Brendon Urie Talks Pray For The Wicked, Kinky Boots & Logic

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hello beautiful human you made the right choice by clicking on her interview with Brendon Urie panic at the disco 6 studio album out right now it's called pray for the wicked and this guy loved them he brings such an energy to the studio yeah I think you're really gonna enjoy it please leave your honest feedback in the comment section below and subscribe if you can it would mean a lot and we've a podcast link in the description below okay Brendon Urie panic at the disco enjoy it it's a good one Brendon Urie from panic at the Disco's yeah what guys 3000 buddy always 60 new album man yeah hey what point in life did you realize you can sing I don't know my mom used to make me perform for like family members and for church and stuff I remember one time we had a family reunion and I was like 7 years old and my mom made me learn this song with a cane and a top hat it was like my mother told me I should never tell a lie it was like very very Broadway in that moment you realize that one day you'd be in TV booth no but I'm looking back now I go I make so much sense dressing and dragging the whole bit because when you first join panicky you weren't there to be the singer they needed a guitarist and you would have kind of replacing somebody yeah that's right yeah I was just a temporary fill-in yeah your vocals have gone on to really kind of pave their way in music history amen and I think this last album totally just showcases it that's awesome thanks biggest difference between death of a bachelor and right now is era of music it's well it's been so crazy the last two years were so eventful politically and personally I just there was so much going on and and I felt you know I said this last time too it's just like an ongoing thing which is really cool I guess but it's exponentially grown since the last couple years I just fail feel like a different dude because I challenge myself I almost cancelled kinky because I almost didn't go at all like the day before I called my manager Scott was like dude I'm having a serious anxiety I can't breathe I think I shouldn't go I'm just I'm gonna fail this is gonna be terrible and then he had to basically talk me down say dude it's not about you this isn't your show you're going to contribute something else get out of your ego and I was like I'll you're right so once I got over that and just kept failing and missing cues and missing marks on the show then I felt really great though that I did it you know I was really happy is that what fueled your inspiration because you wrote this album wallet doing kinky boots yeah that's right yeah a lot of it yeah why didn't this your first time in a while at least for you that you feel like you were felt like you were failing at something yeah no I mean I feel like I fail all the time every time I walk into a room I feel like the dumbest guy in the room which isn't to say it's like the most self-deprecating thing but it's just true I feel like you know I'm I'm not not worthy I don't I don't I don't know I don't have too many expectations but I do like to keep my hopes a little higher than I used to because I it just wasn't fun you know when you keep your expectations low and you just land in the same spot it's very comfortable all the time you never disappointed it's like I like getting disappointed on why does that motivate you to work harder try harder be different absolutely yeah every time I fail I go well I can't get any worse so let's just keep going I got I got to get better I got to get better better improve absolutely yeah it's it's definitely like a motivator when you're setting up a room to make music you say you just said a lot of times you have the dumbest guy in the room absolutely I might not agree but when you're filling up the room for you to make music in what is your role what do you bring to that so I'm basically engineering producing and facilitating a lot of stuff but I have to give a lot of credit to my friends Jake Sinclair and Suzy shin because they they delegate a lot of the stuff that I can't when I'm working I tend to not want to step on toes I tend to let every idea fly until it just doesn't work and Jake's and Claire's a little more decisive in the sense that he will tell me directly if my song is bad good friend to have I have no yes friends you know what are you walking into that room with do you have lyrics ready to go do you have some songs fully fleshed out sometimes yeah yeah sometimes I'll have just a beat you know have like like for instance we had first say Amen Saturday night I had an instrumental that I had taken from a band Buddhist band we asked them if I could use their song aphasia to sample it just the chorus the horns it's an instrumental band so I used that sample made like a little trap beador kind of and then just started singing this line it was different lyrics back then but it was like a very triumphant thing and so it started with that then my friends came over and we had had a previous conversation the week before and they had written all these lyrics about my verbal vomit that I had had so that was basically what happened I think that happens a lot for you even right now I'm just verbal verbally vomiting does that play into your ADHD sure you stop taking medication yours ends it I did well kind of I smoke weed I'm like I'm up yeah yeah it's a game change oh absolutely that's why I'm calm right now it's scary I see things target on natural medicine was 10 years old forever yeah Shiva game changers yeah right but how do you do that with your voice so you get worried huh no not really I do you try like how do you keep the muscle yeah warmups warm-ups are good I definitely trained a broad way taught me a new thing where I put a paper towel on the tip of my tongue and I pull my tongue out of my mouth while I warm up for like 30 minutes 30 to 45 minutes I pull it out like here I'll show you you like this right go Giggy Giggy Giggy Giggy Giggy like that's one and then you just go up like two octaves three octave you keep going until you can't to me that sounds like nothing but to your voice into a real professional yes apparently it works I mean it does I'll tell you it works it's really wild what things weird what do you learn about yourself from being in kinky boots and doing eight shows a freaking week and getting up there and killing it I have more respect for myself now I definitely do and that comes with like I was saying just accepting the challenge jumping in headfirst not really knowing flying by the seat of my pants I kind of knew the show a couple times I missed you know cues even toward the end of it of my run but it taught me it's yeah just don't give up don't just say no because you're scared if you make decisions based out of fear they're probably not going to be the right decisions and you'll be so regretful of them later so that definitely taught me that but Broadway's a different monster man because I I didn't know that most people who come in from the outside like a musician or somebody else from not Broadway when they come in they usually only do like three to four shows a week yeah one told me this into like a month into my run you know it's like so I could have been chillin I could have been like sleepin half the time but you know it was awesome it was really grueling schedule I have so much respect for Broadway and cast and crew and everybody it's it's such a different world people could never fully understand unless you're around it all the time I want to shift gears to dying in LA yeah this song I don't know I guy I really I felt like you were inside of my brain scary yeah where are you and how does that song come to be and are you just reflecting on your time just tell me about it yeah that one came about from my friend Morgan Kibby who if you've heard of she has a group called white sea music that she does white sea and she's written she was a part of m83 so she's written like countless likes in stuff she's such a talented writer lyricists just vocalist she's amazing and she had these set of lyrics basically I came into the studio we went down to like Ocean Way or United or something we're like Sinatra had recorded and we were playing like Elton John's piano so I went in there I was like oh geez and we met her make a good song she came in with the lyrics in it and she said I don't have a melody I don't have no pentameter I don't know what it's going to be but here's some words try to make sense of it so she put him down in front of me we just started pedaling around she said play your favorite chords my favorite chords are like Bruce Hornsby like changes Tupac changes you know you know that's so I started playing those kinds of chords and then it just sneezed out within like 10 15 minutes maybe the song was done it was just like reading through a journal and it felt so right we did one take a piano one take a vocal I planned on replacing him I never replaced him because it just it sounded and felt right like the emotion was there you know usually I mean every day on the boulevard he's a dreamer just like you yeah that's a hand that one hit when I was singing and I was saying and intermittently trying not to cry like holding in things because some of those lyrics all of them but some of them hit a little harder where I'm thinking about that like walking down Hollywood walking downtown looking at all these people these people dream just as big as I do I just happen to be fortunate enough to have landed in the place that I am that I do not want to let it go so I'm going to service it as well as I can try to give as much as I can it's the best I can do but that's that realization is so big you know like everybody we're all so much more similar than we think like we're not that different we're a bunch of humans I say that a lot I think some people understand it and then a lot of people you know they just they don't necessarily get it yeah yeah do you dream still oh yeah big the album with that song cuz the whole album's high-energy go go go go go and then it's like that see that seems to be my thing right like I don't know the last one we ended with the impossible year it was like really sad I tend to do that and the Beau album before that ended one with a song called end of all things what a depressing title I don't know I I think I like just to have that juxtapose you need like a contrast at least I do where every song is so high-energy everyone's you know kind of danceable one and I like ending a little morose it's a little sad you know we just we put out a video with a puppet and the whole time it's really crazy at the very end it's just like dark you know like the guy throws the puppet on the another pile of puppets in a psychology is that come from inside of you yeah yeah well that that video idea did I when I finished that song basically like had it arranged at my house I invited my friend Brandon Dermer who directed that video I invited into the house was like hey I have a song I want to show you and as I played the song in the background I just described the video to him basically how it ran out like how he shot it I just said I wanted to be a puppet maybe he does this maybe he does this maybe there's a dominatrix I don't know maybe that we do this and this and yeah he basically tried to fit as many ideas as we could in two and a half minutes I mean that puppet is literally you and your head's not as big his forehead is big but yeah did you use Ed Sheeran's puppet guy I think we did I think it was the same yeah might have been it was the people that did Avenue Q and a couple other people that jumped in so I it might be similar people I'm not sure if it's the exact same company though has there been a moment in your life where you could finally go hey mom look I made it yeah I mean the first time that I returned home after we made our album and I played it for my mom with all the swear words intact it was it was a moment of like hey look you know we can tour on this now I think that's like we've made it you know that's all we want to do it's not like we we didn't know about the music industry know anything about cells about that but we had learned from other bands that took us under their wing that tour was where it's at you know like you just tour man that's where it's at it's so fun they're not wrong like I live to perform it's it's better than drugs absolutely studio process I think yeah in a different way studio is great because it's so introverted you're just so locked in your own head it's really cathartic but then live performing is cathartic in a different sense songs become new meanings there's a different vibe the energy has completely changed and I get a bigger high from performing live than I do from the studio so when you have this new body of work and you're about to tour with it yeah what goes to your brain are you ready to like at the beginning of this whole cycle the songs start with one meeting but like thinking come out completely different to you and absolutely to everybody else listening absolutely any song can do that I mean they have in the past that I wrote a song called girls girls boys that was about my first threesome when I was 16 years old it completely changed when fans took it as it doesn't matter if you're gay straight bi pan trans doesn't matter you know religion race create whoever you are you deserve and have an obligation to be happy and be loved that is the coolest thing ever they took something that was personal to me that I was dealing with and changed it into something that meant something bigger for a mass amount of people that is so beautiful making a change that's bigger than me is like that's now it's an end goal that I've seen that firsthand it's like that's what I want to do it's everlasting absolutely but do you go into the creative process differently now knowing that's what you want to do or do you continue just to be yourself because yeah I still create selfishly like just for myself and then hope that you know it's worked that way so far that I write for myself without thinking how are people gonna perceive this what is you know what other opinions going to be of it it's not until the album comes out then I go okay tell me exactly what you think love it or hate it just let me know but yeah I it's pretty selfish the process when I do it if you were to listen to one song on this album yeah and really get to know you what song would really give us the best idea of who you are right now king of the clouds that's like that's the most verbal vomit I had done where the next week my buddy Sam Hollander showed up with a laptop and he was like dude you were so high when you were telling me there's stuff you didn't realize I was taking notes for like two hours and then I turned it into a set of lyrics where I was talking about Carl Sagan and interdimensional travel and multiverse and like it was just great like quantum theory stuff it was really crazy well gets your mind going with that like you really want to time travel oh I mean time travel maybe not but I love the idea of like interdimensional travel like I'm watching Rick and Morty and like all these shows you know thinking about just possibilities where a time lines different time lines that's so hilarious to me that there would be a me that didn't do the band that was a land surveyor or was a you know cosmetologist or was just you know whatever I don't know that's it's so interesting to me you know that we do dictate to a certain point or do we dictate our fate I don't know I mean Carl Sagan yeah what are we doing with your money are you gonna argue to be that guy who like invests in a you know interdimensional travel like 20 years from now I just got a Tesla on my way to space travel you're already on Saturday I'm gonna get the flamethrower no that's how crazy is that dude that he's selling flamethrowers to civilians this is like this is speaking of multiverse in different timelines this is like the other timeline in Back to the Future to where Biff is like the president or whatever and it's essentially Donald Trump and you're crazy it is a scary time that we live in it is yeah do you feel obligated for you know our reality to come through in your art or is it solely selfish and so will you I like my music to be an escape but I also like to use my celebrity as a catalyst for something greater you know so I could I could use my time and effort and money to go to something that I do firmly believe in you know Human Rights Campaign or or something like that you know this is pray for the wicked a way of touching on politics without actually singing about it a little bit sure I mean there's so much wickedness and and you know politics has changed I think the definition of politics has changed so much even now it's just it's like how magazines in the UK or now they still call themselves magazines but I just call them gossip rags because they just become like tabloids essentially so it's it's a little similar but I don't know I'm not too political I know that I don't like I know that when Donald Trump says stuff he has a platform and he's using it for now no good that's not okay with me you're trying to take out humans that's not okay and incarcerate children that's weird so are you telling you you have a sense of morals because I think that's really here I guess I do you understand what this country's been founded on what makes us frickin great yeah I believe in stuff yeah it's a dawn of time where am i what did you mention am i I am so sorry to interrupt the interview I'll just be real quick get quip it's the best toothbrush out there I'm obsessed with this thing it sticks right to my mirror it's timed out perfectly so I always know that I'm brushing the right amount they send me refill heads like every month and that's not just for convenience it's for my health Plus quip is an amazing toothbrush it's electric and it starts at only 25 bucks $25 for really the best toothbrush you will ever buy I got it for Dan Heather my mom my sister my dad Oprah uses this toothbrush so why shouldn't you equip seriously it's the best go to get quip comm slash sang and you're gonna get a toothbrush starting at 25 bucks and your free refill pack will follow that's right you'll get something free if you go to get clip comm slash sang tryouts equip toothbrush you'll love it but I really want you to tell me what you think so use it and get back to me get clip comm slash sang okay back to the interview people like to say you should find the silver lining than things and you come out in the album's right off the front you like now f that bet why just start the album with that song yeah that's a lot I think it's like 15 times really we believe got the last one though we were laughing so hard when they did that in the studio as a joke we just kept it no that one it's essentially the message of that song is nothing's ever good enough don't let anything ever be good enough you know because everybody's like all but the silver lining is sha but look on the bright side is like nananana I want it to be better this is good we can make it better but see that mentality there's a silver lining it's something that has plagued our humanity of like okay is just fine mediocre is where we stop right as long as we get to the next day we're cool right right right no no we need to jump on this now before we become a terrible place to be what about the lyric quick charade Beyonce lemonade what is it what right I just heard future safe Michael Jackson Thriller and I was like oh though so I'm not alone no I in the studio we were kind of saying it like my buddy Jake was like is it I mean do you want to you've always said you wanted to like name a celebrity in a song like you wanted to say Marilyn Monroe instead of miss Jackson in your song and I was like yeah that'd be cool he's like well now's your chance so we just I was like well who's queen you know but yeah say laminate that was that was just fun we were bouncing around I don't see this whole album was like that it was just fun to do it wasn't like yeah it wasn't like a chore we weren't working I was having friends over we were having conversations about Carl Sagan and random stuff and then once in a while we would go in the studio and like do an idea it was cool do you feel lucky that you get to create music that way because lutely well my assumption is that it's been very different in the past and I know a lot of artists either get you know four songs or forced in camps and forced to work with people sure yeah that the songwriting camps are really interesting I did that for a year or two I mean maybe he's like a yeah better part of the year I tried that for a few times but I yeah it's a struggle like I know some people work really well that way I work better when I'm like relaxed having just laughing so hard with my friends it just makes it I don't know more honest in a way that's it it's more jenny dam more genuine yeah don't France is a pretty funny guy Karen he's such a little punk man he's so funny I love that he's such a punk but you really get to call the shots like this is your canvas and yeah here's the paint on and do whatever you want with it yeah luckily I do have friends that they're not they're not yes people so they will be totally honest with me but they do allow me to a certain degree to create what I feel I need to which is awesome do you think that's all do you ever think how crazy it is that your life like you know at one point you're telling your mom that just as long as we're touring I'm happy yeah yeah now look at you you're six albums in man I know you sell at Madison Square Garden like nobody's business dude I never thought I never thought when this band got started that I would be here that like no way there's no way you know I couldn't have predicted that I think we assumed we would be in a van for 10 plus years you know doing that for a long time you were okay with it oh absolutely absolutely yeah there's nothing wrong with that at all there's no shame in it that's where we were excited to be we wanted to be in bands and just touring the country but now now that I've seen more and more I just get more excited about well what else can we do I don't know let's see what more trouble we can make how do you measure success at this point that's tough it's subjective obviously for everybody for me it's it's like how happy something makes me how pleased am i with the product how much did I have to struggle with it because again like the failing is part of that if I don't fail enough I feel like you know maybe not as successful it's it's more like I feel rewarded for having struggled so hard with something and then come out on top you know I guess good school yeah but what keeps you going when the struggle might get too tough do you like it what is it um I just love what I do I I think you have to have a passion for it because if you don't obviously people will see through that you know if you're faking it I can't it's too tiring to fake something I tried doing auditions in LA you know faking my way through like plastic smile like oh my gosh I'm so excited to be here I'd love to be in your movie you know what I mean but then I just can't do it you know and that's not to say that you know what it's should audition or not become a movie star they don't want to but it's just uh I found where I love to be I love making music I love touring I love performing I love meeting fans I love talking with people I love see just yeah I like to travel I like to do all these things so being able to be fortunate enough to be here is unreal to me can pop-punk come back yeah I mean why not what is it Jake didn't go anywhere yeah yeah maybe I'm the guy who says it's kind of gone a little somewhere I think that yeah the forefront of people's minds is what's on pop which is hip-hop now which is awesome that it's like take this turn which I guess I can't even call it hip-hop now it's like a new thing right there's like new genres being created so trap or whatever you want to call it mumble whatever it's a culture yeah so I think that's cool I don't think it ever really dies you know when people say disco is dead it's like now you could still listen to disco records I'm sure there's like niche stuff and cult or you can go and do disco thing yeah but I want more like dude emo nights are huge yeah that's fun yeah I met tram Sam grannies the other night piano bar singing my heart out season is the best felt and it brings a community together ya know generation of people together it totally does and I and I've met people through the pop punk emo scene who aren't a part of it at all you know there's like I met you know logic the rapper Bobby is the coolest guy ever I got to hang with him a few times got to see his show and we were just like fans of each other seeing that from someone who from a totally different walk of life totally different genre to reciprocate a fandom is like the coolest thing ever you know I'm sick now I'm such a huge fan of yours on the future fan of yours it's so genuine yeah I think it should never really die also the power of music right yeah absolutely your music really had I mean still has major saturation but back then I've told the story I remember seeing it on my friend's old fat back Mac computer the first time you put on makeup but also the last time first time I put on makeup I was a kid I was home we used to make home movies me my siblings so I was probably six or seven years old sorry for that fart noise on a microphone the compression adds like some power to it that was terrible you put it on do you feel something different um I put it on it was just like fun just experimenting as a kid and then I ate my mom's lipstick cause it tasted delicious Wow I don't know at the time I thought it was amazing it was like those wax lips filled with like root beer and how long after that you actually like put it on and like show yourself oh yeah with the band the first time we did it was for stage we did our first headline tour with the dance troupe touring dance group called loosened dossier they're like a gypsy hippies Cirque du Soleil type deal yeah that was our first headline tour that's when we first started doing it and and I was like well I've been called the puppet you know to Ryan like Ryan's puppet whatever so I'll just make myself a puppet so I started doing that for the circus tour like make myself a puppet and rise back into this thing yeah it was our inside joke like that was our thing it was like funny you know that I was being controlled by you know I have to do whatever I've seen that it was a Gold Jack and I think you were wearing yeah yeah yeah I'm seeing it very vividly and that was from gangs in New York man we got to pull stuff for movies it was very cool how's Sarah she's great thanks for asking you'd always best checking in have we uh appreciated how's everything going well at home it's great good my dogs are still maniacs it's awesome cool my dog Bogart just celebrated his birthday three days ago birthday Bogart yeah he doesn't know he's an idiot it's okay they're your children they are my little kids yeah yeah fur babies do they listen your music how they hate it no it's so funny we've got certain records and they'll start barking to it they don't they don't react to mine I think they just know that it's me but when I've been on tour I think like four years ago my wife showed me a video of us performing live and there was like a live multicast thing coming out so so she was if you put on the live performance on her laptop and my dog Bogart was just sitting there like why is why is he so small I know that's dad like why isn't he home it's so weird like trying to touch the screen so cute I love would your mom think of this latest album I was thinking that you you grew up in a Mormon household and this is very this are you religious now no no no I'm not there's some religious undertones to the album sure yeah I wanted to bring that back cuz I I had to come to terms of the fact that that's such a big piece of my history such a big piece of my culture my childhood and I can't deny it you know I don't want to I don't want to ever forget where I came from it doesn't mean I have to follow their rules that is I have to be a part of their religion I can pick and choose what I want from it you know I used to think that I was stuck in this way that no I I'm either anti theist or I'm whatever I don't care so I have to now realize that it's okay you can really do whatever you want and I just want to be nice to people I want to be kind and a good individual and so I pick and choose the things I like from the culture and kind of dismiss most of the the doctrine I get it yeah but what are your parents saying when they hear this oh they loved it but we've been so good for so long like the first I think I said this last time but the first time that you know I told them exactly who I was what I felt I was going to do the band no college it was maybe three weeks that they weren't down with it and then when I it finally bloom over like took him three weeks but we came to grips with who I am and they're like we love you like why are we freaking out we're so proud of you you seemed so happy why would we deny that they put you in that top hat roaring 20s by the way when yeah favorite song thanks man roll me like a blunt I want to go home yeah where's home right now LA yeah I live here I've been here for 10 years now this is it forever I I love LA LA devotees oh yeah that's right man I mean you know dying in LA man hopefully you know hopefully I'm here till then but I I just I love it out here it's the best and worst place in the world man it can it can be your saving grace or your total downfall it's just it's such a cool area I don't know it's just there's so much going on here so many amazing people the fact that I took me like 15 minutes to just come down and hang out with you guys it's also really nice yeah it's always a good why is high hopes after hey look my I made it I think they should like be opposite maybe they maybe they should have it just sounded better that way okay just that honestly was a sonic decision it was like oh I think this one will be cooler after that I figure is like a perfect story like you had high hopes right and you're like oh look we made it and chronologically you're totally right because it should be high hopes and then hey look man I made exactly yeah but maybe the high notes can now just be a reflective of like you know I made it now let's get nostalgic you know okay that makes sense we'll go with that let's go if you were to describe this album as like one story or one chapter of your overall story what would like kind of be the the one-liner on it the description of it oh man in a world no man it's it's kind of I mean really pray for the wicked says it all but it's it's mostly just you know is it ever good enough no I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep running for that top to that top rung rung of the ring ring of the rung I'm always just searching to see how far I can take things so really it's just um I don't know ostentatious is a good word for this I guess what a lot of it is what about a Grammy oh that would be great you know alright I think so I mean there'll be awesome I think you were robbed last year I didn't I think he got would be awesome Emmy Grammy Oscar Tony but I'm not committed enough to acting you know so I don't know hey you still got life left my friends plenty of time right yeah look at you I feel like Broadway performers once you do Broadway you can literally do anything I hope so oh it's so physically demanding Oh II think it's such a grueling thing that it's it's awesome it's it's the coolest thing I've ever done but the most challenging thing it's so grueling the schedule the everything the hitting your mark the acting the singing it's nuts would you write your own musical I'd love to yeah absolutely cool yeah I would love to I'm actually I've talked to a couple people about this I had some amazing meetings while I was in New York I won't say names because it's still talking to them but some awesome conversation about like really fun ideas it's a hot trend right now spongebob I know all these people running musical oh that's that means goes really good by the way I've never seen I just watched a lot good yeah laters the best I love that I think you should be a Disney character I think that's what you're missing you need to avoid sit right at your voice acting is the thing I was a kid I wanted to do cartoon voices all the time man that would that's the dream I mean right and that's the best gig cuz you just do it from your house and chillin I think your possibilities are endless Brendon Urie overpass kind of has like the beginning is like a cartoon police kind of chase yeah is that where that came from no I said I want to do an Ocean's eleven steven soderbergh like you know like yeah Ocean's eleven basically Shrek pray for the wicked sick studio album courtesy of Panic at the Disco it's out now last question we gotta run real quick there's a video online of you singing I write sins not tragedies and you say Kate this song true no that's trolling the crowd okay it's the funniest thing because now kids come up in theirs go why do you hate that song and and I now I just steer into the skid and I go well cuz it's the worst right but but it's funny I've never hated that song it only has gotten better which is really bizarre every old song now when we play it like I think I was saying earlier it just takes on a new meaning and when it does that I find a new appreciation what does it mean for you now oh my god well now I look out and see the kids I'm seeing younger fans come it means rejuvenation it's like whoa there's a whole new like wave of younger kids coming to the shows that haven't that didn't even know about that song 13 years ago you know and now they're discovering it for the first time it's like a rediscovery it's it's just it's amazing to see that their excitement that we had at the very beginning of it that's it's just it's in this out it takes me back it's like oh that's awesome the right music is timeless I appreciate that thank you did you paint the cover yourself no that's a girl Rosanna I wish I dunno I'm a terrible artist oh my god I would have messed it up but it's a very cool like abstract thing that's essentially what we said we took that on top of watermark tower actually our friend Chad manages that hotel and he was like hey I have a helipad you can take a picture on listen to it please hey Brendon Urie thanks for hanging out me that's the best you guys are awesome I love you guys I really hope you enjoyed that conversation if you did please subscribe and also check out our podcast there's a link in the description and also comment and like and do things other interviews are on the screen somewhere so click them thanks for watching
Channel: Zach Sang Show
Views: 283,670
Rating: 4.9810095 out of 5
Keywords: Brendon Urie, Logic, Panic! At The Disco, Kinky Boots, Pray For The Wicked, Ryan Ross, Dillon Francis, Music Video, Death Of A Bachelor, I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Broadway, Radio, Interview, Zach Sang Show, Zach Sang, Dan Zolot, Heather Connor
Id: _r1LM9okko8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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