn't yet so he's in the not a great playing category so all right we're getting some of the weirder ones mandarin it's a it's a bad plan as a plan like i don't think that plan is well put together but i think on his part for what he's getting out of it he's great and he's in prison and he's like yo but you see but you see this is part of why the mandarin's plans are insane you can't impersonate a terrorist that apparently exists that's pretty bad they don't love that um i would assume never tried it like it's like if you pretended to be like bin laden and just like assumed that he would or like be pretend to be a gang leader and just assume that the gang leader would be cool with it like he's his character we should see him being like tortured in the beginning of chongqi because there is a real mandarin in a world where there is not a mandarin it great plan or at least fine plan in a world where there is a mandarin not a great plan uh we got shocker shocker to boogie monkey shocker uh that's not his name is it i forget uh dude from fargo um he doesn't have a plan he's a henchman wally goggs it's a crazy plan and he doesn't almost get up he you know what he almost gets away with it honestly he has the box on the ferry god ant-man and the last few you you troublesome but i think it's like not a great plan because like you know it isn't but um i think it's better than i remember as a plan it almost works for him i'm pretty i'm almost kind of proud for sonny birch taser face not a great plan killed as part of the plan that is a as a solid way to have a not a great plan general ross now he is failing upwards at an alarming rate just an astonishing rate he is able to get away with whatever he wants he's the secretary of defense still one assumes he doesn't come up with falcon lunar soldier it's a little weird i figure he would be like a i want his cameo there i think he has to continue to be in charge because he's gonna have to start the thunderbolts that street does get the sokovia cords that's pretty big so impressive i mean three really strange ones i i'm so happy these three got saved for last because they may be some of the weirdest plans first of all we have thanos now there's like a billion kind of things that thanos did like his plan doesn't work it doesn't it doesn't make sense the half the resources thing but he does get all of the infinity stones and then he destroys them which is a genius move very impressed by that move specifically that i'm going to destroy the infinity stones that i do don't have anymore so that no one can undo what i'm doing because that's what they were gonna and like yeah i think that's really smart you know what i actually kind of like his plan and end game because he could have moments where and do i could have to consider both thanos's yeah i'm taking him as one character because i didn't accidentally put him on the list twice like it was somebody else um but with thanos he could have captured nebula in 2014 and then gotten the information from her and then maybe gone and got the infinity stones but i kind of liked that thanos was like nah i'm just gonna go i'm gonna go get the gauntlet they've got the gauntlet i'm gonna go run and get it from him like he doesn't succeed which is why it's fine plan but considering how stupid it is it's kind of genius aldridge killian disaster it's his plan is insane and it goes really well for a while which is kind of impressive how well he's able to keep this train going is he you know part of his plan involves kidnapping the president he makes a fake terrorist that lives in florida that tony is easily able to find he also like has all these explosions coming from like the amount of work that tony has to do to figure out the killians behind this is minimal like it's insane how no one has this information yet but also like figure if he did kill the president there would be people would figure out what happened there's no way this would go on and also the extremist soldiers don't work everybody's like oh my god he's got this cool technology and even like the secretary of uh or the vice president who has the kid who is like missing a leg or whatever it's like what you want him to blow her up like and yeah i think that that plan the plan in iron man 3 is so complicated he also like again just make up new terrorists don't do mandarin do this is i'm i'm mr the british terrorist guy because now your mandarin has been kidnapped by the real mandarin the mandarin if he'd if this guy survived and also he dies in his movies like obviously he stinks but if if um if killian had survived he would also be on the mandarin's hit list probably higher up than slattery especially when at the end he takes off the shirt and it's like i'm the real mandarin and it's like not only are you not the real man or not none of you are the real mandarin there's a real guy who's the mandarin what does the mandarin mean to you did he get like chinese dragon tattoos on his chest because like what a loser for this rip-off moment like oh no mandarin i'm so cool not saying tattoos are like dragons but like the just the amount of like the amount that he's bought into this mandarin ideology is so silly they did manage to get handsome so i'm gonna take him from disaster not a great plan and also you know what you know what else also funny he tries to like seduce pepper potts it doesn't even kind of work so yeah it is the last person on the list was agatha all along the entire time spoilers for foul or for uh excuse me monovision she is the villain of the show and she is um played by catherine hahn the nosy neighbor i think her plan is okay here's here's why her plan is dumb first of all never has a character been more hoisted by their own petard like wanda goes into the room and she's like what are these runes and um now it's like yeah these are runes you can use them to stop magic you didn't know that and you never would have anyway the scale of which you did was impressive i agree um nb sanders i think what agatha was able to accomplish was great and she should be very proud she does it in new jersey a wonderful state everyone loves and she hasn't managed to get on dr strange's radar isn't that weird agatha's plan is bad there's no rhyme or reason what she's up to when you really get down to it and she is hoisted by her own guitar and uh that's not good i so this is it these are the guys this is the whole kitten caboodle are great plans the only ones are calcilius zemo and zola and i think i think that's fair i think there's a three that you could be like did he really lose though there's other ones that could get close to that i think maybe killmonger the thing with those guys and i think what separates killmonger and thanos is a lot of the time they have a simple a big flaw right there's there's their ego gets in the way and one thing about zemo zola and kaiselius is their ego wasn't really a part of it they were just in it to win it and they you know they kept their eye on the ball and they won i think our disasters that's a pretty good list so you've got claw bachrock laufey strucker uh flagsmasher scorpion whiplash ronin hayward taserface and killian i think those are all pretty those are those guys just man their tip plans went poorly stay humble everybody that is a good lesson to learn there's this is a lesson this is like the more you know uh star wipe is just you know keep your eye on the ball come up with a goal work to achieve it and that's great so yeah look at all this great stuff this is fun i had a good time so that's the tier list lots of fun surprises i do think it's interesting how many of these plans intersect and how many of them have similar goals because characters are after similar things or have to deal with characters who have dealt with one of these other characters before it's really a testament to marvel's excellent world building and honestly because of how disorganized some of these other cinematic universes are it's an achievement and you know organizing stories can be hard but it doesn't have to 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Channel: Nando v Movies
Views: 200,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, tier list, villains, Thanos, Loki, movies, avengers, Disney, abomination, blonsky
Id: YU8p3GSG49Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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