My Problem with Depression & Mental Health (as a Millionaire)

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all right tackle it here welcome back just finished counting my money over here don't mind me didn't think i forgot about you guys yet did you but i decided to take a moment out of my day today to talk about a very serious topic depression i know that especially during the holidays while everybody's looking cheerful and as happy as they can be there's also many people out there suffering with mental health depression isolation loneliness and this is something that is to be taken seriously all you see on instagram facebook social media even on my own instagram at techleedhd are just what great times i'm having the winter vacations the holiday festivities but in reality is that really the picture i may post some nice travel photos but in reality i don't think i'm having as great of a time as people may be imagining so if you're sad you know i have a bit of advice for you which is don't be sad right if you're depressed don't be depressed be happy okay now is there anything more i can offer for you here today no quick pause you know what makes me happy money cheer yourself up with weibo get tons of free stocks over at the weibo app they've got so many promotions going on there i don't even know how many they've got i think you can get like five free stocks nowadays if you just deposit one cent each of those stocks are worth eight to two thousand dollars a piece plus there's so many other freebies and promotions in there plus it's a great app too actually they have beautiful interactive charts so check them out there will be a link in the description below it's literally the first app i checked each morning weeble you know i want to mention at least for myself i may look put together but i think sometimes i'm on the verge of breaking out into tears myself actually and sometimes i'll just be driving and i'm thinking why don't i just swerve into the other side of the lane and it'll just all be over but you know why i don't do that i don't do that because of this this money and this is what is my defining factor this money is truly what sets me apart what defines my character and is the line between life and death for me but you know for you i might consider that there's also this other person's life who you would injure and destroy if you were to swerve into that other lane of the road and so you see that's the problem you're the problem in which you think too much about yourself stop thinking about yourself you know i think that we become sad we start having self-pity when we start focusing too much on ourselves what's our own state shouldn't we be happier what do we want more for ourselves but maybe think about improving other people's lives how can you help other people and what can you do to you know stop other people from getting themselves killed and what can you do to help other people to help your family your pets your dog your dog probably needs your help if you have one or go save a dog and you know these creatures are going to be probably very grateful about that and you may feel a sense of fulfillment from that and that brings us to the other point that happiness is not necessarily the goal maybe fulfillment's the goal right like what do you get from trying to be happy yourself you can be happy just by eating a bunch of cake and sugar and going on drugs you know that's a very shallow type of thing and so if you ever find yourself wallowing in your own self-pity you know you may consider that maybe that's a very selfish thing you're just being very self-centered and you're only focusing on your own state and maybe should broaden your horizons to include the wider world around you and all of the other people who are relying on you and what you can do for them you know the other thing is i was on this airplane ride the other day coming back from my hawaiian adventure trip and yes i realized the irony of me talking down to you in a position like this but you know we're equal actually we're not equal i'm probably quite a bit up there actually but i saw this movie black widow kind of a bad movie but you know it's about avengers right and the whole idea is that in the movie the good guy has to go take revenge and beat the bad guy in order to have a happy ending but you know what the reality is you don't have to beat anybody you don't have to be a bad guy you can just go off and go have a nice time you know the movie avengers should really be about some evil villain is there and then the good guys decide to just go off to a paradise island and have a nice time that should be the idea because if you spend your entire lifetime hunting down everybody who tried to wrong you and correcting every wrong that was made to you you're going to spend and really waste your entire life doing that this is what i say hate is a luxury that success cannot afford and so hate really is a luxury it's not a coordinate is it it's a want it's something that's going to cost you time money and require energy to go after to pursue the satisfaction of whatever hate you may hold on to some grudge you may have and in reality it will improve your life by about zero percent which is probably one reason that when you think about that youtube removed the dislike button because disliking videos disliking other people's comments really had absolutely zero impact on youtube's bottom line it didn't make them more money by having other people hate on other people's videos it didn't seem to improve anybody's mental health it just created more negativity in the world and sure yes of course some people will say perhaps it provided some signal about which videos are good or bad but i think that youtube's approach as an aside probably was that the algorithm is supposed to be the one providing the signals recommending videos or not and that actual dislike number was not supposed to play that role in my opinion perhaps you know it was something that the machine learning algorithm should take care of already and so i really buy the idea that life is too short not to enjoy you can spend your time being sad you can spend your time being angry yelling at people being negative but you can also decide you know what these are battles you're not going to fight and just go spend your time trying to be happy for the short time that you're going to be alive how sad would it be you know if you saw a butterfly you know butterflies live just a few months and they just spent half his life being angry arguing about some pointless thing i think of it kind of like one of those open world adventure games where you can really choose your own adventure and there's a bunch of marks on the map that you can go and explore and some of these points you simply don't want to spend your time exploring you know maybe you could only visit 10 of the map in total throughout your lifetime and yeah you can go fight some super difficult boss that's just going to make you frustrated the whole time and it's probably unbeatable or maybe you can beat it but you're going to spend your entire lifetime trying to beat that boss you could go to another point on the map which is perhaps just not very fun you don't really enjoy being there it's just dark and negative for you or you could just go to all the fun places on the map and maybe that's what you should do now if you're like me hard-working successful you just don't really give up easily you're determined and persistent then one thing to realize is that if something is out of your control then don't worry about it you know you're not superman you're not omnipotent you're just a normal human being and you cannot manipulate the entire world to your own liking you know you don't have to solve the entire world's problems you're just a single person and you can even be selfish at times if you like you don't have to be the hero the savior who's just saving everybody from themselves manipulating the entire world to achieve superhuman feeds and just change the laws of physics to try to get everybody to work together and achieve good results you know some things are just beyond your control and if it is just don't worry about it right just let it go then and i wanted to go back to this concept actually of hating on other people you have to let go of the hate and i know that may be difficult for a lot of people but you know it's important to realize that just like anybody humans are fallible humans can make mistakes they're irrational creatures actually and they don't behave in logical ways all the time and that's just the nature of human beings that you live with and you can't necessarily hate on other people for being totally irrational creatures that's simply how they were born it's almost like complaining about bad weather about the rain it's just the nature of the world that's how it is and so there's this fable about the frog and the scorpion where they need to cross a river the scorpion rides the frog to try to get across the river and then halfway through the scorpion stings the frog and they both drown to death and the frog asks why did you sting me and the scorpion replies you should have known that's just his nature it does things even to its own self-destruction sometimes now like i always say it helps for me to also check up on all my physicals just to make sure there's no environmental factors subconsciously affecting me like make sure you're not tired or hungry if it's 11 pm after a hard long day maybe you should just go to sleep and come back the next day and see how you feel make sure you're getting enough exercise sunshine you're eating well and you're getting your sleep and if all of these four things are in check your physicals are all there then maybe that's the time to start thinking about your mental health maybe and you know as you're all cooped up inside you know not me i was out in hawaii last week but as you're cooped up inside you may also consider yourself to be quite lucky actually i'm quite lucky to even be alive gratitude right have some gratitude don't be so self-entitled out there be grateful about what you've still got going for yourself in fact things may be going fantastically well for you right you're still life that's pretty good that's way better than so many other people out there you've got some health you've got some family members still alive and beyond that stop thinking so much about yourself and then my last piece of advice here is to buy some million token check it out at but really i was reading crypto twitter the other day and i saw someone tweet that they lower the markets go because crypto markets have been taken and dip the more philosophical we become we start saying good things to ourselves trying to make ourselves happier than we are making videos like this really but really what you may want to do is just stop analyzing you know like some people will say there's meaning but at the same time maybe there's just no meaning at all whatsoever you're just some speck of life like an ant you can go live and you're going to live some life and then you're gonna die and that's about it and maybe there's just not much meaning in any of this so you might as well just go and have a blast while you're alive right maybe that's it was there significance in why your boss was mad at you what was the significance of that argument you had the other day what was the meaning behind that why did that person hate you why did something happen to you maybe it's just random there was no meaning in it it just happened whatever you know it's like people are just crazy you live in a chaotic world and there's just there's just nothing here and the fact is maybe everything is just stupid this whole speech is trash this video is garbage okay there's just no meaning in any of it so just go out live your life try to have a nice time and maybe that'll be it was that divorce meaningful maybe not maybe there's no meaning in your marriage at all maybe you lost your job or you lost money in the stock markets maybe you lost a friend was there meaning to that was the money meaningful was there meaning to your friend there's only as much meaning as you prescribe it to have maybe your friend was a douchebag and so what i've realized is the more i spend time in my own head overthinking over analyzing things and just letting things ruminate in my own head sometimes the more angry and frustrated and negative i become and then i think you know what maybe i'm just thinking too much about this maybe it's just all over analysis and i should just go listen to some music play some video games eat some good food and broaden my horizons expanding beyond just thinking about myself but seeing what else is out there in the world there's so much more to explore and so that'll do it but please feel free to share what are your top tips what do you do when you're feeling a little bit down i'll see you in the comments below happy holidays you guys and see you in the next one thanks bye
Channel: TechLead Show
Views: 7,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techlead, tech lead
Id: -2-re5LQZb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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