MY PLATE COLLECTION | Marjorie Barretto

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one of the most requested is my table setting collection [Music] so I really like color chuchi I have a tree I have three trees of kalachuchi I have a fondness for it one of my placemats that have green and pink so one table will be the pink plate and one will be green alternate [Music] Hello everybody welcome back to my YouTube channel I read more and more your comments as we go along and one of the most requested is my plate collection or what I would call my table setting collection so that's it that's what I'm showing you today [Music] so at least once a year it's good that we bring out everything that we have in our stock room in our shelves whatever our parts of our home we bring it all out so this is for the year 2023 we are bringing out our plates and I'm also going to show you how I document what I have so that but my table setting Arrangements pictures and then they know what to get disclaimer Lang or I'm just clarifying these plates I've been a homemaker or I have been collecting this since if I am 49 I guess oh my goodness over 20 years and most of my things here are not expensive collection okay so clarified I cook a lot but it's really not that expensive most of the plates were given to me as again so I would name a few okay so this one here this is one of my favorite plates this is the most dainty and Ito actually I use Spike family gatherings this is from mayor Lucy Torres Gomez she gave this to me a couple of years ago this is from ormocana I think or her topiri collection she was selling this before I don't know if it's still out there but I really like color chuchi I have a tree I have three trees of kalachuchi I have a fondness for it she sent me one batch two batches three batches rest house it's one of my favorite pleats this one the black this is the Noritake plates oh I'm sorry it's Mikasa please this one one came from my mom she bought a lot of this in one of her travels and one of her trips abroad and now she's giving her kids butter 12 each so I think amongst her daughters so this is also a part of the special locations Department and this one my mom convinced me to buy this yeah this is a Nori jacket I bought this like really seriously over 20 years ago and I kept this throughout all the seasons of my life a lot of these plates have come from Castle one my friend Michelle hello Casa one this one was given to me by Charisse Sino of nice print this was her birthday gift to me and this was I think my first birthday in a pandemic and it really made the setup even more special after this plate which was also from Castle one I was blessed enough to be given more and more design of a thick plates we have of course the lemon plates and they have all of these things I'll put the link here I want to thank them because they have been part also on my Sunday lunches it's just so important to have nice plates they don't really have to be expensive like I say like I will show you it's just that we use them or we bring it out because we want the truth is we should feel that we are special enough to bring out the United States every once in a while or we should feel our children are special enough to at least bring out the good ones for them okay so these plates mostly were given a man I want to show you this this one is a nice story so you have some good plates some that have parallel pangalan but I also buy stuff like this look at this bowl because I really found it pretty and if I remember right I bought this at Landmark correct you know why because super pretty I mix and match this with my white plates and then right away and look how much it is 99.75 can you imagine that foreign already special so I'm just proving my voice that you can feel special even in a very inexpensive way 100 pesos this one also sometimes when we have birthdays please okay one of my most used in my blog is also this also came from Castle one okay and then let's say this one okay I like to buy stuff like this because family style the people cook pasta so this one I bought this okay so you see this you see so again it doesn't have to be inexpensive so I bought this because I was saying oh one of these days I'm gonna have like a pasta night so and then I want to have like a Mexican party at home it's even 350 pesos I'm not sure you come across places where they sell nice plates so this is what happened to me with this one and so what I did was I just bought different colors whatever was available and then again you mix and you mention but this is my table placemat and table cloth connection well yeah let's see it's in it's in my shop room so let's say these are all by the way everything Avery I sell this I've been selling this for almost three years now so you can't just go for the home so okay let's say I see plates green and pink and then so I will look for one of my placemats that have green pink so one table would be the pink tape and one would be green alternation so like this one I know this is not a placement but this is a table nap my point it's like so this is so pretty right so it's green this would look good in this plate it would still look good with a pink so this is another plate that I got at a department store on me let's say I want to use those placemats so if you have a placemat like that party ready and then I also have meroninka match everything that we sell in everything averina place mats that comes with table napkins we also sell napkin rings on the napkin ring the door let's just say you can use your if it's a more casual Gathering you can use your bamboo coolant fork or if you want it to look more dressy you can use your gold so it's your choice really so if it's evening but if you want it fresh actually it's like that so we started as properly as we can this is option number one if this is at night and then you put your yellow goblet or your green or you can do the bamboo some more casual one if it's like a Sunday lunch Saturday lunch that's how we do it [Music] how would you say it we went to a place that they were selling plates that came from Japan and I really went a little bit crazy there because yeah but I sometimes you want to cook like a Japanese dinner for your kids right so I bought this so Maritime theme Japanese theme my favorite Japanese food and then you serve it in this stuff and then I was thinking of it rice bowls so like if it's mixed fried rice or whatever it doesn't have shot so my team goodbye I know I have a setner for Korean food I also have that nuts when you have guests again and chocolate Spider-Man grapes whatever so you just have to be creative so this one goes with this and then I also got this Chopsticks okay super at all yeah so I also bought it there then I bought these I think I was thinking of putting candles here twinkle twinkle little so and then I had a face now okay but Valentines I helped red plates and then until then I know I bought this only in a department store fruits cookies if you are in the blue and white mood and Shop okay and then I have Japanese balls rice balls [Music] I bought this only in the Titan artist blue and white so that area for this plate I also mix and match this okay I need at least 12 sets and there's only a few of this so I alternate it so Tito green tapos then the next plate is yellow on the next paper or this could be your dinner plates and this could be your dessert plates and this one was a gift by a friend actually I think these were given to me as gift gifts if it's fruits then you have pineapples sliced watermelon grapes and if it's if it's a party for kids it's cupcakes it's cookies it's chocolates it's whatever you want it to be and then we also have the glasses it's like what I said these are all non-expensive glasses but we have them in my even my blog with Miss Mario sauce Ariana a lot of people ask yes I think I just bought this from a seller's Instagram if our theme is parang Sunday lunch or brunch or what a native this is nice yeah so we also have these placemats this one also we have this at everything every cake slicers there and then here this is my everything Avery collection these are a collection of the table napkins and placemats that we've sold throughout are blue and white are really one of the favorites okay so here it's very satisfying so of course when I when we sell it that everything Avery of course I get a set now for 12 right away for collection these are the tablecloth okay so on that extension parties the foldable but we'll always put tablecloth so I also have a fascination with this this is all from India they're beautiful they're hand blocked they're really nice and I love them all so I have a collection of that and then here okay so sometimes we have Japanese we have Korean nights or themes I also have Filipino of course and always Filipino so I have plates which I also bought in the department store platoon banana leaves I have it in different sizes depending on the appetite of foreign so I have also a couple of these in the river garden rest house we have this casual and then I I have this also because it's gonna die this one I put this uh buffet table and then I put the main dish on top and then I also bought this is [Music] so the question is how do you remember Panama so you won't remember it one particular area plates [Music] so I don't have that so it's stored in different areas of my house but because I have a system okay so my system would be I take photos of it okay so let's say this one okay I'll take a photo of it yeah okay since I can take a photo of this in Japanese set take a photo of the Japanese [Music] all in one place [Music] so you have it in your albums now he added into groups let's say tableclothong photos plates pictures and so now when I have let's say Sunday lunch I just tell her liens pictures and then [Music] it saves us a lot of time I guarantees [Music] my picture so that's just a simple tip that's how I do it here it works really well for us here so yeah let's just say sharing with you my simple table setting collection foreign [Music] so there you have it my table setting collection I hope you picked up one or two tips for me today and hope to be sharing more with you guys soon so thank you and see you again next week bye [Music] oh
Channel: Marjorie Barretto
Views: 274,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marjorie Barretto, Marjorie's Kitchen, Marjorie Barretto Cooking, Marjorie Barretto Recipes, Marj Barretto, Cooking, Recipes
Id: JZdXv8aaNrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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