SET THE TABLE WITH ME | Heart Evangelista

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hey everybody it's heart and welcome to my youtube channel today's episode is dedicated to all of you who have been messaging me how i do my table setting and how i store my plates so today i'm going to share with you that everything has a story and i'll be showing you my china room follow me [Music] welcome to my china room okay so the story behind this room when i was building this house i really wanted a room where i can store all of my plates my collection and see them properly because i love entertaining i grew up with my mom also loving you know dressing up the table and my dad was also into a lot of plates so we collected a lot when i was growing up and some of the plates here actually are from my mom and my dad so this is where i keep everything so over here on top this is where i put the shaving dish i also love teacups and i saw that a lot of people have been requesting to see my teacup collection so this is my teacup collection it's not well you probably i don't know if you guys have even better teacup collection but i've been collecting for a really long time some of them are gifts because i have a lot of friends that are very sweet so they know that i collect teacups and they would give me my teacups i love having coffee and tea so that's something that you know i just love collecting so i have my hermes teacups i also have one of my favorites for nacetti and the question they ask a lot do i break my teacups the answer is no we don't we're super careful yeah so i i have like different ones i have plastic ones i also collect plastic ones because sometimes you know you just want to be carefree i mean on in the pictures you see that some of them are mostly plastic because we also want it to be you know a carefree situation we don't want to be too stressed about our plates and whatever where do i get my plates you know it really depends like this is crystal and i got this for 300 pesos i love going to auction houses i love going to houses garage sales that you know get rid of their old stuff trash for some treasure for us i got this there also at one of the auction houses and this one i got for 50 pesos and it's real crystal you could use it as a little vase or you could even put you know um soft drinks or when you when you have guests and you don't want your can or you know you don't want all of that junk on your table to keep it clean you could use that i love also looking for stores that are about to close i remember there was a store that was closing and they were getting rid of all of these so i got a lot and i usually put the soft drinks of my guests here so it just looks really nice you serve the soft drink and then you could just yes yes you know how it's done okay so it's all about presentation looking beautiful so i have so many ideas you don't really have to use stuff usually when you go to the dish or like the stores that sell dishes you could use different things i love mixing just like with fashion high end and low end it's just how you put things together that makes it beautiful this one i got from h m it was on sale and it was really cheap and i mixed it sometimes with my pottery barn so again when you set up it doesn't have to all match it's just the way you put things together and the way things match i also love buying stuff when i travel so over here i have things that i got well these are all for my napkins my napkin holders i usually get these from manila so this one i just put it in a box because i like to keep it special i don't like mixing it with my others this one i got from italy so these are super cute these i got from tuscany and you know they're all hand-painted and one-of-a-kind pieces that i use for special occasions so i think it's really important to have really nice pieces that you mix with your everyday dishes and i will be showing you my hermes collection as well this is where i put my hermes collection i also have it on these shelves i keep them in the box because you know they're very expensive they're for me they're investment pieces that i would like to give to my children and they could pass it on so i usually put everything already i write i label them so the atmel and everybody they won't get confused i also like to buy stuff that are cute like these are mess they're paper actually and you could use them as placemats but i am about to actually laminate them yes you can laminate because usually a lot of when it's christmas i get a lot of like christmas gifts and sometimes i get a lot of these this is from priya recommends you can also subscribe to our youtube channel and she comes up also with all of these really cute paper placemats a great idea would actually to laminate these placemats and you could use them and you don't have to throw them away especially when they're a little bit pricey like the rms placemats so those of you who are watching with your hermes paper placemats you could actually have them laminated you don't have to be afraid of the red wine or the oil and you could just keep reusing them and i think that's a very smart way to be sassy cute and smart all right so there that's my hermes collection and over here i also have stuff that's very special to me this one was actually given to me by my dad he loves this brand and like i said you know i get a lot of stuff from my mom and my dad stuff that i can pass on and hopefully with what i have here i can pass this on to my kids as well yes you agree this is very special this is like my salt and pepper i use this for special occasions and you know when you have the boxes that's why i keep the boxes i think it's very important to keep the boxes you can really store them properly and you know just get them when you need so if you don't have the space for your plates i suggest also that you keep the boxes and open them up when you need them these are also for the table napkin it's very very beautiful and again these are pieces that you pass on to your children and to your daughter-in-law daughter okay all right so i'm going to show you the other things that i have here in my closet so a lot of people are confused what do you really need the plate charger the placemat the plate what is it sometimes you know you don't really have to follow the rules to make it easy on everybody you don't have to follow the rules you just have to make it look pretty really pretty and over here i collect also a lot of these placemats again i get these from odd manila and they're very pretty and you could just usually put the plate on top and the salad plate and the bowl but if you don't want to use the placemats you could also use the chargers so this is a chart a plate charger and you could put it on top so this isn't really the plate you could just do that and it instantly gives that look this is from my dear friend mia vilagna she gave this to me for christmas so everything here it actually has a meaning these i got when i was 16 yes i only have a few pieces left because i was 16 i was bored and i didn't know how to take care of my stuff but i still have a few of them i really love collecting from the hermes plates you also have the ones that you can use every day that you won't be so afraid of breaking them and it's going to be all right and you won't cry so much i have this place that i get well you could actually follow my cousin her name is happy on paquacho and they're called the happy concepts and she actually showed me this place and she sells the plates you could follow her and these are plates that i got for some of them would be 20 pesos and it's just really a mix of different plates and again with a blue and white why i love to use them every day a lot of people say oh they're too fancy or you know it's hard to maintain it's actually not hard to maintain because they don't have to match so in case you break the set if you put them all together it'll still look very good so if i can give a tip it would be to stick with all whites or the blue and whites if you want it very dressy and you still want your table to look very pretty every day i suggest you go for the blue and whites there's no pressure you can break them and it'll all still match it doesn't have to be like a perfect pen set up next i'm going to show you how to set your table for breakfast lunch and dinner this is going to be super exciting so welcome to my kitchen over here this is where we usually have our breakfast this over here is casper oh bless you casper so this is our favorite table for breakfast i'm going to show you how to set up your breakfast and still be very instagrammable so here i keep all my placemats and all of the stuff that i put on my table this was actually a gift for my wedding i love it because it matches everything it's just very pretty we usually use this for the breakfast table so i'm going to be doing maybe a setup for three okay ladies and gentlemen this is at the sheila you all know her from the bellatin episode and over there is mel who is preparing to leave us to go to japan so anibang own a nothing table usually breakfast so it's easy but plates for breakfast we like to keep it very simple and clean it's the beginning of the day you don't want to complicate the day so we're going to use these white plates that i got from pottery barn we have that and then we put our smaller plates on top it's usually a salad plate but we use it because we have egg or whatever and it's just prettier this way and it keeps everything very clean especially when you have fish or i don't know my usual breakfast the cheese melting is a fish mainly dish is a bacon so if you want a clean plate which we love keeping the plates clean and organized we usually use two plates in the morning okay here again you want to keep it fresh this is what we're going to use for our breakfast we grew up eating filipino breakfast so a lot of casino tapas tuyo yes gourmet is our favorite cheese meli sardinas so to keep that very filipino vibe very barrio fiesta we're going to be using these i usually get my stuff from artifair it's a fair that they have usually every year and artefino so you have a lot of the filipino designers that come up with nice placemats and native looking stuff which i love it's very pretty and then next over here this is where i keep all our linens our napkins this i have for christmas i already got this already i think last year pottery barn so i usually have a lot for christmas but we're not going to be using this today since i chose white plates you want to keep it very cute and simple but at the same time you know give it a little energy a little boost for the morning i like to use these napkins i also have this i got this from crate and barrel sometimes h m or i just love going to like fairs and discovering and looking for other stuff but again it doesn't have to match you can mix match so if you don't get a lot of the same tablecloth or sometimes it got stained by whatever alternating is key all right we'll be using these cute things to give it color and to add a little bit of that touch of elegance usually you can have it here but sometimes it's just nicer when you put a little bit of outfit flare for the utensils i think it's very wise for you to invest on really nice utensils again this is like a lifetime thing so you want to really invest on something nice if not if you do travel you can go to sour home they have a lot of nice utensils different kinds actually even get the ones that are very playful but for me most of the time we like to use these for me i got my utensils from kristoff it's actually a french brand so you pronounce it kristoff so kristoff you know this is something that you will use forever so that's how we do our breakfast all right and the next we'll be getting our glasses i got these glasses also from pottery barn i actually got for my wedding i chose these because the kids they go to school you also want to keep it a little playful but basic at the same time so i'd like to do that all right this is so cute so when you have white plates i'm sure a lot of you have white plates you can mix it with anything don't be pressure that it all has to match it's just the way you put things together and i think that's what makes it work because you know it's creative it's pretty and it just looks really cute so you could mix it with this and it just all works and it looks really cute take a photo don't forget and tag me casper wake up it's time to eat breakfast and these cute teacups from itukish this is really great because it has that filipino feel again which we love for breakfast and that is for my husband this one i got from h m home and you know i mean of course we like to keep it fresh we like to keep it real but the truth is it is so hard to maintain flowers so the key is to find the perfect real flowers this one i got from landmark it was very cheap some places they sell it more expensive but with this the material is really nice and that you don't have to water it and it makes everything else super pretty [Music] so this is our lanai area we love entertaining guests here this will be also the place where we can sit about 12 to 16 people and i love using my blue and white plates here why blue and white a lot of people ask me is it complicated it's so hard to put together but honestly this would be the easiest because they don't really have to match they just look beautiful when you put them all together you can get them anywhere when you travel when you go to sm robinson's there are always going to be blue and white plates but for me i actually got these plates from my cousin happy falco who also collects plates and she has a supplier where she gets all her blue and white plates and they're very cheap some can actually be 100 pesos to 500 pesos but when you put them all together it's just very beautiful and you could use it for your breakfast lunch or dinner you can use it for any occasion even if it breaks it's still fine because it's not as expensive as the ones that we use for lunch and dinner so this would be very basic yes very basic but very beautiful when it comes to fashion i would always say the classic look this would definitely be my classic look so cheese and i we love candles but unfortunately you have to be smart and be safe so i got these candles i think they're good investment as well because you don't have to keep buying and buying candles and plus they're not messy and it's very safe you don't want to burn your house down so i got these from pottery barn but i saw them also at gordos and they're on sale the last time i checked so you better go ahead and buy them in gordo's and they come in different sizes they're not it's not so it doesn't smell like anything but i mean it works it's beautiful and you can use it for christmas birthdays every day [Music] and because i love collecting plates i think it's also important for us to invest on really nice key pieces and i invested on these hermes plates which i love my mom and my dad are also fans of collecting plates and i love to use this when i have really nice dinners or when it's christmas or something very special like my birthday i do not use this on a daily basis because they're quite expensive and my husband's gonna kill me if i break one of my plates so i've discovered these plates that actually give the same vibe as my hermes plates but what i love about it is that it did not copy the exact print of their mess so it's kind of more or less like get that look so for those of you who also love plates it's really nice to follow certain accounts on instagram this is actually available here in the philippines [Music] so [Music] and that's how i do my table setup for breakfast lunch and dinner it was so nice having you guys here at home with me and if you have any requests suggestions you can comment down below again this has been heart i hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to like and subscribe
Channel: Love Marie Escudero
Views: 1,573,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love Marie Escudero, Heart Evangelista, dining table, dining table set up, how to, lifestyle, hermes, love marie vlogs
Id: qgFGmTb9pY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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