My Response to Brendon Urie

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queen cat yo what is good your stands and tris fam I have been so nervous to have been so nervous to do this video if you zoom into my hands right now I'm playing with a lot I'm with an object [Music] feels good as a lot of you know Brendon Urie recently reacted to me live on his twitch stream as playing league of legends as in my monkey suit somebody told me what was going on and I was playing a game so I was trying to listen but when I listened I just got sweaty and so then I had to take off half of the monkey suit but I'm still playing the game mama said right now we're gonna react to Brendon Urie reacting to me reacting to Brendon Urie one of my favorite singers out there today it's very unique for a male singer today to have like the crooner voice that he has been going for and more of a full sounding Tambor that is really able to get up into the stratosphere a lot of pop singers today are going from the more nasal sort of vibe which is cool I'm into that by the way actually I was afraid of watching this because I was like I don't even remember what I said in this video no Brandon URIs oh my god that was a Brandon Brandon URI alright I love how he goes that really fuller voice okay beat you guys in the comments I'm gonna get some up you're gonna all be gonna be saying right now this guy looks like Brandon and Yuri and off Brandon and Yuri ah he's good-looking dude oh my god that's so funny so if somebody's your cousin's you look like company the [ __ ] out of Brandon Yuri we need a second to calm down I'm like I seriously I think if I put I don't even I need more time you can hear how sickened but backed up by a million what you know you cannot hear that what the hell okay hold on a second that is not why I can hear my voice think I'm sick hold on come on give me a break only Blake it is so it is so like you really have to be listening for that though to be completely fair man this is my favorite right here by the way acoustic okay it is [Music] with that falsetto though hey he does this so effortlessly he does the range that he was singing okay another thing I really appreciate about him is that when he sings live almost every single time I've heard him unlike New Deal's where he sings live it's live like wait and see gonna dope tracks mom [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] slot oh my god I love that his mix is so good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay what the [ __ ] man we also just can you appreciate the range of genres that you can sing for a second here you really can't but let me point something out here cuz this is a really really cool so a hitch where it's nasality but you can also describe it in terms of vowel so you can hear it in this perfect scale here going from like an O or an O to an A or an attached take a listen you know you can really appreciate what he's doing here and how masterful it is and you should get the sense that he's changing valves unless you're listening oh that's cool oh my god that's cool [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] Helga's realizes what a that beautiful transition I'm gonna hear that [Music] he's just staying up there the whole time that's Kyle on has he been up in that range for [Music] [Applause] [Music] that clip is really good but like in that clip is exactly what I love mmm no he's just so good by the way but I think it's amazing that no matter what show he's doing it looked like a fairly small venue basically there was like 20 people them and Interlake his acoustic guitar wasn't miked I don't know if that's true or not now that was a line then he's giving you a record for saying every performance for these on the big stage or a small stage pattern from Tristan it's true though the same exact energy that he's giving to this big stage and audience is the same energy that he people yeah I know there is it just doesn't end Oh oh my god okay I need to relax [Music] oh my god Oh Mike this performance I love the sign in the afternoon provide my favorites sorry do this laugh and boring a lot right now I haven't so I haven't appreciated my circles enough recently listen you know I haven't listened to him lately and I'm starting to remember why I like them so much it's all these acoustics outside ones I like them so much by the way because people who are trying to learn how to sing it's invaluable because you can like study kind of what he's doing and how he's approaching certain notes because maybe if you're trying to sing the same song and you're screwing it up bad and you're trying to figure out how the heck is he doing that you find a clip like this which is like super raw and super real and then you can just like be like what is his mouth doing they're like what did what what vowel is he doing what how is he doing this how is he doing that that's why I love these clips I saw the comments that is what I mean thank you oh my god he's so forgiving for me saying Brandon after me saying cover [Music] this is my favorite the way in fact I have a whole video on it I used to know my roommates so much trying to do that I did I really did I'm already that's still enough [Music] here my breaths here my breaths wow he's actually how was he hiding those breaths so well honestly I wouldn't even noticed them like how does he like he like it's like it's look it looks like he's not even breathing doesn't it here my breast that's crazy actually I'm glad that he if he didn't point that out I actually would not have noticed that if I were just casually watching but by the way that's another thing to notice when you can get these shots of them and like if you're wondering oh how the heck is he singing that phrase like where is he breathing what is he doing that's why these clips are so amazing cuz like that's one thing to be looking for is if you're trying to figure out oh I keep trying to sing this phrase and I keep running out of breath what the heck is going on if you like watch that original sing you're doing the exact same thing and you try and find their breaths you can figure it out to like at least what they're doing in that particular performance [Music] I know those on periscope too long so by the way his approach to those notes in this clip compared to the last one are different I don't know if you noticed that in this one he's it's more efficient closed sound velocity more of an open belt sound as because he knows how to use his voice and adjust it appropriately that's actually very good comment Oscar touts a scope means to be fair enough of course but it'd be a lot of ah you know someone wants use this clip in an online debate like oh you supposed on I can't believe that myself and I regret doing that on reddit of all places where people would talk about signal rennet so tell someone once use this clip argue that Brendon Urie is not that good I was like why is he listening no I don't hear that just I don't think that he would ever hear me you have to review that somebody wasted their time to write why they didn't like my voice let's just be clear about that okay send your time tip okay so it's a completely fair on that full story it was in a reddit thread that was on the singing technique subreddit that was like Brendon Urie should be considered the greatest one of the greatest vocalists of our generation and then he said why isn't he and then somebody comments into it because he's not but he thought about listen to this cover of journey Bubba [Music] what it like seriously I would like this is a really good cover he's so bad isn't it ridiculous though that's exactly what I think [Music] and I don't know if it's just because when Brendan was younger he sank lighter and he's gotten older he's his voice has matured but he's also singing much lighter for this journey clip 2 which is good for Germany what the heck man get out of here was as close to perfect as it could possibly get anyway it is though [Music] oh he's able to sing might even sing yeah be think if sing our the [ __ ] he was I can don't feel that way but I appreciate what how do you not feel that way what the heck are you joking me he can even sing like light weekend songs and like it's pretty damn get spritz like I don't even know what to say is just ridiculous that he even has he has anything to say as an account or point to anything that I've said it's in cept that we absurd I like to subscribe as the pokeball [Music] this way can I point out as well how amazing it is that he's managed to stay relevant for so long [Applause] so fun [Music] [Laughter] amazing that thought was amazing oh it's calm and okay thank you so much for recommending me check out this video everybody be sure you like this video he's on this video drop a comment down below look alright I know how much he looks like nah that's cool that's really cool ego boost actually study voice and stuff you know like that's it's reassuring it's a little validating I guess but hearing like things I never think about when I'm singing those parts so it's kind of cool I really like both of them Tristan and Rebecca thank you guys that's fun yeah we can do some more in the future where I don't have to watch myself that would be cool so maybe because it's those fun oh my god they were like so good about like my owning your range or some [ __ ] I don't do that no I did I said something like you're like you're a master of your own something and I was like oh [ __ ] I mean anybody even said that about me and pop-tarts I'd be excited anyway sure Stan's interest fam I hope that she liked my video this video this everything in hi Brendan if you're watching this [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tristan Paredes
Views: 729,822
Rating: 4.9829412 out of 5
Keywords: brendon urie, brendon, tristan paredes, vocal coach, panic at the disco, panic! at the disco, best live vocals, vocal coach reaction, you can sing anything, brendon urie vocals, brendon urie best live vocals, brendon urie best vocals, vocal coach reacts, panic at the disco live, vocal coach reacts to brendon urie, panic at the disco reaction, reaction vocal coach, pop crush, brendon urie twitch, twitch brendon urie
Id: sQaIg5tYocE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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