My Response To Brandon Harding's LIES, Defamation, and Slander!!! His Coaching Plan EXPLAINED

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Brandon was right...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alexwhynot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/getwellmyfriend πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok but if you purchase a half price plan you know it’s by just team which is still over seen by him. It’s not like he’s tricking you into buying a full price plan then having someone else coach you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tus__ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


I wish he would rewatch his old videos, or just this part

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KiloMeter69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The key words are 'if you hire me, you get me'. The half priced training plan isnt buying you Greg's individual time for you, that's clearly stated. If you feel like it's not worth it, that's fine but this is just misleading.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aijuken πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

His voice is so much better here. Not ripping my ears, no constant screaming... I miss this.

Also, yes he could make tripple the money, and now that he has the opportunity, he tries to make that money with hiring a team. And to be honest, there is nothing wrong with it, but he really pulled a Vshred with that email he sent to everyone. And of course it is marketing, but he called it out when Vshred did it, but now that he did that, it's suddenly okay.

At this point he could make a video about himself.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Szokedan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
this actually happened somebody hired me and Brandon went over and explained how much I charge and I'm so expensive in whatever somebody actually cancelled their payment to me for coaching and their reasoning was that they didn't think I would do a good job based on what Brandon had said coach Craig and I am here to respond to Brandon's Harding's last video which unfortunately he decided to make a video describing my coaching but unfortunately it was slanderous lies untruths cherry-picked information which was done in I guess anger to try to discredit my coaching I wasn't gonna even do her another response video but because he attacked me as a coach not as a person he could have called me an idiot Mara it's all fine don't get along it doesn't like Michael all that would have been fine cool with that but you can't be slanderous and make up lies and try to affect my way of making a living okay this is me trying to make money I mean you made this video and he's like Greg cares about money and he cares about man yeah I like making money guys I coach to make money wow that's horrible plumbers they don't go to work to make money schoolteachers they don't go to work to make any money no everyone will go for free baseball players they don't work for money they don't they play for free I don't coach for free Brandon Hardy has ads in his videos I have ads in my videos that earns us revenue is that horrible I don't think so okay does it mean I don't care about you zero means that when I was a school teacher for 11 years do you think I didn't care about the students I coached that I taught just because I was being paid to be there I coached after hours I was I was coach of the year I won I coached many sports Dave volunteered many of my hours I still had to be paid as a school teacher to do so okay so that's irrelevant the fact that I do want to make money that is irrelevant of course I do I'm not gonna deny that now I really am going to not attack Brandon I am NOT going to attack him as a person if you just came here to make to watch me go on a tangent about Brandon Harding and I mean you say it's not the video for you I'm just going to go through and point out the parts that he lied about on purpose to make me look like I don't coach properly because I watched his video I was literally at the gym lifting weights and at one part I dropped the weight on the ground and started laughing in anger and how slanderous and absolute lies that were being spewed from his mouth okay so I'm not gonna get mad and angry and I'm going to point out and explain why it was a lie and what the truth is I'm gonna prove it I had this plan in front of me and I'm explaining how my coaching actually works ok so thankfully Brandon Harding he took the video down I mean when so many people are commenting my my clients who I coach watch his video and they win on his wall and they're making comments saying that's not his plan at all so do you guys really think that I coach Brandon less than everybody else people like maybe he was thinking to get special treatment I treat every single client the same they're all the same they all pay to get the best quality service and I give you that everybody all of you get that same quality service do you think that I'm just gonna give you here's how many calories you can eat in a day here's some recipes enjoy fill your boots that's literally what he was saying that I was doing he didn't actually say fill your boots he used some other term he took his video down luckily but 50,000 people watched it first and there was probably several hundred that actually believed it because when he cherry-pick information he flashed something on the screen and you delete the other twelve lines and the you delete the entire section that says how to eat and whatnot and you post the calories at the bottom the summary of the entire plan and say oh that's what I got it looks bad look bad she's very sneaky this guy it was very sneaky okay but it was it was lies none it's cherry-picking information okay so let's get into this so how do I coach people all right so Brandon's plan I'm it's on my screen and I'm not gonna just show you the whole plan because it would just copy-paste Knowle thing at least Brandon was respectful or not to just post my entire plan and make me have to sue him in court in a whole guard it we've been bad it's not good like we don't do that so he had 42 pages this is total plan 42 pages okay so the first part is a questionnaire so my plan 735 questions on a questionnaire what do you like to eat when you not like to eat what's your favorite body part weaknesses are lerczak to food how long can you go into gym how long can you train how much time commitment do you have foods you won't eat foods you like are you allergic to things and all that stuff okay a lot of information so I get that whole thing 35 questions usually takes clients an hour two hours sometimes three hours four hours they fill it out and they send it back to me so in all his ended up being one two three four five six so six pages in total with his writing in all okay some people it's eight and some people it's less okay it depends how much information you give me then under each question I read it and I'm not gonna share any private information of any client with anybody okay that doesn't happen okay I'm never gonna I sometimes talk about clients and videos but I don't need names and no one's gonna know anyone so it's all anonymous it's like I'll say Joe Schmo grandma Josephine's said so you're not gonna know that so no one's gonna get I'm not gonna divulge supplements if people take and all that that's confidential I keep that confidential all my clients so don't ever worry about that okay I go through every question and I write comments so they might say yeah my favorite healthy food is ice cream and I would he didn't say that I'm making this up and so I would say geez ice cream isn't really considered a health food my favorite healthy food is rice cakes I get that one a lot that's not really so healthy my favorite healthy food is rice cakes with peanut butter and jam I get that one a lot yeah and I read comments explain things it's like what are your goals I want to put on 15 pounds of muscle in the next four months natural I'll be like you're an idiot I'm literally called concent even harm me idiot snoring I bet there's no way you're gaining 15 pounds of muscle natural I don't even care if it's newbie games in four months I get people with crazy goals I'm like do lower these goals and I am very upfront and important so then after that this is what your plan is gonna be this is Brandon's plan anabolic kitchen recipes boom french toast blueberry pancakes that was the first one light french toast blueberry pancakes open-faced hot Hamburg and chicken and then I have all these different things I'm not gonna go through every single this is the recipe section okay this is a section that is foods that you eat it's not your diet plan it's a recipe section it's like how do you make it so there's past us here I'm going through microwaved stuff Pizza recipes how to make healthy pizzas pancakes various pancakes stir fries and protein bars like my homemade score protein bars that are so amazing I've got like several different kinds you don't have to make that kind you can make a different kind protein cookies man there's a kind that sent me that yesterday and it was like mind blown can't believe I can eat this protein cookie it's very complicated that's a tough one to make it's not very easy there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ingredients you've got to be kind of like more sheffy like I experiment a lot to make that recipe it took me a lot of work most of my recipes are very easy like five ingredients or lastly quick and easy cuz I know you guys don't got time for all this but it's in there a couple of things are a bit more complicated protein Apple protein pancakes banana protein pancakes Apple goop I need to make that video man that stuff's good you protein puddings and Khadaffi Bijou delight I had a youtube video now in protein brownies like the lava cake and then protein shakes there's a whole bunch of protein shakes there's like 20 tons of them and any made a point let's get into this cuz he's like Paul it wasn't custom me he had girls recipes on my plan well jeez that doesn't sound very custom made why would he have girls recipes on my plan I literally gave him my entire recipe book it's not like a book it's like 20 it's 21 pages it's like 21 pages one of them four of them had the word girls in now it's 2020 I need to update it gender neutral one of my buddies wrote and said Greg man you gotta change the name of that that recipe the girls and call it gender neutral so one of the recipe things on the list which he was trying to say you know it's not custom can you believe this it says 220 to 230 calorie I'm sorry 220 to 230 low calorie girls Greek pretty protein pudding shape man I gotta work on the title it's not so catchy so it why did it say girls it's because it had 220 to 230 calories and none of the guy's meals on my plans ever have that low of a calorie so I called it girls so that more girls would eat it doesn't mean a guy can't eat it so for example I might on some people's plans put oatmeal plus a 220 to 230 calorie girls Greek protein pudding shake so they're eating the the protein the the the oatmeal with the girls shake its it should be called gender-neutral cuz that's not really professional me to call it girls it should be called lower calorie Greek because there's a higher calorie one and I called it guys not really fair coz some girls eat more calories that some guys so I apologize for that people I'm working on it I'm gonna change it in a future Thank You Brandon for pointing that out that there's recipes that say girls and it's not it shouldn't really be done so that's true but it's not that the plan is for girls it's just that the name isn't cool but remember this is not on his plan this is in the recipe book and when he went when I when he hired me I coached him I knew he had a girlfriend and oftentimes I'll remove some of the recipes like that's the whole recipe book sometimes I like narrow it down like I have a lot of couples that hire me and they get the whole thing and sometimes it's just girls and I'm not gonna give them like this mega high protein calorie drink that they could never eat unless sometimes they could depends how it works right so I thought well maybe she'll try it and why not give him the whole recipe like why why hold back on him here why not just include it's not gonna be any harmful it's just copy/paste it's 21 page recipe book it's literally copy paste it's not a lot of work I don't really take the whole thing so it's literally click drag the button and I'm not good with technology I can do this click drag button copy paste and that's in your program and it goes through the whole list so there's some that say guys guys sweet Greek chocolate protein pudding shake 340 calories it's very good like that one I often on a diet will eat the girls one but I got changed a gender-neutral low calorie going to switch these names up there are 26 different rap options on my plants I love reps you guys like rats yeah I'll get 20 six different options of raps does it mean you need to eat all 26 no I literally have three out of that all those bunches I always eat the same three I like the same three you can pick and choose but it's in your plant this is the recipe section I've even gotten to your diet plan yet then I list out some internet websites that you can order some of these foods from because it makes it easier for you like it just Google pinyin send it you didn't go on eBay Amazon okay then I write the next section how to follow your diet plan wolf and he showed the first two lines there are 14 points on that and he said this is what I got choose whichever meal you want in the category and it's like what but he doesn't go through the entire thing that explains stuff like the meat is measured cooked the rice is how its measured like in details explaining it explaining everything I'm not going to give you all the secrets right here it explains everything I'm looking at it's his plan I'm scrolling through it includes how to do a cheat meal how to combine meals into it's all there for living a normal life for dieting not dieting bulking whatever I make the plan happen for you it's different based on the person the calories and all this stuff it's obviously it's custom-made then we go into his plan October 18 meal plans so obviously we know I started coaching him on October 18 Brendan Harding five regular meals plus one optional snack if hungry that's what it what he had basically sent me a glorified recipe book that he sends me to everything one of his clients the only thing he told me to do was to hit a certain amount of calories with the meals that I had to choose from the plant myself to basically create my own plan when I specifically told him from a coaching at some point I like to be told exactly what do we when to eat it and how many grams of each ingredient I'm meant against you it is the absolute lie I don't like it when people lie about me and make up lies about me that was slander lies about me meal one and Brandon is watching this it's this a.m. after that it says should be within sixty minutes of waking up is that not clear that's not giving any direction on what to do should be within 60 minutes awakened up so what if he woke up at 8:00 a.m. what time you think you should eat let's say this was your plan what did you do within sixty minutes of waking up and I go through all these plans with all the clients so anyone has questions both they asked me what time shamian breakfast meal to be p.m. I even had the p.m. in there the next part says it's about hours apart or whenever you're hungry or have time to eat it's okay if it's one hour earlier or later it literally says that I'm going to his meal home here it's two pages long okay he had 58 options here he had a lot of options on what he could choose I highlighted some you know maybe these were more important I put in bold some that I thought he would enjoy the most I kind of hand-picked the ones based on his questionnaire that he said he likes certain foods I often will do that first you know clients would be like hey man I really like avvocato or guacamole and you might see it in your plan and blah blah blah so he's saying it wasn't custom made they could get it on no you can't it's a complete lie this is not even close to body mooing god calm so he has meal one two three four five I don't need to get into details on that it says what time to do anything oh it says what time to do each of the meals he said I didn't do that that is a lie Brandon lied don't like it when people I notice he made the video and he took it down an hour after posting it why do you think that well it's not good to it's illegal to actually slander somebody you can't make up a lie about somebody you can't say something that's utterly untruthful about their business and how they make a living I can't make up some lie let's say another coach is in competition with me like they're a really good coach coach John it's better than coach great and I say coach John stole money from me and cheated and copied and got my wife pregnant and this and that and stole and did a bunch and I make it all up and everyone's like boycott coach John that person's a horrible human being can't do that slander I watched Judge Judy you guys watched my video how my mornings life Judge Judy I learned all the stuff on Judge Judy and she says the zeidel not a lot of times six or seven I know it's not legal to do that so he did that not cool so let's get into this more okay so he just said he showed at the bottom calorie range 3062 4060 the average the average of that is thirty-five hundred and sixty calories and he gets to have up to a 250 calorie optional snack he wants why is that there that is so that I coach Gregg when I adjust the person's calories know how many calories the ranges that they're eating so let's say he wasn't losing any weight and was trying to lose weight I would look at that and be like oh 4,000 on the top that's a lot of food I'm going to redo his plan and decrease the calories and all the higher-end meals I got to keep those low ones there cuz that's fun I'm gonna lower the calories so that it makes sense he doesn't need to see that do I he said you don't do macros I am against macros I refuse to do macros macros is BS you don't need to count macros I don't care if it's more fat more protein carbs every single plant I tell you what to eat in the plan the plan is very specific nobody that falls this plan could possibly be eating not enough protein it's impossible there's uh it's it's designed in such a way that I take the guesswork out of it all you have to do is follow it I have to do is literally pick the option fall I'm gonna go through few options and show you how easy it is and how Brandon could not have possibly messed up and having like so he made it look like okay so he told me to eat 3,500 calories no lower than three no higher than four and to just follow that recipe book and I just had to make my diet that sounds horrible that sounds like he put no work into it let's see if I had no working to it I made this custom-made from scratch it has 58 options it took me four days to make this plan for Brandon I didn't charge him for it that he's right well why didn't I charge him well Brandon I offered to coach him for free Brandon didn't want to be coach for free I said I'm not charging you he offered to pay me he did true story he was gonna pay me said no you don't have to pay me but he didn't want to be seen as like getting a handout cuz that's cool I think that I would respect that that's great a Brendon so I said look if I could coach you and I can get you a pro card don't you think that I'm gonna get more business for me it was a financial win-win I got to coach his cool dude I thought I was quite met him in person later and I chatted with him on the phone you know dozens of times for hours we've spoken on the phone I liked him a lot I liked him on the hill the point that he posted that that I was a horrible coach and he started lying and then I didn't like him so much whatever doesn't matter maybe he'll be nice after all in the long run he said that I said that one like rice 200 calories and I didn't say the macros or the grams or the weight of it or the cups and how much just the calories and that he had to go through like he had to spend all this time like days of work on my fitness pal googling stuff and looking up all this work that would be horrible if I did a plan like that I would be like Greg is the worst coach ever I got his planning I didn't know what to do and I had to spend all day on my visit and I had to get my girlfriend who had a 4.0 GPA to explain to me how many grams of rice I needed to eat I didn't say anything let's look at the plan let's see if it didn't say that let's see are you ready meal 1 meal 1 is listed ABCD efg hijk LMNOP qrs team it goes from the letters a tutti meal one meal one to me is considered breakfast so in breakfast it says meal one it's highlighted it has between five hundred eighty and seven hundred and zero seven exhibits it has meal what is 582 seven hundred calories okay that's his range cuz it's a custom plant I know all you guys who are watching this are thinking oh yeah he just copied and pasted this yeah how many of you have meal one letters a tutti 582 700 calories Ozzie no of you because it's custom made just for you Brandon has spent all the time for you even though you thought it was a bodybuilding compromise I spent all this time on you cuz I cared about you just as much as I care about all my other clients the ones I'm still coaching clients are still being coached by me so let's see let's see do I not tell you how much that meal 1 take notes guys you're gonna get some free information this is meal 1 on your plan on Brandon's plan 90 grams 1 cup dry oatmeal 330 calories how many of you think that you need to go on MyFitnessPal to figure out how much oatmeal tap do you want 90 grams of it so if you weigh it on a skill I didn't add this up after this is on his plan I don't know how you can prove it whatever I'm not making up you guys know me do I lie about this kind of stuff no I'm looking at his plan right here 90 grams and it's not grams it's G just so I'm very you know transparent 90 G so maybe you didn't know progressed but if you don't understand something ask me a question I answer all questions okay if it's a pain coin I don't care stupid claim you're paying me to tell you everything I'll tell you anything that's what you're paying me for I answer all your questions 9 grams 1 cup dry oatmeal 330 plus 2 scoops of protein 240 so what does that mean so that's 2 scoops of protein for 240 calories so maybe your protein is like each scoop is a hundred and thirty calories well then maybe you need to just put a little bit less because I want about 240 it's ok if it's to fit 20 calories give or take doesn't matter cuz remember the meal category is 580 to 700 calories as long as you're in that range of that meal it's fine ok and then ok so 2 scoops of protein and 1 serving of fruit and it says 100 you're like well what's that that's gonna be something you have to look up MyFitnessPal well what is the serving of fruit well it's 100 calories worth of fruit so scroll back on page 15 on this plan 100 calories 1 serving of fruit is here it is guys want to write it down he could have had 330 grams of watermelon I put them in order of low calorie dense too high calorie dense so that you know which ones are the most filling you know about you guys watch all my videos didn't learn this is why I do this watermelon 330 grams or you could add cantaloupe strawberries or melon 300 grams of that that's what he gets that for his breakfast with that oatmeal that protein that's his meal ok or you could add peaches nectarines 200 a grapefruit 240 grams orange daughter Teddy Grahams pineapple 200 grams I'm gonna fast-forward down Apple blackberries blueberries pears champagnes mango cherries gripping an avocado 60 grams juni MyFitnessPal or could you just look up the chart that's right here on page 15 if you didn't know whether the chart was hi coach Greg I how much is a serving of fruit hey brenn on page 15 one large serving of fruit hundred calories is watermelon three and thirty grand so for that meal what which one you want to eat I like blueberries coach Craig okay you're gonna have 180 grams of blueberries does that sound like the complicated diet plan that no one can follow does it sound like you need a 4.0 GPA to figure that out or does it seem like I made this very simple and made it so anyone can do it and if you don't know how to do it I explained okay so that's just one example let's go through another example cuz he literally pointed this one out option 39 so on his planet went from 1 to 50 how many of you have that exact plan 1 to 58 zero of you because I custom-made his frickin plan what is it safer option 39 115 grams of salmon or 130 grams extra lean green lean steak or ground beef or 155 grams extra lean ground turkey or chicken 180 grams chicken or turkey or 230 grams of haddock Cod or shrimp total calories and that was 230 so you picked one of those Brandon like seven 115 grams of salmon that's gonna be part of meal next part 1.5 cups of rice but Brandon you just said that Greg said that you just said the calories and that you have to look up on my fitness pal how many grams that that was but yet it just says right here 1.5 cups of rice did you lie did you make that video for drama did you do it to discredit me did you do it to try to get back at me did you do it so people wouldn't hire me that's the question you made the video and you took it down did you take it down to be a better man to be the bigger man and then make some apology video I mean watched or do you make the video because you're mad because I made a video explaining the real that you didn't hire me watch the video I spoke the truth next part of that meal says or because you don't need rice I don't want rice today or you got 340 grams sweet or any potato sweep it into a regular potato it's our inner 40 grams so branded you have to look up on my fitness pal how many grams of potato to eat is it cooked or not cooked guess what it's in the description if it's cooked or not cooked I'm an Italian it's in the description guys if you hire me you just read it you're gonna know if it's cooked or not cooked three or forty grams Brandon's the offseason a little bit more food than most people don't get to eat that much is quite a bit of food okay a lot of people do but not everybody plus one serving of vegetables one hundred oh I need my fitness belt for that let's go to page 15 you guys learning do I sound like that guy that didn't hire me are you are you watching this video so that you'll now hire me because you thought my plan was gonna suck because you watched Brandon Harding's video maybe he's in the mood for onions I've liked a lot of onions lately 250 grams of onions he could have I'm not in the mood for onions I'd rather have corn 120 grams of corn now I'm really really hungry I'm looking for a more low calorie dense food item lettuce cucumber 600 grams asparagus 500 grams spinach 450 grams or let's I mean I'm Brandon Harding and I want to suffer and I want a boring diet I want broccoli 300 grams broccoli you can eat a boring diet and so you went over that no I'm a body Miller I'm not like a lifestyle I need protein ice cream and french toast you know like crap I just want a boring diet you get to choose the meal you want so if Brandon only wanted boring meals he could eat salmon and broccoli and rice four times a day if he wanted to what am I gonna say I mean he has options to do that it's not complicated is that the only options for this no I have another option let's go to 40 40 number 44 270 grams of elk geez got even Elkins fine sarandon or 360 grams of haddock Cod shrimp or tilapia man I'm into the boring food I'm gonna have 360 grams of tilapia you can also salmon I got 10 P I probably pronounced it wrong I have tofu in there maybe he wants being vegan mood today Greg can you coach vegans does it look like I can coach vegans I'm vegan options right in his mouth meal plan for Brandon Casey wants either does he have to choose that no 1 cup of rice so see he's got more calories in the meat section fish section will call protein section because he's got less in the carb section so do we need to meet a certain macro no because if you eat more protein eat less carbs meat less carbs eat more protein eat more approach carbs you could eat less fat eat more fat eat less carbs bounces out calories in calories out deficit surplus blah blah blah let's do a dense min does it make sense some other meal things I was playing here he's got nuts he's not dying in the hardcore but let's look at this salad here large spinach salad it says how many grams of chicken it says how much grams of spinach or mustard whatever it says that how many tablespoons of dressing and the calories for the dressing it says he can choose goat cheese if he wanted or you could go with the avocado or guacamole even in this south because in his custom-made request he really said he liked avocado so why not include it in his plan well it's custom so I made it according to that and yet allowable cheat meals so some of you were watching that's not on Greg's plan he doesn't allow that cheat meals allowed for per week max up to 1,000 calories on the cheat meal if you have the cheat we'll skip the meal you would have eight instead and do not have the optional snack on that way as well because he has this optional snack in case you're extra hungry though because some days you're hungrier than others guys you don't need to eat the same boring food all the time and there's more danger and I go through myths I quote post about myths I say what to do with his weight goes up too fast and too too slow and that I was just calories if he's getting fatter and stuff does it look like I'm a bad coach does it look like I don't care I would I watched Brandon I follow him on his Instagram and he posts his updates and pictures and I'm like he's doing really good I don't need to message him he's doing really good it says at the bottom I plan and he does admit to this that it says the onus is on the athlete to contact the coaches sect send in weekly check-ins to tell them how they feel how things are going if they want changes to be made if they're happy with the program oh my clients know that and get that and if they are not happy that's what I do that's why I work 14 hours a day because all my clients write me and I don't wait a week to get back to them like other coaches I'm getting twitches I'm getting so like I'm holding back trying to say anything negative just telling it like it is to defend my coaching why don't need to go into the training plan because he didn't say anything negative about my training plan so that's good okay I described training so if you hire me get a custom-made train plan might be two days split three D split 40 split might be four days a week might be an hour a day my beef an hour and a half a day might be 75 minutes a day might be 35 to 45 minutes I had one client that needed that so you get a constant training plan supplements he said he was really happy with the supplement so Thank You Vanden for being honest that the supplement planning did work Brandon gained 15 pounds he said so in the video during this plan which started on October 18th was it all 15 pounds of muscle no there's a little bit of water tension Linn a bit of fat but was he mostly muscle yes good quality wait yes does he look good yes do I think my coaching worked yes do I think that Brandon couldn't have made any games without me no what did I say in my last video I literally said it's the athlete that makes the coach not the coach that makes the athlete the athlete is the one that falls the plan and does all the work and eats the food and does the training I explained a detail it's not that I'm then mr. perfect coach the athlete has to follow the plan and do all the work so if an athlete gets a pro card it's not just like oh it's all glory to me because I coached him it's I was lucky enough and fortunate enough to work with this gifted athlete which Brandon is a gifted athlete who I still think will make his pro debut next year because I still think he's gonna get his pro card with his new coach because I don't think he needs me to get a pro card I think his current coach is perfectly capable and he's very happy with him and that's great I'm very disappointed that he chose to go this route and getting his coach all he had to do was say hey Greg I don't like the way that the plan is the supplement plans great the trainings good but like I want a guy that's just gonna call me every day and check up on me and see how I'm doing I want that a coach does he said that about his new coach Kalyn checks and much every day calls him ed how you feeling and good and all that stuff I don't do that with any of my clients guys I treat all my clients exactly the same from the Brandon harding's to the 58 year olds that just want to lose weight I'll get the same treatment I'm not gonna chase you down and ask for your questionnaires and how you feeling and the whole I'm not a babysitter like that at all I tell it like it is okay so I'm not gonna talk about anything else at all the drama that's going behind the scenes not getting end to any of it okay wishing Brandon the best hope he can get through all of this I had to just make this video to defend my coaching because I'm a good coach and when I'm losing business and Brandon and his video said how much I charge for coaching it's not cheap it's a lot he's like oh my god how can anyone pay for this the prices are where they are because I have such demand that I only have so many hours in a day and if the prices were more like say half price of what they are now guess what would happen I wouldn't be coaching you I would hire some secret person to do it so one of the things I'm gonna just give you some personal for me one of the things Brandon really respected about me is he suggested Greg why don't you just get like somebody to do the plans for you like most coaches like Brandon I will never do that I coach all my clients me I do all the plans myself I care about my clients when you hire coach Greg you want coach Greg you want the guy that calls you an idiot and whatever that's the one you want you don't want the guy that Greg hired to do the plan for you when you purchase a phone consult you're talking to me and I'm explaining it to you the way I do not some guy that I hand-picked and as a PhD or whatever I'm the one on the phone so Brandon had a lot of respect for that and it was in fact one of the reasons he said into why he did hire me it is I'm not to make any of this stuff up okay so I coach people I would never hire somebody to do the plans for them these are custom made by me a lot of people have suggested why don't you just do this he makes so much more money I could make way more money wait triple the money if I hired a couple of people to do all these plans and lower the price point down a little bit so it's more affordable because maybe one in 20 people can hire me and afford be right now I know my prices are not cheap I admittedly admit the prices are not cheap but the surface is what it is law of supply and demand you get what you're pay for I'm making life changing diet plans here so now I'm going to say his name but he did give me permission to do this as a testimonial for my website so I'm gonna read this but I'm not gonna say his name because he didn't really give me permission to read it on the air so don't want to say that but thank you so much for the advice on our call I listen to everything you said and did what you recommend and I'm seeing results already and it's been a week my cardio has improved and so has my form I will definitely purchase another phone call in a month to update you on my progress again thank you so much I really appreciate your advice perfect and I said would it be okay if I use the exact text on my website for coaching and he said yes of course so thank you to this anonymous guy it's gonna be other website so that's just an example of what you can get from a phone call and he wrote no problem thank you for giving good and honest advice a kick in the ass is the best way for me to improve then at another client and he showed me a picture of the protein bar recipe he's like dude you should sell these why are you giving out the recipe with like all these crying faces this is gold just so happy like he tried the new recipe that I had on my plan dude I'm sorry I keep staring this stuff with you but this is insane I can't believe we're eating this in losing weight it's a picture of the protein cookie recipe this is what a former client of mine who was code said and I'm not gonna give it away but this guy is really good very very shredded and he won a national title I don't want to give too much I'm not gonna say his exact name but he's awesome amazing it's one of the best coaches in the world and his plan was literally one of the most simple things you have ever seen and your plan was way way way way better than his mine is way way way way way better I think it was there's four ways okay he says yeah Greg that's just how coaching is I have some clients that are absolutely awesome they listen to instructions they follow their plans and they're happy and I have other clients that will come up with whatever BS excuse they can to not succeed that's the way coaching works okay so my plan is amazing and am I the world's best coach arguably am I the world's best coach for every single person definitely not 0% chance I am NOT for everyone if you want somebody to message you every day and ask you how you're doing not me if you want the coach to just tell you look good all the time cuz you need positive reinforcement you need a good body image and not me if you want to hear the truth what your real body fat percentage is if you're cheating and now you want me to call you out on it this is the guy this is me I do not do one-on-one coaching in the gym as in I am NOT a one-on-one personal trainer I do not like doing drill-sergeant training I'm more of a mind coach I am NOT a come on give me five more reps what's with you no I'm more like let's see how hard they're gonna go okay okay set was over how hard do you think you push yourself they're all out it looked like he had two more reps to me what do you think about your form on that set yeah you're right you're eccentric was really really really quick and you were just letting the weight fly you need to like control and really feel the weight on the way up mind muscle connection feel that let's not get injured let's not you know let's not use this stretcher I just explained things like that that's how I coach okay so what do I do I have weekly client reports they check in with me and then I write back we change cardio we change the diet we change a training plan we change the supplement plan based on results based on need some clients are a nightmare some are very easy competitors are way more challenging than non competitors if you're a current client your competitor doesn't mean that I'm talking about you I'm talking about half of you so probably the next person some of them are bad they probably know that they're bad and they're so demanding and it's tough and but bond you they're going through hell because they're prepping for a show to get to incredibly low body fat levels and I'm known to coach people to get absolutely shredded and so these people are not living the easy life it's not all sunshine and rainbows it's hard work it's very hard so I'm in there and I'm giving them the best advice to eat the best way to not be hungry to try to have energy and what are we gonna do and it's constantly challenging it's a lot harder than the person that's 50 pounds overweight and all you have to do is eat somewhat healthy and they start losing weight and easy it's a lot harder for the compas contest prep person that's an 8% body fat trying to get to 5 than it is if you're 45 percent body fat trying to get to 30 it just is so whatever so anyway subscribe click the bell button now you're up to date no more videos about Brannon no more this was a video to explain my coaching I hope you understand that I just totally said what Brandon said wasn't accurate the 50,000 of you who watch it it wasn't true okay this was the truth this is how I coach now you know the rest of the story and the true story and watch another video up here because you love my videos you want to see more if you made it this far on this long video you must like what I do watch this video over here as well two choices that one or this one Greg who set that [ __ ] for coaching cuz man you just watch a whole video about how a coach maybe now you want to hire me or have a phone console hire me come on Greg new sitcom it's not free though not free and Greg you said I've been pro Instagram follow me there and until next time I am out
Channel: Greg Doucette
Views: 1,149,986
Rating: 4.9183569 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Doucette, Coach Greg, Brandon Harding, response, Classic Physique, Lies, Slander, bodybuilding, Mr Olympia, coaching, weight loss, exercise, fasting, powerlifting, strength, fake natty, natty or not, Squat, Deadlift, Leg training, Leg Day, Off season
Id: E-rKe8A8RC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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